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S46 Championship Week
(This post was last modified: 04-06-2019, 04:08 PM by jRuutu.)

TASK 1: For most players season 46 is over and you have had a bit of time to reflect on your season. Talk to us about how you did.. what were some of your players best and worst moments? what were your overall numbers? did you meet your individual goals? what areas in your game were you happy with and what areas fell short? Must be 150 words or more.

Overall, I´d say I had a good year. I did not have any wild goals on individual level before the season, I just wanted to have a positive season and I think I hit that. 32 points in 50 games is not so bad from the blueline, played in a big role and also got a lot of special teams minutes, of course when looking at the goal number - only 4, that is something that I wish was higher. Especially on 5v5, scored one goal on even strength. Also took slightly too many minor penalties, in total of 42 minutes worth, so that area is another one that could be something else.

The best moment on the whole season was seeing Edmonton making the playoffs, it was a tight race and went pretty much all the way to the end, felt really nice when we made it. Then of course on the other end comes the worst moment in getting eliminated, 4-0 in wins was a brutal show, but need to learn from it and come back stronger next year! (181)

TASK 2: (Graphic, 3 TPE) HO has agreed to allocate money towards championship rings to the Challenge Cup winners and they are looking for help with the look and feel of these rings! Create a Championship ring for 1 of the teams involved in the series. This SHL championship sports ring should have the team name or logo on it, as well as the season number.

[Image: ZKjXzTX.png?2]

Task 3: Pick up to 5 challenge cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth '1' TPE. Each answer must be 50 words or more.

1. Between Buffalo's (WannabeFinn, Tomen) and New Orleans (JKortesi81, TheDangaZone) which set of GM's have the tactical/managerial advantage in this series and why?
This is a tough one, both groups are obviously talented and know what they are doing, but since I have seen WannabeFinn working with Team Finland, I´ll give my vote to WBF and Tomen, WannabeFinn has mastered the traditional Finnish team first and two-way type of hockey and I think it also shows in some ways on the way Buffalo plays, so Buffalo duo gets the nod purely from the way their team plays, I like the style. (78)

2. Between Cedric Robinson and Aleister Cain which goalie would you say had the more impressive run towards this championship series, and why?
Cedric Robinson has been on fire, 92.5 on saving percentage and eight wins from ten games? That is MVP level performance so far and a key reason why Buffalo is in the finals in the first place. Alesteir Cains has faced a lot more shots, but he has also played 3 more games, 91.6 on save percentage when you take those facts into consideration is not bad at all, but still Robinson has looked too good. (76)

3. Between both rosters, create an all Challenge Cup starting lineup! (D, D, F, F, F, G) and in 50 words or more explain alittle about your selections.
F: TJ Bayley
F: Oisin Fletcher
F:Kevin Hamilton
D:Alexis Metzler
D: Tatu Makela
G:Cedric Robinson

Bayley gets in first due to scoring 14 points in 10 games, highest scoring player in both teams. Fletcher has played on a high level - 7 goals and 13 points in 13 games is the best in New Orleans. Kevin Hamilton has disgusting 47 hits in 10 games, on top of that 13 points, so he has been an absolute beast so far. In defense Metzler and Makela, dominating duo physically, but they can also produce on the offensive end, both are key players for Buffalo. In net I still put Robinson, as mentioned - he has been too good. (99)

5. You have been asked by the league to choose a destination for next seasons all star game and its between New Orleans and Buffalo, which city did you decide should get this important league event and why?
New Orleans! I have heard a lot of good things about the place, people know how to have fun and I think it would be a ideal destination to have event like all-star game. I feel it would be easier to sell out in New Orleans than in Buffalo, weather plays part in that, nice and warm. Almost like a vacation and you get to watch hockey, what more you need? (71)

6. Who are the 3 most dangerous players on the ice in this series and why?
Kevin Hamilton - he hits everything that moves and is a real pain in the ass because of that + he can also play, so a real difference maker.

Richard Physt - Shutdown specialist, he will take your head off if you are not ready. At times plays too aggressively, but having him on the ice usually means your star players are safe.

Oisin Fletcher - shoots a lot, somehow the shots have a way in finding back of the net, great goal scorer and is not afraid to shoot from weird angles either. (90)

Task 5: Ooof, you happened to walk into one of the challenge cup teams locker room and witnessed a truly shocking visual which left you stunned! You closed your eyes and quickly left the premises... word has gotten out that something went down in the LR but the details are murky.. HO is investigating the matter and asking you 'the eye witness' to explain what happened! Must be 150 words or more. *tag anyone involved*

One night I got the opportunity to visit the Buffalo LR before their game, just wanted to wish everybody good luck and say hello to few familiar names, but I was not expecting to see what I did when I walked in. I can´t say for sure what happened, but if I understood it correctly, GOD McZehrl was standing in the middle of the room and every player was in a circle around him. I slowly approached the circle to see what is going on, it indeed was McZ who was standing on a chair and every player had their right hand towards the balls of McZ and the left one towards the sky, they were going through some kind of a ceremony, I guess to try and bless the balls of McZ?

WannabeFinn and Tomen were standing behind McZ, they were the ceremony masters, Tomen was holding his right hand under the ball sack, I guess showing that he is the hand that controls the destiny of the team, WBF was reading from a mysterious red book, I could not understand what he was saying.

The whole thing was so bizarre, but at the same time it felt right. I realized I came in on a bad time, so I walked away pretty much immediately. @Chris-McZehrl, @WannabeFinn , @Tomen


TASK 14: (*CASUAL MEMBER SPECIAL* Send answer in PM, up to 3 TPE) msg sent
(This post was last modified: 04-10-2019, 03:44 PM by TnlAstatine.)

TASK 1: (Written, 3 TPE)
For most players season 46 is over and you have had a bit of time to reflect on your season. Talk to us about how you did.. what were some of your players best and worst moments? what were your overall numbers? did you meet your individual goals? what areas in your game were you happy with and what areas fell short? Must be [u]150[/u] words or more.
Honestly I fell short of where my expectations were for this season. I aimed to lead the SMJHL and I fell flat on that. I know its a big thing to hope for but I tried my best to make sure my build was perfect and I tried to get the right line chemistry for it, but there was some times where I was just hand-cuffed and just couldn't get anything done no matter what I tried. I think I tried a bit too hard. My rookie teammates are all up and coming and I don't have to worry about carrying the weight of our team on my shoulders so I hope with that being alleviated that I can focus solely on my game and I can stay hot throughout the season. Cause I won't be happy unless I'm at the top of the charts this season. Anything other than greatness is a fail for this monkey.
(3 tpe)

Task 3: (Written, up to 5 TPE)
Pick up to 5 challenge cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth '[u]1[/u]' TPE. Each answer must be [u]50[/u] words or more.

1. Between Buffalo's (WannabeFinn, Tomen) and New Orleans (JKortesi81, TheDangaZone) which set of GM's have the tactical/managerial advantage in this series and why?
2. Between Cedric Robinson and Aleister Cain which goalie would you say had the more impressive run towards this championship series, and why?
3. Between both rosters, create an all Challenge Cup starting lineup! (D, D, F, F, F, G) and in 50 words or more explain alittle about your selections.
4. Choose 1 young player from each team (either on their roster or a prospect of theirs) who you believe will be there teams next important player and why? *tag that player*
5. You have been asked by the league to choose a destination for next seasons all star game and its between New Orleans and Buffalo, which city did you decide should get this important league event and why?
6. Who are the 3 most dangerous players on the ice in this series and why?
7. Who has been there teams surprise player/unsung hero in the post season and why?..must include at least 1 stat to back up claim.
1. Easily this one goes to the boys in green with WannabeFinn and Tomen. I have never seen a more dedicated try hard duo than these two muffins. Honestly just being in discord and seeing the work these guys put into the team is amazing and I aspire to be just as good as them one day. The endless amounts of testing and retesting to get the highest possible win percentage was insane.
2. Again have to go with the series winning goaltender here in Cedric Robinson. This guy had an amazing playoffs and wow did it show in success! Both rookie goalies did so well but at the end of the day Robinson stopped one more puck and thats all that matters. He kept his team in it when they needed him most and I'd have Robinson back me any day any time.
4. I'm gonna go with Jimmy @slothfacekilla Slothface for the Specters and Monkey D. @TnlAstatine Luffy for the stampede. These two young talents have shown more dedication that the rest of the rookies combined. I feel like this is the beginning of a new rivalry with these two teams and both these players are slotted to be the next up and coming players for their respective teams.
5. One thousand percent buffalo. New Orleans has been in the league one year and it's too early for them to have such a prestigious event like the all star game so early in their franchise. Sure they made the finals in their first year but they don't deserve to be hosting the all stars. And buffalo is such a nice place!
6. Its got to be Viktor Marius, Oliver Konig, and Joe Kurczewski. These three guys made huge strides for their teams each and every game and their presence was felt every time each individual was on the ice. Sometimes there was no stopping Kurczewski but also the Marius, Konig one - two punch was always such a pleasure to watch.
(5 tpe)

