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I´m not donating

What police did to that man was terrible and a crime against humanity, but does that give so many people the right to do whatever they want? Was it the local store's fault, how are the new sneakers, phones, televisions, and other items stolen from stores going to make any kind of difference? You have new sneakers, maybe a new TV - now what?

I´m not donating to BLM or any other group. I´m not donating to a cause that helps those cities/stores to rebuild. Why? I want you to pay for it. I want those people who riot and break shit to deal with the consequences of police, firemen, and teachers getting laid off. I want you to sit there and wonder why there are no jobs in the area. I want those who sympathize with the riots to pay for it. That is what you deserve, you took a massive shit right where you eat and soon everything really stinks.

Black lives matter, but at what point you look into the mirror as a community and as a group, at what point you start keeping your own in check and hold them equally responsible for the negativity coming towards your community/group instead of blaming the society about everything? At what point you take responsibility for your actions?

A lot of people glorify the criminal lifestyle, many think being real or tough means doing criminal activities. How many violent street altercations are started because someone felt disrespected about some silly thing, next they are ready to bash someone's face in for that? If you look at it from the police perspective, their job is to stop or even prevent crime. If you live in a bad neighborhood - is it that surprising if the police are all over you frequently? Does that mean police have the right to do whatever they want? Absolutely not.

These riots however have nothing to do with police brutality or racism. Just selfish individuals doing something crazy because they ´can´. When hopefully some point in the future these riots end, and fighting is over. I will sit here and wait for the news about people struggling to find jobs in the areas that got hit hardest by the riots, and I´m going to laugh my ass off. Lets hope the black lives matter organization is there to rebuild as well.

06-03-2020, 05:28 AMjRuutu Wrote: What police did to that man was terrible and a crime against humanity, but does that give so many people the right to do whatever they want? Was it the local store's fault, how are the new sneakers, phones, televisions,  and other items stolen from stores going to make any kind of difference? You have new sneakers, maybe a new TV - now what?

I´m not donating to BLM or any other group. I´m not donating to a cause that helps those cities/stores to rebuild. Why? I want you to pay for it. I want those people who riot and break shit to deal with the consequences of police, firemen, and teachers getting laid off. I want you to sit there and wonder why there are no jobs in the area. I want those who sympathize with the riots to pay for it. That is what you deserve, you took a massive shit right where you eat and soon everything really stinks. 

Black lives matter, but at what point you look into the mirror as a community and as a group, at what point you start keeping your own in check and hold them equally responsible for the negativity coming towards your community/group instead of blaming the society about everything? At what point you take responsibility for your actions?

A lot of people glorify the criminal lifestyle, many think being real or tough means doing criminal activities. How many violent street altercations are started because someone felt disrespected about some silly thing, next they are ready to bash someone's face in for that? If you look at it from the police perspective, their job is to stop or even prevent crime. If you live in a bad neighborhood - is it that surprising if the police are all over you frequently? Does that mean police have the right to do whatever they want? Absolutely not.

These riots however have nothing to do with police brutality or racism. Just selfish individuals doing something crazy because they ´can´.  When hopefully some point in the future these riots end, and fighting is over. I will sit here and wait for the news about people struggling to find jobs in the areas that got hit hardest by the riots, and I´m going to laugh my ass off. Lets hope the black lives matter organization is there to rebuild as well.

Suffragettes stormed parliament, were assaulted by police, smashed windows, set fire to postboxes and empty buildings, set bombs in churches and property, and faced anger and ridicule in the media. I would call voting rights for women positive change, wouldn't you?


(This post was last modified: 06-03-2020, 06:01 AM by Baelor Swift.)

06-03-2020, 05:28 AMjRuutu Wrote: What police did to that man was terrible and a crime against humanity, but does that give so many people the right to do whatever they want? Was it the local store's fault, how are the new sneakers, phones, televisions,  and other items stolen from stores going to make any kind of difference? You have new sneakers, maybe a new TV - now what?
How many times have people protested peacefully FOR THIS EXACT SAME ISSUE? Yet none of these peaceful protests have resulted in any sort of changes to or addressing of the systemic injustices people of color face in the US.

06-03-2020, 05:28 AMjRuutu Wrote: I´m not donating to BLM or any other group. I´m not donating to a cause that helps those cities/stores to rebuild. Why? I want you to pay for it. I want those people who riot and break shit to deal with the consequences of police, firemen, and teachers getting laid off. I want you to sit there and wonder why there are no jobs in the area. I want those who sympathize with the riots to pay for it. That is what you deserve, you took a massive shit right where you eat and soon everything really stinks. 
What about the people who uphold white supremacy taking a massive shit where they eat and never having to face any repercussions for it, instead handing the repercussions down to the people they hide behind law to discriminate against? This is what people rioting and protesting are shitting on. With that being said, do you really think these protests are irrational - to resist an oppressor is wrong or irrational?

