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S48 Championship Week

Task 2:
[Image: 4zdL1Zh.png]
@fever95 @Nerio

Task 4:
[Image: DZXHqE3.png]
@fever95 @Nerio

Task 5:
1. Put together a challenge cup fantasy team using the 2 teams in the finals as the player pool. This fantasy team must include at least 1 young player (S44 or higher) and in 50+ words discuss your choices.
[S47] LW - Noah Gallagher – I am including this gem of a player for no other reason that I picked him to be in all my graphics also
[S46] C - Bobby Sharp – you guessed it, this chap also on this list because his beautiful render graces my fine art
(S45) RW - Alexander Selich – my brother from another season 31 and german mother from days long past welcome to my super team
(S39) D - Patrick Brumm Jr. – this legend the greater tweedle
(S39) D - Max Poulin – it is hard to imagine a fantasy team without galatix so bam added
(S43) Goalie - Cedric Robinson – this man is magic between the pipes and beneath the sheets you heard it here first folks

Task 7:
[Image: 1eHfxgN.png]
@fever95 @Nerio

Task 9:
[Image: pgikG4B.png]


[Image: fm4oNHu.png]    Aurora  norway  Raptors     [Image: YHC5qMO.png]
[Image: 47986_s.gif]

CW TASK 1: (Written, 3 TPE)

If I needed to build the next great franchise, starting from just one prospect, I'd have to choose Nicolaj Muller @esilverm. He led the SMJHL in scoring, while being 'the guy' on St. Louis along with linemate Mika Kandinsky. He's a standout candidate for MVP, along with other awards. But with him only having 12PIM all season, it's clear that he doesn't have any attitude issues, making him perfect to be the face of the franchise. He has the potential to be an elite player in the SHL. Off the ice he's also allegedly a programmer, and coded a half-decent bot to scrape fake hockey stats. He's a hardworking player, but also a great guy off the ice, and does have some GMing experience being an IIHF Federation Head. He's the perfect package of a player, good on the ice skills, a good person off the ice, and could help me out with team strategy. There are a lot of good young guns to build around, but I think Muller would be the easiest/best to build a dynasty around.

CW TASK 3: (Written, 3 TPE)

@hhh81 Thank you for everything you've helped me with in Colorado, from being a rookie getting 8 minutes to being the go to defenseman on the powerplay, penalty kill, and 5v5. You've helped me a lot in the SMJHL with build advice on what to do, and what not to do. I don't know where I stand in Raptors all-time stats, probably not very high but I might be up there, doesn't matter. I like to think I had a succesfull career in the SMJHL, and the Raptors will always be my home down there <3

@Velevra @O4L You've already got a taste of me in the SHL, with me being a +5 in my two regular season games, but prepare for the best defenseman Chicago has seen, cause I'm going to start doing PT's. I don't really care what line I'm on, but if you want to win you should put me on the 1st. This season I'll be improving passing and defense, so I can be a well-rounded defenseman and carry that bum Kennedy @SDCore

CW TASK 05: (Written, up to 4 TPE)
Pick up to 4 challenge cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth '1' TPE. Each answer must be '50' words or more.

1. Put together a challenge cup fantasy team using the 2 teams in the finals as the player pool. This fantasy team must include at least 1 young player (S44 or higher) and in 50+ words discuss your choices.

F - Viktor Marius Stampede  F - Hippo Passamus Stampede F - Lil Manius Jets  D - Slip McScruff  Jets  D - Cassius Darrow Stampede  G - Cedric Robinson Stampede

Marius and Passamus have had a ton of chemistry, with Passamus feeding Marius throughout the playoffs and the season. Lil Manius brings points, but also hits as one of the best two way forwards in the league. On defense Darrow and McScruff both bring offense, but also aren't afraid to block shots. In net I have Robinson, since his stats were just a little better than the other Cedric, but both would be good. 

4. Buffalo has made it to the finals in 2 of the last 3 seasons. Who or what has been a primary reason for the recent success of this franchise. (*tag anyone involved)

I think the main reason for their success has been their defensive core. With players like Walker, Metzler, and Makela it's no wonder how they've been this successful. Darrow is also young, but still contributed to the core, and Buffalo can easily keep up the success if he returns in FA. With Eric Vandenburg coming up from the Raptors though the core might hurt for a bit, but in 2-3 seasons it'll be back to normal.

@hhh81 @Avakael @WannabeFinn @Zombiewolf

CW TASK 6: (Written, 3 TPE)

When I initially created, I figured that I should make a defensive defenseman, since a lot of people would want the offensive glory, but that didn't end up happening. In the SMJHL I ended up leading defenseman in points on the Raptors, being the powerplay specialist, and being one of the top scorers in the league. But I was also pretty good at defense, with a lot of shots blocked, and a good +/- in my 2 SHL games as a call-up. Checking was also a strength of mine, but it caused a lot of penalties. In the SHL I'm going to try to build a little more offensive, focusing into passing so I can be that powerplay specialist. Looking at current SHL players, I'd say I'd be modeling my build after Otis B. Driftwood, who was 2nd in PPP, and also racked up the hits, points, and shots blocked. He's pretty much exactly how I'd want my player to be, and that build works for him as he's one of the league's top defenseman.

CW TASK 9: (Graphic, 3 TPE)

[Image: 294111aca611f11a66765266cc8896f3.png]

CW TASK 13: (*CASUAL MEMBER SPECIAL* Send answer in PM, up to 3 TPE)

(This post was last modified: 07-27-2019, 05:31 PM by Muford.) PBE Welfare

Task 13: Submitted

Task 3:

For Tommy Tuck to sit down with his GMs, he is going to need two chairs and a drink. It is going to be a long sit down. Honestly, one thing that Tommy has done wonderfully is always be in between those pipes, doing everything in his power to help the team win games. Sadly, that didn’t happen nearly as well this season as it in the past. One thing that Tommy was horrible about was letting pucks get into the net, which he will for sure be working on this offseason. Tommy’s role in Season 49, shall be more of a captain-esque role for the Edmonton Blizzard. He needs to start mentoring someone under him because, you know, this Tuck is not getting any younger. Hopefully he can soon take someone under his wing, and once he gets the records he deserves with the Edmonton Blizzard, he will be able to walk off into the sunset knowing the team is in good hands with a new person in place.  

@Keygan @tommysalami
(157 words)

Task 8:

Come one, Come all, and listen to how the Buffalo Stampede look to Run all over the Winnipeg Jets team. But, while the Buffalo are looking to Stampede, realize that the Winnipeg Jets are going to be in the air, flying all over this Buffalo team. It’s a battle of land versus air, as you can never really tell what is going to happen! The Stampede might get lucky and catch those Jets by surprise and try to Stampede them into the ground before they are able to get off the ground. Soon enough, there will be just a massive pile of a little bit of everything!

