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S55 SMJHL Championship Week

Task #5: 3 TPE

My All-Star team is formed based on playoffs. Goalkeeper is Cale Amundsen from Newfoundland. He played 17 games with a 92,4% save percentage and won the cup. Center is Guy LeGrande from NL. He scored 8+8=16 points in 17 playoff games. Left winger is Kyle Sutton from Timbers. His stats were 24gp 16+10=26. He also scored most points in playoffs. Right winger is Andrei Kostitsyn who scored 17 points in 17 games. In defence are PBJ Souppan who scored 1+7=8 in 17 games and from Timbers Mikkel Asmus Sondergard with 24gp 2+11=13. Sondergards's plus-minus rating was also +2. Souppan had +9. Another NL defendef Jonas Kahnwald had +12 but I prefer Souppan and Sondergard over him still. Another forward option was Steve Harrington who led NL in points with 7+10=17 but he is also left winger like Sutton who scored 26 points. Mats Marner was another center option but he scored two points less than LeGrande.

Words: 156

Task #7: 2 TPE

It was my first season in SMJHL ever so I have no idea which kind of the old format was. I will comment this current format only that's why. However, I really enjoyed this format. It is very good that division winners gets byes because that means that regular season really means something. With 12 teams it is also good that everyone gets playoff experience because this game is supposed to be fun and giving playoff games to all teams is a good choice. When it comes to seeding, I don't really care if it based on conferences or whole league. Maybe a whole league is better because then you don't always face same teams year after year.

Words: 118

Task #8: 3 TPE

I am happy about my rookie season. I started in 4th line with 8-9 minutes of ice time and climbed to all the way to third line at the end of season. We created a good chemistry with my linemates Zach Dolphin and Jst Maro. That's why coaches gave us more responsibility when season went on and we played about 14 minutes per night already in playoffs where I was tied second in scoring in our team with five points in ten games. In regular season my stats were 6+12=18, -7. I had the best plus-minus rating among those who played all 50 games. I am proud of that because I am trying to be two-way winger. I also had seven game point streak at one time which is probably a franchise record. That was another highlight in my rookie season. I need to improve in goalscoring because six goals is too small amount of goals for a forward who plays in third line and has scoring accuracy of 13.

Words: 170

Task #10: 3 TPE

Quebec lost in round 2 against champions Newfoundland Berserkers. They were better team in all areas so we need to also improve all areas in our game. We were 10th in standings last season and good target could be to achieve TOP8 result in regular season. We will lost our best forward Alexander Roach unfortunately but on the other hand it is good because now others need to step up. We can not trust anymore that Roach plays like an animal in every game and brings wins to us. We had several rookies on this season and we are now more experienced with one season under our belts so I expect that we have a lot of hungry youngster who want to show next season that they have deserved to play for Quebec. We scored only 120 goals in 50 games so I good target could be to score 140 goals and concede only 160 instead of 199. Those are little improvements which are realistic to achieve with our young group. I have a strong faith that we will also achieve those team targets!

Words: 184

Task #11: 3 TPE

After the season ended in Quebec, I flied immediately back to Finland. First, I rested two weeks and spent time with my family. After that I started to train towards next season. I am focusing with my personal coach to boost my physical attributes this offseason. At the moment I am average guy when it comes to speed, acceleration, strength, power, balance or agility. We have a created our own little gym to my backyard where I train every morning. My personal coach here in Finland gives me the tasks which I need to do to improve my physical aspects. Outside of gym we train in the athletics field near my home. There are I run intervals to boost my explosiveness and endurance. Everything has so far went more than good so I expect myself to be in great physical shape when the next season continues. Of course before draft I will fly back to North America to attend Draft Combine and SHL entry draft.

Words: 165

Task #16: 3 TPE
Verification word: Borje

Total 17 TPE (give me only 16)

[Image: salming.png]
(This post was last modified: 09-08-2020, 02:30 PM by Ragnar.)

Task #2
Come on down to our game on 10/15/2020 and get yourself a once in a life time, super rare, commemorative Anchorage Armada beach ball! Each beach ball is signed by Chimkin Tendy himself and each one has been used to score on him! The first 500 fans get a five hole beach ball! In addition, there will be a silent auction held for Tendy’s S56 SMJHL Anchorage Armada game worn mask, and the bidding will start at $0, and hopefully someone will spend a few quarters to buy it, because we really need to make room in our storage locker for actual good players’ gear.

Task #3
The pregame rituals between Chimkin Tendy, the back up goaltender for the Anchorage Armada, and Leo Bloomfield, the starting goalie for the Maine Timber, differ greatly. First of all, Tendy isn’t even starting, so you can find him sitting in his locker room booth eating a coney dog with all the fixins. Bloomfield is deep in thought, a look of incredible focus on his face, with his headphones in. He prefers to listen to rock music to get his juices flowing. Tendy doesn’t listen to any music, because he needs to hear the microwave go off, signifying his hot pockets are done heating up.

Task #4
Recognizing the incredible fortune that has been bestowed upon me, I realized that I must give back to the community in which has supported me so much throughout my rookie season. Thus, I have established the “Chimkin Tendy Sucks For Your Benefit” charitable organization. For every goal I let in, I donate one dollar to the Anchorage Food Bank. Needless to say, the Anchorage Food Bank is fully funded and stocked well through 2033. Also, I am absolutely broke now and need a new contract ASAP. I’m either going to have to ask for way more money this time or change the charity.

Task #5
My dream team from the Timber and Berzerkers would be the following:
LW – Kyle Sutton. Kyle had 26 points in 24 games for the Timber in the S55 playoffs. This means he’s incredibly clutch and with 16 goals and 10 assists, it appears he is quite the goal scoring phenom.
C – Guy LeGrande. Guy had 16 points in 17 games for the Berzerkers in the playoffs, making him the highest scoring center in the S55 playoffs. With 8 goals and 8 assists, he is very well rounded.
RW – Andrei Kostitsyn. Andrei had 17 points in 17 games for the Berzerkers with 8 goals and 9 points, making him very well rounded as well. He and Guy would compliment Sutton’s scoring prowess perfectly.
D – My two defenseman would be Will Windsor of the Timber and Adrik Baranov of the Tinder, who had the highest +/- in the playoffs of any defenseman, posting a +14 and +12 respectively. They also combined for 25 points in 48 games, which is great for a top defensive pairing and a great compliment to this elite forward group.
G – Cale Amundsen. Cale gets the edge for goaltenders, as he posted a 2.01 GAA and 0.924 save percentage for the Berzrkers this year in the playoffs. That was good for first among all goalies in the playoffs. Absolute stud.

Task #6
Round 2 would have gone a lot differently for the Anchorage Armada if they played a team that didn’t shut them down and make them look stupid. The Armada played nothing like the regular season, where at times they looked absolutely unstoppable. Scoochie Stratton simply couldn’t keep up his insane level of play, posting a 4.08 goals against average in the playoffs, well about his incredible 1.62 over the regular season. The defense wasn’t off the hook though, as they allowed 186 shots over 7 games, which on average is 27 shots per game. Facing a team that would have generated less shots would have certainly helped. Scoring support was also absent, with no one on the Anchorage Armada even cracking the top 25 list of point scorers in the playoffs. The Timber played a sound defensive series and shut the Armada’s goal scorers down consistently. On top of that, the back up goalie, Chimkin Tendy, when called upon could only stop six of the seven shots he faced, which is incredibly embarrassing and he should feel great shame.

