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S55 PT #1 - Back To Where It All Began

Right after the IIHF tournament, in which he got silver with Great Britain, Luca Del Vecchio flew to Italy, to his hometown of Milan for a week. The game of hockey not being popular enough in Italy coupled with the rise of half-italian players succeeding on the international stage has set it motion a revival for the winter sport in the nation. Invited to speak at his old club, the Milano Vipers, the turnout was so big, that teams from across northern Italy came to listen in. A translated extract of his speech roughly said:

“It’s not the most popular sport around here, and it’s doesn’t have any history in this country but we have managed to grow it and send more than a few players to big leagues around the world. The SHL is an incredibly tough league to succeed in. I know it. I was in your skates once. At the end of the day, it’s the ones with the passion to come to play every day, every training, every game that will succeed. The ones that eat, sleep, breath hockey. And we need more of these here.”

The speech made minor news in Italy’s most popular sports paper, La Gazzetta.
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(This post was last modified: 07-30-2020, 02:28 PM by CrazyMojito.)

"I’d like to talk to you all today about my path to the SHL, and share some of the life lessons I learned along the way. You might be wondering how some 3rd round SHL’er could possibly offer you any advice. What I want to share with you today isn’t about how to make the SHL, but what it takes to achieve your dreams or goals. You see, no one will give you anything. Nor does anyone owe you anything. You need to work hard if you want to find success anywhere in life. Half-ass effort yields half-ass results.

I was an unknown heading into the SMJHL draft, and my draft position showed it. Passed up by nine other teams and finally taken in the 4th round, it was a huge hit to my pride. I felt unwanted, that I wasn’t good enough. I pushed through that mentality though, never gave up, and listened to the advice from management and veteran players. The result? A very successful rookie season that saw me near the top of my draft class in points. I was also invited to represent my country at the WJC where I was able to help bring home the Gold medal.

Then came the SHL draft where again where Edmonton calls my name. I am now a prospect for the Blizzard, one of the top franchises in the SHL."

[Image: CrazyMojitoSHL.gif]
Canada Blizzard Stars Renegades  Citadelles Citadelles Renegades  Stars Blizzard Canada 

Written Option A (150 words min.): What is the speech about? How are you going to try and inspire (or at least entertain) these kids? How does it go? Do you wind up mumbling on stage because you are a big buffoon who isn't can word good or are you an eloquent and captivating orator? Do you think the next [you] is out there in the audience listening?

I've never really been one to give speeches before but ever since I was given one of the alternate captains for the Winnipeg Jets, I've felt as thought I should get better at speaking. This one is particularly tough because being born and raised in Italy, most of these kids won't really understand anything about the sport of hockey. So the most relatable thing I can compare this to is soccer. My speech is going to be about how I moved to North America without my family and how hard it was to adapt because I know that many young soccer players also have to leave their homes when they are extremely young if they want to be successful in soccer. I'm going to try and inspire them by showing them that anything is possible if someone like me can do it. Since I'm still pretty young, I think I'm going to try and make it as funny as I can while connecting with the kids because I was in their spot not too long ago.

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I think my speech is going to cover three things.
1.) The role of inline hockey in Brady McIntyre's career and how it makes hockey more accessible to those who can't afford to play ice hockey.
2.) The importance of family when it comes to achieving your dreams, with an emphasis on the fact that family isn't always the one you're born into, but the group of people who truly accept and support you and your dreams.
3.) Talking about the difficulties of high school and being a young adult and how love and acceptance are the most important things.

It's a little all of the place but he can tie it together by talking about how his hockey teams were his family growing up and the differences among all of the players that were loved and supported, as well as the players who weren't accepted and how terrible it made them feel and how that made him understand that everyone deserves to be loved and accepted.

