S47 Championship Week
![]() Registered Posting Freak
Task 01: (Written, 3 TPE)
You are at the airport awaiting a flight to meet back up with your team after spending the day being honoured as a 'Hometown Hero' in the place where you grew up! Tell us about your day... what did they have planned for you? Who did you see there? What were you given? How did it turn out? ... In 150 words or more, tell us all about this big moment as hometown hero. Hailing from Nyírbátor, Hungary, a small town in the Eastern portion of the country with a population estimated at just over 12,000 people, it's well known that Thomas Bathory has left across the Atlantic to pursue a hockey career. Thomas forgot his favorite Autopsy C.D. (yes he still listens to these odd pre-historic creations) so it was completely neccessary to return to Hungary to retrieve Tournaquet's, Hacksaw's & Graves. Much to Bathory's surprise and pure delight, the town had decided to throw a party for him! There were crosses being burned, countless blasphemy's, the towns elders were in complete misery and despair, but the true icing on the cake was that Tormentor had decided they would play a show in his honor! It was fucking insane. They kicked major ass and satan himself rose to the earth to partake in the glory. Thomas got to take some shots with Lucifer and the two of them had a grand time laughing in pure enjoyment of the wonderful evening. Soon Thomas retrieved his C.D. and returned to Los Angeles to continue his strenuous training routine of lounging on the beach. ‐------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Task 03: (Written, 3 TPE) If you are in the SMJHL then you have been there for at least a few seasons and its likely that a promotion to the SHL is coming soon. The question is.. are you ready?.. what areas of your game do you believe are SHL ready and what areas are you concerned about? what things are you sad to leave behind and what things are you excited about when moving to your parent club. (Must be 150 words or more) After the unfortunate ruling that the SHL Head Office made for who knows why the hell why, Thomas Bathory was declared a free agent and was left with his future uncertain. Luckily for him, the Wolfpack stepped in and offered Bathory an excellent contract that makes him one of the best paid players in the SHL. Thomas certainly landed on his feet and was very grateful of the Wolfpack's management and felt it was only fair to work hard and join the team in the near future. Thomas has known for a while now that he would be making his SHL debut next season. Bathory feels that he is ready to play at the SHL level and is looking forward to the opportunity he will be given by the Wolfpack next season. Bathory plays a well rounded game so the key will be training hard, developing chemistry with his teammates, and learning about the other players in the league. The SHL is full of superstar players and Bathory would be a fool to believe that he would step in and dominate. These are world class players that Bathory will be facing off of with skillset's unlike anything Thomas has ever seen in the minor leagues. It will be interesting to see how the defenseman rookie season transpires. ‐------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Task 07: (Written, 3 TPE) You have been given the responsibility of organizing the National Anthem(s) for both teams in the Challenge Cup Finals. With the entire world watching the league feels its imperative that who ever you choose really encapusates the persona of the team and their fanbase. In 150 words or more, let us know who you chose for both teams, why you believe they represent that franchise and anything notable about their performance,, IE outfits, accompaniment, etc. Being that they are the Calgary Dragons, what better way to warm up the crowd than with the hellacious flames of Watain??? Watain plays one note of the Canadian national anthem then says fuck that and breaks into a cover of Bathory's Blood, Fire, Death. They have the normal pentagram's and crosses aflame, they've also added a Dragon's head to there pyro that is shooting flames dangerously close to the Platoon locker room. The crowd absolutely eats it up and the whole lower bowl is turned into a giant mosh pit. There will now be a delay to repair the glass and remove anything that may have been fried to a crisp in the chaos. Next up we head to West Kendall, aparently Thomas Bathory has become so sick of hearing the horrible versions of the national anthem that you normally hear at sporting events that he's decided to dip into his bank account and hire Cannibal Corpse to perform it. It wasn't cheap to bribe the SHL Head Office but money well spent. Cannibal Corpse plays the first note of the star spangled... oh wait nevermind. HOLY SHIT! They're playing Hammersmashed Face! The crowd is headbanging their asses off but what's this?? A pack of giant Black eagles attacks from the sky and mutilates the band in front of the entire crowd! Suddenly the band Death, Orlando's own rises from beneath the ice, complete with a re-encarnated Chuck Schuldiner. They play an entire set and the place is a fucking party. Multiple children are conceived and 30,000 unexpected fans rush the building packing the house. The beer and blood is cleaned off the ice and the game is underway. ‐------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Task 13 (trivia): sent to PT director ![]() ![]() ![]() Registered #4 Princess Diana Fan
Task 2: @twils
![]() Task 4: @Katth ![]() Task 5: Code: 4. Which player do you believe will be the difference maker in their franchise winning the title here in S47? Task 6: @twils @Zoone16 @JR95 @CFJ ![]() Task 8: @Zoone16 ![]() Task 13: PM Sent ![]() Registered Member
*** Being from Paris, Texas, Vivian's standout hockey career doesn't get the recognition some may think it deserves. I hate to break it to you, but Texans don't care anything about hockey. The town of Paris doesn't realize they have an outstanding trio of hockey siblings in Ontario (GOMHL), Brandon(VHLM), and Vivian. Well actually, didn't realize, would be a better way to put it. When Paris officials realized that the LeBlancs existed, they decided to honor them at the yearly Balloons and Music Festival. Every small town in Texas has their own festival from the Rice Festival to the Crawfish festival. I'm assuming the Balloons and Musica festival is Paris's answer to this Texas Tradition. In the middle of the performance of problably the least exciting musician to perform at the festival, the LeBlancs were all three brought on stage and recognized for their charity work and hockey achievement. Those presenting did not know anything about hockey so it got awkward... But... The Kelwona Knights could not manage to make it to the Finals this season after losing in a game 7 in last season's final. Of course, they lost some key players, but Kelowna should make it to the Finals consistently. Why would you every miss the Finals in the SMJHL? That's just ridiculous. Obviously, a big reason they could not make the Finals was the loss of All-Star goalkeeper Vivian LeBlanc. Now, she may not have been an actual all star ever, but she most certainly should have been. She was literally the Finals MVP on the team that did not win the finals. You cannot deny the impact playing in front of a girl goalie had on her teammates. They played their best to impress her. Now, don't discount the fact that Vivian was a talented goalie. Obviously, she had more impact than just being a girl. Ok, this 150 word mumbo-jumbo is done. #Tigole-trivia sent in ![]() ![]() Registered Senior Member
Task 01: (Written, 3 TPE)