Task #7
The new playoff format is both bad and good in my humble opinion. For one, the East vs West teams playing themselves before the finals is a better way to sift out the weaker teams and promote the better teams to the next series. For example, say the entire Western conference is a lame shit show of terrible teams and the entire East is the lord’s gift to hockey. This will eliminate the lame teams and possible have a better final as a result. It’s also bad because it could have two really good teams up against each other early on, causing one of them (obviously) to lose out early when they could have made a deep run if they were playing the weaker teams. This could lead, in theory, to the #1 team playing the #12 team in the finals, which would be a shit show in and of itself.

Task #8
I’d say I actually performed pretty well for a brand new back up goalie. I certainly blew my own expectations away, as I thought for sure I’d let in every single shot I was faced with. My 5-4 record could have been better, but my goals against average and save percentage was actually pretty respectable for a rookie. I do wish, however, that I had played in more games. I blame my general managers for that, since the nerds thought I went inactive so they only played me ten games. It’s not my fault I don’t always talk in the Discord, and a simple check of my update page would’ve shown I was still active. I DEMAND A TRADE. Nah, but I’m happy with how I performed and I’m obviously hoping to do even better next season. The sky is the limit, as they say, and with my training and TPE improvements I can only go up from here… right?... right guys?

Task #9
Vikings would win. Without a doubt. They have ships and weapons… swords and cannons (I think) and bows and arrows. Lumberjacks are burly and have axes, but the difference is the Vikings are warriors. They were born and bred killers from the second they exited their mothers’ wombs and entered this world. Lumberjacks can cut down trees real quick, cool. Vikings can cut down villages and pillage. The Vikings would level over the lumberjacks and make them look like children immediately. This is no contest. I can’t believe this is even a question that anyone would realistically debate over. Vikings. Next.

Task #10
The Anchorage Armada are a great team with great management. They were pretty close to being the best team in the league last season, and I don’t see any reason they won’t be at the stop again in season 56. For every player the team loses, the management finds a star to replace them. For every Chimkin Tendy, there is a Scoochie Stratton to make up for them. If the same team comes back next season with minimal losses plus some additions from the draft and off season, I feel like the Anchorage Armada are going to be the 4 Star favorites and the team to beat in season 56. But for the love of god, if Stratton finally makes it to the SHL, and the Armada have to rely on Tendy to be their starting tendy, they will be a basement dwelling team all season. Our only hope is that there is some sort of miracle and Tendy becomes not terrible.

Task #11
With the fact that I am a goalie and a brand new one at that, my focus is on training as much as I can and doing everything I can in order to ensure I have a bright future on the Anchorage Armada. I will be on this team for the foreseeable future and even if I do get drafted, I definitely don’t see myself getting called up to the SHL next season, or even the season after that. So what I need to do now is focus on my training, focus on getting better, and focus on continuing the winning tradition of excellence that is the Anchorage Armada. Whether that’s in a starter or a backup position is still to be determined. Actually now that I think about it… I signed a one year deal… so who knows where I’ll be… Yo Anchorage please hit me up for an extension lmao.

Task #12
Chimkin Tendy, the towering goaltender from Serbia, is hot on our list of “he may or may not be good”, falling pretty much right in the lower middle of the rankings for the S56 SHL draft. Why so low? You may ask. Well here’s why. For one, Tendy is a young goaltender. He is so young, in fact, that he missed the S55 SMJHL draft and was signed as a free agent. He put up good numbers in a very limited role on the team as their back up, and was completely shadowed by Scoochie Stratton’s insane, award winning season, but Tendy was a more than solid back up. If drafted, we predict he will go in the later rounds, possibly third or fourth. There isn’t much of a demand for young and inexperienced goalies in the SHL, or for goalies in general, on top of the fact that there are other more seasoned goalies going into the S56 SHL draft. Tendy will make a great goalie for a SHL team one day, but this Tendy needs more seasoning in the juniors to really blossom.

Task #16

I didn't know this was capped at 16 lmao

Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab
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Sigs by Me, Merica, High Stick King, Rum_Ham, Jess, vulfzilla, enigmatic, and Carpy
Stampede  Kraken
❤!! RIP to the big homies 701 and Mac !!❤
(This post was last modified: 09-10-2020, 09:49 PM by Mooney.)

3 TPE - Task 1:
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2 TPE - Task 2 
The Kelowna Knights had a very good season and just fell short in a heartbreaking playoff series. Knowing how hard this must be for the fans, the fan appreciation day is a big event for Kelowna. We plan to hold this day on the first game of next season and bring back all the players who will be moving on to the big leagues over the offseason. The items being given out if one to the fans who truly support the Knights, a suit of armour. Now even for Canada, a real suit of armour might be a bit much to wear throughout the game, so these are made from a reinforced foam and waterproofed to survive the trip to the game, but the crowds should look intimidating next season.

3 TPE - Task 8
Patrik Money’s rookie season in the SMJHL was underwhelming to say the least. 5 goals and 8 assists was a helpful addition in getting the team into a strong playoff spot, but not the high impact player Money hoped to become. Money’s main goal for the season was to finish the season with a positive +/- to show he was an all round contributor to the team. Unfortunately, even with a successful season for Kelowna, he missed this goal finishing at -5. While being on the 4th line may have hurt his stats in some games, a greater contribution is needed for his next season in Kelowna to move up to higher lines as players get called up. In order to improve next season Money can continue to improve his defensive abilities. Although he came into the league touted as a high scoring prospect, rookies struggle to make as much of an impact on the offensive side of the ice and so his defensive performances should continue to improve.

2 TPE - Task 9
In a fight between a group of Berserkers and Lumberjacks, there would really be no contest. Although lumberjacks are well built from the chopping down of trees, Berserkers are bred for battle and have all the skills needed to take down the lumberjacks. If both sides are given their usual equipment then it would be even more likely that the Berserkers win. Although both sides have good weapons for a fight, the armour of the Berserkers would easily outperform the tartan shirts of the Lumberjacks. In the event of a no equipment battle, the strength of the Lumberjacks may perform slightly better but the raw skills and cutthroat nature acquired from years of raiding should see the Berserkers through.

3 TPE - Task 13:
A) The best name in this championship series isn’t an obvious one at first glance. However, the Newfoundland Beserkers Centre, Matthew Forrester playing against the Maine Timber is a matchup that has headlines written before the series even began. Could the Forrester cut down the Timber. Clearly Forrester’s lumberjacking skills were enough as his team took the victory.

B) Both goalies had excellent playoff runs, as a playoff finals team needs. Bloomfield was the goalie with the most minutes in the playoffs with over 300 more than the next nearest competitor. This also meant he made the most saves in the playoffs, 818, nearly double second place this time. With his 92.8% save rate he also came in first. However the 4 shutouts, half of all playoff shutouts, and least goals against per game mean I’m going with Cale Amundsen for MVP of these playoffs.

C) Carolina and Kelowna were both excellent teams this season and took the playoff series to close finales. For the Kelowna knights, victory was within reach until a brutal game in Maine saw them lose 6-0 and lose control of the series momentum, putting Maine 1 game away from advancing. The early momentum in the other series saw Carolina take a 2 game lead as defending champs and after 2 games, probably favourites. However they then proceeded to lose 3 in a row which really changed up the course of the series.


Task #4 - 3 TPE
Bud Weiser recently gave back to the community by volunteering at the first annual beer keg challenge in St. Louis. The event was started by Bud with a focus on his three favorite things in the world, beer, girls, and hockey. The event contains teams of 15 people and is a keg race with the winners being the first to finish their full keg. Each team must have at least four females. Some people think this was to make it competitive; however, most know Bud made the rule to have some immediate puck bunny action. About the only good thing about this event is all proceeds go the any organizations in the St. Louis area that promote the game and try to get new players active. The event went almost as expected and most likely not be held annually. For the first year, there were 20 teams and each team sent an average of 3 players to the hospital; however, Bud easily survived the even and was is the current reigning champion.

