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S49 PT #5: The Meta PT

A. What is your favorite type of PT? Backstory-related? Current happenings in the league (e.g., stats and standings)? Prompts about your player as an on-ice figure? Prompts about your player as an off-ice figure? Prompts about other players? (Not looking for specific ideas here, just looking to get a sense of what types of things people like)

Honestly, the best is when we have a PT that we can talk about our off ice players and our actual relationships with the other users on the site. I find talking about a single players stats or like pre game regimen is fun and all to create something about your player. But I am more interested in finding out the relationships people have on this site, the friendships those have made using the SHL. Its cool seeing us all become happy from this fictional site and seeing how much we all care about the sport and everything. We all dedicate time on discord and talk about so much, and most of it isnt SHL related. I want to learn about what others have learnt here, and the networking we have somewhat did together to make the SHL last another 10 years and so on.

As much as this is a game, we have turned it into a community and a family.

[Image: Bruins10.gif]
Thanks to @enigmatic , @Ragnar and @sulovilen for the sexy Signature

Quote:C. What is your favorite/most memorable PT from your time on the site?

My most memorable PT from my tenure on the SHL would have to be the PT back in the SMJHL for a "Pre-Game Playlist" . Music is one of the most important things in my life and I listen to music everyday, it helps me through my workouts, when I'm relaxing, getting me ready for a game etc. 

I was fortunate enough with a PT to share my passion of music and some of my favourite tracks to help get my teammates ready for a game back in my  Militia days. However, now that I'm playing for the  Blizzard up in the SHL, the music control is out of my hands but the music is still jamming in our locker room.

The songs that I listed in the SMJHL PT for a pre-game playlist are songs that I still listen to before a game up to this day and I'm hoping this will help elevate my game for the S49 playoffs here in Edmonton. 

So throughout my SHL time the SMJHL PT for a "Pre-Game Playlist" has been my most favourite and memorable! 

Link -

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(This post was last modified: 09-02-2019, 02:38 PM by NorwegianDemon.)

A. What is your favorite type of PT? Backstory-related? Current happenings in the league (e.g., stats and standings)? Prompts about your player as an on-ice figure? Prompts about your player as an off-ice figure? Prompts about other players? (Not looking for specific ideas here, just looking to get a sense of what types of things people like)

There are two types of PT that I like more by a wide margin.

The first type of PTs that I really like are the one about my player backstory. I think it is fantastic to know what players like, what they went through, where they play before, where they come from, what their family and friends are like. Ultimately, we could use those type of PT to create a wiki about every player in the league and I think this is something we should look to implement while just doing the standard PT so it doesn’t add too much work.

The second type of PTs that I love are the one where we need to talk about the events and performances happening around the league or about our team and our own player. I think this increases the level of interest I have in the current season, because it forced me to look at something else than only my own player and my team. It also increases my knowledge of the league which can be useful for media and fantasy.

181 words

Nor Ge
norway Citadelles

Salzberger Lillehammersson
norway Inferno World Falcons

Anders Christiansen
[Image: inferno.png] [Image: dragons.png] [Image: wolfpack2.png] [Image: stars.png] [Image: Dxdffra.png] [Image: hGKuRrv.png] [Image: sAx3Llh.jpg] [Image: firebirds.png]

A. What is your favorite type of PT? Backstory-related? Current happenings in the league (e.g., stats and standings)? Prompts about your player as an on-ice figure? Prompts about your player as an off-ice figure? Prompts about other players? (Not looking for specific ideas here, just looking to get a sense of what types of things people like)

I came up playing RPGs like WoW and Guild Wars and, yeah, Runescape. When I was a bit older I started playing Dungeons and Dragons which is like the ultimate RPG. In those games the love of discovery and the fun of the actual mechanics eventually gives way as you become more experienced, and what's left is your character and the fantasy around them. Speaking of my time in WoW, you still do the little things. Your daily quests, your dungeons, etc, but once you're done with that what's there left to do in the game? I got into roleplaying. Discovering the fantasy of my character replaced discovering the fantasy of the game. I'd been playing them for like a year, but who were they? What were their goals? Where did they come from? I got onto a roleplaying server and totally embarrassed myself the first few times out, but I stuck with it and was lucky enough to learn from some of the best and it spawned a life-long hobby(?) of mine.

