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S49 PT #5: The Meta PT

Option C.

My favourite PT so far was the only graphic I have been able to figure out, and that was the Big Brother PT. It was easy and fun. I like the ones that can be made fun. Making a small backstory about why and the outcome. It was definitely my favourite. Getting to make it about more than just the sport. The team and player involvement, not just stats. Honestly the stat ones are really hard for me because I am still learning to understand certain things. But by far the Big Brother PT was my absolute favourite.

[Image: Tadisko.png]

My favorite type of point tasks are one that relate to happenings within the sim. This could include analysis of current sim results or also include history point tasks. Personally, my favorite part of the league is the sim and I couldn't care less about building up the backstory of my player or make up some off-ice activities. I usually end up skipping those point tasks because they're so bland. I might be biased as one of the longest tenured members of the league, but I love all the history point tasks and usually end up reading through all the different posts.

[Image: 17307_s.gif]

StarsnorwayRenegades // PLAYER PAGE || UPDATES \\ RenegadesnorwayStars

For me the best kind of PTs are definitely something with a little bit of choice, as others have also mentioned. There are some PTs/WFTs which have been too narrow minded and it makes a lot of responses similar and doesn't encourage reading. I would like to see something with a little more variety, which would encourage people to read other PTs and have a good laugh or maybe even learn something about a player/user. As it stands now, I think a lot of PTs are done in a few minutes and nobody returns to the PT threads to see what others have contributed.

Having PTs be about SHL-related events/topics would be cool, so maybe there's a suggestion that gaining a lot of attention which could be the center of the PT. This would give more insight to many members and their thoughts, rather than those who go in to the thread to post their piece. It might help solve some issues or come up with cool features for the league.

I'll just end this off by saying thanks @Mike Izzy for all your work as PT Director. You did a great job! Also, looking forward to seeing you take over the position, I'm sure you'll do good things for this position as well! @hotdog

[Image: Otrebor13.gif]

[Image: 7MO9RpC.png]  [Image: gdppv5N.png]


My favourite type of PT is the one where I can just ramble on. As an award-winning writer, there is nothing I like more than vomiting ideas on a page and seeing what happens, and to get paid for it in internet total points earned? So yeah, story-based Point Tasks are my jam. The ones I don't like and tend to stay away from are those train-type ones where we have to continue on where others left off because nobody else is an award-winning writer here so you are all dragging me down. So yeah, any one where I can make a story up, whether its about my player or the league is great.

My favourite PT was the creative meme one, where we roasted each other with memes. It wasn't a pt, might have been a weekend bonus task, but it's still the most memorable.

I would love to see that return and boost the meme game. Right now, PT are too wordy imo, 150 words isn't a lot per se, but 100 words is enough to have things get read without fluff.

So far, the pt teams have done a great job adapting and innovating and I'm glad the environment isn't as toxic as it has been before.

Also, I am not a fan of graphic pt that involve having to label and name so many things, there are too many things one HAS to include for graphic PT.

What is your favorite type of PT? Backstory-related? Current happenings in the league (e.g., stats and standings)? Prompts about your player as an on-ice figure? Prompts about your player as an off-ice figure? Prompts about other players? (Not looking for specific ideas here, just looking to get a sense of what types of things people like)

I like PTs where we get to make up stories or add more fictional elements to our player. Stats are available for everyone to see and I feel like I'm doing a research paper when I need to look up SHL history. I'll always take "write a 150 word add for your the brand new product that's sponsoring your player" over "Name and explain why a statistical feat that a former player has completed is impressive". I prefer when I only need to write about my player because I like to stay stupid stuff and feel more obligated to paint other users in a positive light. I wouldn't feel comfortable shit talking other people the way I do myself.

[Image: TommySalami.gif]

Blizzard Raptors Blizzard Raptors Blizzard Raptors Blizzard Raptors Blizzard

EDM All-Time Leader in Goals, Assists and Points

A. What is your favorite type of PT? Backstory-related? Current happenings in the league (e.g., stats and standings)? Prompts about your player as an on-ice figure? Prompts about your player as an off-ice figure? Prompts about other players? (Not looking for specific ideas here, just looking to get a sense of what types of things people like)

I seemed to always have an affinity towards stats related PTs since it allows people to brush up on the history of the league and have a better appreciation for players in the past. Most people may be familiar with Jason Visser but it's always refreshing to catch a glimpse of lets say Joe McK's accomplishments when he was considered the face of the SHL. Lately backstory PTs have been really entertaining for me to write up, mainly given CC2's GOAT persona as he is embroiled in controversy EVERY season. Gives me an outlet to speak of my player's story and experiences, while also putting in a nice twist for the viewers. I go out of my way to turn the wheel and grind some gears to get a reaction and it seems to have worked out fine. Every league needs a villain.

