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S47 PT #4 - Naked and Afraid: SHL Edition

It's like putting a treadmill in a steam room. Miles and miles of walking in extreme heat and humidity. The mosquitoes are so thick Leopold Lockhart can barely breathe without getting a mouthful of them. As far as survival items go, things could be worse. At least he knows how to wield a hockey stick. It'll make a decent weapon if he can manage to find anything slow moving enough to bonk it on the head, and he's already used it to knock a few coconuts from a tree. He hasn't seen anyone else yet, and he's not sure he wants to find any of his SHL cohorts. Hockey players aren't renowned for their intelligence and the heat is making him cranky enough. He's not sure how his temper would fare if he had to argue strategy with some idiot from a rival team. He's managed to build a makeshift shelter out of palm fronts and is working on starting a fire when he hears rustling somewhere in the brush. What sort of predators might be lurking out there? Tune in next week to find out.

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Naked and Afraid. A TV show that SixNine grew up watching with friends on the couch, ever wondering that if his SHL career did not pan out, Naked and Afraid would be a good route. With the help of teammates Julio Tokolosh and Jules Watt, the three Raptors teammates went down to the jungles to live on their own for 21 days.

Day 1-6: Honestly did not think it would be this hard to be part of this show. Lots of animals out here but my inability to cook fresh meat really inhibited my performance during these few days.

Day 7-12: I found a way to be a strong contestant now, Watt and me have learned how to fish properly with sticks, so doing all that has helped us.

Day 13-21: man we are sooooo good at this shit right now, so basically we are the best people on the show!

Akashi SixNine Jr. Updates


The two other people that were on the show with me were Mikhail Lokitonov and Bob Bergen. None of us had any experience with anything related to surviving in the wild. We were somehow able to make a fire, but the hard part was finding some food to actually roast over said fire. We weren't able to find any animals to eat in the wild, but we were successful in catching some fish in the nearby ocean. We sharpened some sticks and got lucky with a school of fish that were swimming nearby. By about day 9, we were all tired of fish, but we really couldn't make anything else. I don't know much else about the show, I don't know if it's like Survivor where there's a winner at the end, but after the 21st day we all finally put clothes on and went back to live our own lives.

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You know when you wake up by them picking you up out of a fucking helicopter, and you have no clothes on they give you a fucking map, and a back pack to carry you won't be a happy camper. Pun intended seriously.

Day 1: I was walking through this thorny fucking woods. I found a large ass palm tree. (Wasn't happy that I was forced into this by the way) Took the leaves off of it made my own clothes out of it hoping it would do fine, it was for then. I used the rest of the leaves left for a sleeping habitat so no one could actually bother me. found a river that was the best part of my day I guess, so at the river I carved a piece of woods with a rock made it pointy. Caught about 3-4 fish to put on a bond fire. Well finished that up started eating (it was a good start of a meal.) Well that ended very quickly when I here Jimmy Slothface coming up quick. Imagine Ricky Bobby running off the track, but this time with no clothes on and through the woods. You have Jimmy, but not only that he stole my fucking would carved plate I made of fish with a fucking Bear chasing him, so I start running. Thorns tear my Leaf clothes off. Well we hide in a cave, and bear goes away. Made another bond fire. Made some more fish for the both of us. Fun Night.

Day 2-7: We are heading through the woods to find something other than fish, and we find berries, well Jimmy eats 1 tastes good to him picks them all up, and puts them in my bag. Emeka who looked like a indian from Indiana Jones chasing you, well he came, and put Jimmy in a choke hold. Jimmy got knocked out then he noticed it was me, so he became nice. He carried Jimmy back to the cave. Emeka has some very nice silky clothing. Asked him about it, and he said he had carved a fucking sheep. What a sheep, I could just imagine that poor son of a bitch with no wool (No skin either).

Day 8-14: You never expect to see Jimmy to have a koala bear on his shoulder for the next 2 weeks, and on from there, but yet he did. Jimmy Slothface with a Koala bear. I mean at least it's a Koala bear, and not a sloth. Anyway, he carried that thing everywhere. By the end of the 2nd week, he was swinging from ropes like he was tarzan.

