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S51 PT #5 - In The Kitchen
(This post was last modified: 12-28-2019, 11:49 AM by hotdog.)

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This week we want to hear about your player's skills in the kitchen. Eating during the busy SHL season may be more of a routine chore than something to fully enjoy, so tell us more about their capabilities rather than their habits. Are they incapable of making anything for themselves whatsoever, completely reliant on ordering out 100% of the time? Capable of the simplest "meals" only, like making a pb&j sandwich or MAYBE warming up some chicken nuggets with the right infrastructure? Or are they a regular world's best chef (a la legend Guy Fieri), whipping up beautiful recipes? Somewhere in between? What kinds of things have gone right (like a top-class feast)? What kinds of things have gone wrong (like burning a bowl of cereal)?

Written task: write 150+ words on the topic above.

Graphic task: like the pic of Matt Duchene above, show us your player at work in the kitchen - whether things are going right or going wrong - repping SHL gear.


You will receive 3 capped TPE for fulfilling all requirements.

This has been a busy week for many so I'm gonna extend the deadline of this a week until Sunday, January 5th at 10pm.

Welfare claims from either PBE or NSFL are accepted! (if you’re claiming welfare and have a different username on the affiliate's site then you need to state that in your post to get credit.)

[Image: ekovanotter.gif]
thanks @Carpy48 and @frithjofr and @rum_ham and @Julio Tokolosh and @Briedaqueduc for the sigs
Armada Inferno norway
(This post was last modified: 12-23-2019, 12:17 AM by JamesT.)

This week we want to hear about your player's skills in the kitchen. Eating during the busy SHL season may be more of a routine chore than something to fully enjoy, so tell us more about their capabilities rather than their habits. Are they incapable of making anything for themselves whatsoever, completely reliant on ordering out 100% of the time? Capable of the simplest "meals" only, like making a pb&j sandwich or MAYBE warming up some chicken nuggets with the right infrastructure? Or are they a regular world's best chef (a la legend Guy Fieri), whipping up beautiful recipes? Somewhere in between? What kinds of things have gone right (like a top-class feast)? What kinds of things have gone wrong (like burning a bowl of cereal)?

Written task: write 150+ words on the topic above.

My skills in the kitchen definitely need improvement on. I would say that I rely on TV dinners, mac & cheese, instant noodles and pizza pops as my main sources of nutrition at the moment. Thankfully we live in a world there are delivery options and without that feature I would be forced to only eat at restaurants instead of making myself meals at my own apartment. 

Improving my cooking skills in the kitchen is something that I need to improve on as I am now living on my own and need to learn how to take care of myself. Luckily I make enough income playing hockey to be able to eat out or have delivery but I don't want to always rely on that. Most recently I watched a youtube video on how to make your own pasta and things went terribly wrong, I left the pasta in the oven for too long and it got burnt so I ended up throwing it away. For the rest of this season I will be watching and reading up more on homemade meal preparation, fingers crossed no more burnt foods will be in my kitchen.

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I don't think I'm the best cook, my cooking habits usually involved making sandwiches at their top level. Usually I would just order take out, Chinese food always works, or microwave some stuff. Mac and cheese is good, so I would classic that as simple meals. One time I tried to make pasta and it didn't end well. I spilled marinara sauce everywhere, the pasta clumped together and turned to mush, and I also managed to burn my hand in the process. The burn was bad enough that it almost kept me out of the game, this was right before a game and I was supposed to hit the ice in two hours. I'm lucky the burn wasn't too serious and that I have tile floors in my kitchen, so the spilled food didn't stain anything. But after that fiasco, I'm surely not making any attempts at cooking a serious meal any time soon. Just eat with the team at the local pubs, it's all good.

hodOOOOr'hOOOdoooooooor hoooodor hOOdOOORRRR, Hooooooodooooorrrr HoooooddddddddoooooooRRRR

SMJHL Stats || SHL Stats
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Berserkers Elk Falcons Renegades Germany

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Outlaws Switzerland Wolfpack
S53 All-Star and Richan Trophy Nominee
S60 Jeff Dar Trophy Winner
Never forget

While Harry is more known as the league's coffee connoisseur (some may say addict), he knows his way around the kitchen relatively well. During his time in the SMJHL he lived alone for his first one and a half season until he moved in with Lions rookie Gordon Bombay. That was the time when he realized he needed to learn more about cooking, because the kid barely knew how to operate his coffee maker and Harry couldn't watch him eat crap all the time. Little by little he found out how much fun cooking could be and also how much better it was to have the rookie wash the dishes afterwards. Now, living in Toronto and earning enough to afford a larger apartment with a decent kitchen (including a dishwasher), Harry regularly hosts some of his teammates after a big win and cooks for them. It's what you do as a team captain (Mika is responsible for nights when they go out drinking). While he's not at a gourmet level yet, things are improving and at least everyone has survived so far - and they all usually stay for dessert (and coffee).

