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S50 PT #1 - Season 50 Anniversary Gala

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Darnell Johnson (left) sneaking up on his former captain Olivier Cloutier (right) as he poses for a photo op. @Jenny

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(This post was last modified: 09-30-2019, 01:26 AM by Budgie.)

B: What are you doing throughout the night? Who are you seated with? What's going on at your table throughout the night's events? How's the food and drink?

The S50 Anchorage Armada rookies are a tight bunch. As usual, they spend most of the night together at the same table chatting it up. Daniel Bischoff and Augustus Wang spend a large portion of the night discussing the Gala antics of their hero, Cameron Carter II, as he spouts off about the conspiracies in the league that are holding him back from greatness. Michaud and Petrikov hit it off with a waiter and convinced him to keep everyone's drink full the whole night. Predictably, before long everyone was over-served. Luckily, the strength of these men's alcohol tolerance was forged in the crucible of Rookie House, and there wasn't enough booze on hand to tear down the walls built around their heads and hearts. Over the course of the night, the table was visited by the living SHL legends that have shaped the beginnings of the careers of these young men: Rex Kirkby, Eko Van Otter, Peter Larson, and even Cameron Carter II himself stopped by to see how the boys were doing. It was a good night.

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Sigs by @Carpy48 and @tweedledunn

I'm Bana on PBE.

PBE PT Welfare

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A: Many of the notable retired players from SHL lore are in attendance at the event. What legend from the SHL past are you seeking out at the event and what will you talk about with them? Describe who you're looking for and how you go about meeting them.

One person that I'm very excited to see at these new awards is going to be Ryan Jesster. As a fellow Calgary goalie, of course the legendary Richard C. Hocolate will attend. But I want to get to know more about the history of my team. I got to learn under the great Hunter Wong, and I got to hand the reigns over to Kata Vilde, both wonderful people. So of course I would love to run into the precurser to us all, the very first rock in Calgary's net, Ryan Jesster. Other legends will be there that could be fun to see. Of course, Esa Anrikkanen will likely be front and center in the whole proceedings, as the legend he is. I also will hope to meet up and talk a bit to Sachimo Zoidberg there. He was a Calgary legend, but sadly departed before I got my full time call up. It would be nice to chat with him now

Written Task A:

Of all of the retired SHL greats, of course the one person Leopold Lockhart would be most eager to seek out at the event is legendary Wolfpack defenseman Mia Landvik. Growing up in Concord, Massachusetts, Lockhart grew up rooting for the New England team and Landvik was his favorite player. She's the reason he decided to become a defenseman instead of a forward. Landvik would probably be easy to spot at the event because female players are a minority in the league. Lockhart isn't shy, so he'd probably just walk right up to Landvik and do his best to be chill while gushing about how much he idolized her growing up. Not an easy feat, to be honest, but he'd probably be able to manage it without scaring her off. Their styles of play aren't really all that similar, but he'd still love to pick her brain for any tips she might have. And of course, he's curious about that epic Landvik/Linna fight. But it's probably best not to ask about that.

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Sigs by: King, Tweedledunn, Me
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D: You are one of the honored few asked to make a speech at the event. They give you total freedom in what you talk about - a moment in SHL history, a vision for the future of the league, anything you want. Give us an excerpt of your speech.

Anthony Archer makes his way to the stage. As he climbs up to the stairs and approaches the microphone he is greeted by a brief applause from the audience. It's easy to tell he's somewhat nervous as any rookie hockey player, as he clears his throat and adjusts bow tie on his suit. "Ahem.. uh hehe..thank you. Thank you." He swallows and gazes over the crowd. "So as you all know I've been selected up here to make a brief speech about my recent trade. I want to start off by thanking the Anaheim Outlaws for welcoming me to the league and treating me so well for my first two season. I'm excited to get to work in Colorado for my final junior season, and can't wait to meet all the friends- ehm.. uh fans." Archer swallows, still clearly nervous but getting comfortable. "I'd also like to give a shout out to the Barracuda and their fans for drafting me to the SHL and treating me so well and supporting me through these junior seasons and I can't wait to be in Tampa Bay. Thank you for your time, and enjoy your night everyone." Archer nods, and leaves the stage to another brief applause.

