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SHL 10 Year Anniversary - Bonus PT

Don't cry because it's over; smile because it happened. Never change. Have a good summer.

When I think back to my fondest memories on the site, they are all based around the users that I've met and interacted with. I had never heard of discord or a simulation league when I clicked the reddit link last February. I'm not a huge gamer, but I eat up athletic role-playing games ("be a pro" style campaigns). I used to enjoy wasting Sundays playing those games with my roommates, so I clicked the ad (r/fantasyhockey). I found the site's layout incredibly intimidating, but by leaving a bread crumb trail of bookmarks, I was able to create. I created ~5 minutes after @sköldpaddor so everywhere I was being directed to was reasonably easy to follow because the "Last Post: skoldpaddor" served as the beacon to guide me onward. A few days later I was in the s47 discord. I was a heavy lurker for a while. the conversations were dominated by @wibblymcbutternutz and @Randominoe. Wibbly stands out in my mind; @Nobody made a comment about how players with Wibbly's patterns will either be supermax earners or be burned out within 2 weeks. While nobody's prediction was accurate, the idea of people not committing to winning the game really stood out to me. When I played the create-a-player modes on console I just did it as a way to relax while following a different feedback loop. I had never considered the SHL as a social commitment as well.

I didn't plan on caring about the site. I thought it would be a fun little background game to have in a separate tab at work in order to break the monotony. But after getting drafted to an active Raptor's locker room (being a first-gen with a bunch of vets was pretty intimidating), I found myself leaving a tab open for discord as well.

The chaos of the rookie discord plus a new and confusing site with hundreds of active people who knew each other was intimidating. It reminded me of the first day at a new job/school. I was pretty quiet for the first few weeks. @goodolkimmy drafting me to the raptors (before @hhh81 whipped me into shape) showed me that the site saw value in me. The recruiting turnover revealed that only 39 of the original ~55 prospects were still signing on, and that I had a chance to be the contributor that all of my shitty console create-a-players had been.

My connections with my draft class are one of the things that I cherish most. Things that I did not expect to enjoy when i clicked the reddit link are chatting with @secondsux22 about Canadian punk rock bands, ruining the graphics department with @Carpy48 , following Jess's journey through motherhood, and chatting about a million dumb random things with @SDCore, @hotdog, @BDonini, and @Fordyford.

I have many other fond moments that I could have written about (graphics discord chats, everything edmonton, the raptors), but I'll cut it off after the atta-boys that I gave my s47 dawgs. I'll prewrite them and save them for the 15 year anniversary.

Closing question: @hotdog , why did you change your handle from bwrabbitt?

My browser no longer auto-completes tags, so if I messed something up, I'm going to let it sit there so that I don't have to tag multiple people again as I go to add a space between a handle and a comma.

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That's sad that I'm not here much longer than I am in reality. I'm here from January, if I remember it right and this is my best part of my free time spending. It's nice to have new friends here, that's perfect.

But if I think about memories or something like that, than my best memory of SHL is my joining here. That was moment when I realize that this is the right place for my to spend my time because all was friendly and said ''hi'' ''welcome'' ''hello'' in my joining topic and that was awsome. Then I join Scarecrows, Nic sent my a contract and I was very because I think that noone wants me. There was only one offer and that was from St. Louis. Also, one of the best memory is SHL draft when Hamilton picked me. I don't know how to say about that moment. I know that this is virtual hockey league but feelings were very real. I thought that it is real hockey draft. 

This is international virtual hockey project and I hope that some day we can create latvian SHL/SMJHL team here, with location of Latvia. That will be very nice. Smile 

This is perfect project and I'm not suprised that it's 10 year anniversary now, I think next 10 years will be much funnier.

I've been on the site for about 1 1/2 years at this point but that has been plenty of time to make memories. I have worn a lot of hats in my time on the site so far and I am happy to have made so many great friends from the SHL.

