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S48 Championship Week

Task 3:
The locker room clean out and GM meetings this season were full of elation. The Whalers have just come off their 10th championship win, 1 away from tying the SMJHL record. Bobby Bobcalf had a breakout season, posting goal and point totals well above what was expected of him this season. And, more importantly, Bobby showed up in the post season having huge performances in critical games.

After sitting down with @"luketd" and somehow avoiding being consumed by the (cup winning) void monster GM, he expects me to continue to grow as a player and possibly take on more of a leadership role in the locker room as the Whalers will be losing some great players to the big leagues.

Overall, both parties were very happy with the season. But Bobby is crushed that @"luketd" is leaving for Manhattan. He definitely deserves the shot with this amazing team he built though.

151 words

Task 6:
To be successful in the SHL I think that Bobby really needs to focus on his defensive game. The Pride is an extremely well structured team with a great coach who has a great system. But to play in that system you need to have an excellent sense of defensive responsibility.

I picked the sniper template for Bobby because I wanted to pot some fuckin ginos. But it turns out that one-dimensional builds are absolute garbage. That would've been really good to know when creating my player. But, now that I've balanced my decision making attributes and bumped up my defense Bobby is lighting up the J.

I think a quirk of Simon T is that there definitely an "optimal" build and once everyone hits that build it's just up to RNG and luck, which seems weird to me. But it's really hard to hit that optimal build since TPE is hard to get once you get called up.

159 words

Task 9
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Task 13

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Casul Task #13 done! (3 TPE/16)

CW TASK 1: (Written, 3 TPE)

I would pick Buffalo prospects. I'm a huge bias guy and the two guys I identify as future Franchise players are former Knight and teamate Bobby Sharp @Nerio and biggest TPE earner of my class Monkey D. Luffy @TnlAstatine.

Both are forward but let me go over Bobby Sharp First. Bobby was my teamate in Kelowna and one of the many reason we had success during our stay in the J. He developed into a play driver with high passing, elite puck handling and defensive awareness. What this means is that his linemates have the easy play in getting positioned and attempt to shoot.

Monkey on the other hand was still playing in the junior but experts claim he will be in the favorite position for rookie of the year if he can live up to the hype. A the scoring centre may have a place next to Sharp so Buffalo is well set to develop 2 amazing forwards in the seasons to come.

CW TASK 3: (Written, 3 TPE):

@Tweedle @Grapehead

So season is over and to me it feels it was succesful one in San Fransisco having a strong 2nd half of the season and qualifying for playoffs, to end up losing to a Finalist in the Jets in a tight goalie serie.  On the individual level, I feel I have to get more points on the board. I feel a better contribution would directly improve the team's success rate and stability as we already have awesome players, more points from the depth would solidify the clinching process and also a couple more points from myself during the playoffscould have tipped the results the other way around. I don't feel any pressure from my teamates and my GMs in regards to my performance and I know hard work needs to be put developing my skills so I'll make sure to do everything I can to have a better impact on team results.

CW TASK 05: (Written, up to 4 TPE)

2. This series boasts an interesting matchup at the blue line between star studded defenders! Which includes Troy McClure III, Gary Grease and Slip McScruff from Winnipeg.. & Buffalo's Tatu Makela, Connor Tanner and Charles Walker.. which group do you expect will outshine the other and why?

That's a tough choice, Taty Makela and Gray grease are both players I have big admiration for.  They play a style I like and I even get to play with Makela in Team Finland. So to make a Choice, I would have to look for the other parts of the defensive cores to split, and I think I would go with Winnipeg Defensemans as they seem to play a grindier game, which I like.

3. Winnipeg making it to the finals was an unexpected surprise. What were some of the main reasons why this franchise was able to persevere into the leagues most important series.  (*tag anyone involved)

Cedric Moreau. We were playing him in first round and he manage to win the goalie duel between him and Partdrige. We, the Pride, had awesome goaltending that serie but Moreau just stole more goals and in the end the Jets only had to keep it this way to reach the Finals. At first I was kinda disapointed we could'nt score much on him but then I realised he was really clutch and he deserved to get that far.

4. Buffalo has made it to the finals in 2 of the last 3 seasons. Who or what has been a primary reason for the recent success of this franchise. (*tag anyone involved)[code][/code]

I think the GMs made a good job of building a solid core to have regular success with. Not too many big moves or panic moves, only small retools and making sure they were ahead of their closest competitor. The league has a solid parity so you can't expect to win it every year but I feel they built their team with the intend of always qualifying for the playoffs and then adapt tactics to their opponents. They have a big toolbox in their players and I think they use them well to put hte odds on their side once come the playoffs.

5. Both franchises come into the series with a hot Cedric! Between Winnipegs Cedric Moreau and Buffallo's Cedric Robinson which emerging netminder has the advantage over the other in this series?

I have to go with Cedric Moreau, he was a big reason the Pride was eliminated first round and I have no choice but to cheer for him from now on. I recall our games where 2 of the hotest goalies faced each other and he still managed to get out with the edge with some miraculous saves on our star players. No weak goals, no momentum breaking goals, I think Buffalo will have to make every shot count if they want to win.

CW TASK 8: (Written, 3 TPE)
S48 was the season of the podcasts here in the SHL and with increased audio competition comes the fight for Challenge Cup advertising! HO has asked you to create an audio add for a "Buffalo/Winnipeg preview" script to be aired on the radio. Create a '100' word hype add and then choose which podcast it will be appearing on and in 50+ words explain why you chose that podcast to air the script. (*Tag anyone involved)

#Start the add with generic cellphone ringtone so everyone thinks their phone is ringing and thus catching their attention*

SHL CHALLENGE CUP FINALS STARTS TONIGHT. Are you on Canada's side or are you a TRUE AMERICAN rooting for Buffalo? Are you tired to watch boring sports like hot dog eating contests or bowling? Tune in to see real sports and wash your eyes from stupid golf channel. Tonight, Buffalo will try to overcome a serie deficit against the Jets counting on their STAR PLAYERS such as Tatu Makela to score big goals. Watch the Stampede tonight in Buffalo or you are not a true PATRIOT. USA USA USA.