You are at the airport awaiting a flight to meet back up with your team after spending the day being honoured as a 'Hometown Hero' in the place where you grew up! Tell us about your day... what did they have planned for you? Who did you see there? What were you given? How did it turn out? ... In 150 words or more, tell us all about this big moment as hometown hero. Arriving back home Mike Hunt was bewildered by what he came back to despite all that has happened in that one city in that one bar in that one....ditch. He was still hailed as a hero at home most were relived that the rumor of his death had been greatly over exaggerated. Hunt eventually found himself being fed by his old grandmother whom he had grown up with. The story was told over a great feast and all laughed and understood trying to teach Hunt tricks and tips of how to get out in that condition and recipes for cures. A couple buddies even tried to see if they could get hunt going like that one more time. Leaving Hunt with a way stronger system than before and a couple bottles for the trip home hidden in the false bottom of his suit case. 2. A major managerial showdown is about to take place Between WKP's (Jr95, Wongy) and Calgarys (Steelhead77, C00kies) which set of GM's have the tactical/managerial advantage in this series and why? Steelhead77 and c00kies easily they just have on cruicial tactic that jr and wongy dont have. Bribery little bit of steak little vaction time to the players maybe even dare i say some cookies. because of this we know their team will be giving 110% on the ice for these little rewards. 5. After trading off there best players and declaring themselves in a full rebuild back in S45, The Calgary Dragons have made it to the S47 finals.. just 2 seasons later. Choose: ('No surprise', 'mild surprise', 'major surprise' or 'in shock') and explain why. Completly in shock about this matter "full rebuild" is whatever coaches say when they just mean they have so much chod that not having a team is better than this to think that they could pull it around after having that veiw of their team is quite the feat i must say. 7. The West Kendall Platoon are back in the finals after a season out of the playoffs and a team that was in serious regression Choose: ('No surprise', 'mild surprise', 'major surprise' or 'in shock') and explain why. Im mildy surprised i mean if you kept them around this long you must know you have some really quality players but to think those old goats could blast through it like this. Quite proud of them really i wish them serious luck in their matches. 8. Star netminders Kata Vilde and Beaujeaux Biscuit have both carried there teams into the finals. Which franchise goalie has a better chance to carry their franchise to a title? Biscuit all the way for one hes got that sweet name going on dudes a freaking Biscuit at the very least its gonna make the other team hungry drooling over the thought of getting a puck past this man but more than that he always wins me fantasy rounds. Task 09: (Written, 3 TPE) Which organization that didnt make it to the finals would you consider to be the biggest disappointment? What do you think are the main reasons why they fell short this season? New Orleans Specters how did you boys not make it you were looking so good as a team i bet it was all Richard freaking Physt. Man leads the points in defense for 2 seasons but turns its a freaking limp noodle as soon as he actually fights something. God that's a punisher just trying to kill the moral of his team i am so sorry those boys had to play with him. Ok ok so you think that's just one time he will clean himself up for the playoffs no this limp noodle plays like trash then gets beat up by Harvey Danger i mean GOD WHAT A BUZZ KILL poor guys they gotta give Physt some serious lashes for this during the offseason just number one moral killer all season. @CptSquall You have been given the responsibility of organizing the National Anthem(s) for both teams in the Challenge Cup Finals. With the entire world watching the league feels its imperative that who ever you choose really encapusates the persona of the team and their fanbase. In 150 words or more, let us know who you chose for both teams, why you believe they represent that franchise and anything notable about their performance,, IE outfits, accompaniment, etc. For the dragons i choose Barry Batsbak not the newest addition but some younger blood he also shares the birth place of a majority of his team so i believe he can really embody their persona. For the platoon i nominate Ludwig Koch Schröder some older blood but many of his friends hail from germany and i think having a nice verteran in there would help the others be more understanding to how their nationallity wasnt chosen. I was thinkiing it would be best if they each wore something fairly tradtional to their home countires as well as a eagle standard with their teams flag attatched at the top. Task 12: (Written, 3 TPE) Theres no path to the finals without a little bit of adversity. In 150 words or more, write about the adversity one of the teams faced on the road to the Challenge Cup Finals. (*tag anyone involed) West Kendal platoon they may have had an easy run of things in the first series shutting out the Chicago Syndicate 4-0 in the series. Things did not continue to go so smoothly against the buffalo stampede though. Losing their first few games even opening up with a shut out against as well they came back to scrape on by with a shut out of their own. Only to lose in overtime the next game putting them deep in the danger zone needing 3 straight wins to progress. Turing it into an absolute nail bitter winning the next two games by just barely 1 point each team hoping this last game would lead them to victory. All the nail biting was thrown out as they stomped the last game as a 3 nothing carnage tearing into the poor stampede all in all they may have had their share of struggle but they really turned it around and they really deserve this spot they have in the finals. ![]() Registered Posting Freak
You are at the airport awaiting a flight to meet back up with your team after spending the day being honoured as a 'Hometown Hero' in the place where you grew up! Tell us about your day... what did they have planned for you? Who did you see there? What were you given? How did it turn out? ... In 150 words or more, tell us all about this big moment as hometown hero.
