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S30 Halifax Raiders Interested Prospects Thread

Player Name: Isaac Kaiser

What are your thoughts on the SHL so far? It's pretty neat, I like it.

What are your short-term and long-term goals for your player? Work on defence & stick checking but also make room to grow in offensive skills as well.

Will you be able to train and update on a regular basis? Yep, if I can figure out how to use it.

Do you plan on writing articles, creating graphics, both, or neither? I can write articles, pretty detailed ones sorta. Example of My Work

How active do you see yourself being? (1-10) 8

What are you looking for from your SMJHL Team? A great team environment & playing time

Would you be interested in participating in the Raiders GroupMe chat discussion? What's that?

How interested are you in playing for Halifax (1-10)? 8

What can you bring to the Halifax Locker Room? I try to lead by example, as well as I can cheer anyone up.

Who's your favorite NHL team? Ottawa Senators

What are your interests outside of hockey? Sports, Reading, Music

Why should the Raiders draft you over another prospect? It would be pretty great to draft a hometown guy, wouldn't it?

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Player Name:
Alec Derin
What are your thoughts on the SHL so far?
I love it! I've been into hockey sims for a while now and finding this is amazing for someone like me.
What are your short-term and long-term goals for your player?
Short term I wanna show people that enforcers are plenty viable. Long term I wanna get to the show and protect my superstars.
Will you be able to train and update on a regular basis?
Of course. I intend on putting a lot of time getting all the TPE i can.
Do you plan on writing articles, creating graphics, both, or neither?
Writing articles definitely. I like writing, but I can't make a graphic to save my life.
How active do you see yourself being? (1-10)
What are you looking for from your SMJHL Team?
Show me the ropes and make me a better player.
Would you be interested in participating in the Raiders GroupMe chat discussion?
How interested are you in playing for Halifax (1-10)?
What can you bring to the Halifax Locker Room?
I bring protection with a big body that can hold up his end on defense as well.
Who's your favorite NHL team?
Red Wings
What are your interests outside of hockey?
Outside of hockey?
Why should the Raiders draft you over another prospect?
I'm a role player. I make other teams pay for even thinking of taking runs at our stars.

Player Name:
Alexis Metzler
What are your thoughts on the SHL so far?
I wish I found this a year ago.
What are your short-term and long-term goals for your player?
Short term, I want to get my foot in the door so I can get my career started. Long term, wherever the game takes me.
Will you be able to train and update on a regular basis?
No worries.
Do you plan on writing articles, creating graphics, both, or neither?
I'm solid with Paint.NET and writing, we'll see what I can do when I understand the simulation better.
How active do you see yourself being? (1-10)
Daily, so high on that number I hope.
What are you looking for from your SMJHL Team?
I'd like to learn the ropes.
Would you be interested in participating in the Raiders GroupMe chat discussion?
How interested are you in playing for Halifax (1-10)?
I'm interested in playing for any SMJHL team that will take me.
What can you bring to the Halifax Locker Room?
My Australian-ity
Who's your favorite NHL team?
Minnesota Wild
What are your interests outside of hockey?
PC/Online Gaming, Aussie Rules Football.
Why should the Raiders draft you over another prospect?
You should draft the best available player. If that's me, awesome. If not, I won't be heartbroken.

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Player Name: Willy Mack

What are your thoughts on the SHL so far? This is my Pokemon GO.

What are your short-term and long-term goals for your player? Short-term: Improve as much as I can prior to the draft and to next season. Long-term Goals: Cups, cups and more cups.

Will you be able to train and update on a regular basis? Yes. I will be able to train and update daily.

Do you plan on writing articles, creating graphics, both, or neither? Writing articles and some podcasts maybe. Not much talent in the graphics department.

How active do you see yourself being? (1-10) 10.

What are you looking for from your SMJHL Team? Active with good leadership and a top notch organization that looks out for it's players.

Would you be interested in participating in the Raiders GroupMe chat discussion? Yes.

How interested are you in playing for Halifax (1-10)? 10.

What can you bring to the Halifax Locker Room? Leadership, laughs and love.

Who's your favorite NHL team? Calgary Flames

What are your interests outside of hockey? My wife and son are my life. Running my store (bong/vape shop in Calgary) keeps me busy but I am a huge sports fan, love NHL, NFL, MLB and PGA the most.

Why should the Raiders draft you over another prospect? I will do what it takes to not only develop myself but help grow those around me. I will do what it takes to win and want to be part of a good family like the Raiders.

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First SHL goal on first SHL shot in first SHL game.


