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SMJHL Advanced stats 49

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FULL STATS: Skaters | Goalies
Glossary: Skaters | Goalies

Team analysis

1. Falcons Detroit Falcons (68 points)
Record: 31-13-6
Corsi: 54.82 (1st)
PDO: 1017 (2nd)

What went right:
- Very good 5 on 5
- Lucky
- Good on PP, 2nd most PP goals

What went wrong:
- Below average PK, 3rd most PK goals allowed

2. Knights Kelowna Knights (62 points)
Record: 28-16-6
Corsi: 51.09 (3rd)
PDO: 1025 (1st)

What went right:
- Good 5 on 5
- Very lucky
- Good PP%

What went wrong:
- Didn't draw a lot of penalties

3. raiders Halifax Raiders (61 points)
Record: 26-15-9
Corsi: 50.48 (4th)
PDO: 1006 (4th)

What went right:
- Good 5 on 5
- Tied for most PP opportunities
- Good PK, 3rd least PKG allowed

4. Whalers Vancouver Whalers (56 points)
Record: 26-20-4
Corsi: 47.93 (9th)
PDO: 984 (9th)

What went right:
- Great PP, 46 PPG (1st)
- Disciplined, great PK, fewest PKG allowed

What went wrong:
- Bad 5 on 5
- Unlucky

5. Lions Lethbridge Lions (55 points)
Record: 26-21-3
Corsi: 47.40 (10th)
PDO: 995 (7th)

What went right:
- Tied for most PP opportunities, good PP, top 3 in PP goals
- Incredible PK, 2nd fewest PKG allowed despite taking a lot of penalties

What went wrong:
- Bad 5 on 5
- Took too many penalties

6. Militia Montreal Militia (54 points)
Record: 24-20-6
Corsi: 50.31 (5th)
PDO: 1011 (3rd)

What went right:
- Above average 5 on 5
- Lucky
- Above average PK%

What went wrong:
- Bottom 3 in PPA, PPG, PP%
- The most penalized team in the league, 2nd most PKG allowed

7. Raptors Colorado Raptors (54 points)
Record: 22-18-10
Corsi: 48.03 (8th)
PDO: 1001 (5th)

What went right:
- Didn't take a lot of penalties

What went wrong:
- Bad 5 on 5
- Below average PK%

8. Scarecrows St. Louis Scarecrows (52 points)
Record: 24-22-4
Corsi: 51.82 (2nd)
PDO: 999 (6th)

What went right:
- Good 5 on 5

What went wrong:
- The worst PP%, fewest PP opportunities and PP goals
- The worst PK%, took a lot of penalties, the most PK goals allowed
Overall really struggled on special teams

9. Outlaws Anaheim Outlaws (49 points)
Record: 22-23-5
Corsi: 49.35 (6th)
PDO: 985 (8th)

What went right:
- Not a bad PK%

What went wrong:
- Below average 5 on 5
- Unlucky
- Struggled on PP

10. Armada Anchorage Armada (46 points)
Record: 21-25-4
Corsi: 48.33 (7th)
PDO: 974 (10th)

What went right:
- They're a team
- Fewest PKA

What went wrong:
- Bad 5 on 5
- Unlucky
- Bad PK%

Team stats

*green - clinched bye week

Falcons Detroit Falcons - 54.82
Scarecrows St.Louis Scarecrows - 51.82
Knights Kelowna Knights - 51.09
raiders Halifax Raiders - 50.48
Militia Montreal Militia - 50.31
Outlaws Anaheim Outlaws - 49.35
Armada Anchorage Armada - 48.33
Raptors Colorado Raptors - 48.03
Whalers Vancouver Whalers - 47.93
10 Lions Lethbridge Lions - 47.40

1 Knights Kelowna Knights - 1025
2 Falcons Detroit Falcons - 1017
3 Militia Montreal Militia - 1011
4 raiders Halifax Raiders - 1006
5 Raptors Colorado Raptors - 1001
6 Scarecrows St.Louis Scarecrows - 999
7 Lions Lethbridge Lions - 995
8 Outlaws Anaheim Outlaws - 985
9 Whalers Vancouver Whalers - 984
10 Armada Anchorage Armada - 974