A huge celebration is planned for Igor, meeting some of the members of the team he played on when he was very, very young, pre-SMJHL days. At the start of the day, Igor wakes up and prepares to go about his day as normal, when he is interrupted and swiftly moved out to the city center. The major of his city awards him a medal for a great season. Igor spend the entire day celebrating, getting drunk (his first time in quite a long time), and the celebration turned out incredibly well. He got to meet up with Tolik, who told Igor of his (Igor's) great success in the season, and how he wished he would have been able to do that earlier. The day was a success, and at the end of it, life in his old city returned to normal. Tomorrow will be a new day for Igor. You have been given the responsibility of organizing the National Anthem(s) for both teams in the Challenge Cup Finals. With the entire world watching the league feels its imperative that who ever you choose really encapusates [sic] the persona of the team and their fanbase. In 150 words or more, let us know who you chose for both teams, why you believe they represent that franchise and anything notable about their performance,, [sic] IE outfits, accompaniment, etc. Igor was recently hired to write the national anthem of Calgary. He has not been great at writing national anthems for teams, and finds that a weird concept. He attempts to try to write something for Calgary, one of his most hated teams as they are opposite Edmonton. Or at least he thinks. Igor is not sure how well it would turn out. Trying to remember how a national anthem is supposed to sound, he scribbles the following words on paper: "Calgary! C! A! L! G! A! R! Ah, screw it. We're bad! We suck! Trade our team to Edmonton! My loyalty is Edmonton! Screw Calgary! Edmonton is best! E! D! M! O! N! T! O! N!" He is unsure about the other team, and does not even remember its name. He scribbles the following on paper: "Hello. We are a team. We will win! We will win!". Igor was fired shortly thereafter for failing to represent the teams well. Another author was hired. Theres [sic] no path to the finals without a little bit of adversity. In 150 words or more, write about the adversity one of the teams faced on the road to the Challenge Cup Finals. (*tag anyone involed [sic]) Calgary is a great team. I'm obviously lying, but the other team is also great. They're great for... surviving the system? Wait, how are you great for surviving? The last two teams standing? Oh come on, we could do this for any two teams and it will work for any season. Besides, since Calgary sucks, we're going to write about the other team of which I cannot remember the name. The other team has players. The players did stuff. The players scored more goals than the other players on the other team at the right time. This led the system to score them better than the other team, even if in actuality, they were worse. Oh, such nihilism! Nothing has meaning! The numbers on the screen mean nothing except they do because humans said they have meaning, but only for humans! A fruit fly would not care about those numbers! It would just fly around disrupting the other players. Oh, is that why the other team failed to survive? It's a hypothesis. ![]() S48 Four Star Cup Champion (Vancouver Whalers) ![]() Registered S15, S16, S24, S34, S38 Challenge Cup Champion
Task 01: (Written, 3 TPE)
You are at the airport awaiting a flight to meet back up with your team after spending the day being honoured as a 'Hometown Hero' in the place where you grew up! Tell us about your day... what did they have planned for you? Who did you see there? What were you given? How did it turn out? ... In 150 words or more, tell us all about this big moment as hometown hero. So in Reykjavik this time each year they have a big hockey game on a natural rink built into a glacier in Iceland. It is huge like 20 players per team at a time, all ages and skill levels are invited. Myself, Goku Muerto, and my brother Vegeta Muerto were the banner-bearers and hometown heroes honored by the community. We are the first brothers to play in the SHL at the same time, even if Veggie is pretty bad, he's still a player. Not that I'm that much better, tbh. Anyway we each got to carry the flags, there's a blue team and a white team, and we wear the jerseys and get to be team Captains also. The teams are formed through a 'toss all your sticks in a pile and we throw them to 2 sides, wherever your stick goes, that's your team! Then the game starts and it's all madness and fun, everybody chasing it around for a couple hours, although by the end the little kids are mostly tired and it gets a bit more competitive as only the real players remain. After that we drink hot chocolate and schnapps and sing songs around the bonfire until it gets really dark. It was a really fun event, I remember going to it when I was a lot younger, I wanted to be a pro hockey player like my cousins Riko, Danko, and Darko! And all of them were there, we got a group picture of all 5 of us and it was on the front page of the Reykjavik newspaper the next day! A very proud moment! --------------------------------------- Task 05: (Written, up to 6 TPE) Pick up to 6 challenge cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth '1' TPE. Each answer must be '50' words or more. 1. Breakdown this finals matchup for us, how will it play out? who will be the stars of this series, what will the outcome be? (*tag anyone involved) West Kendall was the superior team all year, and should walk away with this in 5 games. They did just squeak out against Buffalo while Calgary took care of their business handily in the West, but the high Platoon have too many high powered players for Calgary to match up against. The goaltending is fairly even but I see West Kendall's offense controlling the play more often than not. 3. Which player in the finals should be considered their teams playoff MVP and which should be considered their teams unsung hero thus far and why? Dani Forsberg @Insayne has been on fire for WKP, leading the team in scoring, and currently with a 5 game point streak, so he showed up when needed. Not far behind is @"Crossfit Jesus" who has always been a good luck charm for his team, and is also riding a 3-game point streak, WKP needed someone to step up when they got down against BUF and these guys both did. The unsung hero for WKP is Rex Kirkby @Acsolap - even though he is young, he has been rock solid defensively and contributing points where he can, he plays with a lot of confidence! 5. After trading off there best players and declaring themselves in a full rebuild back in S45, The Calgary Dragons have made it to the S47 finals.. just 2 seasons later. Choose: ('No surprise', 'mild surprise', 'major surprise' or 'in shock') and explain why. It is a MILD SURPRISE that the Dragons are back in the finals. Although they secured their playoff spot handily, after the regular season it seemed like Edmonton and New Orleans were the clearcut favorites to be playing in the Western Finals, but they both lost in the first round. It's not a huge surprise though because this franchise is a proven winner and always seems to do their best work when they aren't the favorites going into the playoffs. Management doesn't need to prove anything to anybody, they've been here many times before. 