Character Page RD- Quarterback
[Image: micool132.gif]

Retired players:
-Toki Wartooth
-Nathan Explosion btw
-Angus McFife XVIII

[Image: lUeg4KM.png]

Task 1:
Both teams have a ton of young guns that would make any GM overjoyed to have them, but if I had to pick one person in particular I would go with Lallo Selman. I have a strong feeling that this dude is going to be a super stud. He’s an absolute wizard with the puck on his stick and I think he’s going to be a top point scorer in the big leagues for a long, long time. He would fit in seamlessly into our forward group as we have a lot of shooters, and while he is predominantly a setup man he can bury the puck as well. He’s also rumored to be a great guy to have in a locker room, a great leader and someone that everybody seems to mesh well with, and outside of hockey involves himself in a lot of charity and community work. He’s pretty much the whole package. @BDonini

Task 3:
(From Jon Toner’s perspective)
Although the Panthers were not expected to be a top team, Jon came into season 48 with very high expectations for himself. It was his 9th season since being drafted and in the middle of his prime. He had a slightly disappointing season the year before, after coming off a Stevens nomination in season 46. So the summer before s48 Jon bulked up a lot and also did a lot of work to improve his physical game. It turned out though that the added bulk was not really a great thing for Jon, and his physical game did not work out as he had hoped. His defensive and offensive game was satisfactory though, so heading into S49 Toner plans on making some tweaks to his workout routine with hopes of feeling a little more himself and the muscle build he was used to playing with in the past.

Task 5:
1. F – Viktor Marius
F – Hippo Passamus
F – Ola Wagstrom
D – Alexis Metzler
D – Gary Grease
G – Cedric Moreau
Marius and Passamus were absolutely immense throughout the playoffs and were must picks for this all-star team. Wagstrom slides in as a young buck who lead the offensively starved Jets team in points. Old man Metzler shows he is still an absolute gem and was the standout defensemen for Buffalo, and Grease joins the team for his workhorse defensive play and physicality. The goalies could have gone either way, but I went with Moreau due to the fact a large reason for the Jets making it so far was down to him.

Honestly, it comes down to the defensive play and most importantly the play of Cedric Moreau. The Jets would not have come this far if it were not for Moreau. There was a severe lack of scoring in front of him. Visser is the straw that stirs the drink for the Jets offense, and he seemed to be showing his age a bit during the playoffs.
@ToeDragon84 @treant

While the players win the championships, the squad first needs to be put together. WannabeFinn and Tomen have done a masterful job of putting their team together, flush with depth, veteran leadership, and all the other things you need to win. Not to mention they’ve got a bunch of stud prospects in the pipeline. Well done gents.
@WannabeFinn @Tomen

While I think Moreau has been the more impressive goaltender throughout the playoffs, I have to give Robinson the advantage. The team ahead of him is simply a lot stronger and have looked a lot more impressive throughout the playoffs while the Jets have had to grind and fight their way the whole time. How long can Moreau keep up his stellar play?

Task 10:
(Bear with me, there is a lack of information due to old indexes being down and I wasn’t about to spend a few hours digging through PbP’s to collect stats)
The S41 finals was a tough pill to swallow for the Los Angeles Panthers. After a stacked squad of aged players with the likes of Timo Haas, Jorma Ruutu, Felix Herzog, Jaxson Reynolds, among others, lost in the finals of S39 nobody expected the Panthers to reach the finals again in a while. But a relatively young panthers team led by the likes of Sophia Bennett, Matthew Auston, Jean-Luc Reflieux and Matthew Leetch managed to make it all the way to the finals only two seasons later, S41. It was not meant to be however, as the stacked West Kendall Platoon sneaked out a victory in 7 games over the Panthers. Despite a heroic performance from Matthew Auston I game 7 where he was given first star, it was not quite enough. The Panthers once again went home with heartbreak and despite a mixed bag of playoff success have not found themselves back in the finals since.

Task 13: Sent

[Image: jjfrankiejj.gif]
Credits to OrbitingDeath, Tweedle, Incite, Wasty, and Slothfacekilla for sigs!

Player Profile | Update Page

CW Task 13

CW Task 6
I wasn’t sure if I'd would like this kind of league. When I heard about it on reddit, I wasn’t too sure what to expect or how I'd like it. It sound amazing but never been part of something like that before. So I signed up and decided to go with a defensive d-man and go for more of a depth player. I'm kinda glad I did that because it was very overwhelming at first and it took me a few days to get a grasp of things. I missed on so many TPE opportunities I was happy with my decision to not go for a superstar player. I also thought back then everyone would want the spotlight but there has to be needs on the 3rd d-pair. I was aiming to become a less talented Clint Eastwood, a guy who can play physical and is good in the defensive zone and drop the gloves when needed.

CW Task 5
1.Viktor Marius-Jason Visser-Ola Wagstrom(s44)//Alexis Metzler-Gary Grease//Cedric Robinson
In between the pipes, I'm going with the more proven guy who won a cup. I love legendary players and Visser and Metzler are definately 2 of them. They're far from their prime but the playoffs experience these two guys bring is invaluable. Marius and Grease can be seen as the best player at their position and Wagstrom is an impressive young player who can keep up

2.The disrespect to not include Alexis Metzler on Buffalo is unreal. But also shows how deep they are at that position. And Cassius Darrow on their 3rd d-pair is just unfair. Grease is the only game changer on WPG side, the best d-man on both teams but can't play 60 minutes. Makela, Tanner and Walker all have playoffs experience and is a much better group, not even close.

4.Buffalo has had one of the best roster on paper in the last 6-7 seasons and they only have success in the last 3 seasons. I think the major change to explain this is when they changed their starting goalie. Jordan Four Four couldn't get the job done. A young @Cedric Robinson proved to be more reliable. They never needed an all star goalie, just a guy who make the saves he has to. Robinson gave them that and could become a two time champion soon.

5.Robinson has the clear advantage in my opinion. He plays behind a much better team and has to do a lot less to give his team a chance to win. Moreau can't afford a bad goal, it's a lot of pressure for a goalie reaching the finals the first time in his career. Thruth is, Moreau is simply not good enough to carry a team, I can't see him winning this dual.

CW Task 3
Ti-Guy was at his prime of his career this season and up until the last 10 games of the regular season it showed up. He was on pace for career high in points, hits and shot blocks. There was even some talk around the league he could be nominated for the Stevens trophy that goes for the best defensive defenseman in the league. But that terrible stretch ended that conversation quickly. I appreciate the ice time given by the GM for my player. Besides that shitty streak, Ti-Guy provided a good defensive game, a physical aspect to the team. Now that he's regressing, his cardio and discipline is taking a hit. If given top 4 minutes, he will be a favorite for the Turd Ferguson award. Not sure the GM will like that but Ti-Guy wants to play as long as he can so he will train hard to get those attributes back during the off season and the regular season.

CW Task 1
Defense wins championship so that's the main reason I chose a defenseman as my pick. Also the lack of a true franchise center made the decision easier. Don't get me wrong, Alexander Selich is an absolute stud but as a winger it's not the position I first look at if I'm looking for a piece to build around. @Cassius Darrow is my guy. Former captain of the Colorado Raptors in the SMJHL, the guy is a natural leader. He may not have led his team to the four star cup, but has been nominated for a lot individual awards. Buffalo is also an amazing organisation and with guys like Metzler and Charles on the team he was able to learn from some of the best d-men in the league. Also, off the ice he's been quite active and is a well known and respected guy. He's still years away to reach his peak and at the pace he's growing he could become one of the great in the SHL history

[Image: opt6vpu.jpg]
(This post was last modified: 07-28-2019, 06:07 PM by goilers.)

