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One of my friends saw Focus and he loved it

[Image: 220px-SW_-_Empire_Strikes_Back.jpg]

8/10 - A major improvement from the first film, it appears as though the actors went to acting school in between filming, because the acting is much better. The cheesy dialogue and terrible choreography of the first film are also gone (though choreography is still not great, but still far from bad now). The special effects are also really good yet again, as is the score. As for the direction, it is much better in the sequel than in the original, as the story told here (though it suffers from middle story issues of course) is much, much better. It is far more involved and far more interesting. The religious undertones are also ramped up a couple notches in this one, which is very interesting. The writing of the characters was also much better. I still loved R2-D2 and C-3PO, but finally started to like Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Princess Leia, and Chewbacca. Darth Vader also continues to be a great character and the introduction of Yoda in this one is a hugely positive addition. Overall, The Empire Strikes Back is leagues better than A New Hope as it corrects the problems of the first and continues to excel in the areas in which the first was successful.

[Image: 220px-ReturnOfTheJediPoster1983.jpg]

9/10 - Shockingly seen by many as the weakest entry in the original trilogy, Return of the Jedi was easily my favorite one. Featuring far and away the most interesting story, Return of the Jedi is a blast that manages to make the two hours fly by at record speed. The acting is quite good for the most part (minus some minor slip ups), the story is phenomenal (religious undertones anyone?), and the special effects are top-notch. There was much criticism thrown towards the Ewoks, but I loved them. Not only are they adorable, but they were good characters. In addition, the showdown between Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker, as well as that between the Emperor and Skywalker was riveting and really well done. The characters in this one continue to show incredible depth and really feel as though they are authentic humans. While Empire Strikes Back is also a very good film, the sufferings of being the middle film held it back from greatness. That problem does not exist in Return of the Jedi as not only does it end quite satisfactorily, but it does so after two hours of pure adrenaline and enjoyment. Well written, well directed, and all around well put together, Return of the Jedi is the strongest entry in the original trilogy.

[Image: 250px-Atonement_UK_poster.jpg]

8/10 - Entirely captivating from beginning to end, Atonement is a very good film that finds success in multiple areas. Firstly, the acting is stellar. Keira Knightley, James McAvoy, and Saoirse Ronan, are impeccable. There is a scene in which McAvoy yells at the older version of Ronan's character and the intensity he brings in that scene is impeccable, yet the tenderness and power brought by Knightley as she brings him back down is astounding. Truly, the two of them together provide powerhouse performances that should have been Oscar worthy. The film also excels in the areas of costume and production design. A film that spans multiple decades and includes scenes on the English countryside and in the north of France during WWII, this one's production design is impeccable. The writing and directing here are also quite strong, but one of my favorite elements here was the cinematography. Coupled with the entire mise en scene, war has never looked so beautiful. Truly, every single shot is immaculately captured and absolutely ravishing. Atonement is a great film from director Joe Wright that continues to show his handle on period pieces to be second to none.

[Image: 220px-Limeyposter.jpg]

6/10 - The last half hour of The Limey is incredible and everything the first hour should have been; thrilling and intense. The hour proceeding is not bad by any stretch of the imagination, but it certainly does not reach the heights of that last half hour. This one is told in a very unique way that really captures the disjointed thoughts of our protagonist and the confusion he faces as he tries to find out what happened to his daughter. As is usual, director Steven Soderbergh handles this unique storytelling like a champ and directs this one quite well. Terrence Stamp is great in the lead role and does a great job of capturing this mysterious feeling surrounding his character as nobody truly knows who this man is or his entire past. Overall, The Limey is a very well made thriller that just never truly captivated me, but luckily, it is well made enough to largely look past that.

[Image: 220px-Short_Term_12.jpg]

9/10 - A brilliant work no matter how you slice it, Short Term 12 is a film that, while watching it, I was frequently reminded of how much I love to watch movies. It was truly a film that, when it ended, I was left sitting there begging for there to be more to watch. Featuring stellar performances from Brie Larson, John Gallagher, Kaitlyn Dever, Keith Stanfield, and the entire cast, Short Term 12 is an emotionally powerful film about a group home for teenagers with extremely troubled pasts. Respectful about its subjects, the film's characters show incredible depth and the way they are able to dissect and reveal so much about this many characters in just an hour and a half run time is impeccable. It is easy to tell how well written this film is because its characters feel like people you know. You could see them just walking down the street, they are just so real. The film is also very well directed by Destin Daniel Cretton. Overall, Short Term 12 is an intimate, down to earth, film that will move and entertain you throughout. This film underscores all that is marvelous about cinema.

