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PT 5 - Highlight Reel

1. Being Drafted - Obviously being drafted is a huge honour for any player and, maybe above all else, a glorious celebration and confirmation of all the hard work that has gone into a player. From parents and family driving the player to practice, to friends and coaches helping to improve that player, to the financial investment to the sacrifices made by all parties involved. There really is a lot that goes into the formula that ultimately leads to success. Being drafted is one of these ingredients as well as a moment of celebration.

2. Hitting 20 points - One of Lekberg-Osterman's goals for the season was to prove himself on this level. One of his loftier goals for the season was to hit the 20 point mark. He ended the season with 23 regular season points as well as another 2 in the his short stint in the playoffs. This is something he is very proud of.

3. Getting to know the team and making some great friends - Moving to a different continent to live your dream is obviously a ton of fun but it can also be incredibly challenging. Getting acclimatised to the cultural differences when you move is never easy but by all accounts Henrik has loved his time in Colorado so far. He has had nothing but fond words for all members of the organisation. He also seems to have found a clique of fellow foreigners that he seems to spend most of his free time with, namely Vorian Atreides(UK) @OrbitingDeath and Hariken Urawa(JPN) @uhh.

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Sasha Dangelchek had a rough rookie season, points-wise. He only had 3 goals and 2 assists through the 50 game campaign. This isn't to say there were no highlights.

The first highlight was being drafted by the St. Louis Scarecrows. The 'Crows boast the SMJHL Season 49 leading scorer Nicolaj Muller, who centered the dynamite line of Kandinsky-Muller-Blackwood. The excitement was palpable in the Dangelchek home when Sasha's name was called 39th overall. His mom cried and his dad yelled something explicitly jubilant in Czech. It was a beautiful sight to see.

Particularly memorable for fans of the Czech winger was his first goal, a true beauty. It came relatively early in the season, and Dangelchek was feeling hopeful that he might have a breakout year in his first campaign. Alas, this wasn't the case.

Sasha began to turn it around right at the end of the season. Getting that second point was another highlight of the year. Buoyed by the faith of his teammates - in particular Noah Brusky, Aron Hernadivic, James Ronlain, and Lyle Odelein III - Dangelchek finally got his second point of the season on Day 223. Dangelchek was able to get 3 more points in the last 4 games.

It was a rough rookie campaign for Sasha Dangelchek, but he's looking forward to the future. - 218 Words @Mika_Kandinsky @esilverm @jfisherr @Rankle @MrStennett @BrewskyBoy @Huck24

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Being Drafted was a big highlight for Kevin Robinson. Ever since he started playing hockey he'd wanted to make a go of having a career of it, being picked by the Anaheim outlaws was the first step to making that happen. While he had to wait a little longer than preferred, in the end the great team he went to made up for it.

Game Winner Another big highlight for Kevin was his first big contribution on the ice. He had a rough start to the season, not scoring any points in the first 9 games. The 10th game went into a shootout, and Robinson had his number called to go first. He buried the shot, which ended up being the only shootout goal scored. While it doesn't show up on the statsheet, contributing to the win was a big confidence boost.

First playoff goal The Outlaws didn't have the best regular season, ending up in the play-in round of the playoffs. The series was a great one though, going all 7 games. Robinson saved his best play for the playoffs, putting together plenty of assists, but his lone goal didn't come until game 7. In the second period Kevin scored the go ahead goal to put the Outlaws up. While the game eventually ended in double overtime against the Outlaws, it was a big moment for the young center.

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(This post was last modified: 09-06-2019, 04:40 PM by O4L.)

wrong forum whoops

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SMJHL Commisioner S17-S26
Calgary Dragons GM S14-S23

Highlight 1

The first highlight that I had during the season was draft day, even though my player was not present at the draft in the arena, he was still partying all night with the boys once he found out that he got drafted before the last round which is what he was expecting from the start.

