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S51 PT #3 - SHL Board Game

Ah, so let's see what we've done here. I took the game of Coup and made the members of the SHL HO. Eggy is obviously the Duke, allowing you to take 3 pucks. We have a faithful Captain in SDCore. Tomas would be the Ambassador/Inquisitor, while Fordyford is a Contessa. ArGarBarGar will take the role of the assassin. This leaves us with Baelor on the outside, but that should be just fine. Ultimately, we may find a way to implement a new role.

However, in this case it plays out similar to coup with the goal to be the last man standing to be the commissioner and enact your laws. You are collecting pucks, and in order to coup somebody you must "outscore" them by 2 while having at minimum of 7 pucks to pay. You both lose your "goals" or pucks in this case when a coup occurs, but the losing player may choose the number up to 4 and down to 2 that they must lose allowing them to have a greater advantage at catching up to overtake other players.

This is basically a real life look into the inner workings of the SHL HO, and would yield brokering of peace by parties in order to gain influence and hopefully be the one who can enact their own update scale.

An old man's dream ended. A young man's vision of the future opened wide. Young men have visions, old men have dreams. But the place for old men to dream is beside the fire.
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[Image: tjyuut.jpg] 
Thanks to Jackson, Copenhagen, and Harry Hans!


PBE Kahn

Reed Kobo - Winger - #33
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Elijah Jones - Winger - #33 Retired
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Toivo Kosonen - Defenseman - #33 Retired
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The SHL board game needs to be simple yet unique and challenging. It plays a lot like a mix between the game of Life and Monopoly. You start as a young kid having to decide where you want to play hockey as a teenager and as you go you get drafted to a team where you must train your skills to become the type of player you want. Players need to team up to help defeat the other players as you try to win Championships and International tournaments. The goal of the game is to win enough awards and championships to be deemed eligible to be entered into the SHL Hockey Hall of Fame. You may run into different obstacles on your journey, such as dealing with injuries, being traded to a bottom feed team, being demoted to a lower line, or even suspended for a number of games. The game will be released in the next few months.

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I would probably make a card drafting game. There would be a couple of different 'Starting Decks' that would create the backbone of your team. An offensive archetype, a defensive archetype as well as a balanced archetype. All cards would have an offensive and defensive value. This would consist of 25 cards. You would then draft amongst yourselves to finish out the last 15 cards + 2 goalie cards. Some more exceptional players would have special abilities. Some examples of this would be:

During the next shift, the opposing player must play one less player than normally allowed (creating a powerplay by drawing a penalty).

You may choose to keep this player on your side of the ice (playing area) for an extra shift.

Remove this player and a player from your opponents line from the ice.

If this player is on the ice with a man advantage or disadvantage, double their offensive rating if it is a powerplay or double their defensive rating if its a penalty kill.

I would have three different types of cards. Forwards, Defenseman and Goalies. Goalies are separate and are not drafted but are always on the ice.

A deck would consist of, say, 40 cards and during each turn (or 'Shift') a player would draw 8 cards then select 3 forwards and 2 defenseman to play. The offence is then compared to the defence on each team and if your teams offensive rating is higher than your opponents defensive rating you would get a shot on net. You would then roll against the goalies save rating with a D10.

Something like that. Very stale but I think a drafting type game would be the way to go.

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SHL Game of Life. Instead of kids, you collect Awards. As you move your trophy cabinet around the board, you complete stages of your career and have opportunities to get awards. You start off going through the SMJHL until you have the chance to win the 4 star cup (Get married) then progress into your SHL career. Your role (1st line, 2nd line, all star) determines how much your salary is and you get opportunities to get awards (kids) as you progress through. Eventually your player retires, and ends up with the option to get into the hall of fame (Millionaire Estates) or fate into black with the rest of them (countryside acres). Good cards to pick up include getting bonuses from your team, equipment and another award. Bad cards include fines for tampering, being traded and getting injured. There are opportunities for players to sign new contracts throughout the game, but this does not guarantee more money

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My SHL Board game would be an SHL Edition of "What Do You Meme?" If you are not familiar, What Do You Meme? is a game like Cards Against Humanity or Apples to Apples, where everyone has a set of captions and they try to match them in funny/ridiculous ways with photo meme cards. As you can see, the possibilities are nearly endless. Some card ideas include:

The John Deere Logo, Scottey Crawfling, dancing Howard, the site being down, Hold This L, Ugly, Calgary's accidental jizz banner, and countless others! Imagine the crying NOrthwestern kid image with a caption "everytime CC2 hits free agency and no one gives him 10x10" or the "this is fine dog" with the caption "every GM at least once during their tenure."

