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S51 PT #5 - In The Kitchen


Daniel Bischoff is obviously an excellent cook. He is excellent at everything he does. His most famous dish is his authentic Swiss fondue that he whips out at team get togethers sometimes. It is hugely popular and everybody loves it. He even once heard his coach say they might kidnap him sk he could eat more.
When it comes to everyday meals that he can make easily, well, he can make anything easily as he is an excellent cook, but Daniel Bischoff is very fond of pasta.
There is the quick and easy pasta and cheese. Daniel is not fond of the American macaroni cheese but instead prefers to just add some grated cheese to his pasta like he was once taught by a professional chef. This is a great quick meal to have if you're hungry but not ready for a full meal.
Other options that Daniel will make is pasta with tuna mayonnaise and of course, cheese, which is great for lunch or for dinner when its hot in the summer. He also likes pasta with meatballs and of course, cheese which he eats for dinner when its cold. His favourite though takes longer to prepare so he doesn't have it a lot and it is pasta with baked beans and sweetcorn. Yum.

Gunnar has been bribing his way into having ideal roommates since he was pretty young (having a cute dog helps too, but also he can cook). He has mastered his mom’s recipe for meatballs, and lately has been branching out and attempting a lot of pastries, with mixed success. He makes a pretty good stir fry, and can put together a tray of tacos that has been judged more than satisfactory by multiple teammates in the past. Now that he lives in Florida, he’s been focusing on a lot of fish-centric meals, especially with the fish that are common and easy to acquire in the area around his apartment. The problem with Gunnar’s cooking is that he gets too confident because he’s very good at the few recipes he’s mastered, and he thinks he can get away with daring combinations that no one should ever be attempting. Eating at Gunnar’s can be very rewarding, or it can be emotionally scarring, and you’re never quite sure which you’re going to get.

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my skills in the kitchen could actually be pretty closely compared to my skills on the ice... i would say im just competent. cooking has always sort of interested me so its something i picked up on quite fast. i can make pretty much anything if i have a recipe to follow but im at a point where i kind of just skim a few different recipes for the same dish and go for it. you start to learn pretty quickly which sort of ingredients can go together so making things up on the fly becomes relatively easy. its also pretty important to learn which sort of tastes counter balance each other... it makes masking your screw ups much easier. from there its really all about refining your dishes, figuring out what worked well and what didnt. im still working on that step but i have a few dishes down pat that i dont need any reference for. its also fun to try new things and challenge myself so ill try to cook and eat literally anything.

Being a big guy, Joln loves to cook big meals, and has mastered the big holidays when it comes to cooking. Being Christmas and all, he always prepares for the holidays by making his specialties, along with a few recipies he gained by living in the United States and Canada for so long. While he does well when it comes to making the main course, his specialty is making side dishes. Swedish Meatballs, Mashed Potatoes; you know the drill. He's learned to widen his pallet over the last few seasons, usually being very picky when it comes to ingredients. For mashed potatoes, he always uses garlic he buys the day before, then minces it as he mixes. For Swedish Meatballs, he always tries to use the freshest meat possible and tries not to freeze it at all. With that said, he always wants people to enjoy his cooking, and will be happy once his teammates and family eats it.

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Luca Veccelli is not a master in the kitchen, in any sense. It's a struggle sometimes for him to get the right foods and nutrients before games, practices, and training. It's at least easier in home games. The comfort of your own kitchen, where you've got all your kitchen knickknacks. On the road it's a nightmare for Luca. You're staying in hotels, and maybe you try and find restaurants. But it's the morning of practice. 10 AM you've got to be there, you want to get proper foods in your body to be ready. From a hotel? Do you go out for breakfast, find some eggs? Veccelli is not nearly good enough in the kitchen to figure out how to make his own proper breakfast while in a hotel. At home at least, he's comfortable enough and skilled enough to whip up some eggs in the morning, or cook some good chicken, or steak, and pasta before a big game day. By no means can Veccelli cook like he wishes. It would be the dream to be able to properly cook all kinds of meals to optimize performance. Maybe one day when he reaches the SHL, there will be resources he can get with the big contract that get him some more cooking skills.

