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S50 PT #4 - Skills Competition

Quote:Written Option #2: For one of the above competitions, what one player would you bet on to win it? Why are you picking them - what makes you think they have the best chance to take home the hardware? (150+ words)

My bet for the fastest skater category has got to be Mikhail Lokitonov. Why, you might ask? Well, he might not be the fastest skater in the league, nor is he the nimblest. However, he possesses a single quality that none of the other contestants also possess -- he is Mikhail Lokitonov, famous tank commander of the Toronto North Stars. This means that he doesn't need to be the fastest, he simply needs to outpace the other skaters. This is not a hard task when Loki shows up to the rink in a panzer and runs over everyone else. After the race is over and the tank commander emerges from his hatch, to everyone's surprise, it wasn't actually Mikhail in the tank. No, although the contestant was racing under the guise of Lokitonov, it was actually Guy Zheng all along. Zheng had stolen Lokitonov's moniker as the tank commander, and now he had stolen Mikhail's glory as well. At least, that's how I envision it in my head.

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Signatures by Vulfzilla, Jepox, Jess, rum_ham, Ragnar, and myself
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So the other day I got this invite to participate in the skills competition for fastest skater. I never thought I would be invited to participate, so preparing for it was kind of difficult. I asked my boy Mike Izzy what he did in previous skill competitions and he told me that the only preperations he did was go easy on the legg training in the days before. You don't want to be sore during the skills competition. I asked Izzy if I could race against him on the ice after every practice and he thought that was a wonderful idea. It would also help him prepare. In the days before I kind of did what I always do, just practice normal, but I skipped leg day. I race Izzy like 5 times around the rink and wasn't able to beat him once. So my confidence was pretty good *ahum*. Nevertheless I was ready to take on the rest during the skills competition.

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Quote:Written Option #3: Imagine that your player has been selected to participate in one of the above competitions. Tell us how you'd prepare and train for the challenge and/or tell us about how the competition went for you. (150+ words)

I think i would be selected for fastest skater because i skate pretty fast. How would i train? There is only one method to get fast and thats by learning from the fastest hedgehog there is on earth, Sonic! Just going by his motto gotta go fast i would go as fast as i could. And to motivate me i would train by watching the series of sonic. After i watched through it i would start by playing the games to get used to such a high speed like his speed. When i am used to it i would start the second game and so on till i have played through every sonic game there is.
And now how did the challange go you may ask? There's just one logical question. I was the fastest skater till the last skater came up. When i saw who was the last skater i knew second place would be good enough because you know the last skater was sonic. So jeah no surprise i went second.

Word count: 174

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Thank you @Carpy48, @honkerrs

On one side of the rink is a lonely Hippo and 20 ice cold pucks, as they should be. On the other side is the entire roster of buffalo.
They stand shoulder to shoulder along the short side of the rink. Knees and feet pressed together as tight as the can, between their skates is a tube looking thing with a little hole in one end the shape of a puck. After winning the internal competition on who gets to participate in the most accurate shot Hippo decided to take full advantage of the situation. The special training for the competition consist of shooting a puck across the ice into the fleshlights located between his team mates feet. First shot goes towards Dermot Lavelle. The puck bounces across the ice and as it enter the tube it makes a sound that could only be described as an inward fart.
1 puck down, 19 to go!




[Image: AwDqhTW.png]

Julio is a long way away from earning the honor to compete in any of these events, although he is making meaningful progress. The two events that he has a chance of being invited to participate in are the speed challenge and the accuracy challenge. Julio's speed is impressive. The great rater, the ronnie2k of the SHL, has listed Julio's speed at 91 out of a possible 99. Skating is considered one of Julio's strengths, and with his work ethic, it is likely to increase to the full 99 within a season or two (player's typically don't get faster in real life, but cows have double the legs). As one of the smallest players in the league (a respectable 5' 6") and a nimble 185 lbs without pads on, Julio is set up to rocket around the rink. With no bulky muscles to slow him down (71 Strength), Julio has the perfect build to succeed in a stupid all-star skill tournament.

In regards to the accuracy challenge, we will have to wait and see what the tournament layout is. The standard shots have only been going in at around an 8% rate. Quite below average. In the freeze frame at the top of the PT, im pretty sure Stammer didn't miss the cage, but unfortunately thats something that Julio is at risk of doing. If the tournament has no distance set, Julio will have a better chance. He is a league-leading 4 out of 4 on penalty shots

To train for the speed, Julio wears a weighted udder vest/clamps that give him some extra weight to move around when he's tearing it up on the pond. He removes it just before the event and it feels like he's flying around.

For the accuracy, Julio would crank slapshots in his free time, but being a farm animal he didn't have crosby's dryer to aim at, so he is only capable of hitting the side of a barn.

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Quote:Written Option #1: For one of the above competitions, craft your ideal field of 4 contestants to compete in the challenge. Make your case as to why you're choosing these 4 to represent the elitest of the elite in this skill right now.

Most Accurate Shot
The first player that I'd choose to participate in the most accurate shot competition is Shooter McGavin. With a name like Shooter, it's hard to pass him up when selecting participants for a shooting competition. He's also tallied 21 goals so far this season, which puts him in the top 10 in the league. The second player that I'd choose is Tor Tuck. Tuck has registered 14 goals this season as a defenseman and is scoring on an amazing 16.28%, which very clearly shows he's able to pick his corners and hit them with accuracy from the blue line. The third player I that I'd choose is Kristaps Ball. Ball is a very comparable to Tuck in that he also has 14 goals from the blue line and is scoring on 14.58% of his shots. The fourth and final player that I'd choose for this competition is Gabriel Wong. Wong is top 10 in the league for scoring percentage (just north of 14%) and he also is top 5 in the league for goals scored (22). Wong has shown all season that he can consistently shoot with great accuracy and precision.

