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An Apology from the Commissioner

06-30-2020, 02:49 PMBaelor Swift Wrote:
06-30-2020, 02:14 PMFuzzSHL Wrote: So if we do something that isn't mentioned in the rulebook to help us get an advantage we'll get a pass? Also where is the response about the targeted abuse he has directly messaged HO about with no response?
I can't give a definitive answer because it is situational but not everything strategy-related that will give advantages is illegal - and hardly so. Especially as we are just in our second season with FHM, it's not always easy to create a catch-all rule about what is and is not okay to do. But if you will recall, Hamilton finding an exploit in STHS actually did not get punished - rather rule amendments were made to nip it in the bud along with a much-needed sim engine change.

However, if you do break an existing rule in submitted lines/strategies, you will be punished for it.

As for the abuse, I can't really say. I don't have any messages about it from him and I do not know who he raised the issues with so I really can't comment on it but he is more than welcome to bring his concerns to me.

I think this situation as a whole should warrant a conversation about introducing a "palpably unfair" rule, which would cover situations like this. Something in place for "this shouldn't be a thing, but we haven't had something explicit about it yet" rule.

I'm not trying to say the NOLA situation and this are the exact same, just to be clear. I know we explicitly broke a rule, I'm not trying to say we didn't.

[Image: lap-teamsig.png]
Aleksi Kettu
[Image: 7MO9RpC.png]


A) Corey, I think you and your HO are doing a good job. I've been impressed with HO lately.

B) I'm really just here waiting for Ruutu to make this about him.

[Image: FJPVyys.png]

06-30-2020, 02:14 PMFuzzSHL Wrote: So if we do something that isn't mentioned in the rulebook to help us get an advantage we'll get a pass?
pretty sure that's the definition of not breaking the rules.

[Image: premierbromanov.gif]

Fuck the penaltys
[Image: EePsAwN.png][Image: sXDU6JX.png][Image: eaex9S1.png]

oh wow this is great! I was literally looking at the SHL Rulebook yesterday and thinking that it needed an update

[Image: Dextaria.gif]

[Image: Niz2wua.png]  [Image: iB9r7kM.png]  [Image: 6by0kBi.png]
Thanks to @DELIRIVM, @Moreorless89 and @ValorX77 for the sigs!
(This post was last modified: 06-30-2020, 03:46 PM by Zombiewolf.)

EDM getting a pass on the 6 back up games is kind of fucked. Especially if you take in precedents

But I’d also like to point out that I think Corey has been an excelled commish and I’m glad he acknowledged his screw up

[Image: blurrybad.jpg] [Image: zomboy3.png]
Thank you Brandon, Fish, GeckoeyGecko, Karey, Kit, takethehorizon, and Ragnar for the sigs!
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So they still get a pass even though there were still games to play their backup after the mistake was found and could have been rectified?

[Image: creller_dragons.png]

First of all: You're doing a great job Corey. Heart

I know some people take this whole SHL thing a lot more serious than I do, but I let them. I just have too much other stuff going on in my 'real life' that I don't worry if small things go wrong here occasionally. One example maybe: I did IIHF lines for my team and the goalie I wanted to start in one particular game was forgotten to be switched during the live sim and it just happenes - not the end of the world, for me at least. It's not exactly the same as with the backup rule, but some people might've been upset. This is only a game, simmers are human. If you know me you know I usually stay away from drama.

Getting an updated rulebook is nice. Maybe that will make things better. Let's not forget we're all doing this for fun.

[Image: zS2lCMp.png] 

[Image: carpy48.gif]
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(This post was last modified: 06-30-2020, 04:07 PM by Blues.)

06-30-2020, 02:52 PMteztify Wrote: I haven't been back to full activity for very long yet, but I'd like to add to the voices showing support for Corey. I understand some people in the league have issues - to varying degrees of legitimacy, some very and some less - with some of the consistency in rulings. I'd point you back to the original post of the thread which was an ownership of that, and an acknowledgement that we can keep striving to be better.