Highlight 2

The second highlight of my season was the locker room. When I first joined the league, I was not expecting much of the team, but once I joined the locker room, lots of the rookies, current staff members and alumni were always there to talk to and made the whole season more enjoyable even when we were not talking about how we were playing as a team.

Highlight 3

The third highlight of the season had to be when I got my first goal which was the first goal scored for the Lions in the first game of the season. When you score in your first game as a rookie, seeing my family there cheering me on was an experience that I will never forget and bring into future seasons to help me drive to become the player I want to be.

This year playing for Kelowna has been an absolutely blessing. I'm estatic to be here and excited to be playing in the playoffs. However, the season has been filled with moments I'll never forget.

First has go to be the 2 game winning goals I have scored this season. The first time it happened i thought it was a feeling that could never be replicated, but I was proved wrong when it happened again! It was a great moment and the moment when I was comfortable saying Kelwona is my home.

Later on this season, me and some teammates visited the local hospitals in Kelowna to spend some time with the children there. It was an emotional experience for me, but I'm glad I was able to take their minds off of things going on for a little while. And they helped me just as much as I did, something I'll never forget.

Lastly, has got to be our 2nd place finish. We were a few points of 1st but put out an outstanding performance. I'm so happy for this team and our fans. And this is just the beginning of things to come for the Knights!!

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Left Winger - Gylfi Eriksson
Update Page  ====  Player Page

It's been a fun season. I was given a lot of responsibility immediately, the 2nd line center from the start. So there was a lot going on, to try and pick 3 moments. Obviously the preseason stuff, the first team moments. The draft was great, pulling on the Lions jersey for the first time, stepping onto the ice for the first time. But for me, the biggest moments game after that.

My first goal was obviously one of my biggest moments. I hadn't got an assist yet, so it was also my first career point. It was against the Anchorage Armada, in the first period and it helped us come back in that game. We were down 2-0 and I scored the first one, we eventually won in OT 4-3.

Obviously one of the biggest highlights for me was my best game of the season, one of the best games I've maybe ever had, even when I was younger back in Switzerland. I scored 2 goals and 3 assists in a 7-1 victory, I think my first time as first star. 3 assists on our first 3 goals, 4 points in the 2nd period alone.

I think the 3rd highlight would have to be the first playoff game; the win, my goal. The playoffs are such a different aura. Being in such a good atmosphere, even on the road, was great. It was such a close game, I got the goal in the 2nd period to put us ahead 2-1, and then we won it by 1. Just such an amazing experience.

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Prince George Firebirds GM (S34-S36)
Toronto North Stars GM (S37-S43)
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Highlight #1 - Draft Day

Draft day was very exciting. I thought I was bound to go to 1 of 2 teams, but then Vancouver just swooped in out of nowhere and selected me at 17. It came as a pleasant surprise.

Highlight #2 - GWG against Lethbridge

I had been struggling all season. I managed just 2 points in 28 games. Then, we traveled to Lethbridge for our 5th or 6th matchup. We were up 2-1 about 5 minutes into the second period. I won the faceoff to Sami Rieder. He took a shot that was deflected wide into the corner. I skated in, picked up the puck, and wrapped it into the net. It turned out to be the game winner.

Highlight #3 - GWG against Colorado

This season, the only good thing I've had going for has been my faceoffs. I've been a decent hitter, but I have no offensive stats to show for it. When we traveled to Colorado for game 38, Aaron Wilson hooked me up with some really good smelling salts. In the 2nd period of the game, Cullen Gray took a shot, that was stopped by Knox Booth. I went in to the blue paint, and violently stabbed Knox Booth. The puck ended up going in, and counting! That was my 2nd game winning goal, and final goal, of my rookie season.

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player page                                                         update page

3. Signing with the Lethbridge Lions ranks 3rd on my highlight reel. When I signed I knew I wouldn’t get near top minutes. But I was happy to sit back on the 4th line and develop quietly and become the future 1st liner for this great franchise.