Task #10 - 3 TPE- 6 total TPE
The Scarecrows entered the playoffs with minimal cup hopes and word around the locker room was “maybe next year.” The Scarecrows had a rough S55; however, things are looking good for S56. The Scarecrows are losing their top two wingers and defenseman, but their three rookie defenseman should continue growing to form a formidable core. Additionally, this should help the improving Nicolae Antonescu boost his numbers in the pipes and bring the Scarecrows a Cup. The Scarecrows should have three 425 TPE players and the current rookies, led by Xavier Doom, should provide some young but experienced youthfulness. With the Scarecrows have all of their picks, but a second, they should be able to snag a solid and active SHL member to boost the locker room and add to their youthfulness. The key for the Scarecrows draft and heading into next season is to find active rookies who can provide depth immediately along with growing throughout the season.

Task #11- 3 TPE- 9 total TPE
Going into Bud’s first season, he set some high expectations for himself, both on and off the ice. On the ice he wanted to lay some lumber by finishing top 10 in hits and then also have some sweet apples with an assist every other game. His final personal expectation was to sign a big ticket. Bud also set a team goal of winning the Cup.

With Bud setting high expectations after overestimating his abilities, he failed to meet his two metric goals. The only personal goal remaining is his ability to sign a big ticket. Bud finished tied for 73rd in hits with 51, a mere 63 hits away from the top 10 (over double his hits). Bud also only finished with 9 assist in 50 games, a ridiculous 16- over double- away from his goal. The 9 apples represent .18 assist per game, which is well-below .5 per game. The overall team also failed to meet his expectation of cup winners. The Scarecrows hobbled into the playoffs and did not fare much better with being swept in the first round

Task #12 - 3 TPE- 12 total TPE
Going into the S56 draft, Bud Weiser is an underrated and relatively unknown draft hopeful. Most journalist see Bud as a mid-round pick with a high upside. Since joining the SHL, Bud has been fairly active with significantly improving his TPE and a modest bank account. Bud is hoping a good showing at the WJCs with DACH will help boost his draft profile. The potential really comes in Bud’s eagerness to ask questions and listen to experienced players. Bud has recognized he may not have experience to fully reach his potential; however, there are several team members who are willing to help.

When drafting Bud, you get what his name sounds like. This is a big, beer drinking, and party animal defensive defenseman. Bud’s offensive game leaves a lot to be desired; however, his defensive game is well-developed and continues to be his focus. Bud’s goal is to be a Scott Stevens clone laying punishing hits and providing some beauty first pass breakouts with a future rocket clapper.

Task #13 - 4 TPE- 16TPE total
A. Which player from either team has the best name in this series (just the name itself, nothing to do with the player themselves).
There are several good games in this series; however, as there is only one that tugs the heart (pull) strings. That name is Patric Twist. When we see that name, it could be thought of the son of the one and only Tony Twist. We would expect Patric to be one tough SOB who plays a game Bud Weiser likes.

B. Leo Bloomfield and Cale Amundsen have both been fantastic these playoffs, putting up numbers that can make a case for either to be the playoff MVP at this stage. Who has the edge in goal for this series?
The edge in the series goes to Cale Amundsen. Cale has continued his regular season dominance into the playoffs. Cale leads the playoffs in goals against average and shutouts. Cale is also top three in regular starter save percentage. Cale has shown throughout the year he is a key clog in the undeniable Berserker machine.

C. You're in another timeline where Carolina and Kelowna are the two cup finalists. What went right for them in this timeline's semis compared to ours where they lost?
I order for Carolina to make the finals, the biggest thing is that needed to change was they needed a better performance from Frans Eller. Frans allowed approximately three goals per game with a save percentage below 90%. Additionally, his game rating was miserable at 63. Kelowna would have needed to protect the puck better and improve scoring. Kelowna only have two players with positive giveaway to takeaway numbers and only six players with at least .5points per game.

D. We've been talking about the playoffs, but it's performance throughout the season that helped even get our finalists into the playoffs here. Who was the key player to success for either team (or both) during the regular season and why?
The key player for the Berserkers was Cale Amundsen between the pipes. The Berserkers had plenty of scorers to provide support if they lost one with five of the top twenty five scorers in the SMJHL. Cale Amundsen on the other hand was tied for the league lead in wins, third in GAA, and fifth in save percentage. With an unproven backup behind him, results could be vastly different without Amundsen.

[Image: budweiser.png]

Task 2: 2 TPE
I propose the Nevada Battleborn give away a set amount of collector's edition toasters to our inaugural season ticket holders akin to the Canadian Tire promotion with McDavid and Toews from a few years ago. The toaster itself can be a nice gold from our colour palette with the team's logo on both sides. It will only toast two pieces of toast at a time of course, because it is a fancy toaster that only prepares sensible portions. We also assume you live alone if you own one of these. The toaster could burn the Battleborn ram into one side of your toast, and Chad Danger's face in the other. 
(110 words)

Task 4: 3 TPE
During a beautiful sunny weekend in Las Vegas while most teenagers were out enjoying the weather, sunbathing on beaches and swimming in pools, Nevada Battleborn left winger Chad Danger volunteered for a local crisis intervention center. "I've struggled with my own mental health problems over the years, it only feels right to help empower some resources that are making a real difference to those struggling in the community." Dangers work echod powerfully through the local community, many fans flocking to twitter to tweet their support and commend the young player for giving back. The intervention center however says Danger worked the phones for just under 2 hours before they had to pull him for being too abrasive with callers. The spokesperson for the center noted that they did not regret working with a local athlete and suggested they might try a less controversial figure in the future. "Chad's enthusiasm and appreciation of our work is inspiring and humbling, but we suggest he keep his hard work focused on his on ice performances."
(172 words)

Task 5: 3 TPE
At LW I am going to take Kyle Sutton from Maine. I think this is an easy choice. In my opinion he is the best available LW in the pool of players. I think he's a more reliable scoring option than Steve Harrington and I think defensively they are very comparable. At C I am going to take Mats Marner. This is another no brainer for me. Mats is likely the league MVP in the J and there is no other single player I would rather have on my team. Probably the easiest pick of the bunch. At RW I'm taking Ryuuji Minamino. There is no other winger in the pool that competes. Ryuuji scores at a significantly higher click than any other RW options and his defensive game is as solid as any other forward on this list. We also get the bonus of keeping him with linemate Mats Marner. At LD I am going to take Jack Klompus from Newfoundland who put up slightly less points than teammate Souppan. I believe Klompus is the more defensively reliable of the two however and will fit into an already offensively fired up starting lineup. On the right side I am going to take Adrik Baranov who has played slightly less minutes than other available D but has scored at an impressive pace and boasts the best OGR and DGR of all available right side D. In net I'm taking Cale Admundson from Newfoundland. This is the easiest pick on the table other than Marner. Cale is clear cut the best tendy available. 
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Task 6: 3 TPE
I don't want to seem like the biggest homer around, but I really think Nevada had a shot at pulling off an upset and getting past Anaheim if we could've climbed out of the last place hole we dug for ourselves. It certainly would have been closer than Kelowna. We took Anaheim to OT/SO twice this season and beat them twice as well. We did take a particularly bad loss to them, but I think it would've been a really competitive series. I think the fact that they lost to Quebec at least proves there was a chance for Nevada in this hypothetical matchup. Anaheim's biggest advantage probably would've been their top scoring threats. Nevada doesn't have an extremely compelling answer to Ethan Price, but our promising D was able to keep him at bay during the regular season. I would've been most excited to see Weaver duel against Borro though. Borro played extraordinarily well this season, but Weaver really did seem to have it out for Anaheim this year. In both of our OT/SO games Weaver faced more than 50 shots.
(184 words)

