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SHN S54 Power Rankings: 2nd Week

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Split pay between Luketd, Nhamlet, and Smallinowski7 between their words

Up to 6-8-2020
11-13-2020 Game Date

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Highest: 16
Lowest: 16

Smal: Tampa’s points graph is flatlined cause they’re dead.

Nham: At some point we’re gonna have to do a Bo7 sim against the S54 Four Star Cup Champs.

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Highest: 15
Lowest: 15
Smal: The Platoon are struggling in the first half of this season. As of this ranking they’ve played more games than any other team aside from EDM, but they find themselves 2nd to last in points. They have slightly better corsi than MIN and TOR, but it hasn’t converted to success, as they’re 15th in goals scored and goals against. Emerson and Moore seem to be their bright spots on the blue line, and Del Vecchio has somehow managed to stay above a .900 save percentage while facing over 46 shots a game.
Luke: Platoon looked better than last season, but with worse results. The team really stagnated, only winning a game here or there. They did shutout Manhattan, but the goals aren't coming. They are also getting outshot in most games, and 2nd lowest in Goals/Game doesn't help either. Paired that with the 2nd worst GAA as a team, there will be many challenges ahead of them.

Nham: Platoon’s add of Geoff Moore during the offseason has generally been positive in terms of the alternatives that could be playing on their back end right now but despite a solid duo in Nat Emerson and Moore protecting the young Luca Del Velcchio, the team just seems to be regularly falling further down to the point that this would be the league worst performance thus far this season were it not for the existence of the anomaly known as the Tampa Tank.

[Image: 14.png]
Highest: 14
Lowest: 13

Smal: TOR has certainly improved from their performance last season, though I think part of it is just that TBB is tanking so much harder than TOR did last year, that it makes their improvements seem even bigger. But there’s no question they’ve gotten better. I mentioned it last rankings, but I think their biggest story is Carpet’s resurgence back to a top tier goalie. Among goalies with 9 or more games played, he’s #2 in save percentage, and #1 in GSAA. TOR’s offense has also made some small improvements, jumping to 12th in the league in goals per game, but their team corsi is still 3rd last, with point shares and goals against both being 4th last.
Nham: Toronto has and will continue to look better in comparison to Tampa’s performance (it’s actually hilarious how much more we talk about Tampa for other teams, and nothing about Tampa themselves) but as Smal mentioned, there are some amazing performances on the side of the North Stars that has earned them their 5 wins thus far beyond beating up on small fries. Mika Kandinsky along with Bobby Lane are looking pretty good with the cavalry well on the way. Their powerplay is also just above average as well.

Luke: At this point if you said Toronto would be better than Baltimore I would not have believed you. Now it helps that they have an actual good 1st line for the first 20 or so games. They have gotten lucky, as their Corsi For/Against are worse than BAP, but their powerplay is better than BAP, and they scored more 5v5 goals as well.

[Image: 13.png]
Minnesota Chiefs: Chiefs
Highest: 14
Lowest: 12
Smal: The struggles continue for MIN as well, and they enter the ratings bottom 3 in most team metrics: goals for, goals against, team corsi, and team point shares, and with the latter 2 stats they find themselves in 2nd to last for. They have 6 wins on the year, and only one of their wins is by more than 1 goal. Comparing that to 10 of their 14 losses being by more than 1 goal, and their 3rd best team PDO, it might not be crazy to say that they could’ve found themselves much lower in the standings than they currently are.   
Nham: It’s a bit of a surprise that Minnesota are as high as they are ranked right now given the putrid start, though it’s not that high in the big scheme of things. Generally speaking, nothing has particularly changed for them with Markus Tegernako and his shoulder pad seeing over 50 shots a game on a regular basis. For a goalie that faces so many losses, he’s consistently been at 5 heat throughout the season. That might have been enough to help sneak a couple games against Winnipeg as well as a shutout against New Orleans.

Luke: Minnesota goes up and down in actually showing up to games, and having no effort at all. Like winning 9-4 to Edmonton, but then getting destroyed to pieces by other teams. There is no consistency, and they are getting hemmed in their zone way too much.

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Winnipeg Jets: Jets
Highest: 12
Lowest: 13

Smal: The Jets are coming into the ranking losing 5 of their last 7, with the two wins both being by just a goal. They have the 13th ranked offense, as well as 12th overall team corsi, goals against, and point shares ratio, so having them ranked 12th seems pretty fitting. Their underlying numbers certainly aren’t as bad as the teams below them, but they have a decent way to go to catch up to the teams ahead of them in this ranking, in fact their record hasn’t been able to pull ahead of MIN yet.

