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Final Cuts, Rosters Revealed for SHL Draftee Showcase

(Word count is like 1520 or so with research. Will post screenshots/text highlights of games tomorrow or Tuesday, and the YouTube highlights of the deciding games Tues or Wed. Apologies to all who were hoping to make the team but didn't quite get there, it was hard to make a few of these calls. I may do up a ROM with all the people who missed the cut and pass that around at some point.

Also to any mods/admins reading this, do I post the YouTube game highlights in SMJHL media or the Graphics section?)


After an unusually impressive training camp for both teams, the final rosters have been released for the SHL Draftee Showcase. The Best-of-7 series between Team North America and Team World will feature 34 rookies who are eligible for the SHL draft duking it out to impress watching scouts from around the world. Coaches Anatoli Terrorov of Team World and Dan Curry of Team North America unveiled the rosters today at a packed press conference, with thousands watching on internet livestreams. The upcoming series has set the hockey world abuzz with excitement, as it will show off talents from what has been regarded as a generationally-deep future SHL draft class, and gives younger fans a chance to see two legendary coaches in action in Curry and Terrorov.

The lineups are as follows.........



Monkey D. Luffy - Borromini Cannellini - Michael Fox
Dick Clapper - Bobby Sharp - Liam Hutchinson
Collin Gibbles - Barry Batsbak - Troy Reynolds

Osbert Whacker - Donny McMasters
Matt Kholin - Eric Vanderberg
Brock Emmerton - Ricardo Cotalay

Casimir Stevens
Tibuk Soonika

Many eyebrows were raised amongst the watching press upon seeing the defense core for Team North America, which has a dearth of quantity and quality relative to their World rivals, and two forwards hastily inserted into the bottom pairings to plug the holes. NA Head Coach Dan Curry dismissed the claims of a weak defence out of hand, stating plainly that he had faith in a group of players that wanted to be here rather than a group of floaters who thought they had a spot guaranteed. Curry had made no secret of his dissatisfaction for defensemen Anthony Banthony and Big Fudge throughout camp, but both players getting dropped was still deemed surprising according to insiders.

Despite the clear defensive deficiencies, it has to be said that the forward replacements are responsible enough in their own end to potentially make up for it. Emmerton and Kholin were fairly well-regarded on their junior teams for two-way play, and both are expected to contribute on the power play, leaving the penalty kill minutes for the 4 established defensemen in Team North America. A dynamic forward core featuring the highly rated Borromini Cannellini and Monkey D. Luffy could also make some noise in the Showcase, as well as some physicality and chemistry in the Kelowna-based second line and a potentially lethal powerplay.

The selections of Halifax Raider teammates Troy Reynolds and Matt Kholin raised alarms amongst the Maritime reporters who flew in to cover the event, due to potential pending litigation against both players. Matt Kholin has been recently connected to the disappearance of a Russian self-employed model in Halifax, while Troy Reynolds made his most recent of many headlines for a nightclub brawl with Detroit Falcons forward Kit Smeb and his brothers Chico, Parker, Steve, and Daniel from the Colorado Raptors. Dan Curry bristled under the allegations, and insisted that until they were hauled away in handcuffs with conclusive proof against them, he'd stick by his players. He called the charges and media attention a "conspiracy" against both Team North America and the Halifax Raiders, and said repeatedly he would not drop either man from the team unless forced to. Continued questioning from the Halifax Gazette reporters led to Curry storming out of the press conference in a huff, with expletives thrown over his shoulder at the trailing media as he departed.

The unluckiest cut from camp was said to be Montreal Militia winger Commander Shepard, who was heavily considered to replace Troy Reynolds but was eventually dropped from the lineup when Reynolds confirmed he would be legally able to suit up for Team North America for Game 1. Whether Reynolds is still on the team beyond Game 1 is anyone's guess..........

As for the goaltending, Casimir Stevens and Tibuk Soonika won the jobs, although many question marks surround both of them. Soonika carried the can in the Anaheim media (perhaps unfairly) for their early exit against Halifax, while Casimir Stevens was given the hook multiple times through a topsy-turvy playoff run for the Vancouver Whalers, including getting yanked for backup Eddy Ask Jr. in the deciding game against the St Louis Scarecrows in the semifinals. Ask was considered for a role, but Stevens and Soonika won Curry's faith with strong performances in camp. Curry's assistants later mentioned both goalies would be rotated from game-to-game for the benefit of the watching SHL scouts.