Task 7: 2 TPE
This is going to seem silly because I play on this season's last place team, but in general I am against formats like this. I think objectively it's good that every one gets to be engaged through at least the first week of playoffs. And I think it's cool that teams like Quebec get a chance to pull off their upsets, but I also like the exclusivity of having to qualify for the playoffs. I like the weight it gives to some regular season games, and the way it can impact regular season narratives. As fun as it is to a see a team like Montreal knock out the Pens in a qualifying round, I don't think I'd be a fan of seeing a system like that implemented permanently. The same goes for the SMJHL for me. I don't think it'd be a make or break decision for my participation either way, however.
(153 words)

Task 8: 3 TPE
Overall I am happy with my performance this year. Chad finished top 5 in rookie scoring and managed to exceed all scoring goals I set at the start of the year. I think for an undrafted signee, things went about as well as they could have and if I stay active I'm on my way to having a SHL career. That being said I was plagued by a pretty slow start that has left me wondering about some what ifs (especially as it pertains to two milestones that I missed by 1 goal, and 1 assist). I also had a dreadful playoff performance that has really just left me hungry for next season. Not being tapped for WJC doesn't help with that desire to just get things rolling again. I guess it's a bit of a mixed bag. I'm happy about how it went, but I see how it could've been better. Next year I'd like to see Chad score 15 goals and eclipse thirty points. We will see what role he takes on in the new season.
(178 words)

Total TPE Claimed = 16

[Image: qqfzCsq.png]

Task #2 - 2 TPE

Hear me out. Anaheim Outlaws water pistols loaded with rum. It's a pretty straight forward concept really but I expect it to go through the roof with popularity. Oh what's that? You have Kiss Cam? Nah we're going for DUEL CAM. Minute it's on you you and another member of the audience draw on 3. Loser gets shot in the face and mouth with copious amounts of rum. Once you're suitably loaded feel free to spend myriad amounts of money on rubbish in our gift shop. Did I say rubbish? I meant brilliant stuff. Water pistols are cheap as chips, and you can get Costco rum that'll make you go blind for cents on the dollar.

116 Words

Task #4 - 3 TPE

This year to give back to the Listowal community I held the first annual Walter Burke Cheeseburger Picnic. With the assistance of my PA, Randy Bo-Bandy, I managed to setup a picnic with a bouncy castle, burgers, picnic tables and all other accouterments. The crowning achievement in all of this was myself jumping a small chasm in a full burger suit and, if I landed it, I would double the contributions to the local community centre. Of course I did it, because how couldn't I? Admittedly this caused serious panic in the locker room as there was a genuine belief that I wouldn't land it and would instead land myself on IR. I can't imagine why, there should've been nothing but belief. The only issue with the burger picnic was the expectation of burgers. No doublers, only one patty per two buns. Anything else is no longer a burger. Don't be filling up on pattys, have the buns.

158 words

Task #8 - 3 TPE

First season in the SMJHL under the belt and lets be frank it was hardly the dream debut that everyone would've hoped for. For the first few weeks I couldn't hit the broadside of a barn door nevermind actually score or get an assist. Even once that assist came in it basically banked off my bucket into the oncoming path of one of Anaheims prolific scorers. That being said having thrown a bit of training in and with the benefit of time we started seeing some better and better results as the season went on and into the post season. The trajectory was certainly looking up on the way out of the season and, as excited as I was to see what could happen, sadly we were eliminated. Not the ideal start to the career performance wise nor result wise but we've got time to turn it all around. SHL Draft soon and fingers crossed we fit the bill for someone.

161 words

Task #9 - 2 TPE

I mean this question is frankly ridiculous. The Lumberjacks would win, hands down. Think about it logically. Vikings require what in order to travel to fight said Lumberjacks? Oh that's right, BOATS and what were viking longboats made from? Oh, just wood, simple tree based wood. So how would they manage to accumulate enough wood to build enough boats to challenge a legion of lumberjacks? They couldn't because the lumberjacks would already have taken the timber and buggered off with it. The fight would never take place in the first instance due to lack of resources. If it did though? Chainsaws over axes and lumberjacks over vikings.


Task #11 - 3 TPE

Pretty simple off season this year for Walter Burke. First things first load the car up and head back from Anaheim up to Listowal. It's a big drive but if you're feeling frisky you can do it in a straight shot which is precisely what I plan to do. Get the car unloaded and a couple molsons in the bunker and then I'll be ready to get back to business. I'll strap the skates on, get on the ice at the local rec centre and just start ripping bombs from centre ice. It's a simple solution to a simple problem. You see I stand by the thought process of how can the goalie stop what they can't see? If you hit it hard enough eventually they will not be able to save it, it's statistically impossible. So my training will consist of crushing the puck and crushing brews. Rinse, wash, repeat. Add to that I'll be filling up on all the Canadian classics you can't get down in Anaheim. All dressed chips, minimum of one bag a day.

178 words

Task #12 - 3 TPE

In the words of Don Cherry "Let me tell you I like this kid he's a good Ontario kid." The only difference being Walter Burke is a borderline elderly, balding Wing with a gut to match his experience. He's a real grinder, just putting in the work every shift out there. He refers to himself as something of a play maker and whilst he's got a few assists in the juniors I think he needs another year of development minimum. Some of his passes are still going a bit wayward and when the lights are shining bright he can sometimes go missing. A few wayward performances in the playoffs don't detract from the trajectory Walter had nearing the end of the regular season. He's not your first round pick and he's not a sexy pick, but when you take him people will go "Yeah that's fair" and that's what you're getting. You want a 6/10? You want a passing grade? That's Walter Burke. He won't take you to Harvard, but he'll take you to Junior College.

177 words

[Image: zdoMJuR.png]
(This post was last modified: 09-09-2020, 12:19 PM by Muford.) Welfare (3 TPE)

Task 16: Muford (3 TPE)

Task 2:

There is one special commemorative item that the Anchorage Armada have made for their fans of this season. It’s a dope plastic statue of Vladmir Petrov receiving a nice pass from Slava Petrov and winding up for a shot. While Anchorage was not able to win it all this year, Vladmir and Slava were both huge members of the team, while even if they only played on the third line, they became fan favorites quickly. This statue is going to commemorate what they have done thus far in their careers for Anchorage and will continue to do for a long time, as they both continue to dominate the ice for their team and with each other.

(116 Words) (2 TPE)

Task 4:

There was one charity event that will stick out to Vladmir Petrov for a long time. Besides the fact that he had an amazing time doing it, he was joined by his brother, Slava, in spending time in a children’s hospital. Slava and Vladmir both went to the Children’s Hospital to give back to the community and spend time with some hockey fans, signing autographs, listening to these kids stories, playing catch, and just spending quality time with them. Vladmir and Slava know something about family, and this was something that they both felt was needed to do, since their own brothers are not either in the States with them, or that some of their brothers were in other cities. Spending time with kids is one of the best ways to give back to the community, especially when some of these kids have nothing else to look forward to do during this grueling times in the hospital. It is without a doubt one thing that will stick with Vladmir for as long as he lives.

(175 words) (3 TPE)

Task 8:

Overall, Vladmir Petrov did not meet the expectations he had put on himself coming into the season. Vladmir wanted to push his way forward and become a first line player, and yet he was stuck on the third line the whole season, averaging a measly 12 minutes a game. It was rough for Vladmir, as he had always been the star growing up, or even in the different leagues he played in, while in Russia, or even his first time over here in the States. Taking that back-role was a hard adjustment for Vladmir, but one that has humbled him. Outside of his personal goals, he did have the most points of all seven of his brothers, which of course, would always put a smile on his face, because when you can hold something over your siblings, you do it for as long as you can. Another personal goal he was not able to reach was helping Anchorage to the Finals, which hopefully they will be able to run it back and bring that trophy home next season.