Nham: Winnipeg has been a little bit all over the place, being both capable of stealing a game from the Pride, keeping it close against Chicago and Edmonton but also struggling to beat weaker teams like Toronto and Minnesota. In some games, they’ve even lost albeit by a close margin. For a team that had the smallest of playoff hopes, they’re in a tough spot to stay optimistically. Prior to the season you would probably have had them as the 6th team in the conference, potentially 5th if the Pride bottomed out. Instead, they’re closer to the bottom of their conference than they are to the playoffs.

Luke: Winnipeg I feel like should be a better team at this point, but they just aren't. They had a couple good wins, but most of it feels like they have been sluggish, and they need to do something to fix it. One of their big weaknesses is their powerplay, which is one reason why they havent been as good as teams like TEX, so I think if they can fix that, and be better on the 5v5 in general, then they can pull themselves out.

[Image: 11.png]
Highest: 11
Lowest: 11

Smal: SFP is coming off a particularly bad stretch of games right before this ranking, ultimately dropping 6 of their last 8, despite a 102 PDO on the season. They’ve fallen just short so far, barely ranking under league average in corsi for/away, and 10th in goals for. They have some strong players on the blue line, Schieck, Montgomery, and Lockhart, with the latter 2 putting up some of the best relative corsi numbers in the league. Additionally, Nadeau is 5th among qualified goalies for both save percentage and GSAA, but despite the strong blueline and goaltending, SFP only has the 9th best goals against ranking in the league.

Nham: San Francisco is another team that has been consistently inconsistent. Granted, part of that just further establishes their level of a middling team where on a good night they could beat the Wolfpack 5-3 but also continue to drop points to their division opponents regularly. Their greatest threat is probably the Texas Renegades’ continued fairy tale run but their season record against each other still stands at 1-1. I do think that San Francisco are going to likely look good for a few games given their upcoming opponents include Toronto and Minnesota but the week after will be a bit of a killer, facing the top league teams like Edmonton, Chicago and Buffalo.

Luke: Slipping further, San Francisco doesn't look like a team that is fighting for a playoff spot atm. With Texas doing better, they will need a better 30 games to really stand a chance to get at getting a top 4 spot. It looks like that they will be a 5th or 6th team in the west, which isn't good as they have been missing the playoffs a lot more than making it the past couple seasons(other than the cup run in S52). If they want to turn the season around then they need to get pucks deep and pucks to the net.

[Image: 10.png]
Highest: 10

Smal: TEX has exceeded most people’s expectations of them so far, and remain an above .500 team, however have dropped 9 of their 14 games since the last power rankings had them in 6th, so the question will be if that’s just a cold streak, or are they regressing to a level of play equal to last year’s team? Similar to SFP, they’re just under league average in corsi for and against, middle of the pack in goals for and against (10th and 8th), and have gotten arguably the best goaltending in the league out of White Goodman - tied for 1st in save percentage (while facing more shots), and in 2nd for GSAA.

Nham: Will Texas pull off the STHS Toronto magic in FHM? The clock still continues to tick without hitting midnight but the run is certainly slowing down. They’re still finding themselves winning the odd game against impossible odds like a 4-1 triumph over Los Angeles and a 7-4 shootout versus Edmonton. When it comes to battling some of the other weaker teams, they’ve stumbled instead of keeping their momentum so it’s uncertain that they can bank enough points before things completely come to a stop for them.

Luke: Texas slowing down a but, no longer winning a majority of their games, and now 5th in the west, looking outside of the playoffs at the moment, they will need to snap out of their cold streak if they want to gain on NOLA* if they want to get back in that top 4. Adv stats don't really show that pretty of a picture. Their Corsi Against is Average, but Corsi For is lacking, so if they want to snap out of it, maybe getting more shots on net is a way to get that?

*as of writing this, TEX is in the 4th spot, but neck and neck with NOLA

[Image: 9.png]
Highest: 9
Lowest: 9

Smal: NOL lives and dies by the close games. The majority of their games have been within a 2 goal margin, and look to have the least variation in game scoring differentials. This is likely due to the fact that as a team, NOL has done a good job of keeping the puck out of the net - 7th in the league in goals against, despite having less than a .900 team save percentage. They’ve gotten good defensive play from Odelein III, and Manius leads forwards in hits by a mile, which has them at the 5th best corsi against in the league.Their problem thus far has been scoring, ranking at 11th in the league, despite the 6th best corsi for. Probably has something to do with that league lowest 97.08 PDO, a number that you have to assume starts to climb back towards 100 at some point.

