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S30 Halifax Raiders Interested Prospects Thread

Player Name: Reed Laing

What are your thoughts on the SHL so far? Been here for a while

What are your short-term and long-term goals for your player? My short-term goal is to win as many Cups as possible with the Raiders. Long term goal is to be the best sniper in the SHL.

Will you be able to train and update on a regular basis? Absolutely

Do you plan on writing articles, creating graphics, both, or neither? Writing articles. Not much of a graphics guy.

How active do you see yourself being? (1-10) 9

What are you looking for from your SMJHL Team? I've played on the Raiders before and it was a great experience. The Raiders are the only team I would sign with.

Would you be interested in participating in the Raiders GroupMe chat discussion? Already in there.

How interested are you in playing for Halifax (1-10)? 10

What can you bring to the Halifax Locker Room? I'm still in the LR, but i haven't been very active in there since my player left. When i get drafted i'll definitely be more active.

Who's your favorite NHL team? Boston Bruins

What are your interests outside of hockey? Drugs, booze and gambling

Why should the Raiders draft you over another prospect? I've been here since S2 so you know I'm not going to go inactive

Player Name: Joey Ryan

What are your thoughts on the SHL so far? SHL sucks

What are your short-term and long-term goals for your player? Short-term: Play for Halifax. Long term: Play for Halifax

Will you be able to train and update on a regular basis? Yes

Do you plan on writing articles, creating graphics, both, or neither? Yeah

How active do you see yourself being? (1-10) 10

What are you looking for from your SMJHL Team? To not be annoying af and GMed by Mac

Would you be interested in participating in the Raiders GroupMe chat discussion? Yeah

How interested are you in playing for Halifax (1-10)? 11

What can you bring to the Halifax Locker Room? I'm super sick

Who's your favorite NHL team? Ottawa

What are your interests outside of hockey? Tinder

Why should the Raiders draft you over another prospect? Because I'm the best in the draft

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Player Name:
Michael Burrows

What are your thoughts on the SHL so far?
I guess 29 seasons for a sim league is not too bad

What are your short-term and long-term goals for your player?
Short-term: tear up the SMJHL, long-term: tear up the SHL

Will you be able to train and update on a regular basis?
I hope so

Do you plan on writing articles, creating graphics, both, or neither?
Articles? Maybe once in 10 seasons. Graphics probably from time to time.

How active do you see yourself being? (1-10)

What are you looking for from your SMJHL Team?
Cups & Rings. Do we get rings for winning championships?

Would you be interested in participating in the Raiders GroupMe chat discussion?
I have no idea what that is so idk

How interested are you in playing for Halifax (1-10)?

What can you bring to the Halifax Locker Room?
Probably noting.

Who's your favorite NHL team?
I don't really have one that I watch or cheer for but if I had to choose I would say I like Tampa the most (Mostly because I had successfull EHM save with them)

What are your interests outside of hockey?
Football (the one that is sometimes called "soccer")

[b]Why should the Raiders draft you over another prospect?
I have no clue why would someone do that

Player Name:
Kristofer Hallfredsson
What are your thoughts on the SHL so far?
Yeah, it's alright. Jk, just waiting for the season to start.
What are your short-term and long-term goals for your player?
Short term- upgrading him as much as I can, long term- just be the best he can be.
Will you be able to train and update on a regular basis?
Of course.
Do you plan on writing articles, creating graphics, both, or neither?
Articles. I'm shit at graphics.
How active do you see yourself being? (1-10)
What are you looking for from your SMJHL Team?
Active and contending team.
Would you be interested in participating in the Raiders GroupMe chat discussion?
The hell is GroupMe?
How interested are you in playing for Halifax (1-10)?
7-8, after contacting you I'll see if that improves or decreases. Smile
What can you bring to the Halifax Locker Room?
Shitty memes and shitposts.
Who's your favorite NHL team?
Don't know. Not a fan of any particular team, I just like good hockey.
What are your interests outside of hockey?
Music making, basketball, football, going out, games, and a lot of other things.
Why should the Raiders draft you over another prospect?
Haven't checked, but I'm one of the very few, if not the only defensive defender in this draft class. That's my main trade I suppose.