Task 7: (Written, 3 TPE)
The commish has asked that both challenge cup participants collaberate on a large charity event to be held during the festivities leading to the start of the finals, and you have been asked by the league to set everything up!  What did you come up with? what sort of theme did you choose? what were some of the events to take place to help raise money? what players were very helpful during this process? where will the funds be donated? Must be 150 words or more. *tag anyone involved*
This year the two teams that participated in the challenge cup are hosting a road hockey tournament for prostate cancer! Each team will recruit 32 teams in their city of seven to ten players to play some 3 on 3 old fashion'd road hockey! Each team will have an entry fee of two hundred dollars and the split for prize will go to the top 3 teams and also split to charity (50-50). We will also get sponsors to donate and again anything donated will be split 50-50 prize money and towards the charity for prostate cancer. It will be a typical bracket challenge with teams facing off against the rival city and the start and from there whichever the winning team hails from all those members get 15 tpe for selecting the winning team. Now I know head office won't follow through on the TPE gain but we can all dream can't we?
(3 TPE)

Task 11: (Written, 3 TPE)
There will be many SMJHL players watching this Challenge Cup series and dreaming of the day that they are involved in the SHL's biggest staged event. but first things first,, you have to make an SHL teams 20 man roster. Talk about where your player is at within your SHL organization, who are the prospects that you'll be competing with for a roster spot? when do you hope to make the big clubs roster and what are your individual expectations in that rookie season? Must be 150 words or more.
Monkey D. Luffy competes with nobody for a roster spot. Everybody competes with him. There is no doubt in my mind that this young buck is the first and foremost thought on everybodys mind as the next up in comer on the SHL and once he's done tearing up the juniors he'll be looking to take a bite into the SHL pie. Kids like kyllonen and sven and sharp, can only hope to be as great as him. BUT in all honestly all these young centers are so fucking good in their own right that it'll be interesting to see who stays in the middle for buffalo and who transitions into the wing the the cup winning stampede. All 4 of these individuals can lead a team on their own so its amazing that they all ended up on the same team. Buffalo has years of success in the pipeline and this is only coming from one draft class. And with tomen and WBF at the helm for scouting these prospects are just the first of many that are cream of the crop. But that all being said luffy is the best and everybody is gonna have a hell of a time keeping up.
(3 tpe)

Task 13: (Written, 3 TPE)
This is an historic finals as both franchises come in with some amazing storylines to boast! Write a TV ad for a "History Will Be Made" script and in 150 words or more add the details and circumstance that warrant either or both teams for this television ad. details could include a memory from there team's history, whether recent or past, it is up to you.
Finally the god balls shines down upon buffalo in this wonderful and historic event! Buffalo has seen it's fair share of ups and downs but now we sit here with these individuals only one game left and can they turn the tides on RNGesus himself and finally hoist a cup? God balls then goes off on a huge tangent about how he is the next coming of god himself and how much he loves his own balls, and any balls actually and then is quickly yanked off the stage as this gets way too sexual for a history commercial. Then everybody comes on the berate Ja-flop-sky as how we thought he was going to be the next mcdavid but somehow floundered in the SHL and flopped the bed. The screen fades as all the buffabros are now in fisticuffs and its a real scene to behold. And in the corner you can see all the bright young rookies ready to take hold of this gong show.
(3 tpe)

TASK 14: (*CASUAL MEMBER SPECIAL* Send answer in PM, up to 3 TPE)
(hopefully 3 tpe)

[Image: x17WALp.png]||[Image: uNh8ZtE.png]
[Image: luff.png][Image: luff2.png][Image: luff.png]
(This post was last modified: 04-03-2019, 11:42 PM by StadiumGambler.)

Did more tasks than necessary in case I somehow brick the word/other task requirements. Hopefully it'll all add up to 16 in the end!


TASK 14: (*CASUAL MEMBER SPECIAL* Send answer in PM, up to 3 TPE)
Back by popular demand! Unscramble the names of these four players who will be competing in the Challenge Cup Finals.

**Important**: Send the answers to username "PT Director" with the subject of the message titled “#Scrambled-Izzy." do not send it to my personal account cause i will not look at it and you will not recieve credit for it. Do not post the answers in here cause you will not get credit for the task.  [Grading: 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer]

1. pusesmakojolil
2. noewtdicatslo
3. lkgvironeoi
4. ihoswlilmlncsaai

PM sent


TASK 1: (Written, 3 TPE)

For most players season 46 is over and you have had a bit of time to reflect on your season. Talk to us about how you did.. what were some of your players best and worst moments? what were your overall numbers? did you meet your individual goals? what areas in your game were you happy with and what areas fell short? Must be 150 words or more.

Nick Brain had a rotten season to say the least. Overall he scored 13 goals and 9 assists for 22 points, averaging 0.46 points per period with a Plus/Minus of -2. Most of the other stats were also subpar and uninspiring, but there was at least a standout 107 hits (2nd on the team to Parker Smeb.) Nick started the year on the first line, but fell to the second, as the Raptors perpetually reshuffled their lines looking for any sort of spark. Nick eventually found himself with rookies Jake Peralta and Julio Tokolosh on the 2nd line towards the end of the season, but the line didn't work out well for the Raptors, and collectively went -2 in the playoffs. Overall, absolutely no goals were met and things have to improve next season, as Nick is almost 100% likely to return to the Raptors for a 3rd campaign.

Nick Brain's best moments of the season were probably two first star performances, and scoring the shootout winner against the Halifax Raiders in a late-season tilt. Worst moments would be having over half the season being frustrating games with no points and no real effect on the game aside from the occasional body check. 


Task 3: (Written, up to 5 TPE)
Pick up to 5 challenge cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth '1' TPE. Each answer must be 50 words or more.

1. Between Buffalo's (WannabeFinn, Tomen) and New Orleans (JKortesi81, TheDangaZone) which set of GM's have the tactical/managerial advantage in this series and why?
2. Between Cedric Robinson and Aleister Cain which goalie would you say had the more impressive run towards this championship series, and why?
3. Between both rosters, create an all Challenge Cup starting lineup! (D, D, F, F, F, G) and in 50 words or more explain alittle about your selections.
4. Choose 1 young player from each team (either on their roster or a prospect of theirs) who you believe will be there teams next important player and why? *tag that player*
5. You have been asked by the league to choose a destination for next seasons all star game and its between New Orleans and Buffalo, which city did you decide should get this important league event and why?
6. Who are the 3 most dangerous players on the ice in this series and why?
7. Who has been there teams surprise player/unsung hero in the post season and why?..must include at least 1 stat to back up claim.

2. Cedric Robinson without a doubt. You could argue that on a fundamental level, Cain is the better goalie, and you could also argue that New Orleans has the worse blueline and is exposing Cain to more quality shots, but the save percentage (.925 > .916) and GAA difference (2.07 to 2.63) points to Robinson helping his team to win, while Cain is doing just enough for New Orleans to not lose.
5. New Orleans should be the destination. Its a party city with fun places to be like the French Quarter and Bourbon Street, while Buffalo is a cold, miserable place where fun goes to die. Not to mention New Orleans is the new city on the block in terms of SHL experience, and really should've gotten the all-star game this year to give the sport more exposure in Louisiana.
6. Oisin Fletcher, in terms of raw talent, is probably the best guy the Specters have, and he'll need to be dealt with by the Stampede for them to win. Viktor Marius was the Stampede's leading scorer in the regular season, and hes a real livewire, projected by many to lead the series in hits. He needs to set the tone for the Stampede, but he needs to do so without being sent to the penalty box....... Finally Tatu Makela is the scary, scary d-man that Buffalo will count on to keep the crease clear and defend hard against the deadly New Orleans forward core. If he's on his game, New Orleans will be hard-pressed to stay in it.
7. Brock Becker. He's spent a lot of time outside the top 6 forward core of Buffalo's, but has done well with 4 goals and 4 assists for 8 points, averaging 1.19 points per period. Depth scoring is a rare commodity in the SHL where rosters are top heavy and reliant on the core 10 players, and his touch could prove invaluable for Buffalo in the finals if their 3rd line goes at it with the Specters 3rd line and 3rd pairing.