Task 13 - done

Task 1
I think Both teams are full of talented players & it was hard to choose just one for my team, but I decided to go with young defensemen Cassius Darrow from the Buffalo Stampede. He is a speedy player who isn’t scared to get in the corners & I think he has potential to be the number one defensemen on any team in the next couple seasons so that’s why I chose him. He loves getting in front of the net and also has the ability to find the back of the net. I won’t be surprised if we see him capture some league awards in the next couple seasons as well. He has a very good hockey IQ and we rarely see him making a poor plan. We think having him on any team would benefit immediately as he has a confidence around him on & off the ice that his teammates admire. @hhh81

Task 3
I sat down with my general manager from the West Kendall Platoon @JR95 regarding my end of the season review. Of course we were disappointed we didn’t get to take home the cup but we are really happy with the direction the team is headed. We won the cup last season & we knew it would be a challenge to bring it back home for the Toonza. We’re happy we made it into the playoffs & we will be back there again. My role with the team is likely to stay the same, as I’m getting older I won’t be throwing my body around as much & getting into the corners but I should still be getting some good ice time. Other then that he wants me to keep doing what I’m doing & continue on my training to maintain this level of fitness. We are excited for the future of the team & are confident in what we have going on right now.

Task 5

2. This series boasts an interesting matchup at the blue line between star studded defenders! Which includes Troy McClure III, Gary Grease and Slip McScruff from Winnipeg.. & Buffalo's Tatu Makela, Connor Tanner and Charles Walker.. which group do you expect will outshine the other and why?
- I think Buffalo Stampede Tatu Makela, Connor Tanner & Charles Walker will outshine the Winnipeg Jets blue line. They have such a strong core & a tight knit group, I think Makela is one of my favorite defenders in the league right now & I’m surprised they left off future HOF Metzler on that list. They have a ton of experience in the playoffs & I think they have this one in the bag.
4. Buffalo has made it to the finals in 2 of the last 3 seasons. Who or what has been a primary reason for the recent success of this franchise. (*tag anyone involveed)
Honestly I think it’s the players that are on the team. They have some really experience players & also some strong young players & they do so well on their drafting it’s no surprise to me they made it 2/3 times in the last couple season. I think they also have a very dedicated general manager who does what’s best for the team & knows what he’s doing.
5. Both franchises come into the series with a hot Cedric! Between Winnipegs Cedric Moreau and Buffallo's Cedric Robinson which emerging netminder has the advantage over the other in this series?
To be honest I think Cedric Robinson from the Buffalo Stampede has this in the bag, he has a much better team in front of him & I think this will ultimately be the factor in determining the winner of the series. Moreau is a great goalie but I truly think he has his work cut out for him as Robinson has been the better goalie all year round.

Stampede Citadelles  [Image: vhY18i8.png][Image: nBgNUTY.png]  Citadelles Stampede
[Image: goilers.gif]

CW TASK 1: (Written, 3 TPE)
Both the Winnipeg Jets and the Buffalo Stampede have a multitude of young up and coming players who are going to be big difference makers in the SHL in the coming future. Many of these players could easily be pure cornerstones to any Simulation Hockey League franchise, but if I was starting a team and I was to build my team and franchise around only one of these players, I would chose the stud Winnipeg Jets prospect, left winger, Noah Gallagher. Noah Gallagher comes from the same hockey camp as many star players, and even two hall of fame players. He has great mentor figures in John McBride, Carter O'Callahan, and Artom Zhyumbayev that have been showing him the way of how to be a true SHL pro. Gallagher has looked great in his first season in the SHL with the Winnipeg Jets and it seems as if he has unlimited potential. @fever95
152 words

CW TASK 3: (Written, 3 TPE)
Going into the next season of my career, not much has really changed. For 4+ seasons at this point, Teddy Cuddles has been a premier power forward in the SHL. While he has never reached the status of players such as Mike Izzy or Viktor Marius, Cuddles has been a steady producer physically and on the scoreboard. His GMs will be asking the same of him in Season 49 as the Edmonton Blizzard attempt to return back to contender status. As a veteran in the league now, Teddy Cuddles is expected to become a mentor to some younger players who are doing their best to develop into Cuddles' role in the future. Teddy Cuddles will need to show players like James Truong, Marc Hagan, and Julio Tokolosh the rops and how to become a true SHL pro. Going into Season 49, Cuddles also accepted what may be the last contract of his career, a 3 year deal with a hometown discount.
161 words

CW TASK 05: (Written, up to 4 TPE)
Viktor Marius- Jason Visser - Michael Scarn
Alexis Metzler - Gary Grease
Cedric Robinson
I chose these six players for my all finals fantasy lineup for many reasons. Jason Visser is one of the best players that have every played in the Simulation Hockey league, Marius is one of the best power forwards, Scarn is the best young gun, Metzler and Grease are the best dmen, and Robinson is the best goalie.
58 words

I think that Buffalo's top 3 defensemen far outmatch the top three defensemen for the Winnipeg Jets. Tatu Makela, Alexis Metzler, and new trade deadline acquisition Connor Tanner from the Edmonton Blizzard are far more experienced and ready to win a championship than McClure, Grease, and McScruf who are younger and less experienced.
53 words

The Winnipeg Jets making the finals was truly unexpected and I do not think many people had the Jets making it this far at the beginning of the season. The reason they got so far is the performances of goalie Cedric Robinson and two forwards Jason Visser and Lil Manius. Those players really pushed them over the edge.
58 words

The Buffalo Stampede are probably the best team in the league on paper and because of this they have been able to win the Challenge Cup in 2 out of the 3 last seasons. Their team is stacked all throughout the lineup with stars at every position. They really are unstoppable at times.
53 words

CW TASK 13: (*CASUAL MEMBER SPECIAL* Send answer in PM, up to 3 TPE)
Sent (3 TPE)

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[Image: 7925.png]
Thanks to @karey and @JSS for the sigs!

Former USA Fed Head, Carolina Kraken Co-GM, Tampa Bay Barracuda GM
(This post was last modified: 07-28-2019, 06:49 PM by Serpe x 13.)

CW Task #1: I would choose Buffalo’s draft class of season 46. They have six players that are all future top four defenseman and top six forwards. These players include Svensson, Luffy, Kyllonen, Vanderberg, Karhuen, and Sharp. All of which will be in the SHL in the next few seasons if some aren’t already there. All these players are active, and Buffalo did a great job of developing these players into becoming top prospects. Building a team around these players will not only give me a good base of elite talent but it will also allow me to spend money to bring free agents into to build around this core. The franchise would be shaped with instant talent and success because of all of these players are very good TPE earners and will be all over 1000 tpe in a matter of a few short seasons, which will give my team a core of talented players who will be under contract.

