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SHL 10 Year Anniversary - Bonus PT
(This post was last modified: 05-04-2020, 12:48 PM by StamkosFan.)

It was S44. Ola Wagstrom was just drafted 2nd overall by the Winnipeg Jets in the previous season. After the Detroit Falcons were eliminated, he found out that his new parent club had advanced to the finals. He was called up to play a shift or two on line 4 in the Challenge Cup finals. What a dream for a young player! The Jets defeated the Edmonton Blizzard to claim the S44 Challenge Cup. Getting to be there and be a small part of that victory is still the highlight of his career. He has been chasing another Cup ever since, with no success.

The other fondest memory he has is winning the S48 gold medal as the new Fed Head of Team Sweden. Against all odds, it was a true Cinderella tale. Wagstrom had to move himself to defense to fill the team’s needs, but deploying the unconventional strategy of playing the best players lower in the lineup worked out. Facing the powerhouse Canada in the quarterfinals, Sweden shocked the world and knocked them out. It was a one goal win, but it was enough. Underdogs again squaring up against Ireland, a team that had won the tournament multiple times in the past 10 years. They just barely won again, in an even closer game, a game that went to OT. But they came through when they needed to. Now they had to face the strongest team in the IIHF, the mighty USA. But that ended up being their most convincing win; a 4-2 commanding victory. Sweden celebrated their unexpected success for awhile to come, and the gold medal is a treasure to them all, most especially Wagstrom.


Where do I start with my most memorable memory of all the SHL memories.

I think for me it's really a tie between 3 moments in my SHL career.

1) S31 Draft class and the events leading up to it.
- Being one of the largest draft classes I have ever seen, it was a whirlwind of events from beginning to end. From the S31 class discord. The cliques that formed quickly and borderline cults around some players was something I had never experienced in an online community. The fun conversations, mixed with absolute vitrol from mock drafts was quite the mix to experience as a new user.

2) Winning my 1st Challenge Cup
- When you are watching multiple draftees from your class clean up on the cup for years leading up to your first kills you on a competitive level. When I finally got to hoist the cup with the Platoon for the 1st time felt really surreal and great like a mini pay off for all the hard work.

3) After 3 nominations finally winning a Stevens Award
- I SHOULD have won it the 1st time but the lack of name recognition I think played a big part into the eventual loss. Winning it after my 3rd attempt finally was such a mix of relief and and excitement that all that TPE earning was finally worth something on a individual level.

[Image: 4zfXx6o.gif]

Man I mean where do I even start.

When I joined the site I had no idea what was going on or what I was doing really. I remember speaking with @luketd , @Kalakar and @Acsolap specifically, who all helped welcome me right away as I slowly figured things out, then when the draft came like the day after I joined assclap showed faith in me with a late 2nd rounder, and that was the start of a wild 1 year of my life.

Anchorage was and still is more than just a fictional sports team on a website for me, I've made friends there that I'm more comfortable sharing real life stuff with than friends that I knew before even joining the site. So no matter what happens in the rest of my SHL life, S47 was still the best season because I was lucky enough to end up in Anchorage. Shoutout to the S48 boat gang @DaftRaincloud @frithjofr @Bongo @KenitohMenara @Le_Kris @GreyGooseVodka and of course the legend Vic Toeman as well. But not Patrick Perry Jr. Fuck you Perry Jr. (This is a meme not malicious please grade still).

Then came Hamilton. Going into the S48 draft I wasn't really sure what I wanted. I knew I was probably a top 10 prospect and several teams had contacted me but I wasn't sure of any preferences I had. Then at one point I decided to try and see if I could spark interest from 2nd overall team Hamilton because I thought their branding was cool and I already somewhat knew their co-GM, Waters, through Anchorage and thought he was funny and chill. Sure enough after answering the questions, nour reached out to me for the team to talk, and after that chat I was totally sold on going to Hammy. Hallsy was really skeptical, and probably justifiably so because 2nd overall on a first gen who was iirc not even top 10 in class TPE is a big risk, but nour and waters fought hard enough for me to get taken in the end, and the rest is history. So thanks @nour and @Waters , and also @Hallsy for coming around in the end. Being Co-GM here now, I wanna try and do the most I can for you guys just like you guys did for me <3

