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S49 PT #4 - The Record Book

Not gonna do much research here, but I think Esa Anrikkanen's career points total of 1063 is gonna be hard to beat simply because not only was he a beast for a long time, but he played for a long ass time. He played for twenty-nine seasons for a total of 1458 games, which is insane. The next closest player to that in points is Kristian Eriksson who played twenty-four seasons and 1208 games for a total of 1012 points. That's a whole five seasons less than Anrikkanen played. And honestly, I feel like people's careers are getting shorter, not longer. So it's going to be hard to catch him just because of the time factor. And we might as well make that two records that Anrikkanen holds that I don't think anyone will beat any time soon, because he also holds the record for the most games played. I'd like to see someone try to outlast him, but honestly I don't see it happening. Would be cool if it did.

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Which record would you say will be the hardest to break? Explain yourself!

The hardest record to break will almost definitely be the most shutout in a season. The realism era was dominated by plenty of Hall of Fame goaltenders, but Season 13 for Tom Corcoran was absolutely one for the record books. He posted an insane 11 shutouts in the 5 game season, completely obliterating the record of 7 at the time (which was matched by fellow goaltender Josef Heiss). Considering the average most shutouts each season is 5 or 6 nowadays, it's going to take a complete meltdown on STHS' part for someone to even come close to Corcoran's 11 shutouts during the Realism Era.

Words: 103

The Tomen Special: What would you consider to be the most underrated SHL record in the current era? Explain yourself.

Going outside the box here a little bit, but the most under-rated record of the Realism Era is Danny Foster's 300 hit season. Only twice in the history of the SHL has the 300 hit mark been touched (the other being Aidan Richan's 301 hit season in S11). Foster has completely dominated the Realism Era, also owning 2nd place on the hit list with a 260 hit performance the very next season. Barney Stinson comes the closest to Foster, sitting at 250 and a country mile away from the incredible 300 hits we saw back in Season 34.

Words: 98

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(This post was last modified: 08-26-2019, 07:15 PM by Kalakar.)

Nobody in the history of the SHL will ever beat Noble's record breaking amount of multis. How many do we even know he had? Allegedly he had 2 multis, but when you're 12, are you really gonna be honest about something like that? I bet he's had at least 5 multis over the years when he joined the SHL but we'll never hear about them. People are way more vigilant nowadays so I don't think this record will be broken anytime soon. Look at how King got lynched in the TD forum when he came back. Now we know, we have computer wizards that know this shit and will find you if you ever attempt to create a second account to play alongside your main character. Until then, Noble will reign as the multi king that fooled the SHL for many seasons. But I hear he's reformed now, so that's good.

Noble I wasn't serious, I love you.

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The most impressive and underrated record in SHL history is easily Kari Barkovs record of Richan trophies with two. By the Richan trophies awards definition, you should really only be able to improve enough to win it once but Kari Barkov was able to do it twice in three seasons due to how great he really was. The award is named after "Aidan Richan" but he has never even won the award once. Barkov, on the other hand, won it twice with 41 and 48 point seasons respectively. Many have said "Why not rename the Richan trophy to be named after the great Kari Barkov?" and I would tend to agree with this assessment. The only time Kari Barkov was not underrated by the Simulation Hockey League was the time he won two Richan trophies. The league owes Kari Barkov a great debt for how he conducted himself during his SHL career and the only answer is to rename the "Richan Trophy" to "The Ofer Award".

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Quote:Which existing record (e.g., most goals, most wins, most hits, etc.) do you think will be broken by a currently active player? Explain yourself?

As a goalie I obviously like to look at goalie stats and I actually quite recently looked into all goalie stats held by McFadden. He still holds onto a number of them, but I believe one of his stats that will get broken first will the assists (29). Several other goalies came close with 27 assists, but they're all retired. The next on the list, who is still active, is Beaujeaux Biscuit with 24 assists. That's only 5 more assists to go. Unfortunately, he hasn't had any this season (so far), but on the other hand he's had 5 assists last season and 2 on average throughout his SHL career, so unless Biscuit is going to retire soon (?), that could happen in the near future (not saying it will, but it could). Obviously someone else will come along and break that record again, because 29 assists over a 19 year career is only ~1.5 assists per season and many active younger goalies should hopefully be able to do this. If we just look at what the bojo box has to offer there are other goalies earlier into their career that have a good chance (if they play long enough), e.g. Geezus Kryyst with 12 assists in 6 years (and 2 more so far this season) and why not throw in myself with currently 3 in my first year?

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The most underrated record in my opinion is the single season hits record held by Danny Foster in S34 with 300 hits. I really don’t see anyone ever beating this for a couple reasons. First, nobody is currently building a player that could compete for this record. With the league focusing more and more on scoring at the cost of the physical aspect, I just don’t see anyone getting to even 250 hits. 250 hits is also the next highest single season hit record not held by Foster. With the movement away from hitting, and with the absolute absurd numbers Foster put up, it just creates a scenario where I just don’t see anyone breaking that record in the near future, if ever. Nobody but Foster has put up more than 250 hits since season 11. I believe that this is a record that will stand forever, and if it does get beaten will be a combination of a player nobody wants, and some amount of luck.