6. Which young players in this series (S42-S47) have a chance to break out and make a name for themselves here in the Challenge Cup Finals? (*Tag that player) For WKP, Rex Kirkby @Acsolap (again! sorry!) has been playing big minutes and more than holding his own. He has 4 points and a +4 rating, so he is making a solid contribution and has really shown why WKP picked him in the 1st round in a stacked S43 Draft. For the Dragons, we look at another S43 Draft pick, Nicky Pedersen Jr., @mstuk41 who has been outstanding and leading the team with 11 points heading into the final round, he has become a true leader for this team which has a lot of high-caliber youngsters but Nicky is really on top of his game right now. 7. The West Kendall Platoon are back in the finals after a season out of the playoffs and a team that was in serious regression Choose: ('No surprise', 'mild surprise', 'major surprise' or 'in shock') and explain why. NO SURPRISE here, Despite the regression issues, this team has a ton of good players and no obvious weaknesses. They traded for Bennett, Woodcroft, and Berezin to shore up their team and it paid big dividends. They have 9 players with an OV rating of 80 or greater, which is second only to Buffalo, so they definitely have a lot of talent. They also were able to find chemistry across all lines and no player had a negative +/- while on the team. So, yeah, they are stacked, it was more shocking that they missed last year than that they made it back this one. 8. Star netminders Kata Vilde and Beaujeaux Biscuit have both carried there teams into the finals. Which franchise goalie has a better chance to carry their franchise to a title? I think both goalies are great and it's hard to say which one is better, but I have to say Biscuit comes in with a lot of confidence, he's won it before, he's backed Ireland to 5 straight Gold Medals, he's not afraid of the pressure and hype of an SHL Finals. I don't think there's much the Dragons could do to throw him off his game, he's always cool and calm under fire. ---------------------------------------------------- Task 11: (Written, 3 TPE) Writers on the internet have jokingly tossed around the following playoff roster idea: "when a team eliminates another team, they get to claim a player from that eliminated team to join their roster" Pretend the SHL has adopted this rule this postseason. Pick one of the teams in the Challenge Cup final and pick any player from a team that they've eliminated to add to their roster for the finals. Why did they choose that player? How will this player help out? Where will they play in the lineup? (must be 150 words or more, *tag all players) The Calgary Dragons would choose Thè Dude @Dude to join their team. They chose this player because the one big weakness for Calgary is their defensive depth, and Dude is a very good defender with a lot of talent. He will help them by providing a more stable presence on the blueline while also contributing big plays and points, especially on the powerplay, where he had 9 of his 17 points. Calgary will put him on the powerplay and also have him play on the 2nd pairing, so between him and Driftwood @Slappydoodle they will get offense from both pairings instead of just 1. This will give them a better chance to match WKP's firepower while also giving a boost to helping to slow them down. --------------------------------------------------- TASK 13: (*CASUAL MEMBER SPECIAL* Send answer in PM, up to 3 TPE) PM SENT ---------------------------------------------------- ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Registered S10, S12, S17 Challenge Cup Champion
TASK 04: (Graphic, 3 TPE)
Calgary and WKP are giving the first 7,500 fans in the building a Challenge Cup poster of one of there young up and coming stars in their organization! Create that poster! ...must include that players render, player name, team name, team logo and exciting wording to highlight that player. (*tag that player) ![]() @Weretarantula TASK 08: (Graphic, 3 TPE) The WWF (World Wildlife Foundation) and the SHL are working together as the cover of thier June magazine will boast an SHL player in the finals along side an animal.. and your job is to create the cover! On a Magazine cover, should include the WWF logo, a title of front page, an SHL players render, his name and team logo, plus an animal of your choice next to him. ![]() Task 09: (Written, 3 TPE) Which organization that didnt make it to the finals would you consider to be the biggest disappointment? What do you think are the main reasons why they fell short this season? (Must be 150 words or more) The Los Angeles Panthers to me had the biggest disappointment of a season in S47. The Season kicked off with a surprise punishment which shook the locker room with the news that newly drafted prospect Thomas Bathory would be removed from the roster. Bathory, although a young kid had a quick but profound impact in the locker room and with the removal the locker room was off balance. The S47 season started and the Panthers didn't play poorly but they never got hot. The season quickly looked like they needed a jump start, with a line change and offensive production change the Panthers were hopeful the changes were positive but the changes were futile and the Panthers GMs traded off a lot of the Panthers top talent players to kick start a retooling of their roster. The Season ended with a 20-25-5 record and the Los Angeles missed the playoffs for the first time in six seasons. (157 words) TASK 10: (Graphic, 3 TPE) Trading cards have become a big topic around the SHL in S47 and the league wants to captilize on this new found popularity with Challenge Cup playoff cards! Create 1 of these special edition cards below, cards should include an SHL logo, players renders, names, team names/logo and must be in a card background. 3 - GM special edition card - Must have GMs or Co GM's on the card with there names, renders and a team stat from each ![]() ![]() @Steelhead77 @JR95 TASK 13: (*CASUAL MEMBER SPECIAL* Send answer in PM, up to 3 TPE) Its trivia time with 4 questions related to our Challenge Cup participants! 1. Who is the all time goals leader on the West Kendall Platoon? 2. Who won Calgary's Jesster Award (Team MVP) for season 46? 3. Who are the current 3 captains per there team info page (C, A and A) on the West Kendall Platoon? 4. What is the name of the stadium where the Calgary Dragons play there home games? [SENT] ![]() Registered S37 Challenge Cup Champion and Everyone's Favorite Lateevan
Task 01: (Written, 3 TPE)
Returning back home to Skrīveri was a really mindbending experiance to Eva considering that she has been traveling the world since she was 13 and the first real time she has been back was now. The feelings she had can't really be described on paper, they need to be lived. Of course, the old crew decided to throw Eva a party and oh boy, it actually lined up perfectly with the annual sports day, that has been a tradition in Skrīveri for the past few decades. After her arrival, she saw that she is one of the guests of honour. The town has always been known for their great handball heritage, but now, when they have a hockey player that is showing great hockey in the minor league and now is just a few months away from her debut in the big leagues, the whole town had to come and take a look at the little Eva Lykke they new when she was just a schoolgirl with an obsession over hockey. Eva was seated next to two of the biggest handball stars of the country and they all were set to give autographs, take pictures and answer questions from the crowd. After an hour they all were set to play a friendly game of football with the town kids. It was a trully great experiance to spend time with the town folks and have fun. After the game they were escorted to the city hall where they had diner with the head chairman and later, when all the speaches were said and everyone was feeling great, they ended the day in the town center where there was a good old town party right next to the stadium. Live music, food, drinks, dances - everything Eva has missed while living abroad. She spent a total of 2 weeks back in her hometown and after that was escorted to the airport and went back to the states. This time to Chicago where she will start her new SHL career as a part of the Syndicate. Code: 343 words Task 03: (Written, 3 TPE) If you are in the SMJHL then you have been there for at least a few seasons and its likely that a promotion to the SHL is coming soon. The question is.. are you ready?.. what areas of your game do you believe are SHL ready and what areas are you concerned about? what things are you sad to leave behind and what things are you excited about when moving to your parent club. (Must be 150 words or more) TASK 04: (Graphic, 3 TPE) Calgary and WKP are giving the first 7,500 fans in the building a Challenge Cup poster of one of there young up and coming stars in their organization! Create that poster! ...must include that players render, player name, team name, team logo and exciting wording to highlight that player. (*tag that player) ![]() Oliver Pettyfer / Isaac Cormier Hale / Eva Lykke Aparjode ![]() IIHF Federation Head Too young for this shit
Task 01: (Written, 3 TPE)