06-03-2020, 05:28 AMjRuutu Wrote: Black lives matter, but at what point you look into the mirror as a community and as a group, at what point you start keeping your own in check and hold them equally responsible for the negativity coming towards your community/group instead of blaming the society about everything? At what point you take responsibility for your actions?
This is a very vague criticism of all black people. You need to be more specific about this because right now, this absolutely reeks of racism - vague attacks on the black community that appear to be based on stereotypes.

06-03-2020, 05:28 AMjRuutu Wrote: A lot of people glorify the criminal lifestyle, many think being real or tough means doing criminal activities. How many violent street altercations are started because someone felt disrespected about some silly thing, next they are ready to bash someone's face in for that? If you look at it from the police perspective, their job is to stop or even prevent crime. If you live in a bad neighborhood - is it that surprising if the police are all over you frequently? Does that mean police have the right to do whatever they want? Absolutely not.
What the fuck are you on about now? Why should George Floyd being accused of using a counterfeit bill or Breonna Taylor sleeping at her home have to answer for people who they don't even associate with? Just because they have the same skin color?

06-03-2020, 05:28 AMjRuutu Wrote: These riots however have nothing to do with police brutality or racism. Just selfish individuals doing something crazy because they ´can´.  When hopefully some point in the future these riots end, and fighting is over. I will sit here and wait for the news about people struggling to find jobs in the areas that got hit hardest by the riots, and I´m going to laugh my ass off. Lets hope the black lives matter organization is there to rebuild as well.
They have EVERYTHING to do with police brutality and racism. If you don't understand the riots, just imagine having zero choice but to grow up and live in a country built upon the slave labor of your ancestors, that refused to even recognize that all humans, regardless of color, deserve equal rights (in theory because it's still not happened in practice) until less than 60 years ago, that, since making the grand gesture of civil rights has implemented targeted policies to keep people of color in a disadvantaged position by designing a justice system that treats black people and white people differently (, failing to adequately fund public schools in nonwhite school districts to the tune of $23 billion less in funding despite serving about the same number of students (, and a system where black men are 2.5 times as likely to be killed by police as white men (

Yet all that ever happens is some lip service is provided by the powers that implemented and enforce these inequalities that exist to this very day, that have culminated in the wrongful deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, And Ahmaud Arbery just in the last three months. And these are just the ones we heard about. Realistically, what progress has been made? Yes, it's more of a talking point now but where is the policy? When will murderers who hide behind uniforms be punished appropriately? These are questions that are starting to feel like they have no real answer.

And that is why we are seeing riots, looting, and burning. Because nothing is changing with peaceful protests. These riots, no matter how hard people may try to portray them as such, are NOT irrational. Again and again, a fundamentally racist institution - the United States Government - refuses to clean up and address the real issues and offers, at best, empty platitudes. Honestly, people will continue to lash out against the system until actual changes are made.

But to suggest that the protests and riots have nothing to do with racism and police brutality means you have zero understanding about this. I would say you should have kept your mouth shut but it's good that you did this - because you are exposing yourself as a racist piece of shit and people who are keeping quiet and may share some or all of your views can see the responses and mayyyyyybe have a change of heart or start to understand the situation a bit better.

[Image: Marius_buffalo.png]

08-24-2018, 01:08 PMWannabeFinn Wrote: Ah yes, the veteran meme player. A surefire bet for maybe 400 TPE Tongue
05-23-2020, 02:25 PMWannabeFinn Wrote: Scoop AINEC
[Image: Skree.gif] [Image: Skree.gif] [Image: Skree.gif]

[Image: Poppity.png]
^^^^^ Thank you JSSSSS
[Image: Poopity_Scoop_1.png]
^^^^Credits to Snussu^^^^

[Image: Scoop.png]

And you are telling us this for exactly what reason?

Manhattan Rage | General Manager
[Image: LSZLcjq.png]
thanks Sulovilen for the sig!
D | Manhattan Rage | Czechia

[Image: 8NuVFvj.png]

[Image: aNvoRKa.gif]

[Image: avakaelsig.gif]

(This post was last modified: 06-03-2020, 06:24 AM by Leoben.)

The riots have nothing to do with police brutality or racism?  If George Floyd is alive right now, then the tinderbox wouldn't have been ignited last week.  So I'd say they have everything to do with racism and police brutality.  There are opportunists in every group who will take advantage of the situation, but that shouldn't distract you from the real problem.

