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S49 PT #5: The Meta PT

A. I do not really have a favourite type of Point Task when it comes to writing. To me it is all the same because I still have to invest my time into writing a paragraph, even if the topic of the paragraph stays the same. However, graphic point tasks are the worst because you can spend hours trying to make it look decent if you are not graphically talented. Case in point, look at my previous Point Tasks from like 20 seasons ago, sure it was a Windows XP and Adobe Photoshop CS3 behind the designs, but there were still better designs out on the site.

Honestly, I do enjoy the point tasks that let me explore my player before, during and after his career (if applicable) the most. The idea of being able to communicate how a player thinks, feels and/or evolves through his experiences in the SMJHL or SHL and how his rise to stardom contrasts with going through the motions of regression. The successes and the failures at both levels. There is so much we could write about that isn’t necessarily touched upon that relates to our player.

So, there you have it. Give us more PTs about the off-ice struggles, the locker room fights and such. Let us write more about the who and not the what.

[Image: Zoone16.gif]

[Image: 9QVaMRC.png] [Image: canybyK.png] [Image: sXDU6JX.png]

A. What is your favorite [i]type[/i] of PT? Backstory-related? Current happenings in the league (e.g., stats and standings)? Prompts about your player as an on-ice figure? Prompts about your player as an off-ice figure? Prompts about other players? (Not looking for specific ideas here, just looking to get a sense of what types of things people like)

My favorite types of PTs are about my player as a character instead of actual stats.  It's really fun to come up with dumb stories about Slip McScruff and it feels less like a homework assignment.  When it's just about character, I don't have to do any research and I pull on some dumb thread until I hit the word count.  For example, we had a PT about tv appearances and I came up with this whole thing about being caught on Cops.

Those kinds of prompts involving other players are also fun when you can choose who to write about.  Usually when a WFT is to write about the post above you, I have to stalk the thread until I can actually post.  The one about what is this person as a drink and sandwich was especially tricky for that, while the one about continuing the story from the post above wasn't so bad.

When it's about stats, I find tasks about my own skater or my own team to be easier since I know everyone involved.  Sometimes writing about other peoples' stats can be kind of awkward because I don't know them or their career.  On the flip side however, when I was in the cup finals last season, I loved reading all of the CW tasks talking about me from people I never talk to.  Stat tasks where you can learn some league history are cool as a once in a season kind of thing, like the recent one where I got to dive into Izzy's chance at breaking the hits record.

[Image: scrufdaddy2.gif]
credit to Flappy, ToeDragon, and Carpy

Patriotes Stars Panthers Platoon Specters Platoon Panthers Specters Aurora Jets Usa Scarecrows

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D. Say 100+ words of nice things about Mike Izzy

Where do I start on the topic of Coach Bizniz - Michael "The Augment" Izzacus. He is one of the most prolific users on the site. He was there for me when I made my first player and was assigned to Austria. We were team members for a short while on the Dragons as well. His knowledge of the site knows no bounds. He is the epitome of what a SHL member should be. Not only that, his PTs were legendary and brought joy and I can assure you that many members including me looked forward to them. I'm going to miss Izzydog when he leaves the site.

Pass Forfeit (D) ● Player Profile
Kraken Rage Panthers

[Image: esilverm.gif]
Special thanks to Blitz, jhockey, Ragnarr, and sulo for the gorgeous sigs <3

[Image: DG0jZcS.png]

A. What is your favorite type of PT? Backstory-related? Current happenings in the league (e.g., stats and standings)? Prompts about your player as an on-ice figure? Prompts about your player as an off-ice figure? Prompts about other players? (Not looking for specific ideas here, just looking to get a sense of what types of things people like)

It's definitely Backstory-related PT's, I feel it gives more depth to your player and it can help with future articles for Media which leads to more money, which is good for users on the site. It also can create some funny media pieces as well involving other players media pieces into as well to create your own universe with a numourous amount of possiblities on the way and the direction you want to take your player's social life and personal life in a way. So thank you Izzy for including a little bit more of that in your time as PT Director.

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[Image: CFJ1.gif]

Thanks to prettyburn, TML, Carpy, JNH, Jepox, Engi, Karey, Flappy, Skolpadder, Mook, DollarAndADream, Smirnov and Toe for the sigs.

Crossfit's First Career SHL Goal, 4. Manhattan Rage , Crossfit Jesus 1 (Pedro Sarantez, Nucky Toohoots) at 5:51

Devitt's First Career SHL Goal, 5. Calgary Dragons , Prince Devitt 1 (Barry Batsbak 21, Mike Izzy 14) at 10:43

I think my favourite type of PTs are the more lighthearted, jokey ones. There are so many PTs that we do that are pretty in-character, and end up being pretty similar to each other most of the time. However when PTs are more humourous in nature, everyone gets to show a little bit more personality and they tend to be more enjoyable. For the more ho-hum PTs I feel like very few people are going in and reading majority of the responses out if interest, but in funny PTs I feel like there's way more engagement. I remember at least one where you had to come up with a topical meme using image formats provided in the OP and it was hilarious to see people responding in creative ways that poked fun at various people and events around the league. I'd definitely be strongly in favour of more of these as they're genuinely fun and that's why we're all here in the first place

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[Image: murphy.png]

D. Say 100+ words of nice things about Mike Izzy

Izzy has 100% killed the PT Director position. I remember running it at some point there and he definitely breathed life into it. While I haven't been nearly as active and have gotten away from many of these style of leagues, Izz for a long while was my life line to the SHL that kept me up to date with the happenings. Aside from appreciating him as a PT Director, I also respect him for the amount of time he has put into the site. It isn't easy dedicating so much time to something like this... and it isn't until moments like these that you start to see more praise and less criticism. Best of luck though @Mike Izzy love ya man.