When I came into the SHL, silly and unnecessary as it was, I sat down and wrote a backstory for Darnell. Where he's from, what he's done, how he got here. His parents, his family, his hometown. Small little notes about his life to inform the way he answers questions and responds to things. It ended up that I never really play the character, but it's all there for me when I need it. In that regard, I really like PTs that are backstory related or about my player, preferably off-ice but I know some of the off-ice PTs are sort of out there. I'm not so big on PTs about current happenings because I feel like the responses are all, inevitably, going to be the same.

[Image: Screen_Shot_2020-07-07_at_12.29.58_PM.png]

A. What is your favorite type of PT? Backstory-related? Current happenings in the league (e.g., stats and standings)? Prompts about your player as an on-ice figure? Prompts about your player as an off-ice figure? Prompts about other players? (Not looking for specific ideas here, just looking to get a sense of what types of things people like)

My favorite prompts are backstory ones that let you speak more about your character and let you learn about other people's characters and allow you to use some imagination. Back in elementary/middle school we were always using our imagination to write stories and prompts, and make up fictional characters or even fictional worlds and I'm now a junior in college and haven't used this much imagination since lol. My least favorite is probably ones that involve other players because, it's obviously hard for me and others since we're new to the SHL, but just in general I don't know a ton of people nor have time to get to know a ton of people so I tend to use the same people over and over or just people on my team.

Anthony Archer - S49 12th Overall
1x IIHF Silver Medalist (S51)
2x WJC Gold Medalist (S48, S49)
2x Four Star Cup Finalist (S48, S50)
SMJHL: 42G 40A 82P 304HIT // SHL: 17G 17A 34P 326HIT

[Image: AA42.png]

A. What is your favorite type of PT? Backstory-related? Current happenings in the league (e.g., stats and standings)? Prompts about your player as an on-ice figure? Prompts about your player as an off-ice figure? Prompts about other players? (Not looking for specific ideas here, just looking to get a sense of what types of things people like)

I would say the PTs that involve a player's backstory as well as current happenings in the league are my favorite PTs because they directly relate to our players.  Ones where we are creating our own reality show or creating a food dish don't really speak to me because they're just kind of a one and done that don't really fit into a player's backstory or the actual sim going ons.  I do enjoy PTs that allow us to talk about other players and all that, it is fun to write about friends and it is always cool to come across something about your player.  I know some people don't like the "tag people" requirement, but I know I like to get tagged to read stuff about me!  So maybe that could be optional?

B. What is your favorite type of Graphic PT? Do those get stale or should we keep those as is?

I wish I had a better answer for this because I like doing graphics for PTs but generally don't do them, I think it is more that I can write PTs from work and have Photoshop at home for graphics.  I think they would be fine to stay as is, hopefully I could have more time at home to do graphics.  I remember the EA Video Game cover graphic being a lot of fun making, maybe something more like that (another magazine cover? poster giveaway?)?  I also really enjoy the paint tournament in the off season so it could be fun to enforce a paint PT graphic!

C. What is your favorite/most memorable PT from your time on the site?

I would have to say the Wikipedia entry from either last season or the season before.  I spent a lot of time crafting his page with a backstory and everything and it was a lot of fun.  I think I crushed the word limit a million times over.  But it was a lot of fun reading other people's pages too because it gave you more insight to their players outside of sim numbers.  I even have gone back to read it over a few times this season for various reasons.

D. Say 100+ words of nice things about Mike Izzy

Well I decided to do every letter so I don't think I'll get to 100 words for Izzy.  But despite never really interacting with Izzy, he seems like a great guy and it is sad to see him go from the PT department.  He's run it very well in my time on the site, and I've found a lot of laughs in his PTs and posts.  Thanks Izzy!

