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S51 PT #3 - SHL Board Game

My suggestion is an SHL edition of poker. It's played like regular poker, with 2 major differences:
It uses a 64-card deck created by selecting 4 players from every team and assigning them a rank on the scale of 1 to 5 based on their current stats and potential.

Then the list of SHL poker hands is:
Straight flush - 5 players of sequential rank from the same division (e.g Steelhawks 1  Stampede 2 Steelhawks 3 Stars 4  syndicate 5, note:  syndicate 5 card is, of course, CC2)

Four of a kind - 4 players of the same rank (e.g Chiefs 3 Stars 3 Specters 3 Platoon 3 Panthers 1)

Full house - 3 players of the same rank and 2 players of another rank (e.g Barracuda 4 Rage 4 Blizzard 4 Dragons 2 Steelhawks 2)

Flush - 4 players from 1 team plus any other player (e.g  Dragons 1 Dragons 2 Dragons 4 Dragons 5 Platoon 3)

Straight - same as straight flush, except players don't have to be from teams in the same division (e.g  Stampede 1 Panthers 2 Platoon 3 Stars 4 pride 5)

Three of a kind - 3 players of one rank and 2 players of 2 other ranks (e.g  Steelhawks 4 Barracuda 4 Jets 4 Specters 3 syndicate 3)

Two pair - 2 cards of one rank + 2 cards of another rank + a card of a third rank (e.g  Stampede 4 Dragons 4 Blizzard 3 Steelhawks 3 Wolfpack 5)

One pair - 2 cards of one rank and 3 cards of 3 other ranks (e.g  Specters 4 Jets 4 Jets 3 Stars 2 Steelhawks 5)

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[Image: aawil.gif]

The Game of Life - SHL Version

When you start the game you pick either to go to the SMJHL or the SHL right away. If you pick the SMJHL it allows you to earn a higher salary bracket later on where as if you start in the SHL you will earn a high salary to start but will cap out early.

The job cards will be SMJHL teams and SHL teams.

Life tiles will turn into career milestones that carry a bonus salary.

Marriage will turn into a standard endorsement deal.

Houses will turn into another endorsement deal, some better than others.

Stock cards will act the same but will be jersey numbers.

Kids will turn into league awards you've earnedr.

Insurance turns into training cards to avoid injuries.

At the end of the game you count up all your money you've earned including life times and whoever has the most wins the Cup. There will also be bonus objectives throughout the game that will award money such as who earned the most Points (Life tiles), if you reached 4 league awards (kids), and highest endorsement deal.

Falcons Canada

The Delver Fudgeson Bomb Clapping Experience:

This board game was developed in the spare room of Delver Fudgeson's Lethbridge apartment by his roommate who goes by the mononym "Chud". It is sold out of his 2000 Pontiac Aztek in the parking lot during Lethbridge home games. (This is not sanctioned by the SMJHL)

The game is what was once a Monopoly board, with new, hockey relevant, cut out pictures glued onto the original spaces. The goal of the game is to roll dice and travel around the board, hitting various squares and drawing cards to find out what you did in the hockey game. There are goal spaces, random events, defensive cards, offensive cards. Most of which were hand drawn by Chud on a Wednesday from 10:00 pm to 4:15 am, from what he remembers.

Anyway, the objective of the game is to finish with more "Goals" than the other players. The scoring is as such: Wrist shot: 1 goal. One timer: 2 goals. And the all important Clap Bomb From the Point: 5 points. Assists are -1 goals. Hits are also a goal for some reason, as are blocked shots. The game ends when the players run out of cards to draw. Each box contains somewhere between 20 and 56 cards, depending on how many Chud drew up and put in the box before loading it into his trunk to take to the game to sell.