[Image: Wally.png]

Option A

If there's anything I like, it's PT's that go into stats and facts. This is mainly because I am an absolute sucker for anything related to numbers and useful and useless facts. This is why I love Make the Case, because it makes everyone take a look at the stats, and they can try to make a good story or storylines from it. I also remembered one PT where users had to look at their team's cap situation and they had to determine the dead weight and strong points of their team's cap. It gets people more involved with their team and makes them learn a bit, ya know?

[Image: MCP_.gif]
     [Image: ICON1.png][Image: lions-button-updates.png]

My favorite type of PT is definitely backstory related. I feel like it provides a really good opportunity to explore what your player is all about, where their from, what they like/dislike, etc. It helps build a backstory and helps people create a personality for something they're working really hard to improve TPE wise. In general, I'm not a huge fan of PTs that ask you to talk about other players. I don't mind talking about other people here and there, but sometimes they get, for lack of a better phrase, super circle jerk like and it just feels incredibly forced. I'm also not a huge fan of PTs that are made much easier with super in-depth league knowledge. A good example of that is one we had recently about records. I've been here for over 6 months, but I didn't really have any idea about what records exist or why any of them would be difficult, so I went with something semi-obvious and just blabbed on for 150 words. Those are especially difficult for people new to the site who really have no clue or context.

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  Knights Usa Stampede Patriotes Inferno Argonauts Aurora Renegades Stampede   


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[Image: RNCgTPl.png]
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[Image: RIXCbNI.png]
[Image: aS7ARv6.png]

Quote:A. What is your favorite type of PT? Backstory-related? Current happenings in the league (e.g., stats and standings)? Prompts about your player as an on-ice figure? Prompts about your player as an off-ice figure? Prompts about other players? (Not looking for specific ideas here, just looking to get a sense of what types of things people like)

While vague I like a PT in which I can just shitpost nicely. While you can shitpost in most kinds of PTs, not every prompt leads to a good one. So that's not really an answer you can do anything with lol. Background related PTs make for a fun way to build your charachter and why is he is who he is nowadays. I also really like the prompts about other players. They are nice to shitpost with and it's always fun to be able to mention other people and say nice things about them. As it also can lead to interaction with these users which is always a plus in my books.

[Image: 43436_s.gif]
Thank you Fever, sköldpaddor and OD for the amazing sigs!
Heart  Militia Montreal Impact/Militia Militia-Old Heart

My favourite type of point task is going to be something open ended, and importantly, something I can answer seriously. I've been playing with Metzler since S30 and I've managed to keep his story straight the entire time, without really needing to answer any point tasks sarcastically or facetiously (I save jokes for the weekend fun time tasks). But it also needs to be something that doesn't force me to do something- for example, about 10-12 seasons ago I was particularly annoyed to discover that I had lost points because I had a PT with several sub requirements about public relations stuff that your player does, and in one of them, I simply answered (while still adhering to the word count) that Metzler simply doesn't do that- he has to do a lot of stuff as captain, but he has limits. To be told that it didn't count was incredibly annoying and in the future I'd simply not do that particular PT.

[Image: avakaelsig.gif]

Quote:A. What is your favorite type of PT? Backstory-related? Current happenings in the league (e.g., stats and standings)? Prompts about your player as an on-ice figure? Prompts about your player as an off-ice figure? Prompts about other players? (Not looking for specific ideas here, just looking to get a sense of what types of things people like)
I think open ended back story point tasks are probably my favorite. I have kind of lost interest in the Simulation Hockey League so I usually skip any point tasks that refer to the current state of the league like stats or standings or playoff race or whatever since I'd rather do a different league point task than look that stuff up but I can definitely see the appeal of those to users that pay attention to the daily sims and whatnot. Prompts about my player as a person (on or off the ice) that aren't too specific are the best in my opinion because for a lot of people the lore of their player is important so like you don't a prompt that starts "you woke up drunk in a barn..." since some players may be sober in character or a person just may not think that type of given scenario makes sense for their player so they're stuck with choosing whether to do the PT and break their player's fiction a bit, do the PT but kind of go off prompt, or not do the PT which is kind of a lame choice. Anyway I don't personally care about that kind of stuff but I do appreciate more vague/open prompts.

Jack Tanner (D) - [Player Page] [Player Updates]

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[Image: Beaver.gif]
One sig is tweed's and the other was a karlssens/Copenhagen collab

AC | Bank | Claims

[Image: giphy.gif]

My favorite type of graphic PT are ones with a bit of a twist or sense of humor. When you get to find or photoshop players in off ice activities or don’t even have player render to help spice it up and keep it different than making signatures. I might suggest making the tasks simpler with less criteria so we see more graphics overall. Seems like lots of PTs there are only a couple people doing the graphic version of the task. I have also always liked making merchandise and fans in the stands signs. The charity event one is also always solid.

[Image: fm4oNHu.png]    Aurora  norway  Raptors     [Image: YHC5qMO.png]
[Image: 47986_s.gif]

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