Luke: NOLA seems to be in the middle pack of everything, GAA, GF, Power Rankings, and the middle of the west. Their team PDO is very low though, so maybe they need to get a lucky bounce or 2 to get back into the fray as one of the better teams in the league. I think if they start scoring more then they will start to get better, as their defense and goalie has been good.

Nham: I’m regularly surprised how I never know what to expect from New Orleans. On paper they should still at the very least be a regular contender potentially their division title. Yet whether it comes to wins or losses, it always seems to be a battle for them. It feels like there’s only ever a couple players that make a difference each night. Normally depth is ideal but when the rotating cast of players who are going to contribute is a toss up each game, it’s difficult to see them suddenly putting things all together and kick starting a long run. Still with how close the losses are, they also aren’t far away from finding a few of them turn into wins making a slight difference in their case.

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Highest: 6
Lowest: 8

Smal: After last edition’s power rankings, which had NEW at 11 in a decent shock to everyone, they came out and won 8 games in a row, and it looked like last regular season’s top team was back. However, they dropped 5 of their last 6 before this ranking, and they still haven’t quite been able to repeat their #1 offense and defense from last season. They currently rank at 7th and 6th in goals for/against, despite a top 5 corsi and points shares ratio. Similar to NOL, they have a terribly low PDO, 2nd last in the league at sub 98, so if that can improve towards the mean of 100 then they may start to get more wins stringing together, and really put the pressure on MAN, who currently sits a few points above them in the playoff race. 

Luke: New England Surges up the power rankings, as they should. They had really bad luck the first 10 games, and it really shows now. Still with some low PDO, they have a lot to improve in time, but their 5v5 vastly improved. Their power play is also good, and now their goalie has started to get hot, so a lot of positives for New England.

Nham: New England tried to improve in the offseason and it's clear that a majority of other teams had made more impactful moves which has left the Wolfpack catching up a bit. Even in their own division it’s a neck and neck battle with Manhattan. One reason why they have been looking better in general is Wagstrom waking up and joining the party. While a 40 goal season is out of the question for him at this point, they’ll still need him to continue to lead the way offensively. Rex Kirkby is also having a better season in most metrics in comparison to last so far.

[Image: 7.png]
Highest: 5
Lowest: 8

Smal: 4 of MAN’s 6 losses came in a row in the middle of their season so far, and they’ve gone 5-1 since that losing skid. They’re scoring at the 6th best pace in the league despite being 9th in corsi for. Defensively they have the 4th best corsi against, leading to the 4th best team goals against. Aittokallio and Thomason are both racking up the assists, and both are top 5 in the league for helpers, while David Vent is 6th among defenseman as well. Despite Larson in 5th last for save percentage, he finds himself 5th in GAA, so it seems that the once highest scoring team this season has had most of their recent success through defensive play. Although to be fair, it’s worth noting they’ve gotten to play TBB 5 times already...   

Luke: Manhattan has also been decent in this stretch, thanks to facing TBB and BAP a lot, their standings still remains in the top 4 in the east, but with some holes recently. Losing some key games to NEW twice and Buffalo Twice, they will have to win those games if they want a serious shot at getting into the playoffs.

Nham: Manhattan gets to pad a lot of their stats during this streak so things look a lot better than it could otherwise. Of the games that were against competitive teams, there were two 5-2 losses against Buffalo and New England. They might have to be careful not to get too complacent during this easy stretch of games and continue to remember that while they’re winning by multiple goals each game, they’re still up tight with the Wolfpack in terms of fighting for the division title.

[Image: 6.png]
Highest: 5
Lowest: 7

Smal: After a slower start to the season, Calgary has won 8 of their last 10 games since the last power ranking, though over half of those wins have been close 1 goal games. Offensively, they’re sitting at 5th in goals scored, 4th in OPS, and 7th in corsi for, and have gotten a lot of offensive production out of Kennedy Jr. on the blue line. Vilde is another usually strong goalie that’s struggled so far this year, ranking 2nd to last among qualified goalies in save percentage, and as a result they let up the 11th most goals against so far this season. 

Luke: Calgary has turned their bad start to their season around, as their main struggle was getting goals, and a good goalie behind that. Their powerplay is lethal, and that helps as their 5v5 goal production is lacking a bit compared to some of the top teams. But it is still good enough to be a really good team. Now their only hurdle to get past is to stop letting in as many goals as they do. Vilde and their defense will have to start playing better defense going forward.

Nham: Calgary’s record of only a couple losses interspersed around the 8+ wins they’ve got looks impressive though when they do win it’s been a tight game. Regardless a W is a W for them especially against the likes of Hamilton and Edmonton. They still haven’t been able to quite get the edge on their division rivals but have a few games against Minnesota coming up in the  near future to gain some easy points.