Task 5: (Written, 3 TPE)

Ooof, you happened to walk into one of the challenge cup teams locker room and witnessed a truly shocking visual which left you stunned! You closed your eyes and quickly left the premises... word has gotten out that something went down in the LR but the details are murky.. HO is investigating the matter and asking you 'the eye witness' to explain what happened! Must be 150 words or more. *tag anyone involved*


Today's latest in Challenge Cup drama you say? Well, there was a truly shocking incident involving the New Orleans Specters before Game 1. An unnamed employee of the Smoothie King Center in New Orleans (who wishes to remain anonymous) happened to be in the building after practise, and saw an event he shouldn't have.......

In a back freezer room off the locker room, three New Orleans Specters (Soren Kierkeegard (@Tlk742), Chuck Bernstein(@Primeapple), and Krists Zommers (@zuumijs), were on top of a sheet of artificial ice, being whipped by New Orleans Specters personnel, while feverishly producing Challenge Cup merchandise for the Specters under sweatshop conditions.

Now I know what you're all thinking. Those three actually producing something on the ice? That can't be right. But I assure you, it is.

New Orleans GM Joe Kurczewski (@JKortesi81), desperate to get any sort of value out of his spare forwards contracts, made backroom deals with shady Chinese companies to produce merchandise for his team at a low low rate, using his spare forwards as free manual labour. Truly a scandalous activity if I've ever seen one! So just remember, when you put on your 4XL #TeamSpooky T-Shirt, the blood of inactive forwards has been soaked into its threads......

Now if you'll excuse me, now that I've spread this piece of utterly fake news its time to short-sell stock in the company that owns the New Orleans franchise due the ensuing PR scandal I've created. See you in the Cayman Islands!


Task 7: (Written, 3 TPE)
The commish has asked that both challenge cup participants collaberate on a large charity event to be held during the festivities leading to the start of the finals, and you have been asked by the league to set everything up!  What did you come up with? what sort of theme did you choose? what were some of the events to take place to help raise money? what players were very helpful during this process? where will the funds be donated? Must be 150 words or more. *tag anyone involved*

One of the many parts of the Challenge Cup festivities was a two-city event called "SHL Street Hockey: Challenge Cup for Kids", a street hockey tournament that took place in Buffalo and New Orleans for ages 8-12, sponsored by both Challenge Cup finalists and the SHL itself. Over 100 rag-tag teams across the two cities registered, played hard, and got a chance to meet some of their heroes. The finals for each tournament took place on the concrete walkway leading to both teams arenas (Buffalo's Key Bank Center and New Orleans Smoothie King Center, respectively). Buffalo and New Orleans Team Captains Alexis Metzler (@Avakael) and Oisin Fletcher (@Evok) were there for each city's finals, and performed the ceremonial opening faceoff, as well as giving away a few items of game-used and autographed equipment to both teams after the game's end. More game-worn and autographed merchandise was auctioned off at the event as well. All proceeds from the event goes in part to local charities, helping at-risk youth groups to steer them away from drugs and crime, and in part to the Save The Enforcers Charity Foundation.


Task 11: (Written, 3 TPE)

There will be many SMJHL players watching this Challenge Cup series and dreaming of the day that they are involved in the SHL's biggest staged event. but first things first,, you have to make an SHL teams 20 man roster. Talk about where your player is at within your SHL organization, who are the prospects that you'll be competing with for a roster spot? when do you hope to make the big clubs roster and what are your individual expectations in that rookie season? Must be 150 words or more.

Right now Nick Brain is in a weird position on the Winnipeg Jets. If this game were real, there would be serious doubt about his ability to perform at an SHL level, due to a couple bad seasons in juniors to start, with scouts wondering if he really had the skill he showed in youth hockey or if he was just another big bottom 6 grinder. Within the context of this game, Nick's a highly prized prospect, definitely in the top part of his stacked draft class, and 15 teams would be happy to have him in the pipeline if he keeps developing on the site the way he has. Both in real life and in-game though, hes staying down a year, even though hes good enough to be on the Jets starting 20 right now. In real life, it would be because the Jets would want him to be more seasoned, in-game its because Flappy was fine with not having me (because the Jets are....... kinda sorta tanking), and the Raptors had a miserable season and need all hands on deck to avoid finishing last again. Not to mention Flappy has ties to the Raptors and is sympathetic to alaska's plight.

Barring trades to add depth, there'd be no one Nick's really competing with for a spot (Again, Nick's good enough to make the roster right now.) Expectation for Nick Brain's rookie year (which would be S48) is to be a middle 6 forward piece and a spark to a possible Jets playoff push.


TASK 12: (Graphic, 3 TPE) is covering the series and they are looking for a tale of the tape graphic to use during the games! Pick a player from each team that are lining up against each other and create a graphic comparing their playoff statistics in S46. Must include player render, team name, team logo, and at least 4 statistics for each player.


Task 13: (Written, 3 TPE)
This is an historic finals as both franchises come in with some amazing storylines to boast! Write a TV ad for a "History Will Be Made" script and in 150 words or more add the details and circumstance that warrant either or both teams for this television ad. details could include a memory from there team's history, whether recent or past, it is up to you.

(An old wizard appears, holding a giant book titled "Challenge Cup History")

Hello again traveler! Let me regale you with a tale of yore.........

Once upon a time, there were two armies, one from the west, and one from the east........ preparing to engage in one of the greatest battles the world had ever seen..........

One army was said to be cursed, and was never expected to make it to the hallowed battleground

"And the 20th year of Buffalo's existence ends with no playoffs......"
"The horn sounds, and West Kendall is moving onto the Challenge Cup Finals! Buffalo goes down in 5!"

One army was said to be too new and inexperienced in the ways of battle to make it to the promised land...........

"New Orleans is an expansion team and they deserve to have the expansion struggles......"
"Sure Augustus and Fletcher and Kurczewski are fine, but do they really have what it takes to conquer the dangerous Western Conference?"

But the two armies cast aside the chains holding them back...........

"Shot, stupendous save by Robinson! Cedric Robinson keeps Buffalo in the game!"
"Marius shot, SCORES!!!!!! This should seal it! For the first time ever, Buffalo will be heading to the Challenge Cup Finals!!!!!"
"And the horn sounds! New Orleans fairy-tale journey to the Cup continues as they win the Western Conference Finals!"

And they proved all the doubters wrong. And now they meet to determine.........who is the best in the world!

(Montage of highlights from both teams plays. Captains Alexis Metzler and Oisin Fletcher are emphasized in the highlights. Two CGI armies meet on an open field, one riding various animals in a thundering stampede, the other army looking demonic as they sweep across the plains. Just before the battle commences we cut back to the wizard.)

Who won, you ask? Well, I'll tell you all about it next time. Until we meet again, traveler........

(The wizard closes the book and smiles, before the shot transitions to the words "HISTORY WILL BE MADE: SHL CHALLENGE CUP FINALS - BUFFALO VS NEW ORLEANS", followed by game start times and network airings.)

[Image: 0K3YdqN.png]

Former Agent of Nick Brain: Center/Right Winger -  Aurora  Stars
(This post was last modified: 04-11-2019, 09:50 AM by CKT.)

TASK 1: (Written, 3 TPE)

“Overall, it was a disappointing year for me. Whilst I met, and even exceeded most of the individual goals I set for myself before the year began, me and my team weren’t able to improve on S45’s result. As captain, I hold myself personally responsible. Whilst we lost some fantastic players the past offseason, we also gained several hungry young players, but during the season we just couldn’t put it together. Luckily, the playoffs afforded us an opportunity to rewrite the narratives surrounding our regular season, and we knocked off the Vancouver Whalers in 5 games before succumbing to an incredibly strong Kelowna Knights team. Whilst, like I said, it was disappointing, it also made me even hungrier to achieve great things with this team.

In the regular season I finished with 19 goals and 23 assists for 42 points, whilst in the playoffs I finished with 0 goals and 8 assists for 8 points. You can see where the room for improvement is, clearly.”

[165 words]

TASK 2: (Graphic, 3TPE)

[Image: CZVWCrq.png]

TASK 3: (Written, 1TPE)

4. Okay, I know I like to give him crap, but looking at the prospect pool Buffalo’s next important player is Monkey D. Luffy. This guy is a TPE slut, and I mean that in the most complimentary way possible. I’ve met very few people with this man’s drive and tenacity to be the best he can be. Buffalo identified those same qualities, picked him, and I’m certain he won’t let them down. Throwing junior stats aside, I’m certain Luffy will be a huge asset at the SHL level whenever he locks down a role on the team.