Jurassic World

There were lots of dinosaurs and some ate some dinosaurs and people. I give it dinosaurs/10

[Image: theziegs.gif]
[Image: buster.gif]


Quote:Originally posted by Buster@Jun 12 2015, 01:42 PM
Jurassic World

There were lots of dinosaurs and some ate some dinosaurs and people. I give it dinosaurs/10


Not seeing SLING BLADE in any of your reviews there, Spangs.

Unfinished Business with Vince Vaughn and Dave Franco. Pretty damn funny! Smile


Jupiter Ascending

I thought that this movie was too long. But pretty entertaining.

[Image: 32882_s.gif]

Oliver Pettyfer / Isaac Cormier Hale / Eva Lykke Aparjode

[Image: 220px-Badlands_movie_poster.jpg]

5/10 - This film is classic Terrence Malick. Exquisitely shot with a great premise and execution of that premise, Badlands is a film that suffers because of its writing. The acting is fine with Martin Sheen being the stronger of the two and completely embodying his character. Sissy Spacek was alright with moments of brilliance, but also moments where she struggled mightily. The costume design here is also quite good. However, back to the writing, the story is very good. It is well developed and interesting to watch unfold. Yet, the characters are terrible, as they act irrationally and nonsensically throughout the film. The dialogue is also horrendous and completely lacking any sense of reality. At no moment does this film feel authentic and that is due to the terrible dialogue and characters. While the story may be interesting, it suffers due to those two elements that really suck you out of the film. Badlands is probably Malick's strongest film that I have seen thus far, which is sad, because you can tell he is really brilliant, but he has no idea how to write a script.

[Image: 220px-Basic_instinct.jpg]

8/10 - A film that has received a mixed response over the years, Basic Instinct is a sleek, sexy, and thrilling, noir film that I believe deserves more respect than it has received over the years. While gory at times and featuring some majorly over the top sex scenes, this one has a riveting case at its center that really messes with your mind. Who did it? Did the detectives get it right? Did they get played? Ultimately, the correct answer may be a combination of things, but that fact makes this one a ton of fun to watch unfold. The writing here is quite strong, as is the direction. However, the best part of this film is Sharon Stone. In a role that uses her good looks to seduce both Michael Douglas' character and the audience, she is phenomenal here as she makes you believe her every word, even though you know she cannot be trusted. A porno with plot, Basic Instinct could have toned down its sex scenes without much of value being lost, but ignoring those, I really did enjoy this one a lot. Perfectly paced with a gripping murder case as its anchor, Basic Instinct is a good noir film that could have been great, but as is, it is still quite good.

[Image: 220px-The_Village_movie.jpg]

6/10 - The Village is an interesting little film. Featuring exquisite cinematography from the legendary Roger Deakins and a great score from James Newton Howard, it packs a lot of promise just on the surface. The acting is also pretty good. Nobody really stands out, but they all turn in solid performances. In addition, M. Night Shyamalan does a great job building suspense and keeping us on the edge of our seats throughout. Heck, I even like the twist here. In many ways, I find it to be creepier than the other most likely explanation for what is happening in this village. Yet, aside from the look of the film, the terrifying atmosphere, and the score, nothing is truly great about this one. The story is interesting, but overall, the film lacks a certain "wow" factor, leaving it as simply slightly above average. I am surprised at the hostility towards the twist here, because again, I quite liked it. Though it changes the film a bit, it still keeps it as creepy and intense as it previously was, which is why I am sad that I did not like it more, but alas, here we are.

