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S53 PT #5 - Contract Negotiations

Contract negotiations are tough sometimes, especially if you are a player in regression. Memories of your prime are still deep in your mind, but what happens on the ice now might not be so near to that prime level anymore. What I like to do is show a quick montage of my highlights and then throw a number on the table that I think is fair, for example not so long ago I was talking about a new contract with the NEW management.

I started the whole negotiations by saying: I want to be paid like Rex, here is why.

I then put a video on that had clips of Kirkby shooting wide of the net, taking penalties, etc, you know little errors/mistakes. After each clip, I edited in clips of me doing something good, blocking shots, good opening passes, etc.

When the video ended I said: 5 mils for 54 and 55.

The management managed to negotiate the price down a little bit by saying my clips were years old, some were well before I even joined New England, so that cost me 1 mil on s55.

Some say putting your teammate down like that to make yourself look good is dirty and shady, but the career of a hockey player is short, could end it at any time, so I don't feel bad.

Unfortunately as the GM there is not much I can do to convince myself to get a raise, as with all GMs I’m going to be having to take a team friendly deal that allows me to pay the rest of my team more money. This is fine with me as it supports the guy’s around me and makes the team better, but it is sad not getting paid more money than I do. To remedy this, Kaarlo Kekkonen will be looking for some added perks in his new contract this offseason. He will be moving to Dallas to play for the Renegades permanently next offseason, and so will need a new house there paid for by the team. It needs to feature a sauna as this is very important to a young Finn like him. He will also need a direct clause in his contract that allows him to break team diet restrictions and eat Taco Bell whenever he pleases. This last point is very important and could be a sticking point for Kaarlo in re-signing with the Renegades.

180 words

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This is something I have been thinking about for awhile now. I last signed a contract in ~S48 that was 8 seasons long and very team friendly. This time around, I'll probably do the same thing, with much less term and a couple little perks added to it. I love New Orleans, so I know I will be staying here until they bury me somewhere over looking a bayou. Anyways, back to the task at hand.. My next contract negotiation is going to request something outrageously stupid for the sake of being stupid. I have heard tales from many sources of players requesting Spa's and such, but I am above that here, I want something better. Something unique. I do not want to give out too much info on that right now but I will tell you about some other perks. Would you look at that, already at my word count and I have literally said nothing. I think a performance bonus would be nice thing to add to my contract, nothing major. Something like, "500k if Williams scores 15 goals." Not bad right?


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Specters Monarchs Berserkers Scarecrows [Image: italian-flag.jpg?s=612x612&w=0&k=20&c=tO...eKFgvtgqU=]

Specters Armada Scarecrows Czechia
Panthers Specters Jets Scarecrows Usa [Image: 4star.png] [Image: challengecup.png] [Image: challengecup.png]
RIP Dangel #AD26  |  RIP TDZ

Mitchell van der Heijden hasn't exactly enjoyed his time spent with his New Orleans Specters teammates so far. Sure, he's excited to come up, and he likes some of his future teammates, but some just aren't the right fit. This theoretically will affect the way van der Heijden will negotiate a new contract. His current contract ends after S55, and he's unsure about his future after that. "I'm really not sure what's next, to be honest. I may stay, I may go. Depends on the next two seasons." So although he would like to earn a 10x10 coveted by all and gained by few (I'm looking at you, CCII), he wants a raise. "I think I have the potential to be one of the best players in the SHL when I hit my prime. That's worthy of a raise, right?" So, somewhere in the ballpark of 5 to 6 million is probably where he'd start. May be a bit high but it'll be worth it.


Armada Steelhawks Switzerland

Armada Specters Wolfpack Steelhawks Forge Switzerland

Scarecrows pride Chiefs Riot Stars Blizzard Ireland

ty to @High Stick King @EvilAllBran and @Ragnar for the sigs

PT pass but 10x10 or bust

I am a simple man. When it comes to contracts, its all about the team. I do not need big money, or a no trade clause, or a performance bonus. If I had to ask for one thing though, it would be that @thiefofcheese could get a supply of cheese so he could stop living a life of crime. It is sad state that a professional SHLer needs to live a life of crime to get the things they need in life. If he could get the sleep, he needs instead of spending his nights breaking into gas stations and drinking their cheese sauce every day, I think he would be a top 5 player in the league. Now that I am thinking about it, I would also like to add a supply of vodka with that. Both requests would require barely anything from the team, but would make us much more competitive.

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(This post was last modified: 04-20-2020, 08:57 AM by Ferda.)

Augustus Wang has spent much of his juniors career working hard and studying game tape of the GREATEST OF ALL TIME, Cameron Carter II aka CC2 aka the GOAT aka JODAN, which has propelled him into the leading contract negotiator from the S50 Draft Class. After a successful BLOCKBUSTER 2 YEAR, 11 MILLION DOLLAR ENTRY LEVEL CONTRACT, Wang is looking to take it a step further when his next contract expires. Wang cites that CC2 himself has graced him with the title of being the "Baby GOAT" and should only add to his stunning ability to negotiate highly lucrative contracts; most notably, the prized 10x10 contract. Not only that, Wang also brings the unique intangible of being a posterchild for the brand "SHLKush" as he has made it well known amongst all users that has the finest goods available at the lowest prices with coupon code WANG20. Unfortunately, Wang and his associates have stated that coupon code WANG20 does not work when his general managers try to sign him to a fresh contract.