[97 words]

TASK 4: (Graphic, 3 TPE)

[Image: iWwtQEW.png]

TASK 10: (Graphic, 3TPE)

[Image: eWJVf6f.png]



[Image: H5SPYp4.png]

[Image: pxO2PYw.png] [Image: q95r3bg.png]
[Image: 2sRs0Cq.png]

(This post was last modified: 04-10-2019, 04:07 PM by Kalakar.)

Task 1: Coming off an incredible 32 points rookie season, the expectations were high for center Matt Kholin in his sophomore year. Unfortunately, his chances to the top of the leading scorers fizzled out when his first line teammate Troy Reynolds took the reins to lead Halifax this season. Although not disappointing, Kholin had a hard time spending his time on the first line for the entire season. A decent 10 goals and 17 assists helped to make him a valuable Raiders member. One area that showed improvement was at the dot. Indeed, the center man gained a 3.2% increase in faceoffs this season, to achieve 50.21% faceoffs win. Averaging slightly over 20 minutes per game, Matt Kholin was bound to take massive hits during the games. He came in third behind Vancouver duo Cannellini and Kerr with 104 hits taken which was 25 more hits than last year where he spent most of his time on the second line. Hopefully he nurses his body to full health during the off season, as he will surely meet his fair share of hits in the future.

Task 2: [Image: B5kL0JU.jpg]

Task 8: [Image: L8TcD7y.jpg]

Task 10: [Image: jVGleqo.jpg]

Task 11: It's still fresh in his mind. The biggest draft ever, and Matt Kholin was selected 14 overall by the Tampa Bay Barracuda. A feat in itself. Officially, Tampa Bay only have 1 Center on their roster, so they had to plug holes here and there by signing FA's and IA's. That changed when Kholin fell to the 14th pick where they were able to select him. With no one but a semi-active center in front of him, he is bound to make the lineup very soon in order to compete in the big league. He could probably come up this very next season and excel with limited ice time, but Kholin has agreed along with his fellow Raiders to stay down one more year to battle for the Four Star Cup one last time. After 3 years in the Juniors, he will make his debut in Tampa and solidify their Top 6 for years to come.

Task 14: PM sent.

[Image: Kalakar1.gif]

(This post was last modified: 04-08-2019, 02:38 AM by ViN.)

TASK 2: (Graphic, 3 TPE)
HO has agreed to allocate money towards championship rings to the Challenge Cup winners and they are looking for help with the look and feel of these rings! Create a Championship ring for 1 of the teams involved in the series. This SHL championship sports ring should have the team name or logo on it, as well as the season number.

[Image: e6AhAN1.png]

Task 3: (Written, up to 5 TPE)
Pick up to 5 challenge cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth '[u]1[/u]' TPE. Each answer must be [u]50[/u] words or more.

1. Between Buffalo's (WannabeFinn, Tomen) and New Orleans (JKortesi81, TheDangaZone) which set of GM's have the tactical/managerial advantage in this series and why?
2. Between Cedric Robinson and Aleister Cain which goalie would you say had the more impressive run towards this championship series, and why?
3. Between both rosters, create an all Challenge Cup starting lineup! (D, D, F, F, F, G) and in 50 words or more explain alittle about your selections.
4. Choose 1 young player from each team (either on their roster or a prospect of theirs) who you believe will be there teams next important player and why? *tag that player*
5. You have been asked by the league to choose a destination for next seasons all star game and its between New Orleans and Buffalo, which city did you decide should get this important league event and why?
6. Who are the 3 most dangerous players on the ice in this series and why?
7. Who has been there teams surprise player/unsung hero in the post season and why?..must include at least 1 stat to back up claim.

5. Next seasons all star game should be played down in New Orleans! New Orleans is a city with great history and culture. With the city already known for its fun celebrations, and parties, there is no doubt in my mind that this city would bring some great energy to the all star game. (53 Words)

TASK 4: (Graphic, 3 TPE)
Design a signature for one of the teams in the Finals of them lifting the Challenge/Four Star Cup.. for the organization and its fans to use if they win the championship. Must include, at minimum, something resembling a Cup, a player render, team name, and some semblance of appropriate color changing to match the team.

[Image: BjYi2Yk.png]

TASK 10: (Graphic, 3 TPE)
During this week-long event each team will do a lot of travelling. Both teams have their own plane and bus and HO has asked that both means of transportation receive a visual make over to draw attention to the championship series!.  Choose one of the teams planes or Busses and give it a Challenge cup series look!  Plane or Bus should have at minimum the teams logo, a player render and a reference to their entry into the series.

[Image: 7ajtznk.png]

TASK 12: (Graphic, 3 TPE) is covering the series and they are looking for a tale of the tape graphic to use during the games! Pick a player from each team that are lining up against each other and create a graphic comparing their playoff statistics in S46. Must include player render, team name, team logo, and at least 4 statistics for each player.

[Image: u3VP7to.png]

TASK 14: (*CASUAL MEMBER SPECIAL* Send answer in PM, up to 3 TPE)
Back by popular demand! Unscramble the names of these four players who will be competing in the Challenge Cup Finals.

**[u]Important[/u]**: Send the answers to username "PT Director" with the subject of the message titled “#Scrambled-Izzy." [u]do not[/u] send it to my personal account cause i will [u]not[/u] look at it and you will not recieve credit for it. Do not post the answers in here cause you will not get credit for the task.  [Grading: 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer]

1. pusesmakajolil
2. noewtdicatslo
3. lkgvironeoi
4. ihoswlilmlncsaai


16/16 TPE

[Image: TqPg1ou.gif]

[Image: U66t7Jy.png] [Image: zyyvIFD.png]

[Image: wu5MVvy.png%5D]

(This post was last modified: 04-07-2019, 07:28 PM by hhh81.)

Task 3: (Written, up to 5 TPE) 
Pick up to 5 challenge cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth '1' TPE. Each answer must be 50 words or more. 
3. Between both rosters, create an all Challenge Cup starting lineup! (D, D, F, F, F, G) and in 50 words or more explain alittle about your selections. 
F: Oisin Fletcher 
F:  Joe Kurczewski
F: TJ Bayley 
D: Alexis Metzler 
D: GOD McZehrl 
G: Cedric Robinson 

Cedric Robinson’s playoff numbers are insane: 8-1-1 record, 0.925 save percentage, 2.07 GAA, and two shutouts in 10 starts. Aleister Cain has been good, but his playoffs don’t hold a candle to Robinson.  

On defense, Metzler leads all remaining defensemen with 9 points, with three on the powerplay. Additionally, he’s been a solid all around force on both ends of the ice, laying hits, blocking shots, carrying the puck and logging huge minutes. McZehrl is an unsung hero, an offensive defenseman who clearly won’t shy away from playing a strong physical game. His +8 rating and 17 blocked shots leads all Buffalo players. 

At forward, TJ Bayley has been clutch with a league leading 8 playoff goals for the Stampede. He’s a threat to be the top playoff scorer when all is said and done. Joining him is his main competition for leading playoff scorer, Oisin Fletcher. Fletcher leads all players with 312 minutes played in the postseason, while also have two game winning goals so far and being top ten in faceoff percentage. Finally, despite a horrific shooting percentage of 3.77%, Joe Kurczewski has found ways to help his team win. He’s second on NOLA with 11 points, including four power play points. His lone goal was a game winner in the all-important Game 4 against Minnesota. Don’t count him out just yet. 

4. Choose 1 young player from each team (either on their roster or a prospect of theirs) who you believe will be there teams next important player and why? *tag that player* 
Buffalo: Cassius Darrow @hhh81 . I don’t care if people call this a homer pick. Buffalo has one of the strongest top four defensive cores in the league. However, captain Alexis Metzler (15 seasons) and Charles Walker (12 seasons) are getting up there in age, which makes Darrow’s development crucial to limiting any dropoff when/if they retire or leave in free agency. Since entering the league prior to the S44 season, Darrow has been one of the top earners among all players in his class, highlighted by his 4th overall section in the S45 Entry Draft by Buffalo. 