Player Name: Jason Aittokallio

What are your thoughts on the SHL so far? 5/7

What are your short-term and long-term goals for your player? Be better than average, but likely not better than my first. Who knows though, I'll try for it.

Will you be able to train and update on a regular basis? Yes.

Do you plan on writing articles, creating graphics, both, or neither? Articles are kind of my thing.

How active do you see yourself being? (1-10) 10, I'm the simmer for the SHL dammit.

What are you looking for from your SMJHL Team? Just a stopgap essentially.

Would you be interested in participating in the Raiders GroupMe chat discussion? Not really, not a big GroupMe fan.

How interested are you in playing for Halifax (1-10)? Idk.

What can you bring to the Halifax Locker Room? Myself, attitude, somewhat homosexual tendencies similar to that of <a href='index.php?showuser=41' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-13'>JumpierPegasus</a>

Who's your favorite NHL team? Colorado Avalanche

What are your interests outside of hockey? Writing, working, watching sports, baseball

Why should the Raiders draft you over another prospect? It's me.

An old man's dream ended. A young man's vision of the future opened wide. Young men have visions, old men have dreams. But the place for old men to dream is beside the fire.
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[Image: tjyuut.jpg] 
Thanks to Jackson, Copenhagen, and Harry Hans!


Player Name:Johnny Pollak

What are your thoughts on the SHL so far?
It's an amazing place and everyone is so helpful. I love it here.
What are your short-term and long-term goals for your player? My goals would pretty much be contribute to the team and to become the best player I could possibly be.

Will you be able to train and update on a regular basis?
Most likely.
Do you plan on writing articles, creating graphics, both, or neither?
I may write an article here and there, but graphics isn't really my forte.
How active do you see yourself being? (1-10)
What are you looking for from your SMJHL Team?
Chemistry, good leadership, and some people to talk to.
Would you be interested in participating in the Raiders GroupMe chat discussion? I will when I get the app.

How interested are you in playing for Halifax (1-10)?
What can you bring to the Halifax Locker Room?
I can bring the banter.
Who's your favorite NHL team?
Buffalo Sabres
What are your interests outside of hockey?
Business, Stocks, Vidya, and Movies.
Why should the Raiders draft you over another prospect? I love the game and I wanna get off the board fast.

Player Name:
Martin Svensson

What are your thoughts on the SHL so far?
Seems to be a nice and helpful community. I love the activtiy of the forum, I get the feeling that you could sit an entire day reading new posts.

What are your short-term and long-term goals for your player?
Short-term goal is to be drafted top 10.
Long-term goal is to be a reliable player that makes it in to the Hall of Fame. I want to be a top line center where you can rely on me setting up for goals and working hard.

Will you be able to train and update on a regular basis?

Do you plan on writing articles, creating graphics, both, or neither?
Writing articles mostly, I am complete trash at Photoshop.
Haven't really decided how to write my articles, thinking about doing them story-based.

How active do you see yourself being? (1-10)

What are you looking for from your SMJHL Team?
Just an active forum, where I can get tons of help. And also a place where activity is rewarded, in one way or another.

Would you be interested in participating in the Raiders GroupMe chat discussion?
Never heard of GroupMe, but yeah, sure.

How interested are you in playing for Halifax (1-10)?
7 (I REALLY dig your logo!Wink

What can you bring to the Halifax Locker Room?
My hope is to bring leadership and maturity with a side of sassy snap-offs.

Who's your favorite NHL team?
New York Rangers

What are your interests outside of hockey?
Programming, Music, Cycling.

