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Spangs got to grade 9 english class on his list of movies

Quote:Originally posted by Harry@Dec 23 2014, 02:20 AM
Spangs got to grade 9 english class on his list of movies

You'd be correct.

[Image: 220px-Vforvendettamov.jpg]

In a future British tyranny, a shadowy freedom fighter plots to overthrow it with the help of a young woman.

9/10 - I was not expecting this one to be a great film, but boy oh boy was it ever a great film. First off, Hugo Weaving and Natalie Portman are beyond phenomenal in the film, in particular Weaving. He is a true revelation. However, the true stars here are the Wachowski Brothers. Honestly, the script for this film may be one of the best I have ever seen. So many powerful, heartbreaking, moving, inspirational, important, and quotable, lines in this one. There are two scenes in particular that are so well written that man do they hit you. They just knocked me on my ass and left me trying to recover from what I had just seen. On top of this, the cinematography here is gorgeous, as is the production value. This is eye candy in its truest form (again, one scene in particular comes to mind with dominos, like, mmm baby). On top of that, the action sequences are brilliantly shot and choreographed and the special effects utilized there and in other scenes are picture perfect. My only complaint would be the CGI blood effects. They were unnecessary and over the top. However, on than that, this film is marvelous.

[Image: 215px-The_Perks_of_Being_a_Wallflower_Poster.jpg]

An introvert freshman is taken under the wings of two seniors who welcome him to the real world.

9/10 - God, I loved this film. Rarely do I watch a film and be left sitting there with chills and nothing but a stupid smile as I think of how this one film re-affirmed my love for film and showed me truly how powerful a medium it can be at times. Brilliantly acted by Logan Lerman, Emma Watson, and Ezra Miller, The Perks of Being a Wallflower is a marvelous look at those of us who are quiet and lonely. While I do not fully identify with Lerman's character, certainly a good portion of his life resembled mine and for that, it completely touched my heart and struck me to my core. However, even the parts I did not identify with did this. As a whole, it is truly just a powerful and moving film that is leaving me speechless right now. Brilliantly written, directed, and acted, the only problem I can truly think of for this one that keeps it from being a perfect film for me is that as honest a portrayal of life for wallflowers as it is, it can become a little...idealistic and, as such, unrealistic. Beyond that minor complaint though, this is an amazing coming age drama that should touch your heart and if it does not, I do not know what is wrong with you.

[Image: 220px-Syriana.jpg]

A politically-charged epic about the state of the oil industry in the hands of those personally involved and affected by it.

5/10 - Syriana is ultimately a mixed bag. On the positive, it is extremely well shot. I really loved the look and feel of this film and that is ultimately the thing that stood out most to me. The script from Stephen Gaghan is also very strong and well written, though complicated. However, it has its moments of brilliance and has very tight dialogue throughout. The casting is also very good as everybody really fit the roles they were cast in well. Finally, it certainly had a great ending packed with thrills that made build up worth it and allowed some insight into what had just transpired over the last two hours. Sadly, there are some major negatives. Firstly, the multiple storylines are interesting and enjoyable, but it stifles the acting of the great cast. Phenomenally cast, nobody is able to standout as they are barely there, so nobody has time to establish their performance. In addition, it can really slow down at times and get boring. Like, really boring. There are moments that really hook you in, but others that nearly put you to sleep, which is a problem. Most importantly, I felt like it was trying too hard to make its audience confused. I like the idea that it was purposeful, but there was very little to latch onto. Ultimately, Syriana is a very well made film with moments of brilliance that falters for the same reasons that make it good.

[Image: 220px-Fruitvale_Station_poster.jpg]

The purportedly true story of Oscar Grant III, a 22-year-old Bay Area resident, who crosses paths with friends, enemies, family, and strangers on the last day of 2008.