2. Rekindling friendships with old pals from the past and meeting new people in our lockerroom definitely ranks up there. I would almost say it’s tied for first. I missed people like JNH, Kyl, Velv, Sweg (he was around just didn’t share a LR with him) but now I’m in a lockerroom with these guys again and it once again, like it was before, one of the main reasons I stay active and love this league.

1. Number one has to be my first ever SMJHL goal. It’s one I’ll always remember and I even have the puck left on a shelf somewhere I just have to find it.

(156 words)

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Highlight #1 - GWG versus Halifax
My game-winning goal versus the Raiders has to be at the very top of my list because there was so much going on at the time. Everyone outside of the team were doubting us and thought we weren't going to do anything this season and this was the game where I felt like I had to address all of the unnecesssary hate that we were getting. Ya, ya, we still ended up last at the very end of it all, but we're a young group of guys and that stretch of wins that we went on in the middle of the season there really brought the guys together. One of the players on the Raiders, Adam Barron, was trying to shit talk us the entire time and it felt so good to shut him up by sniping one after he took a bad bounce off a shot by Stav. The OT win really brought the boys together and you could tell from the winstreak we maintained afterwards.

Highlight #2 - Drafted by the Armada
Draft day was definitely the most hectic day of the season for me even though I can barely remember it. The nervousness I felt waiting to be picked is a feeling I will never forget. I had no idea where I wanted to go prior to the draft, but as we got closer and closer I became increasingly drawn to potentially being a member of the Armada. Sure there were other places that I was eye-ing, but the sense of atmosphere that I got from the comradery of the members of the Armada were unparalleled by any other team. I have nothing but good things to say about my first season here and I look to share the same experience that I had to the new guys that are coming in next season.

Highlight #3 - WANG20
One of the biggest things that happened to me this season was when I got partnered with SHL Kush to help be an ambassador for cannibis use in the SMJHL. There are a lot of taboos and misinformation on the pros and cons of cannibis in professional sports and I aim to bridge the gap. Having the opportunity to have a platform for an up-and-coming mode of recovery for all types of people has been an enriching experience from being able to share and talk about how cannibis can help make players better on and off the ice. Remember to use coupon code WANG20 on all your orders on You guys have been crashing the site constantly to the point where its almost never up anymore, but keep trying because they have the best stuff at the lowest prices.

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Armada        Canada        Stampede
Falcons        Usa

As I was playing to save the universe, as well as the crows, I managed to do some good things (though I still have yet to find the golden grail). I feel more like the anti-hero though as I took a lot of penalties. But then I think "it was for the universe" and feel better again. 58 PIMs does not come easy. You know how many bad guys I had to mess up to do that? A lot. A whole lot. I had a great physical season with 86 hits. I was aiming to throw my strong self around and I think i did it.
Not only did I hit people though, I blocked a shit ton of shots! 60 blocked shots is pretty damn good if you ask me. I think it just shows how i am not afraid to get my body in front of harms way. Protecting my goalie is like protecting the universe it comes naturally.
I think I had a pretty good rookie season with the crows, I am one of only 5 players to be plus player on the team, with a plus 14. I think my defensive play all season really contributed to my teams wins. I was told to work on my discipline, so I think I may start working on that.

Draft Day
The best part of any hockey career starts here. Getting drafted by St. Louis at 8th overall was unexpected, but very welcome for Ronlain. St. Louis welcomed him with open arms and he's felt at home here since day 1.

Training Camp
After an offseason of preparing, it was capped off with training camp. Ronlain's big takeaway from that camp was that in order to play at a high level in the SMJHL, he would need to be able to handle some tough minutes. A lot of his training in camp was spent primarily on endurance and making sure that he could handle the workload he was going to receive in the upcoming season.

