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S50 PT #5 - Happy Halloween

Tony Ford loves halloween, as an opportunity to get up to all sorts of antics. First of all, he always dresses up in a slutty costume (slutty nurse is a personal favourite, that he came back to once again this year) and then he gets truly hammered. This has only caused him problems every halloween since he was first allowed to drink, which some would argue is kinda bad for his liver, but thats as may be. He especially loves it when he gets forced to get up for an all souls' church service, although that hasn't happened recently, and he always thanks god for that because if it's game day the day after halloween let's just say he won't be on his best. Justifiably, because excuses to get proper sloshed don't come around too frequently so why not, and anyone who's gonna judge him can get out.

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Thanks to @Carpy48 , @sköldpaddor, @Weretarantula, @Bruins10  and @Wasty  for sigs
Extra special thanks to @Julio Tokolosh for the sick gif one

This year for Halloween, Knox had the best intentions, and if it weren’t for the Panthers travel schedule and subsequent sneaking into the SHL playoffs- Knox would have had more time. However, this was not to be the case for this year and when Knox made a last-minute dash to the costume store, there was only one costume left hanging on the rack- a giant whoopie cushion. Now, when Knox first laid his eyes upon the costume, he couldn’t help but smile, of course he would end up being the butt end of jokes, but that wasn’t too uncommon a situation for him. What surprised Knox even more was how well the costume fit him, it was as though the whoopie cushion had been custom made for his body. Being that it was such a natural fit, Knox grabbed the costume and made his way to the team’s Halloween party. Knox had a great time and the added bonus was that all throughout the night he never had to ask for a hug, he was squeezed willingly.

177 words

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Well, Halloween for the Crows is always an eventful time. Scarecrows, being a staple prop in autumn themes, fit in very well. This year the Crows decided to host a haunted house at the arena for the people of St. Louis to come visit. Bet you've never seen a haunted house on ice, have you? Well, we've got a great experience for y'all. Ronlain, not being the biggest fan of haunted houses, decided to hang out in the concessions area of the arena and do a little meet and greet in costume with a few other players. Ronlain dressed as Hayes, the mascot for the Crows. While the Scarecrows obviously already had a costume for Hayes ready, but Ronlain wanted to try his hand at making the costume himself. It was... about as good as you would expect for a hockey player making a costume from scratch, but it's the thought that counts. He, Aron Hernadivic, Elizabeth Doyle, and Barrett Blackwood did a meet and greet together with the fans while the rest of the team was inside the rink participating in the haunted house. The defensive guys and the enforcers really make for scary events inside. Since Ronlain was already a scarecrow, the group for the meet and greet decided to do a Wizard of Oz themed costume selection. Dolye being Dorothy, Hernadivic being the Tin Man, and Blackwood being the Lion.

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Barracuda Chomp Chomp Water Dog Barracuda
Scarecrows Scarecrow Noises Scarecrows
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Once Upon a Time in the Weston household, Joseph Weston needed a costume. Considering the Western motif that has dominated Joseph Weston's recent weeks in the SHL and SMJHL, Weston has chosen the obvious choice, that one generic Ranger with a big iron on his hip character from every spaghetti western movie ever made. Not wanting to be The Outsider who shows up without a costume, Weston had work to do. Dressing up as the incredibly diverse combination of Clint Eastwood from The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly, Clint Eastwood in For A Few Dollars More, and the famous Clint Eastwood starring in A Fistful Of Dollars, Weston wasn't inclined to be one of the people constantly trying to find a costume, he wasn't inclined in being one of The Searchers. No, it took some True Grit for Weston's costume and creativity to be Django Unchained. Coming Face to Face with this brilliant opportunity for a costume, Weston did not have to encounter a Day of Anger in trying to ransack any costume store for ideas. Taking A Minute to Pray before leaving the house, as Weston of course is not a Godless individual, Weston hopped onto his horse to head to the Kraken party. While the horse may have had a strange name, as it was a day of the week and been on fire, Weston certainly preferred his saddles on fire, as he liked his Saddles how he liked his wings, Blazing.