8/10 - Emotionally powerful and stirring, Fruitvale Station is a very timely film that has many positives. For one, the acting. Michael B. Jordan is set to become a star, honestly. He is phenomenal in this film, as are Melonie Diaz and Octavia Spencer, but Jordan is a powerhouse here. In addition, the direction by Ryan Coogler is great. I also love the way the story was told. It was not all one sided that painted Oscar Grant as an angel. It certainly paints a positive picture of him, but it largely displays him as a flawed man with a bad past. I am sure Coogler left some stuff out, but regardless, it is hard to see a justification for the shooting, especially with the existence of video of the incident itself. Thus, Coogler does not have to do much to garner sympathy for him, so it is impossible to argue that he tried to manipulate the viewer's emotions at all. Ultimately, Fruitvale Station soars on the back of fantastic acting and an emotional story that will leave you on the brink of tears.

[Image: 220px-Owning_Mahowny_film.jpg]

A bank manager with: (a) a gambling problem and (B) access to a multimillion dollar account gets into a messy situation. Based on the story of the largest one-man bank fraud in Canadian history.

7/10 - This film is a success for one major reason and that is Philip Seymour Hoffman. It is no shocker he turned in a great performance here, considering he always did so in his career, but he truly carried this film. The plot is interesting, yes, and the other actors here, such as Minnie Driver and John Hurt, are also strong, but boy oh boy does Hoffman ever stand tall. Luckily, the storyline is also very captivating and hooks you right in as you realize what Mahowny has been doing and how deep he is in the hole that makes him do what he does. The struggles facing this man are perfectly portrayed by Hoffman and the struggles facing his girlfriend are brilliantly and beautifully portrayed by Driver, who is a close second to Hoffman here in terms of performance. Overall, Owning Mahowny paints a sympathetic and understanding picture of a man of a man who embezzled more than $10 million and is a success thanks to the acting and solid story.

[Image: 220px-25th_Hour_Poster.jpg]

8/10 - When it comes to 25th Hour, this one succeeds in spite of Spike Lee. One of my least favorite directors for the way he randomly interjects race into films that are not about race at all, he manages to largely keep his mouth shut in this one, though he did add some very useless elements of racism that just did absolutely nothing for the plot in classic Spike fashion. Now, luckily for him, the film has a very interesting plot and storyline that Lee does tell well, but the true reason why 25th Hour is so successful is the acting. Truly a great cast, Edward Norton, Barry Pepper, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Rosario Dawson, Brian Cox, and Anna Paquin, are all awesome in this one and truly carry it. Norton and Hoffman are two of my favorite actors of all-time, but yet I cannot help but feel as though Pepper kind of stole the show a little bit. He was just that good. Emotionally powerful at many different times, 25th Hour is a riveting tale of man facing his last 24 hours of freedom before going to prison for seven years and on the back of the acting, this one soars in spite of Lee's attempts to try and mess it all up.

[Image: 220px-Big_Eyes_poster.jpg]

7/10 - Big Eyes is a pretty good film that has some major strengths and some real negatives. First, the positives. Amy Adams is stupendous in this film. I had high expectations for her performance and she certainly lived up to them. She was awesome. The soundtrack here, highlighted by the Lana Del Rey track, is also great. The song "Big Eyes" was used perfectly in the film and truly communicated the feelings Margaret Keane was feeling at the moment. On top of that, the script and plot were awesome, plus they were told very well through Tim Burton's direction. I do not love Burton, but he was great here in telling the story. On that note, the plot was very interesting. Very interesting story and enjoyable to watch unfold. Art is not something that really interests me, but when put on screen in this fashion, it was riveting. I also loved the cinematography. I do not know if I was seeing things, but there seemed to be some effect put on Adams' eyes reminiscent of the eyes in her paintings, which I thought was really cool.

On the negative, some plot elements felt...extra. Namely Krysten Ritter's entire character (her acting was also sub-par). I typically love Christoph Waltz and Jason Schwartzman, but neither were amazing here. They were solid and, in particular Waltz, had moments of sheer brilliance, but felt comically over the top at times, which really messed with the tone of the film. Finally, the film has a really contained feel to it. Biographical films can feel this way sometimes and this one certainly does. It felt very small and as if it was just trying to hit certain marks, which is something I never really enjoy.

As a whole, Big Eyes is a good, enjoyable film with a fantastic performance from Amy Adams and good direction from Tim Burton that both combine to make this one well worth your time.

