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SHL 10 Year Anniversary - Bonus PT

Oh man. Where do i start with this. I came to the site on 7th of July 2018 invited by @Mayuu This happened to be S42 Offseason and I created my first player. Dank Boija. I was invited to S43 Draft Class Discord and I'm still there. Then came the SMJHL Draft. I got drafted to the Detroit Falcons by @ and @Waters The Locker room was amazing. Made so many friends. @notorioustig , Mayuu, @WannabeFinn , @mcgriddleluver , @Jakub , @BaseScoutXI , @karey to name a few. Cant remember everyone. Then some of the people from S43 Draft class include @Good_Ole_Kimmy , @Acsolap , @39alaska39 , @Luketd , @Nictox . S43 Draft came and I got drafted in 4th or 5th round by Toronto by @Nobody and @Symmetrik i think. Dident stay there long but i remember @ml002 . I got Traded to Hamilton where i spent most of my career. @nour , @Hallsy , @DrunkenTeddy , Waters, Meg, @Gwdjohnson , @aaronwilson , @dmills3 . Again forgetting names. I'm sorry. I had a rocky fall out with Hamilton that ended in me retiring mid season and I now regret it a lot. Just wanna say I'm sorry to everyone on Hamilton. Now that we moved to FHM I decided to recreate and I got drafted to Newfoundland. Oh boi. This Locker room is amazing. @JNH , @SDCore , @Rindiee ,@"Smalinowski7" , @Nhamlet , @"NeonLime" , @Matty7478 , @BlackLabelBird , @Toast , @Tylar , @Clean Andrei Kostitsyn , @bbp , @スウェグキング , @Carpy48 , @leafsftw1967 , @Wally , @teztify , @thevoicelesscreator . This is peak Locker room performance in my eyes. Other names that have made my SHL experience amazing are @StamkosFan , @Samee , @Pingy Pingu , @TheHockeyist , @Inf1d3l , @Esso2264 , @nykonax , @BadWolf , @Dude , @GeckoeyGecko . Im sorry if i dident ping you in specific, but most of the ppl i have interacted have made this the best sim league to me to be part of. Love everyone here

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                                           [Image: Snussu.gif]
                                                 Thanks to everyone made sigs to me!!!! (Gif made by myself)

My time in the SHL has not been very long, however, I have met a lot of incredible people in that short time. My favourite part about the league is all the people you meet. I was blessed with being drafted by Colorado Raptors and San Francisco Pride which both teams have great locker rooms. The Colorado Raptors locker room is truly special and hhh (and others) deserve massive props for building it. As the seasons have gone on I have taken on larger roles with the team, from captain, to Co-GM, to now the general manager, and that has put me in a great position to help the San Francisco Pride with drafting. I'm lucky in the sense that they take my advice on Colorado Raptors prospects and draft some of them them. The San Francisco Pride locker room was already incredible but now they've continued to add quality people that I've already known through Colorado. So I guess if I had to nail down a favourite moment I would pick the day I got drafted to Colorado as that moment is the reason everything else has happened. So cheers to everyone who I have met through this league!

Falcons Canada
(This post was last modified: 05-17-2020, 06:32 PM by Zombiewolf.)

Three years and a few months ago I created my first player Charles Walker. I had really no idea what I was doing and it was all so overwhelming that I decided to just ghost on my first player. After I ghosted I ended up getting drafted extremely late in the SMJHL draft which is where I met Kit, CFJ, Flem, Toe and a bunch of other people. However, I interacted within the discord very little and didn't do a single point task. Right before the SHL draft I decided that this was something that I did want to do. I talked with Kit a lot who ended up persuading the gm of Buffalo at the time, Walrus, to trade up late in the third round and draft me. Ever since that day I've considered Buffalo my second home. If it wasn't for the awesome people that I met in St Louis and Buffalo I for sure wouldn't be here which is why the day I first got drafted to Buffalo is so memorable to me.

