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SHL 10 Year Anniversary - Bonus PT

It feels like just yesterday when I was browsing r/hockey and saw this post back in September talking about a sim league where I could be a hockey player and create a career. It was the height of hockey depression as I could not wait for the 2020 season to begin again (RIP COVID SUCKS). I immediately went to sign up and joined the league in time for S49.

S49 was crazy as it was all so new and fresh (it still is). I was drafted earlyish to the Montreal Militia (I wanted top 10). I was sitting in the laundromat doing laundry with my wife yelling at me to put my phone down and I couldn't while I was waiting for my name to be called. That whole first season was just one blur between the massive amount of rookies on the MTL team that just started talking and shooting the shit and bringing together a "dead" locker room. From the beginning of that season to our cup-winning run, the entire team was hooked. Even now I sit here and despair about the fact that I have to face by Kraken gang in the big leagues and miss the times when we all ran on the same squad.

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Credit to Vulfzilla for the awesome render pic
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My favorite memory from the site has to be playing Tee K O with the Hamilton Steelhawks. We've played a bunch of different games together and always have lots of fun, but Tee K O just stands out because when we first started playing it we all thought it was going to be terrible, you have a short time to draw 3 pictures then write a bunch of random crap and it takes so long before you actually combine the pictures and tag lines that other people made into a shirt that we almost quit before actually making anything the first time we played. I am so glad we stuck with it and kept playing, some comedy gold came out of that game. All around my time with my buddies in the Steelhawks hanging out in voice chat is by far my favorite time I've spent here. I feel like sim league wise the cup win would normally be way up there on my list but it was a bit of a somber win with everything that went on before hand between us not realizing the impact our strategy setup would have on the league. After the win we were happy to get it, but it just wasn't a full celebration like I would have liked to have.

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I'm a recent addition to the site (Jan 2020), came in with the S52 Reddit recruitment, so for now my favorite memory is going through the first draft. Not really knowing how things worked, I wasn't sure I was going to get drafted at all. Honestly, I was kinda looking at Carolina's final pick (82nd OV), which would have been a cool media opportunity with me (and my player) being from Charlotte. I was following the draft on my phone (which is a pain in the ass to refresh the forum posts that way) and when I refreshed it I saw someone tagged me in a Welcome! post, and had to scroll back up a couple posts and saw I had been selected 35th overall by St. Louis.  I already had a welcome message from @Nictox, and joined the locker room on Discord. The group in St. Louis has been something else. Really tight knit crew, our trip to the finals last season and now our playoff run this season.  If we manage to go all the way and win a Four Star cup I will definitely come back and edit this to add a new "favorite memory".  Shout out to @"jfisherr" @Capt_Blitzkrieg @acdangel  and @CptSquall who are doing a great job in their leadership roles this season. 

I'd also like to shoutout the whole S53 crew. The S53 LR is still very active and we're working to keep it that way.  Leading up to the SHL draft I was 19th in TPE rank and being mocked everywhere from 11th to 20th.  When the start of the second round started and the 19th and 20th picks passed, everyone in S53 was like "How the hell is Eric still on the board?" "Draft Eric you cowards!!!" "WTF Eric gonna be a steal".  Shoutout to @sve7en, @Nhamlet, @"NeonLime", @Zomp and the rest of the S53 crew.. too many to name. 

Lastly, thanks to @dankoa and @Jearim for taking a chance on me.

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I’m not going to bother tagging anyone because there is simply too many to tag. I’ve been here for almost 2 years and this site has ment so much. I have built life long friends here. I was very quick to jump in full force on this site. I was signed as a dfa to mtl. That offseason I joined SMJHL HO for the first time. I was drafted to anc and spent 2 ssns there. I went from Js HO to SHL HO. In my SHL Draft I went to man where I fell in love with the team there. I left anc to join hfx management and I went back to SMJHL HO and I was traded to minny. Minny has an amazing group of people and I still talk with them. Many know by this point I was running Js without being official. This was my high of SHL. Eventually I left Minny in FA. It was a very hard decision for me, but I went to Nola. SMJHL is still my baby though I ran for Commissioner after the commish at the time went IA. And have been commish officially since S51. Everyone on this site has been so amazing. And I can’t recall one memory because my almost 2 years here has been an amazing blur. I love y’all so much. Stay awesome.

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My favorite SHL memory came at a strange time when I was inactive on the forums.