CW Task #3: The New Orleans Specters had a very good regular season but come playoff time we were not able to get the job done once again. The GMs @JoeK and @TheDangaZone did a very good job of assembling a good team and planning for the future by restocking the pipeline season after season. This year was the first year the four big rookies got ice time and their future is looking bright in New Orleans. I would like to improve my minutes played because I felt like if I was on the ice more my team would have won more games in the playoffs. I would like to get more minutes on the power play because I am an offensive defenseman and I would enjoy getting some more points and helping create more chances for our offense. We have a really good goalie who can cover my back when I jump on to create offensive chances.

CW Task #5:
2 I would choose Buffalo’s defense. The core of Tatu Makela, Connor Tanner and Charles Walker are all elite defenseman, and all have previous champion cup experience. These three players can play against any opposing line and be able to shut them down. I think that the Winnipeg blueline is good, but they are still very young and deep in the playoffs the veteran players also raise themselves to another level.

3 I believe one of the main reasons why Winnipeg was able to make the finals is because they have a superstar forward. @Bonk is an outstanding member of the site and he knows how to make a great player. Lil Manius is all of that and some more, he has great vision, shooting, and is a great leader on the ice. He truly does raise his teammates to another level.

4 The primary member for the success of Buffalo in recent seasons is Tatu Makela, known as @WannabeFinn. One the ice Makela is one of the best in all of the SHL and in the general manager seat Finn has been able to make some trades and draft extremely well to put his team in a position to be able to contend for the past few seasons and for many future seasons to come.

5 I believe that Cedric Robinson will have the upper hand in this series. He has more TPE and is a younger player who seems like he is on the verge of becoming a superstar goalie and a champions cup win will help him make that jump to superstar status even quicker. Robinson also has the better team in my opinion and his offense will be able to make up for any mistakes that he might make.

Vadim Askerov Player Page
Vadim Askerov Update Thread

CW TASK 1: (Written, 3 TPE)
Both teams in our challenge cup series come in with a healthy set of talented young players. if you were to choose a player from either teams SHL roster or there prospect pool with a (start date of S45,
S46, S47 or S48) to build your team around, who would it be and why? What qualities on or off the ice make them 'that guy' and how do you think they would shape the image of their franchise? (150+ words
and *tag any player involved in this task)
@Scrufdaddy Slip McScruff is undoubtedly 'the guy' from either one of these teams. Off the ice, he is a locker room gem who never has a bad thing to say. Seemingly always in a good mood, Scruff lifts up those around him and does everything he can to make the locker room a desirable place to be. On the ice, he is an assist machine and is rock solid defensively. He won't put up many goals, but he will help make a lot of them happen and will help make sure that not much, if anything gets past him or the goalie. One way or another, Scruff is going to help rookies get their footing in the league and that they don't miss out on anything they can do to help improve themselves. Heck, he won't limit it to just rookies. If you need someone to go to for help, Scruff is the guy without a doubt. Any team would be lucky to have him, and Winnipeg undoubtedly has their guy for a long time.

CW TASK 05: (Written, up to 4 TPE)
Pick up to 4 challenge cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth '1' TPE. Each answer must be '50' words or more.

1. Put together a challenge cup fantasy team using the 2 teams in the finals as the player pool. This fantasy team must include at least 1 young player (S44 or higher) and in 50+ words discuss your

2. This series boasts an interesting matchup at the blue line between star studded defenders! Which includes Troy McClure III, Gary Grease and Slip McScruff from Winnipeg.. & Buffalo's Tatu Makela,
Connor Tanner and Charles Walker.. which group do you expect will outshine the other and why?

3. Winnipeg making it to the finals was an unexpected surprise. What were some of the main reasons why this franchise was able to persevere into the leagues most important series.  (*tag anyone involved)

4. Buffalo has made it to the finals in 2 of the last 3 seasons. Who or what has been a primary reason for the recent success of this franchise. (*tag anyone involved)

5. Both franchises come into the series with a hot Cedric! Between Winnipegs Cedric Moreau and Buffallo's Cedric Robinson which emerging netminder has the advantage over the other in this series?
1) My three forwards: Viktor Marius (BUF), Hippo Passamus (BUF), Louie Garrett (BUF), my two defensemen: Alexis Metzler (BUF), Slip McScruff (WPG), my goalie tandem: Winnipeg. And here's why. This is a fantasy team, so I'm looking for the highest scorers. Buffalo's top 3 are way ahead of the game when it comes to scoring compared to Winnipeg, its not even close. Gary Grease's numbers are slightly better for fantasy than Slip McScruff, but McScruff is a young guy and the point difference is almost negligible. As for the goalie, while Robinson had slightly better numbers than Moreau, Moreau was not pulled in any game during the playoffs, so I went with consistency here.

2) Even before this series I would have said Buffalo's group would outshine Winnipeg. Winnipeg might be better geared up for the future, but as it stands right now Buffalo boasts one of the better blue lines in all of the SHL in terms of offensive production and defensive consistency. Maybe this decision would be harder come next finals.

4) Their offense has been absolutely stellar in each of the last two times they have appeared in the finals. One of the few teams in the league to run three forward lines, they beat down their opponents with a deadly forecheck. The addition of Louie Garrett all but solidified their dominance of a relatively weak Eastern Conference. One could argue that their goalie Cedric Robinson was the key part in their success the past few seasons, and what he brings to the table shouldn't be ignored either. @Mayuu @karey @dizzyDC @grok

5) This might be the hardest question of the playoffs, or maybe in the league. These two netminders have been consistently two of the best in the league for the past few seasons. Looking back on the playoffs, these two goalies had nearly identical numbers, and despite the outcome I would give Moreau the nod simply because he did not have to be pulled in any games throughout the playoffs.