The Podcast this would be on is hands down an easily great podcast. It would be on cptrella’s podcast, named Trellacast. This Trellacast is easily the best cast hands down and it has one of the best people in the world leading it. With such a strong cast of Trella, he himself and I would be the best person to air this ad and realize that this ad is perfect for this podcast.

(180 words)


CW Task 5:

2. The Buffalo Stampede core of star-studded defenders while outshine the Winnipeg’s group and that’s a simple fact. I really don’t know much about a lot of those players, but the one player I know a lot about, is the reason why Buffalo will outshine. Connor Tanner. That man is a gosh darn God on the ice, and he does everything including throwing his body on the ice day in and day out to make his team better. Someone like that is just contagious and will help Buffalo win it all.

(90 words)

3. It’s a huge surprise, but at the same time it’s not, because Winnipeg has a sneaky deep team. With players like Gary Grease, Cedric Moreau, and Michael Scarn, this team has always had a stronger team then most would have thought. That defense in Winnipeg is nothing to laugh at. Cedric is a great goalie, and Scarn is a young, strong Center.

(62 words)

@FlappyGiraffe @Trautner @treant

4. It’s not a surprise to see Buffalos’ rise to dominance. With the likes of Alexander Selich, Hippo Passamus and Xavier Paquette, all younger players that just look to make their team great. You also add in a few older players like Tatu Makela, TJ Bayley, and Oliver Konig, this team just was destined to become a dynasty. It’s nice to see a different dynasty outside of Calgary.

(67 words)

@Sleepy @panda @WannabeFinn @Tomen @Paq @Mayuu

5. Cedric Robinson has been playing lights out for Buffalo this past season. I must give the edge to this Cedric for the simple fact that he is a few years younger. Since he is younger, he has the agility and athleticism in the crease that Cedric Moreau just is losing due to old age. So hats off to Buffalo for having the better, hotter Cedric.

(65 words)

[Image: petrov2.png]
[Image: muford_hof_sig.png]

CW TASK 3: (Written, 3 TPE)
For most of us S48 is over and now its time to sit down with your GM's for a season end review! talk to your GM's about what youve accomplished, what you are strong at, what you need to improve on and what would you like your role to be moving into S49. Task must be 150 words or more. (*Tag your GM’s)

Hello GM's Dankoa and whatever Walter Hobb's username is here, and thank you for taking the time to sit down with me. Now, S48 was my most successful season, putting up more points, special teams points, +/- and time on ice. It was a hell of a season as I outpaced our two stud defenseman, Dude and O'Callaghan until the end of the season where Dude exploded in points. Everybody who played on my pairing did great and the team did great whenever I was on the ice. Unfortunately, we sucked as a team and missed the playoffs again. Over the summer, I worked on my checking so I can be a better defensive defenseman, and will continue to work on my scoring until I can become an elite scorer in this league. I will work tirelessly to help this team win. Another thing, I am only doing 2 of these tasks for a total of 6 TPE, so I suppose that is something I can work on for next season. I am over 1200 TPE at this point, so who really cares. For my role in S49, I would like to continue just being there and trying my best. Kind regards, Harvey.

CW TASK 13: (*CASUAL MEMBER SPECIAL* Send answer in PM, up to 3 TPE)
Its trivia time with 4 questions related to our Challenge Cup participants!

1. What Buffalo Stampede player recorded a +28 which was the greatest +- number in franchise history?
2. Name 3 players in the Winnipeg Hall of fame
3. Who was Buffalos's 1st round draft pick back in S34?
4. When was the last time the Winnipeg Jets won the Challenge Cup Championship and who was it against?

**Important**: Send the answers to username "PT Director" with the subject of the message titled “#ACE of Base" do not send it to my personal account cause i will not look at it and you will not recieve credit for it. Do not post the answers in here cause you will not get credit for the task. [Grading: 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer]

(This post was last modified: 07-27-2019, 06:38 PM by hewasajazzman.)

Task 3

me & Jason Aittokallio actually did have a little sit down recently and talked about just those type’a things. he is far too kind of a GM, not the type to really focus on the negative side of things, so things went pretty smoothly. basically he told me that i've been filling the role he envisioned for me pretty well. that even though i spent the season on the third line, where i am happy to be, he feels as if i can slot in to many different roles if needed. next season, who knows? things could be different… we just brought in some new management and staff so maybe things move around. i’m excited, as i’m sure many of us are, for s49 regardless of what happens. after last season this whole team is ready to get back out there honestly and there is no way we're gonna let that drag us down.

Task 10

(i happened to click on a random page on the PBPs and landed on the last time MAN won the cup soooo….)

s38 Challenge Cup Finals’ 10 Season Anniversary Special

Calgary Dragons vs. Manhattan Rage
CAL                      MAN

The s38’s Challenge Cup Finals pitted Calgary’s Dragons against the Rage of Manhattan. Just 10 seasons ago the Rage were a force to be reckoned with which led them to take home the cup after slaying the Dragons 4 games to 2. You could find a slew of big names we know today among the two rosters… players like Dani Forsberg, Mike Izzy, Joe Kurczewski, Crossfit Jesus, Roman Augustus, and Luke Atmey. These guys had really started to make a name for themselves across the league as elite talent. The s38 Finals were also a battle between two legendary goaltenders in Jason Aittokallio with Manhattan and Richard Hocolate with Calgary. The two seemed evenly matched until Aittokallio stole the show, recording two straight shutouts in games 4 and 5 before a decisive 4-3 victory in game 6 landing the Rage with a Challenge Cup in their hands.

Task 13

(This post was last modified: 07-28-2019, 02:25 PM by BarnabasCollins.)