Additional shoutouts to

@hotdog , @ml002 (dumb man) , @golden_apricot , @Ferda , @Budgie , @artermis , @boucherfan12 , @bluesfan55 , @ej27 + @Jenny (you guys were great PT directors and I hope I can do as well) , @Fordyford , @Toivo , @Jepox , @goldenglutes , @Sleepy , @Tomasnz , @Weretarantula , @mdubz and more recently @SAwful @honkerrs @Frick_Nasty. *inhales* love my boat gang and former boat gang, you guys are the best. I definitely forgot a few people so I'm sorry.

@Gooney , was awesome hanging out with you, Nour and Waters in Toronto and I'm looking forward to doing it again big guy

@DrunkenTeddy , @notorioustig , @dmills3 , @aaronwilson , @jakub , @Samee , @adamantium , @SecondSucks22, @Good_Ole_Kimmy , the people who have been in Hamilton from when I joined and who I've enjoyed talking with through text and voice since I joined almost a year ago. Hope i didn't forget anyone there lol

My Canada guys @Kalakar , @Briedaqueduc , @Nokazoa , @jeffie43 , @Naosu , @charlieconway , @5ympathies , @Ace , you guys have been huge helps to making Canada really active nowadays when it was basically dead when I joined it. Even though I've won fuckall in my Canada career, the biggest win for me was building a community there, and that's worth more than all the golds, silvers and bronzes that I've failed to get us kekw

Yeah that's about it, hope there isn't a limit for the amount of @s I can have in a post.

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Having been in this league (off and on) since late 2010, I’ve had an interesting experience in the SHL. Like many other people I’ve seen posting in this thread, I joined as an immature young kid and have changed a lot since then. I’ve had a good amount of fond memories in my time here, but there’s one that stands out.
First was being inducted into the hall of fame with my first player, Turd Ferguson. It was great because at the time, I didn’t expect to be inducted at all. While we were still in the early seasons and the potential inductees might not have been as strong, Ferguson had only played for three or four seasons (I think it was three) and my only achievements were related to the trophy that held that player’s name. It was a bit of a surprise, but I consider it one of my favorite memories. Even though, in hindsight, I probably didn’t deserve to get in, it felt like a reward for my activity in the early days of the league. And I was a 13 year old with a lot of free time, so trust me I was very active back then.
It’s hard to just name this one memory to be honest. There have been many other great memories ( i.e. even though I didn’t enjoy GMing a ton, handling the draft for LAP in S10 was very fun), but I can’t list them all. And of course there are the people that I’ve met here (don’t want to try and name them all for fear of forgetting someone haha). It’s amazing to see that this league has lasted ten years and while there were a lot of changes to figure out when I came back, from what I can tell the vast majority have been for the better. Here’s to ten more.

Past players:
(S3) C/D - Turd Ferguson (HOF)
(S7) LW - Anton Wagner
(S13) RW - Christian Bauer
(S18) D - Turd Ferguson, Jr.
(S30) D - William Goddard
(This post was last modified: 05-04-2020, 01:05 PM by CFJ.)

Easily my favorite SHL moment or moments was winning my 2nd Cup with the Rage, people would assume it would be my first. But my first Cup was the ways of swindling the system by being a playing a minute in the Cup Finals against the Portland Admirals (yes it was THAT long ago) on the backs of the other great players on the team. But that Rage team headed by @TheRealBK & @Muerto were real underdogs in those Playoffs in S38 as most people didn't have us winning at all or let alone win the Challenge Cup in such a convincing fashion. @Velevra just joining the team in the off-season from the Steelhawks added some support to the Top Six. Overall, for me individually wasn't my best point production that season in the Regular Season for Crossfit Jesus. But as always Crossfit Jesus always turns up in the playoffs where it actually matters and Atmey, I & BK were firing along on all cylinders with Playoff Aittokallio @JayWhy once again getting the job done between the pipes along with Wollker manning the d line with @NUCK , along with our Captains Harry Hans @Harry Hans , Ace Redding @grimreaper . It was a great team to part of and the aftermath was controversial as I went to form the SHL Shield to create of the bigger power moves in the league.