1 Knights Kelowna Knights - 13.87
2 Falcons Detroit Falcons - 13.21
3 Lions Lethbridge Lions - 12.01
4 Militia Montreal Militia - 11.48
5 Scarecrows St.Louis Scarecrows - 11.40
6 Raptors Colorado Raptors - 11.39
7 raiders Halifax Raiders - 11.18
8 Outlaws Anaheim Outlaws - 11.01
9 Whalers Vancouver Whalers - 10.59
10 Armada Anchorage Armada - 10.00

1 Militia Montreal Militia - 0.897
2 raiders Halifax Raiders - 0.894
3 Raptors Colorado Raptors - 0.887
4 Knights Kelowna Knights - 0.886
5 Scarecrows St.Louis Scarecrows - 0.885
6 Falcons Detroit Falcons - 0.885
7 Whalers Vancouver Whalers - 0.878
8 Lions Lethbridge Lions - 0.875
9 Outlaws Anaheim Outlaws - 0.875
10 Armada Anchorage Armada - 0.874

Leaderboards (skaters)

CF% (min. 800 shot attempts)
1. Scarecrows 60.37 Barrett Blackwood - RW
2. Falcons 60.28 Raino Kyllonen - C
3. Scarecrows 60.16 Nicolaj Muller - LW
4. Scarecrows 60.00 Mika Kandinsky - C
5. Falcons 59.98 Khabib Nurmagomedov - LW
6. Falcons 59.44 Josh Driver - C
7. Knights 58.31 Josef Novotny - C
8. Knights 58.09 Tah Puhcheese - RW
9. Knights 57.80 Raquel Castillo Gutierrez - RW
10. Militia 57.73 Gaspard Boone - C

RelCF (min. 800 shot attempts)
1. Scarecrows 12.90 Barrett Blackwood - RW
2. Scarecrows 12.64 Nicolaj Muller - LW
3. Scarecrows 12.36 Mika Kandinsky - C
4. Militia 11.12 Gaspard Boone - C
5. Knights 11.03 Josef Novotny - C
6. Knights 10.59 Tah Puhcheese - RW
7. Knights 10.35 Raquel Castillo Gutierrez - RW
8. Raptors 8.74 Ja'Aj Coitus-Wagg - C
9. Lions 8.73 Eva Lykke Aparjode - LW
10. Militia 8.73 Herry Morris IV - RW

P60 (forwards, min. 25 points)
1. Militia 3.33 Gaspard Boone - C
2. Scarecrows 3.26 Nicolaj Muller - LW
3. Lions 3.12 Eva Lykke Aparjode - LW
4. Militia 3.08 Herry Morris IV - RW
5. Knights 2.99 Raquel Castillo Gutierrez - RW
6. Falcons 2.96 Khabib Nurmagomedov - LW
7. Scarecrows 2.88 Barrett Blackwood - RW
8. Knights 2.88 Tah Puhcheese - RW
9. Knights 2.87 Aleksandr Scherbak - C
10. Knights 2.85 Josef Novotny - C

P60 (defensemen, min. 20 points)
1. Scarecrows 2.83 Basil Magnicotta - D
2. Outlaws 2.14 Jerry Mander - D
3. Knights 2.11 Big Fudge - D
4. Falcons 2.01 Miikka Salo - D
5. raiders 2.01 Jaakko Jarvinen - D
6. Knights 2.00 Prince Devitt - D
7. Raptors 1.91 Derek Bohne Jr - D
8. Falcons 1.85 Satoshi Zizagooney - D
9. Lions 1.78 Akira Ren - D
10. Militia 1.75 Padraig Sarantez - D

PPP60 (min. 10 points)
1. Whalers 7.50 Cullen Gray - LW
2. Raptors 6.96 Calogero Crudelli - LW
3. Falcons 6.81 Jagger Fouquette - LW
4. Armada 6.62 Gabriel Johnson - D
5. Scarecrows 6.41 Nicolaj Muller - LW
6. Knights 6.32 Big Fudge - D
7. Lions 6.19 Eva Lykke Aparjode - LW
8. Militia 6.15 Padraig Sarantez - D
9. Whalers 5.96 Mikas Bieksa - D
10. Falcons 5.85 Satoshi Zizagooney - D