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S66 Damian Littleton

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Battleborn | Barracuda | Usa

Halloween back at home has always been a big family affair. Gunnar and his six sisters would always do some sort of group costume together, and being the youngest, Gunnar always got the short end of the stick; he usually had to be an animal or a child or a prop of some sort (or the year they all went as the little girls from Madeline and made Gunnar be the nun). Now that he's on his own here in the United States, he has fully embraced the freedom to choose his own costume, but he's still all about coordinating it with a group. This year, he went as Thor, because his hair is almost long enough, and he dressed his little dog Maxim up as Loki. He and a bunch of his teammates, including David Fantobens (Captain America), Jøln Dubølk (Hulk), Anastasia O'Koivu (She-Hulk), Olivier Cloutier (Black Widow), and Matt Kholin (Doctor Strange), donned their costumes and visited St. Joseph's Children's Hospital, where they spent the afternoon putting smiles on the faces of many of the children who are undergoing treatment there.

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Markus is still getting the hang of the Halloween spirit - since traditions differ from Europe to North America, he was a bit taken aback when he saw so many people dressing up for Halloween... even if it wasn't Halloween just yet! Embracing the spirit, and not forgetting his origins, Markus decided to have two costumes (one for each of his teams' Halloween party) that represent Switzerland. When going to the Minnesota Chiefs' party, he dressed up in traditional Swiss garments, with an embroidered hat, a white button-down shirt, green suspenders and gray lederhosen, and wooden shoes. The shoes were not the greatest idea, as Markus had sore feet for days after walking around in them for just a couple of hours. While attending the Lethbridge Lions' party, he dressed up as the best Swiss athlete of all-time, Roger Federer, with a white headband, a red polo shirt and white shorts, with his signature blue tennis racket. A much more comfortable outfit to spend the night partying with his teammates, and use this last chance at developping more team chemistry ahead of the playoffs.

(186 words)

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Chiefs Monarchs Lions Berserkers Switzerland Blizzard pride Panthers Grizzlies

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Special thanks to @Carpy48, @Chevy, @Turd Ferguson, @fever95 and @enigmatic for the signatures!
(This post was last modified: 10-28-2019, 01:34 PM by CanadianDuck.)

Halloween takes place in the best season of the year. Leaves changing colors, the cooler temperatures, even the smell outdoors. For Halloween this year I have decided to go for an amazing costume that will wow everyone and make their costumes look like cheap no name thrown together garbage. It will be an elaborate well thought out work of art that will be memorized and immortalized in the Halloween Costume Hall of Fame. When I was a kid I always wanted to have the most amazing outfit, but always went as normal stuff like Superman, Batman, Homer Simpson, Jim Carrey in the Mask, or even the Tin Man from Wizard of Oz. All my planning and ideas never materialized and I have had to get a last minute costume like every year. This time I'm going to go as a giant cob of corn and not let anyone know it wasn't planned.

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Jimmy went as the shower scene from the movie Psycho, and above he got pulled into a picture at a party with random people.  The costume seemed to be a hit, especially with Olivier Cloutier.

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What did your player go as for Halloween? What was the costume? Did people enjoy it? Was it part of a group costume? If so, who else was in the group? (150+ words)

Brady McIntyre went to his halloween party as a vape. It wasn't a group costume or anything, just a big cardboard box with another cardboard circle tube on the top. Then spray painted to look like a vape. Now you might be thinking "bruh that's lame" well fuck you because the cool part is that inside the box next to Brady was liquid nitrogen and Brady had a string connected to his hand that when he moved his arm a certain way would release the smoke created by the liquid nitrogen to make it seem like the vape costume was actually creating smoke! Brady is a huge fan of creative and interactive costumes so this was a pretty sweet one for him to be able to make. He spent weeks growing out his beard so that he could shave everything but the neck so he could really look the part of a vaping neckbeard.

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[Image: sN8N4xa.png][Image: 639861613880541184.png] Cal Juice [Image: 639861613880541184.png][Image: RyzkmSj.png]
[Image: Eo2nBCt.png] Tomas Zadina
[Image: snacnei.png] Brady McIntyre
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simmer claim

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In the past Harry had never really liked Halloween. Growing up it was never much of a 'thing' (as it's the case most places in Europe), but since he's moved to North America and started playing in the SHL it was almost mandatory to do something, find a cool costume and celebrate like crazy and definitely post pictures about it. People really saw it as a competition. Harry thought about a possible costume for a very long time, but he didn't want to dress up as just anything, but something he had a connection to. Eventually he remembered his old summer holiday job where he had to dress up as a Moomin character and told his parents to ship over the costume several weeks earlier. Surprisingly he hadn't grown out of it after all these years and luckily nobody would immediately recognize him. It was perfect and all the Finnish players he ran into at the SHL Halloween party thought it was pretty hilarious.