CW TASK 1: (Written, 3 TPE)
Both teams in our challenge cup series come in with a healthy set of talented young players. if you were to choose a player from either teams SHL roster or there prospect pool with a (start date of S45, S46, S47 or S48) to build your team around, who would it be and why? What qualities on or off the ice make them 'that guy' and how do you think they would shape the image of their franchise? (150+ words and *tag any player involved in this task)

I would build a franchise around Buffalo center Kristoffer Svensson. Svensson was an absolute beast for Montreal, dominating the team awards pretty much his whole junior career. He scored 40,45 and 38 points his last 3 seasons in the juniors as well as playing the difficult number 1 center position. He can play both special teams. His team elected him as captain so he has developed some serious leadership skills as well. Top centers are tough to find since they have an extra category to sink tpe into and Svensson will be going up with almost 800 Tpe when he makes the jump to Buffalo. He's also a classy guy off the ice which is certainly something Buffalo can use with their reputation around the league. I fell that Svensson will be a Steve Yzerman type of franchise player and that's exactly the type of guy to build a team around. @gillon

CW TASK 3: (Written, 3 TPE)
For most of us S48 is over and now its time to sit down with your GM's for a season end review! talk to your GM's about what youve accomplished, what you are strong at, what you need to improve on and what would you like your role to be moving into S49. Task must be 150 words or more. (*Tag your GM’s)

Kata Vilde had an absolutely shit season this past one. After helping the Dragons to a finals berth 2 seasons ago Vilde was just mediocre this past season. With an up and coming young team Vilde will need to play much better if the Dragons are to gain another cup for their collection. Vilde has spoken extensively with GM @Steelhead77 about the current build and how it could be improved. On his advice Vilde at the end of the season unbanked a ton of Tpe and raised both puck handling and penalty shot stats to be more in line with the league's top netminders. The Dragons were able to get a 1st series win with Vilde playing quite well but then he crapped the bed in round 2. It's quite possible there may need to be some more fine tuning in the offseason to try and bring Vilde back into being an award nominated goalie.

CW TASK 05: (Written, up to 4 TPE)
Pick up to 4 challenge cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth '1' TPE. Each answer must be '50' words or more.

1. Put together a challenge cup fantasy team using the 2 teams in the finals as the player pool. This fantasy team must include at least 1 young player (S44 or higher) and in 50+ words discuss your choices.

Winnipeg's Jason Visser is without a doubt going to be the center on the fantasy team having scored 60 points including a league leading 28 goals. Lil Manius from Winnipeg and veteran Louie Garret of Buffalo would be the wingers with 54 and 48 point seasons respectively. Defenders would be Buffalo's Connor Tanner and Alexis Metzler with tanner dropping in 38 points from the back and metzler leading the legue in blocks with 101. Goalie would be Winnipeg's Cedric Moreau the regular season GAA leader and 2nd place in save percentage.

2. This series boasts an interesting matchup at the blue line between star studded defenders! Which includes Troy McClure III, Gary Grease and Slip McScruff from Winnipeg.. & Buffalo's Tatu Makela, Connor Tanner and Charles Walker.. which group do you expect will outshine the other and why?
Buffalo would have the advantage here. Connor Tanner was the only defender on the list who made it in the top ten in defensive scoring. Alexis Metzler led the league in shots blocked. Scanning the league's individual leader boards you don't see any Winnipeg defenders in many categories except for McClure did make the top ten in shots blocked. So I don't feel that either of these teams boasts a truly spectacular defense but I would have to give the edge without question to Buffalo in this case.

3. Winnipeg making it to the finals was an unexpected surprise. What were some of the main reasons why this franchise was able to persevere into the leagues most important series.  (*tag anyone involved)
It's quite obvious why Winnipeg made the finals. It's without a doubt because of goaltender Cedric Moreau. He led the league in goals against average and was second in save percentage. He also tied for the league lead in shutouts with three. A hot goalie can carry a team quite far in the playoffs and without question Winnipeg will rely heavily on the goalie who got them there.

4. Buffalo has made it to the finals in 2 of the last 3 seasons. Who or what has been a primary reason for the recent success of this franchise. (*tag anyone involved)

5. Both franchises come into the series with a hot Cedric! Between Winnipegs Cedric Moreau and Buffallo's Cedric Robinson which emerging netminder has the advantage over the other in this series?
I feel Moreau has the advantage for a couple reasons. His regular season numbers were far superior to Robinson's so he has shown more consistency throughout the season. Also Robinson played way more minutes during the season than Moreau so it is quite likely Moreau will be the fresher goalie for his team which is always crucial since the playoffs are so long.

CW TASK 10: (Written, 3 TPE)
CHALLENGE CUP HISTORY reports will be viewed instead of commericals for those watching the series online! pick any previous challenge cup finals from before your current player's time in the SHL and in 150+ words talk about the series including who won and in how many games, and who were some of the better players in that series. [include link to archives]
The S47 finals was an interesting one. The West Kendall platoon swept the Calgary Dragons 4 games to none. Two of the games went to overtime the first game disheartening for Calgary and the last game of the series where Calgary desperately tried to hang on. Joshua Woodcroft and Gabriel Wong particularly stood out for West Kendall making the top 3 stars in 2 of the 4 games and also contributing heavily in the other two. Calgary didn't really have anyone who stood out as they played a pretty mediocre series for them. Goaltender Vilde especially had a poor series after playing quite well during the earlier playoff rounds. It was not that surprising an outcome considering Calgary was in the midst of a slight rebuild and with their young team most of the league thought they were a few seasons away from cup contention. In light of the fact that their team was so young that's most likely why there really wasn't a standout moment for Calgary in this series. It did however provide valuable experience for the young Dragons as they look to the future.

CW TASK 13: (*CASUAL MEMBER SPECIAL* Send answer in PM, up to 3 TPE)
Its trivia time with 4 questions related to our Challenge Cup participants!

1. What Buffalo Stampede player recorded a +28 which was the greatest +- number in franchise history?
2. Name 3 players in the Winnipeg Hall of fame
3. Who was Buffalos's 1st round draft pick back in S34?
4. When was the last time the Winnipeg Jets won the Challenge Cup Championship and who was it against?


[Image: iUd7IJE.png]
[Image: rhodes.png]

(This post was last modified: 07-27-2019, 10:03 PM by Pris.)

CW TASK 1: (Written, 3 TPE)

Gotta go with my dude @hhh81 on the Buffalo roster. I've had the privilege of getting to know this dude from my very first season in Colorado, first as my captain (never 4get cap'n Darrow) and then as my GM. He's helped cultivate a fantastic locker room, and he's very reliable and trustworthy. He's a large part of the reason I enjoyed Colorado as much as I did in my time down there, and I have no doubt that a team built around him would do very well, both on- and off-ice. Darrow will be tearing the league up for a very long time, and he's a locker room leader that any team would be lucky to have. He will always call shit as he sees it so that everyone feels as comfortable in the LR as possible. Even from purely a player standpoint, he's a great TPE earner, and he's made a great two-way player that could help lock down any team's blue line for many, many seasons.