Anthony Archer - S49 12th Overall
1x IIHF Silver Medalist (S51)
2x WJC Gold Medalist (S48, S49)
2x Four Star Cup Finalist (S48, S50)
SMJHL: 42G 40A 82P 304HIT // SHL: 17G 17A 34P 326HIT

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B: What are you doing throughout the night? Who are you seated with? What's going on at your table throughout the night's events? How's the food and drink?

Skao Anazibf is still getting his bearings in the league, but you already know he's gonna be seated with his best pals in the whole world. He's sitting with Jagger Fouquette, Gabriel Johnson, Dale Miller, Noah Andros and Jax Duggan all night long as they enjoy the festivities as a solid group of lads. Now these guys are a group of troublemakers so they're spending the rest of the night dick deep in an intense gambling session as they get stupidly drunk and slav squat around their table playing craps. Food was okay, drank a lot of beer.

D: You are one of the honored few asked to make a speech at the event. They give you total freedom in what you talk about - a moment in SHL history, a vision for the future of the league, anything you want. Give us an excerpt of your speech.

"It's an honour and a privilege to be with you all to commemorate the SHL's 50th season, and I will be doing that, with a RAP!

Yeah I got that dough,
SHL turned 50,
Happy birthday lil hoe!

We made lots of memories,
A Four Star? I got ten of these
You bitter you got no awards,
My fella you just let it be!
You bored, I got the remedy,
Now listen to this melody,
This dumb league means a lot to me,
Come join this sim community!

Thanks so much guys and enjoy the night!

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**First GM in SMJHL history to win 3 Four Star Cups back-to-back-to-back**

B: What are you doing throughout the night? Who are you seated with? What's going on at your table throughout the night's events? How's the food and drink?

Dom Montgomery felt pretty amazed to be at the SHL's 50th Anniversary Gala. He was in his best suit and was predictably sitting next to fellow defenseman on the Pride, Leo Lockhart, along with a couple other players from their SHL draft class. They talked about the state of the league, favorite moments from the past season, what they did over the summer, moments from the IIHF tournament. It was the first major SHL gala that Dom's been 21 years old at, so assuming this gala was in the states, he finally was able to drink wine, his fave being pinot grigio. For the food, they had crab cakes and philly steak egg rolls as an appetizer and chicken marsala, angel hair pasta, and steamed broccoli as a main dish. For dessert, Dom unfortunately did not get a chance to eat the chocolate cake, since he was too busy socializing and meeting with some SHL hockey legends like Mia Landvik.

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sigs by sulovilen, slothfacekilla, Flareon
avatar by prettyburn
Current: Wolfpack raiders Uk | Alumni: Inferno pride Knights Germany


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[Image: vHNIXVO.png][Image: 639861613880541184.png] Cal Juice [Image: 639861613880541184.png][Image: RyzkmSj.png]
[Image: Eo2nBCt.png] Tomas Zadina
[Image: tkMQzhf.png] Brady McIntyre
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The SHL 50th Anniversary Gala is going on tonight and somehow managed to get invited. I'll be spending most of my time drinking and having a great time with my pals. I sat with a good amount of Scarecrows alumni and a couple Specters. Hell, I got to sit with my buddy Aleister Cain, Steven Moyer, Joe Kurczewski, Noah Brusky, Mika Kandinsky, and Nicolaj Muller. Teddy Cuddles would come by and chat as well as Michael Fox. We ate like kings that day. Salads, steak, potatoes... a bunch of stuff hockey players shouldn't be eating but hell, it's off-season right? The drinks though, the drinks were flowing like a dam river through a mountain. I swear if footage exists of this night I may need to prepare a public apology speech. Way too many drinks were had and way to many stories to share right now, maybe in 50 years when I am looking back on my life.

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Specters Monarchs Berserkers Scarecrows [Image: italian-flag.jpg?s=612x612&w=0&k=20&c=tO...eKFgvtgqU=]

Specters Armada Scarecrows Czechia
Panthers Specters Jets Scarecrows Usa [Image: 4star.png] [Image: challengecup.png] [Image: challengecup.png]
RIP Dangel #AD26  |  RIP TDZ

Quote:D: You are one of the honored few asked to make a speech at the event. They give you total freedom in what you talk about - a moment in SHL history, a vision for the future of the league, anything you want. Give us an excerpt of your speech.