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PBE PT Affiliation

[Image: MrStennett08.gif]

Scarecrows Usa Blizzard Panthers Patriotes Stars


Quote:A. What is your favorite type of PT? Backstory-related? Current happenings in the league (e.g., stats and standings)? Prompts about your player as an on-ice figure? Prompts about your player as an off-ice figure? Prompts about other players? (Not looking for specific ideas here, just looking to get a sense of what types of things people like)

I don't think I have a favorite type. I like having a mix of all of them and I'm looking forward to whatever you guys come up with every week. While there were a few I didn't like, most of them have been enjoyable. Especially for newer players it can be fun to write about others and being forced to tag someone, because that way you will get to know people around the league. If I had one aspect to complain about (maybe complain not the right word): make your PT accessible to a global audience, because that's what we are here. With that I mean no specific prompts or topics that only people from North America are familiar with and some of us from Europe don't know anything about. I know we're a minority here, but I think it's important.

[Image: zS2lCMp.png] 

[Image: carpy48.gif]
sigs either by @Wasty, @Nokazoa, @sulovilen, @Capt_Blitzkrieg, @sköldpaddor, @Ragnar, @enigmatic, @Lime or myself

Stars Lions Berserkers
[Image: p1gG0LD.png][Image: DKMMlC3.png][Image: sXDU6JX.png][Image: ctsxTFg.png]
my portfolio | my sig shop | gfx discord
[Image: 3GX9nYb.png]
[Image: AfpXX8l.png]
(This post was last modified: 09-02-2019, 03:38 PM by ej27.)

I'm not sure I can tell you what kind of PT I am a fan of because I'm not sure I'm ever going to be a fan of any of them, but I can definitely tell you what kind of things I hate in a PT. I don't like having to tag people, especially when the PT is specific to certain teams and they're teams I don't know anyone on. And on that note, I'm not a fan of PTs that are team specific, meaning PTs where I'm forced to write about a team I don't care about/a team that's not my own. I don't mind PTs where you have to reference the SIM, but I'm not a huge fan of PTs where you have to dive deep and spend a lot of time researching stuff. I prefer to have an option of written or graphic, that way I can pick which one I hate the least. And if we're doing PTs based on our player's personal lives or whatever, I prefer for them to not be too ridiculous. For example, I don't hate PTs where you have to write about your player's endorsement deals or whatever, but I don't like the ones where you have to put your player in a reality show and tag everyone else involved. I'm also not a fan of 1 TPE WFT PTs because I don't think they're worth the effort, even if the effort is minimal. I don't mind the 1 TPE weekly prediction PTs. While these are my opinions, I'm not going to give anyone any grief either way. I know it's impossible to please everyone, so you guys do your thing and I'll respect it. Even if I won't always like it.

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Sigs by: King, Tweedledunn, Me
Player Page|Twitter|Update Page

Option A

So what kind of PTs do I like. Well that is quite simple. The easier the PT is and the lack of effort to dig into statistics or any other factor is stuff I like. I would rather see more easier PTs than write a novel blowing smoke up someone's ass or blowing them in general about how amazing they are. Predictions and light work is what I like. Why? That was the origins of SHL where we were the anti-thesis to VHL where they were writing novels for mere Points. More that are easily tracked especially when paid out. Just tag the user. Lists are already being generated... little (@) infront of the name would be huge to find awarded TPE.

B. What is your favorite type of Graphic PT? Do those get stale or should we keep those as is?

Leave them for those who are not wordsmiths. Makes life easy for all, but if doing more frequent easy PTs. Don't expect masters in graphic arts for submissions.

C - no favourite

D - Enjoy life after PT world Izzy

C - Kenji Yoshimura  Panthers Kenji Yoshimura Updates Panthers
[Image: BigTittySmitty5.gif]

Credit to Wasty and Steelhead for the sigs - thanks dudes!