Consistency (min 30 games)
1. Militia 74% Gaspard Boone - C
2. Scarecrows 72% Nicolaj Muller - LW
3. Lions 70% Eva Lykke Aparjode - LW
4. Whalers 68% Cullen Gray - LW
5. raiders 66% Esa Parmborg - C
6. raiders 66% Cody - RW
7. raiders 64% Josef Kubinec - LW
8. Knights 64% Raquel Castillo Gutierrez - RW
9. Raptors 64% Calogero Crudelli - LW
10. 62% - 6 tied

Longest point streak
1. Raptors 11 Bo Kane - C
2. Outlaws 9 Jerry Mander - D
3. Falcons 8 Savoli Tankovic - RW
4. Knights 8 Vadim Malichov - LW
5. Whalers 8 Mikas Bieksa - D
6. 7 - 11 tied

Expected +/-
1. Scarecrows +25 Barrett Blackwood - RW
2. Scarecrows +25 Nicolaj Muller - LW
3. Scarecrows +25 Mika Kandinsky - C
4. Falcons +23 Khabib Nurmagomedov - LW
5. Falcons +21 Raino Kyllonen - C
6. Falcons +21 Josh Driver - C
7. Knights +20 Josef Novotny - C
8. Knights +19 Tah Puhcheese - RW
9. Knights +19 Raquel Castillo Gutierrez - RW
10. Militia +19 Gaspard Boone - C

IPPEV (forwards, min. 25 points)
1. Falcons 86.5% Raino Kyllonen - C
2. raiders 85.7% Ricky Spanish - LW
3. Lions 83.3% Boruvka Banananak - RW
4. Outlaws 83.3% Nick Connolly - LW
5. Militia 83.3% Gaspard Boone - C
6. Armada 82.9% Raphael D'Alcott - LW
7. Whalers 80.8% Sami Rieder - C
8. Scarecrows 78.4% Nicolaj Muller - LW
9. Whalers 78.4% Cullen Gray - LW
10. raiders 77.8% Esa Parmborg - C

IPPEV (defensemen, min. 20 points)
1. Scarecrows 79.6% Basil Magnicotta - D
2. Outlaws 78.9% Jerry Mander - D
3. raiders 72.7% Jaakko Jarvinen - D
4. Armada 69.0% Johnny Sins - D
5. Lions 66.7% Jack Wilson - D
6. Raptors 65.7% Denver Wolfe - D
7. Raptors 64.3% Derek Bohne Jr - D
8. raiders 61.8% Noah Tedla - D
9. Knights 60.5% Big Fudge - D
10. Militia 59.5% Padraig Sarantez - D

Primary assists
1. Raptors 24 Calogero Crudelli - LW
2. Outlaws 21 Jerry Mander - D
3. Knights 20 Prince Devitt - D
4. Falcons 19 Savoli Tankovic - RW
5. Lions 19 Akira Ren - D
6. Scarecrows 19 Basil Magnicotta - D
7. 18 - 6 tied

Secondary assists
1. Falcons 23 Espen Knutsen Jr - C
2. Falcons 16 Satoshi Zizagooney - D
3. raiders 16 Noah Tedla - D
4. Militia 16 Padraig Sarantez - D
5. Falcons 15 Miikka Salo - D
6. raiders 15 Esa Parmborg - C
7. Knights 15 Big Fudge - D
8. Whalers 15 Mikas Bieksa - D
9. Raptors 15 Denver Wolfe - D
10. Scarecrows 15 Nicolaj Muller - LW

5v5sh% (min. 25 goals for)
1. Knights 18.22 Kalevolaripaavo Kaspertommevisnapuu - RW
2. Knights 17.75 Aleksandr Scherbak - C
3. Knights 17.60 Vadim Malichov - LW
4. Knights 15.71 Berg Svensen - D
5. Falcons 15.37 Miikka Salo - D
6. Knights 15.29 Prince Devitt - D
7. Falcons 15.16 Jagger Fouquette - LW
8. Falcons 15.07 Austin Roenick - RW
9. Raptors 14.80 Daniel Kuster - D
10. Knights 14.60 Tah Puhcheese - RW