Things started when I was first drafted before S45 to the brand new Anaheim Outlaws in the SMJHL. I didn't know if the SHL was really going to be something I would stick too but I was looking for something new in my life and it came about just at the right moment to capture my attention. I will credit the prospect tournament for really giving me my first taste of excitement over what the league could be. Being part of the first draft class in Anaheim we were starting out at ground zero but @Dangles13 did an amazing job crafting a great LR environment with the early outlaws including @Segi, @Thunfish, @chetib, @wumaduce, @GCool, and more. We quickly became a great LR and we would only grow from there as we gained more great people next season like @BDonini, @SDCore, @JNH, and @bbjygm. We slowly gathered great talent and in my third season I was able to take over the role of Co-GM. S47 was a special one where we had some new guns in @shutdown, @DieselJ and @tedlamotors enroute to our first Four Star Cup. I cannot begin to express the excitement I felt when we won but I couldn't share it with the team yet. We had an amazing playoffs that season starting by eliminating the rival expansion team from Lethbridge, knocking out the defending 3 time winning STL team, and then beating the Montreal Militia in Game 7 to win it all. I knew we were likely losing a lot of talent after that season so it was amazing to be able to see the payoff for those early players.

At this point Dangles had already told me that he wasn't going to continue as Head GM much longer and after a bittersweet return to the finals the following year, he announced his retirement. I think it was obvious I was the heir apparent for the new Head GM spot but I was still unsure how ready I would be for the job. I got it and not long after added Donini as my Co before looking to rebuild after our championship team had mostly been called up and depleted. The rebuild took a bit longer than expected but by this point I was busy GMing as well as seeing my player on the Chiefs start to break out as a future star. I of course want to thank @Shmurph for listening to Wuma and bringing me to my home in Minnesota. I always wanted to play for only one team and going to the same place that had 2 other Outlaws in the same draft was a great transition. I have made tons of friends through my time with the Chiefs like @Leppish, @BadWolf, @TheHockeyist, @fever95, @KlusteR, and @drodger91. It was great people like this that led to me signing an 18 season contract to keep me with the franchise.

Things began to change as we could all see a change in the Chiefs management was likely incoming so I had to make a tough decision to go for the Head GM spot in the SHL. While I still love my first home of Anaheim, I could tell that the Chiefs needed me more. I had also gotten really sick in real life at this point but the great people I had in my management group in Anaheim proved to be more than capable of running the franchise. So I knew it was time for me to move on in a way. I still pop into the Anaheim LR and love their successes. I just know I had to allow the management after me to pave their own path and success without me meddling. I also know if I did try and keep super involved I would probably try to keep running the team out of habit.

Since then it's been a rocky road at times on the site but I have enjoyed so many of the discords and people I talk to and that have given me great opportunities to give back to the community. I'm excited to see where the future takes the SHL. Despite all the drama, there are some amazing people here.

Just some more names to shout out for being awesome in my interactions that didn't fit as well into my stuff above but still deserve shout outs for being awesome. @Evok, @notorioustig, @nour, @hhh81, @Nictox, @Flareon, @JKortesi81, @Blastmeaway, @ml002, @Grapehead, @Wasty, @Kalakar, @Inf1d3l, @"Luketd", @Tomen, @UrsinZ, @thiefofcheese, @bk1689, and anyone else I forgot but it's late and I'm tired.

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[Image: qGhUIfY.png]  Outlungus   Usa Monarchs  [Image: PlcJv9V.png]

Right now my happiest memory of playing in this league is the current season where our Falcons were by far the best team in the league.  It was a new sim so a lot of the builds were a roll of the dice but credit goes to our leadership who put the work into test multiple builds and determine what would be the best use of the limited TPE that juniors players are allowed to have.  I hope to be able to add a Four Star trophy to this post in a week or so once these playoffs wrap up but right now I am just happy that we did not stumble and get beat by the Scarecrows.  I look forward to our next challenge in the playoffs.