I don't think you're a racist piece of shit as some have suggested, but you're off the mark here.  Might just wanna sit this one out and get some perspective.  Or not.  If you don't wanna donate then just don't donate(I didn't either but I just can't afford to right now).  A lot of us on this site are very passionate about things like this, which is good, and we need more people like that in the world.  Posts like this will just come off as antagonistic to some.

[Image: v1uynGf.png]

Highlanders Patriotes

Renegades  raiders  Finland
[Image: WuTGq5J.png]

As one of your teammates I'd just like to say.

Nephew, delete this.

[Image: 66624_s.gif]
[Image: 56096_s.gif]
Credit to Ml002, King, Wasty, Carpy, Bruins10, Rum_Ham, Turd Ferguson, Ragnar and Enigmatic for the sigs.
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[Image: wMGKypg.png]

@jRuutu I feel you man and personally share a similar stance on the situation. If a middle eastern group started doing the same exact thing because they are being oppressed, society would immediately label it as an act of terrorism. But apparently it’s different when it’s for an African American cause.

But hey, maybe I’m not seeing the full picture, but how is robbing a Rolex store standing up for black rights? Was Floyd all about that drip?

[Image: zcOwSzN.png] [Image: b1AwZLU.png]
First ever Yukon Malamute draft pick (1st overall S65)

[Image: ezgif-3-597e9990a5.png]


06-03-2020, 06:35 AMThe__Y-man__100 Wrote: @jRuutu I feel you man and personally share a similar stance on the situation. If a middle eastern group started doing the same exact thing because they are being oppressed, society would immediately label it as an act of terrorism. But apparently it’s different when it’s for an African American cause.

But hey, maybe I’m not seeing the full picture, but how is robbing a Rolex store standing up for black rights? Was Floyd all about that drip?

Your whole post is really stupid but that last sentence is totally fucking asinine

[Image: VkRiFym.png]

[Image: dankoa2004.gif]

06-03-2020, 06:35 AMThe__Y-man__100 Wrote: @jRuutu I feel you man and personally share a similar stance on the situation. If a middle eastern group started doing the same exact thing because they are being oppressed, society would immediately label it as an act of terrorism. But apparently it’s different when it’s for an African American cause.

But hey, maybe I’m not seeing the full picture, but how is robbing a Rolex store standing up for black rights? Was Floyd all about that drip?

shitty takes for $500



I got your back homie. Write me up for a dollar for every goal you score this season.

[Image: jackkanoff.gif]

[Image: jeffiesigs.gif]
Nour is pretty hot ngl

06-03-2020, 06:45 AMjeffie43 Wrote: I got your back homie. Write me up for a dollar for every goal you score this season.

I’ll match this - who else is in to get the JRuutu BLM fund as high as possible?

[Image: VkRiFym.png]

[Image: dankoa2004.gif]

06-03-2020, 06:35 AMThe__Y-man__100 Wrote: @jRuutu I feel you man and personally share a similar stance on the situation. If a middle eastern group started doing the same exact thing because they are being oppressed, society would immediately label it as an act of terrorism. But apparently it’s different when it’s for an African American cause.

But hey, maybe I’m not seeing the full picture, but how is robbing a Rolex store standing up for black rights? Was Floyd all about that drip?
To address your first point - honestly I think it's a great starting point. The key thing is, no, it should not be treated differently. Nobody protests and riots for no reason at all so we cannot label protests and riots as good or bad based on who it is leading them. We must judge them based on why they are happening, what efforts have been made before to address the issue peacefully, and how the powers that are being protested against responded to peaceful attempts. We can't just make a judgment on any claims of oppression based on the identity of the group claiming to be oppressed. Their claims must be listened to (because you aren't just going to have masses of people risking their lives for nothing - not now and not ever), heard, and actions must be taken in order to fix the problem in a productive manner.

When you try to silence these protests by dismissing the concerns, responding with force, by pushing narratives designed to delegitimize the claims, that is when there is a big problem. And, right now, you are part of that by feeding the narrative of robbing a Rolex store - not just pushing a narrative that these protests are all about looting but also, intentionally or not, utilising a stereotype of African Americans as part of this tactic to delegitimize the true purpose of the protests - which is to affect real, positive change to address police brutality and institutional racism.

The pillaging and looting is a common tactic to force government to have absolutely no choice but to hear out the concerns raised by these protestors because their voices have been shut out for so long. Yes, it's unfortunate that businesses have to be used as collateral to get the government to listen and take action but, at some point, you can only take so much shit and sit by quietly and take it. Besides, ever heard of the Boston Tea Party?

