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S54 PT #1 - A New Focus
(This post was last modified: 05-28-2020, 03:47 AM by Carpy48.)

I was pretty happy with my player's build already last season so I didn't have to change much. I could've just left everything as it was and made adjustments while earning more TPE during the upcoming season, but I decided to boost a few of my major attributes and at the same time lower those that I see as more minor attributes for goalies. All in all it's not a big change (but hey, it was free) and I honestly don't think it will make much of a difference if you already have a lot of the attributes around 18. My role will essentially be the same and what I learned from last season was that one or two good (high TPE) players won't make any difference on a team that's a lot weaker on average than most other teams. However, I still believe that a strong goalie can make a small difference in how bad the losses are in the end. Our team is still too weak to score many goals against other teams, but at least we might expect a few more 3-1 or 4-1 losses and not 10-0. I also learned last season that I shouldn't regard GAA as a stat that represents my player (it really represents the team). I will only look at SV% and GR and as long as those are decent, I'm happy with my player's build and performance.

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For the upcoming season, I´m focusing on the defensive side more compared to previous years. I talked with the coaches about my role, and we all agreed that it could be better if I approach the game from a different angle. Instead of trying to skate with the puck up the ice by myself, I should try to keep it as simple as possible, let the puck do the work. That is a good change in my opinion, there is no denying the fact that as an older player my movement is not on the same level as in the past. By simplifying my game I will hopefully play better and more importantly, get to play a bit longer in SHL.

On our own end, I have been given the freedom to be more physical, especially near our own net. From my point of view that is something, I´m looking forward to, despite the wheels slowing a little bit I´m still in pretty good shape, no major injuries that have greatly reduced my ability to play physically. Overall, the new approach is not that different compared to the past, I´ll just try to pass the puck more and control the crease aggressively.

Devin Williams coaches asked for him to come to the rink opening day of preseason, ready and willing to make a better showing than he did last year. With his below average point totals but above average defensive capabilities, they wanted him to continue to be a force to be reckoned with in the defensive zone, while also being able to be stronger on the offensive blue line. For Devin, the offseason really seems to have helped that, putting up 3 goals in 2 games ( He had a goal last year but it was waved off after a late offsides ruling by the referees ) Making his offseason start already much more promising looking forward. His teammates have been ragging on him a little bit about finally getting a goal he could count, albeit in preseason, he knows it's only the beginning of a good year in the J. Along with the prospect of being on a powerplay unit and no longer pairing the bottom d corps, Williams is looking forward to a breakout year in which he hopes to put up just as strong defensive numbers, and even better offensive numbers.

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Yes, I did change my player's build with full redistribution and when you are given free option to change your build completely, why would I refuse to do that? So obviously I wanted to stay as a sniper because I love to score goals and who does not love to score goals? Some of the attributes I had at 20 were lower to 19 to get other attributes up because TPE to get to 20 is so much TPE and might be a waste. So then I also knew I had to put TPE into my defensive attributes as well because the better defending you get, the more time you have the puck which is very important.

The build was not completely different but it was different and better. I had a lot of TPE banked too but I needed to change it completely. A new build and a new look for Austin Roenick hopefully makes him one of the best scorers in the league because that would be lovely to experience.

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After a full season on FHM I think I got a better understanding of how things work. Now, I will say I don’t have a great knowledge about how things work since I don’t have the program, but I think I understand a little more.

When it came to the offseason and the free redistribution, I decided to have some in depth discussions with my team’s coach to see where I might fit in best. We went through various possibilities of where I might be able to slot in a team and see where I would benefit individually and help the team perform better. Ultimately it was decided that I would be best suited to switch from a dangler to a sniper. There isn’t too much of a difference, but I’m much more focused on scoring goals than being an all around presence on the ice. However, with my TPE increase I believe I can still be helpful all over the ice and not just solely focused on scoring goals. I didn’t want to make a huge change, but I wanted to see improvements.