[Image: 5.png]
Highest: 5
Lowest: 6

Smal: LAP remains a strong team, with good team metrics, that seems to struggle to put pucks in the net. They’re 9th in the league in goals scored per game, and have put together 5 wins in their last 6 games. They’re one of the best defensive teams out there, as they rank 3rd in DPS and goals against, thanks to Knox Booth’s league tying best save percentage and 4th best GSAA.

Luke: LAP is still an elite team in this league, but they need to get a bit more out of their forwards if they want to get into the upper echelon type of teams. Their defense and goaltending is great, as they are 2nd in GAA as a team, and if they do lose, it's not by much which is a positive sign going for them in the future. Their coach is good for sure.

Nham: Philip Winters remains a consistent scorer for them but is also the only outstanding threat. Having nearly 10 points on the powerplay, much of the offense goes through him while Theo Morgan and Vorian Atreides are almost at or at a point a game. Beyond there, there’s almost as many defensemen as forwards for point totals so they could benefit from having a lot more forwards step up offensively. Thankfully their goaltending is consistently keeping them in games and straight winning them in tighter contests. 

[Image: 4.png]
Highest: 3
Lowest: 4

Smal: Buffalo is on a tear, winning 9 of their last 11, including 4 straight. They have the 4th best corsi for, 2nd best corsi against, translating to the 6th most goals scored and 3rd least goals against. The best news for them is that rookie goaltender Doyle had a great week since the last ranking, and has moved into 10th for save percentage and GSAA, after putting up top 7 numbers in both of those stats since the last ranking.

Nham: Buffalo continues to steamroll over teams with their overwhelming talent. In particular the duo of Monkey D Luffy and Matt Kholin has been money in both contributing to each other’s success, or setting up any one of the other skaters on the ice with them. The only major games of note that they’ve lost were against Chicago and a close one against New Orleans but on the whole, regularly outscore their opponents by more than one goal when they win.

[Image: 3.png]
Highest: 1
Lowest: 4

Smal: EDM remains a strong team, though have been at .500 the last games, however have been able to get a few OTL points in that stretch. Despite having a modest lead in the West, you can see that through games 11 to 18 they hovered right around the same points above league average value, indicating they weren’t increasing their lead in the conference. Despite that, they have the 3rd best corsi for, 2nd best goals scored, and best OPS, thanks to offensive forces Tokolosh and Pepperoni, who are #1 and #2 in points this year, not to mention Scholz and McIntyre who are 3rd and 5th among defensemen. A point of concern may be that despite the offensive success, they are 10th in the league in GAA, and just below/at average for corsi against and DPS.       

Nham: It would be unfair to simply say that Edmonton’s performance is a result of just Tony Pepperoni and Julio Tokolosh’s MVP level performances. There’s a lot of other credit going around especially with their top pairing of Scholz and McIntyre as well as Barrett Blackwood, James Troung and J-P Boivin stepping up often enough to overwhelm teams with scoring threats. Emiko Spector has been alright but given the team’s to score goals (2nd best) and over a 60% corsi for, outscoring opponents in a pond hockey game is something they’re more than comfortable with.

[Image: 2.png]
Highest: 2
Lowest: 3

Smal: CHI is having a great year offensively, just barely under 1st in corsi for and OPS, but converting that to 1st in the league in scoring by a decent margin, including a lethal powerplay., but also have the league’s 4th best GAA to back the offense up. They’ve won 8 out of their last 9, and every win has been by 3+ goals. The top 10 positional scoring charts are filled with their players, including the 3rd highest league scorer Westbroek, and also include Daniel Smeb, Selman, Parker Smeb, and Kennedy. The biggest issue for them moving forward is that they play in the most top heavy division in the SHL with BUF and HAM, which brings us to the #1 team this ranking...   

Nham: If Edmonton dominates offensively, Chicago is into some sadistic BDSM stuff with how they put the puck into the net. Outscoring Edmonton by nearly an entire goal per game on average, dominating puck possession with nearly 70% corsi for, they enjoy suffocating their opponents in a variety of methods. Often when star forward Daniel Smeb fails to get on the scoreboard, Parker Smeb somehow comes in and steals the show as a defenseman. In any other week, a performance that Chicago brings would have them ranked first.