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sigs either by @Wasty, @Nokazoa, @sulovilen, @Capt_Blitzkrieg, @sköldpaddor, @Ragnar, @enigmatic, @Lime or myself

Stars Lions Berserkers
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simmer claim

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Oh boy will this surprise you guys. Williams does one thing really well in the kitchen, but I cannot just tell you what it is, I have to tell you step by step instructions for you to fully grasp the greatness that is William's signature dish. First thing first, I get my favorite bowl from the cupboard, this is crucial as any other bowl will not work for this. I carefully place it on the counter next to my stove. Next I grab two spoons from the silverware drawer, I prefer teaspoon but will take a tablespoon if it is my only option. On top of my fridge I keep a jar of sugar, I pull that down and put it next to my bowl. I reach into another cupboard and pull out a box of Frosted Flakes. I pull the milk out of the fridge. I than proceed to pour the cereal and milk into the bowl, I use one of the spoons to scoop just a little bit of sugar to add to the already sugary cereal. I enjoy while watching highlights from the night before. Perfection.


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Specters Monarchs Berserkers Scarecrows [Image: italian-flag.jpg?s=612x612&w=0&k=20&c=tO...eKFgvtgqU=]

Specters Armada Scarecrows Czechia
Panthers Specters Jets Scarecrows Usa [Image: 4star.png] [Image: challengecup.png] [Image: challengecup.png]
RIP Dangel #AD26  |  RIP TDZ

Jagger Fouquette is a fantastic chef, capable of making any dish you could possibly name. Go ahead, name one. Fouquette can make that. He learned his chef mastery from his father himself, Gordon Ramsey. Ramsey gave Jagger a tough upbringing, but in the end, Fouquette was much better at cooking having learned from the master himself. Fouquette can make your molten lava cakes, your Baked Alaska, your Boeuf Bourguignon. Honestly, he finds it extremely easy. It comes so naturally to him he honestly is angry at people who can't cook at his level, and has alienated a multitude of friends because of this. Jagger has prepared fantastic dishes for 3 michelin star restaurants as young as 14, he has never failed a single dish. There is nothing Fouquette can't do in the kitchen, and his ability to make the best meals for himself is a huge part of why he is such a healthy, in shape player.

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(This post was last modified: 12-23-2019, 10:05 AM by Alex Mack.)

Believe it or not I have done a lot of cooking in the kitchen and during the holiday season it’s my second favorite room in the house to be in. You of course know the first. This season like every season I make a classic spinach sausage bread it’s ingredients are only the best, Organic Spinach, Organic Onions, Italian Sausage straight from Brooklyn and the finest cheese also from Brooklyn Mozzarella and Parmesan. I also get the pizza dough from my favorite pizza place, you can ask them in advance, this year I made 15 breads. This is my recipe for 3 breads: I take 4 boxes of frozen leaf spinach and boil it in water and then drain every bit of water out of it. This year Esa helped me with that, he was on spinach draining duty.  I take 3lbs of ground sausage and cook it with 3 onions until thoroughly cooked, then I add 1.5 lbs or 1.5 blocks of mozzarella shredded along with ½ cup of parmesan and stir it together then I stir in 3 eggs and the spinach. Once it’s all mixed I roll a dough out and put the mixture into the center and then fold up the bread and seal it with egg wash. I cook it at 350 for 35 min until dough is cooked and brown. It’s Delicious. As you can see I am a master at everything I take on. Cooking is only one of my many talents.

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Mitchell van der Heijden always prides himself on his baking skills. Most of his teammates (i.e. Augustus Wang, Stan Hanson) couldn't cook a warm-up macaroni and cheese to save their lives, but Mitchell can actually make things. "Growing up in the Netherlands, my mom taught me how to bake cookies, pastries, pies, the sort. I can't really make actual food, but I'm good at following recipes, and I think my baking skills have to be the best on the team. Cooking is a maybe, but I know I won't cuck up when I make something like a pizza or a grilled cheese." However, he's not prone to mistakes. "My first time in Anchorage, I had to make a pizza for the team for dinner, and I messed it up real bad. It was burnt everywhere, the sauce tasted like ass, and the cheese was just HORRIBLE. But at least I can make a competent one now." This young man has some decent cooking skills.