[Image: 220px-Catch_Me_If_You_Can_2002_movie.jpg]

8/10 - Catch Me If You Can is a very well made film who's greatest strength is its enjoyability. A very easy watch, this one is simply a fun and fast paced film that tells a riveting story that really hooks you in from the get go. Steven Spielberg directs this one brilliantly as usual and really tells the story of Frank Abagnale is a unique and enjoyable way. Leonardo DiCaprio is phenomenal here, as are Tom Hanks, Christopher Walken, Amy Adams, and Martin Sheen. Really great cast on paper and they all did a great job in practice. The film does a really good job painting Abagnale as neither a bad guy or a good guy, rather you just feel sympathy for him since he is so smart, but uses his brains to steal, which is too bad and, plus, his rough home life certainly makes him even more sympathetic. Overall, Catch Me If You Can is a really well told, well acted, and well directed, film, that is just infinitely fun to watch.

[Image: 220px-LookoutPoster.jpg]

7/10 - The Lookout is certainly a very interesting film. Directed and written by Scott Frank as his directorial debut after a successful career as a screenwriter beforehand, this one is certainly very well written and he certainly directs it very well. The story is told nicely and it is fun to see everything all come together after being set up. Certainly a very emotional film, The Lookout benefits greatly from strong acting performances by Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Jeff Daniels, and Matthew Goode. Also, Isla Fisher's beauty is another major strength of this one, haha. The plot and backstory of Gordon-Levitt's character is touching and very interesting, really hooks you right into the film as you want to see how everything plays out. However, in spite of the film's best attempts to avoid being a run-of-the-mill heist thriller, this one does wind up being that in a way even with the interesting back story and twists to the typical elements of the genre. Ultimately, this one is a very enjoyable film that is just extraordinary in any way, which is not necessarily a bad thing, but does prevent it from being rated higher.

[Image: 220px-Sherlock_holmes_ver5.jpg]

7/10 - Overall, Sherlock Holmes is simply a very fun little film. Robert Downey Jr, Jude Law, Rachel McAdams, and Mark Strong, are all excellent and the case presented to Holmes is very compelling. I really like the explanation of what went down at the end, really was nice to see all of the elements of the film come together like that. The film was also really well shot and the story was told nicely, so kudos to the cinematographer and director Guy Ritchie for those things, respectively. The slowed down effect used on a couple of occasions was also incredibly cool and well down, though I don't really think those particular scenes were needed, but I certainly appreciated the craft there. There are a few other elements I didn't really think this one needed, but overall, it was a very enjoyable and well made film that serves as good entertainment for two hours. Sure, it's no Citizen Kane, but not every film has to be.

[Image: 215px-Scott_Pilgrim_vs._the_World_teaser.jpg]

8/10 - Certainly one of the weirdest films I have ever seen, Scott Pilgrim vs. the World is also one of the most entertaining and well made films I have seen. Once I got over the general weirdness of it, the film really took off for me and above all, is incredibly fun, but most importantly, it is well made. Edgar Wright's style is very abrasive here, since he basically just made it a video game/comic book that was made into a movie, but it really has a very cool and unique look to it that really made the film true eye candy at times. The characters are all pretty well written, though there are some things that really did not work writing wise and I do wish the script was better at different times. The acting was very good from everyone, really loved Mary Elizabeth Winstead and Anna Kendrick here, in particular. While very, very odd, Scott Pilgrim vs. the World is a shining example of Edgar Wright's talents in the director's chair.

[Image: 215px-Junoposter2007.jpg]

8/10 - A realistic and touching depiction of teenage pregnancy, Juno is a real winner. Ellen Page is a shining star here in a powerhouse performance where she truly commands the screen. Michael Cera is his typical hilariously awkward self here, while J.K. Simmons would have had my favorite performance here, if not for Page's turn in the lead role. The writing is very strong and some of the exchanges here were absolutely hilarious. The characters all also very well-written and feel like authentic 16 year olds. The direction from Jason Reitman is also very good and the story is very well told here. The title sequence was also one of the coolest I have seen. I usually do not notice that too much, but here, it was really well done and the music was perfect for it. Finally, I typically do not find comedies that funny for whatever reason, but here, I was laughing quite often. The film was a great blend of drama and comedy and it was refreshing for me to find a film that I found to be 50/50 in that regard, rather than a dramedy that never really makes me laugh. Overall, really authentic coming of age film that strikes a chord without question.