[Image: 1.png]
Highest: 1
Lowest: 2

Smal: Last year’s challenge cup champs, as well as a dominant regular season team, continues to impress in the FHM era despite a lower total TPE than a lot of teams. They have the best team corsi ratio, goal differential, DPS, and GAA coming into this ranking. Lagerfield is following up his scoring title campaign nicely, although at a slightly less productive pace, but is still 5th in the league. Goalie Kryyst has the best GAA by quite a margin, as well ranking 4th in save percentage. The Great Lakes division has 3 of the top 4 teams from this power ranking, so it will be quite a playoff race to follow, and as now it looks like 2 of these teams may face each other in round 1 of the playoffs.       

Nham: Hamilton looked human last time we measured our power rankings. Since them the Steelhawks have turned around and rounded into mid-season form with players such as Lagerfield arising from the ashes after regretful fantasy owners left him for dead. Ageless wonder Robert Phelps has also been involved offensively lots though it may have more often been against weaker teams than not. Regardless with the team as a whole, they control the puck offensively as well as Chicago without the razor edge potency but control their end of the ice better than anybody else in limiting shots and creating low percentage plays. That’s made for a league leading goal against average of less than 2, something that only LAP has achieved thus far.

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Team Graphs

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More Team Stats

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Player Stats

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Goalie Stats

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Czechoslovakia PROFILE || UPDATE || RAGE. Rage 
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hate to be that guy moaning about things that are said in here but one thing i wanted to put my opinion in on real quick

“...however have dropped 9 of their 14 games since the last power rankings had them in 6th, so the question will be if that’s just a cold streak, or are they regressing to a level of play equal to last year’s team?”

it definitely was a hot start followed by a bad string of results but last season we were a 9-41 team. Going 6-7-4 since the last rankings has definitely sucked for us and been a big drop off but i think it’s discrediting us a bit to compare it to last season’s results. that being said, great article as usual and can’t disagree with the ranking itself

[Image: VkRiFym.png]

[Image: dankoa2004.gif]

Carpet the goat

[Image: ml002.gif]
Credit to Copenhagen, Wasty, FlappyGiraffe, InciteHysteria, and caltroit_red_flames
 [Image: MM4nqx6.png] [Image: Niz2wua.png][Image: egAspOO.png] Knights
[Image: GZ9XvkA.png]


Fuck the cheathawks

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UsaScarecrowsBlizzardSpecters | [Image: specterspp.png][Image: spectersupdate.png] | TimberArmadaSpectersFinland

[Image: cainbanner_35.jpg]

06-10-2020, 12:41 PMdankoa Wrote: hate to be that guy moaning about things that are said in here but one thing i wanted to put my opinion in on real quick

it definitely was a hot start followed by a bad string of results but last season we were a 9-41 team. Going 6-7-4 since the last rankings has definitely sucked for us and been a big drop off but i think it’s discrediting us a bit to compare it to last season’s results. that being said, great article as usual and can’t disagree with the ranking itself

Yeah you're definitely right here, wasn't the greatest wording on my part

[Image: smalinowski7.gif]
Sigs: Thanks JNH, Lime, Carpy, and ckroyal92 

nola being so topsy turvy has even left me, a player on the damn team, having no expectations per sim since anything you predict most likely won't happen
it's like controlled chaos in a sense


Armada Steelhawks Switzerland

Armada Specters Wolfpack Steelhawks Forge Switzerland

Scarecrows pride Chiefs Riot Stars Blizzard Ireland

ty to @High Stick King @EvilAllBran and @Ragnar for the sigs

Well this is a little better.

[Image: OnGNB1G.gif]

[Image: cgv4vCv.png]|[Image: 95lCCDx.png]|[Image: KgwtJeY.png]

Bold prediction: BAP is going to be rising soon. Strong finish in the second half.

[Image: EmersonSHL.gif]
[Image: uDjThoa.png]


06-10-2020, 01:40 PMbluesfan55 Wrote: nola being so topsy turvy has even left me, a player on the damn team, having no expectations per sim since anything you predict most likely won't happen
it's like controlled chaos in a sense

You just learn to expect the worst. Either a pleasant surprise or you were right

[Image: unknown.png]

UsaScarecrowsBlizzardSpecters | [Image: specterspp.png][Image: spectersupdate.png] | TimberArmadaSpectersFinland

[Image: cainbanner_35.jpg]

Underrating Buffalo I see..

[Image: 3c9qdm1du7g41.jpg]



Very interesting read again, thanks for that. I can't believe either that TOR is better than BAP. Curious about next week.

btw. you mixed up some of the highest/lowest numbers for TOR and MIN.

[Image: zS2lCMp.png] 

[Image: carpy48.gif]
sigs either by @Wasty, @Nokazoa, @sulovilen, @Capt_Blitzkrieg, @sköldpaddor, @Ragnar, @enigmatic, @Lime or myself

Stars Lions Berserkers
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