[Image: Marius_buffalo.png]

08-24-2018, 01:08 PMWannabeFinn Wrote: Ah yes, the veteran meme player. A surefire bet for maybe 400 TPE Tongue
05-23-2020, 02:25 PMWannabeFinn Wrote: Scoop AINEC
[Image: Skree.gif] [Image: Skree.gif] [Image: Skree.gif]

[Image: Poppity.png]
^^^^^ Thank you JSSSSS
[Image: Poopity_Scoop_1.png]
^^^^Credits to Snussu^^^^

[Image: Scoop.png]

I for one am shocked to see this from the same person who made a whole thread complaining that we were too hard on a poor innocent misogynist.

people really do tend to fill out the whole terrible opinion bingo card.

I also will contribute to the jruutu scores for BLM fund.

[Image: gunnarsoderberg.gif]

[Image: DG0jZcS.png]
. : [Image: U66t7Jy.png] : .

06-03-2020, 05:49 AMBaelor Swift Wrote: How many times have people protested peacefully FOR THIS EXACT SAME ISSUE? Yet none of these peaceful protests have resulted in any sort of changes to or addressing of the systemic injustices people of color face in the US.
And still the best solution was to steal and break everything?

06-03-2020, 05:49 AMBaelor Swift Wrote: What about the people who uphold white supremacy taking a massive shit where they eat and never having to face any repercussions for it, instead handing the repercussions down to the people they hide behind law to discriminate against? This is what people rioting and protesting are shitting on. With that being said, do you really think these protests are irrational - to resist an oppressor is wrong or irrational?
I don´t believe for a second even half of the people who are out there protestins/rioting/looting give two shits about fighting against the machine. All they want is to cause chaos.  If they really want to resist an oppressor, how about saying no to following the dumbest motherfuckers in the neighborhood and staying at home on a friday night?

06-03-2020, 05:49 AMBaelor Swift Wrote: This is a very vague criticism of all black people. You need to be more specific about this because right now, this absolutely reeks of racism - vague attacks on the black community that appear to be based on stereotypes.

I´m just saying that not all so called racism related interactions between the police and African-American community is started by the police randomly showing up to harass innocent people.

06-03-2020, 05:49 AMBaelor Swift Wrote: What the fuck are you on about now? Why should George Floyd being accused of using a counterfeit bill or Breonna Taylor sleeping at her home have to answer for people who they don't even associate with? Just because they have the same skin color?

Similar to above, in general taking part in criminal activities is a good way to get in touch with the police. At what point people take some ownership? Is the police now supposed to let the African-Americans do whatever they want?

06-03-2020, 05:49 AMBaelor Swift Wrote: They have EVERYTHING to do with police brutality and racism. If you don't understand the riots, just imagine having zero choice but to grow up and live in a country built upon the slave labor of your ancestors, that refused to even recognize that all humans, regardless of color, deserve equal rights (in theory because it's still not happened in practice) until less than 60 years ago, that, since making the grand gesture of civil rights has implemented targeted policies to keep people of color in a disadvantaged position by designing a justice system that treats black people and white people differently (, failing to adequately fund public schools in nonwhite school districts to the tune of $23 billion less in funding despite serving about the same number of students (, and a system where black men are 2.5 times as likely to be killed by police as white men (

Yet all that ever happens is some lip service is provided by the powers that implemented and enforce these inequalities that exist to this very day, that have culminated in the wrongful deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, And Ahmaud Arbery just in the last three months. And these are just the ones we heard about. Realistically, what progress has been made? Yes, it's more of a talking point now but where is the policy? When will murderers who hide behind uniforms be punished appropriately? These are questions that are starting to feel like they have no real answer.

And that is why we are seeing riots, looting, and burning. Because nothing is changing with peaceful protests. These riots, no matter how hard people may try to portray them as such, are NOT irrational. Again and again, a fundamentally racist institution - the United States Government - refuses to clean up and address the real issues and offers, at best, empty platitudes. Honestly, people will continue to lash out against the system until actual changes are made.

But to suggest that the protests and riots have nothing to do with racism and police brutality means you have zero understanding about this. I would say you should have kept your mouth shut but it's good that you did this - because you are exposing yourself as a racist piece of shit and people who are keeping quiet and may share some or all of your views can see the responses and mayyyyyybe have a change of heart or start to understand the situation a bit better.

Its year 2020, awful tragedies happened in the past. They should never be forgotten, but where is the black lives matter when black on black crime happens? I don´t hear any news then, why is that? Maybe start from uniting your own community before burning everything down? Joining together at the streets to create chaos does very little to the African-American community. Enjoy the communities after this is all over. The positive thing is protesting peacefully is that you don´t have to rebuild everything. That is also what civilized people do, they don´t trash everything and expect to be treated with respect.

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