CW TASK 9: (Graphic, 3 TPE)
Ooof, you thought it was buried deep in cyberspace but sadly that social media post you wrote has re-surfaced during championship week and its being shared across the net. you were young and dumb! you
werent a professional hockey player when it was written!... yet here it is and its time to deal with it. Provide us with that post! graphic must be done with a social media background and include your
players pick, name and the wording that got you in trouble!
[Image: LZPmt81.jpg]

CW TASK 10: (Written, 3 TPE)
CHALLENGE CUP HISTORY reports will be viewed instead of commercials for those watching the series online! pick any previous challenge cup finals from before your current player's time in the SHL and in
150+ words talk about the series including who won and in how many games, and who were some of the better players in that series. [include link to archives]
From just before my time, we will be covering the S43 Challenge Cup Finals that saw West Kendall take on Winnipeg. This series was actually a lot closer than the 4-0 sweep made it out to be. The biggest margin of victory in this series was in game 2 when West Kendall won 3-1. Every other game in the series was a one goal game, with game 1 being the highest scoring affair, ending with a score of 4-3. The goalies had back and forth performances, but seemingly matched each other throughout each game. Both goalies had a rough outing in games 1 and 3, but countered those performances with good showings in games 2 and 4. Game 1 saw the teams trade big periods with WKP netting 3 in the first and WPG netting two in the second. Karsten Kadinger (WKP) scored the first goal of the third period and that ended up being the game winner. Game 2 ended 3-1 with WKP scoring in each period. Game 3 actually saw Winnipeg take their first lead, but 3 unanswered goals from WKP saw them take the 3-0 series lead. Game 4 saw WKP take a 2-0 lead and despite a late 3rd period goal from Corey Bearss, WKP held out for the sweep.

CW Task #13 PM'd

[Image: lap-teamsig.png]
Aleksi Kettu
[Image: 7MO9RpC.png]

(This post was last modified: 07-28-2019, 09:53 PM by Slappydoodle.)

Task 8

“Buffalo, the armpit of New York State versus Winnipeg, that I have no idea what to even say about it. The battle of, if not the century, maybe not the decade, but easily the battle of this month. See Lil’ Manius, the pint sized monster of the ice, destroying everyone and anyone that dares to stand up to him. See him scoring from all over the ice and in the stands after the game with the chicks. See Alexis Metzler, the German nightmare bring back memories of Hun invasions throughout history.

Winnipeg versus Buffalo, we haven’t had action like this since two other relatively unimportant cities came together to compete for some other obscure championship. You do not want to miss this, unless of course, you’ve got something else to do, in which case you could probably safely blow this off. But t, if you are around and do have some extra cash to throw away, this is one of many choices you can make, that will hopefully not disappoint you too much.”

This ad could only run in one spot. The only podcast that can equal and perhaps surpass that level of excitement and over the top exuberance is The Big Slappy Hour! Two men, long time friends and occasional lovers that greatly enjoy aurally pleasing one another and any and all strangers that would like to have a chance.

Task 12 - podcast

Task 13
Pm sent

[Image: nQDbTbM.png]

[Image: hA5o4UG.png]

Task 1: What can not be said about the youngster in  Noah Gallagher (@fever95). The man is an absolute beast. He is like a gazelle if gazelles were sharks, ya feel me? It's such an absolute game from an absolute unit that it should come to no surprise when this man cashes in and destroyed the absolute league. He will lift the cup while sleeping with your and my mom. Power bottom ass having a monster specimen. He shoots he scores is all you can say about this kid. Mythic is a word that comes close to being able to describe someone of such a status. Thor and Odin fight over being able to worship him. He controls not only the ice, but fire, earth and air itself to will the puck into letting him be its master. All hail this glorious bastard and god bless the Jets. What more could you say?

Task 3: @Esa. This man knows how to do the hockey thing pretty damn well. We don't need to go into the fact that he's literally got simons number and understands this system better than quite literally any other soul alive, even more so than Simon did and he made the damn system. The dragons have undergone a special transition period which led to a finals appearance last year, and now a first-round exit. It should be noted though that there was no mention of Esa when it comes to why the team was defeated. He has created a very special team with a very special locker room that is quite unlike any others both on and off the ice. Constantly looking to improve the team without moving anyone that is part of the bigger plan. There is room for improvement but that can be said about any legitimate team. The flaws were reduced and the strengths were enhanced and things are looking bright!

Task 8: Stop watching whatever other crap you're watching to come and listen to our crap! That's right Bernik, you sexy Czech you, David Vent here and we are in agreement of one thing. That's right David, Austria Does suck!, No Bernik, That the upcoming finals are going to be absolutely...lit *they are really asking me to read this?* In the meantime, we ask that you go and buy your tickets and cheer on one of the two teams, and jeer the other team into extinction. That's right Bernik because both of our teams were out early! That's Right Vent, kind of sad now, might start crying, but I won't! Because there's hockey on, there's time to cry in the offseason. 

Yeah so basically you have to top stars of the league in Bernik and Vent doing this whole thing called comedy, kinda high tiered, might be over your head. Think Ryan Stiles and Colin Mochrie type shit here. The kids will be eating it all up. @ImShiny @ImShiny

Task 5

part 2. The blue lines are absolutely stacked and it's going to be tough to get anything, let alone a high quality shot that challenges the goalies. When looking at Troy and Gary and Slip you can see that Winnipeg was going to be a pain to deal with, and yet there is almost some form of parity in Buffalos line up. 

part 3. Winnipeg is this year's Dragons. Strong, little cocky, but all the firepower and star power in the world that was needed in order to make a hard and deep run. They have maintained enough stamina to last this long, however, the relentless onslaught that is Buffalo may just rub them the wrong way.

part 4.
 Buffalo has shown that all you really need to be any good in this league, is a competent GM. All the skill that the team has acquired has come from the ground up with an attitude that if they stick together they can win it all with just the right amount of puck luck.

part 5. The battle of Cedric is honestly the most exciting thing going on right now to be honest. Goaltenders have often been underestimated and under appreciated in the grand scheme of things and it feels like it has been overshadowed again by the defense. I personally take Robinson in the head to head, but there is so much to like about the goalies on both ends of the ice that picking favourite is difficult to do. But ill do it anyway its Robinson.

CW TASK 13: Sent

[Image: Off.gif]

Task 6 - 3 TPE
I think I chose to go with a sniping center because it was something I hadn't tried. My only active player in the SHL was a two way defenseman who definitely was stronger defensively than offensively, and I wanted to create someone who would be out their scoring points. I wanted to change up my play style and focus more on generating offensive opportunities rather than just being a defensive catalyst. Klaus has done just that, setting an SMJHL record in his second year and returning for a third to help out his team before making the jump to the pros. This season in the SHL was fantastic for him as he put up 45 points, and I think it really showed the capabilities that an offensive minded center can have. Of course the meta in the league supports teams running with a play maker, but Klaus is changing that mindset one year at a time.

Task 8 - 3 TPE
"Welcome to Barracuda Bay with Noble and Jepox. This week, we wanted to take some time to talk about something that everyone has been waiting for, the Challenge Cup Championship! The Challenge Cup is an elite competition that returns each and every year to showcase the top two teams in the world in hockey. This year, we see the Buffalo Stampede take on the Winnipeg Jets in a fire fueled match up that will be sure to rock your socks off. Come and enjoy a great game with your city when they visit your town next!"

I think it should be obvious why I chose to use the Barracuda Bay podcast. The two guys on the podcast are super energetic and can make anything entertaining, even if it's just talking about the regular hum drum of real life. They are upbeat and fantastic members of the podcast community, and would be sure to do the script justice in making a great ad.