@kit @ThatDamnWalrus @Tomen @ToeDragon84 @Nereus @Avakael @CFJ @MP7

During my time with Buffalo I have met a lot of great people which basically just reinforced my opinion of Buffalo. @WannabeFinn came in and made the team a lot stronger that it was. In season 46 we finally won a Challenge cup which was extremely memorable to me.

@Mayuu @Chris-McZehrl @Rindiee @TnlAstatine @karey

I also cannot forget the moment @Evok and I became best friends!

[Image: blurrybad.jpg] [Image: zomboy3.png]
Thank you Brandon, Fish, GeckoeyGecko, Karey, Kit, takethehorizon, and Ragnar for the sigs!
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Player Page || Update page
(This post was last modified: 05-17-2020, 06:44 PM by Serpe x 13.)

My favorite SHL moment is a hard one too choose. Being a part of this great website for over eight years I have had a lot of both good and bad memories of the website. I would say that my best moment of the SHL would be being drafted by @TML99 and @Nictox ; I didn’t expect to get such a warm reaction returning back to the SHL and they welcomed me with open arms and I am glad that they did and they will always be my friends because they took a very high risk drafting me in the second round. Upon them drafting me to the Crows in season forty six I was able to have great teammates like @Fuzz and @gordieboom who we all miss dearly. I won’t mention everyone on that team, but you guys made the team a great one to be a part of and I wouldn’t do anything differently, except win the three peat. This moment helped me push my career to the next level and end up being drafted in the season forty seven SHL entry draft in the first round to the Specters. The rest is history and I am well on my way to having a successful career in the SHL. Here’s to another 10 years!

Vadim Askerov Player Page
Vadim Askerov Update Thread
(This post was last modified: 05-17-2020, 06:48 PM by WannabeFinn.)

I think I'm just going to use this post to give thanks and recognition to people who deserve some.

@Muerto, thank you for drafting me to the Knights in Season 19. That draft class as a whole was pretty awesome, but the group in Kelowna was special and I had a lot of fun with it. I never would have come back with my next player if it weren't for my experience under you.

@Wasty thank you for drafting me to Los Angeles when I came back with my next player. Falling to LAP in the 2nd round of that draft really gave me the motivation to turn Kaapo into a noteworthy player. And while his career wasn't nearly worthy of the Hall of Fame, I had a really great time with the Panthers. Applying for the GM position in Buffalo was one of the tougher decisions I've had to make during my time on the site. Lots of good memories from my LAP days and still have many friends from that time. I think I'll always self-identify with LAP to some degree.

To EVERYONE who has played under me for the Stampede, Falcons, or Team Finland.. Thank you. Being a General Manager is the best experience I've had here and it's a big part of my day-to-day. It's kind of hard to think about what my life might be like without all of you!

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[Image: KPt6Yuu.png]

I've enjoyed my most recent go at SHL, but you'd have to go back half a decade to find my favorite memory of being in the league. My memory is sort of all bunched together in the form of my first players' juniors career. When I first got into the game, I was very, very fortunate to get drafted to the Kelowna Knights. My entire junior career with my first player had so many great moments. My friend, Dr Spray, joined the league and my team, and we had some good times as Tony Flow and sludge. My captain, Randy Randleman (Ballerstorm) was an elite talent, who helped guide my player (and me) along the way. I never forgot how much help I got from my teammates. Maria Maximova was a high quality player who's user, enigmatic, I still remember making me sigs and helping me with my player. I made some videos of the team for media and to share with them. The team was good enough to win a championship while I was there. Even in a smaller role, I loved every season there. Eventually, as some players left, Tony Flow was given a spot higher in the lineup, and my player managed to lead the league in scoring while picking up one of the two MVP awards. It was a great way to finish my junior career there. I never made much of an impact in the SHL, but I always think fondly of the fun I had on Kelowna.

[Image: Flusso.png]
Sig by @Evil_AllBran

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(This post was last modified: 05-17-2020, 07:04 PM by Tomen.)

I'll try to keep this chronological so here we start.