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sigs either by @Wasty, @Nokazoa, @sulovilen, @Capt_Blitzkrieg, @sköldpaddor, @Ragnar, @enigmatic, @Lime or myself

Stars Lions Berserkers
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my portfolio | my sig shop | gfx discord
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Atlas Rush was seen wearing only a large Vinyl Cover sporting the Band Rush on the Front with Atlas' Face photo shopped on each member of Rush. On the Back of the Vinyl Cover is a collage of pictures of Atlas Rush landing monster hits on unfortunate opposing players. The title on this side of the Vinyl cover says Atlas( in small letters) "RUSH GREATEST HITS". This works out really well for Atlas as he has lead the SMJHL in hits the last three seasons and was 4th in hits in his rookie season. Atlas is a big fan of Puns so he really enjoyed his costume as he Runs his bar Pr%f Cocktail lounge in Halifax on Halloween Night where he has put together a plethora of Halloween themed cocktails and menu items.. During the day of Halloween the Raiders have converted the Rink into a Zombie Escape room where the entire team are dressed as zombies and scour the rink looking for tasty Raider Fans to turn into more of the Zombie Hoard!

S52 "A" Alternate Captain of the Calgary Dragons
"GM" - Former Prince George Firebirds and Regina Force General Manager
"C" - Former Captain of the Halifax Raiders
S48 Brandon Holmes Trophy Recipient - Top Defensive Forward

FirebirdsScarecrowsraiders - TimberGrizzliesArmadaCanadaDragonsBlizzardStars - PlatoonSpecters
Davos Otasrob Player Page
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For Halloween, Harvey Danger went as the playoffs, as it truly is the scariest thing in Texas.

But no, seriously, Harvey decided to go as Walter White in his Heisenberg get up from Breaking Bad. Unfortunately, he had this costume picked out months ago before the El Camino movie came out and now everybody is cosplaying as their favourite character. As Danger paid a lot of money for the bald cap, so instead of being one of many Walter Whiters for Halloween, he thought of a better idea: that lead character from The Shield who is also bald. He has never seen the show but it seemed popular, and he hoped that perhaps people would get the reference. They look pretty similar, so maybe people will just think he was an off brand Walter White instead. As he was running out of time to figure it out, Danger ended up buying some colourful clothes and going as Caillou.

I have never been much of a Halloween person, but this year I decided to take part, I dressed up as the Joker. I got nice feedback from my neighbors, they saw me walk around at the street close to our neighborhood and said that my pale skin reminded them of that Kalju guy who lives somewhere here, they did not recognize me under the makeup and clothing, which only shows how good the costume was. Kinda wished they did not roast my poor season so heavily, but I managed to play along and stay in character

After walking around for a solid twenty minutes I turned back and started walking home, was a mistake to go out alone, what people even do during Halloween? I should have asked from the New guys if they had a party or something going on where I could have visited, at times like this I regret not asking anyone's number, but at least I had fun with the good costume.

Almost nobody recognized me as being Ensio Kalju the famous hockey player. Highlight of the evening was when an older lady asked if I´m there to take her away, at first I thought she thinks I´m death, you know like in Family Guy, but she turned out to be a NEW fan and only one who knew it was me under the Joker costume, she said the reason why I reminded her of death was my ability to kill all the plays this season.

Nice lady.

Halloween is a wonderful time for teams to bond and have a good time. This year the Colorado Raptors had a team party and people went all out. This year for Halloween, I went as Ricky from Trailer Park Boys; and for those who are familiar with the show, I wore the blue Sunnyvale jersey that Ricky wears throughout the show. The boys at the party went crazy and showed up in mind-blowing costumes. Ricky Bobby, Capitan America & Paul Blart, all made an appearance. The party was organized wonderfully (shout out Raptors organizing staff) and the fun did not stop all night, the DJ was great, and everyone was enjoying themselves. We tried not to eat too much candy since playoffs are around the corner; but I think this was a great get together before the playoffs start. Most people say Halloween is a kids holiday but I think everyone can have some fun on Halloween.

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