A. What is your favorite type of PT? Backstory-related? Current happenings in the league (e.g., stats and standings)? Prompts about your player as an on-ice figure? Prompts about your player as an off-ice figure? Prompts about other players? (Not looking for specific ideas here, just looking to get a sense of what types of things people like)

The types of PTs I like are ones that revolve around the league results. Standings, stats, player rankings, team comparisons, anything that gets people focusing on the sim. I know everyone loves the other parts of the league, and I do too, but I always believe that more focus should be placed on the results of the sim. It's what everyone is here for, it's what we do PTs for, it's what we earn money for. Having more focus on the results brings about more activity, more rivalries, and more pride in what you are accomplishing, both as a team and as an individual. I don't think every PT should be sim based, a mixture is great to keep things fresh, but I definitely love ones that dive into the results and gets people taking about the season and not just background or off-ice stuff. We see this more in Championship Week, which I appreciate.

(155 words)

Guy Incognito - D - #24
Texas Renegades
Season 78
Regular Season - [G 6] [A 31] [Pts 37] [+/- +39] [PIM 42] [Hits 66] [SB 128]
Playoffs - [G 0] [A 0] [Pts 0] [+/- 0] [PIM 0] [Hits 0] [SB 0]

[Image: ERs3IrD.png]

(This post was last modified: 09-02-2019, 05:14 PM by O4L.)

The best PT ever is easily "The Greatest Game Ever Played". It included a lot of different members in the longest overall PT SHL has ever done. It had some of the most creative writing in SHL history which included multiple player deaths, satan rising from under the rink, McZehrl dying but somehow saving his team and Gorlab carrying TEAM B to the win. This PT has been so disrespected by the site that despite being the best PT ever it was not brought over from the old site. For real I still don't know why we haven't brought it back, especially since the site has a lot more people that would probably enjoy writing something like this than it used to.

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[Image: 37742_s.gif]
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SMJHL Commisioner S17-S26
Calgary Dragons GM S14-S23

A. What is your favorite type of PT? Backstory-related? Current happenings in the league (e.g., stats and standings)? Prompts about your player as an on-ice figure? Prompts about your player as an off-ice figure? Prompts about other players? (Not looking for specific ideas here, just looking to get a sense of what types of things people like)

I'm a fan of the backstory ones because it gives the opportunity tell some funny stories and get creative, potentially featuring other site members too, but I'm probably more a fan of the stuff that revolves around the season itself. A lot of fun banter comes out from how the sim goes, like how I was getting constantly destroyed in the Hammy locker room for how bad the Armada did this season. I think PTs about how players and teams are performing leads to some fun entries where you get to either put your analytic mind to use, or use it as a fun opportunity to laugh with (or at) your buds on-site.

With that being said, how's the tank going @dmills3 ?

[Image: Gabe-lights.png]
[Image: nMz40Vc.gif]


Man okay honestly one of this season's Weekly Fun Times was my favourite point on my time in the site. I love tasks where members get to build off what the last person said and stuff like that, but I like it when points open the door towards building characters in a way that is authentic and more than "oh what junior team did he play for, how did you guys haze the rookies this season. I like reading points sometimes and seeing inside jokes and backstories and I think giving people that medium to create their own narrative is something that really sets the league apart from others.

[Image: Klaus2.jpg]

Option A

Some of my favorite PT’s have been based around my player and the friends (teammates) I have made along the way. With that said, I would love more PT’s with current SHL happenings and more team based ones. It is always awesome writing about your favorite people around the league and creating unique “back-stories” or nights out. PT’s should be taken more serious, I feel as of late they have been nothing but jokes or “just bullshitting.” Kind of like what I am doing right now, just bullshitting to fill out my word count. In seriousness though, if you can make fun PT’s that make you write about your player, team, or teammates everyone will love them. I remember a few really good PT’s from seasons ago that really hit the nail on the head with what a PT should be.

[Image: Niktox.gif]
Specters Monarchs Berserkers Scarecrows [Image: italian-flag.jpg?s=612x612&w=0&k=20&c=tO...eKFgvtgqU=]

Specters Armada Scarecrows Czechia
Panthers Specters Jets Scarecrows Usa [Image: 4star.png] [Image: challengecup.png] [Image: challengecup.png]
RIP Dangel #AD26  |  RIP TDZ

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