(178 words) (3 TPE)

Task 9:

Who would win in a fight between Berserkers or Lumberjacks? Well, Duh, there is only one answer. It is the Berserkers, who are originally taken from the Vikings of old. You know why the Vikings would win? Because they are motherfucking VIKINGS BOYS. Vikings did whatever the fuck they wanted to do, and didn’t give two shits who you were. They would pillage, maim, and then steal your women. The Vikings don’t fuck around, and will dominate anyone in hand to hand combat, even these “Timber-making Lumberjacks”. The Lumberjacks would stand no chance and would probably shit their pants when the Vikings came running into their land, raiding, looting, and stealing. Vikings hands down are the best.

(117 Words) (2 TPE)

[Image: petrov2.png]
[Image: muford_hof_sig.png]
(This post was last modified: 09-10-2020, 04:18 PM by d0lph1nb0y.)

Task #5 = 3 TPE

Center - Mats Marner - NL

Marner is both the top goal scorer and most points for this season. a potentail MVP for the league this season it is hard to argue anyone else should be here.

Left Wing - Kyle Sutton - MET

Sutton is Timbers top points scorer with 41 points and is one of the best left wingers in the league. he is also the leading points scorer in the playoffs with 23 and has a
26.4 shooting percentage.

Right Wing - Ryuuji Minamino - NL

Marners right hand man Minamino got the most assists in the league with 35 and finished behind his team mate with 56 points.

Defense - PBJ Souppan - NL

Souppan a offensive defenseman was able to finish the season with 30 points which was joint 2nd as a defenseman. defensivly he is really solid with a 22 +/-, 48 hits and 43 blocked shots.

Defense - Valentin Kalashnikov - MET

my secound defense pick is big hitting defenseman Valentin Kalashnikov. with 212 hits in the regular season you dont want to be skating down the boards with puck when he is on the ice.

Goalie - Leo Bloomfield - MET

I decided to go with the bloomfield as he is having a great playoffs and has been an absolte wall for the timbers. he is posting a .931 save percentage and 607 saves.

(219 words)

Task #7 = 2 TPE

The first round of the play offs showed that some teams needed to miss the playoffs as 3 out of 4 series ended in a sweep. The semi finals needed to be reseeded before hand to allow the top teams to play the lowest ranked teams. With this reseeding in hand it would of provided a series of the 1st ranked team Newfoundland against the 2nd ranked team Coraline in the finals; or potentially team Maine could make a run to the finals, having already beat
the 3rd ranked team Achorage. It was also confusing with the first round being cross-conference and the following rounds staying within the conference, as it should have been 1 or the other.

(118 words)

Task #8 = 3 TPE

I believe I had a good rookie season although my stats dont show it. I was playing 4th line minutes and also got some shorthanded shifts. I was able to get 7 assists in the regular season but unable to find my first goal which I hope to get next year. To do this i will need to shoot more and crash the net. Defensively i need to be getting my stick in passing lanes more and also block more shots. I think if I am able to make these subtle changes in play then I can gain those
desired points and also maybe push myself to a higher line.The highlight for me this season is I had a 63.3 faceoff winning perecentage which is the best in the league and I hope to continue to hold this achievement next season. As well as hoping to hold this achievement I hope to gain more points offensively next season.

(158 words)

Task #11 = 3 TPE

During the offseason I will be going back to the united kingdom to spend some qualiy time with my wife and family. I will also get some much needed rest for the upcoming season which I am hoping to achieve more points in offensively. That being said I will still be going to the gym to improve my fitness aswell as doing some off ice practice to keep my head mentally in the game. I think this is important as keeping physically fit keeps my strength up so I can skate fast down the ice and keep that puck out of the aposing teams net, and also keeping my brain active on the game makes me sharp, allowing me to make those last minute decisions. With this all in mind I will have a set routine
of when i am working out, keeping my head in the game and also spending that much needed qualtity time with my wife and family.

(161 words)

Task #14 = 3 TPE

1 - Outshooting Maine. Newfoundland were able to outshoot their opponnet in all six games and by quite a few. Berserkers had on average 38 shots per game, where as the timbers had an average of 29. Keeping the play the other end and getting these shots will of course eventally get you gaols and win you games.

2- Great goaltending. Cale Amundsen 166 saves on 179 shots. 0.927 save percentage in the final series. when the shots came they was stopped by amundsen who was absolutly solid in the finals. he is one of the main reasons newfoundland was able to win.

3- Keeping Kyle Sutton of the score sheet. Sutton was coming into the finals as the leading score in the playoffs and Timbers best player so keeping him off the score sheet meant it would make it harder for timbers to win a game. which is what newfoundland did. sutton only got 2 goals an assit in the finals with only 1 of those goals being in one of there wins.

(173 words)

Task #16 = 1-3 TPE


Task 7 – 2 TPE – 2 Total

The new format for the SMJHL playoffs is honestly fucking stupid. It makes no sense to have conferences if they don’t really matter for the playoffs. Why even bother passing out the Eastern or Western champion trophies if anyone can “win” them? I know part of this is because of how FHM works, but I’d much rather see the league be a one division, 12 team league than this weird ass 4 divisions of 3 teams with a wonky playoff format that we see now. I know it just needs some tweaking, but the J was much better when not everyone made the playoffs. (108)

Task 8 – 3 TPE – 5 Total

It’s so weird to be a rookie in the SMJHL again! I’d say Xavier Doom didn’t live up to my expectations. I thought that getting drafted to St. Louis would be perfect, and they’d be playing him a bit more than they were. I was churning out TPE at a pretty good rate, and Doom was like 5th on the team in scoring despite only playing 11 minutes a game. The team wasn’t the best, so there was no reason not to try new things. However, I’ll be at my 350 cap this season, and I know I’ll be playing a prominent role for my beloved Crows in Season 2 for Doom. I want him to be responsible defensively, so I’m not trying too hard to pump up every stat in the effort to get a ton of points. Hopefully he can play a fantastic two way game and lead St. Louis to a Four Star Cup! (157)

Task 4 – 3 TPE – 8 Total

If there’s one thing Xavier Doom has a soft spot for in his heart, its animals, especially dogs. Doom found himself alone most off days in St. Louis, as he didn’t have many friends already here when he arrived from Iceland. As a result, X started to donate his time at the St. Louis Animal Shelter. He found himself there whenever he had some free time. He would feed the kittens, he would take the dogs for walks, and he’d play with all of them. It broke his heart that he couldn’t adopt them all. That’s when he helped organize an adopt-a-thon called “Doom Dogs”. While the branding could’ve been better, the results couldn’t have. The event brought in people from all over the St. Louis area, and the Scarecrows paid for everyone’s adoption fees. So many good animals found homes that perhaps wouldn’t have without it. Most of the shelter animals were adopted, and St. Louis alumni chipped in to buy a bag of food for each adopted pet! It was a great time! (175)

Task 9 – 2 TPE – 10 Total

In a battle between a group of Vikings versus a group of Lumberjacks, well, the Lumberjacks stand no real chance to win there. Yes, they can cut down some trees, but most lumberjacks proceed to use chainsaws nowadays anyway. If they’re only given axes, they’ll be in some trouble. Hell, they might be in trouble even with the chainsaws. Vikings are bred to battle. They’re trained to fight, and they usually have shields. Oh, and lets not forget they also use arrows, and sometimes fire arrows. The lumberjacks are at such a disadvantage that it would just be a slaughter. There isn’t a scenario where the Vikings don’t win this. (110)

Task 12 – 3 TPE – 13 Total

“The next player up in our feature today is former 2nd overall pick, Xavier Doom. Doom had a decent start to his SMJHL career for a rookie, racking up 14 points including 5 goals. A bright spot for the 6’2 220lb Center was his hit total, as he got to 61 for the season. While not incredibly impressive, it is when you consider Doom only averaged 10:55 time on ice for the year on a St. Louis squad that was finding itself all year. This offseason, Doom is focusing a bit more on his overall fitness, while dabbling in some shooting techniques that will help him score a bit more in the North American game. He has been seen working with recently retired SHL player, and future Hall of Famer Joe Kurczewski, a player that Doom has said in the past that he’d like to model himself after. This should get SHL teams excited as they look to get stronger down the middle. Doom excels in both ends of the ice, and as he grows into an SHL player, he looks to be on the path to being a great one, perhaps the best in this class.” (197)

Task 16 – 3 TPE – 16 Total

Verification Word for Trivia: JoeK

[Image: JKortesi81.gif]

Update Page
Player Page
(This post was last modified: 09-09-2020, 09:50 PM by Keven.)