You are at the airport awaiting a flight to meet back up with your team after spending the day being honoured as a 'Hometown Hero' in the place where you grew up! Tell us about your day... what did they have planned for you? Who did you see there? What were you given? How did it turn out? ... In 150 words or more, tell us all about this big moment as hometown hero. It was kind of surprising going back to Voorhees. I mean, my transfer was kind of a blindside to the entire town. I’d been a bright hockey prospect who everyone thought would make it big and play for the US, but I was also a dual national, so it wasn’t known whether I would stick with the US or not, and I didn’t. I’m still celebrated as a hero back home, though. I flew in to Philadelphia after the season ended for us (6 game loss to Calgary), and my friend Brandon picked me up. “Joey, we’re so happy to see you!” He drove me back to his place, where I was staying, and told me there was to be a party at his house later with all of my old friends to celebrate. I was also to give a speech at my old high school Eastern Regional, and recall my time there. It made it even sweeter that my younger sister was a freshman at school, so she got to hear it. I talked about my time at the school, mentioned teachers I loved (freshman history, GT, etc.), and finished with this: “Voorhees is the place where I was born and raised. I love this town with every fiber of my body, and thank everyone here for listening to an old guy discuss his time at the school and his love for the town. Take this one thing with you: work as hard as you can. Hard work can get you to where you want to be.” The party was a rager. I got hella drunk, sang Gloria at a karaoke bar, and embarrassed myself by playing Tribute by Tenacious D with a couple of old friends. I love my hometown, and it was great to come back. Task 05: (Written, up to 6 TPE) Pick up to 6 challenge cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth '1' TPE. Each answer must be '50' words or more. 1. Breakdown this finals matchup for us, how will it play out? who will be the stars of this series, what will the outcome be? (*tag anyone involved) 2. A major managerial showdown is about to take place Between WKP's (Jr95, Wongy) and Calgarys (Steelhead77, C00kies) which set of GM's have the tactical/managerial advantage in this series and why? I think Calgary has the major advantage. Esa has been GMing in this league for a very long time and knows his stuff more than anyone else. The Dragons have been able to beat two very good teams in the West in the Edmonton Blizzard and Texas Renegades, and should be coming into the Challenge Cup with confidence. I think the GMs will bring them to the Cup. 3. Which player in the finals should be considered their teams playoff MVP and which should be considered their teams unsung hero thus far and why? For the Playoff MVP, I’d say Nicky Pedersen Jr. of the Calgary Dragons. Pedersen has showed the talent that his bloodline has produced by leading his team in points with 11, and contributing a +8 plus-minus as well. The unsung hero of these finals is West Kendall d-man Karsten Kadinger. The German has 5 points but has been a force at the blueline with 16 hits and a +4 plus-minus. 4. Which player do you believe will be the differance maker in their franchise winning the title here in S47? Mike Izzy needs to produce. That’s black and white. The Dragons Star has only scored 7 points this postseason and is a -5, meaning he’s lagging on his defensive capabilities. The Austrian has struggled mightily, which means that age may be taking its toll on him. He needs to get his normal star-like qualities back, and fast, if the Dragons can make it past a very good Platoon squad. 5. After trading off there best players and declaring themselves in a full rebuild back in S45, The Calgary Dragons have made it to the S47 finals.. just 2 seasons later. Choose: ('No surprise', 'mild surprise', 'major surprise' or 'in shock') and explain why. No surprise. We all know how good of a GM Esa is, and he’ll do whatever it takes for his team to be successful, even if it means he blows it up. The Dragons have a lot of quality young talent like Shooter McGavin, who is enjoying a breakout postseason, and the aforementioned Nicky Pedersen Jr. Veterans are not the core of this team. Now the youth are taking over. 6. Which young players in this series (S42-S47) have a chance to break out and make a name for themselves here in the Challenge Cup Finals? (*Tag that player) 7. The West Kendall Platoon are back in the finals after a season out of the playoffs and a team that was in serious regression Choose: ('No surprise', 'mild surprise', 'major surprise' or 'in shock') and explain why. No surprise. Look at the moves this team made to go on a major playoff run. They sniped an aging but still productive Sophia Bennett from Los Angeles. Crossfit Jesus and Dani Forsberg are producing like its S39, and are back at their top level of performance. The Platoon have stellar goaltending, and only 4 Platoon players are a minus. This is a team that knows what they’re doing. 8. Star netminders Kata Vilde and Beaujeaux Biscuit have both carried there teams into the finals. Which franchise goalie has a better chance to carry their franchise to a Cup? Biscuit, based on the sole fact that he’s done this before. The Irish netminder led the Platoon to the Cup only five or six seasons ago, and is still one of the best, if not THE best, goalie in the SHL right now. He’s also won a lot of gold medals with the Irish national team as the starting goalie. Biscuit has the experience and the talent. He’s a major factor if the Platoon win the cup. Task 07: (Written, 3 TPE) You have been given the responsibility of organizing the National Anthem(s) for both teams in the Challenge Cup Finals. With the entire world watching the league feels its imperative that who ever you choose really encapusates the persona of the team and their fanbase. In 150 words or more, let us know who you chose for both teams, why you believe they represent that franchise and anything notable about their performance,, IE outfits, accompaniment, etc. For Calgary, I chose famed Calgarian singer Jann Arden. The singer-songwriter is a huge Dragons fan, and she’d be decked out in the famed red, white, and black that represent Calgary’s favorite hockey team. She’d be accompanied by a local children’s choir who would help Arden sing both the Canadian and American national anthems. At the end, she would sing “GO DRAGONS” in a beautiful falsetto, dropping the mic afterwards. West Kendall’s anthem singer would be Enrique Iglesias, a Miamian who would represent the glitz and glamor of the big city. Iglesias would be wearing a Platoon joined and would be joined by DJ Khaled, shouting “AMERICA, YOU DA BEST” after each line. Iglesias would gently sing both anthems before bowing, and yelling “UP THE PLATOON” at the top of his lungs before DJ Khaled calls West Kendall “DA BEST”. Task 09: (Written, 3 TPE) Which organization that didnt make it to the finals would you consider to be the biggest disappointment? What do you think are the main reasons why they fell short this season? (Must be 150 words or more) The Edmonton Blizzard came into this season with massive hype. Joseph Lombardi came in on a massive one year contract worth $6 million to strengthen a top 6 that already included Teddy Cuddles, Cory Knouse, Tony Pepperoni, and Hercules Rockefeller. The defense was stacked, led by Brady McIntyre, Ensio Kalju, Tor Tuck, Connor Tanner, and Chippy Chiclets. The youth was promising, led by Adam Taylor, Bernard Freeman, and Willy Mack. The goalie was Tor’s brother and bona-fide elite goalie Tommy Tuck. This is a stacked team that many thought would compete for, if not win, the Challenge Cup this year. Yet, it was not to be. The Blizzard had trouble playing the Dragons even after a line shake up. The main reason why the Blizzard fell short was most likely a lack of cohesiveness. There weren’t any problems between the players, but they hadn’t played together, and the arrival of Lombardi may have shaken up line chemistry. This Blizzard team should be back next year. It’s not a matter of how, just a matter of when. I sent Task 13 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Graphic Graders I <3 Coffee Quote:Task 01: (Written, 3 TPE) First of all I'm glad I got to book this flight out of Helsinki instead of Turku, that local airport is just so small and shitty. Taking a train to Helsinki is so much easier. Going back home was - let's say 'exhausting'. I was extremely tired when I arrived and hoped that perhaps my parents would pick me up and go straight home so I could sleep. Instead a whole group of people, some I knew, some I had never seen before, greeted me and dragged me into some kind of bus. Everyone was happy, screaming and asked for