Obviously big thanks to the person who drafted me even tho my initial reaction was a tad reluctant to the happy news of being drafted to PGF in the S30 Draft. @artermis That draft class was quite special overall and will always remain a fond memory to me ( all the S31 people special shoutout to @Zoone16 @grimreaper @InciteHysteria) as for my PGF teammate the only one still active from that time is @Waters it was great bantering with you all the time and building one of my first friendships on the SHL thank you for that nice time there. Then a new batch of PGF rookies came in which I had the privilege of helping to the SHL.  @Symmetrik @Insayne @Sorator

Next stop would be Stampede especially @ThatDamnWalrus thanks for having faith in me and trading up to get me at the #2 overall spot and grooming me to be your Co-Gm which I then fucked up by going inactive. Really would like all the people who made the time so special in BUF during my first stint. @RomanesEuntDomus ( especially mentoring me in PGF and showing me the ropes of SHL) @MP7 @Avakael @Brandon @kit@Zombiewolf @Chris-McZehrl

When I came back from inactivity I found out that BUF has completed their rebuild and @WannabeFinn was the new Head Gm and was quite successful in building a tight knit LR which was also the beginning of my friendship with him. I'd like to think we compliment each other very good as a GM duo and have the same viewpoints on things. Coming back I was also introduced to some great people who by then were added to the BUF LR: @White Cornerback still have big respect for your dedication in this league for this player even tho you know nothing about hockey and wish you all the best.
@Zombiewolf Always gonna be a core member in my heart
@Avakael The only person from the S31 draft class and what a person that is. Hope everything is alright in down under.
@teztifyyou are a great person and I hope once you have that law degree we can see your beautiful face more often in the alumni section.
@kit hope you are doing well right now and just wanna let you know that even tho we didn't have the same opinion on things I liked having you around in the LR coz you made it a better place.
@JSS keep doing what you are doing and hope the jokes I send your way are always positive coz I like to banter with the people I like sadly the return of Flacko didn't happen but who knows maybe in the future we can share a LR again.
@Chris-McZehrl you have always been a class act in our LR and great member there and you slowly stepping away from the SHL actually made me a tad sad.
@FourFourhope you are doing great sadly during my 2nd stint IRL got you real bad and we couldn't talk as much but you are one of the best goalies we had in our franchise and a nice person Wink
@Sleepy Thanks to getting you in the JSS deal BUF was able to win their 2 cups and got a great LR presence in the deal. Hope everything is alright and maybe one day you return to SHL.
@Mayuu big boy from Sweden you are truly one of the great people in our LR and a gem of a pick from the S43 1st round.
@grok our franchise goalie. Has been a great honor to have you on the team and I learned a thing or 2 from you.
@hhh81 big thanks to introducing me to a great book series and teaching me about a few things along the way one of the best draft buddies to have

The first cup run had me on the edge and I teared up a tiny bit when we actually got it and I think even tho it was either 1 or 2 am my time I couldn't sleep for a solid 2 hours afterwards. The first one is something I won't forget and made me realize that maybe I was too heavily invested in the SHL and should take it on with a bit of a more relaxed approach.

[Image: KSelich.gif]
Thank you all for the amazing sigs & player cards
Germany Citadelles  Stampede [Image: vhY18i8.png][Image: Raptors.png][Image: gs89eGV.png] [Image: eE2UQZC.png] Stampede Citadelles Germany

3. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 5 (Maximilian Wachter, Alexis Metzler) at 16:25
5. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 6 (Steven Stamkos Jr., Brynjar Tusk) at 19:48
8. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 7 (Brynjar Tusk, Alexis Metzler) at 13:55
9. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 8 (Anton Fedorov, Mikelis Grundmanis) at 15:12
10. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 9 (Dickie Pecker) at 19:43 (Empty Net)

So my greatest memories from the SHL all happened a few years ago and really nothing has come close on the website to me. During the S10s and really until the implementation of discord, the Edmonton Blizzard chatzy was the major place to be. Chatzy was essentially what discord is currently but it was really basic, moreso just a basic chatroom with limited features. Though I'd love to tag everyone, I won't because I don't know who is active know and specific usernames. Overall though, members like Jaywhy, Tez, Jaytee, Harry, Tylar, JP and Alle among others would hang out in chatzy every day and it really just became a strong friend group. We would get really into cheering our respective sports teams, we'd play Jackbox and mafia. Edmonton won a bunch of championships in this timeframe also so it became a wining culture as well as just an overall fun time. Once many members went off to different teams whether through trades, retirement or free agency, we all still came together to hang out. So in my also ten years of SHL membership, this is still the most fun I had and honestly my greatest memories came from this time.