(174 Words)

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Armada        Canada        Stampede
Falcons        Usa

Simmer claim

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One of my buddies, @ryan cvit was given a contract that was basically double mine when we were drafted. To top that off, I played at almost a point per game pace (48 in 50) whereas he and the most of the other players drafted before me did not do as well. I looked at this as unfair because Ryan was drafted AFTER me. I was a first round pick and he was an early second. I understand that my team that I was drafted to, the Blizzard, is in a good position to contend for the SHL chip this year and next so all of the other players drafted also received reduced contracts. I’m currently living a great life on the Detroit Falcons and plan on playing for the Blizzard soon, but I feel that with the potential I posses I deserve a better contract next time around. I was left out to dry this year and had to earn almost all of my TPE from the progression activities while some draftees are still getting 5 TPE a week from their contracts.

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I wouldn't feel the need to negotiate a new contract with my GM however if I absolutely HAD time I am sure there are some things that I could add to the pot to sweeten up my deal. We already get free parking at the arena. However, with all of the dealerships we are partners with wouldn't it make sense to hook-up the starting goaltender with a new whip? A rental of course but this could be a good chance to help both sides with a win win. I get a brand new car to drive to the rink and the dealership has a new marketing strategy. Aside from a vehicle, I would also like to brainstorm how we get to and from games. Private jet? All of the SHL teams have this luxury so I think it's time the SMJHL stepped up their game to allow the team's to purchase their own private jets. When I would land my brand new rental car could be sitting there waiting for my to drive home to my mom's house. Now that I think about it, I guess a house could be cool too.

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Kata Vilde is pretty broke at the moment but he's never been demanding with Calgary GM Steelhead when it comes to money. He's always been willing to take a little less to help field a better team for the Dragons. So it's not really about money, it's more about the perks. The past 2 offseasons, Vilde has gotten into trouble for coming into camp out of shape from his offseason activities. The problem being is that Vilde is a known foodie so he visits several prime restaurants to enjoy their fare. He is planning to do a Diners Drive Ins and Dives road trip this offseason. Calgary has talked about putting in a weight clause in Vilde's contract and he will have none of this. he is known as one of the hardest working goaltenders in the league and can get into shape very quickly. So there will be no clause in the new contract to stop Vilde from enjoy his passion for great food in the offseason!

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Carlos isn't really about money, but he enjoys perks. When time comes for him to sign a new deal with Edmonton or any other team, he'll be expecting at least as much money as he's making now but on top of that he'd expect a decent per diem for food. Carlos also intends to include his car on his contract along with season tickets for all other sports teams of the city where he plays. Carlos also wants to make sure his food on travel days is comped and he doesn't have to pay for that out of his own money.

Carlos doesn't plan on asking for much but he also doesn't plan on leaving any of it at the table, he expects to get every thing he asks for or else he knows he can find opportunities elsewhere with the kind of talent he has.

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C.T. Carragher is trying desperately to make it known that he needs a raise. However, the new sim isn't so sure. He's got 25 points in 38 games, which is just ok. I think I know what it'll take to get some more money, though. If Carragher is able to replicate his magical playoff performance from last season and maybe, just maybe, let the Outlaws have another Four Star Cup out of it, well that would be just awesome. How could he not get a raise after that? I know this isn't baseball, but that was 2015 Daniel Murphy-esque from the Mets, except the Outlaws actually won the championship in question (*sighs*). Carragher is going to have to pick it up in these last twelve regular season games in order to be primed and ready for the playoffs. If he continues to work hard and impress in the clutch, SHL teams will have a hard time not paying up!

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I definitely wouldn't mind getting a bigger paycheck every year, but I also just signed a team friendly deal for 8 seasons in Toronto. This is because I wanted the team to be competitive and not tie all of it's funds up in myself. If I was going to negotiate a bigger salary I'd say it'd be pretty easy to do on Toronto. I'm the highest TPE forward on the team and I'm the 1C on the team. That position alone puts me in spot to make a lot of cash. On top of that, I'm the highest scoring rookie in SHL history for the SimonT era. I'm currently also top 8 in the league in Takeaways this season. As a cornerstone player for the franchise, I am probably being underpaid. So, I'd have to use the fact that I'm going to be the highest TPE forward on the team until I hit regression as a reason to get paid more. Basically, using the numbers and my game play to force the GM to pay me on a team where I cannot be replaced.

Mika Kandinsky Stars 

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My next contract negotiations with @Muerto will be very interesting. I grew up in rural Manitoba, and while I like playing for a hometown team, good luck getting me to like Winnipeg as a city. Its cold, dangerous (murder capital of Canada for a number of years) and after one weekend of activity, you are stuck wondering what to do other than watch the Jets. Because of this, I am demanding that I receive a annual pass to the museum of Human Rights, all you can eat maple syrup taffy every year when the Festival du Voyageur is held, and a large Tim Horton's coffee with 20 timbits delivered to my locker every morning. The financial cost of this may not be much for the Jets, but they are necessary for me to re-sign. I cannot really ask for a fancy car, as the snow and potholes would ruin it in one winter. Maybe I will demand that I have a "If he goes I go" clause in my contract with Magnus Liljestrom (@roastpuff) because Detroit 4 life. Falcons Jets

Thanks Wasty, Carpy, JSS, TurdFerguson, Geekusoid and Awesomecakes for the sigs!
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