CW TASK 3: (Written, 3 TPE)

My role on the team is goon. (And y'know, if y'all need me to actually be defensive, I think I can do that too.) I'm there to be a physical presence, clean up, block shots, throw the body, etc. We all know I don't give a fuck about point production with this player. So really, at the end of the day, I'm at my GMs' mercy. Whatever they need to do with me is fine with me. My stats seem to indicate I am halfway decent at blocking shots and throwing hits, which, y'know. I would hope so. Though the numbers were.... lower than I'd have liked, but chalk that up to rookie ice time. Hopefully, I'll be getting a bit more space on the ice next season, though I'd understand if that would be too much of a liability for the team, frankly. I could probably stand to put some TPE into discipline, help y'all out a bit. @Waters @"ThatDamnMcJesus"

CW TASK 05: (Written, up to 4 TPE)

Jason Visser - Viktor Marius - Alexander Selich
Gary Grease - Tatu Makela
Cedric Robinson

Visser feels like he's been a safe fantasy pick for about a trillion years. Marius is a hard-hitting forward who will get great numbers on both ends, offensive and defensive. Selich is young and coming up, great TPE count. Grease still has a shitton of TPE and is producing super well. Makela's another who will get great defensive numbers, hits, SBs, the whole deal. Robinson's the better goaltender between the two available.

Winnipeg has had a historically strong blue line, but between Weber, Poulin, etc, they're starting to age a bit (though Grease still has a monster amount of TPE). While Buffalo has a pair of very old defensemen, I would say that the group is overall both much younger and much stronger. They also have the advantage of having had more recent success (prolonged success, at that), so they have figured out what clicks best with their current group. I'd say Buffalo wins on this front.

I think Buffalo has a really strong management group that has been able to maximize the team's assets through really great trades (lol) and super solid drafting. The team is currently stacked with monster talent such as Viktor Marius, Oliver Konig, Tatu Makela, and many S45+ young prospects that are coming into their own on the roster.

(This is entirely based on the fact that Moreau doesn't have a sig so I could only see Robinson's accolades) Cedric Robinson has the advantage in the series by virtue of experience. Robinson won a Challenge Cup less than five seasons ago, so he knows the drill. He's younger, and a better all-around player, better built, etc. He is primed to succeed in these finals. Moreover, he's on the better team - Buffalo's blue line, as mentioned above, is more than capable of keeping Robinson's job as easy as possible.

CW TASK 6: (Written, 3 TPE)

I've always been fond of very physical play in hockey. With Volkova, I kind of pigeonholed myself when I used a sniper designation because I had this idea that I could multitask with her. I mean, I kind of was able to? I had a ton of high-hitting seasons. But y'know. My obligation as a team player, ultimately, was always score-first, production first, etc, especially because I got drafted so high. With this player, I don't owe anyone shit, and I don't have anything to prove. I've been there done that with the whole 2000+ TPE shit, first OA, etc. So who gives a fuck? I'm living my dream now by having made a fucking goon. People on my team tag me griping at me for getting into a fight, and I think it's the funniest shit in the world. This is great. Defensive defensewoman is fun as fuck. It's no pressure. Just all pure childish enjoyment.

CW TASK 10: (Written, 3 TPE)

Let me be self-indulgent and talk about my Challenge Cup win, because I was coming back from a leave of absence right as it happened, and well, it was pretty cool to hear about. A good note to retire on. The S44 Challenge Cup finals was between the Winnipeg Jets and the West Kendall Platoon, both with very star studded rosters. The series drew out all the way to seven games, unsurprisingly. Funnily enough, upon a cursory glance, it looks like the S31 class turned the fuck up in that series. On the Winnipeg side, the Jets' top group of Corey Bearss, Jason Visser, Zach Evans, and Pietra Volkova took a lot of star power awards back to Winnipeg. On the West Kendall side, Alex Light, Ludwig Koch Schroder, and Trevor Wilson tried to spearhead the movement to bring another cup to Miami, but their efforts were not enough, unfortunately.

Answered in PMs, (hopefully) +3 TPE.

[I'm an idiot and can't do math, I think I did more work than I needed to, but oh, well]

[Image: shlpris41.gif]
sig credits
[Image: FJ4Sjuj.png] |[Image: apAE8qn.png] | [Image: uEsOaLl.png]
[Image: 2dtdoyf.png]
Former affiliates: raiders Jets Stars

(This post was last modified: 07-27-2019, 08:15 PM by karey.)

Task 1:
One of the most underrated players on both rosters is the stud Cassius Darrow. Darrow entered the draft as a top earner, a player that showed heart and was well respected across the league. But his preference to play on teams that weren’t green and yellow were quickly apparent. Having been interrogated by the management of the Stampede, Cassius Darrow agreed to signing a contract with the Buffalo Stampede if he were to be drafted by them. The risk paid off for both parties, as even as a young player, Darrow has just secured his second Challenge Cup in 3 years and has become a contributing member of the team even though he is eating up bottom line minutes. The minutes he will receive are not a result of his talent, but the fact that the team is so incredibly deep. In a few years, Darrow, his heart, his smile, and his edge are going to lead him to a letter on his chest and many cups in his cupboard.

Sorry @“wannabefinn” @“tomen” that Marius did not score as many goals as he is used to this season. I am sorry that he didn’t capitalize on his play on the ice, and his training took a hit off the ice. He is known as a high energy player, somebody driven to succeed, and often plays with an edge, but this season he dissapeared. That being said. You are welcome, you are welcome that Marius decided that he was going to go back to training, going back to practice, and woke up. You are welcome that Marius put the puck in the net at a torrid pace during the playoffs, resulting in a record breaking point total this offseason. You are welcome that he managed to earn you your second Challenge Cup and now you can rest easy. Next season, expect much of the same, an apathetic regular season, but a shiny trophy in your cupboard. Even though he has reached the peak of his career, he is grateful for your investments in his career and hopes he has made you proud.

Task 5:





Oh wait, was I supposed to use both teams? Why, this is the team I want and this it he team I expect to win with. The buffalo boys are going to be a force to be reckoned with for many years and it started a couple seasons ago. The S40-S50 will be regarded as the Buffalo years. And the fantasy squad assembled above is a testament to their skillset.


Although Gary Grease may be my favourite player in the league not wearing green and yellow, Grease and his monkeys are going to learn from their elders. Metzler and his baby boy Makela are 1. A hall of famer and 2. A future hall of famer player on the same line. Charles Wheelchair is a scrub but he is a good defensive presence even though he doesn’t score anymore.

Buffalo’s success has to be attributed to the culture and passion from both their GM’s. The GM’s of this squad has done their homework to draft steals constantly and also hold their talent. Their recent string of trades to acquire future assets for a star defensemen on a team heard for the playoffs was a tactical risk that led to a cup, a risk that many GM’s would be hard pressed to make even thought he return was monumental. The culture of the team has changed and is a reflection of their hard work.

5. Cedric Moreau is a stud this offseason. Cedric Robinson has not had a stellar year but is confident in his ability to bounce back. Robinson has an incredible defensive team in front of him and will find success, however, Moreau is the real stud this offseason. He has carried his team to the finals and is commendable.