autographs. I couldn't say no, my parents were also there and they looked proud. I was driven straight to the main market square of the city where they had several food stands, music, drinks, even more people and a stage where they expected me to be interviewed. Live on TV. I had to pretend to be excited and happy, but I really just wanted to get out of there and sleep. They gave me a golden goalie mask with my name on it. I have to admit that one was pretty cool. Eventually I survived the day somehow. I don't really remember how it ended, because I was too drunk, so it probably wasn't that bad. Quote:Task 03: (Written, 3 TPE) I'm currently still in the SMJHL and I'm going to be there for my third year as well. The next season will be my first year as a starter for Lethbridge, so that's going to be the first challenge after being a backup before. One area I haven't been very good in are shootouts and I hope to improve my save percentage as well. It's going to be hard breaking any of the records from Patrice Nadeau, but I'll try. I simply think that another year in the J will prepare me for my next job which is likely going to be a starter in the SHL for Toronto. I just don't want to go there right away without having played a full season. I'm sad to leave my team (Go Lions!), because I really like the guys in the LR, but I'm excited to have the opportunity of playing a big role in the SHL right away - that's rare. Quote:TASK 08: (Graphic, 3 TPE) ![]() Quote:Task 09: (Written, 3 TPE) This has to be Buffalo. In general you could always pick the team that won the year before, because anything less than at least making it to the final should be considered a failure for this team. This year Buffalo actually had a pretty good run and made it to round 3, so you can consider them one of the top 4 teams. The only situation worse than this would be losing in the final, but taking WKP all the way to game 7 shows how good Buffalo is. It's difficult to pick the reason why they lost, because all the way to game 6 there weren't any major weaknesses. Probably not scoring any goals in game 7 was the reason they fell short, as simple as that. The other reason was Beaujeaux Biscuit (WKP G) who was really strong in this series (Stampede goalie Cedric Robinson was great too, but it didn't help). I can't think of anything else than a disappointment when looking at Buffalo. Quote:Task 11: (Written, 3 TPE) In this example the Calgary Dragons would claim a player from the Edmonton Blizzard, the team they defeated in round 2. Who? Edmonton's second line center Tony Pepperoni (@"TommySalami"). Not only did Pepperoni lead his team in points during the playoffs (together with Teddy Cuddles, both had 5 points in 6 games and were +2), but he's also useful in the FO category, having an insane 60% FO wins (not quite as good during the regular season, but he was still over 50% then and that's relatively good). No player on Calgary had better numbers in this category. While Mike Izzy would clearly stay Calgary's no. 1 center, Tony Pepperoni could certainly be a nice addition on the third line here or possibly even take Nicky Pedersen Jr.'s place on the second line. While Pepperoni wasn't successful during Edmonton's power play (only talking about playoffs here), he could certainly be used on Calgary's special teams as well. Quote:TASK 13: (*CASUAL MEMBER SPECIAL* Send answer in PM, up to 3 TPE) Sent message. ![]() ![]() sigs either by @Wasty, @Nokazoa, @sulovilen, @"Capt_Blitzkrieg", @sköldpaddor, @Ragnar, @enigmatic, @Lime or myself ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() my portfolio | my sig shop | gfx discord ![]() ![]() ![]() Registered Posting Freak
Task 01: (Written, 3 TPE) You are at the airport awaiting a flight to meet back up with your team after spending the day being honoured as a 'Hometown Hero' in the place where you grew up! Tell us about your day... what did they have planned for you? Who did you see there? What were you given? How did it turn out? ... In 150 words or more, tell us all about this big moment as hometown hero. Have you seen the episode of Parks and Recreation where Ben Wyatt goes back to his hometown for what he thinks is a ceremony to honor him but it turns out the town still hates him and they just invited him back to make fun of him some more for his big mistakes earlier on? Well, Manuel going back to his hometown was nothing like that! Everyone there actually loves him for really embodying the German hockey player mentality of drinking a lot, checking everyone you come across on the ice, and occasionally scoring goals if need be. Going back to Germany in general is awesome for him and he and the rest of the German IIHF team always have a blast. In his hometown in particular he loves to see his mom and get some homecooked meals, as well as try to avoid his on-again off-again fling with the neighbor girl that still lives there. Task 05: (Written, up to 6 TPE) Pick up to 6 challenge cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth '1' TPE. Each answer must be '50' words or more. 6. Which young players in this series (S42-S47) have a chance to break out and make a name for themselves here in the Challenge Cup Finals? (*Tag that player) Hard to believe Maxime Bouchard @Weretarantula was a rookie this season for the Dragons with their performance this playoffs. Maxime is clearly not a physical presence for the team, but putting up 3 goals and 8 assists is a really big contribution for a young player to make and a strong indicator of future success despite the team's ultimately disappointing finish. Task 09: (Written, 3 TPE) Which organization that didnt make it to the finals would you consider to be the biggest disappointment? What do you think are the main reasons why they fell short this season? (Must be 150 words or more) The Specters lived up their names and were a truly spooky team to play against this season, headlined by top scorers DeMaricus Smyth and Piotr Czerkawski among others. It must have been devastating for such a strong team to get bounced in the first round of the playoffs this season to a Renegades squad that just wasn't up to their standards during the regular season. Honestly one of the main reasons for their demise was just bad luck, losing 2 games in overtimes only losing by 1 goal each time. They scored 3 more goals than the Renegades in the series which is pretty ridiculous for a losing side. The aforementioned DeMaricus and particularly Piotr struggled much more so than during the season, and I'm sure that played some part in the tough defeats, but the slack seemed to have been picked up by SHL legends Oisin Fletcher and Joe Kurczewksi such that I wouldn't have expected them to drop the series. It is a heartbreaking and disappointing way to end the season, but I expect a lot out of this team going forward. Task 11: (Written, 3 TPE) Writers on the internet have jokingly tossed around the following playoff roster idea: "when a team eliminates another team, they get to claim a player from that eliminated team to join their roster" Pretend the SHL has adopted this rule this postseason. Pick one of the teams in the Challenge Cup final and pick any player from a team that they've eliminated to add to their roster for the finals. Why did they choose that player? How will this player help out? Where will they play in the lineup? (must be 150 words or more, *tag all players) It's tough to say West Kendall has any weaknesses after the beating they put on Calgary, but it is pretty clear that if anything could be helped, it would be a physical presence on defense. Luckily for them, they defeated Buffalo this playoffs in a hard-fought series, and Buffalo has a few players that fit that description to a T. The best of those couldn't actually make the swap because he's a GM, but I'm still gonna go ahead and say Tatu Makela @WannabeFinn would've been the best choice for West Kendall to add. Makela is amazing at almost everything at this point in his career, and adding someone that can check opponents into next week, defend the goal, and still put one into the back of the net or pass it off to a teammate with precision would've been huge for West Kendall to perform even better in the finals. He would've been an excellent first line defenseman pairing with Ludwig Koch Schroder. TASK 13: (*CASUAL MEMBER SPECIAL* Send answer in PM, up to 3 TPE) Sent ![]() Registered The Queen of Chaos
Task 13: Sent ![]() Jamie T Wrote:But I wish I'd been a little more exceptional ![]() Moderators Moderator
