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S54 PT #5 - Parent's Day

Julio regularly sends money home to his mother's farm, but they are low maintenance people, and don't require much. After refurbishing the barn and upgrading the trough and back scratcher, there really wasn't much more that the Tokolosh family needed. For this Mothers' Day, Julio paid for an extended visit to New York for his mother and her gal pals. They saw a handful of sites and shows, and Julio splurged on a helicopter tour. They took a day trip out to Mohegan Sun and placed some bets on some SHL futures. They spent a day in Bayonne, playing Buck Hunter and slugging beers before one last hurrah in midtown before parting ways. On the day itself, Julio and his mother sat down for a nice grass dinner, with a trough water chaser. Julio spent a little money from his rainy day fund to get a private performance from his mother's favorite cover band: Cownting Crows.

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Sven is not a parent but he is lucky to still have both of his. Parents' Day this year luckily ended up on a day where Sven did not have any scheduled games. This allowed him to fly his parents, and brother, all the way to Carolina where he currently plays. All four of them enjoyed the day mostly touristing the city of Charlotte as only Sven had been there before. But even then, he had not really taken the time to take in the city and all it had to offer.

They visited the Nascar Hall-of-Fame. Not that either of them have ever been that into it, being from Sweden and all. But it being so different from any racing they have in Sweden, they were still quite interested in going there to check it out.

For a late dinner, and to wrap up the day, Sven and his brother took their parents to The Melting Pot. The fondue restaurant is not unique to Charlotte or Carolina, but they all love to dip food in melted cheese and chocolate.

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Past Players

Cain has had a steady girlfriend for most of the time he's been in New Orleans, and they live together in his nice large house. They are thinking of kids, but want to wait until Cain's career is done. He does have a niece who is 7 years old and they visit often, and might be the only thing keeping his tenuous relationship with his sister afloat. As a single mother, she relies on a lot of support from Aleister, for better or for worse. For Parent's day, they will visit for a nice dinner and some games before Cain gets back in gear for the Specters playoff run. A quiet evening is really all that's needed and someday Cain will be celebrating with his own kids. Perhaps they can all lace up the skates together and train for the SHL? haha no. Cain would never let his kids play in the SHL. Shit's fucked yo.

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UsaScarecrowsBlizzardSpecters | [Image: specterspp.png][Image: spectersupdate.png] | TimberArmadaSpectersFinland

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For Parent's Day, Ronlain decided to take a trip back home for the weekend and spend some quality time with his parents. Neither of them are really materialistic and while of course they would appreciate gifts, Ronlain knows the greatest gift he could give them is just an afternoon sitting on the patio, enjoying a few drinks and talking about life. Both of his parents are extremely proud of him for being able to reach his dreams of playing in the SHL one day, and they supported him every step of the way. It was hard for Ronlain to leave them as a teenager to play in St. Louis. They missed him and he missed them a lot, but there was nothing better than seeing the look on their faces when his name was called during the S51 SHL entry draft. They gave Ronlain all the support he needed for his entire life, and the only thing they want in return is for him to be happy and satisfied with his life.

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Barracuda Chomp Chomp Water Dog Barracuda
Scarecrows Scarecrow Noises Scarecrows
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This year for parent's day, I managed to help buy my parent's a new house and a new car. Throughout my life, my parents have always been there for me and making sure I was always put in a position to succeed. Being immigrants, they worked really hard to make a living and also provide us with a good life. So, since I signed my contract extension I thought it would be nice to show my appreciation and doing something nice for my family. With everything going on in the world, I thought this was a great family bonding moment and it was nice seeing my parents happy. Hopefully next contract extension I can top this gift. Our parents sacrifice so much for us so why not always show love back and so they know they are loved. What did you get your parent's or grandparents this year?

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Written task (150+ words): Is your player a parent? If so, what'd they get for Parent's day? Did the kids do anything special? If your player has parents, what'd they give their parents for Parent's day?