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My goal overall has always been to try and become a competent defensive forward while still focusing on my offensive game. I think in the off season I had ample opportunity to do so. Obviously, I will not be playing in the SHL this coming season but I'm very much looking forward to bringing a much more complete game to the SMJHL for my sophomore campaign and actually be able to truly help my team as opposed to just hoping I'm not hurting them when I'm out there.

That's the big difference for me. I had flashes of good play in both ends but I believe with what I've been able to do to my game and conditioning in the off season I will be able to become a legitimate threat night in and night out in season 2 of Kwame Dakari's Carolina experience.

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I didn't use the free distribution in the offseason because I had already done a paid TPE redistribution during the season.  I used the redistributed TPE to increase my stamina and checking, which are two important attributes in FHM. Of course, after we realized how important stamina is they increased the stamina for everyone. Since I was uncapping from 350 to 425 I used my TPE gained to increase some of the key attributes of my build (counterattacking/two-way forward). I put some more points into Stamina and then mostly passing and positioning.  I had some success in the "Set up man" role with my 350 build and so want to keep some of the offensive attributes of "two way" but I want to concentrate on the defensive side and help the team out that way.  Positioning/Stick-checking and defensive read are obviously important stats. My blocked shots went up dramatically from the last STHS season to the first FHM season. From 6 SB in S52 to 58 SB in S53.  I also improved my plus minus from +2 to +9.  I scored the same number of goals both seasons ironically enough (7) but my assists more than tripled, from 5 in S52 to 16 in S53. Having more narrow focused attributes in FHM that you can increase and train in seems to be a big boost.

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I definitely learned a lot about FHM this season, not only my player but also lines, tactics, attributes, roles, etc. I didn't change much about Parmborg this off-season because I was happy with my play as defensive minded center with high skill and speed. I increased my checking, balance and stick checking to hopefully be even more effective in my top roles in S54. As a coach I asked a few of our players to also work on defensive minded attributes like checking,, positioning, etc. The idea team-wise was we didn't start FHM last season with a lot of strong defensive players and that's something we wanted to improve with the free changes. We were great on offense but our D could be improved. We didn't make major changes but a few small tweaks here and there to hopefully shore up our defensive game while remaining a highly potent offensive team. A for Parmborg he honed his game with improvements in the few key areas I mentioned and is ready to help the team win another cup.

---> ParmBorg Highlights <---
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#1 All-Time SHL Goal & Point Scorer 
- First 2,000 TPE Player in SHL History - 
- First 400 Goal Scorer in SHL History -
- Only 500 Goal Scorer in SHL History -
- First GM to Win 5 & 6 Challenge Cups -
Esa Anrikkanen Award - SMJHL ROY - Est. S34
Vidrik Onoprienko Award Winner - S45

Dragonite[Image: 271.png][Image: 291.png][Image: 321.png][Image: 401.png][Image: 42banner2.png][Image: r-Wt4-AB350oooo.png] Dragonite

This season I thought to add heavily into my goal scoring abilitys, mainly due to my team not having a true goal scorer and the fact that my playmkong was already decent. The fact remains though it will be a tough few seasons in tampa bay and we gotta just stay together as a team and try to plan our builds accordingly. As for now though I'm taking the approach of all around offensive player and hoping I can at least help our guys put up some numbers while we continue to rebuild our franchise. This year is going to be all out offence from Michael fitted and I'm hoping my transistion into a goal scorer can really help put fans in the seats while we figure out our identity. One thing I know for sure it wont be pretty but if I can light the lamp some and help my guys fill up the stat sheet this year can at least have some fun to it right?

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2x 4Star Cup Champ s49 s50

1x commissioners excellence award s 50

During the off-season I was told that I was getting a chance on the top line, after playing exclusively on the third line in my rookie season. Pretty big jump to make, but with Al Kayhall and Thicc Cheezy getting call ups, and Indigo Trevino being traded near the end of the season, the Timber have some holes that need filling. That also means I will be going from more of a shutdown secondary scoring role to someone who is expected to deliver some offense nightly. Maine didn't really explode last season offensively so I decided to put some focus on my skating to hopefully accentuate my other offensive traits. I have also hit the weights a little getting my strength up to help drive to the net and maybe screen the goalie.  I managed to put up 10 goals and 16 assists with minimal minutes so I didn't feel like anything really needed to be overhauled and with those changes I'm hoping to help Maine get back into the playoffs where we belong.