Consistency in rulings goes a long way in creating a sense of fairness. It's obviously incredibly important. However, we also operate in a league founded by young adults, run for over half a decade by literal children, running on a rulebook written by the same people, none of whom created the actual engines through which we sim the league. There are blindspots in the rulebook, each situation is unique, there's little twists in every set of facts that make it very difficult, sometimes, to say issue A equals issue B and therefore gets the same treatment. We play in a league that is adjusting with the times as far as what is acceptable to say to one another, and walk a fine line between policing speech like a social media platform or enforcing league rules like a hockey league, or trying to find some balance of both. As an aside, I've lately thought a lot about that - about what role the NHL plays in the disgusting comments a guy like Brendan Leipsic makes vs. the role his team plays in addressing it, and how that should or should not be mirrored here from a league vs. community point of view. It's a discussion worth having, but I digress.

Taking those things on, as people with other real jobs, and families, or school, and doing it for free (well, SHL money counts I guess), isn't easy. And while consistency is valued, you have to understand that the Head Office also reads all of the comments so many people post after each ruling, and where there is some small discretion on a punishment is dealt, on whether a punishment is dealt, or on how we categorize an issue, those comments and feedback from the league can have an effect. This is part of how the league evolves over time.

Having been a Commissioner in the past who went completely inactive after stepping down, I know that it's a struggle to make all people happy all the time. It's not as easy as you think to make consistent, by the book rulings every time when this is a league and community where two situations are seldom exactly alike, where honest mistakes by one party can look like a malicious infraction by another, and so on. It's hard especially when you gave up the fun part of this site - being a member, creating a player, making friends - to become the behaviour police when what you wanted to do was innovate and grow the league. There's no great mystery why an entire line of Commissioners have gone inactive. Where's Spangle? Where's Wadey? Where's Park?

The last thing I wanted to say in this incoherent show of support is that Core has been, in the time I've been around to witness him, an excellent Commissioner. Not every ruling is perfect. Not every HO discussion goes perfectly. They never have. Anyone who thinks they could step into Core's job and change that on day one is kidding themselves. Surely if that were possible, in 10 years of this site existing someone would've gotten everything consistently right. They haven't, because we're still growing, things are still changing, and ultimately this is still a hobby that each of us can only reasonably be asked to pour so much into. But for those who have issues with consistency and favoritism, you're right, these are things that have plagued the SHL forever. I was guilty of it in my initial run in HO, as was every Commish before and after me. But the league is in a much better spot in that regard than we used to be, and that forward progress is all we can really expect.

tez, you are and forever will be the king of good takes

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Great post

SHL Head Commissioner S12ish-S27ish
GM Dragons S8 & S9 (Won cups both years)
2x GM Of The Year
5 Time Cup Winner
League MVP

Past Players
[Image: HOF2.png] D - Aidan Richan - [Image: HOF2.png] (S5 11th Overall) Dragons
[Image: HOF2.png] C - Chico Salmon - [Image: HOF2.png] (S17 1st overall)  Renegades

Current Player
D - Chico Smeb (S46)

SMJHL - Drafted 65th Overall by Raptors
SHL - Drafted 23rd Overall by Dragons

06-30-2020, 03:36 PMMook Wrote: So they still get a pass even though there were still games to play their backup after the mistake was found and could have been rectified?

It wouldn't be right to punish them at this point because they were told by the commissioner that they were in compliance with the rules. If they were told that they had to make more starts, I'm sure they would have done so.

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as a specter i feel wrong'd

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06-30-2020, 04:11 PMxDParK Wrote: Great post

Agreed, HO is in a very well run position right now despite the hiccups which were acknowledged here and are being/have been addressed.

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it's insane how crucial communication is in literally everything in life


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06-30-2020, 04:15 PMJNH Wrote:
06-30-2020, 03:36 PMMook Wrote: So they still get a pass even though there were still games to play their backup after the mistake was found and could have been rectified?

It wouldn't be right to punish them at this point because they were told by the commissioner that they were in compliance with the rules.  If they were told that they had to make more starts, I'm sure they would have done so.

It makes sense when you put it like that, but I just bought this pitchfork and I want to use it

[Image: creller_dragons.png]

06-30-2020, 03:23 PMZombiewolf Wrote: EDM getting a pass on the 6 back up games is kind of fucked. Especially if you take in precedents

But I’d also like to point out that I think Corey has been an excelled commish and I’m glad he acknowledged his screw up

We were prepared to make the sixth start and were told we didn’t have to, so why would we?

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