Task 10 - 3 TPE
If there is one Challenge Cup finals we should all be talking about, it's the S25 finals. This championship was the one by the Winnipeg Jets, directly prior to me joining the team with my first player, Carson Shmyr. The Jets were a dominant team that year, taking home not only the Challenge Cup but also the President's Trophy and a whopping six individual awards. Their performance is similar to that of the Tampa Bay Barracuda this year, who had an absolutely crazy powerful year despite the expectations. The difference? Winnipeg was able to close the deal, knocking out their competition in a great series. Vidrik Onoprienko continued his fantastic year after winning the Littleton, McDonald, and Razov trophies and capped of his season with a championship to remember. Some of the players from this roster would go on to join the hall of fame in later seasons, while others are still impacting the game today.

Task 14 - 4 TPE

Task 13 - 3 TPE

[Image: Klaus2.jpg]
(This post was last modified: 07-28-2019, 09:44 PM by WannabeFinn.)

CW TASK 1: (Written, 3 TPE)
Both teams in our challenge cup series come in with a healthy set of talented young players. if you were to choose a player from either teams SHL roster or there prospect pool with a (start date of S45, S46, S47 or S48) to build your team around, who would it be and why? What qualities on or off the ice make them 'that guy' and how do you think they would shape the image of their franchise? (150+ words and *tag any player involved in this task)

If I were starting a new franchise and building the team from the ground up I think that I would choose Cassius Darrow. Darrow has all of the qualities necessary to lead a team on and off of the ice. He's an active and vocal presence in the room and is able to keep spirits up and keep guys in check. On the ice, he's a force and well on his way to becoming a franchise cornerstone on the blueline. Over the past few seasons he's been sheltered on the 3rd pairing while he fine tunes his game, but next season he is going to be unleashed upon the league as a top 4 defenseman that is used in all situations. I firmly believe that he has the ability to quarterback a powerplay unit, that he can shutdown the opposition on the penalty kill, and that he can be a minute muncher and an efficient puck mover in 5v5 situations. @hhh81

CW TASK 3: (Written, 3 TPE)
For most of us S48 is over and now its time to sit down with your GM's for a season end review! talk to your GM's about what youve accomplished, what you are strong at, what you need to improve on and what would you like your role to be moving into S49. Task must be 150 words or more. (*Tag your GM’s)

Well Tomen, it was quite a season for me.. I was counted upon to lead the defensive unit in all situations and despite falling short of winning the division, and barely making it into the playoffs, we still managed to push through 4 rounds of the playoffs and win the Challenge Cup. I believe that I'm a strong puck mover and shutdown defenseman. I play with a lot of physicality and my defensive instincts are second to none. I believe that I can work on reducing my penalty minutes and producing a little bit more offense from the backend. Going into Season 49 I believe that my role on the Stampede should remain the same. I believe that I'm fully equipped to carry the defensive burden on my shoulders and help shelter the younger players. I think that my special teams time could be reduced in favor of a younger guy like Cassius Darrow, but my role should stay relatively unchanged. @Tomen

CW TASK 05: (Written, up to 4 TPE)
Pick up to 4 challenge cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth '1' TPE. Each answer must be '50' words or more.

1. Put together a challenge cup fantasy team using the 2 teams in the finals as the player pool. This fantasy team must include at least 1 young player (S44 or higher) and in 50+ words discuss your choices.

F - Viktor Marius
F - Hippo Passamus
F - Lil Manius
D - Slip McScruff
D - Alexis Metzler
G - Cedric Robinson

Viktor Marius and Hippo Passamus absolutely dominated the playoffs with their offensive prowess and their physical abilities. Lil Manius is a similar style player but for the Jets. Alexis Metzler has played at a Stevens-winner level. Slip McScruff is a strong, young player for the Jets on the blueline. Cedric Robinson has proven himself to be one of the greatest goalies in the postseason.

2. This series boasts an interesting matchup at the blue line between star studded defenders! Which includes Troy McClure III, Gary Grease and Slip McScruff from Winnipeg.. & Buffalo's Tatu Makela, Connor Tanner and Charles Walker.. which group do you expect will outshine the other and why?

I thoroughly believe that the Stampede defensive group outshined the Jets' defensemen. In addition to the listed Makela, Tanner, and Walker, the Stampede also boast elite defensemen like Alexis Metzler and Cassius Darrow. The defensive depth and talent that the Buffalo Stampede possess is overwhelming and nearly impossible to match leaguewide.

4. Buffalo has made it to the finals in 2 of the last 3 seasons. Who or what has been a primary reason for the recent success of this franchise. (*tag anyone involved)

I firmly believe that the reason the Stampede have been able to make it to the Finals in Season 46 and Season 48 is because of the loyalty from the players that wear the Stampede sweater. Nearly all of the Stampede players were drafted to the team and have spent their careers playing for the team.

5. Both franchises come into the series with a hot Cedric! Between Winnipegs Cedric Moreau and Buffallo's Cedric Robinson which emerging netminder has the advantage over the other in this series?

Despite Moreau's strong start to the playoffs, I believe that Robinson has the edge in the series. He has played far more games and still has shown no signs of slowing down. He has shown an ability to pitch clutch shutouts in crucial games and he has shown an ability to win games at an elite level.

CW TASK 9: (Graphic, 3 TPE)
Ooof, you thought it was buried deep in cyberspace but sadley that social media post you wrote has re-surfaced during championship week and its being shared across the net. you were young and dumb! you werent a professional hockey player when it was written!... yet here it is and its time to deal with it. Provide us with that post! graphic must be done with a social media background and include your players pick, name and the wording that got you in trouble!

[Image: qlU1WqA.png?1]

CW TASK 13: (*CASUAL MEMBER SPECIAL* Send answer in PM, up to 3 TPE)
Its trivia time with 4 questions related to our Challenge Cup participants!

1. What Buffalo Stampede player recorded a +28 which was the greatest +- number in franchise history?
2. Name 3 players in the Winnipeg Hall of fame
3. Who was Buffalos's 1st round draft pick back in S34?
4. When was the last time the Winnipeg Jets won the Challenge Cup Championship and who was it against?


