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S50 PT #4 - Skills Competition

Dom Montgomery isn't the best shot and he's certainly not a goalie, but what players seem to forget sometimes is how fast he can be. That is why, since a bunch of other people were somehow unable to attend, Dom was invited to attend the S50 All-Star Games under the Fastest Skater category. Being invited to the games really put a damper on his anniversary plans with his partner, but it's okay, it was still an honor to attend the games. The San Francisco Pride were nice enough to allow him some private time on their auxiliary rink to practice his turning and to try to beat his best times - with a a head start and without a head start. The day of the games was really fun, Dom was competing against sixth other skaters and surprisingly came in fifth, so that was better than nothing. Sometimes players forget to just have fun, so this was definitely a good reminder and a lesson in humility.

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sigs by sulovilen, slothfacekilla, Flareon
avatar by prettyburn
Current: Wolfpack raiders Uk | Alumni: Inferno pride Knights Germany

This year for the fastest skater competition for some reason the 4 players participating in the competition are Parker Smeb, Kit Smeb, Chico Smeb and Daniel Smeb. It is not clear how 4 Smebs yet alone 3 Chicago players all made it to the all star game and are participating in the same event, but perhaps the SHL is trying to reach out to its asian audience more. Although none of these players are probably even top 10 skaters in the entire SHL many fans were excited to see how it would play out. Although every1 knew who would win first place in Daniel Smeb as he an immensely more talented skater and talented everything compared to other the Smebs, there was an intense fight expected for last place. In the end expectations were met as Daniel easily got first place and following him was Chico Smeb in 2nd place with Parker Smeb 0.4 seconds behind Chico, far and away in last place was Kit Smeb.

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Written Option #2: For one of the above competitions, what one player would you bet on to win it? Why are you picking them - what makes you think they have the best chance to take home the hardware? (150+ words)

Screw you hotdog, I'm doing all 3 competitions. Starting with fastest skater. This one may seem a little weird, but I think Cameron Carter 2 @Boomcheck will win it. He knows the scouts and award committee will be at the all star competition, and he needs to bash everyone in the skating competition and rack up the hits in order to get his coveted Dar nomination. With a skating stat of 99 he can blow past anyone, and has the motivation needed. Next up CC2 will clean the most accurate shot competition. Kandinsky and whoever else is no match for CC2 since scoring is what he does second best. The Dar actually cares about goals, so once again it's his time to shine. Finally we have the best shootout goalie, and this may be a shock but CC2 will also win this one. As one of the best defensive forwards in the game he knows how to block a shot, and has stepped in whenever @chetib gets pulled.

Parker Smeb has had years of skill training from playing in the Korean Hockey League, a league known for being much more skilled than the SHL but paying less which is why he made the trip to NA. Parker has an incredibly large family and has dozens of brothers that he competed with and against while playing in Korea and he was always the most skilled of the bunch which was made obvious when he easily switched from being a forward to a defender this past season. Playing against lesser competition like his brothers prepared him for playing against even lesser competition in the SHL and has allowed him to consistently be the best Korean in the entire league and win the rarely talked about best Korean SHL player award multiple times over the course of his career. Parker has won multiple hardest shot competitions back in Korea and is entering the competition in NA and expects an easy win. Parker likes to involve his brothers in his training and since they don't have very much skill at all he makes them all stand in front of his shots and block his one-timers for hours. Parkers goal is to shoot as hard as possible and still score while aiming not to hit his brothers, sometimes Parker likes to hit his brothers with his shots anyway just to keep them in line.