Task #2 – 2 TPE
To commemorate Quebec’s first ever home playoff game (Game 3 vs Anaheim: 5-2 win), we designed and distributed small custom flags to every fan in attendance. These flags, which feature the main QCC logo on both sides, are made out of extremely smooth and high-tech, but cheap material to replicate the sound of an owl in flight when waved by fans in the stadium. However, since owls fly very silently, these are essentially just normal flags that are light and smooth enough as to not make a sound, meaning the real magic of replicating the sounds of an owl are all in the advertising. Fans have reacted positively to the product nonetheless.

Task #5 – 3 TPE
LW – Kyle Sutton: All of Maine’s top scorers were close in terms of points in the regular season, but Sutton proved to be the best option among them with an incredible playoff run featuring 16 goals in 24 games.
C – Mats Marner: It’s almost impossible to create a dream team without including Marner, the player with the most points in the regular season.
RW – Ryuuji Minamino: Following closely behind Marner in points this season, it makes a lot of sense to include Minamino on this team to complement the scoring of Sutton and Marner
LD – Will Windsor: No dream team would be complete without an elite defensive defenseman. Windsor was at the top of the league for shots blocked during the regular season while also playing key minutes on Maine’s penalty kill. He can relieve a lot of pressure for any goaltender.
RD – Jonas Kahnwald: Although Kahnwald didn’t have an incredibly stunning season, everything about him becomes much more impressive once you consider the fact that he’s a rookie. If there’s one young player to include on my dream team, it’s definitely Kahnwald.
G- Cale Amundsen: Having to choose only one of two very good goaltenders, Amundsen seems to have a slight edge in almost every way over Bloomfield, but this decision could’ve gone either way.

Task #7 – 2 TPE
The good part of this format is that it provides an opportunity for every single team to participate in the playoffs. Even though this opportunity didn’t seem to change the matchups very much, especially in the later rounds, it allowed us to see some series that we wouldn’t be able to see otherwise such as the very entertaining battle between Quebec and Anaheim. In terms of the drawbacks of this format, I really don’t see why there is any reason for the #1 seed to have faced the #2 seed at any point before the finals, even if they are both from the Eastern conference. If East and West are going to be mixed from the start, reseeding should be done every round.

Task #9 – 2 TPE
Although at first glance a group of Vikings and Lumberjacks may seem to have even odds, I think the Vikings have the upper hand in almost every possible scenario. The main difference I see between the two groups is that Vikings are much more likely to have practical combat experience and technique to win a fight, while Lumberjacks are much more adept at precision swings against stationary objects which seems like a skill that doesn’t carry over as well to an actual fight. Although some specific Lumberjacks might be better suited for fights against some specific Vikings, looking at the majority of each group gives us a clear winner in the Vikings.

Task #10 – 3 TPE
Quebec has a lot to be excited about next season. Being an expansion team, the Citadelles are in a unique situation where the majority of our players are S56 SHL draftees, meaning there’s still a lot of room for the team to grow very quickly. With Alexander Roach leaving, none of our players will have hit the TPE cap yet so I’m expecting a significant improvement between how our team looks at the beginning of the season and how we look at the end. If this season has been an indication of that potential growth, we definitely have a good shot at putting up a much better regular season and playoff performance compared to this year. In addition to anticipating significant player growth, the Citadelles are looking forward to welcoming new members to the team with the hopes of obtaining a higher percentage of active players on the roster. This is another aspect of the on-ice team and also the locker room that will get better as the team enters its second season.

Task #13 B – 1 TPE
Although I took Cale Amundsen for my dream roster, specifically looking at the playoffs I think Leo Bloomfield performed better and was a much bigger reason for Maine’s underdog success story up to and including the finals. Although the final series ended with a loss for Maine, Bloomfield held them in the playoffs and definitely earns the edge over Amundsen for MVP consideration.

Task #16 – 3 TPE

[Image: Keven.gif]
Thanks to @enigmatic, @Matteo, @sulovilen, @zeagle1, and @TheOPSquid for all the sigs!
Czechia Malamutes Rage Czechia
Canada Citadelles pride syndicate
(This post was last modified: 09-10-2020, 01:00 PM by ztevans.)

Task #10 - 3 TPE
So your team just got eliminated these playoffs, and have to look forward to next season where hopefully things go differently. What does your team have to be excited about for next season, where they'll have another go at the coveted 4-star cup?
Requirements: 150+ words.

Quebec City has a lot to be excited about heading into S56. Despite being an expansion franchise composed mostly of rookie players, the Citadelles finished 10th in the regular season and even won a playoff series against the Anaheim Outlaws. It’s safe to say the Citadelles exceeded expectations by outperforming an existing franchise in the Detroit Falcons in the regular season and then advancing to the second round of the playoffs.

While it seems likely the Citadelles will lose a couple of key players to the SHL, such as Alexander Roach, most of the team’s core will remain in place for S56 and likely for another season or two beyond that in a time where SHL teams are exercising more patience before calling up prospects. With another season of development and experience underneath it, that core is only going to improve and make Quebec City a dangerous team to watch in coming seasons.

Task #11 - 3 TPE
It's officially the offseason. Whether you just won the cup or didn't even make the playoffs, it's time to take a break and look toward the SHL draft. In 150+ words, tell us how you're spending your time this offseason.
Requirements: 150+ words.

The first part of the offseason for Zdenko Beranek was spent handling IIHF recruitment. Without a Slovakian national team, Beranek was eligible for an unassigned transfer and fielded several offers. However, he ended up going to his “second” home, the United States. It seemed a logical choice, with his father’s professional career rooted in the United States and Beranek carrying dual citizenship, but seeing a player transfer to the US is rare, so there was still quite a bit of surprise behind the decision.

Now, eyes are turned towards the SHL Draft and working with his agent, Hall of Famer Zach Evans, and figuring out his next landing spot. Beranek was the first overall pick in the SMJHL Draft, but if preliminary conversations are any indication, he is unlikely to repeat that honor in the SHL. Where he will land remains unclear, but it has certainly added some drama and intrigue to the offseason.

Task #12 - 3 TPE
Write a pre-draft scout report on your player from the perspective of a journalist covering the prospects of the S56 draft class. What do possible SHL suitors have to be excited (or perhaps wary?) about when it comes to potentially drafting your player?
Requirements: 150+ words.

Zdenko Beranek is definitely an intriguing prospect entering the S56 Simulation Hockey League Draft. Selected first overall by the Quebec City Citadelles in the S55 Simulation Major Junior Hockey League Draft, Beranek was named an alternate captain for the expansion franchise in his rookie season.