I also hope that I have a strong shot at defenseman of the year in the juniors this year.  I led the league in plus minus, was second in points, goals and assists for D men as well.  I have a feeling that other teams will be hateful on the Falcons players this year if it is done by voting as we seem to have a bad reputation.  I am not sure when that voting takes place but my hope is those stats are recognized as being the best in the league.

220 Words

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S53 Four Star Cup Champion- Detroit Falcons
S56 Challenge Cup Champion - Hamilton Steelhawks

My favourite memory from the SHL would have to be this season with the Newfoundland Berserkers. I've had some great playoff runs, I've had some great personal seasons and achievements, I've won some cups, but none of those have matched the fun and excitement we had in Newfoundland this year. Building off a core of @Rindiee, we had added @"Smalinowski7" @Nhamlet @Clean Andrei Kostitsyn and @"NeonLime" as star players. Our boy @Patty made a timely return from inactivity and has been an amazing part of our team since. @BlackLabelBird, while quieter, has been a nice contributor to the team and keeps @Carpy48 and @KlusteR company as they discuss music. The big step in Newfoundland came this season as we brought in a crop of thirteen rookies. From the draft, we added @thevoicelesscreator @Snussu @Toast @SpontaneousCombustion @bbp @RedArrow12c and @Mstevens911 ... oh and everyone's favourite ROTY @Wally. Imagine taking other goalies before my guy Amundsen. Wild stuff. Anyways, we still had some holes to address and free agency came in hot with the additions of 3 stud centers in @Steve @Matty7478 and @leafsftw1967 (terrible username smh). Our defense was shored up through the signings of @Justice and @Count Chocula. What was once a barren roster was now teeming with talent and the locker room was bursting with activity. I haven't had more fun with a group of people in my time on the site and I look forward to our next couple of years together. So I guess this is both a favourite memory and a prediction of more favourite memories to come.

It's a fucking bench Juke.

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Berserkers     -       syndicate      -     Berserkers

First thing id like to talk about are all the people I know from the Whalers, particularly that s48 cup team. Without there enthusiasm and overall good attitude, I may not have stuck around long enough to hit the 1k mark. Id also have to thank the GMs that led to me going to VAN, even if Aaron had to twist Luke's arm for it. I was very happy to be named the captain of the team in my last two seasons there. Even if I was stuck on the second line.
@"luketd" @Inf1d3l@aaronwilson@SecondSucks22@dmills3@Otrebor13@puolivalmiste@C9Van@nubbedindaribs@kenvald@Jearim@omenolson (haha) @TheHockeyist @MCP_ @Bruins10(Dmills shouldnt have traded you or Jon 41)
I may have missed some. 

Next I would like to thank all the guys on Edmonton who helped me earn my first, of hopefully many, Challenge Cups. They let me say weird things and keep paying me to stick around. Even made me an A. capt. Its a lot more chill than my other LRs but there is a sense of comradery there between all the members. Never forget Keygan getting punched in the face.
@"TommySalami"@Keygan@Julio Tokolosh@caltroit_red_flames@dylanjj37@Muford @Emiko@karlssens @MrStennett @ErM 

Right before I finish up, I am gonna thank the Canada LR for just being great. Having been named co-Fed with Gabe has been a blessing and a curse. Blessing because it give me authority over Jeff. A curse because I was told to not do much and yet Gabe left me to go to Europe during last IIHF. Asshat. Really though, the canada LR has allowed me to stretch me management wings and connect with a variety of people outside of my teams. Even if HAM has infiltrated it.

