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Quote:Originally posted by JayTee@Oct 14 2016, 09:38 PM
I watched The Accountant last night

I feel like I don't know what constitutes a bad film because I enjoyed it a lot
Entirely subjective. John Wick was almost universally praised and The Accountant seems like a very similar film and it's getting luke warm response. As far as I'm concerned Ben Affleck has been fire since Gone Girl, Anna Kendrick is awesome and JK Simmons can basically do no wrong. The Accountant has my attention and while I probably won't see it in theaters im excited to see it

Thank you to My boys @Merica and @Ragnar for the lovely sigs!
[Image: wrexks.png]
[Image: WREXKS.png]

Quote:Originally posted by Maxy@Oct 14 2016, 06:53 PM

Entirely subjective. John Wick was almost universally praised and The Accountant seems like a very similar film and it's getting luke warm response. As far as I'm concerned Ben Affleck has been fire since Gone Girl, Anna Kendrick is awesome and JK Simmons can basically do no wrong. The Accountant has my attention and while I probably won't see it in theaters im excited to see it

My only complaint from the movie that isnt a spoiler is that I still fucking hate anna kendrick.

[Image: aOowRDF.png]

Quote:Originally posted by Maxy@Oct 14 2016, 09:53 PM

Entirely subjective. John Wick was almost universally praised and The Accountant seems like a very similar film and it's getting luke warm response. As far as I'm concerned Ben Affleck has been fire since Gone Girl, Anna Kendrick is awesome and JK Simmons can basically do no wrong. The Accountant has my attention and while I probably won't see it in theaters im excited to see it

If you ignore Ben Afflecks cash grabs over the years, mostly that horrendous period in the middle where he made 5 shit poor blockbusters at the height of his popularity, Ben Affleck has had a very good career. Argo and Gone Baby Gone weren't some of my favorite movies of their year, but they were good. Gone Girl needed to be 45 minutes shorter (should have ended with 'you fucking bitch'Wink but it was fine. What's his stinker lately, Batman vs Superman? Ok. That seems like anyone but Affleck's fault.

I will also always be thankful for Good Will Hunting.

Quote:Originally posted by BANNING@Oct 14 2016, 10:01 PM

If you ignore Ben Afflecks cash grabs over the years, mostly that horrendous period in the middle where he made 5 shit poor blockbusters at the height of his popularity, Ben Affleck has had a very good career. Argo and Gone Baby Gone weren't some of my favorite movies of their year, but they were good. Gone Girl needed to be 45 minutes shorter (should have ended with 'you fucking bitch'Wink but it was fine. What's his stinker lately, Batman vs Superman? Ok. That seems like anyone but Affleck's fault.

I will also always be thankful for Good Will Hunting.
The Town was good too

Quote:Originally posted by GroupMeIsKindOfOkay@Oct 14 2016, 10:04 PM

The Town was good too
Really underrated imo. Banning, I also really liked the length of Gone Girl. It felt too long but it was a good thing imo. Kinda felt like they wanted us to feel like we were Afflecks character just waiting for this whole thing with his batshit wife to end, only to realize it wasn't going to.

Thank you to My boys @Merica and @Ragnar for the lovely sigs!
[Image: wrexks.png]
[Image: WREXKS.png]

Also, watching movies in the VIP section is the way to go

[Image: aOowRDF.png]

Quote:Originally posted by JayTee@Oct 14 2016, 10:38 PM
I watched The Accountant last night

I feel like I don't know what constitutes a bad film because I enjoyed it a lot

I haven't seen it, but critics are not calling it bad. Just typical and cliched. Please remember they see like a 1,000 films a year. The plot points The Accountant hits become incredibly predictable. When it's your job to review every movie that comes out, shit that's predictable becomes tedious and boring very quickly. The Accountant is not explicitly bad. Just your average thriller. At the end of the day, it's very much a crowd pleaser for the same elements the critics criticize.

Quote:Originally posted by BANNING@Oct 14 2016, 11:01 PM

If you ignore Ben Afflecks cash grabs over the years, mostly that horrendous period in the middle where he made 5 shit poor blockbusters at the height of his popularity, Ben Affleck has had a very good career. Argo and Gone Baby Gone weren't some of my favorite movies of their year, but they were good. Gone Girl needed to be 45 minutes shorter (should have ended with 'you fucking bitch'Wink but it was fine. What's his stinker lately, Batman vs Superman? Ok. That seems like anyone but Affleck's fault.

I will also always be thankful for Good Will Hunting.


Sorry...I'm excited...

Quote:Originally posted by GroupMeIsKindOfOkay@Oct 14 2016, 11:04 PM

The Town was good too

Big fan of The Town. Blake Lively is also really hot in that movie, an aside...

Quote:Originally posted by BANNING@Oct 14 2016, 10:37 PM
<a href='index.php?showuser=3' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-50'>Spangle</a> - of the 3 major Oscar Isaac movies, which did you prefer? Ex-Machina, Inside Llewyn Davis, or A Most Violent Year?

I thought all were good but none were great? It probably goes Inside, Violent, Machina for me. Oscar Isaac is one of my favorite coming stars, I can't see how he misses as a long-term draw.

Also, as an aside, I love how this scene undermines Rylo Ken long term.

<object width="460" height="315"><param name="movie" value="]"></param><embed src="]" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="460" height="315"></embed></object>

A Most Violent Year, Ex Machina, Inside Llewyn Davis for me. Very good, good, pretty good. I need to rewatch Inside Llewyn Davis though, in saying that. For the Coen brothers, some of their films land with me immediately. Others take a bit to sink in. I liked Inside Llewyn Davis, but on a rewatch, I have the hunch that I'd love it.

But yes, I am a big fan of Isaac. Dude's got serious chops. I am hoping that Star Wars will give him the extra push he needs to become big.

Me watching The Magnificently Boring Seven:

[Image: large.png]

pumped 4 arrival tbh

[Image: hallsy.png]

Quote:Originally posted by Spangle@Oct 14 2016, 08:22 PM
Me watching The Magnificently Boring Seven:

[Image: large.png]

I feel like if you cut out 20-30 minutes, it is a decent film

[Image: aOowRDF.png]

Quote:Originally posted by McJesus@Oct 15 2016, 12:23 AM
pumped 4 arrival tbh

Denis Villeneuve is too fucking good. Incendies, Prisoners, Enemy, and Sicario, are all brilliant. Arrival looks like it is very much the same.

La La Land has to be the most excited I have been about a new release in a long time though. It looks absolutely phenomenal. Literally cannot wait. I would pay a disgusting amount of money to watch it this second. Live by Night, Silence, Arrival, Hacksaw Ridge, Manchester by the Sea, Moonlight, and Loving, also all look phenomenal.


Quote:Originally posted by JayTee@Oct 15 2016, 12:27 AM

I feel like if you cut out 20-30 minutes, it is a decent film

If they just focused on the Indian and Asian guy, it would be 100x better. Everyone else was just so bland. I didn't expect to be nearly as bored as I was.

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