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S47 PT #4 - Naked and Afraid: SHL Edition


Zach Evans | Player Page | Update Page
Nikolai Evans
| Player Page | Update Page

(This post was last modified: 05-17-2019, 03:03 AM by Mac.)

Dean stepped out into the wilderness, unable to really comprehend why he agreed to this horseshit some stupid team building exercise involving getting naked in the woods with two ather people, neitherof the female variety.

However, he did have his one survival item, a keg of twenty year old moonshine from the family cabin and he had begun to build his shelter around it when the first of the two people arrived, he took one look and saw who it was, Esa Anrikanen and scoffed

"Will you even be alive in 21 days anyway, Esa? 1 am pretty sure you were the there when God and Death were here at the start

"You are twice as ugly as your father, four times uglier than your grandfather, and at least twenty
times less talented. Do you expect to survive til tomorrow?"

*Slaps keg of shine*

"Let me get this straight, Dean, you intend on spending three weeks drinking a keg of moonshine straight from the barrel?"


"As for food?

"I plan on ordering pizza"

"With what.."

"My phone"

"What phone, where do you have a...oh god"

*Dean grins*

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Welcome ladies and gentleman to "Naked and afraid". This time, we let 20 SHL players into the jungle to fight it out and to find our jungle king of the year. 

Day 1 - Rieder's first time in the jungle. "In Germany we don't have a jungle, we don't even have dangerous snakes or spiders. So yeah, I am afraid."

Day 5 - Rieder's attacked by an animal! It's a sloth hanging from a tree! Ob nevermind, turns out it's his teammate, @slothfacekilla

Day 12 - @SecondSucks22 is out! Turns out he just hasn't the stamina worthy of a 1st Overall.

Day 18 -" I am done, I just can't anymore." Sami Rieder as he was starving to death, looking hungrily at @Julio Tokolosh

Day 21 - He's done it! Rieder is out of the jungle, he survived the 21 days! "I would have said this was the hardest thing I did in my life, but I have to play with @Otrebor13 on a line and nothing comes close to that".

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Hippo don't need tools to survive, so he only brought his fists. The two players Hippo chose to bring along for his epic adventure is Alister Cain and David Fantobens.
What an odd pair you might think, but it all makes sense. Alister Cain is known for his cheese properties, David Fantobens for his pebbly pinto poops. They are all of course very edible, one should not ask how or why though, the hockey gods made it so, and so it is.

On the 139th day without seeing much progress and little to no hope left. Suddenly the ground started to shake, Alister instantly assumed his combat position (fetal position for those wondering) and Pinto instantly started pooping.
As the sound grew louder and louder the boys looked around, where could it originate from? It seemed to travel from underneath them closer and closer and closer until...

Hippo let a HUUUUUUUGE fart rip, out from his behind shot a flare which signaled the end of their naked adventure.

"I hadn't eaten in a couple of hours, my stomach started rumbling and out shot a flare. I had forgotten that I ate the flare gun earlier. Apparently the built up gas pressure was enough to signal the helicopter!" says Hippo



Welfare PT nSFL user TomasNZ (same) (player is same too)

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Day 1: I've been dropped off on an abandoned jungle island off the coast of Brazil. Somewhere out there are 2 other guys from the SHL. I don't know who though. All I have with me is a knife and the breeze on my ass. I fashioned a hat and poncho as best I could out of some vines and leaves.

Day 2: I slept on the beach last night. I got bitten to shit by bugs. At least the swelling is appreciated in certain areas.

Day 5: I am on the verge of starvation. I have barely eaten anything since I arrived.

Day 6: I came across a baby gator. Time to feast.

Day 13: I haven't stopped shitting since eating that damn gator.

Day 14: My defense partner, Ethan Ross, found me on the verge of dehydration. Once we teamed up it all came together.

Day 16: We've been working in sync. Nothing but positive results since the other day. We've built a shelter and constructed a crude net. Fishing tomorrow. Wish us luck.

Day 17: An especially aggressive seagull stole the net.