201 words

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[Image: buster.gif]

(This post was last modified: 05-17-2020, 08:52 PM by acdangel.)

I came into the league in S49. Honestly, I didn't know what to expect as a first time sim league player. But my time here so far has been really fantastic.

First, getting drafted by the St. Louis Scarecrows into an amazing LR. I have @Nictox to thank for that. While there, I met my crowbros. @jfisherr, @Rankle, @MrStennett, @esilverm, @JaytheGreat, @BrewskyBoy, @Huck24, @Mika_Kandinsky. You guys were amazing. And then as time went on in the SMJHL, I got to meet awesome people like @CptSquall, @Capt_Blitzkrieg, @EricNCSU, @Evok, @jakub, @lilstifler, @ml002, and for a short time, @Carbine. My time in St Louis was amazing. We almost won two separate 4 Star Cups and I'm really sorry that we couldn't have done so when I was there. We came so damn close. The new team will take you to the promised land.

And then I got drafted to New England. And that's where I currently am. I'm really looking forward to my first season with NEW. @Ace, @hotdog, @5ympathies, @goldenglutes, @StamkosFan, @Flareon, @The__Y-man__100,  we're going to have a kick ass season. And I'm really excited for @Zomp and @kenvald to make the jump. I'm especially grateful for @Ace and @hotdog for keeping me around. It's an amazing place to be. I think my best SHL memories are still to come as we wreck the league for NEW! @JaytheGreat, can't wait to be linemates, buddy. And, as always, thanks @gordieboom for the Good Mornings! Community rules!

[Image: danglechek.png]

So I'm not still playing, but I felt like doing this one anyway,

I've had a lot of good memories on this site. Getting drafted to Detroit and meeting people like Dankoa, Wannabefinn, Ztevans for the first time was pretty cool. Equally as cool was when the deplorables came in- guys like Merica and Sarmo, who switched me onto SHL fantasy and that was an interesting path. That same season we did a reverse sweep of Montreal in the first round and made their captain ragequit (he was an asshole and permanently forever alone on the trade blocks of both his SHL and SMJHL teams).

I think the best memory I've had, however, has to be the first time Buffalo won a cup. I'd never paid much attention to play by plays, and I still don't care much for them now, but I followed game 7 and spammed gifs the whole way, and when we finally won it was a huge weight off my shoulders- I'd thought for some time I might have to choose between being a 1 club player and winning a cup, and in the end, I got both- twice in fact. I'm glad I did it in Buffalo and if I ever came back it'd be hard knowing there's only a 1 in 16 chance I'll be drafted back.

[Image: avakaelsig.gif]

I have too many good memories of the SHL. However here is one of my favorites.

So we are in the midst of our 2nd cup run after winning it the year prior. We tried to make our cup runs special by doing something memorable. So for this run we decided that we would all change our usernames as variants to @bbp 's username. This is in season 20 so there were no rules against us changing the our name to whatever we wanted. So 15-16 of us all changed our names to things such as bbq qpb ddq pbb. Lets just say HO, Bankers and the whole league for that matter did not like that we did this. The bankers complained every time they had to do our training, and rightfully so. We went on to win the cup for the second straight year and a brand new rule was announced in the off-season. Everyone now required approval for a name chance and must pay to do so. So everyone who has changed their name past S20 can blame us, the S20 Texas Renegades for that. If I could back and stop this, Would I? No. We had way to much fun back then and it was all worth it in the end!