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[Image: Eo2nBCt.png] Tomas Zadina
[Image: tkMQzhf.png] Brady McIntyre
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Player Page [Image: berserkers.png] [Image: syndicate2.png]Update Page

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Balzams returned to his hometown of Ape, Latvia after his first season in the SMJHL. His former teachers implored him to give a speech and answer a few questions for the young students. After a small speech about growth and hardworking, he began to answer a few questions. "What is it like in America," a young girl asked. "Well it is much more different than our home town here. There are so many different things to do there, I could stand here all night talking about it," Balzams replied. "What is your favourite thing to do there?" A young boy asked. " Well it would most likely be going around town and trying all of the different restaurants. I love all of the choice there is. I love to each so its a match made in heaven," Balzams said. Finally after all of the questions were answered, Balzams left the school and continued to chat with his old teachers. They shared stories and after Leonids left for his home, happy he could do something nice for the kids.

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Credit to Wasty
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Credit to Sulovilen

Ruslan has always had a solid connection to hockey. Back in the Ukraine, this could get a bit messy as many who are into Ice Hockey are seen as sympathetic to the Russian Government which is taboo at best. However having a strong, young player from the old country to idolize instead of the neighbour's has brought massive excitement to the children of Zaporizhia. "The Simulation Hockey League is a fantastic league to play in. The best from all over world come to play there." Ruslan has been quoted as saying. to be so much more free to play in a fantastic and open market like that in the Americas has rendered him very lucky. Being a rookie who has done quite well in spite of being on a team as young as him will no doubt add to the excitement and notion that ANY young one who has the drive and ambition to try to make it, will.

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Over the offseason Akira Ren returned to his former high school in Japan, Shujin Academy. He had a lot of fond memories of high school and he was thrilled to be invited alongside his friends to give a speech to the fresh new students of the academy. Ren decided to give an uplifting speech to the students and talk about the adversity he faced growing up. Ren talked about how he was charged with a crime he didn’t commit in high school but through his determination he was able to find justice and even take down the corrupt politician who framed him! After that he spoke about looking for a new challenge and how it was important for students to challenge themselves. Ren decided to challenge himself to become a hockey player. While his goal seemed lofty at first he told the students of his journey through the SMJHL all the way up the SHL where he is finally playing like a good defenseman! After the speech he stayed behind for many hours signing jerseys and taking selfies with the students.

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Sig Credits: Gorlab and Kylrad

NSFL PT Claim (CW)

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Sig by @Ragnar / Avatar by @leviadan
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Thanks to @DELIRIVM @sköldpaddor @Merica for the Sigs

During the most recent off season, Andreas Kvalheim had the opportunity to visit and speak at his old elementary school in his hometown of Trondheim, Norway. Living halfway across the world in Texas, Andreas doesn't get the chance to go home often, so he always tries to make the most of what little time he has at home and make a difference in the community. Going back to his first school brought back lots of memories for Andreas. This was the place where he first learned to skate, and eventually fell in love with hockey. Andreas spoke about these memories in his speech to the students, stressing the importance of chasing your dreams and having the necessary perseverance to get through those hard times on the way. He talked about how he, a kid from Norway, a country much more known for its love of skiing than its hockey prowess, moved to North America as a teenager and eventually become a top player in the SHL.

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A week ago, Asclepius visited Latvia, where he visited his first hockey school. The young hockey professionals had a wonderful opportunity to meet in person with the popular Latvian hockey forward Asclepius Perseus Flitterwind. The meeting with the world's famous hockey player was due to the appointment of the director of the hockey school. The hockey player, in a two-hour lecture with young hockey players, shared his knowledge of family, love, patriotism, authority, character, reticence and professional sport. At the very end, visitors were able to photograph with a hockey player and receive autographs. From now on, there will be an opportunity to look at a little insight from the new players in the given lecture.
Asclepius said that the moral of the story is not about career ladders or stages of life, but it is about human: “The story is about you. Every man is important!"
“You will be future poets, artists, public employees – no matter what employees. You're going to the feet of your parents and grandparents. In front of you, all the roads are open and you can do everything. “Only this has to be believed,” Asclepius said that it is a great happiness to be with teachers, parents and other people who are able to indicate the path of life that is best for everyone. “I wish all young people to keep the feeling that adult life is loathing – what you like and what you want. You have to deal with what you like most in your life. “It's going to give you the best,” Asclepius reminded him that he wasn't born as a hockey player. On the other hand, at the age of four, he realized he wanted to be.