Unfortunately, Crudelli is yet to be a father but him and his girlfriend have been talking about potentially having a kid or two in the near future. So no Father's Day gift for Crudelli. But he did get to spend Father's Day with his parents, who flew down from Italy to watch Crudelli end the season with the Winnipeg Jets. This has been only the second time Crudelli's parents had flown to North America to watch their son play in the SHL, the other time being when Crudelli played in his first SHL game a few seasons back. It's always special having the parents come down and since Mother's Day had already passed, they got the celebrate Parent's Day together. Crudelli gave his mom some jewelry from one of her favorite Italian brands, Dolce and Gabbana. For his dad, Crudelli was able to get him some suits from Armani as well as some other small pieces of jewelry for his collection. Hopefully, when I can finally become a parent, I'll be able to spend it with an extra part of the family.

182 words

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The Big Wanger never forgets his roots as he overcome all odds to become a budding star in one of the world’s most prestigious sports leagues. This is why for Parent’s Day, Augustus made it a point this year to pay off all of his parent’s debt and provided them with a large sum of money for them to spend on themselves. The Wangs took a big step by immigrating from China to the poverty-ridden suburbs of Mississauga, Ontario, and Augustus has lived with the goal of making his parents proud and he hopes that this gift will alleviate the stress that his family has had for their entire lives. When asked about the gift, Mr. and Mrs. Wang were both lost for words as they themselves grew up in harsher financial conditions and it will be a breath of fresh air to not have to worry about their bank balances for once. They both hope to retire soon and finally live out their dreams as they grow elderly.

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Armada        Canada        Stampede
Falcons        Usa

I am the ultra proud father of my son, Ho Jun. My wife, Korean pop icon IU, and I welcomed the little man into our lives almost 6 years ago and have been over the moon since the day he was born. I got what every dad truly wants on Father's Day, some god damn alone time. Between the grueling SHL schedule and raising a young child it is next to impossible to get any time to myself. I spent the day having a couple ice cold beers and playing some video games without having to worry about the little dude seeing any questionable stuff. It was the best. With the help of my wife my son made me a cute happy Father's Day music video. All in all it was a very solid Father's Day where I could recharge the batteries and center myself again. I hope all the other dads in the SHL were able to have a good day as well.

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Hippo doesn't know if he's a parent or not, that's why he held a open meet and greet for any mother and kid that wanted to participate.
It might be the league's best kept secret but, Izzy got nothing on Hippo when it comes to appreciation of the women. And Hippo truly doesn't know if he got some little ones running around.

Hundreds of moms with their babies or small kids showed up for the meet and greet, free food, kids toys were provided. Hippo did recognize some of the women and was happy to see them again.
Some kids even looked a little similar to him, he was happy to provide for the evening.

As the evening approached 7pm Hippo held a speech. "As you might know, I've probably slept with all the mothers in this building. Know that it was out of affection and in some case even a bit of love.
I'm not a father type that settles down and builds a regular family, but I'm truly happy to have you all here.

*inhale* Also fuck all of you, I'm sterile since I was a little kid and got kicked in the nuts by a horse. Those little bastards aint main. Feel free to do a DNA test."


Vorian is a parent yes, in fact he is the reason House Atreides grew into the shape that it was. Unfortunately he has seen all his kids die by now due to his life extending treatment he had from his Titan father. So no father's day for Vorian anymore. On a day like this he just likes to sit down, have a drink and think about the former glory of the house. Remembering his kids, grandkids and generations below that. He has known them all. So father's day is more like a rememberance day then that he is actually doing anything.

All by himself that day while the other players on the team are hanging out with their kids, getting self crafted presents. It's sad for Vorian , so he is always happy once a day like this is behind him again and he can focus on hockey again.

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Former players:
Ivo Willems (S9 SMJHL) (S10-28 SHL)  
Xander Green  (S33-35 SMJHL) (S36-47 SHL)
Vorian Atreides (S49-51 SMJHL) (S52-61 SHL)

Zlatan Ibrahimovic jr., is not currently a parent. He is only 22 now and wishes to live his youth to the fullest. He is a chick magnet by all means and thus has not leaned towards settling down to have kids. He just prefers to date different woman and experience life. However, his parents are currently living in Sweden and he decided to give them a surprise visit on fathers day. As many of you all know, Ibra jr.'s dad is the infamous football legend Zlatan ibrahimovic. On father's day, junior bought his parents a Maybach and took them out for a spin in the luxurious vehicle. They visited a steakhouse and took the largest, most mouthwatering piece of wagyu beef in the restaurant. After downing that deliciousness, they had a campfire and caught up with how they are currently doing. Ibra jr., had a blast as it is not always he gets to see his parents. The next day, he took the airplane to comeback to Canada as he had a game.