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Which record would you say will be the hardest to break? Explain yourself!

The hardest record to break will definitely be Esa Anrikkanen. And I do not mean just one thing, I mean his whole career. Esa ended his career with 1458 regular season games. He was able to do this because of his amazing 29 season in the SHL. The next closest to him is Kristian Eriksson with 1208 games in 24 seasons. Every player within the 5 season mark that I could find is already retired, leaving this record untouchable. Esa also leads the league in all time goals scored at 514 goals. The next 5 closest players are also retired. Terrance Nova is the next active player on the list with 367 goals. This means no one in the near future will even come close to that goal amount for Esa Anrikkanen. Dont forget the power play goals at 114, just another stat that will not be passed. Keep in mind that these are all for the regular season only. Esa had an undoubtedly amazing career that no one any time soon will break.

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(This post was last modified: 08-27-2019, 08:59 AM by Katth.)

Possible record:
Not sure if this is a record that is tracked at all, I couldn't find it in the SMJHL record topics on the site, but on Monday 26 August 26 2019, RW - Nicklaus Engel of the Kelowna Knights scored a hattrick with only 7 minutes and 21 seconds of icetime. 

Link to the game

Nicklaus Engel (@rittflyers ) scored a goal in each of the three periods in a game against the Montreal Militia, which ended up in a 6-2 win for Kelowna. 

This will not be the fastest hattrick in a game, because the third goal was scored in the third period, but it must be the only hattrick scored in SMJHL history with so little ice time.

Record that won't be broken:
Many others have already mentioned it, but Esa Anrikkanen's (@Steelhead77 ) whole career will never be matched by any other player in the SHL. His total seasons active (29!), games played and points total will be on top of the record books for enternity.

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By looking at all the records pretty quickly, the one thing I will say is that most of the records will be hard to beat. The talent back then was totally different then it was now. There are so many teams being built better so you will not have single teams just dominating the league like it was back in the day. Also, we have so many more players and competition that the parity in the league is a lot easier now than it was back then.
But, by looking closer, I do not think that anyone will beat Tom Corcorans record of 11 shutouts in a season. By looking strictly at the Realism era category, the one thing I noticed is that no one from the Season 40 to now has been close to that record. And this goes along with what I was saying that teams are more competitive now then they were. Now, we have so many great teams that can atleast get 1 goal scored in a game. And you will not have some sort of super team that has all the best players on one squad. Unless some teaming up happens and people decide to build a Golden State Warrior SHL team, then it might be broken. But off the top of my head, there is no way that one team will be able to dominate that much

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Which record would you say will be the hardest to break? Explain yourself!

In Season 16, Chris Partlow set a record with 49 assists. This record has stood for 32 seasons and counting, and despite a few players coming close - most recently Otis Driftwood in S47 with 46 assists - to break this record someone would have to average an assist per game which seems unlikely given the increased quality in goaltending and team defenses. Teams just don't go all-out offense any more.

Which existing record (e.g., most goals, most wins, most hits, etc.) do you think will be broken by a currently active player? Explain yourself?

The IIHF record for goals scored in one season is 9. Given that the number of games played has increased to 12 instead of 10, I think it is fair to say that the chances to beat this have improved dramatically. In a shorter sample size of games played, it is not unfeasible that someone will go on a hot streak and score 10 or more. I think there are any number of players who could achieve it, my personal favorite candidate to do so is Rafe Ulrich from Norway as he has displayed a real knack for scoring in bunches and is only getting better!

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(This post was last modified: 08-27-2019, 11:35 AM by rangersbruinslightning.)

Hardest record to break:

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Thank you to @Wasty and @frithjofr for a couple great sigs!

Which record would you say will be the hardest to break? Explain yourself!

I think Alonzo Garbanzo's record of 765 assists will be the hardest to break, simply by the fact of all current career records the assists record has the highest distance (by percentage) than any other (other than blocked shots, which Garbanzo also holds the record). Virtually every single second-place record is over 90% of the actual record, while the second-place assist record is 76.1% of Garbanzo's record. And when you look at just the raw numbers, Garbanzo is not only the only player to have over 700 assists, he is the only player with over 600. The next closest player is the legendary Joe McKeil with 582. Couple that with the insane number of minutes that Garbanzo played during his career, as well as the fact the league is much more competitive now than it ever was with Garbanzo as an elite defenseman, and you see a record that will likely never ever be broken.

Alonzo Garbanzo Final Tallies (Among Defensemen):
2nd in Goals (208), All-Time Assists Leader (765)*, All-Time Points Leader (973), 3rd in Hits (2587), All-Time Blocked Shots Leader (1882)*
*All-Time Leader Among All Skaters
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