I vividly remember joining the site in in the summer of 2014 at the ripe age of 17. I was on a family vacation and stumbled onto the site a few days before the S19 SMJHL draft. By the end of the trip, my highly touted player, Franklin Trey, was drafted 60th overall (what a steal) to the now defunct Regina Force. I had a ton of fun in that locker room! I wasn't ridiculously active or anything, but I did my best to build a serviceable bottom-six playmaking center when I had time away from school and playing hockey for my high school team.

I didn't talk much outside of my locker room, so not a lot of people knew who I was. In such a big and active draft class, GM's were pounding at the door to get in touch with me. Haha jk I got drafted 53rd overall to the Hamilton Steelhawks. At this point, my rl hockey season was over and I was already accepted into college, so my activity level increased. There were a ton of great people in that locker room. Unfortunately in my brief time back, I don't think many (if any) of them are still on the site. Hopefully they are off doing bigger and better things! But I got more active in the locker room, started making graphics, and even briefly had a job as a graphics grader.

Unfortunately, due to some family related issues, I went inactive on the SHL after about a year and a half on the site. I got overwhelmed trying to keep up with the league while also dealing with family stuff and starting my first year of college. Through those weird and tough times for me, the caliber of people who are on this awesome site shown through. At the time, Tanner was the GM of the Steelhawks. He was probably the only guy that I had totally opened up to about my situation as to not leave him in the dark about why I was inactive. He would often reach out to me on kik (jesus christ that was a long time ago), not to ask me when I was coming back, but to ask how me and my family were doing. That meant a lot to me that someone reached out while all that stuff was going on.

One of the coolest texts I ever got from Tanner was when he gave me a run-down of the championship that the team won in S24. He didn't need to reach out but I thought it was really cool that he did. I know he's not active on the site any more and I haven't talked to him or anyone from that locker room in like five years, but it meant a lot to me that someone that I had never met was empathetic enough to reach out to me when times were tough. I don't know if that makes any sense, but I think that is my favorite SHL memory because it shows the quality of people who are involved in this site and how much people care about their fellow SHLers. It's like being part of a real team.

It meant a lot, and hopefully I can be that for someone else in my second go-around in this awesome place  Cheers

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[Image: ddIlIkT.png]Colin Lambert ll Left Defence ll Barracuda[Image: NA3IV5m.png]

It's tough to pick a favourite memory because I feel like I've been here so long (just about 4 years, so not even half the life of the site) and had the chance to form a lot of memories. When I boil it all down though, I'm left with two significant moments that I just can't choose between.

First, there's the S33 Montreal Militia Four Star Cup run. It was my 4th season on the site, and my 2nd as the co-GM of the Militia. Being hired for the job was quite memorable, and I'll always have love for @Copenhagen for giving me that opportunity. My player had moved on to the SHL already, but it didn't take away from enjoying the championship. We had a really fun group of users in the LR, and even though in hindsight the roster doesn't look that strong we were a close group. I remember we went down 2-0 to our rivals in Detroit, and before game 3 we decided to make two changes: Carrick Murray in goal for Thaddeus Prince, and Kickstart My Heart blasting in the LR before every game. From there we took a 4-3 series win over the Falcons, marched on to Halifax to knock off the Laurifier Trophy winners 4-1, before a showdown with the two-time defending Champions, the Kelowna Knights.

Second, there's the day I got the job as head GM of Portland. I'd never, and still haven't, received as many private messages at once as I did that day. Becoming an SHL GM was my ambition when I joined the site, and the dream came true in S36. It's a very self-centred memory, because I'm mostly fond of how many nice messages I got from users, some of whom I hadn't even established a proper relationship with prior to. There's no sim success tied to this memory, not even really any other users I share the memory with, but I can't describe how happy I was coming home to an ton of discord notifications and forum tags.

Some honourable mentions for fond memories:

- The day Tomen came back! (Who didn't miss this guy?)
- The S43 draft (So many draft picks)
- S52 Challenge Cup playoffs (Pride runners-up)
- S35 Challenge Cup playoffs (North Stars break the curse)

Argonauts Stars Battleborn Czechia

As a rookie that is fresh and new to the league. I don't have any memories to reflect on at this time. I do however have a plan for the future in this league. First and foremost, I need to learn how to train consistently and get on a routine that will benefit me as a player and the team as well. I hope to be an offensive threat but not a defensive liability. I think, with the guidance I am getting from my team, Newfoundland Berserkers, I will reach my goal and become a reliable player.