[Image: sIjpJeQ.png]
[Image: KPt6Yuu.png]

Task 1: (3 TPE)

I don't want to play favourites so I will choose a young player that plays on the other simulation hockey league franchise that has reached the simulation hockey league challenge cup finals to face the simulation hockey league's very own Winnipeg Jets... the simulation hockey league franchise known as the Buffalo Stampede! The simulation hockey league franchise known as the Buffalo Stampede have a young simulation hockey league player known as Cassius Darrow, who was drafted in the simulation hockey leagues forty fifth simulation hockey league draft! Cassius Darrow is a great young defenseman, who has been earning a lot of TPE (which is short for total points earned) at a very fast rate, which means he has more total points earned than a lot of other players from the forty fifth draft in the simulation hockey league. These total points earned allow Darrow to upgrade his stats according to the simulation hockey league update scale. Re-reading the criteria, his personality makes him the guy and kyle connor is a pretty good image to shape for a franchise  @hhh81

Task 3: (3 TPE)

Simulation hockey league player Gary Grease, who plays for the simulation hockey league franchise known as the winnipeg jets, who is also the general manager for the winnipeg jets, has accomplished a great deal for his simulation hockey league franchise (the winnipeg jets) over the last season (simulation hockey league season forty eight). Gary grease talked to himself about how it was good that the winnipeg jets were no longer a joke/basement dweller and was contending for the president's trophy once again. this success carried into the playoffs and were 2 games away from a championship. Gary grease thinks to himself that he is very strong at strength, defense, and passing, but could work on his scoring a bit since that is a weakness of his. Unfortunately, some unknown force sems to be stopping gary grease from getting better at scoring, even though he feels that he has it in him to boost it to 99 with his extra 200 total points earned (TPE). Gary grease forseees his role on the team staying similar to what it has been the past few seasons. @FlappyGiraffe

Task 5: (4 TPE)

F: Jason Visser
F: Ola Wagstrom
F: Lil' Manius
D: Gary Grease
D: Troy McClure III

the winnipeg jets are the greatest, none of the stupid buffalo stampede could ever make my fantasy team. Those guys are a bunch of jabronis. These are some of the best winnipeg jets that are on the team, which is why I picked them. They really are quite the squad if I say so myself

I expect the winnipeg jets defense group to outshine buffalo cause they are way better. they got guys like gary grease troy mcclure iii, and slip mcscruff who are all defensemen in the simulation hockey league. they are all tough as nails and have a weakness of scoring, but that is okay because they are defenders not scorers.

the main reason the winnipeg jets were able to bounce back so quickly from their rebuild and make the finals again, is because we never foolishly sold off players that we didn't need to. We retained as much talent as we could as we rebuilt, and had some amazing drafts back to back to back to back in season 44, 45, 46, and 47 which has added an immense amount of depth and activity to the team.

a primary reason for buffalos succes is the simualtion hockey league co general manager that goes by the name of tomen on the simulation hockey league forums. Tomen is a lad in germany, who has recovered from a serious car accident and has made his way back to the shl. he has done good. @Tomen

well the finals are over and bufflao one, so im gonna have to say that in the end cedric robinson had the adavantage in this series. I don't know how to be answering a lot of the these prediction type questions since all this stuff has already happened, oh well here i am at 50 words already

Task 10: (3 TPE)

back in season forty four of the simulation hockey league, the simulation hockey league franchise known as the west kendall platoon was facing off against the simulation hockey league franchise known as the winnipeg jets for the 2nd season in a row. In the simulation hockey league finals back in season forty three when these teams had met before, west kendall platoon absolutely smacked the winnipeg jets out in 4 games, so the jets were hoping they would do better. They did do better this time around and won the cup in 6 games, which was very exciting. I was glad to win a cup with that roster since there were so many great players on the team about to retire or regress to being bad, and felt that they deserved more success in the playoffs. in the end that core ended up with 2 cups which is pretty good imo. CFJ ws one of the better players in the series

Task 13: (3 TPE)

[Image: wMFFUe4.gif]

Barracuda S56 1st Overall Barracuda

Gary Grease Career Stats: Click Here
Graphics Shop: Click Here

[Image: CsnVET2.png]  Barracuda Russia Barracuda  [Image: c8B2LE3.png]

CW TASK 1: (Written, 3 TPE)
Both teams in our challenge cup series come in with a healthy set of talented young players. if you were to choose a player from either teams SHL roster or there prospect pool with a (start date of S45, S46, S47 or S48) to build your team around, who would it be and why? What qualities on or off the ice make them 'that guy' and how do you think they would shape the image of their franchise? (150+ words and *tag any player involved in this task)

Easily from the Buffalo Stampede, Tatu Makela. @WannabeFinn. Makela is a premier young defenseman in this league, who is carried by an agent whom has made quite a few successful players in his past. Makela possesses a strong leadership capability that coaches love to coach, and players love to spend time around – well most of them. Makela has a nice guy face and personality but he has that side of him with a strong bite that you do not really want to see coming at you on the ice around 30 kilometers an hour. On the ice, Makela has a strong puckhandling prescence that allows him to dipsy doodle around opposing forecheckers and get the puck of his end. It is very rare to see him commit a poor pass in the defensive end, as well, his big big big body is something that opposing forwards hate seeing when they come down the halfwall.
(156 words)

CW TASK 3: (Written, 3 TPE)
For most of us S48 is over and now its time to sit down with your GM's for a season end review! talk to your GM's about what youve accomplished, what you are strong at, what you need to improve on and what would you like your role to be moving into S49. Task must be 150 words or more. (*Tag your GM’s)

Awesome, the day I have been waiting for, for probably a few months. The General Managers of the Tampa Bay Barracuda have been nothing but great fellas and human beings towards Akashi SixNine since I came into the league. They have showered me with compliments, praise and lots of money since entering the league and they are people that I want to be spending the rest of my life with and around. This season we accomplished what nobody thought we would EVER accomplish. When I said EVER I mean it. We have such a young team but the core they built was able to get the job done in the regular season and let us taste our first ever presidents trophy led by Lagerfield, Ball and our two rookies studs Kholin and SixNine. I was able to play the hockey I wanted to play and it turned out well as I am in leading contention for the Ryan Jesster Awards as the top rookie. @JSS @Jepox

(164 words)

CW TASK 05: (Written, up to 4 TPE)
Pick up to 4 challenge cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth '1' TPE. Each answer must be '50' words or more.

1. Put together a challenge cup fantasy team using the 2 teams in the finals as the player pool. This fantasy team must include at least 1 young player (S44 or higher) and in 50+ words discuss your choices.

Kevin Hamilton – Lil Manius – Nick Brain
Tatu Makela – Alexis Metzler
Cedric Moreau

Oh fuck yeah this is my favorite team to ever make lets goo baby, anyway from the start, we have BIG BODIED Kevin Hamilton at the wing, with Lil Manius and the young boi Nick brain. Just a studded lineup and one that is a force to reckon with. On defense I had to go with the Stampede train mafia in Metzler and Makela for their pure scoring prowess and defensive studness. IN net, we go with Moreau because why tf not
(82 words)

2. This series boasts an interesting matchup at the blue line between star studded defenders! Which includes Troy McClure III, Gary Grease and Slip McScruff from Winnipeg.. & Buffalo's Tatu Makela, Connor Tanner and Charles Walker.. which group do you expect will outshine the other and why?