Why should the Raiders draft you over another prospect?
Long-term activity, love to contribute and because my saucer pass is lit.

b]Player Name:[/b]

What are your thoughts on the SHL so far? Loving it. There seems to be a lot of involvement and a lot to do. I definitely want to do my best to be one of the greats.

What are your short-term and long-term goals for your player?

Short term - I want to crack a roster and help earn that team a championship. While personal stats are great, nothing is more important than playing the role the team needs you to play.

Long Term - Championships. Whether I'm the leading scorer or the 4th line role player, I want to fill the role it takes to get my team to win championships.

Will you be able to train and update on a regular basis? Yes, absolutely. Hard to find me away from a place that I can be on top of it.

Do you plan on writing articles, creating graphics, both, or neither? I plan on writing articles. I feel I could contribute well on the media end. Unfortunately for graphics, I'm not very talented in that area.

How active do you see yourself being? (1-10) 9

What are you looking for from your SMJHL Team? I'm looking for a place with an active dressing room that has a group of players that want to succeed.

Would you be interested in participating in the Raiders GroupMe chat discussion? Yes, absolutely.

How interested are you in playing for Halifax (1-10)? 10. Nowhere else I'd rather play.

What can you bring to the Halifax Locker Room? I like to think that I'm a funny guy. While I'm still new, I pick things up quickly and am more than happy to help people in any way I can.

Who's your favorite NHL team? New Jersey Devils

What are your interests outside of hockey? Video games, fitness, football, pretty well all sports. I'm pretty varied and like to hear about other people's interests. Never know when you're going to find something you like.

Why should the Raiders draft you over another prospect? I'm a born a bred Maritimer and already know Halifax very well. I will fit right into the culture and will work hard in whatever way I can contribute to make the team more successful.

Battleborn  Finland     [Image: QwTZD8C.png]   [Image: uJXrVDL.png]  [Image: iemKOIk.png]     Finland  Battleborn

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Player Name:
Ben Waters

What are your thoughts on the SHL so far?
Pretty fun, I think it's a bit clustered, and it's kind of hard to figure out what to do. Overall looks nice.
What are your short-term and long-term goals for your player?
I want to take any chance i can to train and improve.
Will you be able to train and update on a regular basis?
I think so
Do you plan on writing articles, creating graphics, both, or neither?
Probably not, unless i'm really desperate.
How active do you see yourself being? (1-10)
maybe 8-9
What are you looking for from your SMJHL Team?
Just a team that will understand that I'm not really sure on what I'm doing. Rolleyes
Would you be interested in participating in the Raiders GroupMe chat discussion?
Maybe, once I'm more comfortable with the team
How interested are you in playing for Halifax (1-10)?
8, relatively close to my hometown
What can you bring to the Halifax Locker Room?
I'll try to bring my best day in and day out, and will strive to improve as much as possible.
Who's your favorite NHL team?
Montreal Canadiens
What are your interests outside of hockey?
Online arena games
Why should the Raiders draft you over another prospect?
My work-ethic, motivation and hard work.

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Player Name: Brennan Kennedy

What are your thoughts on the SHL so far?
Seems like a very well put together league. Lots of things to do and to keep people interested.

What are your short-term and long-term goals for your player?
Short term is to burst into the SMJHL and hope to have an impact with whichever team decides to choose me. Long term is to eventually have a long career in the SHL

Will you be able to train and update on a regular basis?
Yes I will be, been in a GM league for a couple years now and am very active within it. Don't see anything changing for this league.

Do you plan on writing articles, creating graphics, both, or neither?
I plan on writing the odd article, not a big artist.

How active do you see yourself being?
(1-10)I'd say around an 8ish. I'll be checking in a few times a day I would think, except for the times that life gets in the way.

What are you looking for from your SMJHL Team?
I'm looking to join a team of people that I can learn the league and grow with.

Would you be interested in participating in the Raiders GroupMe chat discussion?
Yes I would.