In this first season, I have seen several good players on the team excel and it is very motivating to me as a rookie just starting out. I did have a few good games during the season but was in the background for most of the time, as expected. I think this next season will reflect the effort I am taking to improve in all areas.

Maybe this time next season, I will have some good memories to share. I hope to at least. I have enjoyed the team a lot and with the help I have been getting, I see no reason why I can't be the player I envisioned when I joined the league.

Word count: 213

I find this to be a very difficult question because I've experienced so many good memories since I joined the SHL. I think for me what really stands out is the warm welcome I received the moment I got here. In my first week, I started to create media and it was instantly commented on. I found that I had people who were really into my podcast the moment in dropped and they took the time to come and chat with me. In fact, I got such a great welcome to the league that it caused me to criticize my other league due to the fact that the reception was the exact opposite. That's why even though there are a lot of people who like to say that the SHL is toxic I can't agree with them. Yes, I haven't been involved in much drama or at the receiving end of it, but I find the community here to be a wonderful group. The community is really made up of people who have an interest in you and want to be your friend, and that is something I have felt since the very start, Every single team that I have had the pleasure of being on has given back to me 10 times what I have given to them, and it's really just a testament of the kinds of people who flock to a site and game like this. So to all the SHL, thank you for making me feel so welcomed!

257 words

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(This post was last modified: 05-16-2020, 09:25 AM by honkerrs.)

Oh man where do I start?  Only have been here for about 2 months and it has been a great time.  Met many great people and have gotten way more into this than I ever expected when I decided to create a player.

First, big thanks to @Budgie for getting me interested immediately in the site.  He messaged me probably like 10 mins after I posted to scout me and made me really interested in the whole league.  All the other scouts were great too if you're reading this.

Thanks to my GMs @Acsolap and @golden_apricot for letting me ask a bunch of, I'm sure, annoying sim and other questions about the league.  Also thanks to basically having the equivalent of personal rookie mentors in the ANC LR like when @hotdogand @Gwdjohnson immediately ping us when there's PTs to do, etc.  And just every alumni and player that's active in the ANC LR, not gonna list you guys all out cause I'm sure I'll miss someone but you guys know you're awesome and I'm sure will creep this and see my thanks anyways.  It's going to be weird experiencing another LR because I highly doubt one compares to the ANC one.

@.bojo@Frick_Nasty@mdubz@SAwful definitely been an extremely fun time being rookies with you all, pumped for more seasons and seeing where ANC can go.  It's nice having 4 other people as active as I am to do shit with.

Thanks to @"luketd"for hiring me for historian as a noob.  It's been awesome to learn more about the league from you and i'm looking forward to working more on the history in the future.

Then by far the coolest part of the site is just talking to people who aren't even associated with my team and having awesome convos with and I'm pumped to have more in the future with these people and more with others.... in no particular order.. @notoriousTRON @Aephino @Faelax @Capt_Blitzkrieg @Skeleton Party thanks for being really chill people and a lot of fun.

Here's to 10 more!

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I'm totally new to the SHL but I've been in the PBE since April. When it comes to goals, My main goal is probably to win a gold medal with Sweden. That's partially because I don't have a team right now and partially because Sven has a lot of civic pride. Obviously, when it comes to personal records, I'd love to score twenty or twenty-five-plus goals in a season. That's a lofty goal but it's important to have an idea of who you want your player to be when you build them. Maybe a more realistic goal would be to have the most goals for a Swedish born center in league history.

Obviously winning is also important as a hockey player and as a center, I don't want it to just seem like I'm all about myself. I'd love to be a member of the triple gold club but that feels like a much more insurmountable task to me than personal performance. Hockey is a team sport and I think that players sometimes get judged unfairly because of team success. I think we saw with Ovechkin prior to the capitals winning the cup. And because I haven't mentioned them yet, the Roberto Martucci and the Jay McDonald Trophy are also hugely important to me.

I guess in a dream world I'd also win the Jeff Dar trophy but I don't ever see that happening to be honest with you. There's only so much you can focus on as a player and as a center, I think you have to focus on offense.

Looking back to this period from early august to this day made me realize that my player's career has been series of bad to medicore seasons and tournaments, for both my player and teams I have been part of. Just for that this must be one of the most annoying PTs that I have had to do. Which can ofcourse be looked from other perspective, most of PTs (usually taking the graphic option) don't bother me and usually I try to put some time and effort to them as I enjoy doing some graphics that wont be graded.