I believe the Buffalo group will outshine, and did outshine the Jets group. Makela, Tanner and Walker are all very experienced individuals who have tasted the glory of a cup very recently, they are high scoring defenseman whom are quite prudent in their own end. I think they will outshine the Jets heavily this series and call it a day.
(60 words)

3. Winnipeg making it to the finals was an unexpected surprise. What were some of the main reasons why this franchise was able to persevere into the leagues most important series. (*tag anyone involved)

Winnipeg has always been a force to be reckoned with in the sim, I swear if a team has a certain amount of character in their name, the SIM (Simon you fuck) loves to reward them. Despite not having the greatest team, let alone, having a goalie like Cedric fucking Moreau who has no business being on an SHL team at this point decided to turn on beast mode and just fuck everyone up.
(74 words)

4. Buffalo has made it to the finals in 2 of the last 3 seasons. Who or what has been a primary reason for the recent success of this franchise. (*tag anyone involved)

Easily, easily has been guys like Tatu Makela, Charles Walker, Metzler, Marius the list goes on and on and on. These guys have committed to the team since the dog days, and have really been able to carry the team to a regular contender season after season. The GM tandem of Tomen and WBF has been amazing too, and they are two dudes everyone should want to play for.
(69 words)

CW TASK 8: (Written, 3 TPE)
S48 was the season of the podcasts here in the SHL and with increased audio competition comes the fight for Challenge Cup advertising! HO has asked you to create an audio add for a "Buffalo/Winnipeg preview" script to be aired on the radio. Create a '100' word hype add and then choose which podcast it will be appearing on and in 50+ words explain why you chose that podcast to air the script. (*Tag anyone involved)

“The Buffalo Stampede all the way from Buffalo, New York are stampeding their way through the Northeastern United States all the way to Winnipeg to fight off the lasting JETS JETS JETS. Come thru to the MTS Centre at your earliest conviences to watch GAME 1 of the S48 Challenge Cup Finals, and come see your Stampede run straight through the doors and dismantle the lowly Jets who will never see it coming. Tune in, Tuesday July 18th, 2019 at 7 PM EST for the chance to be able to chat with Tatu Makela, defenseman of the Stampede before the game starts. Tickets go on sale tomorrow morning and will only be available fo a limited time”
I think this podcast would be run, on personally my favorite podcast, the BIG SLAPPY HOUR. The BSH is a podcast that caters to all ages of individuals, and one that really captivates your thoughts throughout the entire show. Being able to throw a podcast read onto here is like throwing one onto Chiclets when they talk about ED pills. Just filthy.
(160+ words)

CW Task #13
- PM’d

Akashi SixNine Jr. Updates

Task #1
If I was given the opportunity to build a franchise around a player, it would be Viktor Marius hands down. Marius has the A, and for good reason. He’s got a great shot and he can find teammates. While Marius only got 39 points last season, that seems like an outlier given his production in previous seasons (50 in S47 and 59 in S46). Well respected among SHL players, he’s also got his hands on the Sarmad Khan Trophy in S46, and also won the Jeff Dar & Aidan Richan trophies in that same season. He’s been a centerpiece to a cup-winning team in the past, and is most likely going to bring the intangibles that a veteran has wherever he goes, which can positively trickle down on the younger players in the locker room. @karey

Task #3
Well, despite not winning the 4-Star Cup, I think it was a positive year for me. I’ve grown and become a top-pairing d-man in the SMJHL, amassing 28 points in 50 games, and played an important defensive role for the Outlaws with Osbert Whacker and Matthias Seger leaving. In S48, I logged more minutes, got an opportunity on the 1st PK pairing, blocked more shots, and still kept the same intensity with my checking. But as I stated earlier, we didn’t win the cup, and for that reason alone, I’d like to spend one more year at Anaheim before making the move up north to freezing Minnesota. As far as what’s needed to be done, we lost in a game 7 that may have gone in our favor had a goal not been disallowed, and my salary will increase $1m for this upcoming season, so I just gotta keep doing what I’m doing.

Task #5

2.) I expect to see Buffalo’s blueline outperform Winnipeg’s. Of course, they are defenseman, but Buffalo’s blueline has been able to chip in a bit more than Winnipeg’s point-wise in the playoffs, and on top of that, they are allowing less shots per game and doing better on the penalty kill.

3.) Winnipeg didn’t have a high-powered offense (only five forwards and two d-men had double digit point totals, let alone point-per-game numbers), but they did really well to keep the puck out of the net in both even-strength and on the PK. Against the Pride, they only gave up 1 goal on 16 opportunities, and against New Orleans, they gave up 4 in 27. Most of the goals they would give up would be in 5v5, but that’s no easy task.

4.) When you have Viktor Marius on your team, the gameplan should be to just pass the puck to him and see how many goals he can score, cause that guy’s got a rifle of a shot. Yes, he didn’t have that good of a regular season compared to others, but he’s thrived in the playoffs and shown why he’s an incredible player that any team would be happy to have. @karey

5.) I think the advantage comes down more to who’ll have the easier load to manage. Both are great goalies, and in GAA, sv%, shots faced, and minutes played, both come in first and second, with very little separating the two. It’ll take quite a bit to solve both Cedric’s, but the d-core that’ll help their goalie out more will see a more successful one.

Task #6
I always enjoyed watching defensemen play. Whether it’s making a play at the blueline, carrying the puck out of the zone and starting the breakout, or taking one for the team, defending was enjoyable for me. While scoring is a weakness for me, but I still would like to be a great two-way defenseman who can put up points despite not scoring much. In even strength, feeding the snipers the puck, keeping the shot differential in favor of my team, and keeping pucks out of the net, whether that may be in a 5v5 situation or on the penalty kill, and of course, play a little physical as my build allows me to, so blocking shots, laying out opposing forwards, and the occasional scrap will not be eluded, either.

Task #10
The SHL S45 Challenge Cup Final was between the West Kendall Platoon and the Edmonton Blizzard. A wild series that went back and forth, Edmonton was able to take the series at home in 7, after going down 3-2 after game five. In fact, the Blizzard went up 2-0, including a really convincing 6-2 thrashing in game two, and then lost three straight. The sudden surge from the Platoon came from the efforts of their top line of Roman Agustus-Dionz Vyskoc-Dani Forsberg, depth forwards Leafer Rielly and Alex Light, and puck-moving d-man Ludwig Koch Schroder. But despite the high-powered offense, West Kendall failed to keep the puck out of the net, and led to their demise after losing in OT of game 6 thanks to the heroics of leading point-producer Joe Kurczewski, and a consistent supporting cast of Cory Knouse, Tor Tuck, Teddy Cuddles, and Hercules Rockefeller, whose production would carry into the decisive game 7.

[Image: noahshl.gif]

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