Task 1
After failing to win the SMJHL cup for a second time in a row, I decided to visit my roots and drink with my former slavic team as that is always a good time. It was very nice as they pointed out how over one season my importance on the team grown (rather then roasting me for not winning the cup again). So to celebrate we have a few traditions and as the hometown hero it is my duty to not let my приятель’s down. For starter’s we joust while riding an ox. One hand holds the hockey stick, the other hand holds the vodka bottle you are chugging. After we sit down to бабуся’s home cooked meal she makes for the entire town (all the бабуся’s from the село contribute). And then to finish the day off we have a crazy slavic discoteka. DJ blyatman made a personal appearance the moment he heard I was coming into town. What a day, makes me wish the SMJHL had a European team. Task 5 1. Breakdown this finals matchup for us, how will it play out? who will be the stars of this series, what will the outcome be? (*tag anyone involved) I need to give the advantage to the platoon for my vote to win. As the old saying goes, defense wins championships. while playing the same amount of games, the platoon have allowed 12 less goals then the dragons, the platoon are coming in hot having multiple players with a multi game goal AND point scoring streaks, not to mention they have the best goalie of the playoffs with Beaujeaux Biscuit. He is easily the playoff MVP if this tea wins, WHO HAS A .95 SAVE PERCENTAGE?? Platoon in 5 @biscuit @Crossfit Jesus @Dani Forsberg 2. A major managerial showdown is about to take place Between WKP's (Jr95, Wongy) and Calgarys (Steelhead77, C00kies) which set of GM's have the tactical/managerial advantage in this series and why? As stated above, my money is on the platoon, JR and Wong have a defense first mentality and its the reason they've gotten this far, its one thing to score goals, but to be able to completely shut other teams down is a talent very few possess. while they lack the physicality, they focus more on take ways and not getting hot headed. While one may see that as a weakness, I view this as a positive thing as instead of tiring yourself out with a hit, you save that energy to keep the speedy tempo alive throughout the entire game. If I'm Calgary i'd be worried for what's to come 4. Which player do you believe will be the differance maker in their franchise winning the title here in S47? Umm, you'll find throughout this post there is a common theme, @.bojo Beaujeaux Biscuit is a GOD! while I will admit Calgary has the more explosive offence, beaujeaux needs to risk it for the biscuit! His back better be extra strong to carry the load that the city of West Kendal has placed on him. If goalie's could be captains I'm sure he would wear the C for this team. 5. After trading off there best players and declaring themselves in a full rebuild back in S45, The Calgary Dragons have made it to the S47 finals.. just 2 seasons later. Choose: ('No surprise', 'mild surprise', 'major surprise' or 'in shock') and explain why. In shock as if you were to tell me two seasons ago that a rebuild takes two season I would probably spit out whatever i was drinking in laughter as that idea is ridiculous. however, i spoke to quickly as the dragons have impressed the entire league and do make a serious claim as to why they will take it all. However this younger squad lacks experience and I feel they are just not ready to face a high IQ team like the Platoon. regardless though, I would consider making the finals a huge accomplishment and while they may not win this year, a dynasty is definitely being formed and it's only a matter of time befofre they pull off multiple wins. 7. The West Kendall Platoon are back in the finals after a season out of the playoffs and a team that was in serious regression Choose: ('No surprise', 'mild surprise', 'major surprise' or 'in shock') and explain why. I would say in shock as it's one thing to have the vets lead the way, but when you're team's core is past their expiry date naturally you'd expect them to throw the towel in. However I feel the age plays into the whole "defense first" mentality as they don't have the explosive speedy offense that naturally comes with a younger team. The platoon are just proving that there is more then one way to be good in today's modern version of the SHL and that's why they have my vote to win. 8. Star netminders Kata Vilde and Beaujeaux Biscuit have both carried there teams into the finals. Which franchise goalie has a better chance to carry their franchise to a title? @.bojo Beaujeaux Biscuit is easily the superior goalie. This has to be a record setting playoff performance if he's able to pull off a cup win. 4 playoff shutouts.... that is almost half of the game's he's played!?!?! We can not forget his amazing GAA for 1.45, like no one even comes close to him!!! I'm sure teams would kill to have this guy playing with their jersey on, but the platoon are the lucky winners of the bojo sweepstakes and he WILL lead them to a cup win Task 12 The West Kendall Platoon faced some serious adversity during the series involving the Buffalo Stampede. Buffalo clinched their division during the regular season and were the only team that had a chance to take down the mighty platoon. Once they began trailing in the series the SHL could not believe their eyes as they president trophy winning team was almost eliminated. Key word, almost. The first two Games Westkendal chocked hard and suffered some serious losses. However game three gave the platoon some hope as they finally showed the hot buffalo team was beatable. The 2nd home game of Buffalo was a win for the Stampede so the series went 1-3 against the West Kendall Platoon But then hope died again as they lost game four and were now down 3-1. in the words of Lebron James, 'Playoff mode" was activated and the platoon went on to win three straight to take the series and advance to the Cup Final. Here is hoping they can finish what has been a fantastic season and a playoff run full up excitement as with an aging core we don't know how many years are left for them. Task 13 Pm sent ![]() ![]() First ever Yukon Malamute draft pick (1st overall S65) ![]() ![]() SMJHL GM Finally a real SHL GM
Task 01: (Written, 3 TPE)
You are at the airport awaiting a flight to meet back up with your team after spending the day being honoured as a 'Hometown Hero' in the place where you grew up! Tell us about your day... what did they have planned for you? Who did you see there? What were you given? How did it turn out? ... In 150 words or more, tell us all about this big moment as hometown hero. On the trip out to Collin Gibbles first SMJHL Four-Star Cup Finals Game, he first took some time to stop home for a day. The flights from Anaheim in California to Montreal in Quebec were longer than Gibbles wanted to deal with so it seemed like the perfect time to make a pit stop. Gibbles arrived mid morning with his partner, Anna Kendrick in tow. Gibbles took Kendrick out on the town to see all Grand Rapids had to offer. They stopped by Gibble's old team rink and he was met with a suprise. Anna had arranged a day with fans and family starting with a suprise party filled with friends and family. Gibbles was constantly being swarmed by local peewee players wishing to get an autograph or a picture with the GR native. Gibbles gladly regaled the young skaters with the on ice experience he just had against the St. Louis Scarecrows. Gibbles then left with Kendrick to go enjoy a tour of a local brewery that had named a new beer in his honor(The Gibrew). After a long day of walking around downtown and talking with fans, the couple sadly retreated to their plane to continue on towards Montreal and the SMJHL Finals. Gibbles was glad to take time to reconnect with his roots. He even got to sneak a quick excursion to a local business for a secret gift he had been preparing for a while. Task 03: (Written, 3 TPE) If you are in the SMJHL then you have been there for at least a few seasons and its likely that a promotion to the SHL is coming soon. The question is.. are you ready?.. what areas of your game do you believe are SHL ready and what areas are you concerned about? what things are you sad to leave behind and what things are you excited about when moving to your parent club. (Must be 150 words or more) As the 3rd season of Collin Gibbles SMJHL Career is nearing a close, he has