But because sim stuff hasn't been going exactly my way yet as I bailed out of Vancouver after two seasons and Texas has been rebuilding I have to look for positive memories elsewhere, mainly interactions with other users. My draft class that joined with me to Whalers are not worth tagging here because they are all IA by now but we had lots of great alumni and older roster players that helped me at beginning of my career and kept discord lively. Guess being voted as alternate captain of Whalers on my second season fits here too.

Joining Texas was unexpected but I'm happy to be there and expect us to have bright future, so we can get back to this next year.

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Sigs by @Carpy48, @Nokazoa and me


On the ice, my favorite memory that I'm a little hazy on the details of was getting called up to the big club (the New England Wolfpack) to be a part of their run to the challenge cup back in what I'm pretty sure was S42 (though unfortunately the old index link isn't working for me). Though we ultimately came up short and lost to the Dragons, it was amazing to get to play with and against some of my heavy hitting predecessors like Oisin Fletcher @Evok , Dieter Dominique @bilbo , and Mike Izzy @Mike Izzy . I had admired all of those folks coming up through the SMJHL (go Mammoths), and it was a fun start to my SHL career even with the heartbreaking loss.

Off the ice, I really loved (and now miss) my series on converting incoming SMJHL draftees into Pokemon. Though time consuming, it gave me a chance to flex my nerd muscles across multiple levels, both investigating the compatibility of different hockey players to their Pokemon counterparts while also playing spreadsheet simulator as I created and perfected various formulas to assist in the process. It is actually really tempting to pick it back up again - the wider variety of attributes available in FHM would likely make for a more interesting series of conversions.

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I think that so far, the best memories of my short tenure would be getting to go through each draft. I think I joined only 4 or 5 days prior to the SMJHL draft and everything was still so new and exciting, and it was very cool to watch everything unfold. I had a good idea of where I was going to go and where I wanted to end up, so anticipating that and waiting for my player to get called was a lot of fun. I've had so much fun in Detroit and I hope I'll continue to for a couple more seasons! Hopefully we can tuck away at least one Four Star...

Then the SHL draft was fun for a whole different reason because I truly had no idea where I was going to end up. I'd talked to a few GMs all over the board and I figured I could be anywhere from 6th to 24th. It was really kind of an anxious day because of that. Then I got picked by a GM that hadn't even had an official talk with me!  Laughing But once again I'm ultimately very excited to be in Texas with so many young players that I already know. When I finally get the call I think we're really going to have a hell of a team on the ice.

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Man oh man, one of the best memories for me would have to be when I first got traded when i was a fresh user to the site. I still remember being drafted to my bro's team and while I was very excited i was shipped out by the end of the season to Toronto as Hamilton wasn't really sure what to think of me. Little did they know, they traded a HoF player for a 3rd round pick or something (I do not actually remember the exact trade). Krever was the GM at the time and man.... I still have yet to play for a GM that was as great as him. I hope he's doing well where ever he is in life. I still remember the season I exploded in the league and racked up 66 points and our line produced something ridiculous like 180 points combined. The one cruel fate was that we never did manage to win the cup. While we made deep playoff runs we could never finish and I am still hunting for my first cup. Here is hoping the wolf pack can give me that as it is longgg over due

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First ever Yukon Malamute draft pick (1st overall S65)

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My favorite memory, without a doubt, was my time as Kyle Corbett with the Halifax Raiders. I don't really remember a whole lot, but I do remember that I had the opportunity to wear #42 on the ice, which is the answer to life, the universe, and everything. I signed up as a free agent about 1/3 of the way through the season, and was contacted to sign with a team. I had played in the NSFL before this, and I love hockey, so I figured I'd give this a shot. It definitely was a blast, even though my first run with the game was short. I do think I was drafted by the Hamilton Steelhawks, but I believe I quit the game before I signed. Now, I'm back with Domenic Alessandrini, and I'm super stoked for what lies ahead. Anyways, I'm super super glad to be back for this upcoming season. TPE-based leagues are awesome and all for many memories to be created in lots of ways, and I'm excited to be back with it. I'm definitely looking forward to the upcoming season, where I'll (hopefully) be in an SMJHL locker room for the full season and I get to make Domenic into something awesome. Y'all are great!

220 words.

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The Simulation Hockey League is a free online forums based sim league where you create your own fantasy hockey player. Join today and create your player, become a GM, get drafted, sign contracts, make trades and compete against hundreds of players from around the world.