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Goku Muerto left his home in Iceland as a teenager to go play hockey in Norway before his SMJHL/SHL career. So he has been away from home for a long time! However, he has always kept in close touch with his mother and father back in Reykjavik even when they couldn't travel with him. This last season, Goku repaid their ongoing support and love with a new fishing boat. His father had been plying his trade from the same boat for over 30 years so getting an upgrade was a big deal. With modernized GPS technology, wifi, updated storage and refrigeration capability, and installed solar panels to go greener, it promises to make Muerto Sr.'s job both more efficient and much more comfortable! Mr. Muerto is much happier skooting around the coves of Iceland catching sharks which he finds with modern radar, sonar, and fish-finding technology. Then, if he gets tired, he can relax in the plush leather-upholstered cabin, grabbing beers from the installed fridge, and listen to music on the top-of-the-line stereo system!

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Grizzlies      S76 SMJHL DRAFT 3RD OVERALL PICK      Grizzlies
Argonauts        S77 SHL DRAFT 4TH OVERALL PICK          Argonauts
Norway                     IIHF TEAM NORWAY                       Norway

Parents day is a special day as you're able to give the extra appreciation to the two people who worked the hardest and made the most sacrifices to raise you. Kane's parents have always been super supportive of him and always had his back when needed. For this Parents day, Kane went all out. He purchased them a vacation home in San Francisco so they always had a place to stay whenever visiting to watch some Pride games. He also got them an all paid for vacation to Paris which is something his mother has always wanted to do. To top it off and make the occasion all that more special, the whole family got together to celebrate with a family BBQ hosted by all the young ones in the family. This way all the Parents in the family got appreciated. It was a special day and will become a family tradition.

Falcons Canada
(This post was last modified: 06-26-2020, 11:02 AM by Renomitsu.)

Emilia is a bit too young (in her opinion) to be a mother herself – especially provided the physical trials of her job – but she is blessed with a supportive family that includes her mother Carina, a retired figure skater turned human rights activist, and her father Tomas, a commercial sales representative who has done much in promoting her early on in her career. In fact, in spite of her decision to spurn her mother’s former career after she’d done much to establish herself already, she regards her parents as significant influences in where she is today.

Indeed, much of Emilia’s scouting report when first declaring her eligibility for the SMJHL Draft related her back to her ice skating career – where she reached world juniors under the stringent tutelage of her mother, a former figure skater in her own right. She had rudimentary puck skills and defensive play, but what likely got her foot in the door of many junior league teams was her excellent skating skills acquired through years of technical work in the rink.

With her SMJHL contract inked for the year and prospects of consistent earnings in front of her, Emilia took her parents out for a lavish dinner in Operakallaren in Stockholm. But perhaps less transiently, she gifted them an album of her progression in school, figure skating, and hockey – including the lowest lows and highest highs of her learning process through the world juniors, as well as a candid photo of signing her first contract with the Anaheim Outlaws. She’d previously given them the skates she wore in her first professional game, as well as a newspaper with her All-Rookie Team announcement published in Sweden!

edit: For NSFL, please note my username is Mysa

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Thanks @Amidships!

I made my parents a nice breakfast. Breakfast is my Favorite meal and is something that I take pride into making. I think of myself as a good cook and I feel like breakfast foods is where my ability to cook shines. So I decided to give them something really nice I made some pancakes, eggs Benedict, I went all out on fathers and mother day both. I owe a lot of my success to my parents and they have helped me a lot and helped me grow over the years. I am proud to have them as my parents and they taught me a lot of good things and they still help me out whenever I need help on something. Like my dad is my go to person for when I break something and he usually gives a good advice on how to fix it and where to start and everything like that.

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