been preparing to his impending jump from the Anaheim Outlaws to the Minnesota Chiefs. Gibbles had a brief stint in the SHL playoffs last year after Anaheim was eliminated. He joined the Chiefs playoff race for a limited role. Now with another year of fantastic play, Gibbles is looking primed to make the leap to the next level. It won't be an easy transition as Gibbles has been a prominent fixture of the Outlaws team since it's creation 3 seasons ago. He has been one of the top point scorers for his junior team during his tenure. The big leagues are much tougher and he will likely have a harder time making as big of an impact in the SHL right away. He is several steps down the depth chart for starters and will not likely see the special teams time he is used to in Anaheim. Gibbles will be sad to leave all the great teammates he has developed, but he will have his Outlaw teammate Mathias Seger to help lessen the blow. He will still get to help his junior team in his role of Co-GM, but not having a direct impact on their success will be something he has to get used to. He is looking forward to the new teammates he will get to play with and hopes he will carve out a legacy in Minnesota. Task 09: (Written, 3 TPE) Which organization that didnt make it to the finals would you consider to be the biggest disappointment? What do you think are the main reasons why they fell short this season? (Must be 150 words or more) I think it is a shock to no one that the biggest upset in the SMJHL playoffs was the 5th seed Anaheim Outlaws eliminating the 1st seed St. Louis Scarecrows. Many had the Scarecrows as heavy favorites to win the Four Star Cup this season after their dominating play throughout the season. The Scarecrows have a team full of talent that many would say should have bested the Outlaws in their 7 game series. This was also the stop gap to St. Louis's goal of winning their 4th straight championship. The Scarecrows/Outlaw series was a tight race with all but 1 game being decided by a single goal. I think the only thing the team lacked was luck during the series. They played great hockey and just met a hot team. The future is not dark for St. Louis, as they have a great core that will allow them to bounce back next season at another chance for post-season success. They should still be a contender next playoffs and will likely be hungry for more success. TASK 13: (*CASUAL MEMBER SPECIAL* Send answer in PM, up to 3 TPE) Its trivia time with 4 questions related to our Challenge Cup participants! Sent Task 11: (Written, 3 TPE) Writers on the internet have jokingly tossed around the following playoff roster idea: "when a team eliminates another team, they get to claim a player from that eliminated team to join their roster" Pretend the SHL has adopted this rule this postseason. Pick one of the teams in the Challenge Cup final and pick any player from a team that they've eliminated to add to their roster for the finals. Why did they choose that player? How will this player help out? Where will they play in the lineup? (must be 150 words or more, *tag all players) For The Calgary Dragons, I think they best choice to improve their teams going into the finals would be to bolster their D core with another Top Pairing Defenseman. I would choose for them to take Liam O'Callaghan(@Dangles13) from the Texas Renegades after they won the Western Conference Finals. I would put O'Callaghan on the top pair, replacing Chico Smeb who would cause a cascade of players moving down a line. O'Callaghan's regular season and post season play show that they are a hard-hitting, defensive force on the ice. Calgary has more than enough forward talent, but taking the Texas Defensive star would shore up a lot of worry on the back end. I chose O'Callaghan over other players in their position with more points because they seem to be more of a complete player that can cover whatever weakness's the team has. They would also likely pump up the scoring numbers for Calgary with their impressive assist totals. Task 05: (Written, up to 6 TPE) Pick up to 6 challenge cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth '1' TPE. Each answer must be '50' words or more. 6. Which young players in this series (S42-S47) have a chance to break out and make a name for themselves here in the Challenge Cup Finals? (*Tag that player) Calgary is a team that has been lead to the finals by their strong youth movement. They have an impressive 9 players from S42 and younger on their team heading into the finals. Notable standouts include; Nicky Pedersen Jr.(@mstuk41 ), Rainbow Dash(@Eggy216), and Maxime Bouchard(@Weretarantula ). These players have been putting points on the board and look to prove their worth in the final round. Edit: Even after their disappointing exit, expect this strong core to lead the Dragons on many future playoff pushes. 16/16 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Registered S45 Challenge Cup Champion
Task 1:
Tommy Tuck, as well as his brother Tor Tuck were both given the “Hometown Hero” treatment when they went home after their disappointing playoff loss to Calgary. You see, Oslo does it big for their heroes, as is the case with many cities. Each Tuck had a beer named after them, as well as a wonderful parade throughout the whole city. Tor was treated to as many prostitutes as he wanted, all free of charge of course, and Tommy was treated to as much all you can eat buffets as he wanted. They both were honored so wonderfully; they have decided to go home every year now. Outside of preparing for the IIHF tournament, which they do in Norway, you can bet your buck that the Tucks will be visiting in Oslo more often, especially with such beautiful treatment they were given over the course of the day. The Tucks are here to show the world why Oslo and Norway are amazing! (162 words) Task 9: Honestly, the biggest disappointment of a team to not make the Challenge Cup this season would have to easily be the Edmonton Blizzard. The team is just primed for success, and ripe with it throughout the years and players that have been on such a wonderful team. A big reason why they didn’t make the playoffs this season would have to be because of the team itself. They partied way to hard after having yet another dominant regular season and continued the party up until they played Calgary. They had so much alcohol and rust on them, that it was hard to shake off. Tommy Tuck especially shit the bed, as he decided it was better to be playing with prostitutes and blow, then prepping for a series against the Calgary Dragons. All is fair in love and war, and he believes that the prostitutes and blow were spiked with something, which made him clearly underperform in the playoffs. (159 words) Task 11: The Calgary Dragons, whom have beaten quite a few good teams to make it to the finals (again, *sigh*) would have easily taken Tor Tuck from the Edmonton Blizzard once they beat them. Tor Tuck brings hits, fights, and just an all-around great attitude to the ice, and would bleed for the team he is on. From Texas, I could easily see them snag one of the greatest wingers of this generation, Louie Garrett. Yes, yes, we all know that Calgary in their whole, is a pretty great team, but when you can add someone like Louie Garrett to your team, especially for a cup run, you do it. Garrett has shown this generation and the new generations of players how to be a winger, and he does it with such finesse and skill that it would be hard not take this man, this LEGEND. He is easily, in my mind, the player I would snatch from Texas. @dizzyDC @ErM (160 Words) Task 12: The Calgary Dragons have faced quite a bit of adversity. If nothing else, the biggest adversity they faced was the changing of their logo. It went from a bad-ass logo, to one that looks like a shrimp, and the league went wild. While the team itself thought it was a good logo, people were coming at them as it was a ripped logo from another team somewhere else. In the grand scheme of things, it doesn’t really matter in my mind if the logo is ripped or not, but if the General Managers and the players like it. Alas, the outcry was so huge from the rest of the league, some would say 15 plus pages of outcry, Calgary decided to stay with their original logo and not change what is working for them, and now look, they are in the Challenge Cup Finals yet again, and possibly winning yet another title. (152 words) Task 13: Done ![]() ![]() |
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