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SMJHL Commisioner S17-S26
Calgary Dragons GM S14-S23

`I have been chosen to represent the San Francisco Pride in the most accurate shot competition. I think I was chosen because of my tendency and desire to score goals and snipe on goalies. It's a great honour to be chosen and I'm going to have to work really hard in order to beat out some of the league's other sharpshooters. Because of that, I am planning on moving my microwave into my garage. Daily schedule will have to bring in as many pucks shot at targets as I can. The reason for bringing the microwave in is so that I can have easy access to hot pockets the whole time and lower the amount of time I need to go to the kitchen and cook. I won't mention how I'll be using the washroom this whole time, but I guess you could say I'm a bit of a huggy guy. All of this is in preparation to bring home that award and prove that I can snipe the best of anyone out there

Battleborn  Finland     [Image: QwTZD8C.png]   [Image: uJXrVDL.png]  [Image: iemKOIk.png]     Finland  Battleborn

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Prince George Firebirds GM (S34-S36)
Toronto North Stars GM (S37-S43)
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Task #1
For the most accurate shot in juniors, there are a lot of people that could come to mind. Honorable mentions include Aron Hernadivic, Raphael Castillo Gutierrez, or Barrett Blackwood. The top 4, however, would have to be:

Jagger Fouquette
Obviously, the top scorer by a large margin has to be a candidate for the most accurate shot. Managing to score about 14% of his shots over a very large sample size (most in the league), Fouquette had a masterful season and it would be crazy to not include him.

Alexei Rykov
Rykov had a fantastic season, managing a strong 24 goals on only 130 shots for an 18.5% SH%, 4th in the league and best among top 10 goal scorers. Rykov is lethal when he shoots and would probably win this competition.

Ricky Bobby
They must teach something different out in Carolina, because two of the most lethal shooters in the entire league happened to come out of this system. Bobby scored less and was less effective, but was still one of the strongest shooters out there.

Skao Anazibf
Skao was tied for the second best goal scorer in the league and was up there for points, managing 60 on a ridiculously strong line with Fouquette. He's lethal and has to get a spot as well.

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Written Option 3: Gunnar was selected to be in the fastest skater competition, and he was incredibly excited to be chosen to participate in this contest. He put a lot of time in after practice doing extra sprints and trying to become even faster, hoping to surprise his competition. When the day of the competition came, he woke up early, had a healthy breakfast, and made sure he spent the day staying loose and flexible. Alas, it was all for naught. When the time came for the contest itself, Gunnar took off down the ice, and at first it looked like he was making great time. He was ahead of all the competitors who had gone before him. But then...he saw a dog in the stands. Someone had brought their emotional support dog to the game, and Gunnar had to stop next to the glass and say hello to the very good boy. He did it very quickly, but it was enough to cost him the winning time, and sadly, he came in fifth place overall.

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Written Option #3: Imagine that your player has been selected to participate in one of the above competitions. Tell us how you'd prepare and train for the challenge and/or tell us about how the competition went for you. (150+ words)

To prepare for the big day, Nicolaj ate 30 lbs of beans, pizza and donuts. He needed to fatten up so that when he took part in the fastest skater competition he could be the worst. He thought it would be very funny. A funny joke ahaha. Wouldn't it be funny if a top prospect got fat overnight and took part in a skills competition hoping to win something? Well Nicolaj did just that. He gainedd 10 lbs and before heading on ice he took a 20 lb shit. To his surprise this shit was what he needed to win. He broke the record by a whole 3 seconds and melted the ice while he was skating on it. What a world we live in. This is the society from the joker movie starring joaquin Phoenix where he dances and kills his friends, yeah that one. Take note here kids... 20 lb shits win championships.

Pass Forfeit (D) ● Player Profile
Kraken Rage Panthers

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Special thanks to Blitz, jhockey, Ragnarr, and sulo for the gorgeous sigs <3

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EVO: Well, I'm still in the J, so I can't exactly brin myself to any one of them, so I'll just lay my prediction for the one I would most likely enter: The Most Accurate Shot contest. Now, if I was to choose one person, I would want that plyer to be able to pull wacky shots that shouldn't go it, but does. If said guy also has a slapper with both the power of thor and the precision of german engineering, all the better. All in all, I think ther perfect man that would win the Most Accurate Shot contest would be Tony Pepperoni (@"TommySalami"). He is an anomly of sorts. When I faced him in the IIHF final, he pulled shots that you wouldn't expect, at weird forms and angles, yet they always gone in. Maybe its because it through out goalies off, but still, the consitancy of the shots hitting their marks makes me think that the Pepperoni man would be the man to win it all.