On the ice, Beranek was one of the top offensive rookie producers, with 21 points. Off the ice, he’s a second-generation player, the son of former Premier Hockey League defenseman Roman Beranek, giving him the pedigree of a professional hockey player.

Beranek is a bit undersized, but plays an extremely fast game and gets up and down the ice extremely well. However, it did take him some time as a rookie to adjust to the SMJHL game and put himself in positions to contribute. It was also difficult at times to gauge his progress while playing on an expansion team, surrounded largely by fellow rookies.

Ultimately, Beranek projects to have a high ceiling and should be a player on most teams’ short list. He may just need some time to truly develop into a top end talent.

Task #13 - 1-4 TPE
Answer up to 4 of these prompts, each one being worth 1 TPE for 50+ words each.
A. Which player from either team has the best name in this series (just the name itself, nothing to do with the player themselves).

You have to give the clear edge in this series to Newfoundland in the name department. You have the infamous (Clean) Andrei Kostitsyn, as well as PBJ Souppan. However, I’d give my edge for best name to Vaseline Podcalzone. It takes the “play on words from a real hockey player” to a next level.

B. Leo Bloomfield and Cale Amundsen have both been fantastic these playoffs, putting up numbers that can make a case for either to be the playoff MVP at this stage. Who has the edge in goal for this series?

I give a slight edge to Cale Amundsen in net for the series. While both played at an insane level during the playoffs, Amundsen was also one of the top goalies in the regular season. While it’s possible Bloomfield stays hot and continues to lead the way for Maine, Amundsen’s sustained success seems more likely to continue.

C. You're in another timeline where Carolina and Kelowna are the two cup finalists. What went right for them in this timeline's semis compared to ours where they lost?

Clearly, in this alternative timeline, Kelowna acquired a freshly made batch of cookies from an old friend. Maybe someone from the S30s. It’s hard to say exactly who. But I’m sure they were very good cookies. As for Carolina, they probably slipped Cale Amundsen some tequila. I hear that is his kryptonite.

D. We've been talking about the playoffs, but it's performance throughout the season that helped even get our finalists into the playoffs here. Who was the key player to success for either team (or both) during the regular season and why?

It’s hard to look any further than Mats Marner when you’re looking for standout regular season performances. The Newfoundland center led the SMJHL with 62 points during the 50-game regular season. Marner also led the league in power play points with 27, making opposing teams pay for committing penalties and giving Newfoundland the man advantage.

Task #16: Verification Word - bacon

Zach Evans | Player Page | Update Page
Nikolai Evans
| Player Page | Update Page

(This post was last modified: 09-11-2020, 09:54 PM by FlappyGiraffe.)

Task 1: (3 TPE)
[Image: 1HPdUjf.png]

Task 2: (2 TPE)

To give back to their supporters, the simulation major junior hockey league franchise the Carolina Kraken have decided to give out Carolina Kraken branded towels to every fan who buys a ticket to the simulation major junior hockey league franchise known as the Carolina Kraken's first game of the simulation major junior hockey league's fifty sixth season opener. The fans will be told to wave around the towels as the cheer on their heroes that are playing for the simulation major junior hockey league franchise known as the Carolina Kraken during the Carolina Kraken game. The towel will be orange and have the Carolina Kraken logo slapped onto it.

Task 3: (2 TPE)

Hello simulation major junior hockey league fans, welcome to my article and thank you for reading it. This simulataion major junior hockey league publication is going to showcase and compare the two pre game superstitions between players on the simulation major junior hockey league franchise known as the Newfoundland Beserkers, and the simulation major junior hockey league franchise known as the Maine Timber. The player known as Rikard Bjerg always swallows ice cubes whole before each playoff game, so as to become one with the ice. He feels this lets him glide smoothly over the surface just like how the ice smoothly glides down his throat. The player known as Mats Marner however always swallows water before each playoff game, so that he does not need to drink water during the game and waste time.

Task 4: (3 TPE)

To ingratiate himself into the Carolina community after being drafted fifth overall in the season fifty five simulation major junior hockey league entry draft to the simulation major junior hockey league franchise known as the Carolina Kraken, youngster Aleksander Kozlov decided to help a charity build housing for the local homeless. To do this he helped construction workers lift beams, hammer nails, screw screws, lay foundations, paint walls, lay down flooring, shingle roofs, dig basements, roll out rugs, build furniture, mow grass, plant gardens, shine windows, and much more. By the end of the project Carolina Kraken youngster Aleksander Kozlov had helped build homes for hundreds of the local population. And it doesn't stop there, during the season youngster Aleksander Kozlov also worked with a local charity to buy a lot of Christmas gifts that will be distributed to the less fortunate children around Carolina. Aleksander bought presents like nerf guns, lego, and action figures that will spread joy to the youngsters to open up on Christmas Day.

Task 5: (3 TPE)

The dream team that I am choosing to complete this simulation major junior hockey league championship week task consists of simulation major junior hockey league player Mats Marner, simulation major junior hockey league player (Clean) Andrei Kostitsyn, simulation major junior hockey league player Cale Amundson, simulation major junior hockey league player Jack Klompus, simulation major junior hockey league player Kyle Sutton, and simulation major junior hockey league player Rikard Bjerg. My explanation for choosing Mats Marner is because he is a very good player in the league. My explanation for choosing the player (Clean) Andrei Kostitsyn is because he is also a very good player in the league. My explaination for chooosing the player Cale Amundson is because he is one of the top goalies in the league. My explanation for choosing Jack Klompus is because he is also a great player. My explanation for choosing the players Kyle Sutton and Rikard Bjerg is also because they are some of the top players around the league.

Task 16: (3 TPE)

Verification Word: Kozlov

[Image: wMFFUe4.gif]

Barracuda S56 1st Overall Barracuda

Gary Grease Career Stats: Click Here
Graphics Shop: Click Here

[Image: CsnVET2.png]  Barracuda Russia Barracuda  [Image: c8B2LE3.png]

(This post was last modified: 09-10-2020, 11:08 PM by LimJahey.)

Task 2: 2TPE

For the opening day game in the S56 season, the Citadelles gave Boris Petrov the assignment of coming up with a unique way of setting excitement with a promotion to drive in fans. After a sucessful first season for the expansion franchise, one of their first draftees had decided on the perfect commemorative item to pass out. To celebrate their city's heiritage and their name, they will be giving out figures of Quebec players dressed up in the royal uniform. The first 10,000 people to enter will get a figure of either Boris Petrov, Teylora Petrov, Mat Smith, Ryan Rieley, or Sven Gunnar. This unique figure will definitely help drive in a crowd, and have a unique look compared to a normal sports figure that you wont be able to find anywhere else!

Task 4: 3TPE

Boris Petrov might be lucky enough to finally make it into the major leagues in the North American reigion, but he still had his compassion and heart thanks to his poor upbringing in Borisgrad. Growing up poor and having to share with his many siblings, Boris decided that when he made it big, he would make sure that he would donate his time, money, and effort to those in need no matter what. For his first charity event after the season ended, Boris made his way to a Quebec food kitchen and helped out with the production of the meals. Boris began to cook a homemade recipe that was passed down his family for generations. Steamed stuffed potatoes and milk steak, only the finest of food from his homeland would do. He spent the early day a week after elimination peeling potatoes and making his secret batter for the steak. He made sure that he produced enough food to feed thousands, and made sure to get everyone fed as quickly as possible. Using his superior speed, he waited tables, served trays of food, and helped run garbage for the event, helping make the first official Boris' Benevolence Brothers event a smashing success.