[Image: Flusso.png]
Sig by @Evil_AllBran

[Image: YztPk3T.png] [Image: 6by0kBi.png]

Disisde Dayudie has struck a deal with a Japanese company developing a brand new RPG hockey game. While it is not as much a hockey oriented game as it is a J-RPG board game, they have decided this would be a great idea to get the japanese people interested in the game of hockey. At the start of the game you get to choose your "class"(Position). Goalie is the tank, Defensemen is support and Forwards are the DPS class. The move sets are very hockey-like with moves like SHOOT to attack, Deke to parry and my favourite, the Limit-break called BREAKAWAY. I can't for the life of me understand who would actually buy this game, but i guess the comment "Big in Japan" is key here. The base stats are being worked over after our latest rule-change that won't let you have a too big of a difference between scoring and passing. It's biggest savior might be that it is a board game and not an actual video game, because imagine what that would look like.

[Image: 41373_s.gif]
[Image: vhY18i8.png][Image: 7WSfxIG.png][Image: nBgNUTY.png]

Because I’m so original and creative, SHL Monopoly. We have enough teams to have 4 on each side of the board, so that’s what we’re going to do. They’ll be ordered by how old the franchise is. Newer franchises will cost less. So, Chicago and New Orleans would be the first two spaces, followed by San Francisco and Buffalo on the first side. Then Texas, New England, LA, and Minnesota on the second side. The Third side would be Edmonton, Manhattan, Tampa Bay, and Hamilton. The final side of the board would be Calgary, West Kendall, Toronto, and Winnipeg. The Railroads become the commissioner’s offices of the different leagues, such as SHL, SMJHL, IIHF, and WJC. The Electric Company and Water Works become PBPs and PGSs. The Chance cards become Trade cards. Each card will be trade themed. Community Chest keeps the name, because I couldn’t think of anything. The cards change to SHL themes, like “Media graded, collect $X” or whatever. The GO space no longer says “collect $200 as you pass”. Now it says “The bankers will deposit $200 to your account whenever they get around to it”.

[Image: RichSHL.gif]
Thanks to sulovilen for the sigs!
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Check out past episodes of Rich and Luke!

NSFL PT Affiliation

[Image: MrStennett08.gif]

Scarecrows Usa Blizzard Panthers Patriotes Stars

[Image: Y8UdUOy.png]

[Image: lebbish.gif]

The Game of Hockey Life
In the Game of Hockey Life you begin your journey through the SMJHL and on into the SHL until you either retire injured and broke, or as a wealthy Hall Of Famer. Instead of payday squares there will be contract negotiation or endorsement squares. Stocks, Insurance, and Loans, yeah those are right out. Instead it will be Equipment Purchases, Travel Expenses, and League Fines. Then of course we got to fill in all the other crap squares with things like Injuries, Losing Streaks, Suspension, and Lock Outs. We'll fill in the good squares with things like Date a Super Model, Scoring Streaks, Media Appearances, and Bobble Head Nights. Then somewhere randomly in there we'll throw in Celebrity Marriage (Wuv, Twue Wuv), Buy a Mansion, and of course Winning The Cup! When you finish your career, if your not broke and currently suffering from injury, then you did good kid. Of course all the pieces will be shaped like a Zamboni instead of a car, because who doesn't want to ride the Zamboni?

[Image: Spicy_Funko.jpg]
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I think that you could make a really good Munchkin variant of the SHL that would be fun to play. For example, you could have a class system made up of player types, equipment would work essentially the same, and your "monster" cards could be different players from the league. I think you would need some sort of theme though, like the SHL has been taken over by a zombie virus and you are fighting through zombie players to see who's going to be the best. Or you could make the theme be enforcers of the SHL, and you are fighting random hockey themed monsters for practice before you get a chance to drop the gloves in the big leagues. You could also mix in various elements for buffs or debuffs, like tampering penalty, missed update, or forum ban. It's a bit out there, but I think it can be done.