New Orleans: Jimmy Slothface @slothfacekilla . While he had an uninspiring second season in the SMHL, Slothface is certainly poised to be a breakout offensive player one day for New Orleans. His chances will be blocked by the wealth of talent that flocked to join New Orleans like Piotr CzerkawskiDeMaricus Smyth, Oisin Fletcher, Roman Augustus, and of course Joe Kurczewski. However, this talent will permit him more time to work on his game, until the time where he’s given the shot to play prime scorers minutes in the SHL. It might take two or three years into his professional career, but Slothface is a name to know 

5. You have been asked by the league to choose a destination for next seasons all star game and its between New Orleans and Buffalo, which city did you decide should get this important league event and why? 
Buffalo, duh. I pick Buffalo. The long-suffering sports city has a fanatically devoted fan base that hungers for a championship, and the city is in more need of being highlighted by the league. New Orleans paid their way into the best team money and influence could buy, so they need absolutely no more exposure at this time. Buffalo’s local economy can benefit far more from the influx of the rest of the league’s fans coming to celebrate the best of the best. Plus, we can line up all the top buffalo wing endorsements; who wants to eat shrimp etouffe and beignets while watching a hockey game over a bucket of delicious, sticky chicken wings? NOBODY! Buffalo is the natural choice. 

7. Who has been there teams surprise player/unsung hero in the post season and why?..must include at least 1 stat to back up claim. 
TJ Bayley has been an absolute force for the Buffalo Stampede. After a decent regular season where he put up 18 goals and 39 points (6th among Stampede scoring) as a second-line player, the eighth year pro has hit a different gear in the postseason with 8 goals and 14 points. His 1.27 points/20 lead all playoff performers. The balance of Buffalo’s top six forwards forces opponents to pick their battles. By keying in on the top line of Marius-Konig-Passamus, that allows the second line, featuring Bayley, to feast on more favorable matchups. 
Task 5: (Written, 3 TPE) 
Ooof, you happened to walk into one of the challenge cup teams locker room and witnessed a truly shocking visual which left you stunned! You closed your eyes and quickly left the premises... word has gotten out that something went down in the LR but the details are murky.. HO is investigating the matter and asking you 'the eye witness' to explain what happened! Must be 150 words or more. *tag anyone involved* 
I always knew there was something fishy about the success of the St. Louis Scarecrows, and last night I think I got to see firsthand the darkness behind @JKortesi81’s time there, and how it’s bled over to the New Orleans Specters. I got a little lost in the arena, and stumbled into the New Orleans locker room. There, I witnessed the Specters’ general manager, Joe Kortesi, overseeing a horrifying hazing ritual. He stood by, directing veterans DeMaricus Smyth @Blastmeaway  and Nicholas Williams @Nictox to restrain defenseman Karl Hefeweizen @gfridge  while star goaltender Aleister Cain @SlashACM  branded the 10-year pro’s bare buttocks with a white hot iron. How they heated the iron or where they even found it I do not know; I was too shocked at what I stumbled upon. Hefeweizen attempted to scream in agony, but they had stuffed a hockey sock in his mouth to muffle the sounds. Hazing has no place in sports, and this especially egregious action should not go unpunished. I hope HO takes the necessary actions to discourage such actions from ever happening again in the SHL, and that the SMJHL HO investigate St. Louis’ conduct, as well. 

Task 9: (Written, 3 TPE) 
You have been asked to spend a few minutes on air with the series commentators during the game 1 preshow! During that segment they ask you to do a full break down on the series... in 150 words or more tell them who you believe is the favorite and who is the underdog of this series and why.. as well as your thoughts on what each team needs to do or not do to win the challenge cup. 
While this series is about as close as possible, I would give the edge to Buffalo. They were the league’s best regular season team and they’ve kept rolling through the playoffs to get here. Their shot metrics and special teams should give them a huge edge. However, you can’t count out New Orleans, no matter how much many would like to see them swept. They have a veteran team with guys and gals who’ve won when the games are most important.  

I think one of the key matchups will be in net. Most of the year, Buffalo’s Cedric Robinson and New Orleans’ Aleister Cain have battled toward the top of the goalie hierarchy, battling and stealing some wins for their teams. While Robinson has been the far superior playoff goalie thus far, you can’t count out Cain stealing a game or two. 

If New Orleans can stay out of the penalty box and get Joe Kurczewski going offensively, they will be a tough out in a seven game series. However, I still think Buffalo’s balanced attack and far superior defenisve core will seal this series in six games. 

Task 11: (Written, 3 TPE) 

There will be many SMJHL players watching this Challenge Cup series and dreaming of the day that they are involved in the SHL's biggest staged event. but first things first,, you have to make an SHL teams 20 man roster. Talk about where your player is at within your SHL organization, who are the prospects that you'll be competing with for a roster spot? when do you hope to make the big clubs roster and what are your individual expectations in that rookie season? Must be 150 words or more. 

Excitingly, Cassius Darrow just completed his three year SMJHL career with the Colorado Raptors, moving onto the next stage of his career. Darrow immediately stepped into the playoff lineup on the Stampede’s third pairing with Quick Mafs, and looks to cement himself as Buffalo’s fifth defenseman next season. His main competition for playing time among fellow prospects will probably be second-year Stampeder and fellow S45 draftee Samuel Jalopski and current Anchorage Armada rearguard Kalevi Karhunen. However, Darrow’s hard work and constant updates should keep him solidly ahead of the semi-active Jalopski and permit WannabeFinn to let Karhunen, Johnny Sins, and Eric Vanderberg continue to develop in the SMJHL. Depending on how the offseason goes, Darrow has an outside chance of stepping into a top 4 role as soon as next season. In the interim, one has to think his floor next year is probably 14-15 minutes per game with some sporadic special teams time. It’s my hope Darrow can continue to develop his all-around game for the Stampede and surpass Jalopski’s 5-point season where he saw 11:46 per game.  

Also I did the thing with the scramble. It's here, but also in the DM as requested.

Platoon Elk Elk Platoon
Argonauts Argonauts

[Image: AH23zKq.png]
Thank you karey, OrbitingDeath Ragnar, and sköldpaddor for sigs! 
[Image: BAL_Player_Page.png] [Image: BAL_Update.png]
(This post was last modified: 04-03-2019, 07:00 PM by Jenny.)


Olivier Cloutier had a relatively impressive sophomore season playing for the Anchorage Armada. Given the expected increase in minutes from his rookie season -- his average minutes per game nearly doubled from 11.92 to 20 minutes per game -- his point totals skyrocketed to match, and he ended the season tied with Maxime Bouchard to lead the team with 38 points (20 goals, 18 assists). Though it wasn't enough to get the Armada into the finals, Cloutier was on fire in the playoffs as well, scoring a point per game through 11 games - though his shot percentage was an abysmal 6.25%, a sorry statement for a pure sniper. Cloutier could have improved on the powerplay, where he only scored 5 points in the regular season - though 4 of his playoff points came on the man advantage. Overall, his performance was nothing to sneeze at, and Cloutier will be back next season to hopefully help the Armada take home that Four Star Cup.


COMMENTATOR: Hello and welcome to Game 1 of the Challenge Cup Finals here at the arena of either New Orleans or Buffalo. We're gearing up for some great hockey here tonight, but first we're speaking to Olivier Cloutier for absolutely no logical reason.


C: Who's the favourite here tonight, Olivier?

OC: It's obviously the New Orleans Specters. They've got Jimmy Slothface.

C: Jimmy Slothface is a prospect of NOLA, but he's not playing here tonight.

OC: With Slothface as part of the team, there's just no beating them.

C: ...okay. Are the Stampede the underdogs, then?

OC: No, the Specters are the underdogs as well. An expansion team? In their first season?

C: Right, but--

OC: It's just that with Jimmy Slothface out there on the ice they definitely cannot lose. They're going to sweep the Buffalo Stampede.

C: Right... that's all the time we have for tonight, folks! Puck drop in 10 seconds! This is definitely a real thing that happened!

TASK 11:

Olivier Cloutier was drafted third overall by the Tampa Bay Barracuda at the beginning of this season, and that's a lot of pressure to live up to. The Barracuda are in the midst of a rebuild, with five picks in the first round of this draft, but their goalie pulled them out a playoff berth this season regardless and there have been some trades, and so cracking that roster isn't going to be a piece of cake even for someone with as much talent as Cloutier. He'll be competing for a forward spot with all those brand new prospects in addition to players like Nolan Sawchuk, Lunga Gumba, and Matt Kholin - and those are not names you can write off. All reports coming out of Tampa Bay management suggest that they'd like to see him develop in Anchorage a bit longer, but Cloutier will be working his ass off at team training camp - we'll see what happens.

TASK 13:

HISTORY WILL BE MADE in New Orleans this spring! This is a historic finals for the Simulation Hockey League as New Orleans makes the Challenge Cup finals for the first time in franchise history! In their first season as a team! And it's all down to a single choice they made: drafting Jimmy Slothface.

"But Jimmy Slothface isn't on the New Orleans roster!" shouts a voice from an ambiguous crowd.