Lastly, I would like to just list those that are no longer with us. Either they are fully IA or they toned back their involvement. Regardless I miss them

Sorry for anyone I missed. Shits tough and I can only flip through discord so much

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[Document reviewed by Agent 934-Texas 5/9/2020]

I'm obviously rather new, so I don't have a ton to draw on, but this season has been a blast and I'm sure it's going to be a highlight of my career.  The Vancouver LR has been so much fun and so welcoming.  Gotta thank @dmills3 for giving me a shot by drafting me, our co-gms who were too numerous to count (@SecondSucks22, @Gwdjohnson, @"thecanadiancanuck"), and the entire locker room for keeping what was supposed to be a down season exciting and fun.  I really enjoyed watching the sims with you guys, it was a ton of fun, I learned a lot, and I drank a lot.  And staying competitive until the end was just a huge boost, given how we were projected to be this season.

I enjoyed being named to the all-star team. That entire first half of the season was a huge surprise as far as how well I performed.  It kept me super engaged as I was trying to learn how this all worked.  I'm absolutely sure that the rest of my career will pale in comparison to how well I performed for that stretch.

Special fist bump for @honkerrs who, despite being direct rookie goalie competition and on the (gag) Admirals, has reached out multiple times to chat and offer support. You're an awesome dude and I appreciate it.

As for my bud @SAwful, █████████.  ████████████████████████████████████████████.  When we found ████ hidden in Mount Rushmore █████████████████████. ███████████████████████. ███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ Adventure on Atari 2600 ███████████. █████████████████████ the final leg of the 2019 Nickelback tour.  It's going to be a great year next year and can't wait until the draft.  Maybe we'll even end up in the same LR.

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Ok, some of my favorite memories from this league, I would have to start with the 2v2 Haxball tournament. The only two people I remember that were in it from here now were @Kylrad and @O4L. It was a lot of fun to play because I thought I was good but that stupid idiot gorlab cost me the game (freaking idiot). Another one of my favorite moments was winning my first SHL trophy with OJ Simpson and my only trophy. I don't remember much about it but I'm pretty sure I got a ring. Then flash forward to this player and this era, I had a lot of fun in Anaheim the past three seasons. I recreated pretty late compared to the other people in my draft class, but I ended up having the chance to have a huge impact on the team, especially in our championiship season. Then getting to win that championship and spend another season with a majority of the same players was very fun to experience. It was probably the most cohesive group of teammates I have had in a sim league and it was so much fun to be in two different locker rooms grinding along with each other.

[Image: dakiller11.gif]
somebody please make me a sig

One of my first SHL memories is the prospect showcase tournament. Even though I was on a bad team and we didn't have a lot of active prospects, it was fun to experience what SHL is like before I got drafted. I was scouted by some SMJHL GMs but I wasn't sure if I would get drafted because I wasn't really active on discord and I don't think I was in the meet the GMs server, but nevertheless Vancouver decided to take a chance on me. Hearing my name on stream and joining my first discord LR was exciting. I didn't expect myself to stay active though and I probably wouldn't have if it weren't for the fantastic Vancouver draft class in S47. Some people have gone inactive by now but those S47-S48 Vancouver teams were amazing, and our cup run in S48 is definitely one of the highlights of my career here. I was also the GM of team DACH in S47, we lost in the first round but we did fairly well overall. The SHL draft was fun, a lot of teams scouted me this time but I didn't have any idea where I'd get drafted to. There are so many people I could tag in this post so I won't because I would definitely forget someone, but I just wanted to say that I met a lot of good people here and it's been a great experience.

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Post your favorite memory (or memories) in this thread in 200+ words.

In the 9 years that I've been on the site, there have been so many memories created that I can't single out one in particular to be the best. My favorites times on the site were when I first joined the league. The league was so active and I was honestly excited to join the community and be part of it. The friendly competition made is much more enjoyable. I remember the competition with a number of users on the site for the best center in the league. I wanted to get as much money on the site as possible so that I could be above the rest. I remember going to an expansion team and playing so much even though the team sucked. I remember the playoff runs and finally getting to hoist the Challenge Cup and the Anton Razov trophy. I remember GMing the Colorado Mammoths, which was the most important job I've been able to get on the site. The most important thing I cherish is the time I've gotten to spend with the users of the league, especially the guys and girls that have been on the Winnipeg Jets. They've made my experience on the site really fun and I enjoy seeing them daily. I hope I get to create some more memories with my teammates in the near future like the good old times.