Day 21: We were air lifted out this morning. It was just us two. When we asked where the other guy was all the production team just looked at the floor. Some team is going to be hitting free agency harder than it planned.

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It's like putting a treadmill in a steam room. Miles and miles of walking in extreme heat and humidity. Boruvka Banananak can barely breathe without getting a mouthful of them. As far as survival items go, things could be worse. Thankfully there are a bunch of bananas in the area which is something Banananak is very familiar with in his time on the banana farm. It'll make a decent weapon if he can manage to find anything slow moving enough to bonk it on the head, and he's already used it to knock a few coconuts from a tree. He hasn't seen anyone else yet, and he's not sure he wants to find any of his SHL cohorts. Hockey players aren't renowned for their intelligence and the heat is making him cranky enough. He's not sure how his temper would fare if he had to argue strategy with some idiot from a rival team.

All I could think of as I was dropped off in the jungles of Borneo was why the fuck was I, a millionaire hockey player at the peak of my game, signed up to go on a third rate reality TV show. Did they somehow run out of washed up celebrities and survival wack jobs? My agent said it would be good exposure but I'm not sure this was the kind of exposure I was looking for.

My survival item was a large bag with a purifier attached to the neck for making safe drinking water and I quickly filled up from one of the many streams running through the steaming hot and wet jungle. Why do they make you do this show naked for fucks sake? There are mosquitos the size of small cats flying around and its all I can do to keep them away from my bollocks. 

A couple of days pass by and I still haven't found the other two contestants. While traipsing through the fetid undergrowth I get startled by a movement in the corner of my eye and instinctively lash out with a meaty kick and end up killing clouded leopard which I fashion into a crude loin cloth.

After a week of wandering rather aimlessly through the jungle living off of shutes and the odd piece of jungle fruit I hear some voices through the trees and make my way tentatively towards them. I come out into a clearing only to find Mikhail Lokitonov @ml002 squatting while projectile shitting diarrhea while an emaciated Jax Aittokallio @JayWhy lies on the ground half laughing half rasping. It becomes clear to the camera crews that three hockey players are barely qualified to survive in the general human populace let alone naked in a jungle and they call the shows producers to bring us home.

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Credit to Ml002, King, Wasty, Carpy, Bruins10, Rum_Ham, Turd Ferguson, Ragnar and Enigmatic for the sigs.
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I was dropped in the jungle with my map and a pair of scissors. I realised about 5 minutes in that I probably should have picked something other than a pair of scissors as there really isn't much use for them in the jungle. Since I'm barely able to follow directions using a GPS the map was pretty much useless to me, I used it to start my first fire for the first night. I never did manage to find anyone else, might have had something to do with me burning my map on the first day but I guess we'll never know. I found a nice fallen tree to hide under and basically just sat there for the entire 21 days ocasianally going out and finding berries. I used my scissors to cut the berries down, probably could have just pulled them off but I needed to use my scissors for something.

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Honestly Brady was never one for taking big chances like this. You never know what could happen when you're alone in the wild. Brady and his two pals DeMaricus Smyth and The Dude. It was a rather interesting situation... The Dude seemed pretty normal at first but after just 12 hours he broke into an insane rampage wherein he climbed trees and shouted "I'M GONNA SAY THE N WORD" at the top of his lungs. not everyone handles pressure very well.

Smyth and McIntyre built a shelter and spent their days fishing. Honestly, 21 days in the wild wasn't that bad for them. The worst part was the lack of oreos. You might remember McIntyre's first SHL contract negotiation being held up by his demands for an Oreo clause. Fans still think that McIntyre might have an addiction, he seemed to go through the physical symptoms of withdrawal due to the lack of creme filled cookies.