Day 15-21: We went down the river on our own made boat. Until it sunk about 5 minutes later...yeah that was a fun time, we had to make a total of 4 boats in a week. The last one held up well, it lasted a solid hour. Even if it took us a fat minute to make it. We believed we could (it's us telling ourselves BS, but have to live with it). We finally made it to a highway where we caused 12 accidents that morning, because they all closed their eyes. Yep. Jimmy got a fine of disturbance of the Peace. Well we made it back to where the helicopter had landed, they gave us our clothes back, and all of our stuff, fun adventure for 3 weeks.

Benjamin Blue made an interesting request, to say the least. He requested to have a piano instead of his one survival item. The staff were hesitant, but got Blue a grand Steinway piano, fully in tune, and slowly dropped it down. After the crew left Blue then stripped the very few pieces of unnecessary wood that is part of the piano and used it to make an axe. Blue’s base was built around the piano. He quickly managed to practice his Liszt and Rachmaninov pieces, only a few names of his repertoire, and also managed to build a house within a few days. Whenever something dangerous approached him he immediately went to the piano and started to play a piece. The dangerous animal then would calm down and become his friend. I mean, this is reality TV right? It doesn’t have to be realistic Wink . Blue then took over the world shortly after.

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06-11-2021, 05:33 PMKenitohMenara Wrote: [Image: BLUE.jpeg]
Welcome to the hall, Ben!



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I here to talking about my experience in naked and afraid. I no understanding why people finding so difficult this challenge as regular I do this in mountain of Polska. Producer telling me, Przemek you can only bringing one item what will it be? And I say -- simple, I bring book of which mushroom no is poison. Luckily I always carry with me in bag so I taking with me and we go. Producer also telling me that I no going alone on this trip and I say okay, who coming with me to jungle? Of course it was my teammates Cam Ouellette (@Camo ) and Dick Clapper (@5ympathies).

Day 1: We arriving in jungle and taking off all clothes and taking only our 1 item. I bringing important mushroom book because I know important to survival. Cam bringing knife which is good and Dick Clapper bringing vaseline. I ask why vaseline and saying - you never know when I might need to clap my dick so I brought it just in case. Plus it smells good. Okay whatever, lets go. First day, we going through island and getting familiar with terrain.

Day 2-7: After arranging sleep place, we begin first huntings for food. Cam say he go and carving sharp stick to try catching fish, while Dick saying he will try finding berry or other fruit for us. I naturally say I go to forest and go looking for mushroom. Unlike Polska, rain forest having many different mushroom that I no seeing before. I finding one set of nice mushroom and confirming in book is good to eat and come back. Dick no finding anything but he bringing many palm leave to make clothes to cover our kielbasas, and Cam catching 3 fish and 1 crab. We eat very good this week as our good fortune continue.

Day 8-15: After spending first week in this place, we becoming very tired and low on food. Jungle no having many good mushroom and we very tired to catch fish good. Dick clapper is so hungry one day he trying to eat vaseline but only making him sick and more tired now. Unlike Polska where I can easy catch rabbit or having many mushroom, this place very different and difficult but we must continue. We finally catch some birds and fish to making food but it is not very much.

Day 16: Day 16 is where we hit big problema. I go into jungle to look for more mushroom because very much rain few days so is good for mushroom. I finding one mushrooms that look very good and I checking in book to see if can eat, and it say yes is good. However, I so tired that I no looking correct and this mushroom is no good to eat! I collect many mushroom and I so hungry I eat one direct from ground. I knew after eatign that I having problema because stomach rumbling like warsaw during Bltizkrieg of 1939. I running back to Cam and Dick and telling them I having big problem, and then I shitting everywhere and vomit. We no having much water or food so this is very painful so they trying to help me but not much is helping. After 2 hours of extreme vomit and diarrhea, producer was call to come save us.

I feel very bad for this mistake because only noob make such mistake in Polska to eat wrong mushroom. Papa Mirek telling me you I am lucky I no die but seriously what you thinking? Why no use book? I tell him I use book and he saying if I use book I no almost die.

Anyway, hopefully people enjoying our episode but I very much suggesting no visit such shit place like desert island because mushroom no good and very hard to surviving.