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Canada Blizzard Stars Renegades  Citadelles Citadelles Renegades  Stars Blizzard Canada 

After last season I was shocked at my players performance. I was happy to see that finally having a high TPE level gives you a better chance of having a great player, which is as it should be. I was very happy with my regular season and actually got some notoriety such as an all star team appointment and a Stevens nomination. With the free redist this off season, I did contemplate maybe trying out something different, but I figured why mess with what worked already and just left my build alone. Really only using the TPE I've earned to ideally make my player better. This season turned me into an offensive beast from the blueline, which was not what I envisioned when I made this guy, but am more then happy to take on the role as we have guys on the team that would rather be more defensive minded.

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197 words

My build compared to last season is pretty different. Going into my third season in the SMJHL I was able to bump up my total build to 425 TPE from 350 TPE which really gave me some more room to play with. For starters, my offensive stats really improved. Getting open, puckhandling, shooting range and shooting accuracy were bumped up a few levels. Tig put me on the first line with Teddy and Cal so I am hoping I can get myself open and put the puck in the net more this season. My Defense kind of evened out compared to my last build. Bumped up my checking, but decreased my hitting. Defensive positioning was increased as well. If i’m playing top 6 minutes, I have to make sure I can play D as well. I decreased my shot blocking, hoping that my offensive skills will keep the puck in their zone and I won’t have to be blocking too many shots. In the physical area, I bumped up my Acceleration and speed hoping to get more breakaway opportunities. My stamina was also bumped from 12 to 13 once again making way for those top line minutes.

Falcons Falcons Falcons

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After small, but ultimately disappointing, gains last season, I was looking forward to off season training. I wanted to be a better all-around player for the team, to help create better chances offensively and defensively. My goal is to help shut down the enemies attack, while creating an effective counter-attack for our forwards. I especially wanted to get more special teams ice time. with my GM's help @JNH I put my re-distributed points across the board, focusing on physical stats to ensure I can hold my own on my shifts while punishing the opposing players. Defensive and offensive read alike got a boost, as well as the puck handling and passing, to get, keep, and send the puck to my scoring teammates. Future TPE will be allocated to more reading, as well as shot blocking to help keep the pressure off of our award-winning goalie. I am quite happy with my re-distribution, I hope it will support Newfoundland in the coming season.

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This off-season was a bit of a weird one for me. My agent somehow managed to get hired as the Co-GM of the Raptors, so I guess I have job security? But its changed things a lot for me because now he is focusing on the whole team and not just giving me advice and tips for improving. He is also taking on some of the coaching responsibilities, so I really had to listen to him when he suggested I improve my defensive game. I spent a lot of time studying film of my play last year and I think I’ve noticed a lot of cases where my anticipation was just flat our wrong. I’ve watched so much film I feel like my overall read in the defensive zone has improved a lot. Of course, I still made the extra time to work on my offensive game. I shoot anywhere from 500 to 1,000+ pucks a day, you have to if you want to be an elite sniper and master that muscle memory of putting it bar down from anywhere on the ice.

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Jean-François Bokassa

Proud Father of Johnny Wagner-Svenson

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Sven Svenson Career Stats

Sweden Raptors pride

S53 was a highly disappointing season for Kvalheim as he finished with only 30 points and his Renegades finished at the bottom of the Western Conference. I had created Kvalheim to be a power forward, as I wanted to continue building my player the same in FHM the same way I did in STHS. However, that didn't work out and for this season, I've switched to being more of a two-way player. My build hasn't changed too much, but my defensive attributes are slightly higher, and I've become more of a playmaker as opposed to a goal scorer. In addition, I made to switch to centre this season since Texas was severly lacking depth down the middle. This move will enable the Renes to have a dynamite top line of Kvalheim, Gotze and Kubinec with an average TPE of 1500, which should be enough to compete with any other lines.

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