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[Image: vHNIXVO.png][Image: 639861613880541184.png] Cal Juice [Image: 639861613880541184.png][Image: RyzkmSj.png]
[Image: Eo2nBCt.png] Tomas Zadina
[Image: tkMQzhf.png] Brady McIntyre
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When the Naked and Afriad challenge was announced, Jax Duggan's first thought was to contact Gunnar (@sköldpaddor) and Corey (@SDCore) to have a go at it. The three were already close, and with Duggan and Corey's experience out in the bush camping, and hunting, it looked like the sure shot to keep Gunnar alive. While the month started out as they expected, Duggan's ability to build a shelter, Kennedy's ability to keep them fed, things took a turn when Sodderberg turned out to be a god damn disney princess. By the second week Gunnar had any woodland creatures that Kennedy didnt hunt eating out of the palm of his hand, even helping to gather wood for the fire. By the time the month was over everyone was a little more tanned (which is amazing considering theyre all naturally white as ghosts), and looking forward to the next offseason when they could do it again, but this time with a little less nudity.

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Day 1: Just got off the boat, it was super hot and I had nothing on me, just a map and my survival item. During the boat trip I already started to feel skeptical about my choice and then when I was standing on the beach naked, I finally came into conclusion that it was a bad idea to chose hockey stick to be my survival item, but it was my lucky stick and never let me down - I decided to move on in search of the others.

Day 2: Still have not found the others, I spent the night in a cave full of bats, could not sleep at all and I was hungry. First thing in the morning I tried to make noise by hitting my stick to the cave walls, nobody heard it. I decided to walk deeper into the jungle. A journey that felt like forever came to a happy ending when I finally found the two other players, Tor Tuck and Brady McIntyre. I could not believe my eyes, two Edmonton players and both defenders - just like me! I knew we would have fun. I asked if they tried to find me when I did not show up earlier, they said that they heard me earlier, but did not feel like getting out of the bamboo beds so early.

Day 3: I failed to sleep again, Tor and Brady made me sleep on the ground, their bamboo beds looked nice. When the guys woke up, they asked about my survival item, I told them that I brought a bottle, but already lost it. Did not want to tell them about my stick. I wanted to keep it to myself and catch a lot of fish with it, just had to make line and some kind of a hook, I did not have the patience to do either of those, so I just sharpened the other end of my stick and used it as a spear. It got stuck in the bottom, tried to yank it off, but I broke it.

Day 4: I have given up, still no sleep even after building comfy bed for myself, the guys snore like crazy. I have decided to give up on this race and head back home.

@ErM @caltroit_red_flames

174 words
It was me, Luke Atmey, and Gvidas Kazlauskas. The first offensive unit for the Chicago Syndicate. And here we were lost, hungry, and to top it all off-- our hammers were just out there hanging in the wind. It was near dark by the time the chopper took off, leaving us naked and afraid on some deserted island to fend for our selfs.
We decided to hobble together an attempt at a lean to shelter. With nothing but sticks and leaves we created a shelter that would suffice for at least the first night. Survival was key upon arrival, we would gather our bearings with daylight in the morning.
Upon waking, the three of us had a lot in common: We did not sleep very well; we were very hungry; and we smelled very unpleasant to say the least.
We set out on our day with the goal of scavenging food, and finding a fresh water source. With this in mind we headed for high ground to survey the land at a vantage point.

I woke up on the beach of some deserted island. My clothes gone, sand in places it shouldn't be, and the last few days of my memories hazy. Something about a game show doing an SHL special? I don't know. I quickly gathered myself and found Jimmy's old roomba "Rupert" a few feet from where I awoke. Oh yes, I remember, we're allowed one item, according to the show's producers. Naturally I sneaked back into Halifax in record time and into our old apartment. Jimmy and Dom asked for their key back but I already had a fresh one cut for situations just like this. The producers were surprised at my decision to bring a house cleaning device but I was adamant this was my decision and they allowed it. 

I decided to press on in-land, in an attempt to find food and or water. Maybe even other people? I doubt it. Eventually I found a small lake but... it looked like it was harvesting a new form of life. This is where Rupert comes in handy. You see, I tricked him the fuck out one day in case Troy got us fucking exiled or something. Whole load of survival shit. Water purifier, hunting traps, shit I even put a heat source in there. Rupert has the WORKS. Finally the lil shit is useful for something. Unfortunately to activate his survival features you need a special attachment that the producers wouldn't let me bring. However, they took my clothes but I still have a pocket. With expert precision I smuggled that bad boy onto that island. I spent a while digging around for it, it seems it got lodged in transit to the island. Finally I got a hold of it and I set it onto Rupert. Out sprung all sorts of arms and gizmos from his round shell. "Now THIS is survival" I thought to myself. I ran some of the murky water through his purifier and had him go set traps at the border of the clearing I was sat in. Rupert's not so bad after all huh? I finally set him to make smoke signals to alert anyone of my presence and sat against a tree, ready to take a nap.