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Thanks to prettyburn, TML, Carpy, JNH, Jepox, Engi, Karey, Flappy, Skolpadder, Mook, DollarAndADream, Smirnov and Toe for the sigs.

Crossfit's First Career SHL Goal, 4. Manhattan Rage , Crossfit Jesus 1 (Pedro Sarantez, Nucky Toohoots) at 5:51

Devitt's First Career SHL Goal, 5. Calgary Dragons , Prince Devitt 1 (Barry Batsbak 21, Mike Izzy 14) at 10:43


Most fond memories on this site? Lets start with the hype around the SMJHL draft in S38? I came as part of a reddit draft class from r/Hockey. Joining up was nerve-racking for sure and I distinctly remember being absolutely worried about all sorts of things. My draft stock, my player, build choices, advice and getting to know site members.

I remember just before the draft with Richard Physt, my player at the time. Having great conversations with @JKortesi81 then GM of the St. Louis Scarecrows and figuring I would go there. I'd have friends from my season like @Blastmeaway and @caltroit_red_flames , These guys are among my best friends now. However I didn't go to St. Louis. I went 37th overall in the 5th Round to the Kelowna Knights. @Samee was one of the last GMs to reach out to me at all and only one over discord at the time, a thing I had joined for the SHL. Being drafted by Samee and his co GM at the time, the legend @nour another close friend even though we have not shared a Locker room in over a year and now I have to beat his Falcons. That team was fantastic, being drafted with fun members like @galatix and some controversial ones such as Asspancakes. For anyone who doesn't know his story, man that's a rollercoaster.

Physt played 3 seasons in Kelowna, being drafted in S39 by the Toronto North Stars with @ml002 and @Nobody in three consecutive picks. But S40 was my greatest ride. A dominant Kelowna Knights team that picked up a massive 4 Star Cup win with ML's player Mikhail Lokitonov against Nobody's player Bob Bergan and the Detroit Falcons. It was a surprising sweep and then we all went up to Toronto together. That run and the offseason excitement were both such amazing times for me early on. Shoutout to @Symmetric for drafting me with these guys.

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My favorite memory from the SHL is a really tough one, but I really just go back to the whole experience back when I was a pimple-faced high school sophomore when I joined the site 10 years ago back in 2010. I remember making my first player, not really knowing what the hell I was doing, but just finding the whole experience so cool. Back when the NWJHL had top prospects games, my player won MVP in the inaugural game and I went near the top of the draft to the Prince George Firebirds (blanking on what number overall, maybe 2nd?). Suddenly, I had teammates, people to interact with, and actual games to see my guy perform in in daily play-by-plays, when that was still a thing. I remember going on my crappy EnV Touch web browser to check my box scores remotely.

Following that first season in Prince George, I got drafted to West Kendall 4th Overall and met a bunch of great dudes. Reay, Sarmo, and we ended up winning championships together in S2 and S5 when I served as co-GM. To this day, I still keep in touch with some of the guys I met 10 years ago, like Hillsy and Dylan Kerns, and crazy enough this site probably led to what I do for a living today. Making forum signatures is what got me interested in graphic design, so I would likely have an entirely different life path if not for this silly little site.

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I'm new to the league, and my player isn't very good, so I don't have many memories of on ice moments. I do have some great teammates on both my J and IIHF teams, Kelowna and Canada, so I've already made some great memories with them. I'd say my best memory is probably all of the voice calls I've been in with my teammates, watching them struggle to play games, and struggle even harder to hear in game because everyone is laughing at them. My other favorite memory was probably scoring my first goal for the Kelowna Knights. I was behind on the game day stream trying to catch up to the current game, skipping through games inbetween highlights. As I was getting closer and closer to real time, I started seeing my pings go up on my discord, thinking maybe there was an @everyone ping going on. Then I caught up to the game, saw my name pop up on the highlight, and I had actually scored! Opening discord and going into our locker room was really fun after that, because everyone knew how bad I wanted just a single goal, and I had finally got one!

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My favourite memory comes from my first time around here. It was November of 2018 when I first joined here, and I had no idea what I was doing. I was completely lost, and I joined for the simple reason that it seemed intriguing. I asked so many questions during the first week, I don't even know how many times people repeated stuff for me! I had so much fun just chatting away with the rest of my draft class and got to know some people pretty well during those first couple of weeks.