[Image: 220px-Lone_Survivor_poster.jpg]

5/10 - Lone Survivor is, well, a war film. It may be based on a true story, but it really does not re-invent the wheel in any way and operates as many war films before it have operated. It is never truly profound and the action becomes numbing after a certain point. Luckily, the action and fighting scenes (i.e. the whole thing) are quite exciting and make for some great entertainment. They can be quite gory and graphic, which is a turn off for me, even though this is a war film. I am not a huge fan of gore and this one is a prime example of why. Really, the sequence that saved this film was the last half hour. Typically, Arabs in these types of films are portrayed as being vile, lifeless, soulless monsters. This one does not do that and instead shows that, yes, there are real human beings with feelings out there too. Shockingly, this is not that common in American propaganda films such as this. Overall, decent propaganda and a decent film that gets saved by not going entirely racist. Odd world we live in.

[Image: 220px-Black_Sea_%28film%29.jpg]

7/10 - Featuring really good performances from Jude Law, Scoot McNairy, and Ben Mendelsohn, Black Sea is a well made thriller by Kevin Macdonald that manages to keep the tension high throughout. Though the little twist thrown in is questionable in its legitimacy, the film still manages to be intense and does a great job working in back story of its characters. Too often, thrillers ignore this, but this one does a great job developing its characters and giving them reasons to be on the submarine. So much so, in fact, that the audience really feels a connection to these characters and really feels for their families when things start to go poorly. In saying this, Black Sea is not a great movie and is not without its flaws, which again centers around plausibility and some of the characters' illogical decisions along the way that you would be hard pressed to explain the logic behind. In saying that, it it is a well made film that manages to suck every bit of excitement it can out of being in a submarine looking for gold for two hours.

[Image: 220px-In_the_Heat_of_the_Night_%28film%29.jpg]

8/10 - It is amazing this film was made in 1967 because it is still as relevant as it was then as it is today. A film dealing with a black cop visiting down in Mississippi who gets caught up in a murder investigation, In the Heat of the Night reveals the depths of racism in the south at the time in fantastic fashion. Director Norman Jewison handles the sensitive material brilliantly and this one really moves along quite well. The writing here is also really good and the story being told is riveting throughout. As for the acting, Sydney Poitier is fantastic as the black detective, while Rod Steiger provides a great performance that leaves you wondering whether you should be rooting for him or against him. An extremely relevant and important film, In the Heat of the Night is a very interesting whodunnit type film that also serves a great example of the social issues still prevalent in this country.

[Image: 220px-Before_Sunrise_poster.jpg]

8/10 - Worthy of the acclaim it has received over the years, Before Sunrise is a beautiful film that oozes with romance and works in brilliantly some comedic elements throughout that only add to the natural feeling of the film. A film that is essentially just a "day in a life" featuring two characters who simply run into each other and decide to spend the next day together, it is one that many will complain about "nothing happening", yet that is its brilliance. It is simply a film about a chance encounter between two people with a major connection between them. What ensues is one of the best romantic films ever made with phenomenal writing (seriously, some of the dialogue here is perfection), great direction from Richard Linklater, and terrific acting from Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy. Both leads turn in very natural performances that fit in perfectly with the feel this one gives. Honestly, it feels like a documentary about two people who actually fell in love in Vienna. The film is also exquisitely shot, which is quite appropriate since the film as a whole is beautiful. Overall, Before Sunrise is a great film that will continue to stand tall for a long, long time to come.

[Image: 220px-10_Things_I_Hate_About_You_film.jpg]

7/10 - This one is a ton of fun. Heath Ledger and Julia Stiles are really good here and the writing is witty and funny throughout. As far as teen comedies go, 10 Things I Hate About You is a very good one due to its fun story, funny moments, and the way it just feels so high school. This film just feels high school, which works well in its favor, because it gives it an authentic feeling. Thanks to the comedy here, some actually quite powerful moments, and just pure enjoyment one can derive from this one, 10 Things I Hate About You is a success. However, it is not without its shortcomings. For one, plausibility of many things that happen here is up for debate. Based on what I know about high school, some of the stuff depicted here won't happen. For one, non-spoiler here, but you can't just decide to go to prom the night of, you have to pay well in advance for that stuff. Little things like that add up and really throw the whole thing into question. However, the characters do feel real, from Heath Ledger and Julia Stiles' mysterious, often rumored about characters to Joseph Gordon-Levitt's whiny little loser. An interesting twist on the Shakespeare play, 10 Things I Hate About You is a fun high school film that should manage to entertain you and get you to laugh numerous times.