Armada Monarchs Germany

Armada Steelhawks Switzerland

Armada Specters Wolfpack Steelhawks Forge Switzerland

Scarecrows pride Chiefs Riot Stars Blizzard Ireland

ty to @High Stick King @EvilAllBran and @Ragnar for the sigs

Lyle Odelein III is not the best cook, but he is a big fan of food and is trying to teach himself to cook.  Coming from Montreal he has one dish that he does very well, he will cook you one of the best Montreal Smoked Meat sandwich's with a side of poutine that you've ever had.  Now living in New Orleans, he is attempting to add to his cooking repertoire, he has been trying out as many local restaurants that he can.  He is slowly wrapping his head around the Creole cooking, you'd think that Montreal and New Orleans both having very strong French connections, they would have a similar cooking styles. They do not.  Lyle had never even heard of, let only eat, a craw-daddy. Now in his second season in New Orleans, he is finally ready to attempt some Creole cooking, he is planning to cook a jambalaya for the whole Odelein clan for their holiday gathering.  He sounds fairly confident that he will be successful, his family (test subjects) will be the judges of that!

[Image: Ci4nm13.png]sig by @Bruins10 
Scarecrows   Specters   Canada 


If there is anything Knox is really good at, it’s finding his way around the kitchen. Gone are the days of processed mac and cheese and or microwaved meals, as Knox as graduated to the level of Chef ala Booth. What is it you desire the most? Are you a fine diner or a person looking for something simple? Whatever it may be Knox can mix it up for you in the kitchen and serve you up a plate so delicious you’ll come crying for more. How did Knox learn to handle himself so well in the kitchen? Through practice and learning of course. Every single time Knox cooks he learns something new about the dishes he makes and there is no perfect recipe, all things come with time and tweaks here and there. Also, there are many different palates to please and so Knox tries his best to accommodate his guests by either adding a little more salt or a little less. Are you hungry? Come on down to the Booth Chalet and enjoy yourself a nice meal with Knox Booth as your Chef.

185 words

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Phineas Gold is an expert when it comes to basic kitchen cooking. He is more of a baker and like to indulge in making sweets and baked good for his team on off days or just in general. It is know that Phineas will sometimes come to morning practice with a fresh baked good he made the previous night to put in the locker room. The team usually passes around these confectionary sweets with much relish as most of them do not seem to be bakers. This does not mean that Phineas is not without his own problems in the kitchen. While he can cook and bake, it takes a lot of time out of his day and after long training sessions there are times when he would rather just order out. He has done things like overcook steaks and screw up basic things like scrambled eggs late at night when he is tired. He might be a good cook, but he is not a god.

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Credit to Vulfzilla for the awesome render pic
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Tibuk Soonika is a terrible cook. But that is fine because ever since he has been transplanted into Swiss life he has learned the wonders that are Fondue and Raclette. Both dishes Tibuk has found out have proved rather hard to mess up really badly. Tibuk has in fact become so enamoured with these means of cooking that he has ventured out to try and see if he can give his own twists to these classic hearty dishes. Recent attempts have included; using bacon fat fondue to cook breakfast foods or "Breakfast Fondue", using traditional pacific seafood (shipped from the home boys in Anaheim) in Raclette, Various experiments with different cheese in Raclette, and finally the crowning achievement "Caramel Fondue". The world of Swiss traditional foods and cooking are becoming a staple at the Soonika house hold and it does not look it is going to be changing. Even if the trainers in Chicago are harping on him about his love handles.

Tibuk Soonika - G - Tampa Bay Barracuda| Portal Page
(This post was last modified: 12-23-2019, 01:56 PM by CementHands.)

Karl is quite handy in the kitchen. His favorite meal to whip up pre game is chicken alfredo fettuccine. He first got inspired with pre game meals in his rookie year when Essa @Steelhead77 was feeding the team the best chicken parm sammiches.
His secret for making the dish so tasty is to severely undercook the pasta (we're talking 2 minutes instead of 7), use an entire stick of butter for the sauce - When you think you have enough, add another cup.
Finally he combines everything in a casserole dish and bakes the combination for about 30 minutes. The resulting dish is both delicious, carb loading for that big game, and if you add enough garlic you're breath will be repulsive enough that no one will give you the stinky glove out of fear for their glove.

His billet, sweet mamma June is also known to be the best southern Louisiana chef in all of Halifax. The team frequents her yard for her world famous milkshakes (Thicc Cheezy @sailingdrumstick in particular has taken to them quite fondly)

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Piotr likes his food cold. Whatever it is. The reason why is that it reminds him of home. During the season he moved back to Texas, which is unsurprisingly not like Russia at all. So to give him those warm feelings he likes to eat frozen hamburger patties, or even an entire frozen pizza. With that said, as you can guess he isn’t very skilled inside of the kitchen. The skills he does have are knowing what seasonings go with what food to really bring that nice freezer burned flavor forward. Normally you would use some ketchup and mayo on that hamburger, well that’s not the case when we are talking about frozen burgers. Then it’s all about the Heinz 47 then. This was a little weird for the rest of the team when he first made the jump into the bigs, but they have come to welcome it as he is very easy to cook for when he visits, and he doesn’t add anything extra to the restaurant bill as he usually just brings a frozen Hot Pocket.

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