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Thanks @"AndrewWarren13" for the sig

Dropped in the wilderness, alone (seemingly), naked and afraid, Kristaps Ball started his journey of trying to survive. He wandered the wilderness as he looked for ways to supply himself with food. He'd climb up walls of mud and try to find a safe place to call home, while the cameraman stocked him, sometimes zooming into Kristaps' fine ass. Kristaps was weirded out by this, but he kept going finding food in rivers and stuff. Suddenly, Kristaps saw someone, and knew immediately who it was. "Toivo, is this where you have been during your retirement?" Toivo was shocked he was noticed, and impressed that Kristaps was easily able to identify him. "Kristaps, why are you here?" Kristaps responded "I'm on the Naked and Afraid show with SHL players, is that why you are here?" Toivo had no idea that was a thing, he was just here because this is where he lived in retirement. "Uh, sure I'm on the show." The two would go onto win the show, but Toivo got none of the rewards since he was never on the show in the first place.


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First Ever SHL Goal:
5. New England Wolfpack , Kristaps Ball 1 (Piotr Czerkawski 1, Cameron Dubois 2) at 16:27

First Ever Hat Trick:
S45 Game 46 NEW vs TOR
6. New England Wolfpack , Kristaps Ball 1 (Artemi Berezin 3, Tigole Bitties 5) at 5:21
9. New England Wolfpack , Kristaps Ball 2 (Artemi Berezin 4) at 18:58
10. New England Wolfpack , Kristaps Ball 3 (Tigole Bitties 7, Manuel Gotze 2) at 19:38 (Empty Net)

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(This post was last modified: 05-13-2019, 08:58 PM by Nictox.)

Twenty One days. Twenty one days spent naked in a jungle with two of my old line mates. Adam Taylor (@DannyMethane ) and Steven Moyer (@CanadianDuck ). While we had a great time surviving the wilderness, I unfortunately sprained my ankle and had to be cared for by the two knuckleheads. It wasn't easy at first, but by day 19 I think we had a good routine down. I sat on a log and drank beer (something they don't tell you is that there are paramedics behind the cameras helping out with small scrapes and what not) while they other two struggled to make a shelter. We ate pretty good fish though, due to some awesome fishing skills from Taylor. One thing I learned from the whole experience is that you shouldn't run barefoot through a jungle chasing animals for food, you might trip and break an ankle or something like that. Shout out to my old line mates!

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Specters Monarchs Berserkers Scarecrows [Image: italian-flag.jpg?s=612x612&w=0&k=20&c=tO...eKFgvtgqU=]

Specters Armada Scarecrows Czechia
Panthers Specters Jets Scarecrows Usa [Image: 4star.png] [Image: challengecup.png] [Image: challengecup.png]
RIP Dangel #AD26  |  RIP TDZ

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@TnlAstatine @Pingy Pingu

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(This post was last modified: 05-13-2019, 11:48 PM by bilbo.)

Naked and Afraid: SHL Edition

When Dom Montgomery was asked to participate in this reality show and try to survive 21 days in the jungle, he was a little intimidated--afraid, one could say--but definitely not afraid about being naked. For his one survival item, he asked for a thick pile of rope. Ever the sailor, Dom spent a couple days searching for Leo Lockhart ( @ej27 ) and Jimmy Slothface ( @slothfacekilla ), using his rope to pull down broken branches from trees to make a temporary shelter in case it rained. One of the major highlights was on day three when he woke up to find that his self-made fishing net had collected a bunch of little fish from a river! He was able to have a decent fish breakfast that morning. On day 4, he found Leo Lockhart, and the two seeing each other naked wasn't a surprise at all for obvious relationship reasons. On day 7, they still couldn't find Jimmy Slothface and that was concerning. On day 10, they were even more concerned, but at least they had a nice hut near fresh water and a sick fire set up. Leo had brought a hatchet as his survival item and they were able to make some nice fishing spears and stable semi-waterproof living space. On day 15, they were pretty sure Jimmy either got off the show or was dead. On day 17, they wanted to call it quits, but Dom is extremely competitive and really wanted to try to catch some different kind of fish the next day. On day 20, they got in their first major fight and it scared both of them. On day 21, they finally found Jimmy who had dug himself into a hole until he could leave the show, thinking he had to survive all 21 days before being taken out.

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