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Prince George Firebirds GM (S34-S36)
Toronto North Stars GM (S37-S43)
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Dom has come a long way in the kitchen, especially from juniors to his first year in the SHL. In the SMJHL, he was only a step above knowing that you shouldn't leave raw chicken on the counter for a full day. Before he sailed off to California to join the San Francisco Pride, he got some cooking lessons and is now very fond of grilling veggies (only burning a couple pieces of asparagus) when he is outside and can cook chicken breast a couple different ways (only sometimes cooking them too dry, but if he is not distracted, it usually turns out just fine). He tries to make a habit of cooking for himself, but when he's feeling like steak or seafood, he does like to go out to eat. Those will be the next proteins he learns how to master, but he's still got a ways to go in the kitchen.

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sigs by sulovilen, slothfacekilla, Flareon
avatar by prettyburn
Current: Wolfpack raiders Uk | Alumni: Inferno pride Knights Germany

Ola Wagstrom has some cooking talent. It isn’t quite intuition, but if there’s a recipe, he can follow it to the tee and have it turn out perfect. He is a master chef of sweets, and particularly loves making French desserts such as croissants and eclairs. If he wants to keep it simple, he’ll make cookies; he loves making thumbprint cookie particularly, which are great for mindless snacking. Of course, his typical meals aren’t desserts. He likes to make soups for himself often, giant cups of it. His vegetable barley and minestrone soups are said to be his finest, and they can either serve as lunch or go with a meal at dinner. His favorite meal to make is beef wellingtons, which are basically pastries that are delectable meals. He can also serve up some great sides, so suffice to say he is more than capable of cooking up whatever he desires before a game. People have even said he should start his own restaurant after he retires from hockey, so his cooking must be quite good.


Leo grew up helping his step mother out in the kitchen, so he's actually an excellent cook. When his dad remarried, cooking was something Leo's new step mom liked to do, and she enjoyed teaching him, so it was kinda how they bonded. Now Leo still helps his step mom in the kitchen every holiday that he's fortunate enough to get to spend at home. If he's not able to travel back to Concord for the holidays, he'll cook for any of his teammates who want to come over and celebrate. He also enjoys cooking on his off days. Trying a new recipe is one of his favorite things, though he also likes to experiment, so sometimes he'll tweak recipes for fun to try and make them even more delicious. Even though he's an excellent cook, Leo isn't the best baker. He can handle easy stuff like cookies, but he's never gotten the hang of baking from scratch because you have to be very precise and Leo would rather wing it.

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Sigs by: King, Tweedledunn, Me
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Nolan McMahon actually has some great skills int he kitchen. Nolan watches a lot of Jamie Oliver cooking shows and thus when he is reading the news or doing an activity around the apartment, he tends to brush up on some cooking skills. Nolan has gone as far as purchasing some Jamie Oliver cook books and trying out some of the recipes. His favourite thing to make is oven roasted chicken in different ways. A nice sun-dried tomato infused chicken can bring all the taste out for you. That and some coconut milk infused rice to compliment the chicken goes a long way. One of the best things he makes is his bundt cake though. A cake was one of the hardest things McMahon ventured into with baking but he was a quick study and followed some google recipe that turned out to be priceless. The next things Nolan wants to try is making some short ribs or some dry ribs to go with a nice story fry mix.

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LA Panthers Goaltender

Phelps has some English and French family in his background and he has learned a bit from his parents and grandparents, so his dishes sometimes will have fancy names and sound really cool, but ultimately they are mostly burnt crap. He does make a mean steak on the barbecue but in the kitchen he tries to do too much and ends up forgetting something, which almost always is whatever was in the oven. Lucky for Robert his wife Nicole is a great cook and she makes most of the meals, except in the summertime when you'll find him out at the grill every night grilling up something. The family favorite is grilled salmon with butter lemon sauce and corn on the cob. With the season ending recently and the playoffs starting up it's getting closer and closer to grilling season. Hopefully for Phelps he won't be grilling until he's won a few playoff series.