Username is just Pazuzu

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[Image: vwglei8.png]
Left Winger - Gylfi Eriksson
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Prince George Firebirds GM (S34-S36)
Toronto North Stars GM (S37-S43)
[Image: symmshl.gif]

Sponsored by the Hamilton Steelhawks, a new variant on the popular board game Connect Four has come out as the latest SHL product. The name of the game is Connect Four-ty Passing. With it having been discovered that min-maxing Passing and Scoring to make the former lowest and latter highest resulted in crazy offensive output for teams, it fits well with the goal of Connect Four. In Connect Four, you have to sequentially place your pieces together to form a chain of four or more in order to win. This matches up with assembling a meta team in Simon T, as stacking up pure shooting players with each other is what leads to wins there. So the pieces you're connecting in this game have a '40' and a '99' to symbolize this, as you're trying to connect the meta build pieces in order to assemble the winning team. Other games the Steelhawks have sponsored include Sorry! (For Raising my Checking), and Guess Who? (Doesn't have 99 Defence).

[Image: Gabe-lights.png]
[Image: nMz40Vc.gif]

If I were to edit a game to be made into a version representing the simulated hockey league I would choose to edit the game DC Comics: Deck Build rivals edition.

DC Deck builder is a fairly self explanatory game, where you start with 7 punches and 3 vulnerabilities which I would change to 7 strengths and 3 weaknesses. This would be your starting hand.

You draw five cards from your deck in order to buy cards from the lineup which is comprised of cards from the main deck which normally consists of heroes, villains and equipment but ours would be comprised of forwards, defensemen and goalies.

Each card would be awarded a strength value that it costs to buy, cards like Mike Izzy being more expensive than say a Conor Tanner.

The ultimate goal of the game would be to buy cards from the main lineup which will be added to your final TPE count to determine the winner once the entire main deck has been consumed.

[Image: LB6bY06.gif] [Image: tanner.png]

I would base my game upon the game Guess Who by Hasbro. Unfortunately, my game would only be able to take place after the entire season has been sent. That being said, here are the rules that I would lay down for my game to be able to be played.

First and foremost, you would have to pick whoever your player was you started the game. I would even go so far as to recommend that players picked multiple players to play multiple games over the course of a season.

So we're essentially going to play this like the game 20 questions. You can ask yes or no questions, but you cannot ask questions such as “ what color hair does the player have?” that would be cheating.

So you and your opponent would take turns asking questions about which player you are. You would hopefully narrow it down to the point where you can name the player. Over the course of, say ten games, when more than the other and would be  declared the winner of the game.

It might come across as a Cheesy way of playing a board game, but fill the word count to qualify this for my point task.

[Image: FJPVyys.png]

Being tasked with creating a SHL themed boardgame I would chose a classic board game that almost everyone has already played once in their life: good old Scrabble. You would just be able to score points by assembling different SHL relevant words. You could go for the easy ones like teamnames or do more harder names which involve the names of former SHL greats of Hall of Famers like Brovalchuk to get a high score for the word. The highest possible score for 1 name would possibly go for Hall of Famer Zallerras Szlerchek some might even petition for a rule quite similar to the one you have in Quidditch that once someone gets this elusive name that the game automatically stops since the possibility of getting all the letters for it is so low actually. Vidrik Onoprienko also seems like another name that quite possibly can win someone the game due to the unique and peculiar name.

[Image: KSelich.gif]
Thank you all for the amazing sigs & player cards
Germany Citadelles  Stampede [Image: vhY18i8.png][Image: Raptors.png][Image: gs89eGV.png] [Image: eE2UQZC.png] Stampede Citadelles Germany

3. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 5 (Maximilian Wachter, Alexis Metzler) at 16:25
5. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 6 (Steven Stamkos Jr., Brynjar Tusk) at 19:48
8. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 7 (Brynjar Tusk, Alexis Metzler) at 13:55
9. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 8 (Anton Fedorov, Mikelis Grundmanis) at 15:12
10. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 9 (Dickie Pecker) at 19:43 (Empty Net)

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