[Image: 215px-Eight_mile_ver2.jpg]

8/10 - I saw some places where this was not as critically acclaimed by the member base, which is surprising to me, because in every way, this one delivers. First off, the soundtrack is obviously awesome. One of the best around. "Lose Yourself" is a classic, while the rest of the songs used in the movie were great and were used perfectly. The cast is stellar from Eminem to Mekhi Phifer to Kim Basinger, all the way down to Brittany Murphy and Michael Shannon. Really impressive casting and they all delivered. This one really rises above your average hip hop drama type film and is a breath of fresh air into that niche genre. The storyline is very compelling throughout and really hooks you in from the very beginning, as this one is not afraid to show you every little detail from the good to the bad and really captures the hope and ambition of people in this position very well. Overall, 8 Mile is a very successful film blessed with great music, acting, directing, and a heartfelt and authentic story to boot.

[Image: 220px-Enemy_of_the_State.jpg]

7/10 - Enemy of the State is a very slick political spy thriller directed by Tony Scott, the late director who certainly could be called a master of thrills. He does a great job here creating an entertaining and well made thriller that certainly keeps you on the edge of your seat for the most part as every twist and turn really grabs you. For the first three quarters of this one, it certainly does not break much new ground, but is very entertaining and contains great performances from Will Smith, Gene Hackman, Jon Voight, and Barry Pepper. It does a great job creating thrills without having to resort to guns for the most part, which is always a breath of fresh air for me. However, towards the end, it all goes off course and it really puts a damper on the movie for me. One scene in particular kind of hits the breaks and felt very, very Hollywood. Throughout all of the preceding elements, this one felt very realistic, which is what really contributed a lot to the thrills provided, but the ending, again, kind of kills that a bit for me. However, this one is still very timely all the way to 2015, even though it was released in 1998 and really delivers on every front you can ask from a film of this type.

[Image: 220px-Thank_you_for_smoking_Poster.jpg]

8/10 - First off, I want to comment on the incredible cast, both on paper and in practice. Aaron Eckhart, Cameron Bright, Maria Bello, Katie Holmes, David Koechner, William H. Macy, JK Simmons, Rob Lowe, Robert Duvall, and Kim Dickens, are some pretty impressive names to be cast all together in a film and in this one, they are all stellar. All of them really embody their roles and manage to leave you wanting more. In the lead role, Eckhart is phenomenal. Hell, phenomenal barely touches the surface of how good he is here. He does a great job playing the charismatic lead here and his performance is truly the icing on this cake. He is a wonder in this film. I cannot say enough about how good he was. The direction from Jason Reitman is also very good here, as is the screenplay also written by him. A biting satire of the tobacco industry, the film winds up being very funny, touching, and intriguing, in large part thanks to the direction and the writing. Overall, Thank You for Smoking is a very good film that works in every area imaginable.

About to watch American Sniper. Pretty jacked - trailer looked pretty decent. Exercise


[Image: 250px-Frank_movie_poster.jpg]

Jon, a young wanna-be musician, discovers he's bitten off more than he can chew when he joins an eccentric pop band led by the mysterious and enigmatic Frank.

8/10 - Frank is a very quirky little film, but its uniqueness is what makes it all the more endearing. Brilliantly written and directed, Frank is a film that has a heart and a soul that is covered by its weird and, at times, off-putting exterior, but deep down at its core, this film truly has great emotion and is ultimately a very touching and beautiful film about this eccentric musician and his equally unique band. Michael Fassbender is absolutely stellar in the lead role, even if we do not really ever get to see his face. Domhnall Gleeson, Maggie Gyllenhaal, and Scott McNairy, are also all very strong here. Though a very odd film, Frank is certainly funny, heart warming, and touching, in very unique ways and is also an interesting film about people suffering from mental illnesses.