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(This post was last modified: 07-31-2020, 07:18 AM by DELIRIVM.)

"...when I started at this school, I was just a small lad with big dreams. I hoped one day I could make it doing something I loved. Hockey was my passion, your passion may be something else. Maybe you like cars, writing, or even dancing. The most important thing to remember is that you can achieve what you want with hard work. The most important piece of information I got when I was a young boy was from one of my early hockey coaches and I would like to pass his wisdom along to you. He said, "be the best you can be, being the best person in the world at something is not achievable for most people, but being the best you can be at the thing you are passionate about is the most crucial part of following your dreams." These words have stuck with me for a very long time. I am very likely to not end up being the best hockey player in the SMJHL or SHL, but I can be the best Daniil Nikiforov I can be and that is the pinnacle of chasing my dreams. 

You too can be the very best you. Live your life and chase your dreams. You are the only one that can make that happen. The foundations laid for you at this school will last your lifetime and making sure to dive into the things you love, either here with your teachers, or in activities outside of school. Being true to yourself is the only way to move forward. Do not fall into a trap and do what others tell you that you should do. You make the rules because the only one able to control your destiny is you. Live life to it's fullest."

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Goku Muerto had a chance after the IIHF tournament to visit his home city of Reykjavik, Iceland. His old teacher asked him to visit the school he had attended as a youth to give some motivational speech to the current students. Goku was happy to meet with the children and talked to them about how his dream as a child was to play hockey in the SHL like his Uncle Riko, and the challenges that came along with it. "Nothing that is worth chasing is easy - I was only 14 when I left home because the opportunities to be a professional hockey player don't really exist in Iceland - it was scary to go to a new place but even when I was lonely and homesick, I knew that I couldn't give up on my dreams." When a student asked him about leaving Iceland and what it was like to go live in a new country, Goku responded, "The unfamiliar can be scary but if you give it some time, you start finding things you like and as you get to know people, you make friends. Home always home no matter where you go, and coming home is always awesome!" Then they kicked him off the stage because Fire Saga came on and even though they wanted to play their Eurovision song, the crowd demanded Ja Ja Ding Dong over and over! All in all, a happy homecoming for Goku!

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Grizzlies      S76 SMJHL DRAFT 3RD OVERALL PICK      Grizzlies
Argonauts        S77 SHL DRAFT 4TH OVERALL PICK          Argonauts
norway                     IIHF TEAM NORWAY                       norway

Lyle got the call from his old high school in Montreal to come give a speech to the graduating class this year.  Lyle was honoured to be asked, but he was also very nervous.  Lyle isn't afraid of much, but talking to a room full of people that are all staring at him is definitely on his list of things he doesn't like all that much.  He had a full speech prepared, ready to talk about his experience in high school and what he learned and took away from his teenage years and allowed him to become the person he is today  Lyle forgot that speech at his hotel room and told himself that he could just wing it.  He thought it was only a 10 minute speech, he could do that, he talks to his teammates all the time on the bench and during intermission, and  he felt that this wouldn't be a problem.  But when he got to the podium, his mind went blank.  He stumbled through his first sentence, which was just him introducing himself.  It went downhill from there.  From what he can remember, he is pretty sure he just recited the '5 foot nothing' speech from the movie Rudy.  When that was done he was left with nothing, he looked around the room they were in and noticed a hockey stick leaning up against the back wall of the gymnasium they were in, grasping at straws Lyle asked the teens, 'who wants to see me take a few slappers?'.  The graduates responded with loud cheers and got out of their chairs, cheering Lyle on.  He proceeded to take about 20 slapshots against the wall, calling out each of his shots.  The kids loved it, and when he was done he declared that they are all amazing kids and that this was the best graduation he had every been to.  He said he wanted to take them all out for some poutine (he can't get the delicious treat in New Orleans) and Lyle and the entire graduating class left as a group, leaving all of the teachers and parents wondering what the heck just happened.

[Image: Ci4nm13.png]sig by @Bruins10 
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