Player Name: Connor Macdonald

What are your thoughts on the SHL so far? Seems like a really cool idea

What are your short-term and long-term goals for your player? Develop into hopefully one of the best puck moving d men in the league

Will you be able to train and update on a regular basis? Yes

Do you plan on writing articles, creating graphics, both, or neither?Articles, my photo shop skills are lacking

How active do you see yourself being? (1-10) 6-10

What are you looking for from your SMJHL Team? A chance to grow as a player with me team

Would you be interested in participating in the Raiders GroupMe chat discussion?Of course

How interested are you in playing for Halifax (1-10)? 10

What can you bring to the Halifax Locker Room? Calm demenor and a good sense of humour

Who's your favorite NHL team? Edmonton Oilers

What are your interests outside of hockey? Baseball/ Vidya Games

Why should the Raiders draft you over another prospect? Good right handed, puck moving D men don't come along to often!

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Player Name: Taro Eichelele

What are your thoughts on the SHL so far? My first day in but impressed by the depth of things to do. Trying not to get overwhelmed, but starting to find my way around.

What are your short-term and long-term goals for your player? Maximize my early growth potential and contribute to a quality junior team. Eventually become a league leading playmaker that can elevate linemates and be solid in both ends of the ice.

Will you be able to train and update on a regular basis? Definitely.

Do you plan on writing articles, creating graphics, both, or neither? Probably a little bit of both. I have a fair bit of experience with Gimp and already looking forward to creating a good avatar.

How active do you see yourself being? (1-10) I don't completely know what the time commitment is at this point, but it certainly looks engaging enough to make a daily effort, particularly as teammates and relationships are made.

What are you looking for from your SMJHL Team? Some new player guidance and an opportunity to help them bring home a title!

Would you be interested in participating in the Raiders GroupMe chat discussion? Sure.

How interested are you in playing for Halifax (1-10)? 10

What can you bring to the Halifax Locker Room? Gatorade. Do you need gatorade? No? Orange slices? No? A vintage Jock Jam cassette? No? Is this a trick question?

Who's your favorite NHL team? Buffalo Sabres for life.

What are your interests outside of hockey? football, appreciating and sometimes making wine, playing and watching soccer.

Why should the Raiders draft you over another prospect? You don't want to be known as the team that missed out on Taro Eichelele!

Player Name:
Trevor Wilson

What are your thoughts on the SHL so far?
It is confusing at first, but now that I've figured it out it seems like it'll be an awesome time.

What are your short-term and long-term goals for your player?
I'd like my player to be a solid shut down forward that can produce a few goals in the upcoming season. I'd like to win a cup in the longer term

Will you be able to train and update on a regular basis?
I will have plenty of time to train and update my player.

Do you plan on writing articles, creating graphics, both, or neither?
I may write the occasional article, however I do not see myself writing many. I will join the discussions in them though.

How active do you see yourself being? (1-10)
I'll check one or twice every couple days, enough to keep my player improving. 7.5/10

What are you looking for from your SMJHL Team?
I'd like a fairly active community for the team. I winning team is always a positive.

Would you be interested in participating in the Raiders GroupMe chat discussion?
If I am drafted by the Raiders I would participate in all of their team stuff.

How interested are you in playing for Halifax (1-10)?

What can you bring to the Halifax Locker Room?
I'll bring a positive attitude and the occasionally witty comment.

Who's your favorite NHL team?
Vancouver Canucks

What are your interests outside of hockey?
I like golfing, biking, reading, gaming

Why should the Raiders draft you over another prospect?
My player has the heart and hussle of a champion.

Player Page --- Update Page
[Image: twils.gif]
Picture credit to Allen, Jenny, enigmatic, Wasty, ckroyal92, 701, and EJ

300+ Career Goals, 750+ Career Points
5th All-Time Goals Scored for WKP,
8th All-Time Goals Scored for SEA/TBB
3rd All-Time in Playoff Points
17th All-Time in Goals

6 Consecutive 50+ Point Seasons, 7 Total
Quote:"idc if ur naked if ur holding that cup" -Jenny

Player Name: Jason Visser

What are your thoughts on the SHL so far? I came wanting to be a gm, and I see that's not happening lol. So I want to grind out as best as I can here with a sim player and show my no life talent.

What are your short-term and long-term goals for your player? I want to understand the sim system as best as I can so I can upgrade things that are most worthy and helpful. Right now I can't answer the question beyond creating an offensive threat that wins faceoffs (face off specialist) and put tons of tpe in puck handling.