Task 7: 2TPE

With the introduction of a new playoff format, that ends up giving the two best teams in each conference the first round off, and making the bottom four teams play a series, it ends up being very similar to what the NFL playoffs used to be before the very recent changes. Giving us a wildcard round, a conference semi-final round, and a conference final round before the championshiop commences. Rewarding the teams who outperformed all the others with some extra rest, and making the top two spots a desired goal for each team, I believe that the new playoff format is a phenomenal idea, and has been a great success, that should continue for many seasons to come.

Task 8: 3TPE

With the first season in the books, the year was very generous to me. I was able to set two records, the most hits in the Juniors, and the most penalties in minutes in the Juniors as well. I didn't just break the records, I absolutely smashed them, as a damn rookie too. While I was setting the tone physically, also leading the league in fights and fights won, I let the physicallity get in the way of what my role is. Defense. I worried far too much about cracking the guy with the puck instead of getting in the way, or getting takeaways. I gave up the puck a lot too, something I'm looking to improve on as my talent grows. I surprisingly scored some goals on offense, something I was not really suspecting as I was putting all my focus into my defense. Individually, I would definitely say expectations were met and surpassed, but in the end my team couldn't get to the finals. In the end all that I really care about is getting the almighty win.

Task 10: 3TPE

Well, we were an expansion team in their first year. Our expectations were basically bottom of the barrel with only having a single player being in the league for more than a season. We were not expected to do very well, and we all knew that going into the year. The other expansion team was also expected to perform poorly, and as the season went along the narrative followed suit. We would have stretches where we would go on a crazy tear of wins, and then we would go on tears just as long that were nothing but losses and heartbreak. But we never once got discouraged. We would end up making it to the end of the season, I personally set a bunch of physical records with the most hits and penalties in minutes in a single junior season, and we ended up being the fifth seed in our conference, which was incredible considering we were an expansion team. Going into the playoffs we wanted to win a single game, but nobody was ready for us to win a series against a better opponent. While we might not have made it any further in the playoffs than the second round, we are all ready for big things to come to our little expansion franchise.

Task 16: 3TPE

Code word: Boris

[Image: boriscontestsubmission.jpg][Image: bashbros.jpg]

Fight Record: 39 Fights, 28 Wins, 2 Losses, 9 Ties/Breakups

Hits Tracker

SMJHL S55: 326 Hits (Record)
SMJHL S56: 164 Hits
SMJHL S57: 30 Hits

Total Hits: 520
(This post was last modified: 09-11-2020, 01:52 AM by Winter is Coming.)

Task #2 - 2 TPE
Your team is giving back to their supporters by holding a fan appreciation day for one of their games, where the team will hand out a special commemorative item to show thanks for their continued support of the franchise. You have been tasked to design the product to be given out to the attendees (can be a rally towel, foam finger, bobble head, etc.)

I was assigned a giveaway for the last game of the regular season for the fans as a thank you to them for sticking by us during a rather difficult regular season. The marketing team and front office came to the idea of giving away a Bane bobblehead. Wearing his classic outfit with a long leather coat, Bane is shown wearing a mask in the colors of the Nevada Battleborn. Additionally, he is holding a hockey stick in one of his hands, while holding a home colored Battleborn jersey in the other. It has his name in bold letters on the bottom and it was a very large hit among the fans who attended the game (word count 116).

Task #4 - 3 TPE
Professional hockey players are among the luckiest members of a community, but not everyone is given the same opportunities. As such, many players are expected to give back to the community by volunteering their time and energy off the ice with various charitable organizations. Either write about a charity or event that your player helped out with, or create a flyer or invitation for your event, including team logo, a photo of your player render, and the charity/charities being supported by the event.
As hockey players, we are very fortunate to be in the position that we are in. Therefore, it feels only right as a team to be able to give back to the community that supports us in someway. The Battleborn decided to hold a massive holiday party for both season ticket holders and for many fans who aren't season ticket holders, as well. There was a great deal of free food offered, ranging from burgers, to pizza, to popcorn, and ice cream. Additionally, many players on the team were available to sign autographs for absolutely free of charge and to take pictures with those getting the autographs, as well. Every fan also got a free holiday themed Battleborn rally towel, and there were also giveaways, which ranged from jerseys, signed pucks, and gift cards to the team's store inside the arena. It was an awesome event that both put a lot of smile on both ours and the community's faces, and one that I'm sure will become a team tradition moving forward (172 words)

Task #7 - 2 TPE
This season has seen a new 12-team playoff format introduced, which has come full of wacky surprises such as Eastern conference teams playing against Western conference ones before the finals, and a semifinals seeding of 1st vs 2nd  /  4th vs 6th. What is your opinion on the new format? Good or bad?

Personally, I like the idea of re-seeding, as it seems rather unfair for teams to get an easier or tougher route based on the current strength of their perspective conferences. If the two best teams in the league happen to be in the same conference, it's only fair they both get to go through a similar path that they earned, rather than being forced into a difficult one where one of the aforementioned teams must be eliminated. I think on the basis of fairness, it just makes the most sense and being in the other conference shouldn't disallow a fair chance for the two best teams in the league, period, to have similar paths to the finals (117 words).

Task #8 - 3 TPE
You just played out your very first season in the SMJHL to start a new chapter in your career. Overall, how would you say you performed in your rookie season? Did you meet expectations you set for yourself individually? What do you need to improve on for next season?

Well, I always thought that this season would be a bit difficult considering how hard of a journey an expansion team goes through during their first season. Initially, I got very little playing time during the regular season as I was getting third pair minutes and was not averaging more than around 10 minutes of ice-time an entire game. This was fine, of course, as I am a team players, but the lack of ice time meant that I would not have as much opportunity to show off my skills and abilities on the ice. However, as the season progressed and my player showed his improvement during practice, I got much more ice-time, and I was averaging closer to 20 minutes of playing time, per a game. As a result, I had a really good amount of hits and blocked shots credited to me by season's end, and although I started off slow, I feel as if I really heated up during the latter portion and expect big things hopefully for myself next season (174 words).

Task #9 - 2 TPE
Who would win in a fight between an actual real group of Berserkers (Vikings) and a squad of Timber-making Lumberjacks? Would the brute force of the Vikings win out, or would the honed skills of tree-cutting give the other axe-experts an edge? All variables for said fight are up to your discretion.

I think, without question, the Vikings would win, because they are simply stronger in nature and have more experienced fighting. The only advantage the Lumberjacks would have would be their experience in chopping down trees, and although they may be very good at what they do, it seems rather impossible to knock down a tree quick enough by the time a ruthless Viking comes up to attack you. Moreover, even if you managed to cut down a tree on time, the Vikings could always jump out of dodge, so it's not even a lock they would be struck down by the tree. In sum, it just seems likelier that the Vikings would destroy the Lumberjacks (115 words).

Task #13 - 1-4 TPE
Answer up to 4 of these prompts, each one being worth 1 TPE for 50+ words each.

1: Ryuuji Minamino is the best name just purely from the fact it's the most exotic hailing from Japan, and they are certainly not the most common type of players you get in the SMJHL, Plus, being from Japan, the Shiba Inu is a national treasure as a dog breed, and that just makes his name so much more awesome being associated with the Shibas (64 words).

Task #16 - Finals Trivia - 3 TPE (1 for participation, 0.5 for each correct response. Half TPE rounds up.
Verification word: soda

Total TPE: 16

[Image: giphy.gif]

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Task #16 - Finals Trivia - 3 TPE (1 for participation, 0.5 for each correct response. Half TPE rounds up.

[Image: NiclasWastlund26.gif]
#40 Niclas Wastlund - W - VANCOUVER WHALERS Whalers / MINNESOTA MONARCHS Monarchs
[Image: vlPUU9v.png][Image: ammBPLt.png][Image: rnZeas5.png][Image: V9MXpXR.png]

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