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The most obvious choice for the Fastest Skater award is undoubtedly Michael Scarn of the Buffalo Stampede. Michael Scarn won the gold medal in the civilian speed skating challenge to determine who would be the one civilian who gets to take part in the NHL All Star Game. Yes, Agent Michael Scarn had to do some dastardly deeds in the locker room in order to win because he was too preoccupied with having a gun fight with the nefarious villain Goldenface instead of focusing on winning the race. Yes, Michael Scarn was truly sorry for killing that Mexican speed skater who won the race. But Michael Scarn knows that he's the fastest man on the ice with the fastest skating ability in the world and he is ready to show it off to the rest of the SHL rather than the NHL and who knows maybe Michael Scarn will have to save the SHL All Star Game from Goldenface.

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Option 2

So, it's interesting. I always assume the most accurate shot is somebody who would be good when it's one on one with a goaltender. It's a player who can pick that small area, doesn't exactly have to power it through, banging at the crease. They have finesse. That's why I'm obviously choosing Luke Thomason.

Why is Luke the guy made for that kind of competition? Well, take a look at his shootout goals. The guy has been playing for the Rage for 4 seasons and already has 9 shootout goals. He's got 11 on his career in just 5 seasons. The guy is an absolute animal when it comes down to having to snipe it into a small space. Meanwhile, another thing for accuracy, he has 3 penalty kill goals. That's a player who can make it happen anytime. That's the kind of player who manages to win these kinds of events. I have no doubt he's going to destroy the competition in this one.

An old man's dream ended. A young man's vision of the future opened wide. Young men have visions, old men have dreams. But the place for old men to dream is beside the fire.
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[Image: tjyuut.jpg] 
Thanks to Jackson, Copenhagen, and Harry Hans!


Written Option #2: For one of the above competitions, what one player would you bet on to win it? Why are you picking them - what makes you think they have the best chance to take home the hardware? (150+ words)

Best Shootout goalie would have to be Cedric Robinson of the Buffalo Stampede. He's the league leader in in Save Percentage and Goals Against Average among SHL Starting goalies, he averages of .925 beating out Benjamin Blue of the Tampa Bay Barracuda by 5 points and a 2.37 GAA which is 12 points lower then Chris Partridge on the San Francisco Pride . That being said he's had a strong defence in front of him to make his time in the crease easier game in and game out. But I do think he adapts well in pressure especially in shootouts or in overtime where the pressure amounts the most in the regular season. Buffalo would not be in the position that they would be if it wasn't for Cedric Robinson. He does have two wins going into extra time this season so I would say he's a good candidate for being the best shootout goalie at the Skills competition.

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Thanks to prettyburn, TML, Carpy, JNH, Jepox, Engi, Karey, Flappy, Skolpadder, Mook, DollarAndADream, Smirnov and Toe for the sigs.

Crossfit's First Career SHL Goal, 4. Manhattan Rage , Crossfit Jesus 1 (Pedro Sarantez, Nucky Toohoots) at 5:51

Devitt's First Career SHL Goal, 5. Calgary Dragons , Prince Devitt 1 (Barry Batsbak 21, Mike Izzy 14) at 10:43


Written Option #3: Imagine that your player has been selected to participate in one of the above competitions. Tell us how you'd prepare and train for the challenge and/or tell us about how the competition went for you.

Most accurate shot

I feel this would not be too unrealistic competition for me, I have a pretty good shot for a defender. Sure, I miss the net too, but I would be lying if I said that was not the plan at least 50% of the time - get those deflections you know.

To get ready for this competition I took the good old plywood out, put some targets on the goal I have in my backyard and just kept firing away. To get some competition feel to it, I asked a couple of the NEW players to come to yell abusive things to me while I shot the pucks, I felt that is the key to making sure the pressure of the real deal won't get to me.

Unfortunately once the competition day came - I had to shoot first and I did feel the pressure. I put half of the blame on the guys who helped me practice, they were not mean enough. I hit the first target right away, but that was the only one I managed to hit, the rest of my shots did not even hit the net. That was not the way I hoped it all went, but when everybody is watching you and you are technically alone there - it's not easy.
(This post was last modified: 10-25-2019, 03:30 PM by charlieconway.)

Quote:Graphics Option #1: Make a tv-style graphic (think something like this ish) that shows us the leaderboard for one of the above competitions - list the four contestants and their stats in the contest.

[Image: yaxFM7x.jpg]

(Apologies to Borromini Cannellini... had three done before I realized the prompt called for four, so I took someone with poor shooting accuracy this season.)

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Elijah Jones has gotten the call that he’s going to be placed in the Fastest Skater, Most Accurate Shot, and Best Shootout Goalie competitions for the S50 All-star Skills Competition. The SHL needs a baseline to compare the stars of these competitions to and that is where Elijah Jones comes in. The league wants to use the rookie as the baseline, and figure that Jones is a suitable candidate. Jones has played in all 47 games up to this point in the season, has 10 goals and 9 assists. He’s demonstrating a balanced approach towards the game. One where he isn’t taking every shot available, when he sees a playmaking opportunity, Jones tries to get his teammate the puck. Additionally, speed has been considered a strength of Jones since his youth days. The area Jones may struggle in the most for this baseline is the Shootout Goalie competition. Jones hasn’t put on goalie pads since his youth days messing around at practice.

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