Kit Smeb - Michael Scarn - Nick Brain
Olivier Cloutier - Knute Knurtsson - Gordie Boomhover
Jimmy Slothface - Kalvins Zvejnieks - Jerry Mander

Karlstrabe Scholz - Guy Zheng
Perry Morgan - Brennan Kennedy Jr.
Nikolai Evans - Kalevi Karhunen

Mike McKorsy
Peter Larson

Anatoli Terrorov then took the stage, looking rather amused at the antics of his opposite counterpart Dan Curry, and announced his team. Terrorov said he was extremely impressed with the quality of his roster in camp, and said that all watching SHL GMs should look at his lineup as "the future of professional hockey". High expectations, but the group of players assembled may live up to the hype. Michael Scarn and Nick Brain worked together occasionally to rave reviews during the Colorado Raptors surprise playoff run, and are paired with Kit Smeb, brother of frequent linemates Daniel and Parker on the Raptors. The second line of Cloutier, Knurtsson, and Boomhover is also high quality, with all three rumoured to be considered for 1st round selections in the SHL Draft. The checking line of Jimmy Slothface, Kalvins Zvejnieks, and Jerry Mander finish things off with a flourish.

Terrorov was pained to admit that he wanted an all-Smeb line with Kit alongside his brothers Daniel and Parker, but couldn't justify it based off of the training camp. Terrorov also lamented having to cut Montreal Militia centre Kristoffer Svensson and Lethbridge Lions winger Eva Lykke Aparjode, among others.

The real strength of the team is said to be in defense. Scholz and Zheng are the future top defense pairing for the Kelowna Knights, and are backed up strongly by British star Perry Morgan and second-generation player Brennan Kennedy Jr. Kalevi Karhunen and Nikolai Evans are also highly regarded on the 3rd pairing, and made it through camp over a sea of other defensemen who merited strong consideration for the role, including highly touted prospects Anastasia O'Koivu and Matthias Seger. Joln DuBolk and Andrej Doskocil were also late cuts from the Team World camp.

The question marks for Team World lie in goal, as every option in the competition for two spots had its ups and downs. Mike McKorsy and Peter Larson won out, although both men had subpar performances during their playoff elimination series. Yuri Ushakov was considered for outperforming Larson in his series, but a shelling in Game 6 against the Falcons was said to be a black mark against him. Anaheim backup Mike Hunt impressed for the Outlaws during camp but was ultimately the last one cut from the lineup, while Aleksi O'Koivu-Volkova of the Militia was considered as well but cut midway through camp. Terrorov acknowledged the worries in goal but said a long session with the coaches helped both his charges tremendously, and he was eager to see them surprise the world with their improvement. Terrorov announced that he would also be rotating his goaltenders from game-to-game to allow watching scouts to get a good look at both.

Like Team North America, excess baggage will be carried into the lineup in the form of some controversial Halifax Raiders. Jimmy Slothface has been rumoured as an accomplice to criminal activity in Matt Kholin's casefiles, while Perry Morgan has been said to be at loggerheads with his teammate and now opposite rival Troy Reynolds. McKorsy has also been named in several Halifax police investigations, rumoured to be tied to the rest of the Raiders in a variety of criminal activities. Terrorov said that, like his counterpart Curry, he would not drop any Raiders from the lineup until charges were filed against them, noting that the depth in camp was such that he could've easily taken all 3 out of the team if he wanted. Terrorov stated his team would cooperate fully with the police involving these crimes, and then amusedly stated that hes still waiting for a policeman to come forward to cooperate with.

The aforementioned fight between Troy Reynolds and Kit Smeb's clan was brought up. Terrorov stated that he was aware of the fight, and said if Reynolds would like to try his luck again, he would find a more formidable opponent waiting for him in Nick Brain, who is said to be assigned as the enforcer for the first line.

Terrorov also confirmed the presence of Anchorage defenseman Johnny Sins on the team as a strength and conditioning coach and emergency spare player.


The puck drops on the Best-of-7 series tomorrow evening at Madison Square Garden, home of the Manhattan Rage. Highlights of the deciding games will be uploaded to YouTube, while the event is earmarked for local TV and radio broadcast.

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Former Agent of Nick Brain: Center/Right Winger -  Aurora  Stars

02-10-2019, 10:04 PMStadiumGambler Wrote: Perry Morgan has been said to be at loggerheads with his teammate and now opposite rival Troy Reynolds

Typical Gazette bullshit

I thought I'd left this shitty reporting back home

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I would like to say that I appreciate Anatoli Terrorov having the ability to see through flimsy rumors of alleged crimes and including me in this powerhouse of a lineup.

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when can i watch this

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Let's goooo! Nice stuff Smile

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