How interested are you in playing for Halifax (1-10)?
10, Even though my hometowns listed as Vienna, I'm born and raised in Nova Scotia. Would love to join the Raiders.

What can you bring to the Halifax Locker Room?
I'd bring a positive attitude as well as being a bit of a clown.

Who's your favorite NHL team?
Do I really have to answer?... Toronto.

What are your interests outside of hockey?
Outside of hockey I also enjoy baseball and soccer. Outside of sports I enjoy camping, gaming, hanging out with friends/family.

Why should the Raiders draft you over another prospect?
I think I have what it takes to help the team out and step in as an impact player in my first season.

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Player Name:
Marc Leclerc

What are your thoughts on the SHL so far?
Everyone's very friendly and helpful and I don't feel too overwhelmed as a rookie.

What are your short-term and long-term goals for your player?
Short term I want to prove that I belong in the league and the locker room.
Long term I want to become the best defenseman in the SHL.

Will you be able to train and update on a regular basis?

Do you plan on writing articles, creating graphics, both, or neither?
I would be able to do both, but would probably be better at writing articles.

How active do you see yourself being? (1-10)
I have a lot of spare time so i guess a 9

What are you looking for from your SMJHL Team?
A friendly atmosphere and a helpful front office and a lot of activity.

Would you be interested in participating in the Raiders GroupMe chat discussion?

How interested are you in playing for Halifax (1-10)?
I would be happy to play for any team so a 10

What can you bring to the Halifax Locker Room?
A lot of daily activity and hopefully a good attitude

Who's your favorite NHL team?
The Dallas Stars

What are your interests outside of hockey?
I'm a huge NBA and sports fan in general.

Why should the Raiders draft you over another prospect?
I feel that I would be very active in the locker room and I would be willing to put in the work to become the best player I can be.

Player Name: Colton Hagan

What are your thoughts on the SHL so far?
Seems like a really cool and fun simulation game and community overall. Seems a lot more in-depth, but still easy to pick up once you've gotten the hang of things.

What are your short-term and long-term goals for your player?
Short term, I'd like to improve my player and become a strong physical presence and two-way threat. Long term, I'd like to become an elite power forward in the SHL and win some championships.

Will you be able to train and update on a regular basis?

Do you plan on writing articles, creating graphics, both, or neither?
I plan on doing articles, I'll have to look into graphics before I try and make an attempt at those.

How active do you see yourself being? (1-10)

What are you looking for from your SMJHL Team?
An active team that's friendly and will be doing a lot of winning.

Would you be interested in participating in the Raiders GroupMe chat discussion?

How interested are you in playing for Halifax (1-10)?

What can you bring to the Halifax Locker Room?
Friendly, hard working attitude.

Who's your favorite NHL team?

What are your interests outside of hockey?
Football, video games, baseball, books.

[b]Why should the Raiders draft you over another prospect?[b]
I will be an active presence in the locker room and in the game.


[Image: CampinKiller.gif]


Player Name:

Eduard Selich

What are your thoughts on the SHL so far?

Seems very interesting.

What are your short-term and long-term goals for your player?

My short-term goal is to be a feared sniper in the SMJHL while being the best teammate I can be.
Long-term my goals are to win some championship regardless of my role on the team. but hopefully I can be the first line sniper Smile

Will you be able to train and update on a regular basis?

Right now I will be very active. Once the semester starts probably not that much but still a solid 7.

Do you plan on writing articles, creating graphics, both, or neither?

I have never done graphics in my life before but let's see what the future holds. I should be able to write some articles.

How active do you see yourself being? (1-10)

RIght now 10, later probably 7.

What are you looking for from your SMJHL Team?

Honestly I do not have any expectations and will enjoy the ride.

Would you be interested in participating in the Raiders GroupMe chat discussion?
Do not know what this is but why not.

How interested are you in playing for Halifax (1-10)?


What can you bring to the Halifax Locker Room?
Funny guy I hope . Lots of sarcasm and some memes Smile

Who's your favorite NHL team?