[Image: 336.jpg]

My favorite memory on the site was probably when I learned that I was going to be drafted by the Buffalo Stampede first overall. Leading up to the draft I knew the Buffalo Stampede had a ton of interest in me as I was a top earner, and they needed some defensemen. Also I'm sure my good friend, Monkey D. Luffy played a huge part in hyping me up and bugging the fuck out of WBF and Tomen about me. Unfortunately however Buffalo didnt win the lotto that season as they were given the 3rd pick and the awkward situation of the chance that I might not fall to them. However, I really only had interest in going to Buffalo as I knew some of the guys there and they had the perfect locker room environment for me so in hindsight maybe not really an awkward situation cause even though I kind of tried to sound like I was willing to go to another team, ultimately I'm sure the gms of both Texas and Chicago could tell I wasn't totally convinced of going elsewhere. I was still worried though cause I didnt like out right telling a gm that I don't wanna play for them so I never did. Low and behold though shortly before the draft was to take place, Buffalo sent The Dude and their 3rd pick to Chicago for the 1OA pick in the S51 draft which would secure my spot in Buffalo. This is my favorite memory as I remember I was playing rocket league (I believe) with Monkey D. Luffy when the trade happened and I remember being so excited when he told me that I was guaranteed to go to Buffalo. It's also my favorite memory because the time I've spent with the rest of my teammates in Buffalo has been the highlight of this league.

My favorite memory of the SHL so far is actually coming back. My first player ended up being a bad decision as I didn’t have the time to really devote to developing him. He ended up being a failure and I don’t really miss him. My new player I’m a little more interested in developing and I’m actually putting in a solid effort. The key was having a player I actually cared about. And my dedication to my player I’m actually giving this time around has led to the draft. I wasn’t really sure where I’d be drafted. I assumed somewhere in the third round. I wasn’t really scouted as I was for sure not a top prospect but I was a steady and reliable prospect with no character issues and a solid work ethic. That’s not necessarily hard to find though and many of the top TPE earners had those particular traits. After the draft I found out I was drafted to Toronto. I didn’t particularly want to go here as I’m not Canadian but on the upside, it’s relatively close to my hometown of Minnesota. I’ll give it a fair shake as I finally get to delve into the SHL for what feels like the first time.

209 words

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I'm a newbie (just got drafted earlier today into the SMJHL 29th overall woo!) but in the past five days my experience in the league has been overwhelmingly positive and that's been in large part thanks to the community. Special shoutout to sve7en for his help before the draft process and scouting me. I had a ton of fun being scouted and courting teams to try and bump my draft stock and made it into the third round as a member of the community for less than a week! The draft was also a great time to tune in to the stream and see first myself, then two buddies that signed up with me get taken. I am still very much learning the flow of earning TPE, but I'll get the hang of it eventually and soon enough it will start pouring in.

I've also had a ton of fun twisting my friends' arms into signing up for the draft and managed to sucker two of them into coming along for the ride! @hughesab @FreeHoSang let's dominate this season! None of us ended up on the same team, but it just means that we're gonna get some grade A chirps going when it's time for me to beat y'all on the ice.

(This post was last modified: 05-17-2020, 10:28 PM by BadLck.)

While Biggs Secksy has not been around for long he was able to have some great memories. He had the opportunity to watch and be apart of greatness when the Detroit Falcons invited him to their team as a non-playing free agent. Although I was quite quiet around the locker room as I did not want to ruin any momentum they had during their awesome run, they still made me feel very much just apart of the team as the others. I even have my very own Secksy emote in the locker room even though I would never be able to play in the games. Even as a non-play I was still able to observe and learn a lot from how they play and how they would celebrate after a win or band together and fight back after a loss.

Out of all the moments I spent with Detroit in their locker room. My favorite has to be when we won the cup and although I was not a player I was just as much included in the celebrations as any other player. There is no greater feeling then winning the cup with people I would consider to be not only my teammates but my friends. Now that I am officially drafted to the team I play on keeping the locker room culture going and also keep up our winning ways.

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