Will you be able to train and update on a regular basis? If I find the site rewarding I promise to no life grind out a dominant center, and I am really interested in helping with the sim system. I am new as hell but I can get money for my player by doing that correct?

Do you plan on writing articles, creating graphics, both, or neither? SO can i make stick figure gfx or does that make me an asshole? I will do few articles I think. Maybe if I find some joy in feedback I would go after it, but I don't enjoy writing.

How active do you see yourself being? (1-10) 6-8. I could see myself getting truly addicted, but I might be overhyping myself to call myself a 9 or 10

What are you looking for from your SMJHL Team? I want to find people who also want to manipulate the sim system as best as possible and win then brag to other people. that would be ideal to play with other extremely active players, but also anybody that can help guide me in spending tpe and upgrading the most worthy skills.

Would you be interested in participating in the Raiders GroupMe chat discussion? At this point no, but am open, just cause I don't know you rn

How interested are you in playing for Halifax (1-10)? 6 I am here for tpe won't lie, don't know much about the league and who is good and bad now, but I want to play on a winning team with other active people.

What can you bring to the Halifax Locker Room? I don't even know what the locker room thread is like so idk, can I post naked people?

Who's your favorite NHL team? AZ

What are your interests outside of hockey? throwing rocks at cars/ walking in traffic

Why should the Raiders draft you over another prospect? I am going to at the very least be on 3 days a week I'd guess. if not a lot more, but 3 days I can promise for this season. I don't do much I should probably go get a job, so there is potential I go no life and grind out a badass.

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Player Name: Ace Redding

What are your thoughts on the SHL so far? Been here for years

What are your short-term and long-term goals for your player? Short term is improve passing, skating and defence (and win the Four Star Cup), long term be a top winger in the SHL

Will you be able to train and update on a regular basis? Yes

Do you plan on writing articles, creating graphics, both, or neither? Articles

How active do you see yourself being? (1-10) 8, on every day

What are you looking for from your SMJHL Team? Active locker room and a cup

Would you be interested in participating in the Raiders GroupMe chat discussion? Yes

How interested are you in playing for Halifax (1-10)? 10

What can you bring to the Halifax Locker Room? A lot of SHL experience

Who's your favorite NHL team? Blackhawks

What are your interests outside of hockey? I play a lot of football

Why should the Raiders draft you over another prospect? I know how to build a player and I'll continue to improve

Player Name:
Stephen Harris

What are your thoughts on the SHL so far?
Thoroughly enjoyable and a really interesting concept.

What are your short-term and long-term goals for your player?
Short term I want to train to get better at rebounds and my overall game to make myself the most exciting player that I can.
Long Term I want to be the most dependable goalkeeper in the league and cement myself as one of the most reliable players around.

Will you be able to train and update on a regular basis?

Do you plan on writing articles, creating graphics, both, or neither?
I plan on writing a couple of articles and then I will see where things go from there.

How active do you see yourself being? (1-10)

What are you looking for from your SMJHL Team?
An active organisation with a tight nit locker room, which will be able to give me the experience and leadership that I require.

Would you be interested in participating in the Raiders GroupMe chat discussion?

How interested are you in playing for Halifax (1-10)?

What can you bring to the Halifax Locker Room?
Enthusiasm and a passion for the game.

Who's your favorite NHL team?
Anaheim Ducks

What are your interests outside of hockey?
Rugby Union, Cricket and TV

Why should the Raiders draft you over another prospect?
Because I'm one of the best.

Player Name: Casper Ek

What are your thoughts on the SHL so far? Overwhelming but quickly catch on!

What are your short-term and long-term goals for your player? Be consistent getting points short term and rack up TPE quickly. Long-term develop into perennial goal scorer

Will you be able to train and update on a regular basis? Of course!

Do you plan on writing articles, creating graphics, both, or neither? Probably writing articles, I'm a solid writer

How active do you see yourself being? (1-10) 8

What are you looking for from your SMJHL Team? Conversations and committment to winning

Would you be interested in participating in the Raiders GroupMe chat discussion? Not at this time

How interested are you in playing for Halifax (1-10)? 9

What can you bring to the Halifax Locker Room? Positivity and a winning attitude

Who's your favorite NHL team? Detroit Red Wings

What are your interests outside of hockey? Biking, Tennis, Ref'ing hockey, Craft beer

Why should the Raiders draft you over another prospect? Need a goal scorer up top whos committed to it

Player Name: Brock Bailey

What are your thoughts on the SHL so far? Looks ok so far

What are your short-term and long-term goals for your player? Win a cup in both leagues and be a great player

Will you be able to train and update on a regular basis? Yep

Do you plan on writing articles, creating graphics, both, or neither? Maybe both but I plan on writing

How active do you see yourself being? (1-10) 9

What are you looking for from your SMJHL Team? Not sure what to expect but somewhere I can learn about the league

Would you be interested in participating in the Raiders GroupMe chat discussion? Yep sure

How interested are you in playing for Halifax (1-10)? 10

What can you bring to the Halifax Locker Room? Talk and fun

Who's your favorite NHL team? Islanders

What are your interests outside of hockey? Football and gaming

Why should the Raiders draft you over another prospect? You'll see why

Player Name:

Nathan Russett

What are your thoughts on the SHL so far?