229 words

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I've been around the site for a year and a half, and I've had overall great experiences with each of the groups I've been a part of.  For me, the most special memory comes from our first Gold Medal win with the current Team USA management group.

I had been Co-Head for two seasons, then Head for three seasons prior to that win where we made it as far as Silver twice, then 5th-8th the rest of the times.  We had a decently stable roster through the whole span, mostly replacing ancient retirees as they regressed out or went inactive.  I was worried about disappointing my team because our roster was stacked but we couldn't get over the hump.

That S50 tournament was extra special because Jason Visser was retiring and he had been a major part of my early seasons on the site.  I dedicated the tournament to him in the roster announcement and promised to bring him home another Gold Medal to cap off his Hall of Fame career.  We didn't have a particularly strong showing in the Round Robin, going 7-5-0 with a -1 goal differential.  Then in the Medal Round, we won 5-4 in OT against Japan, 2-0 against Canada, then 2-1 in OT against Germany.  Each game was a nail biter, but it was a huge relief that we could finally bring that home for the team.

Of course, it was the icing on the cake to win a second Gold Medal in the following tournament in dominant fashion.  11-1-0 +18 in the Round Robin, then 6-4 against Germany, 6-3 against Russia, and 3-1 against Switzerland.

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credit to Flappy, ToeDragon, and Carpy

Patriotes Stars Panthers Platoon Specters Platoon Panthers Specters Aurora Jets Usa Scarecrows

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(This post was last modified: 05-10-2020, 07:59 AM by Samsung virtual assistant.)

My favourite memories are probably from my time with my first player. I had a fierce rivalry with a couple of other HoF goalies that are also viewed as greats to this day. I came into the league with a mission to become the leagues best goalie and i was at one moment so mission accomplished i guess. I have not looked through the stats in a while but when i retired i was the goalie who was nominated for the McBride most times ever, won it once and was snubbed once for favoritism, this in only 11 seasons.

Played for the Montreal Impact in the J who had a super active on site LR at the time with players like @Eggy216 who spammed us endlessly with his weird MLP hentai. Jesus man. I went on to be drafted to the Minnesota Chiefs(By @ArGarBarGar, who also drafted me to the Impact in the J) and played my entire career there.

My draft class(26) had a bunch of good people, @ByrdeMan @Muerto @Dangles13 @Toast @Tylar @dankoa @SethTrollins @Atlas + a couple more but i'm horrible with name associations and many aren't here with us today. Had a good time in the Rooke LR at the time and i kept my sweg persona for a couple seasons before i became a normal human being. The sweg persona was actually inspired by my brother @formx (RIP) who i met in a sim league before this one.

I'm currently having a great time now too after my break a couple seasons back, it was well needed because my head was completely fucked due to some IRL shit and the SHL just messed me up more in that state. Now im in 2 great LRs (LA and NL) and i'm having a great time again.

Happy 10 years!

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(This post was last modified: 05-10-2020, 09:01 AM by Leoben.)

I have two.

I have to mention my first player and my time in Montreal during Seasons 32 - 34.  Most of the users are inactive now but a handful are still around like @Grapehead @mdubz @Leppish @bana @Ghost, and @Hoovuh.  Even @JKortesi81 stopped in for a minute.  I'm sure I forgot someone.  It was a fun time and really good experience for a first-gen to go on a run like that.  While most of us had different levels of success at the SHL level, we still won a Cup in Juniors.  It was a good learning experience and it was a great locker room to be a part of.  I just wish I had mellowed out a little but that's how it goes. (Check SMJHL Media this week, 5-part series on this team, writing finished, just formatting).