You're right, ambiguous crowd member! Jimmy Slothface still plays in Halifax! But the sheer energy that radiates from him was enough to infuse the rink in New Orleans with untold amounts of power in the short week that Slothface spent there with his trusty pet, Rupert the Roomba, for team training camp. The energy infused every single one of his future teammates, and though Slothface won't have his name on the Cup when New Orleans inevitably wins, Rupert will, and that is historic as fuck.

TASK 3: #4. Choose 1 young player from each team (either on their roster or a prospect of theirs) who you believe will be there teams next important player and why?

I think you might have gotten the point by now, but Jimmy Slothface is the reason for glory for the New Orleans Specters. He looks great in purple, he has a pet roomba, and he plays hockey good. So maybe he didn't actually do anything to make this success happen THIS season, but he's gonna be the fucking face of the franchise, okay? THANKS, BYE. @slothfacekilla

[Image: thistidalwave.gif]

Player | Updates


TASK 0.5: (Welfare Claim, 3 TPE)
PBE Claim - Bayley is the Username

TASK 1: (Written, 3 TPE)
For most players season 46 is over and you have had a bit of time to reflect on your season. Talk to us about how you did.. what were some of your players best and worst moments? what were your overall numbers? did you meet your individual goals? what areas in your game were you happy with and what areas fell short? Must be [u]150[/u] words or more.
I have to be honest, this season was pretty good for TJ Bayley. I mean when you look at what I did this season, I am someone that is usually very disappointed which is why I rarely look at the index. This season, I ended with 14 goals and 25 assists for a total of 39 points. Now, I really love my +18. That is something I am extremely proud of. Now, defensively, I am not someone who blocks many shots, maybe that is something I should work on a little more, I only had 4 shots blocked. I only hit 28 people. I need to worry about that a little bit more, but that is just not my game. I am someone who puts the puck in the net. I need to score and I want to score more and more. Being on the top line, that is my role and I want to embrace it. I have done everything Buffalo has wanted from me.
Quote:Words: 166

Task 3: (Written, up to 5 TPE)
Pick up to 5 challenge cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth '[u]1[/u]' TPE. Each answer must be [u]50[/u] words or more.

2. Between Cedric Robinson and Aleister Cain which goalie would you say had the more impressive run towards this championship series, and why?
How do you not choose Cedric Robinson when you think about the most impressive goalie? I mean Cedric Robinson has 8 wins, 1 loss, while only having a 2.07 GAA while a .925 save percentage and 2 shutouts. How can you not be impressed with this at all? This was an easy question to answer.
Quote:Words: 55
5. You have been asked by the league to choose a destination for next seasons all star game and its between New Orleans and Buffalo, which city did you decide should get this important league event and why?
I am sorry, I am going to have to go with New Orleans. The city of Buffalo is just not very nice. You have to love what New Orleans can bring to the table. This is a city of partying and a lot of fun. I see Buffalo being very boring and just not as fun as New Orleans. That would be a blast, I want to go to New Orleans.
Quote:Words: 71
6. Who are the 3 most dangerous players on the ice in this series and why?
I would say that the three most dangerous players on the ice are going to be Oisin Fletcher, Joe Kurczewski, and Viktor Marius. I know that Marius only has 8 points in this playoffs, but that is what scares me. I have to say that there is only a little time before this guy breaks out and has a game.
Quote:Words: 61
7. Who has been there teams surprise player/unsung hero in the post season and why?..must include at least 1 stat to back up claim.
I feel really bad to say TJ Bayley has been the biggest unsung hero or surprise player. I do not like to write about myself, but I am leading the Buffalo Stampede in points this offseason including 8 goals. What is happening? I think that has to be mentioned, as 14 points is something to be proud of.
Quote:Words: 58
Task 7: (Written, 3 TPE)
The commish has asked that both challenge cup participants collaberate on a large charity event to be held during the festivities leading to the start of the finals, and you have been asked by the league to set everything up!  What did you come up with? what sort of theme did you choose? what were some of the events to take place to help raise money? what players were very helpful during this process? where will the funds be donated? Must be 150 words or more. *tag anyone involved*
When you think about Buffalo, you think about the Sabres, well, you see what is happening here? We are going to be a running of the sabres! We will have a ton of buffalo and the best thing that people will have to do is just run. Will we have anyone running? Well, Dermot Lavelle will be leading the charge, we figured that we do not necessarily need him on the team, so we would be fine without him @[white_cornerback]. We will have the Red Cross there just in case, but it's always for a good cause, we are raising money for all types of different charities. There are charities for the Olympics, YMCA, and We Believe We Can End The Water Crisis In Our Lifetime charity. There are a lot of people as many players will be signing autographs for the kids. It's about the kids. We have fun in Buffalo, that is what we will do.
Quote:Words: 158

Task 9: (Written, 3 TPE)
You have been asked to spend a few minutes on air with the series commentators during the game 1 preshow! During that segment they ask you to do a full break down on the series... in 150 words or more tell them who you believe is the favorite and who is the underdog of this series and why.. as well as your thoughts on what each team needs to do or not do to win the challenge cup.
I am going to go into a breakdown of the game. Buffalo is going to look to want to get Viktor Marius, Oliver Konig, as well as the surprise of the series, TJ Bayley going. I think it's going to come down to the top 6 of Buffalo, if they are able to keep it up. I mean, TJ Bayley with Kevin Hamilton and Dermov Lavelle has worked thus far in the playoffs. However, New Orleans will try to counter. God McZehrl, Tatu Makela, Alexis Metzler and Charles Walker are going to have to deal with some great players on the other side of the ice. Roman Augustus, Osisin Fletcher, and DeMaricus Smith are the main players that are going to need to be stopped. The goalies are going to come down to Aleister Cain who was 26-16 on the season against Cedric Robinson who was 24-12 on the season. Both of these guys had great seasons, so who will pull it out? This is going to be a crazy series.
Quote:Words: 171
(This post was last modified: 04-10-2019, 07:12 PM by lueiGi. Edit Reason: Added Task 6 and 10 )

TASK 1: (Written, 3 TPE)
For most players season 46 is over and you have had a bit of time to reflect on your season. Talk to us about how you did.. what were some of your players best and worst moments? what were your overall numbers? did you meet your individual goals? what areas in your game were you happy with and what areas fell short? Must be 150 words or more.

Brock Emmerton (2nd season in SMJHL / Senddown) played very well this season. In the regular season, he was on the first line and had 50GP, 12G, 22A, Plus/Minus of +2, 104 hits, 38 PIMs, 5 "star" selections in games, including three 1st star selections. Moreover, Emmerton was added to both the powerplay and penalty kill lines this season. At the end of the regular season, Emmerton was ranked #5 in all SMJHL Left Wings for points (34).

In the playoffs, Emmerton played in 11 games and had 4G, 7A, Plus/Minus of 6, 34 hits, and 6 PIMs.

Overall, it was a successful season for Brock Emmerton.

Task 11: (Written, 3 TPE)
There will be many SMJHL players watching this Challenge Cup series and dreaming of the day that they are involved in the SHL's biggest staged event. but first things first,, you have to make an SHL teams 20 man roster. Talk about where your player is at within your SHL organization, who are the prospects that you'll be competing with for a roster spot? when do you hope to make the big clubs roster and what are your individual expectations in that rookie season? Must be 150 words or more.

Brock Emmerton was drafted into the Hamilton Steelhawks before the start of this season, and was a send down to the Anchorage Armada SMJHL team. Brock had worked on his training and is now capped at the SMJHL limit with some additional TPE banked (34). While Brock had a very productive SMJHL season, he's probably not quite ready to compete in the SHL just yet. I'd say that Emmerton has one more SMJHL season left in him before he can be called up to the SHL. The goal is to have at least an additional 70 TPE banked between now and the end of next season (for ~104 TPE banked total, to sit at around 454 TPE when starting in the SHL). When the time comes, hopefully Emmerton will be able to show some of his skills and help the team to success, much like his worth ethic has shown in the SMJHL.

TASK 6: (Graphic, 3 TPE)
In an ode to those players who's offseason has been longer then others.. create an All Star starting lineup poster of players that did not make the playoffs. must include a title, renders, names and team logos. *must tag all players involved*

[Image: ygv9lob.jpg]

Didn't know all the renders, and I only have a day left to do this, so I took a shot of what the player name represented in my head.
@Velevra @Bzerkap @Ace @dizzyDC @ToeDragon84 @fever95

TASK 10: (Graphic, 3 TPE)
During this week-long event each team will do a lot of travelling. Both teams have their own plane and bus and HO has asked that both means of transportation receive a visual make over to draw attention to the championship series!.  Choose one of the teams planes or Busses and give it a Challenge cup series look!  Plane or Bus should have at minimum the teams logo, a player render and a reference to their entry into the series.