But that was only the beginning. Leading up to the draft, having all these teams and veterans take note of you and give you helpers and talk to you was amazing. I have very rarely ever felt so welcomed into any community before.

The day of the draft was my number 1 memory. The excited nervousness for the entire day leading up to the draft, and then having it go live was kind of nerve wrecking. After the first round was up, and halfway through the second round getting a discord notification from StamkosFan. "We're selecting you with our next pick. Stay tuned!" Two minutes later, I was bombarded with congratulations and welcoming messages, and was so hyped to belong to a team once again!

[Image: K6ykz0o.png]
Theodor Larsson

Post your favorite memory (or memories) in this thread in 200+ words

I joined the SHL on December 2018 when I saw a post on r/hockey advertising a simulation hockey league where you got the chance to create a player and simulate having a hockey career. I thought I would give it a shot and two years later I am still here! 

I got drafted in S45 by the Montreal Militia (now the Carolina  Kraken ) and spent three seasons in the SMJHL where unfortunately I was unable to capture the Four Star cup. However, during my time there I got to get more familiarized with how the league works, how to better my player and get a feel for the different PT tasks each week to improve my TPE.

The Edmonton  Blizzard drafted me in S46 and has been my home ever since and I simply love it here. Everyone in the  Blizzard family from the management to the players themselves are extremely welcoming and helpful for me when I was just a rookie helping me adjust to the SHL. Fast forward three seasons later and we eventually win the Challenge Cup and that was one of the best moments I ever had getting the chance to the ultimate prize in the SHL and along with some of the best teammates I could ever ask for.

Present day I am now an Alternate captain for the  Blizzard and just had the best regular season performance for my career. I feel I am just about to hit my prime and I am excited to continue playing for the  Blizzard and help win more Challenge Cup's in the near future. Here's to many more years in the SHL  Cheers

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Thank you @High Stick King @OrbitingDeath @Ragnar @Tesla @MattyIce for the player signatures! 

Nick Brain's favourite career memory so far is unquestionably the most recent IIHF gold medal. The first one back in Season 47 (a grudge match win over Ireland) meant a lot to Nick too, but the most recent one in Season 52 was satisfying, as Nick was in a key role this time and had more to do with the British successes. Nick scored a goal and an assist in the gold medal win over Sweden, and had a nice champagne fight with his teammates in the locker room afterwards.

StadiumGambler the user's favourite memory was a lot of the times in the Raptors locker room. I got really lucky to be part of a good crew of guys in the J, and while we could never take home that Four-Star hardware, the friends we made along the way were almost as important. I also have fond memories of the Draftee Showcase I ran in NHL 94 with our loaded draft class, and there was a real sense of anticipation for who was gonna make the cut. The Showcase also produced some dramatic games and some dramatic moments, such as Barry Batsbak's last minute 3rd period goal to tie in Game 7, Knute Knurtsson's OT winner in the same game, the form on the check Troy Reynolds used to knock Nikolai Evans unconscious, and the destroyed hotel room that Halifax Raiders prospects left for the staff after the series. A lot of stars were made in that bit, and it made me a lot of media money too that set up Big Dick Nick for elite-ness.

[Image: 0K3YdqN.png]

Former Agent of Nick Brain: Center/Right Winger -  Aurora  Stars

The best memories of the SHL for me are happening right now. My experience with the league wasn't the greatest the first time around. I didn't put in enough time or effort to understand what was happening in the league--which teams were good or bad, how the drafts worked, contracts, articles--all that. And with that confusion I was also stubborn as hell and refused to acknowledge and seek help that I needed. And that's not just for the SHL, that's something that's happened for as long as I can remember. Fear. That really makes my best memory the start of my second player, and that foray into understanding the league. I've been reading through the forums instead of focusing on just getting TPE and going on with my day, and I've asked questions and realized how great a community there is (Shoutout to @Segi for being bomb af as a rookie mentor and giving me all the information I needed and more, and answering all of my dumb questions) and that having a great player doesn't matter as much as I first thought, that being apart of a community is the real drive of the SHL.