First Goal
The best part of this season by far was Ronlain's first goal. Your first goal is always special, even if it doesn't happen in an eventful way. In his case, it certainly did. It's the Crows' third game of the season, in overtime. Tied up 2-2 with Halifax, Ronlain takes the ice. Two and a half minutes into the period Flash Gordon intercepts a pass from Timmo Kyllonen in the Crows' end of the ice. He passes it up to Yamamoto Mitsuharu in the neutral zone, who in turn passes it to Tucker Centennial up into the Halifax zone. He slides it over to Ronlain who takes the shot and scores, overtime winner. A game winning goal, in overtime to boot, that's a moment Ronlain is never going to forget.

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Barracuda Chomp Chomp Water Dog Barracuda
Scarecrows Scarecrow Noises Scarecrows
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Trial by fire- In his first ever SMJHL game Georgy Gorbachenko would drop the gloves against James Hendricks of The Anaheim Outlaws. This fight would end in Georgy beating up James handedly. First impressions are crucial and Georgy sure seemed dead set on making a good first one. In his eye being a defensive bulwark means standing up for your teammates. Whether this be for teammates you have played one or one hundred games with

Draft- Georgy was drafted sixty second overall. While excited nonetheless to be in the league this set a fire to improve. He worked hard to improve some of his glaring weakness. This were his skating and his puck handling. His eyes are set high on improving each and every week.

First playoff goal- In game 5 first round series of Colorado VS Anchorage
Georgy scored his first playoff goal. It was an incredible rush, even more so than his first regular season goal. The raptors would wins this game so having the goal really matter was terrific.

I mean everyone tells you about their draft day and how awsome it was do getting picked up. I could tell you so too because it really was awsome but jeah it wuld be just so normal.

Highlight one - Getting to play in the first defense pairing
Ursin played the whole season in the first defense pairing. First with noah tedla and after with jerry mander. Two huge players in the team! Jerry the team leader in scoring and Noah... just a great guy to be around! I learnd so much just from these two! Will be hard to replace these both!

Highlight two - first goal
I mean the first goal is awsome! First my team mates on the ice congratulated me! After the guys from the bench showered me in water from our bottles. And after the game we drunk one or two beers. Just an awsome day!

Highlight three - Playoffs
Even if it was short our playoff run was nice. The atmosphere in the stadium was so nice. And we the players were pumped up like hell. Sadly we lost in game 7 but next year we will be better.

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Thank you @Carpy48, @honkerrs
(This post was last modified: 09-08-2019, 02:17 AM by AlwaysGettingHaxed.)

Highlight #1: Kalevolaripaavo Käspertommevisnapuu’s First SMJHL Goal

Kalevolaripaavo first career goal came in the Kelowna Knights’ 20th game of the season, and was against the Colorado Raptors. It was his ninth game on the second line for them, where he had produced 5 assists in the previous 8 games. The play started with Berg Svensen intercepting a pass in the Knights’ defensive zone, and moving it to KaKä in the neutral zone. Who moved it to line mate Aleksandr Scherbak in the Colorado zone, who passed it Vadim Malichov and back to KaKä. His first shot missed the net, but he retrieved it and shot again. He missed the net a second time, but was able to retrieve the puck again, before snapping the puck passed a down and out Low Temp.

Highlight #2: Käspertommevisnapuu Conducts First Interview Without an Interpreter

KaKä never felt comfortable conducting interviews when he first came into the SMJHL without an interpreter present. Every weekday after practice, KaKä would go to a tutor to improve his English. After scoring his first goal, Käertommevisnapuu did his first post game interview in English and without a translator present. He finally felt comfortable with his English, and since then has done all his interviews in English.

Highlight #3: KaKä Finishes Second in Rookie Scoring

Despite playing on the fourth line for the first 11 games with the Knights, before moving to the second line the rest of the season (and also second powerplay unit), KaKä finished behind Akira Ren in the SMJHL rookie scoring race. His 30 points were just 5 points back, of the top pairing defenseman from Lethbridge. KaKä only had 1 assist in those first 11 games, but finished with 12 goals and 17 assists in the last 39. This pace gave him the best P/20 amongst all rookies, at a 0.87, Capp Hatter was second at 0.65 (Akira Ren was 0.62, about 7th amongst rookies).

~300 words

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