Hey you, I know what you hate. You hate losing, but more importantly, you hate losing to a team that you can’t hate but try to. I’m talking to you Slash, you cop out for hiring this ad on your own podcast. Yes you, but you know what, we like you. As much as it sucks, we like you and you can’t do anything about it. Good luck next season but in the mean time, stop hating and cheer on the Green and Yellow and never be sad again. Buffalo will beat Winnipeg, don’t be a loser, be a winner for a first in your career.

This ad will be played on Slash and eSilver’s podcast. Slash a well known hater of the stampede has made it clear his negative emotions, but we know he is obsessed with the Stampede and just wants to join Silver in cheering for the buffalo stampede. Rather than fighting his feelings, this ad would be snuck into the podcast in hopes of convincing Slash to finally admit his true love.

Trivia Task

CW TASK 13: (*CASUAL MEMBER SPECIAL* Send answer in PM, up to 3 TPE)
Its trivia time with 4 questions related to our Challenge Cup participants!

1. What Buffalo Stampede player recorded a +28 which was the greatest +- number in franchise history?
2. Name 3 players in the Winnipeg Hall of fame
3. Who was Buffalos's 1st round draft pick back in S34?
4. When was the last time the Winnipeg Jets won the Challenge Cup Championship and who was it against?

PM sent
(This post was last modified: 07-28-2019, 01:04 AM by bana.)

CW TASK 1: (Written, 3 TPE)
Both teams in our challenge cup series come in with a healthy set of talented young players. if you were to choose a player from either teams SHL roster or there prospect pool with a (start date of S45, S46, S47 or S48) to build your team around, who would it be and why? What qualities on or off the ice make them 'that guy' and how do you think they would shape the image of their franchise? (150+ words and *tag any player involved in this task)

You got the Buffalo Stampede and the Winnipeg Jets meeting in the final and the Simulation Hockey League currently has a thing going on their website where they're asking their fans to choose a player from each of the teams that is their brightest, youngest star player. Of course, we had to hop in on the action and we'd like for you to let us know what you think and get involved in the topic. So, let's start!

From Buffalo it's going to have to be [S46] Center - Monkey D. Luffy. For us, he's a S46 draft pick which means he's extremely young but his TPE levels are very attractive just hitting over 800+. He's a centre. They've valuable and a good centre goes a long ways for a team. Off Buffalo, there's numerous excellent directions you could take but at the end of the day, I'm thinking this may be the pick I'd be making.

From Winnipeg, we're going to have to go with [S48] Left Wing - Calogero Crudelli TPE: 442. We're taking maybe a gamble on this one because while he himself is doing extremely well TPE wise, if you went a few later years, there could be players who are young enough, similar but just ahead in TPE. Jason, I know from a long time ago. I think he had some Spiderman theme or something about Spiderman and I know he created a wickedly good defender. I remember him joining the league and always liking him! Solid pick imo to build around.

255 words

CW TASK 3: (Written, 3 TPE)
For most of us S48 is over and now its time to sit down with your GM's for a season end review! talk to your GM's about what youve accomplished, what you are strong at, what you need to improve on and what would you like your role to be moving into S49. Task must be 150 words or more. (*Tag your GM’s)

A Letter to the GM

Hello @Wasty ! It was nice to see LA in the fight for as long as they could be. It's my understanding that we're going through a built of a youth phase, but looking at the roster it's nice knowing that the future is bright. You've been a GM for a long ass time and while not someone I always could say I liked, but someone I've always respected. I trust that you know what you're doing 110% and am excited for my future with Los Angeles.

21 points in 50 games. I mean, it's probably not considered terrible but I never want to have this poor of a season again. I know with my last good/great player Jakobsen, he was a little slow initially out of the gate and then really took off. I have a feeling this will be Fujikawa. I'm really hoping for 35+ points next season.

Lastly, I apologize for slacking a  bit this season - though, I always do the easy weekly shit, I did forget a thing or two with PT's. Shit. You can expect better. Life has been crazy busy - as has the VHL, so you know. Anyway, that's the world count so thanks Wasty and pay me more. Thanks!  

CW TASK 05: (Written, 4 TPE)
Pick up to 4 challenge cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth '1' TPE. Each answer must be '50' words or more.

1. Put together a challenge cup fantasy team using the 2 teams in the finals as the player pool. This fantasy team must include at least 1 young player (S44 or higher) and in 50+ words discuss your choices.

2. This series boasts an interesting matchup at the blue line between star studded defenders! Which includes Troy McClure III, Gary Grease and Slip McScruff from Winnipeg.. & Buffalo's Tatu Makela, Connor Tanner and Charles Walker.. which group do you expect will outshine the other and why?

3. Winnipeg making it to the finals was an unexpected surprise. What were some of the main reasons why this franchise was able to persevere into the leagues most important series.  (*tag anyone involved)

4. Buffalo has made it to the finals in 2 of the last 3 seasons. Who or what has been a primary reason for the recent success of this franchise. (*tag anyone involved)

5. Both franchises come into the series with a hot Cedric! Between Winnipegs Cedric Moreau and Buffallo's Cedric Robinson which emerging netminder has the advantage over the other in this series?

1. Goalie - Cedric Robinson (BUF). The two are fairly similar when comparing BUF to WPG but at the end of the day, we're choosing the bigger guy. The skill is there for both, but Robinson comes in with much more size and for us, that's another strong asset for a goalie. Skill + size wins games.

Defense - Tatu Makela (BUF) & Gary Grease (WPG). Gary Grease is an incredible defender in the SHL and can play so many different styles of game. Big hits, big goals and big everything. For Tatu, we echo what we previously just said. These two together - well, that's what SHL GM's dreams are made off.

Forwards - Viktor Marius (BUF), Jason Visser (WPG - C) & Hippo Passamus (BUF). These 3 would be a deadly set. You got the 2 scorers, the great face-off-man, and the guy to dish the sweet passes. Marius is also an incredible talent and one of my favourite players.

2. I'm going to have to go with Buffalo's. Just basing it off the regular season, traits and the team build, I think we're going to see a strong play for Buffalo. They're offense is led by the incredible VM and a crazy amount of extras, so with that offense tiring out Winnipeg, I'd say BUF's comes and makes the contest an easy one. I think they're going to play some big shut down hockey, but also be able to defend properly and do what they're out their to do. Again, it could go either way because each set is great in it's own, but we're giving this one to Buffalo and I kudos for them (yesssss).