Side notes: Tony is a star player as well, yadda yadda and I hate pepperoni pizza. Soz.

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Sig Credit: Flappy (EVO) and Skolpaddor (RESO)


First SMJHL Goal: Colorado Raptors, Emeka Valentine-Okoli 1 (Mikelis Ozoliņš 4, Loki Odinsson 3) at 3:12, 2nd Period (GWG) / SMJHL S47 Game 47 Day 12: Colorado Raptors vs Detroit Falcons
First SHL Goal: Texas Renegades, Emeka Valentine-Okoli 1 (Josef Kubinec 5, Ricky Spanish 4) at 16:23, 2nd Period / SHL S51 Game 71 Day 16: Edmonton Blizzard vs Texas Renegades

Eternal RaptorsRaptors Old, onwards we roll Rage

And Let's Retire at the Pinnacle

I wouldn't call myself a duster, but I for sure don't have the wheels to keep up with players like Mike Izzy, Viktor Marius, GOD McZehrl, (etc.). So of course, the only realistic way I can win the fastest skater award is if I cheat, cause training for this event won't do me much good. No, I'm not going to break any kneecaps. Honestly, considering how no one's ever been injured before, I don't think it'd be a successful plan anyway. I'm gonna have to do something to enhance my game. I'm not a fan of injections, so getting on the juice is out the window. Red Bull and other energy drinks would probably make me vomit. That only leaves me with one choice; eating a whole bunch of beans right before skating and hoping the gas I release is enough to launch me to victory.

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Kalevolaripaavo Käspertommevisnapuu was allowed to participate in the most accurate shot competition. This would come at the embarrassment of him and the league. While he is classified as a sniper, he is more like Fulton Reed from the Mighty Ducks’ movies. His shot is lucky to hit the target 1 in every 3 attempts.

His season stats show this as well, at one point he was amongst the leaders in the SMJHL for shot attempts on goal. At the same time, he also had just as many shots that missed the net completely, and had maybe half as many shots blocked as well.

Kalevolaripaavo’s turn was sad to say the least. Of the all the shots he took, only one hit a target, the one that typically would be closest to representing the goalie’s chest. Two other shots barely hit the frame of the goal, one of the post, the other off the crossbar, while the rest missed the net completely. To make matters worse, Kaspars Claude from the Carolina Kraken slid out on Kalevolaripaavo’s last shot and blocked it.

~175 words

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Option 2

For the best shootout goalie, I will always choose Benjamin Blue over any goalie in the league. Despite a down year last year, he has come back swinging this season. With a 9.20 Save percentage, he is easily the cream of the crop, and has a great chance of winning such a competition. Despite that, many would say Cedric Robinson would be the best at the event, due to the fact he's also a great goaltender. I say neigh to this for one reason: experience. Sure, Robinson may have 2 cups under his belt, but I would argue that was the result of the defense in front of him. In such a competition, I would take the multiple time Goalie of the Year over a younger, career hardware-less young gun. Even then, Blue will continue to be compared and contrasted, but I know in my heart that Blue is nothing more than the best, brightest goalie in the SHL, and he would still easily beat the competition.

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If my player got chosen for one of these competitions, it’d be the biggest meme ever. John Scott levels of bullshit. But if she did get picked, she’d probably take it super fucking seriously. It’d probably be hardest shot or something. She’d probably be training her ass off, practicing days and weeks in advance to make sure she wouldn’t be making a fool of herself. She’s not that big of a person, so she doesn’t have that much torque, but she’s got enough muscle on her to at least put on a good show. At the end of the day, that’s all that really matters, right? She’d probably have a bit of fun with it too, playing up the whole bit. Using stupid props, hyping up the crowd. After all, it’s for the fans. And she does love her fans, even if they think she’s a complete idiot.

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sig credits
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