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Joseph Weston is a man of many talents, but cooking for meals is not entirely one of them. Instead, Joseph Weston excels at baking. Baking is his shindig in the kitchen, to the point where he has a double oven set up and ready to go for the holidays. Pies? Done. Cakes? Already on it. Cookies? By the hundreds of dozens. Ever since he was little Joseph Weston has excelled at baking, but not so much actual cooking. As long as he can dump a cup of sugar and some love into something he can make it right with the correct amount of dough. Last few practices over the winter months Weston has been bringing in cookies and other snacks for the team just because he can. It is always the little things that contribute to a team, and Weston always makes sure to contribute however he can. Always forward, go Kraken!

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S66 Damian Littleton

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Battleborn | Barracuda | Usa

When the season began, Adam was determined to make a balanced diet a part of his training regimen.
Then he went on a goal scoring drought.
So he tried to mix things up. Every day before practice, he’d order an Iced Capp from Tim Hortons and dump a full bag of m&ms inside.
The slump continued.
Not to be deterred, he instead bought a Big Mac from McDonalds, a Baconator from Wendys, and a Papa Burger from A&W. He would meticulously mix and match each ingredient from the three burgers together to make super burgers. Adam claimed this ‘increased genetic diversity’.
He played worse than he’d ever had.
Finally, there was an unsuccessful attempt to grow his own food. The backyard of his Halifax home was lined with carrots, potatoes, and turnips. Unfortunately, none of them grew to a size larger than a cheeto. So naturally, he decided to forget the garden and just eat cheetos.
He gained a disturbing amount of weight and the insides of his gloves were lined with a coating of orange dust, but he actually finished the season pretty strong. One wonders if this new found superfood will keep up its potency once Adam graduates to the big leagues, or if he’ll simply eat his way out of the SHL. ■

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This holiday season, Jack Kennedy invited his team mates and their families over to enjoy his Christmas food specialty, which is deep fried turkey. Most everyone knows that turkey is a Christmas time standard, gorged upon and slathered and gravy, before the spiked egg nogs and a nap. However, deep fried turkey is another beast entirely. A 14lb cooks in 49 minutes flat, and the resulting golden crispy skinned and moist meat is life changing. So here is how it's done. 24 hours before dropping this bad boy in the peanut oil, I'll dry brine the bird and its cavity with a secret herb and spice mixture, more is more in this case. Then she sits in the fridge uncovered til the next day. This makes the skin nice a tonight (like a tiger). When it's time to fry, the peanut oil will reach 350 degrees F. You slowly drop your (FULLY THAWED I REPEAT FULLY THAWED) bird in to the bubbling peanut oil in a stainless steel pot over a propane burner. Once the bird is fully submerged, sit back, crack a cold one, but always keep a fire extinguisher on deck. This will be the best turkey you ever eat and will ruin oven roasted birds for ever.

Healthy eating is part of the job when you're a pro athlete, so JT usually keeps things pretty basic during the regular season. He's not much of a cook but most of his diet consists of pretty healthy options. Lots of chicken, rice and green vegetables typically, which are pretty easy to make. He tends to just follow the 'meal prep' route, not because he is particularly trendy, but it saves him a lot of time on game days. Usually at home he has a pretty standard game day meal, but on the road he'll join the boys at whatever steak or pasta place they choose.
In the summer though he lets loose a little bit and loves to fire up the barbecue and his smoker, making steaks, ribs, burgers and the like. He still tends to stick with healthy options overall but will let loose a little more than he would during the season.

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Credits to OrbitingDeath, Tweedle, Incite, Wasty, and Slothfacekilla for sigs!

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