4. I'm unsure if this one should be a difficult one, but man. Viktor Marius. It's awesome to be in these leagues and have names and/or players/members that you like to cheer for and he is easily one of them for me. I'm not incredibly involved in the SHL anymore but I do log on, I do tasks consistently and I do still enjoy the league in a lot of aspects. VM is one of those! I'd like to think maybe I'm in his Top 5 for biggest fans and he's easily maybe the biggest reason this team as been so good. I'm really unsure how many people would actually argue that too. Prime example, they win 4-2 series against Winnipeg to hoist the cup and look at how dominant he was in these playoffs and imo, even lifted his team above what they're potential was. A lot of them had great seasons, one player off the top of my head a very similar playoffs and VM is likely to praise for that.

5. Call it a crazy coincidence, we call it Crazy Cedric's. The Simulation Hockey Leagues grand finale of the season is underway the the Winnipeg Jets are facing off against the Buffalo Stampede. It's looking to be a solid series between a surprising team and a thriving team. Both teams are led by solid assets, both teams have Cedric's battling it out between the pipes. For me, Buffalo's gets it and here's why. Their overalls are around the same and they've all nicely crossed off the boxes of what is needed in order to become solid players. For me, Buffalo's netminders much larger stature and size in the net is arguably what seals the deal between these 2 guys.

CW TASK 9: (Graphic, 3 TPE)
Ooof, you thought it was buried deep in cyberspace but sadley that social media post you wrote has re-surfaced during championship week and its being shared across the net. you were young and dumb! you werent a professional hockey player when it was written!... yet here it is and its time to deal with it. Provide us with that post! graphic must be done with a social media background and include your players pick, name and the wording that got you in trouble!
[Image: 311vrip.jpg]

CW TASK 13: (*CASUAL MEMBER SPECIAL* Send answer in PM, up to 3 TPE)
Code: Its trivia time with 4 questions related to our Challenge Cup participants!

[Image: ThdtxoF.png]

|| Fujikawa Player Page || Update Page ||

(This post was last modified: 07-27-2019, 10:10 PM by sköldpaddor.)

CW TASK: (Written, 3 TPE)
For most of us S48 is over and now its time to sit down with your GM's for a season end review! talk to your GM's about what youve accomplished, what you are strong at, what you need to improve on and what would you like your role to be moving into S49. Task must be 150 words or more. (*Tag your GM’s)
Hello GMs @JSS  @Jepox it is I, Gunnar, here to talk to you about my accomplishments and my role on the team next year. I think you know this because you have already helped me decide what to focus on as I’ve been getting ready to come up, but I’m very excited to hit the ice in Tampa and make whatever difference I can. I know I need to spend some time working on my endurance because I know it’s going to be a lot more intense playing there than it was in the SMJHL, and I’ve been focusing on my defense and passing too. I think getting to play a few games with the team in the playoffs really helped me get a better idea of the level of play that’s expected of me, and I want to live up to that. I want to be able to help produce a lot of offense and set up the guys with good scoring chances, and also hold my own in our own zone as well.

Task 05: (Written, up to 4 TPE) (one of these)
Pick up to 4 challenge cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth '1' TPE. Each answer must be '50' words or more.

3. Winnipeg making it to the finals was an unexpected surprise. What were some of the main reasons why this franchise was able to persevere into the leagues most important series.  (*tag anyone involved)

I think one of the main, most important reasons Winnipeg made it into the finals was just because of the sheer mojo of having my dude Jax Duggan @SecondSucks22 associated with their team. I mean, with knowing Jax is waiting in the wings, how could they not have been wildly motivated? I wasn’t surprised at all, honestly.

CW TASK 6: (Written, 3 TPE)
For those in the SMJHL, your job is to fine tune your game to be ready for a call up to the SHL. Part of that fine tuning is having to decide what kind of player you want to be. That can be a tough decision to make as it impacts your entire career! What made you decide on the position you picked? why did you choose your specific player template and talk to us about the type of player in the SHL that you would like your game to resemble. (must be 150+ words)

I’ve pretty much always known what I wanted to do - I’m not super into being in the spotlight all the time, and I would definitely rather be the guy who sets other people up for the pretty goals. Don’t get me wrong, if the shot is there, I’m going to take it, but making plays is what I do, and there was never really any question of that for me. Even when I was little, when I was playing growing up, what I always loved best was figuring out how the play was going to develop, learning how to predict how my teammates would react to certain things and how we would adjust when the other team tried to shut us down. Figuring out how to read things was always my favorite thing, and that hasn’t changed. I’m ready to take that to the next level and make those plays in the big league now, and I really hope I’ve worked hard enough to make that happen.

CW TASK 7: (Graphic, 3 TPE)
In S43 it was stamps, in S45 it was coins... and here in S48 the leagues looking to sell Challenge Cup Commemorative Plates! The SHL Marketing department is asking you to design a Commemorative plate honouring the leagues most important series. Plate must include both team logos on it, the league logo, the season number and at least 2 head shots of players/GM's in the series with there names underneath them.

Pls click here it’s big:

CW TASK 8: (Graphic, 3 TPE)
Ooof, you thought it was buried deep in cyberspace but sadley that social media post you wrote has re-surfaced during championship week and its being shared across the net. you were young and dumb! you werent a professional hockey player when it was written!... yet here it is and its time to deal with it. Provide us with that post! graphic must be done with a social media background and include your players pick, name and the wording that got you in trouble!

[Image: az3CsYV.jpg]

TASK 13: (*CASUAL MEMBER SPECIAL* Send answer in PM, up to 3 TPE)
Its trivia time with 4 questions related to our Challenge Cup participants!


[Image: gunnarsoderberg.gif]

[Image: xJXeYmQ.png]
[Image: DG0jZcS.png]
. : [Image: zS2lCMp.png] : .
(This post was last modified: 07-28-2019, 10:52 AM by ArGarBarGar.)

CW TASK 1: (Written, 3 TPE)

I would pick Noah Gallagher of the Winnipeg Jets to build around a new roster. Gallagher is starting to really show his mettle despite being as early as a S47 pick, which is something you don’t see every day. Not to mention he has been training with some unbelievable players in the Winnipeg Jets locker room, some of which are still on the roster today. Also, he has the kind of skills that leads to goals in the league, as in he seems like the kind of player who will be scoring a lot of goals, period. Also he is among the top TPE earners of the S47 draft class thanks to @”PeanutButter”’s article that was posted recently, so you have to consider that when you are talking about players to build around in this group of rosters. He may not be the most productive of his class, but he seems to show a will and determination that isn’t matched by really any prospect that I have seen.