[Image: 220px-LOL_2012_movie_poster.jpg]

As a new year at school begins, Lola's heart is broken by her boyfriend, though soon she's surprised by her best friend, promising musician Kyle, who reveals his feelings for her.

*NOTE*: Girl told me to watch this one. I would not have watched it otherwise.

2/10 - Ok, so where to begin with this one? The acting is horrible, the story is horrible, the script is atrocious, and it honestly felt like this one was intended to be a Disney Channel movie, though they may be offensive to Disney Channel movies. This one was so bad it made me wonder if I had been too harsh on every other movie I have seen that I hated. Though, luckily, this one did have a major positive; the soundtrack. It was not original, sure, but thank you to whoever put this soundtrack together because it is marvelous. Great music only gives this one a minor bump though and cannot save it in the least. I may have torrented this, but still feel ripped off.

[Image: 220px-If_I_Stay_poster.jpg]

Life changes in an instant for young Mia Hall after a car accident puts her in a coma. During an out-of-body experience, she must decide whether to wake up and live a life far different than she had imagined. The choice is hers if she can go on.

*NOTE*: Same girl told me to watch this one. She had previously told me to watch The Perks of Being a Wallflower and Juno, so I began to trust her movie taste. Shame on me. There's four more she told me to watch, which should also be a mixed bag between terrible and not so bad and potentially surprising. Pray for me.

6/10 - Many will hate If I Stay because it is, well, very much a chick flick at times. But, even as a guy, I managed to enjoy this one on varying levels. At times, the romance was very, very cheesy. It was over the top and felt very unrealistic. On top of that, this one can be incredibly melodramatic. However, in saying that, there are many redeeming qualities for If I Stay that I truly feel outweigh the negative. For one, Chloe Grace Moretz is great. She oddly cannot seem to cry, sure, but she was very good. On top of that, this one got me to cry just a little bit at times, which was not what I expected at all. While a lot of it felt very authentic romance wise, emotionally, this one was on point and certainly did a great job there and managed to wind up being a very touching film. The script is also fine, not great, but it got the job done and the cinematography worked well for the most part with some good and some bad. The music is also very good on this one and really completed the film nicely. However, the real reason why I like this one is because of the supernatural element here regarding death. Death fascinates me and this one had a very interesting twist on the whole idea of death, which certainly piqued my interest in that regard. While If I Stay is far off from an Oscar winner, it is a fine film that does not deserve the amount of hatred it has received from some.

[Image: 220px-Thisisspinaltapposter.jpg]

Spinal Tap, one of England's loudest bands, is chronicled by film director Marty DeBergi on what proves to be a fateful tour.

8/10 - This Is Spinal Tap is absolutely hilarious. The problem I find with many comedies is that they are not as funny as I want them to be, but here, that is anything but the problem. From the interactions between the band members to the lyrics in their songs, the comedy never stops here and really, you barely have time to recover between jokes. All of the band members, Michael McKean, Christopher Guest, and Harry Shearer, are hilarious and turn in strong performances to boot. Rob Reiner is great here as well, as are Tony Hendra, June Chadwick, and then I really liked Bruno Kirby's small part as well. The fact that much of the dialogue was ad libbed makes this one even better and really helped to make it feel so natural. Spinal Tap is obviously not a real band, but it truly felt like it was at times since the interviews and interactions felt so natural and authentic. In every way imaginable, This Is Spinal Tap is a classic comedy from the 80's that is worthy of the praise it has received over the years.

[Image: 220px-Two_guns_poster.jpg]

A DEA agent and a naval intelligence officer find themselves on the run after a botched attempt to infiltrate a drug cartel. While fleeing, they learn the secret of their shaky alliance: Neither knew that the other was an undercover agent.