5v5sv% (min. 100 shots on goal against)
1. raiders 0.942 Cuthbert Coppercorn - LW
2. Militia 0.935 Ricky Bobby - LW
3. raiders 0.931 Taisei-Tiikeri Wawazat - C
4. Militia 0.931 Hans Schweinsteiger - D
5. Militia 0.926 Tom Fiddler - C
6. Outlaws 0.922 Jukka Jokinen - LW
7. Militia 0.921 Joseph Weston - LW
8. Falcons 0.921 Lunga Gumba - C
9. Raptors 0.921 Ja'Aj Coitus-Wagg - C
10. 0.920 - 4 tied

PDO (min. 250 shots on goal for + against)
1. raiders 1062 Taisei-Tiikeri Wawazat - C
2. raiders 1062 Esa Parmborg - C
3. Falcons 1060 Khabib Nurmagomedov - LW
4. raiders 1057 Josef Kubinec - LW
5. Falcons 1056 Josh Driver - C
6. Knights 1056 Kalevolaripaavo Kaspertommevisnapuu - RW
7. Militia 1049 Wyatt Ruschkoff - D
8. Knights 1048 Berg Svensen - D
9. Raptors 1047 Daniel Kuster - D
10. Knights 1046 Aleksandr Scherbak - C

Steals (defensemen)
1. Outlaws 976 Jerry Mander - D
2. Raptors 928 Derek Bohne Jr - D
3. Scarecrows 927 Flash Gordon - D
4. raiders 925 Noah Tedla - D
5. Lions 920 Delver Fudgeson - D
6. Scarecrows 915 Basil Magnicotta - D
7. Knights 909 Big Fudge - D
8. Scarecrows 909 Lyle Odelein III - D
9. Raptors 900 Georgy Gorbachenko - D
10. Falcons 890 Miikka Salo - D

Steals (forwards)
1. Falcons 741 Travis Bitties - RW
2. Falcons 540 Marc Palicka Jr - LW
3. Militia 396 Ravyn Tedisko - RW
4. raiders 395 Taisei-Tiikeri Wawazat - C
5. Raptors 385 Ja'Aj Coitus-Wagg - C
6. Outlaws 378 Lallo Selman - LW
7. raiders 375 Jon Forty-One - RW
8. Armada 362 Stavros Halkias - C
9. Armada 357 Raphael D'Alcott - LW
10. Falcons 352 Kalvins Zvejnieks - C

Turnovers (defensemen)
1. Lions 900 Delver Fudgeson - D
2. raiders 892 Noah Tedla - D
3. Scarecrows 846 Basil Magnicotta - D
4. Outlaws 828 Jerry Mander - D
5. Raptors 823 Derek Bohne Jr - D
6. Raptors 810 Denver Wolfe - D
7. Knights 798 Piotr Horvat - D
8. Scarecrows 795 Lyle Odelein III - D
9. Knights 789 Simon LeBlanc - D
10. Knights 785 Prince Devitt - D

Turnovers (forwards)
1. Falcons 645 Travis Bitties - RW
2. Outlaws 561 Lallo Selman - LW
3. Outlaws 537 Nick Connolly - LW
4. Lions 503 Hugh Jazz - LW
5. Militia 494 Ravyn Tedisko - RW
6. raiders 488 Ricky Spanish - LW
7. Raptors 484 Calogero Crudelli - LW
8. Whalers 467 Sami Rieder - C
9. Whalers 461 Bobby Bobcalf - RW
10. raiders 459 Jon Forty-One - RW

STL/TO (defensemen, min. 800 steals + turnovers)
1. Scarecrows 1.512 Flash Gordon - D
2. Outlaws 1.407 Rath McLeod - D
3. Armada 1.349 Augustus Wang - D
4. Armada 1.347 Samuel Michaud - D
5. Knights 1.338 Berg Svensen - D
6. Whalers 1.328 Victor Toeman - D
7. Militia 1.313 Zbigniew Pokrywka - D
8. Outlaws 1.311 Ursin Zimmermann - D
9. Outlaws 1.305 Jacob Riley - D
10. Militia 1.304 Olin O'Dowd - D