Probably the Avs because of Sakic

What are your interests outside of hockey?

Gaming in general, Fitness, History.

[b]Why should the Raiders draft you over another prospect?

I am a Diamond in the rough

[Image: KSelich.gif]
Thank you all for the amazing sigs & player cards
Germany Citadelles  Stampede [Image: vhY18i8.png][Image: Raptors.png][Image: gs89eGV.png] [Image: eE2UQZC.png] Stampede Citadelles Germany

3. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 5 (Maximilian Wachter, Alexis Metzler) at 16:25
5. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 6 (Steven Stamkos Jr., Brynjar Tusk) at 19:48
8. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 7 (Brynjar Tusk, Alexis Metzler) at 13:55
9. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 8 (Anton Fedorov, Mikelis Grundmanis) at 15:12
10. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 9 (Dickie Pecker) at 19:43 (Empty Net)

Player Name:

Olson Stuart.

What are your thoughts on the SHL so far?

Great league filled with great players.

What are your short-term and long-term goals for your player?

Short term? Be the best I can be for Halifax. Long term? Make the SHL and help out my junior team as much as possible.

Will you be able to train and update on a regular basis?


Do you plan on writing articles, creating graphics, both, or neither?


How active do you see yourself being? (1-10)


What are you looking for from your SMJHL Team?

A great learning experience and team to play on and I believe that Halifax is my best bet.

Would you be interested in participating in the Raiders GroupMe chat discussion?


How interested are you in playing for Halifax (1-10)?


What can you bring to the Halifax Locker Room?

Leadership and a player to lean on.

Who's your favorite NHL team?

Winnipeg Jets. I model my game after Wheeler.

What are your interests outside of hockey?

Pokemon and chilling.

[b]Why should the Raiders draft you over another prospect?

I am loyal and will give 150% out on the ice just for you boys.

Player Name: Maximilian Wehner

What are your thoughts on the SHL so far? Love it! The concept, the idea, the execution. All of it is here! I have always been excited by the idea of growing a pro character and the console games just don't give enough depth.

What are your short-term and long-term goals for your player? Short term is grow on an SMJHL team. Find my role as a young goaltender and help that SMJHL team win a championship. As for long term? I want to be the greatest SHL goaltender the league has seen. With his size and agility combination, I feel like Max really has a chance at being something really special.

Will you be able to train and update on a regular basis? Yup. I am also the kind of person who will be interested in writing on the articles board and doing graphics on the that board to increase my income and help Max become the greatest goalie to walk the earth.

Do you plan on writing articles, creating graphics, both, or neither? See above.

How active do you see yourself being? (1-10) 9-10

What are you looking for from your SMJHL Team? A friendly environment and a helping hand when needed. I want a team that will push me to become the best goalie I can and really does want me on their team. I want the day I leave for the SHL to be a bittersweet day for my SMJHL team. Excited to see me take it to the next level but disappointed I won't be in goal for the team anymore.

Would you be interested in participating in the Raiders GroupMe chat discussion? Definitely. If drafted by the Raiders, I will be up to chatting anytime I have free time during the day.

How interested are you in playing for Halifax (1-10)? 10. I am from across the continent from Halifax but still have a love for NS. The natural world is beautiful and they love their hockey.

What can you bring to the Halifax Locker Room? A friendly face, understanding heart and a mind always willing to be picked. I will do my best to promote the Raiders from inside and out.

Who's your favorite NHL team? Colorado Avalanche. Colorado native and so happy when they moved here.

What are your interests outside of hockey? History, Linguistics, Geography, Traveling, Reading, Writing, Music, Gaming.

Why should the Raiders draft you over another prospect? I will work my butt off to help this team be the best it can be. The relationship between player and team is a symbiotic one. The player and team almost become one. My time in Halifax may end up being fairly short, but that time here I want to leave a legacy and will proudly wear my Halifax colors into the SHL.

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