I also have to say I am enjoying my time in Texas right now.  I just finished my fourth season and while the overall result has been "Not quite there yet" I am having a great time.  I hope I am around to see the result of this rebuild and I still have two solid seasons before regression so still have time to improve after missing a season and a half.  I have come a long way from being labeled a bust (can 53OA really be a bust).  But it is one of the best and funniest locker rooms I have been a part of.  No matter what time of day it is, I can always check Discord on my phone and someone is usually saying something.  Thanks @dankoa and @Jearim for bringing me here.  And I have some great teammates in @RedCapeDiver, @MP7, @puolivalmiste, @thiefofcheese, @BrewskyBoy, @raymond3000(quiet one), @JumpierPegasus, @Mavfatha, @Aephino, @leviadan, @EricNCSU, @RedCapeDiver, @Rindiee, and anyone I may have left off.  You too @Loganjj21.

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Renegades  raiders  Finland
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There's so many people to thank for everything that got me to where I am today, a middling Defenseman that somehow won a cup...

@Pris you were the greatest person and mentor that helped me so much when I joined this league. You never made me feel dumb when I had a question you've prolly heard 100 times and it's a big reason why I'm still here.

@adamantium You are just the best dude and helped me get that 4 star cup as a rookie, you took a chance on drafting me in Vancouver knowing I went inactive the first time around and built a great locker room that welcomed me and kept me motivated.

@"luketd" What do I say? You're maybe the most dedicated person I've ever met for this league and you got me both a 4 star and a challenge cup with your leadership and determination.

@JayWhy Another guy that works his ass off and is generally one of the nicest people. HE took a chance on me in Manhattan and it's been my genuine pleasure to work as hard as I can to prove myself to him and the team for picking me. Also, Manhattan has the best LR

@ImShiny You are, without a doubt, the best dude on this site, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

@Off @BadWolf @JR95 @hhh81 @Citizen of Adraa @SpartanGibbles @Wasty and anyone I forgot, you're all amazing people and I'm happy to have met you all!

One of my best memories of the SHL is the time after I got drafted to the Portland Admirals. There have been a great group of guys under the reign of @JumpierPegasus and @GCool. Even that stupid mistake from gcool, getting caught tampering a player doesn't slowed down my fun experience at all. I would even say it made it even better. Suddenly all the top guys on the team got traded, we lost a few good looker room presences as well but some of them @dankoa, @karlssens popped in from time to time to say hello and hang around for some good times on chatzy and later on discored where we started the boys chatzy, we still talk in there sometimes. A fire sale and the rebuild put me in a place where my player could easily get the face of the team and it keeps my passion to get my player better as fast as possible. Some good moves during FA brought guys like @Tylar and @Harry to the team. I still remember talking with them during the UEFA European Football Championship 2016. Doesn't made it easy for me being a Austrian countryman during that time. I really hoped we could do better there. Time went on and I got closer with the german speaking fraction of the SHL, @Chris-McZehrl, @Tomen and of cores @RomanesEuntDomus. He was the main reason why I found a place in SHL that I really can call my home, Los Angeles Panthers. There I meet a group of guys, most of them almost the same age as myself and same interests. big shout out here for @vbottas17 and a guy I really respect and I wish him all the best with his new project @Wasty. (I hope you will have a lot of success with it)

And finally I am looking forward to a lot of more great moments with old and new friends in Texas. Hope we doing better next season. @Jearim, @puolivalmiste, @thiefofcheese, @BrewskyBoy, @DieselJ, @Slowpoke, @ProjectSaint, @Leoben, @gordieboom, @Durden, @raymond3000, @JumpierPegasus, @hockeyfan, @Mavfatha, @dankoa, @Rindiee, @RedCapeDiver, @JSS331, @Aephino, @EricNCSU, @leviadan

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Alexander Wachter, RW, S51
Carolina Kraken - Texas Renegades - Winnipeg Aurora 
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