STL/TO (forwards, min. 700 steals + turnovers)
1. Falcons 1.224 Marc Palicka Jr - LW
2. Falcons 1.149 Travis Bitties - RW
3. Armada 1.037 Stavros Halkias - C
4. Raptors 0.972 Ja'Aj Coitus-Wagg - C
5. Falcons 0.959 Kalvins Zvejnieks - C
6. raiders 0.898 Taisei-Tiikeri Wawazat - C
7. Falcons 0.858 Savoli Tankovic - RW
8. Militia 0.847 Herry Morris IV - RW
9. Scarecrows 0.830 Nicolaj Muller - LW
10. Armada 0.828 Raphael D'Alcott - LW

Pass completions
1. raiders 2443 Noah Tedla - D
2. Outlaws 2260 Jerry Mander - D
3. Knights 2069 Prince Devitt - D
4. Scarecrows 2062 Basil Magnicotta - D
5. Raptors 2049 Derek Bohne Jr - D
6. Lions 2041 Delver Fudgeson - D
7. Militia 1972 Kaspars Claude - D
8. Raptors 1971 Denver Wolfe - D
9. Militia 1958 Padraig Sarantez - D
10. Knights 1956 Simon LeBlanc - D

Pass completion % (min 1000 attempts)
1. Lions 88.48% Luca Veccelli - C
2. Scarecrows 86.17% Jakub Bruchevski - C
3. Lions 84.96% Cant Eykhil - C
4. raiders 84.85% Timmo Kyllonen - C
5. Outlaws 84.81% Ivan Maximus - C
6. Falcons 84.80% Espen Knutsen Jr - C
7. Outlaws 84.74% Gordon Bombay - C
8. Whalers 84.68% Jean-Paul Boivin - LW
9. Knights 84.57% Aleksandr Scherbak - C
10. Militia 84.00% Heikki Jaakola - LW

Shot assists
1. raiders 248 Noah Tedla - D
2. Knights 247 Prince Devitt - D
3. Scarecrows 233 Basil Magnicotta - D
4. Outlaws 232 Jerry Mander - D
5. Militia 225 Padraig Sarantez - D
6. Scarecrows 194 Noah Brusky - D
7. Lions 186 Delver Fudgeson - D
8. Raptors 185 Denver Wolfe - D
9. Raptors 182 Derek Bohne Jr - D
10. Knights 175 Simon LeBlanc - D

Zone entries (total)
1. Outlaws 1135 Jerry Mander - D
2. raiders 1124 Noah Tedla - D
3. Scarecrows 1108 Basil Magnicotta - D
4. Lions 1104 Delver Fudgeson - D
5. Raptors 1004 Derek Bohne Jr - D
6. Militia 972 Kaspars Claude - D
7. Raptors 964 Denver Wolfe - D
8. Outlaws 958 Lallo Selman - LW
9. Militia 929 Padraig Sarantez - D
10. Knights 916 Piotr Horvat - D

Leaderboards (goalies)
SV% = 0.883
EVSV% = 0.884
PKSV% = 0.877
PPSV% = 0.874

Quality starts (QS)
1. raiders 31 Biz Nasty
2. Whalers 25 Kasperi Braulin
3. Falcons 23 Emiko Spector
4. Knights 23 Alexander Thorstrom
5. Militia 23 Mike Hunt
6. Raptors 20 Knox Booth
7. Armada 18 Ian Venables
8. Outlaws 15 Patrick Niederreiter
9. Scarecrows 15 Shiqa Vitalievich
10. Lions 14 Nolan McMahon

QS% (min 20 total starts)
1. raiders 70.45 Biz Nasty
2. Whalers 60.98 Kasperi Braulin
3. Lions 59.09 Markus Tegernako
4. Militia 58.97 Mike Hunt
5. Falcons 54.76 Emiko Spector
6. Knights 52.27 Alexander Thorstrom
7. Lions 50.00 Nolan McMahon
8. Outlaws 48.39 Patrick Niederreiter
9. Raptors 45.45 Knox Booth
10. Scarecrows 42.86 Shiqa Vitalievich

