Quote:Originally posted by ArGarBarGar@Nov 20 2015, 09:28 AM Nova needed a harsher suspension, but I think the difference between saying something racist and openly declaring yourself as a racist while saying racist things are different.
Speaking frankly, rather than just trying to defend the decision, I do agree Nova should have gotten more. But people saying they should have gotten the same punishment I disagree with. Like ArGar says, there's a big difference between saying something racist in the heat of the moment and continuing to spew out racism and stand up proudly for that. To be completely honest, part of the problem is that we informed Nova of his punishment before we finalized Hedgehog's, so we couldn't go back and adjust it after we decided it should have been higher.
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Quote:Originally posted by Eggy216@Nov 20 2015, 06:34 AM
Speaking frankly, rather than just trying to defend the decision, I do agree Nova should have gotten more. But people saying they should have gotten the same punishment I disagree with. Like ArGar says, there's a big difference between saying something racist in the heat of the moment and continuing to spew out racism and stand up proudly for that. To be completely honest, part of the problem is that we informed Nova of his punishment before we finalized Hedgehog's, so we couldn't go back and adjust it after we decided it should have been higher.
Except you can, and why would you tell him his punishment before reaching a conclusion.
I'm pretty sure the majority of people feel the permaban is just way too excessive
“The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth comes again. ... There are neither beginnings nor endings to the Wheel of Time. But it was a beginning.”
In no way do I support or am attempting to defend either of their comments, both are intolerable and deserve punishment.
That said, from what I read Nova's comments are far, far worse than Hedge's including actual desires/ambitions to personally kill the "sandniggers".
In my experience, racism is not something that you can switch on/off. Instead it lives inside you and is showcased when emotions are high.So I refuse to believe that any amount of "remorse" showcased in textual messages make Nova less of a racist or absolve him at all.
If Hedge deserves a perma ban (which he might, that is not my argument), then Nova abso-fucking-lutely does too.
Quote:Originally posted by TML99@Nov 20 2015, 03:25 PM
And I read NovaRC's original post it was...pretty brutal to say the least and made me hesitate on signing him because I figured he would be banned/suspended. than I saw[b] Hoov post the MOD message in his OP and I decided id sign him. That frustrates me a bit
Quote:Originally posted by Sam_Bennett's_Pullup_Coach@Nov 20 2015, 10:58 AM In no way do I support or am attempting to defend either of their comments, both are intolerable and deserve punishment.
That said, from what I read Nova's comments are far, far worse than Hedge's including actual desires/ambitions to [b]personally kill the "sandniggers".
In my experience, racism is not something that you can switch on/off. Instead it lives inside you and is showcased when emotions are high.So I refuse to believe that any amount of "remorse" showcased in textual messages make Nova less of a racist or absolve him at all.
If Hedge deserves a perma ban (which he might, that is not my argument), then Nova abso-fucking-lutely does too.[/b]
As was said in the Hedgehog thread there was more posts from Hedgehog that were deleted right away because they were way way over the line.
There is a difference between saying a one off comment when you think your friend is dead, and making a comment, defending that comment and continuing to spew your hate for a day. I understand why Nova said what he said, I don't approve of it, and he was way out of line. But Hedgehog is proud of being a racist and that sort of scum has no place here.
Thank you to My boys @Merica and @Ragnar for the lovely sigs!