I awoke several hours later to find a strange prodding in my leg. I turn over and it's Dom (@bilbo)! He's poking me with a stick. Why is he poking me with a stick? There must be better ways to wake me up. 

"Perry, you're awake! ...and sober? Dare I ask?"

"Actually, yes. After being kidnapped by Ace and brought to New England I realised how bad my... habits... were and especially on you, it was a lot for you to deal with."

"Perry I am touched but this isn't the time to apologise for your alcoholism." 

I nodded in half agreement and noticed that Dom had taken some decency to cover himself up with a makeshift bush. Immediately I went to cover myself up with my hands and Dom just laughed. "Don't act like I've never seen you naked before!" 

"Uhh what.." I was deeply confused. He suggested that was a conversation for a different time and I agreed. Luckily, I equipped Rupert for this and called for him and retrieved my set of clothes from his storage compartment. 

"Is that Rupert? What's he doing here? And what's all that stuff all over him?" 

"Oh he's my survival item! I tricked him out with various survival stuff" 

"That seems a little overpowered, how did you convince them to let him in?"

"Oh they didn't know about the extras, to them he was just a normal roomba. I just put this doo-dah on top of him and it activates his survival gear." 

"Interesting.. how did you get the 'doo-dah' in too?"

"Uhh, I don't wanna talk about it."

"Oh Perry, I didn't know!"

His eyebrows were all over the place, and quite frankly I was not ready to have this conversation. Fortunately Jimmy (@slothfacekilla) arrived to save me.

"Rupert!!!!!! You're here!!!!" Dom and I gave each other a look and said "Hi Jimmy! We're here too!" In perfect unison. It was beautiful. I explained to him all about Rupert and how he's kept me alive and how I kind of don't hate him anymore. It was nice, the three of us spending some long lost time together yet again. I'm looking forward to hopefully making the GB IIHF squad, it'll be nice to play with these two again. 

The sun set and we all sat around Rupert, cooking some indiscernible meat that his traps had caught earlier. We have no idea what it was but it tasted good and it will forever be a lovely memory.

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Season 3 Episode 7: Head West until you find the Broek.

In the seventh episode of the third season, Outlaws star centre Martijn Westbroek was dropped naked and afraid into the wilderness. He said it was to "learn to live off the land and fight for survival, it's what the playoffs are about and I think this will be a big step towards us succeeding this year". I personally thought that playoffs were about outscoring your opponents but I was clearly mistaken. His other two competitors/companions on the island are none other than his Outlaws teammates Corey Kennedy and Lallo Selman. When asked for comment, they both denied requesting to be on the show, only that Martijn told them that there was a cash prize involved at the end. When asked about this, Martijn said that he signed up the two in order to help teach his teammates what it takes to succeed. Playoffs may be difficult if the two don't survive, but it's worth a try. Also the cash prize is $1, but what they don't know can't hurt them.... yet. The weekend was more or less uneventful, the group was relatively unsuccessful at finding food which resulted in them eating Kennedy's middle toe on his right foot to survive. Given his terrible season and that the middle toe was expendable, it was the natural choice in order to keep the group alive. When the timer went on their time in the wilderness, the crew found the 3 arguing over which of Kennedy's appendages were next to go. TMZ has reported that it was most likely going to be his arm, but the reports are thus far unconfirmed. When asked for comment, Martijn said that "I have no comment, Selman seemed to really enjoy it though and likened it to barbecued pork".

Other than a missing toe and some cuts and bruises, the three survived and are now heading into playoffs with a new outlook on life.

@SDCore @Donini13

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