Really bad starts (RBS)
1. Armada 15 Ian Venables
2. Raptors 14 Knox Booth
3. Outlaws 11 Patrick Niederreiter
4. Knights 11 Alexander Thorstrom
5. Scarecrows 11 Shiqa Vitalievich
6. Falcons 9 Emiko Spector
7. Whalers 9 Kasperi Braulin
8. Militia 9 Mike Hunt
9. Lions 8 Nolan McMahon
10. Whalers 6 Michal Burzawa

RBS% (min 20 total starts)
1. raiders 11.36 Biz Nasty
2. Falcons 21.43 Emiko Spector
3. Whalers 21.95 Kasperi Braulin
4. Lions 22.73 Markus Tegernako
5. Militia 23.08 Mike Hunt
6. Knights 25.00 Alexander Thorstrom
7. Lions 28.57 Nolan McMahon
8. Scarecrows 31.43 Shiqa Vitalievich
9. Raptors 31.82 Knox Booth
10. Armada 34.09 Ian Venables

Goals saved above average (GSAA, min 20 starts)
1. raiders 18.81 Biz Nasty
2. Militia 16.28 Mike Hunt
3. Falcons 10.18 Emiko Spector
4. Lions 8.93 Markus Tegernako
5. Whalers 8.80 Kasperi Braulin
6. Knights 0.44 Alexander Thorstrom
7. Scarecrows -1.22 Shiqa Vitalievich
8. Lions -4.62 Nolan McMahon
9. Raptors -6.00 Knox Booth
10. Outlaws -6.21 Patrick Niederreiter

Adjusted GAA (min 20 starts)
1. raiders 2.60 Biz Nasty
2. Militia 2.60 Mike Hunt
3. Lions 2.67 Markus Tegernako
4. Falcons 2.75 Emiko Spector
5. Whalers 2.78 Kasperi Braulin
6. Knights 3.00 Alexander Thorstrom
7. Scarecrows 3.06 Shiqa Vitalievich
8. Raptors 3.17 Knox Booth
9. Lions 3.18 Nolan McMahon
10. Outlaws 3.21 Patrick Niederreiter

Rebound control (min 500 save attempts)
1. Knights 78.12 Alexander Thorstrom
2. Raptors 76.56 Knox Booth
3. raiders 75.52 Biz Nasty
4. Militia 74.89 Mike Hunt
5. Falcons 74.86 Emiko Spector
6. Lions 74.39 Nolan McMahon
7. Lions 74.25 Markus Tegernako
8. Whalers 73.70 Kasperi Braulin
9. Scarecrows 72.03 Shiqa Vitalievich
10. Outlaws 72.01 Patrick Niederreiter

EVSV% (min 400 save attempts)
1. Militia 0.900 Mike Hunt
2. raiders 0.900 Biz Nasty
3. Lions 0.896 Markus Tegernako
4. Scarecrows 0.895 Shiqa Vitalievich
5. Whalers 0.892 Kasperi Braulin
6. Falcons 0.891 Emiko Spector
7. Knights 0.887 Alexander Thorstrom
8. Raptors 0.886 Knox Booth
9. Outlaws 0.874 Patrick Niederreiter
10. Armada 0.872 Ian Venables

PKSV% (min 100 save attempts)
1. Lions 0.915 Nolan McMahon
2. raiders 0.901 Biz Nasty
3. Lions 0.898 Markus Tegernako
4. Whalers 0.897 Kasperi Braulin
5. Militia 0.895 Mike Hunt
6. Falcons 0.892 Emiko Spector
7. Outlaws 0.886 Patrick Niederreiter
8. Scarecrows 0.884 Marques Brownlee
9. Militia 0.884 Mitchell Maverick
10. Knights 0.871 Alexander Thorstrom

Saved by post
1. Whalers 34 Kasperi Braulin
2. Raptors 33 Knox Booth
3. Militia 30 Mike Hunt
4. Armada 29 Ian Venables
5. raiders 29 Biz Nasty
6. Falcons 25 Emiko Spector
7. Scarecrows 25 Shiqa Vitalievich
8. Lions 20 Nolan McMahon
9. Knights 19 Alexander Thorstrom
10. Outlaws 18 Patrick Niederreiter[/u]

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[Image: aawil.gif]

Gabriel Johnson is bad

[Image: ili5NZ2.png]


Amazing compilation! I love this kind of stuff, appreciate you keeping track of this.