3/10 - 2 Guns is mostly bad, but does have some redeemable qualities, namely the chemistry between Mark Wahlberg and Denzel Washington. In both action sequences and comedic moments, Wahlberg and Washington really play off of one another very well and the two of them really try their hardest to rise above the bad qualities of this one. In addition, to their chemistry, I did not mind the script. The plot was terrible, but I thought the script was largely pretty well-written and really served as a good foundation for Wahlberg and Denzel. However, in saying that, the plot was indeed terrible. Outlandish and completely unrealistic, it sucked all the fun out of the movie watching this preposterous plot unfold. Baltasar Kormakur is better than this, as are Wahlberg and Washington. Aside from the enjoyable lead performances, this one is pretty much your run-of-the-mill mindless action flick, so if you enjoy those kinds of things, this one is for you. Sadly, I do not enjoy them, hence this film is pretty terrible to me.

And then I had seen this one previously, but had never made it to the end because I hated it so much originally. After seeing a post on Reddit talking about how great it was, I re-watched:

[Image: 220px-Big-fish-movie-poster.jpg]

A son tries to learn more about his dying father by reliving stories and myths he told about his life.

8/10 - I watched this for the first time a year and a half ago and I am not entirely sure what I missed. I hated it initially, but this time, it was marvelous. Maybe my tastes have simply just changed in that time, but wow, this was awesome. Billy Crudup is stellar, as are Ewan McGregor, Albert Finney, Marion Cotillard, and Jessica Lange. A fantastical adventure through the stories told to a man by his now dying father, Big Fish is a touching film that should strike a chord with every man in some way, in terms of his relationship with his father. This film is very much imperfect. The story could have told better for sure and the film can be a bit distant at times, but none of that matters because Big Fish touches you in a way that many films cannot. An imaginative film that is very much about the men it concerns more so than the stories told here, Big Fish is a winner because of the heart at its core, more so than the stories it told that may not make much sense and could have been told better. After a while, the tall tales told here become entirely endearing, which is just too darn appropriate.

Quote:Originally posted by BANACKOCK@Jan 14 2015, 12:29 AM
About to watch American Sniper. Pretty jacked - trailer looked pretty decent.  Exercise
Was a good movie but hated the ending. :facepalm: Great tribute etc and Bradley Cooper kicked ass!

Starting "The Judge" tonight with Robert Downey Jr and Duvall. Smile

Edited so others don't get spoiled.


Quote:Originally posted by BANACKOCK@Jan 14 2015, 11:18 PM

I'm a fuck boy

Thanks for spoiling...

[Image: aOowRDF.png]

Quote:Originally posted by JayTee@Jan 14 2015, 11:27 PM

Thanks for spoiling...
Seriously, jesus christ.

Smh Banack lmao

BANACK u one dumb mf'er.

Can't be outdone by the Bana

LMAO figured seeing as it was based on a "true story" everyone would know anyways.

My bad. Watch it though, pretty good. I wont spoil the judge lmao but halfdone and its sooooooo good imo.


[Image: 220px-Prideandprejudiceposter.jpg]

Sparks fly when spirited Elizabeth Bennet meets single, rich, and proud Mr. Darcy. But Mr. Darcy reluctantly finds himself falling in love with a woman beneath his class. Can each overcome their own pride and prejudice?

8/10 - Pride & Prejudice was basically exactly what I expected, so I was very satisfied with this one when it was over. The acting from Keira Knightley, Matthew Mcfadyen, Donald Sutherland, Judi Dench, Rosamund Pike, Carey Mulligan, and Jena Malone, was very good. The costume design was brilliant and felt very time appropriate for the period it was set in. I loved some of the shots from this one. Really some beautiful gems that knocked me on my ass here, including one particularly ravishing shot of Knightley standing on the edge of a cliff. Great, great stuff there. On top of that, it was really well adapted from Jane Austen's novel, which I have never read, but have obviously heard quite a bit about. For a romance film, I did not find it necessarily romantic (though it certainly is), rather it works quite well as a period piece from the late 18th century, which is enough for me. Thanks to great acting, strong direction, good writing, and some really gorgeous shots, Joe Wright's Pride & Prejudice is a winner.

[Image: 220px-Uptown_Girls.jpg]

A grown-up woman, who kept her childish instincts and behavior, starts working as a nanny of a 8-year-old girl, who actually acts like an adult. But in the end everything turns to its right places.