Aside from the general idea of "now" being a great memory, there are more specific moments that stand out. First would have to be my first SMJHL draft in S42 where I was taken by Montreal. The atmosphere of other hopefuls and I waiting for our names to be called was stressful, especially in a reddit draft where the class was massive. But having a player I created called and join a team was an amazing feeling.

Then the other great memory has been experiencing the Carolina Kraken locker room. I don't know what the future holds for me there, but just being in that locker room has been a blessing in having me realize the community there is, and that asking questions is encouraged. And even beyond all that deeper level stuff, they just have a ton of great people in there that make it fun to be on a team with them. Especially watching games together, win or lose, they bring more fun than I had on the site my first go round. Even if I don't end up in Carolina after this upcoming draft, I'll still remember the first locker room I truly got engaged with.
(This post was last modified: 05-04-2020, 02:12 PM by Fitted2106.)

For me the best memories have to be being apart of the carolina krackens s49 and s50 titles, both runs were epic and the 1st was improbable against the odds that first season and while being down 3-2 in the second round we pulled it off and shocked the smjhl. The locker room wa as buzzing throughout both runs with such intensity I've never seen it matched. While the locker room is pretty much always chatting it was going on epic proprtians especially during the PBPS for the finals everyone was engaged and watching with eyes glued. I'm not quite sure anything for me will ever top those moments they were my introduction the the SHL my first two seasons and bam two championships. After our second run Tampa bay called me up for game 7 of the finals but we lost 4-3 I almost had two championships in one season that wouldve been incredible but even without it carolina will always be in my heart. From day one the management of @FuzzSHL and @cpetrella and @slothfacekilla has been amazing without those leaders there I just dont think it would have been the same, no matter what course the team has or if we fall a little short of expectations those guys always lift the team and I'm glad it was my intro to SHL being out with those members.

[Image: Fitted_3.png]

2x 4Star Cup Champ s49 s50

1x commissioners excellence award s 50

In terms of a single moment, it has to be the SMJHL Draft. I had only been around for about a week and was having the time of my life. Everyone was so fun in the S53 discord and we were all pumped for the draft. It was an awesome moment when Detroit took me 11th. I had just talked to @notorioustig that day and I knew that was the team I wanted to go to. So right then, I was extremely happy. Then, right after I was selected, the Falcons chose @Mediocre_Fred as the 12th pick! Fred was like the first friend I made on the site, so we'd kind of been joking that week and telling GMs that if they draft one of us, they have to draft us both as a package. Well, Detroit made that a reality. I'm pretty sure Tig even confirmed that he didn't do it on purpose, it just worked out that way. I think we all know it was fate. But, since joining the Detroit LR, it's allowed me to meet so many more great people. I think lately the negativity has made some of us (me) forget all the awesome people and memories that I've made already. And I've only been on the site for 4 months! I can't wait to see where the future takes me Smile

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(This post was last modified: 05-04-2020, 03:15 PM by mee.)

I am a new player here in SHL, a S55 draftee. My player has minimal memories, but I would like to thank some people who have made my earliest experiences here in the SHL an enjoyable one, and keep me excited to eventually play. From the time I first signed up I was welcome by a few veteran members of the league, Sven Svenson and Joesph Weston, as well as a friend from an other simulation hockey league (Robert Andersson, and no, I'm not trying to spell his new Chinese name sorry). They quickly guided me to the discord where the rookie mentors (such as Segi) where a great help to get me started on my way. Then I was able to sign in Vancouver thanks to the GMs (dmills and William Hartman) of that team for giving me a shot at some playing time, even though they didn't have to. A huge shoutout to the whole Vancouver Whalers team for accepting me as a part of the team and leaving me hoping to get drafted by them. While we didn't make the playoffs the spirit of the locker room is something I truly enjoyed, and they have done an excellent job of answering my latest questions. Of course all the updaters who have help me until now. Thanks, and here's to more memories!

Class S55
Reincarnated- Class S71

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The Simulation Hockey League is a free online forums based sim league where you create your own fantasy hockey player. Join today and create your player, become a GM, get drafted, sign contracts, make trades and compete against hundreds of players from around the world.