[Image: WxR9xCu.jpg]

I turned a white plane to be a little more Buffalo-esque colors, added the buffalo logo on the tail, eteched in the winning phrase, and turned Cassius Darrow's forum avatar (not made by me) into the plane door.

PH for the rest of the tasks

         Brock Emmerton | LW - Two-Way Forward | Update Page Here
[Image: jguRfEa.jpg]
                                                            Armada  ARMADA  Armada
(This post was last modified: 04-03-2019, 08:08 PM by JKortesi81.)

Task 3: (5 TPE)
1. Between Buffalo's (WannabeFinn, Tomen) and New Orleans (JKortesi81, TheDangaZone) which set of GM's have the tactical/managerial advantage in this series and why?
Clearly New Orleans has the tactical or managerial advantage in this series simply because we have me running things on the back end. In reality, am I supposed to pick against myself? I think my record in St. Louis, especially recently, will tell you that I have a pretty good claim to this. (53)

2. Between Cedric Robinson and Aleister Cain which goalie would you say had the more impressive run towards this championship series, and why?
Aleister Cain had the more impressive run because he had to beat teams from the West, which is still the better conference. Cain came up huge in the 1-0 elimination game against Minnesota, and he also was big in the Game 7 against Los Angeles. Robinson has better numbers, but he faced worse competition overall. (55)

4. Choose 1 young player from each team (either on their roster or a prospect of theirs) who you believe will be there teams next important player and why? *tag that player*
Aleister Cain ( @SlashACM ) is easily the most important young player on the Specters. In his first season as the starting goaltender, Cain took a brand new franchise to the Challenge Cup Finals. A rule snafu may prevent him from being the rookie of the year, but that logic should get him “most improved” to go along with what should be Goalie of the Year, but for some reason lots of people think a goalie on a garbage team should be awarded it. Cain is the present and future of the Specters for sure. (96)

5. You have been asked by the league to choose a destination for next seasons all star game and its between New Orleans and Buffalo, which city did you decide should get this important league event and why?
New Orleans, and I say that as someone who lives in Buffalo. I love New Orleans, and the city has so much to do there. Lots of culture, lots of live music, and lots of fun. Not to mention Bourbon Street! I love Buffalo more than anyone on this planet, but New Orleans is the place for a fun event like All Start Weekend. (64)

7. Who has been there teams surprise player/unsung hero in the post season and why?..must include at least 1 stat to back up claim.
For the Specters, our unsung hero has been Sean Stevenson Jr ( @Obsidian311 ). Stevenson Jr. plays on our 3rd defensive pairing, But in his 13 games, averaging 15 MPG, he’s put up 5 assists, blocked 11 shots, and doled out 23 hits. On top of it, I foolishly took him off our Penalty Kill to start the playoffs, and it almost fucked us. When I added him back, our PK has done much better. (75)

Task 5 (3 TPE): I made the HUGE mistake of walking into the wrong locker room during our first warm up session in Buffalo. I can’t tell you who was specifically involved, but I saw a sight I can never unsee. A very large portion of the Stampede were naked, except for feathers covering their arms, or “wings”, I guess and they wore Falcon masks. They were “skree-ing” as they danced around one of their own, who was lying on the floor. As each Falcon stood over the one laying on the ground, they would skree and, um, put “bird droppings” on that lucky player’s chest. He looked slightly like Tatu Makela, but I rushed out of there EXTREMELY quickly. I know that the Detroit Falcons – Buffalo Stampede were a cult, but oh my god they’re ridiculous. Every team has their traditions I guess. I’m not here to judge, but man that’s a bit fucking weird. (152)

Task 7 (3 TPE): The New Orleans Specters and the Buffalo Stampede threw a large red carpet charity event on the eve of the Challenge Cup finals. Both teams sent their players to wear tuxedos and hang out with fans as they encouraged donations to the charity “Autism Speaks”, as World Autism Awareness day had just passed us by. Both teams players were incredibly into the event, and the charity raised over a million dollars! Fans were able to get autographs, and hang out with their favorite players for a few minutes. There was a silent auction for many pieces of memorabilia: signed sticks, signed jerseys, signed hats, and even front row tickets to Game 1 of the finals in Buffalo! That raffle alone brought in $12,500! For some reason, GOD McZehrl signed a lot of different balls and raffled those off. Somehow, even those brought in some dough! A great time for a great cause! (152)

Task 9 (3 TPE): While on the air for the pre-game show, my series breakdown was given. Personally, I think the New Orleans Specters are *slight* favorites over the Buffalo Stampede. Its extremely close, honestly. A lot of this series is going to come down to Cedric Robinson versus Aleister Cain. This goalie rivalry has been going on for years down in the SMJHL with Cain on St. Louis and Robinson on Detroit. It’s amazing that these two get to face off in the big leagues. Whoever blinks first may cost their team the cup. New Orleans looks to have a slight edge on the forward lines, however Buffalo’s defense takes the cake. Does defense win championships? Or is the best defense a good offense? New Orleans can afford to put Roman Augustus on their THIRD line and not miss a beat. Can Buffalo essentially shut down all three lines of New Orleans for 4 of 7 games? That’s the question. (157)

Task 14 (3 TPE): Send to PT Director

[Image: JKortesi81.gif]

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(This post was last modified: 04-11-2019, 10:40 AM by Slappydoodle.)

Task 1

Otis B. Driftwood has come into his own in this league that we all know and love. His tpe number is finally high enough to let him really tangle with the big boys.  I was very happy with the season he put up this year. Forwards in the SHL are at an advantage when it comes to getting hits, but Driftwood was still able to finish well within the top ten in hits. His shot block number was very solid as well, especially for a team that was pretty good and didn’t give up a ton of shots overall. Otis is not a guy that’s ever going to put up crazy point totals. He is too unselfish and oriented in a team first way to seek personal aggrandizement through scoring. Nevertheless, he put up a decent point total, especially on the assist front.  In S47 his build should be effectively full and I do expect a slight uptick in most of these numbers, but we’ll see.

Task 3

1. Although I believe WannabeFinn and Tomen are a very solid GM duo, have had a great season and should be good for some time to come, I would still need to give the add to Joe K and TDZ in this GM faceoff. Joe K and TDZ have been a management duo together for some time now with the St. Louis Scarecrows and have won Four Star Cups in the past. They know how to build a team, set lines and keep everyone involved.

Task 5

I’ve seen some shit in my day, man. I mean some really freaky stuff. One time I saw a kindergartner eat a Barca lounger while an old man was still sitting in it. I saw a monkey smoking a cigarette and jacking off to a picture of Ethel Merman at the same time. I’m telling you man, I have seen things. But I never, I mean never, saw some shit like that before. What I saw that day has scarred my soul, man. I still see it every time I close my eyes.

I’ve got friends on the Stampede and I went by their locker room to say hi. I walked back and in , only to see something that my mind could barely comprehend. There was Alexis Metzler, superstar defenseman, standing in a half-filled kiddie pool in the middle of the locker room floor. He was wearing a g-string and some pasties over his nipples and what appeared to be a Dorothy wig from the Wizard of Oz and nothing else. Meanwhile, he was surrounded by teammates, all of whom were wearing only socks, slipped over their genitals, with little pictures of Rainbow Dash’s face pasted to the front facing Metzler. They were throwing orange wedges at Metzler and chanting, “Judy Garland , Rainbow Dash, Judy Garland, Rainbow Dash” over and over again. Metzler had a look of ecstasy and fervor on his face that made my soul shudder within me.

I ran from the room crying and shaken. My emotions were a mess and it took me some time to sort out all the things I was feeling, partly disgusted, more aroused, and perhaps more than anything else, deeply desiring to dress like a pony and watch The Wizard of Oz.

@Avakael @Eggy216

Task 7

When Otis B. Driftwood received the call, he was ready. The call being from the SHL commissioner ‘s office on the topic of charity. It seems the HO, in an effort to soften it’s fascist image, wanted to do some well publicized charity work leading up to the Challenge Cup Finals. The HO made it clear they didn’t really care what the charity was. They didn’t have any actual sympathy for any other human beings. They simply wanted to engage in a little re-direction while simultaneously keeping their jackboots pressed tight to the throats of their players and staff.