[Image: tuxpi-com-1618108119.jpg]


Quote:What is your favorite type of PT? Backstory-related? Current happenings in the league (e.g., stats and standings)? Prompts about your player as an on-ice figure? Prompts about your player as an off-ice figure? Prompts about other players? (Not looking for specific ideas here, just looking to get a sense of what types of things people like)

I like making stuff up to be honest so I like those kind of PTs that give backstory. I don't really enjoy stats and numbers unless they are presented in a fun way which is pretty rare. I like ones where I just talk about our team and performance, if we could add one player to make us complete who would we add, if you could relocate anywhere what city would you choose, create a new playoff format, make up a tabloid article about a player on your team, what would you change about the league, what is your favorite thing about the league, favorite memory, and things like that.

[Image: v1uynGf.png]

Highlanders Patriotes

Renegades  raiders  Finland
[Image: WuTGq5J.png]

I absolutely love the PT's that focus on my player on and off the ice. It's not like the old NHL Games where you could control a little of what your player can and can't do. With the Simon T sim, you are really at the whim of the computer to choose your fate. It's fun to give my guy a little backstory and a little bit of a history and its really fun to see how others view their player and write about the kind they are. I'd love it if there were more of these, maybe the team goes out for dinner after a game, you tag your teammates and what they ate and who paid. I feel like once a season you read about the unfortunate Rookie who had to buy ten grand worth of liquor for the Veterans after their steak dinner in Toronto.

[Image: YQkXo45.png]

(128 words)
Some of my favorite PTs to do are the ones that have to do with current happenings around the league. Whether it be about players breaking records, teams being legendarily great or inept, or some sort of infographic about a player's whatever, I'm always intrigued about seeing who's getting closer and closer to etching their names in the SHL history books. It's also great to see some of the PTs be about members of an upcoming draft class and going in-depth about what they could become in the league and what they can bring to a team. These PTs are a great way to keep members engaged, both new and old, and I'm very excited to see what else the PT team comes up with in the future.

[Image: leblaVa.gif]
Shoutout to @adamantium for the sig! <3


The PTs I enjoy the most are anything that is SHL related and hockey related, so the backstory stuff are fun to do to explore my player in depth, the stats are easier to do, but it makes me take a look at other teams that I wouldn't necessarily do and it helps to get an update on the league as a whole as to who is doing well that particular season. I would say the only PT I haven't done in my 10 months in the SHL is the naked PT last season. That one was so outside anything I could imagine in the SHL and I know a lot of other people that got put off by that one that also skipped it. As for graphic PTs, I don't generally do them anymore but I think it's just me taking preferences to write something nowadays rather than open up Photoshop. Most memorable PT... I don't really know, but the new ideas Izzy brought up the last few seasons have been great and the PT's are fun and original to do.

[Image: Kalakar1.gif]


The most memorable PT I can think of from my time in the SHL was the one that gave the graphics option for creating an autographed hockey card for what I think was a player that you looked up to. I made a card for Evok’s player, Oisin Fletcher, who at the time played for the New England Wolfpack. It was the first time that I had ever made a card and was honestly the basis for the SHL Trading Card project that is currently ongoing. That was an extremely fun PT from the graphics side, and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed things that have the card option, even if I don’t always take it. WC: 113

Alex Winters (retired)
Matej Winters (retired)
Dominik Winters
S45 Jesster Trophy Winner
Challenge Cup Winning Goal Club: S52

D. Say 100+ words of nice things about Mike Izzy

As soon as I set my eyes on Izzy, I knew I needed him in the nug. His charismatic and charming aura drew him to me like samee to bacon. He is an instant legend for his roast of Dankoa and he is far from all bark no bite, as he bites often. His clapbacks are legendary if you make fun of his spelling, so don't you dare thank about it. Mike Izzy is the heart and soul of this site, a great friend, and a true leader. As soon as he recreates I will set my sights on him to become my little baby boy and take him under my wing.

[Image: unknown.png]

UsaScarecrowsBlizzardSpecters | [Image: specterspp.png][Image: spectersupdate.png] | TimberArmadaSpectersFinland

[Image: cainbanner_35.jpg]

You know Mike Izzy has done a fantastic job at whatever role he takes in the league and quite often as is the way in the SHL has taken alot of shit for it. He added new dimensions to the PTs with the 3 on 3 and WTF as well as modernizing it to make it easier to grade and his department to run more efficiently. He has added some fun and crazy PTs like the Boy Band one on the suggestion of yours truly. He did an amazing job as the head of Austria in the IIHF as well, consistently having one of the top teams with a smaller nation. as captain for the Calgary Dragons he keeps the ship running smoothly and keeps everyone focused on the task at hand. If you miss a TPE opportunity as a dragon it's your own damn fault since they are continuously posted in discord. We also have a music channel where he added a music player and we are now beginning a team game night on steam. Oh and his player ain't half bad either.

[Image: iUd7IJE.png]
[Image: rhodes.png]


B. What is your favorite type of Graphic PT? Do those get stale or should we keep those as is?

I think that for the graphics PTs, you have to put in a lot more effort to get TPE for it, so for the relative amount of time put in, for me personally it definitely does not match the output granted. Mind you for graphics gods like Wasty, it's real easy because he can whip some heat up in his sleep but for regular ol' guys like me, it's not that easy lol.

I think maybe we should be able to submit the sigs that are made for the PT for $$$ as well, just to kind of balance it out and give people an incentive to create GFX for PT tasks.


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[Image: crutchfield.gif]

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