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Got permission from my literary hero to use a quote from one of his books in my anthology. Insanely excited about that.

Quote:Originally posted by Gifter of Bikes@Mar 11 2015, 10:05 AM
Got permission from my literary hero to use a quote from one of his books in my anthology. Insanely excited about that.
That's actually sick lol

Your mental health is just as important as your physical health. Please take care of it. Here are some helpful links just in case.

Algonquin College Student Support Services - 613-727-4723
Crisis Text Line - Text 'HOME' to 741741
Distress Centre Ottawa and Region - 613-288-3311
Good2Talk - 1-866-925-5454
Kid's Help Phone - 1-800-668-6868
Mental Health Hotline Ontario - 1-866-531-2600
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline - 1-800-273-8255

Click here for a list of crisis centres within Canada
Suicide Prevention Resource Centre
Suicide Awareness Voices of Education

If you have the contact info to your local mental help centres, let me know!

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tomorrow! Spread the word! If you follow me on FB/Twitter, please share/retweet the hype! Cheers

Just hit the publish button. Should be ready in about 12 hours for most of you, but can take up to 48 hours for other continents. Smile

May have jumped the gun slightly, but what the hell. NIGHTMARES AND DREAMSCRAPES IS HERE!

To those who have bought it already, thank you! Please remember to leave a [hopefully good] review!

To those who may buy it in the future, likewise. Reviews please!

Have had questions about how to read it if you don't have Kindle. You can get a Kindle app for smartphone, tablet, or just use this to read it on your PC:

I know some of you wanted to buy it but not at the normal price, so I'll be running a sale, starting Tuesday, June 9th, 8am PST - "Nightmares and Dreamscrapes" will be 60% off for 36 hours!

If you would be so kind as to share this on any sites that you are a member of, and if you decide to buy it, please leave me a [hopefully positive] review. Thanks!

Sale starts today Smile

Someone did fraudulent charges on my card, or I would totally buy it.

I had that same problem 2 weeks ago. Sucks.

purchased. I'll try it out tonight.

[Image: JbAlQ9E.png]

Thanks, bojo!

Also bought the Kindle reader version, reading on laptop.

Shit, I remember I was going to read your first two releases, but completely forgot. Will download this and bang those out. Good stuff (hopefully), GoB.

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