This was a perfect opportunity for Otis. He got on the horn with his old drinking buddy, professional bowler, raconteur and ladies man “Big Ern” McCracken and started making plans. McCracken had long been involved with the Unified Fund, a charity devoted to single mothers. In fact, McCracken had hand picked one mother in every town he toured in to receive a cash donation directly from his own hand, or more often from the bedside table. He is so devoted his car can usually be seen parked in the ladies’ driveways late into the night and again early the next morning. That is some real giving and dedication right there.

Otis knew he needed to be a part of one thing so wonderful. He couldn’t wait to get started handing out the SHL’s money directly to his own group of single moms all over North America. In fact his first real effort involved painstakingly pouring through pictures of all the prospective women and studying their vitals. In the end the whole thing really took off with a bang, several in fact

Task 13

In a world that hockey forgot, amidst a land torn by strife and familial discordance, at a time forgotten by history, but oddly remembered by one old woman that hangs out in front of the local Quickie Mart, an epic battle was fought by two opposing forces, made up of mighty, fighting men, dressed in ceremonial garb and armed with the tools of their trade. This was the Challenge Cup Championships fought between the Buffalo Stampede and the New Orleans Spectres. Witness the passion of forbidden love, the anger of jealousy and thirst for vengeance. Agonize over a quest for redemption and the strange lands t9 which this leads. Never before has such an all consuming struggle been fought. Perhaps never again will we see two sides so evenly matched yet so dynamically opposed. This is playoff hockey in al, it’s glory.  Miss this and you might as well go live as a hermit at the top of one of the high Andes peaks. Be there or be square!

Task 14
Pm sent

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Task 14 Pmed

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Sig Credits: Gorlab and Kylrad

TASK 1: (Written, 3 TPE)

For most players season 46 is over and you have had a bit of time to reflect on your season. Talk to us about how you did.. what were some of your players best and worst moments? what were your overall numbers? did you meet your individual goals? what areas in your game were you happy with and what areas fell short? Must be 150 words or more.

For Kalvins Zvejnieks, it was frustrating to take a step back playoff-wise, and while the team performed above pundit’s expectations, beating out Vancouver in the first round 4 games to 1, Detroit ultimately bowed out before the finals, losing to Kelowna in the 2nd round in a series sweep for the Knights. Overall Zvejnieks improved all of his offensive totals by a decent margin, and kept up his stellar career Face-off percentage, winning 53.97% of his 982 draws this year. Zvejnieks can also be pleased with his special teams stats, contributing 9 PP points over the season, as well as 3 SH points and 4 clutch GWG. The Latvian defensive forward has a lot to be proud of this season, but he is determined to keep improving in all areas of his game, and help propel his team to a championship. His overall goals won’t be met until he has a 4-star cup under his belt, and he hopes to graduate from the SMJHL with some team hardware added to the Falcon’s Laurifer trophy obtained in his rookie year.

Task 11: (Written, 3 TPE)
There will be many SMJHL players watching this Challenge Cup series and dreaming of the day that they are involved in the SHL's biggest staged event. but first things first,, you have to make an SHL teams 20 man roster. Talk about where your player is at within your SHL organization, who are the prospects that you'll be competing with for a roster spot? when do you hope to make the big clubs roster and what are your individual expectations in that rookie season? Must be 150 words or more.

For the Hamilton Steelhawks, center depth was an are they wanted to address entering the S46 SHL draft. With the 1st, 2nd, and 9th selections, they could have picked anyone they wanted. 1st and Second needed to be BPA picks, and the Steelhawks solidified their d-core with Evans and O’Koivu. For their 9th OA pick, they drafted Zvejnieks, hoping they could have a natural center that could succeed in the SHL in a couple of years. Without attempting to predict the Free Agent Market this off-season, Hamilton finished this season with only 3 natural centers - Robert Phelps, Zivan Zidek, and Andris Dzerins. Alexander Zajac , drafted a LW, has been slotted in at 2C successfully for a while now. Barring anything crazy, the 1C role held by Phelps (almost 2000 TPE) and the 2C role held by Zajac (Over 1100 TPE) are largely locked in. But looking at Zvejnieks’ swift progression, as a S46 draft pick he already has eclipsed Zidek (S45, 396 TPE) and Dzerins (S46, 223 TPE) in development (Zvejnieks has 458 TPE as of last update and counting), and if called up to the SHL next season, could feasibly slot in as the 3C or 4C.

Task 5: (Written, 3 TPE)
Ooof, you happened to walk into one of the challenge cup teams locker room and witnessed a truly shocking visual which left you stunned! You closed your eyes and quickly left the premises... word has gotten out that something went down in the LR but the details are murky.. HO is investigating the matter and asking you 'the eye witness' to explain what happened! Must be 150 words or more. *tag anyone involved*

The screams could be heard throughout the arena and the city of Buffalo. No one knew what the screams were for, but only knew that the one screaming was in abject terror. After a brief investigation, three members of HO have tracked down the source of the scream, Detroit Falcon’s center Kalvins Zvejnieks, and pieced together that whatever happened occurred in the Buffalo Stampede’s locker room.

*The room is dark, save for a single bare bulb descending perilously from the ceiling that lights a small table and two chairs. Sitting on his own on one side of the table is a shaken Zvejnieks, across from him is one empty chair.*

HO Member emerges from the shadows of the room and walks up into the light, and has a seat across from Zvejnieks.

HO: *flipping through a file* So… you are Kalvs- Klavnis - Kals…. Mind if I call you Kal?

ZVEJNIEKS: Um… no, no, not at all.

HO: SO, Kal, let me get this straight. A player from Detroit was in the Stampede locker room?

ZVEJNIEKS: Yes, uh… my teammates sometimes play pranks, and uh, one of the sent my gear to Buffalo.

HO: *writing in a noetpad* Uh… huh. That’s quite the prank. And it went to Buffalo?

ZVEJNIEKS: The locker room in particular, after it arrived at the stadium I assume a trainer lumped it in with other player’s gear.

HO: And so you went into the lockeroom?

ZVEJNIEKS: Y-yes. With permission of course! Plus it was after rink operating hours, and I thought no one would be in there…

HO: ...but there was, wasn’t there?


HO: So, Tatu Makela? The Stampede defenseman, and Falcons alumni?

ZVEJNIEKS: Y-yes, him. A-anyways I walk in and he’s there, and he’s… h-he’s…

HO: Yes? What was he doing?

ZVEJNIEKS: *in anguish* H-he had some pizza…

HO: …. … … ...some pizza?.... And….. what was wrong with that? Was he doing anything weird with it?

ZVEJNIEKS: On, n-no, it’s not what he was doing with it, he w-was just eating it…

HO: *visibly frustrated* then why the hell did you scream so bloody loud? We thought someone had DIED.

ZVEJNIEKS: It’s just that…. The pizza had pineapple on it.

HO: Oh, god, no. GOD, NO!!

*HO member quickly crosses themselves in Roman Catholic fashion and then vomits in the trash can. Zvejnieks stares blankly into Hell itself.*


Task 3: (Written, up to 5 TPE)
Pick up to 5 challenge cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth '1' TPE. Each answer must be 50 words or more

1. Between Buffalo's (WannabeFinn, Tomen) and New Orleans (JKortesi81, TheDangaZone) which set of GM's have the tactical/managerial advantage in this series and why?

I believe New Orleans holds the advantage here. While it can’t be discounted that Buffalo has the edge in SHL GM experience, Buffalo hasn’t really had enough to show for it over the years, and this last couple of seasons had a lot of drama flare up regarding the front office and players. For New Orleans, Joe K. is just coming off of back-to-back 4-star cups with his St. Louis Scarecrows team, and his player just coming off of a challenge cup with Edmonton last season.

5. You have been asked by the league to choose a destination for next seasons all star game and its between New Orleans and Buffalo, which city did you decide should get this important league event and why?

I wanted to pick a place somewhat in between the two locations, and a place that could use some exposure to SHL/SMJHL hockey. So with that in mind, the next all-star game was announced to be played in Cleveland, Ohio. Not possessing an SHL or SMJHL team in the vicinity, the state of Ohio could get to watch some exciting action between two great teams.

6. Who are the 3 most dangerous players on the ice in this series and why?

Number one is Oisin Fletcher. Second among both teams in scoring in these playoffs, Fletcher also brings a physical element to his game, racking up 27 hits so far.
Number two is Joe Kurczewski. You just can never count out his excellent two-way play, and his ability to come out in the clutch.
Number three is TJ Bayley. On fire this playoffs, leading both finals teams in points and goals, he’s proven to be the one to watch for New Orleans defenders. Look for him to pick up a few more points before this series is done.

TASK 14 (Up to 3 TPE): Sent to PT director.

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