[Image: 220px-Before_Sunset_poster.jpg]

8/10 - A continuation of Richard Linklater's "stream of consciousness" romance trilogy, Before Sunset is better than Before Sunrise, but not by much, because both are still phenomenal pieces of cinema. Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy are yet again fantastic in this film with their chemistry together on display for all to see. The two of them seem to just bounce off of one another and it gives the love between them a realistic feeling. Featuring the same hilarious moments, honest and riveting dialogue, and pure romance, as the first film, the thing that puts Before Sunset above Before Sunrise for me is the way in which the characters have grown. In the first film, they are innocent. They are both romantics who may not be open about this due to parts of their past, but deep down, they believe in love and "the one". Now, both are jaded and unhappy. Yet, though they claim otherwise, both are still romantics. They are simply both afraid to be hurt further and show the scars of love lost. There is a longing between both of them that has left both unsatisfied in other endeavors. Their dialogue suggests they are now both cynics who no longer believe in love, but in reality, it portrays them as people who deny their true feelings because they are afraid of it falling apart all over again. For this, Before Sunset shows great maturity amid its romance that leaves hope for the future, yet that hope is tempered and covered in doubt. What will happen? Will they find happiness? A brilliant film, Before Sunset shows Richard Linklater's talent as a writer and director for all to see.

[Image: 220px-Slingbladeposter.jpg]

9/10 - I reckon this is a fantastic film. Billy Bob Thornton is impeccable in the lead role here and it is truly a performance that makes me sit there and wonder if I had him all wrong all this time. Maybe he is a great actor. He is also quite the talent as a director and writer as this one is beautifully scripted and paced to perfection. His performance as the mentally slow Karl stands tall though as the best thing about this film, though the performances of everyone else here are also top-of-the-line. The characters are perfectly put together and their relationships feels entirely authentic. The film also feels incredibly Southern, which gives it a great authenticity on that front. A touching, well made, and at times thrilling film, Sling Blade is predictable at times and if you do not figure out how this one will end, you need to rewind and watch it again because you are not paying close enough attention. Yet, in spite of that, it is still a great film featuring an absolutely impeccable performance from Thornton as he proves his ability as an actor, director, and writer.

not a movie, but i just started watching Oz.
only 2 episodes in, but it's good so far

Of Miracles And Men

Extremely interesting for the new viewpoint it gives on such an iconic event in American hockey. 10/10 would watch again

[Image: zNTg4Ew.png]
thanks @suavemente !

The scene in Lone Survivor where he sees the helicopter go down is untrue. He didn't know about it until after and the final battle in the village is fake though he was helped by villagers there was never a real big battle and all that. Sucks that they had to hollywoodize it. I still enjoyed it though.

Quote:Originally posted by JHS@Jun 21 2015, 11:26 PM
Of Miracles And Men

Extremely interesting for the new viewpoint it gives on such an iconic event in American hockey. 10/10 would watch again

Saw this not too long ago. Great documentary.

Quote:Originally posted by Spangle@Jun 20 2015, 10:11 AM

[Image: 220px-Slingbladeposter.jpg]

9/10 - I reckon this is a fantastic film. Billy Bob Thornton is impeccable in the lead role here and it is truly a performance that makes me sit there and wonder if I had him all wrong all this time. Maybe he is a great actor. He is also quite the talent as a director and writer as this one is beautifully scripted and paced to perfection. His performance as the mentally slow Karl stands tall though as the best thing about this film, though the performances of everyone else here are also top-of-the-line. The characters are perfectly put together and their relationships feels entirely authentic. The film also feels incredibly Southern, which gives it a great authenticity on that front. A touching, well made, and at times thrilling film, Sling Blade is predictable at times and if you do not figure out how this one will end, you need to rewind and watch it again because you are not paying close enough attention. Yet, in spite of that, it is still a great film featuring an absolutely impeccable performance from Thornton as he proves his ability as an actor, director, and writer.

=D> =D> =D>

Quote:Originally posted by gorlab@Jun 22 2015, 12:08 AM

=D> =D> =D>

I've been waiting since yesterday for you to see this thread. My wait is over.

I wanted to jokingly rip into it to piss you off, but it was so good that I'd piss myself off writing a poor review.


SLING BLADE so good it can't even be troll-reviewed.

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