[Image: jrousseau.gif]
[Image: j7ebBxQ.png] [Image: FbT2Pb1.png]
Canada Knights Canada Knights Canada

This is very helpful.

[Image: 9ZNnX19.png]

Canada | Player (index) | Grizzlies | Player (portal) | Inferno

we did nothing wrong? damn right we didnt

[Image: owenm43.gif]
[Image: 9vAsr7c.png]

(This post was last modified: 09-02-2019, 12:22 AM by Whikadoodle.)

Quote: IPPEV (min. 20 points)

IPP = points / (goals scored while you're on the ice).
The higher this stat, the more involved you are in your team's offense.

IPP helps to identify "drivers" and "passengers".
Very high IPP probably means you need better linemates (sorry).

IPPEV is calculated at even-strength

IPPEV (forwards, min. 25 points)
1. Falcons 86.5% Raino Kyllonen - C
2. raiders 85.7% Ricky Spanish - LW

I disagree with this luck factor for Montreal. It was all skill!

[Image: seamsu_500.png?ex=66b438d3&is=66b2e753&h...96a382d50&]

Credit to Vulfzilla for the awesome render pic
[Image: gXlAFBa.png]|| [Image: 8CbZQAJ.png]

Another great article @"aaronwilson"!!! Dude, the way you tell the story that the statistics tell is great. Definitely one of the media pieces I look forward to the most.

WolfpackBlizzardRaptors  raiders Switzerland  FINN RHYS  Switzerland raiders Raptors Blizzard Wolfpack

[Image: hockey__27674.1518661372.1000.1200.jpg?c=2]

[Image: iOjAcRd.gif]

09-01-2019, 08:30 PMWaters Wrote: Gabriel Johnson is bad

Weird way to spell Jon Forty-One.

(Also Aaron feel free to put [This is now currently redacted] over any Jon Forty-One stat so you can get more cash <3)

Raptors Proud S67 - S69 Colorado Raptors Captain  Raptors
Uk S57 Forward of the Season Award winner  Uk
Finland S79 Goalie of the Season Award winner in WJC Finland

Now I am free <3

[Image: 41-2.png?ex=65d9e0d0&is=65c76bd0&hm=ada7...1aae5535a&]

09-01-2019, 08:30 PMWaters Wrote: Gabriel Johnson is bad

True but rude.

[Image: Gabe-lights.png]
[Image: nMz40Vc.gif]


09-03-2019, 12:26 PMC9Van Wrote:
09-01-2019, 08:30 PMWaters Wrote: Gabriel Johnson is bad

Weird way to spell Jon Forty-One.

Yeah well at least you play for a good team, buddy. this reverse trash talking?

[Image: Gabe-lights.png]
[Image: nMz40Vc.gif]


09-03-2019, 02:13 PMGwdjohnson Wrote:
09-01-2019, 08:30 PMWaters Wrote: Gabriel Johnson is bad

True but rude.


[Image: ili5NZ2.png]


09-03-2019, 02:15 PMGwdjohnson Wrote:
09-03-2019, 12:26 PMC9Van Wrote: Weird way to spell Jon Forty-One.

Yeah well at least you play for a good team, buddy. this reverse trash talking?

Please, Halifax have not looked decent since they signed me, if anything they shot themselves in the foot the second the cancer that is Jon41 entered!

(If it is I will win Tongue lol)

Raptors Proud S67 - S69 Colorado Raptors Captain  Raptors
Uk S57 Forward of the Season Award winner  Uk
Finland S79 Goalie of the Season Award winner in WJC Finland

Now I am free <3

[Image: 41-2.png?ex=65d9e0d0&is=65c76bd0&hm=ada7...1aae5535a&]

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The Simulation Hockey League is a free online forums based sim league where you create your own fantasy hockey player. Join today and create your player, become a GM, get drafted, sign contracts, make trades and compete against hundreds of players from around the world.