2/10 - Ok, so this movie is absolutely horrendous. As much I think Dakota Fanning is hilariously adorable here, the movie otherwise is pretty much garbage. Brittany Murphy, as much as I like her in other films, is horrible here. The script is atrocious and the story is a joke...for the first half of the movie. The second half is oddly touching and very moving at times, which almost rescues it, but then you are reminded of just how horrible and despicable all the characters are throughout the entire movie and return to hating this one. Now, again, I will say again that I did enjoy the second half and that it does pick up a bit and that Fanning is good here, but that does little to save this one from crashing head first into a brick wall.

[Image: 220px-Inherent_Vice_film_poster.jpg]

In 1970, drug-fueled Los Angeles detective Larry "Doc" Sportello investigates the disappearance of a former girlfriend.

8/10 - I love films like this for the most part and Inherent Vice is no exception to that. Perpetually in a drug induced haze, Detective Larry "Doc" Sportello, portrayed brilliantly by Joaquin Phoenix, stumbles around trying to solve a case he cannot quite wrap his head around. Hell, there may not even be a case. But, what is certain is that he has no idea what is going on and neither does the audience. Impossible to follow and impossible to wrap your head around, Inherent Vice is a film that gives you a bunch of different puzzle pieces from different puzzles and tells you to put them together. Yet, in spite of that, I loved it. Our confusion mirrors that of Doc and really makes the film and enjoyable watch. It also does not hurt that it has a stellar cast on top of Joaquin Phoenix, including Benecio del Toro, Josh Brolin, Reese Witherspoon, Katherine Waterston, Joanna Newsom, Michael K. Williams, and Martin Short. No one other than Phoenix has that much screen time, but what they are given, they knock out of the park. The direction and writing from Paul Thomas Anderson are stellar as always. The film also does a great job capturing the drug-induced era it is set in and is a beautiful snapshot of the less than nice areas of Los Angeles in the 1970's. If you are comfortable not knowing what the hell is going on, but are willing to still sit there and try to piece together this possibly unsolvable "case", Inherent Vice is the film for you. Though it may not make much sense, Inherent Vice is just a really enjoyable and really, really well made film that even if the "plot" does not do it for you, there should be enough here for you to appreciate.

[Image: 220px-Calvary_movieposter.jpg]

After he is threatened during a confession, a good-natured priest must battle the dark forces closing in around him.

9/10 - An emotionally stirring, resonant, and beautiful film, Calvary is one of the best films of 2014 without a shadow of a doubt. Brendan Gleeson is wondrous in the lead role, while Chris O'Dowd, Kelly Reilly, Dylan Moran, and Domhnall Gleeson, are also very good in their roles. Calvary brilliantly bends genres between dark comedy, mystery, and drama, throughout with many moments causing you to laugh, think, and cry. The film is brilliantly directed and written by John Michael McDonagh and the cinematography is also worthy of mention as it is gorgeous, helped in large part thanks to the absolutely breathtaking scenery in the area where it was shot. Truly gorgeous stuff and the camera took advantage of all of it. A film that is essentially about the Catholic Church and the role that it and God play in the lives of different people, Calvary succeeds on the back of that great acting I mentioned, as well as how powerful it truly is. It is a film that leaves you in silence and on the brink of tears.

[Image: 220px-Five_hundred_days_of_summer.jpg]

An offbeat romantic comedy about a woman who doesn't believe true love exists, and the young man who falls for her.

9/10 - So, I've fallen in love with this film. Truly, it was love at first sight, so maybe fate is a real thing? Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Zooey Deschanel, and Chloe Grace Moretz, are all awesome in this funny, touching, and moving, little "romantic" comedy that manages to capture the feeling of wanting somebody who doesn't want you so well and for that, it makes it all feel so authentic. The direction and writing here are stellar and, ugh, for a movie that is not supposed to be romantic, it all just feels so romantic, which I guess is the point, that it is a bit of tease in a way. As a whole, 500 Days of Summer is a depressing, happy, and above all, enjoyable roller coaster of emotions that hit me like a ton of bricks in a deep and personal way and for that, I loved this film.

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