CW TASK 3: (Written, 3 TPE)

So, Mr. Wasty, I think I had a decent start to my SHL career. I scored over 10 goals, scored almost 30 points, and was a decent contributor to the team. My biggest accomplishment was the major tear I went on towards the end of the season, and with that I think I am showing I will be a major contributor going into S49. You may not agree, but I have confidence in my player and I am ready to get some real ice time. At this point I am just trying to get to the point where I can get my line a + on almost every shift, making me a plus player on the season. If I can do that, then I think I am going to be a dominant player. I may not reach that milestone next season, but I think I will be able to in the next couple seasons afterwards. What do you think?

CW TASK 05: (Written, up to 4 TPE)

2. This series boasts an interesting matchup at the blue line between star studded defenders! Which includes Troy McClure III, Gary Grease and Slip McScruff from Winnipeg.. & Buffalo's Tatu Makela, Connor Tanner and Charles Walker.. which group do you expect will outshine the other and why?
I think the Buffalo Stampede are likely the best of the bunch when it comes to their ability offensively and defensively, mainly because of the fact they have shown their mettle more often than the group in Winnipeg. Also the fact they are veterans of the league (at least two of them) makes it so they are really the better group.

3. Winnipeg making it to the finals was an unexpected surprise. What were some of the main reasons why this franchise was able to persevere into the leagues most important series.

I think the most surprising aspect of it was the fact that Visser is still kicking after all these seasons. I don’t believe anyone was expecting him to score 60 points, and the fact he was able to do that with Lil Manius and others coming up huge offensively was a major boost for him. Grease and McScruff doing well also helped the team in a big way.

4. Buffalo has made it to the finals in 2 of the last 3 seasons. Who or what has been a primary reason for the recent success of this franchise. (*tag anyone involved)

I don’t know if there is a who or what that has been a “primary” reason why they have done so well in recent years. The team has been booming with talent for the last five seasons at least, and only now we are starting to see them all do well as a team. Not to mention they have been able to make key acquisitions like Louie Garrett which has only strengthened their ability.

5. Both franchises come into the series with a hot Cedric! Between Winnipegs Cedric Moreau and Buffallo's Cedric Robinson which emerging netminder has the advantage over the other in this series?

When it comes to goaltending you have to give it to the Jets. Moreau has been on fire the last couple of seasons and his ability to hold strong in the face of adversity has been something to behold lately. Also keep in mind that he was able to win 23 games in the regular season. Compared to that 4 more is easy peasy.

CW TASK 8: (Written, 3 TPE)
One of the most anticipated Challenge Cup Finals in recent memory. We have the Buffalo Stampede facing off against the former dynasty the Winnipeg Jets, in a battle of old vs. new, an expansion team versus a real OG. In this event there can only be a single winner, and with the amount of star power we have today we will see something incredible and will be one for the history books. Visser vs. Marius. Manius vs. Garrett. The battle of the wills starts tonight, so don’t miss out! Coverage begins at 8:00 EST on the greatest network in hockey: NBC sports. (Featured on the Big Slappy Hour).

I think featuring it on the Big Slappy Hour makes the most sense considering we have Lil Manius on the podcast and that there is a huge emotional stake there. Not to mention it is the most well-known and listened to podcast which means that it will get the most coverage, and I think the two of them are probably the biggest hype-men in the league when it comes to podcasts.

CW TASK 10: (Written, 3 TPE)
CHALLENGE CUP HISTORY reports will be viewed instead of commericals for those watching the series online! pick any previous challenge cup finals from before your current player's time in the SHL and in 150+ words talk about the series including who won and in how many games, and who were some of the better players in that series. [include link to archives]

I have to talk about the S39 Challenge Cup Finals between the Minnesota Chiefs and the Los Angeles Panthers. My old team versus my new team. This one was highly anticipated and it was the first ever Cup Finals that Alonzo Garbanzo ever took a part in. Also a big storyline was for the Panthers and if Wasty would be able to finally break the streak after numerous attempts in the finals and major losses (including one in Hamilton where the team lost in 7 games, with all the losses occurring in overtime). This one was no different in terms of highs and lows. The Chiefs won the first game in a come from behind 3-2 overtime win, but the Panthers were able to bounce back in game 2 with a 4-1 victory. Game 3 was another thriller, with the Panthers coming from behind twice to win in overtime 3-2, taking a series lead. Minnesota, however, would not lose another game, and would win the next three with a combined score of 14-4, taking their first cup since S12.

Alonzo Garbanzo Final Tallies (Among Defensemen):
2nd in Goals (208), All-Time Assists Leader (765)*, All-Time Points Leader (973), 3rd in Hits (2587), All-Time Blocked Shots Leader (1882)*
*All-Time Leader Among All Skaters
Player Profile | Update Thread
[Image: IeEV7Iv.png]

CW TASK 3: (Written, 3 TPE)
For most of us S48 is over and now its time to sit down with your GM's for a season end review! talk to your GM's about what youve accomplished, what you are strong at, what you need to improve on and what would you like your role to be moving into S49. Task must be 150 words or more. (*Tag your GM’s)

Hey, @Acsolap . Nice to finally have a chance to sit down and review the season as a whole. Last year a big step for me was practicing my skating, and coming into this year I can definitely see where it helped. Not only was I better able to skate through our defensive zone, get into channels better and block some more shots, but it gave us more offensive options, and when we were short handed it allowed me to stay on top of things a little better. I've also been working on my puck handling lately, and I know you've noticed it too. Small things like fewer pucks slipping off my stick, and that's huge especially in the defensive zone, and especially short handed. I'd like to increase my offensive production next year, but being put on the first pair and going against first line talent, I'd say I'm happy with where I ended up.

CW TASK 6: (Written, 3 TPE)
For those in the SMJHL, your job is to fine tune your game to be ready for a call up to the SHL. Part of that fine tuning is having to decide what kind of player you want to be. That can be a tough decision to make as it impacts your entire career! What made you decide on the position you picked? why did you choose your specific player template and talk to us about the type of player in the SHL that you would like your game to resemble. (must be 150+ words)

When it comes to game philosophy, I've always been a defensively minded person. Maybe it's because I came up watching the Buccaneers in their prime where defense *was* their offense, but I've always been of the mind that you need a strong base. If you've got a strong enough defense, you can make an average offense work. The opposite might not always be the case. I heard somebody say one time "Why take a lead if you can't defend it?" and I relate with that. I've always been of the defensive mind, so playing defense came naturally to me, and especially working as a defensive d-man. A stay at home guy. I want to be the type of guy who gets on the ice, and you never need to worry when he's there. I've become something of a penalty kill specialist this season, and I'm happy with that. The Armada's PK, in the regular season and in the playoffs, was pretty darn great. That's something I can be proud of. It might be a niche role, but it's an important one.