Adam Barron Gives a Speech

The rookie steps up to the podium. Some of the longer-tenured players in attendance wonder who the hell he is.

Ahem. "Some of you are probably wondering who I am. I was taken first overall by the Winnipeg Jets in the S50 SHL entry draft, which doesn't qualify me for a whole lot, but I figured I'd talk to you about a couple of things that are important to me."

"First of all, can we please stop spitting on the benches? It's disgusting. I know players generally don't care about hygiene when they're on the ice, but let's have some self respect, shall we?"

The audience starts to get restless. A few players feel personally called out.

"Second, let's all give a round of applause for the commissioners of the SHL and SMJHL. They do a lot of good work for the league and it's a thankless job." Adam begins a clap that's too close to the microphone, causing feedback that pierces the ears of the audience.

There's a smattering of tepid applause, and a few stray boos.

"Alright, this isn't going as I planned. One more thing. I'd like to talk to you about a wonderful product I've recently been introduced to: NutriDangle. For three easy payments of four-hundred dollars, you too can join the fastest growing--"

What were stray boos turn to a chorus. The SHL's latest first overall pick is forced to make a hasty exit as someone throws a tomato that comes dangerously close to hitting him in the face. Before those in attendance can wonder who the hell brought a tomato to an Anniversary Gala, the newest mascot of the SMJHL, the Carolina Kraken, slithers its way up to the stage and waggles its arms around, recapturing the attendance of the audience, which gradually calms down.

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Throughout the night, Pepperoni is going around and checking out the food selections. He knows those cocktail weenies are being paraded around by a pretentious waiter who will judge him for shoving 23 weenies in his mouth, but Pepperoni did not care. While searching Pepperoni ran into some old friends, specifically his former roommate Troy McClure III. Troy looked Pepperoni up and down and said "you looking for weenies"? Pepperoni looked left and right and said "You know where I can get some"? Troy grabbed Pepperoni by the shoulder and whispered "you're not going to find any weenies here, eggy banned them". Pepperoni, perhaps louder than intended said "fuck HO" and was greeted by a chorus of SHL players current and former shouting the common expression. "Look I got a guy, come with me" said Troy as he grabbed my cuff and pulled me out of the gala. We went into a dark ally and a shadowy figure emerged. "Flappy, Pepperoni needs some weenies". Flappy emerged in a trench coat, which he slowly opened to reveal a stock of cocktail weenies Tony Pepperoni could only ever dream of. Pepperoni doesn't remember much else from that night, but he will always remember it as the best night of his life.

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Blizzard Raptors Blizzard Raptors Blizzard Raptors Blizzard Raptors Blizzard

EDM All-Time Leader in Goals, Assists and Points

09-29-2019, 01:10 PMhotdog Wrote: B: What are you doing throughout the night? Who are you seated with? What's going on at your table throughout the night's events? How's the food and drink?

As the cameras flash outside the gala a burnt orange lifted wrangler pulls up to the entrance. Stepping out of the driver seat in white alligator skin boots and a pale blue tuxedo is Karl Krashwagen, and he joined the passenger on the red carpet who appeared to be in stark contrast. @charlieconway Adam Barron is wearing a jet black tuxedo, hair slicked and is mumbling to himself, nervously fidgeting with his flash cards, trying to memorize a speech he has been selected to give during the dinner. As they walk towards the entrance, 2 news crews pick them out, the Halifax Gazette was asking Barron questions he has answered 100's of times before such as "What went through your head being drafted 1OA", "Did you know beforehand you were going to be 1OA", "Where does he envision himself slotting into Winnipeg's lineup" and so on. Karl was answering questions of a lighter variety such as "Who are you wearing (his suit)", "What is your favorite post game desert", or a multitude of questions about his summer which saw him play a stunt double for a fat Brad Pitt in an upcoming Hollywood thriller.
The difference between the two interviews was present, as well as the difference in appearance. The two finished their quick interviews and continued inside to find their table. Karl ran off to the bar and fetched some liquid courage, returned to the table with an entire bottle of Whiskey and when the waiter gave him an odd look Karl simply said that he is horrified of public speaking and asked for some ice. Barron cracked a smile for the first time of the night at that joke, releasing some anxiousness. Maybe the two aren't as odd of a match as they appear on the outside.

-348 words-

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