We'd obviously need to crowd source the funniest options (as I don't know every SHL meme ever), but I think this has some possibilities.

Respond with some of your favorite ideas for SHL What Do You Meme? cards!

Platoon Elk Elk Platoon
Argonauts Argonauts

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Thank you karey, OrbitingDeath Ragnar, and sköldpaddor for sigs! 
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Jamie T Wrote:But I wish I'd been a little more exceptional
And I wish I'd been a little unconventional
But I was not enough, no, I'm not enough

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Pass Forfeit (D) ● Player Profile
Kraken Rage Panthers

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Special thanks to Blitz, jhockey, Ragnarr, and sulo for the gorgeous sigs <3

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The board game I would like to spice up and make SHL related would be the Game of Life. The board is tailored to your hockey career and moving up the ranks as a hockey player, with the eventual goal of making it in to the Hall of Fame. First person to get to the end and inducted in to the Hall of Fame, wins!

Go through the board with various spots like:
- Your contract expires and you’re a Free Agent, collect $10,000
- You had a wild night on the town during a road game, you now have a kid. Pay $500 each turn in child support
- You’re getting old and nobody wants to sign you in Free Agency, skip one turn!
- Upgrade Passing, skip one turn!
- Eat in the shower: Everyone else pays $50 for you to see a psychologist

The board game would poke fun at teams and people and also be one of the most relatable board games on the market. Get immersed in what it’s like to be an SHLer today!

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syndicate Outlaws Switzerland

What kind of board game would be associated with the SHL? I do not think existing games should be used. No one wants to play Monopoly SHL Edition. Maybe Risk? Where instead of countries it is SHL teams? That seems too easy though. I think I have an idea..

Munchkin Slap Shot- The SHL edition of the role playing card game.

If you are unfamiliar with the game, you basically build a character to fight monsters or other players or what not. So you draw cards to gain equipment and spells and what not. How would you make this a hockey style one?

Basically you make the character you build a hockey player. You equip different sticks, skates, helmets, gloves, and jerseys to get better stats. Instead of kicking down the door to fight a monster, you play a game of hockey. So your equipment totals would have to be higher than the "monster" you face. First one to 10 games won wins. In Munchkin you get different roles and nationalizes. So roles would be goalie, forward, or defenseman with different strengths and weaknesses. Forwards have an advantage over goalies, who have an advantage over defenseman, who have an advantage over forwards. Instead of nationalizes you would have 4 different teams you can play on. This is the tricky part. Maybe make it so team only matter when "fighting" other players or something.

Anyways, that is my idea. It actually sounds very doable now that I think about it more.


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Specters Monarchs Berserkers Scarecrows [Image: italian-flag.jpg?s=612x612&w=0&k=20&c=tO...eKFgvtgqU=]

Specters Armada Scarecrows Czechia
Panthers Specters Jets Scarecrows Usa [Image: 4star.png] [Image: challengecup.png] [Image: challengecup.png]
RIP Dangel #AD26  |  RIP TDZ

The board game I would SHL-ify is Secret Hitler, except it would be Secret Hamilton.

In the game of Secret Hitler, you have Liberals, Fascists, and Hitler.  The Liberals win by passing five Liberal Policies or killing Hitler.  The Fascists win by passing six Fascist Policies, or if Hitler is elected Chancellor plus three Fascist Policies.  The Fascists have to act in secret so they are not found out while trying to push their agenda.

In the SHL version, we have HO, GM, and Hamilton.  HO wins by passing five good rule changes or firing the Hamilton GM.  The GMs win by passing six rules with loop holes, or if the Hamilton GM is elected to Commissioner plus three loop holes.  The GMs have to act in secret so they are not found out while trying to game the system.

Throughout the game, there are two rotating roles President and Chancellor.  In our version, we'll call that Voice of HO and Commissioner.  Every turn, the Voice of HO candidate role rotates to the next player and they propose a Commissioner, then the rest of the players vote to elect that government or not.  When elected, the Voice of HO and Commissioner work together to pass a rule change from three candidate rule changes.  Loop Holes can grant one time special powers, like a Thunderdome that allows the Voice of HO to learn the true colors of the individual they TD, or a Firing where the fired player is removed from the game.  If Hamilton is fired, HO wins.

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credit to Flappy, ToeDragon, and Carpy

Patriotes Stars Panthers Platoon Specters Platoon Panthers Specters Aurora Jets Usa Scarecrows

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