This looks like an exciting game, and I can't wait to fight for a spot in the higher leagues

What are your short-term and long-term goals for your player?

Short term I would like to develop as a player and learn what it takes to make it big in the SHL
long term I would love to play for my hometown team, the Portland Admirals and help them be a successful team

Will you be able to train and update on a regular basis?

I plan to check in every day, it may end up being 3-5 times a week

Do you plan on writing articles, creating graphics, both, or neither?


How active do you see yourself being? (1-10)

for now, probably 5 just to get myself started

What are you looking for from your SMJHL Team?

Someone who can compete and offer me the best training and experience possible

Would you be interested in participating in the Raiders GroupMe chat discussion?


How interested are you in playing for Halifax (1-10)?


What can you bring to the Halifax Locker Room?

I provide leadership in the locker room, and a pass first mentality on the ice

Who's your favorite NHL team?

Columbus Blue Jackets

What are your interests outside of hockey?

hiking, playing Fantasy GM games

Why should the Raiders draft you over another prospect?

There aren't many Playmaker wingers, and I bring in a sense of selflessness as a player willing to share the puck with my linemates

Player Name: Toivo Kosonen

What are your thoughts on the SHL so far? So far, SHL has been a unique experience. It is unlike any other game I have started. I suppose this is the honeymoon phase like all other games where at the start everything is new and overwhelming.

What are your short-term and long-term goals for your player? Short-term goal is to be drafted this coming Monday, and then become acquainted with that organization. Long term goal is to develop as a defenseman, Toivo plays defense first and foremost, but does have offensive capabilities.

Will you be able to train and update on a regular basis? Yes

Do you plan on writing articles, creating graphics, both, or neither? I plan on writing.

How active do you see yourself being? (1-10) 8, I will check back a few times a day to see if I have notifications and anything else needing to be taken care of.

What are you looking for from your SMJHL Team? Leadership and advice. I hope to grow as a prospect through the leaders of my SMJHL team.

Would you be interested in participating in the Raiders GroupMe chat discussion? Yes

How interested are you in playing for Halifax (1-10)? 8

What can you bring to the Halifax Locker Room? Kindness, spark of energy

Who's your favorite NHL team? Carolina Hurricanes

What are your interests outside of hockey? I spend a lot of time following sports, watching standup, trying to get into podcasts, but only one I follow weekly is Bill Burr's.

Why should the Raiders draft you over another prospect? Toivo is your choice if you want a competent, eager to learn, team player. I am great at following directions, and with guidance I have a great chance at tapping into my full potential.

Reed Kobo - Winger - #33
Player Page- Update Page
Elijah Jones - Winger - #33 Retired
Player Page - Update Page
Toivo Kosonen - Defenseman - #33 Retired
Player PageUpdate Page
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Player Name: Alex Light

What are your thoughts on the SHL so far? Just started today. So far it's looking great.

What are your short-term and long-term goals for your player? Short term: Get on the roster and contribute to the team. Long Term: Make it to the SHL.

Will you be able to train and update on a regular basis? I can get on every evening and weekends.

Do you plan on writing articles, creating graphics, both, or neither? I plan to write some articles over the long run.

How active do you see yourself being? (1-10) I plan to be fairly active (6-9 depending on workload)

What are you looking for from your SMJHL Team? I'm looking for a winner. A team that has a strong desire to win. Also a good community to have fun with.

Would you be interested in participating in the Raiders GroupMe chat discussion? Sure.

How interested are you in playing for Halifax (1-10)? 7.5. I want to play for a Canadian team.

What can you bring to the Halifax Locker Room? A good winning mentality, a good chunk of humour and my goal celebrations that will ignite the crowd and destroy enemy morale.

Who's your favorite NHL team? Montreal Canadiens

What are your interests outside of hockey? Video Games, cooking, skiing.

Why should the Raiders draft you over another prospect? You want offense? I got offense! I will be the one you want to depend on in the 59th minute for the game winning goal.

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