CW TASK 8: (Written, 3 TPE)
S48 was the season of the podcasts here in the SHL and with increased audio competition comes the fight for Challenge Cup advertising! HO has asked you to create an audio add for a "Buffalo/Winnipeg preview" script to be aired on the radio. Create a '100' word hype add and then choose which podcast it will be appearing on and in 50+ words explain why you chose that podcast to air the script. (*Tag anyone involved)

Welcome to the Johnson & Johnson podcast. The only SHL podcast... hosted by myself, Darnell Johnson, and my colleague, Gabe Johnson. Gabe, why don't you go ahead and introduce our sponsor for the day?

Hey everybody, I'm Gabe Johnson, and today we'd like to welcome you to our Season 48 challenge cup rundown, sponsored by Mike Izzy and the boys. They're giving us an extra 200k a minute as long as we can talk about the Challenge Cup, and boy, do we have a lot to say about the subject.

So go ahead, sit down, buckle up, make sure your shoes are tied and keep your arms and ears inside the podcast at all times.

@Gwdjohnson - I went with the J&J Podcast because I'm one of the hosts, Darnell Johnson, and also because it's the only SHL podcast (hosted by myself, Darnell Johnson, and my colleague, Gabe Johnson). It's a joke that never gets old. We're really pumped about possible partnerships, and even through all the jokes we do take that kind of stuff seriously. Gabe and I came into the league at the same time and both love it. Just wanna give back however we can.

CW TASK 1: (Written, 3 TPE)
Both teams in our challenge cup series come in with a healthy set of talented young players. if you were to choose a player from either teams SHL roster or there prospect pool with a (start date of S45, S46, S47 or S48) to build your team around, who would it be and why? What qualities on or off the ice make them 'that guy' and how do you think they would shape the image of their franchise? (150+ words and *tag any player involved in this task)

Alexander Selich. @Tomen . He's at the back end of the prospect pool, a solid S45 boy. He's 6'10, and did I mention he's 280 pounds? Talk about a man of steel. Let's talk about the things Alexander Selich does right. Skating, yes. Strength, yes. Endurance, yes. Puck handling, you bet your sweet ass. Face offs, above average. Passing, scoring, defense, yes, yes and uh, oh, let me check here... YES. He's more than a man's man, he's a fan's man. That's right, he's my man. Hands off, ladies. Whether it's for Buffalo or for Germany, you can bet your sweet fiddle playing middle fingies Alexander Selich is gonna leave it all on the ice. And by "it" I mean the blood and viscera of his opponents. All jokes aside, Selich and Tomen are both solid choices. Selich for his on-ice capabilities, and Tomen for his vast knowledge of the SHL and for his respectful attitude. He's an upstanding guy.

PodTask 12: (Podtask, 3 or 4 TPE)
The SHL Network is excited to announce extended coverage of the S48 Playoffs through your speakers! From hit podcasts to fresh new voices.. submit your mini-pod and earn TPE!

Here it is. 4 TPE, please.

[Image: Screen_Shot_2020-07-07_at_12.29.58_PM.png]

PBE Affiliation

CW TASK 13: (*CASUAL MEMBER SPECIAL* Send answer in PM, up to 3 TPE)
Its trivia time with 4 questions related to our Challenge Cup participants!

1. What Buffalo Stampede player recorded a +28 which was the greatest +- number in franchise history?
2. Name 3 players in the Winnipeg Hall of fame
3. Who was Buffalos's 1st round draft pick back in S34?
4. When was the last time the Winnipeg Jets won the Challenge Cup Championship and who was it against?

**Important**: Send the answers to username "PT Director" with the subject of the message titled “#ACE of Base" do not send it to my personal account cause i will not look at it and you will not recieve credit for it. Do not post the answers in here cause you will not get credit for the task. [Grading: 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer]


[Image: Too9kfy.png]
 Player Page  |  Update Page

CW TASK 1: (Written, 3 TPE)
Both teams in our challenge cup series come in with a healthy set of talented young players. if you were to choose a player from either teams SHL roster or there prospect pool with a (start date of S45, S46, S47 or S48) to build your team around, who would it be and why? What qualities on or off the ice make them 'that guy' and how do you think they would shape the image of their franchise? (150+ words and *tag any player involved in this task)

I wouldn't choose anyone on either team to be quite honest. There is no one that was on either team that I particularly think stands out among the rest, and Buffalo I'd simply refuse to play for until they changed their ugly ass colors to something better than a Chinese knockoff off John Deere.

I hate everything about those colors. So honestly, if anything, I'd love to see Merica in them, because somehow his ugly ass would improve them.

That or someone took a crap on it, a nice brown would beat the lawnmower hues.

If I had to actually choose, I would choose Buffalos star player, GOD McZehrl. It was apparently in his bloodline to play all 3 positions of all 4 lines as well as all 3 pairings and goaltender as well, yet still bitch about ice time, easily the most selfish egotistical person on this site.

Yes I include myself and Monica (or whatever fuckface is using for his name nowadays since I'd be ashamed to he associated with America as well)



CW TASK 3: (Written, 3 TPE)
For most of us S48 is over and now its time to sit down with your GM's for a season end review! talk to your GM's about what youve accomplished, what you are strong at, what you need to improve on and what would you like your role to be moving into S49. Task must be 150 words or more. (*Tag your GM’s)



Isnt this irritating that you have to get tagged for TPE? All in all I think our season went super well all things considering. That after some early struggles we managed to pick up the pace and make the playoffs and we didn't even have to mortgage our future, eh Chiefs. Oh I like that, I'm going to use that.

Well all in all, we got a good strong group put together now, a good core, especially with Tuck signed long term.

I plan on sticking around, and working with him and anyone else that is dedicated, and wants to win and improve together.

CW TASK 8: (Written, 3 TPE)
S48 was the season of the podcasts here in the SHL and with increased audio competition comes the fight for Challenge Cup advertising! HO has asked you to create an audio add for a "Buffalo/Winnipeg preview" script to be aired on the radio. Create a '100' word hype add and then choose which podcast it will be appearing on and in 50+ words explain why you chose that podcast to air the script. (*Tag anyone involved)

"This season, watch the blatant NHL ripoffs, versus the John Deere HailCorporates, in what may be the most cookie cutter series in the leagues history where anyone not on the team simply stopped caring who won and just wanted it over with. Wait, I'm trying to get you buy tickets and watch, well then arent you in for a treat....well no you're not, and I'm sorry that this happened. But at least @Mac with his talking smack with Mac podcast can maybe entertain you more than this series did."


I dont know if I hit word counts or anything, give me whatever. I really didnt want to do this at all.

[Image: CamNosreh.png]

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