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S57 PT #5 - 2022

I think that the Hamilton Steelhawks will remain at the top of the Eastern Conference when 2022 rolls around. Regardless of any changes that have occurred in the league over the past six or seven seasons, the Steelhawks have found themselves as perennial title contenders. The team has a ridiculously solid base of superstar players and I can't see them failing to continue to draft and acquire these skilled players for the foreseeable future.

In the Western Conference, I think that the Edmonton Blizzard will see themselves flying high when the clock strikes midnight on 2021. Like the Steelhawks, the Blizzard have been consistently in the top of the Western Conference for the last several seasons and have even tacked on some finals appearances and cup wins. I think that their general managers have done a great job at building their team around key assets like FR Finn-Rhys. If they continue on their current trajectory, they could be 2022 champs.

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Reasonably, it's a hard gig to assess 5 seasons in the future. Looking at current rosters is the only real path to go but those are misleading, as big trades, signings, and other roster moves change things from season to season, let alone 5. Thinking about the future I feel that a team like Texas is primed to be real good. I know it's a little bit of a cold take over the recent years to go with Texas but they have a young core primed to take steps in that direction. While Kvalheim, Horvat, Kubinec, and maybe Brusky will be in regression, they have an elite goaltending tandem, with Kavanagh earning high and Goodman already in a spot where he is going to be solid until regression. Wachter, Lepponen, Kekkonen, all high earning players that wil be peaking in the early S60's. Texas is also impressive for the crop of S52-54 players right now, with Sondergard, Scianna, Sulfurgold, Williams, Hudson, and Potts all being earning at varying rates, but effective and primed for the future. Personally they are a step ahead of a team like Tampa or New England who are still waiting on the next wave of young talent to really hit the SHL to take them out of their rebuild. Texas has that mix of youth and veteran presences that succeeding for them comes down to everyone staying actie, and their ability to keep everyone under contract without management blunders will allow them to maintain the regular season success we are seeing from them now.

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Alright so bit of a homer here but I have a strong feeling that the team that will be at the top of the league by this time will be the New England Wolfpack! Cmon! We have quite a few top earning prospects coming up through the system, me being one of them who is just finishing my first season in the SHL so i expect quite a few players close to that 2000 tpe mark. Really do feel we will be the team to beat in 2022, and I honestly feel like the players that will be at the top of the league will be Lord Raiden, Oscarsson, Myself, JURT. Maybe I miscalculated and I really am sorry if I missed some people I dont want to look names up. I feel like I will lead the league in assists, Juni in PIM and Oscarsson in blocked shots. Lets give goals to Lord Raiden and ultimate 2 way play to JURT. Those are my hopes, and let say the finals a lot of time are BAP vs NEW, just so i can beat Raiden some more

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It really feels like this year has taken years to go by, if that makes sense? With the struggles around the world with this damn pandemic, the SHL became an escape. I returned to the league in April and since then have made so many great connections that it feels like I have been here for years again.

Anyways, tons can happen going into the new year. I feel like at the end of 2021 we are still going to see Hamilton at the top as they continuously find ways to bring in more young talent and another team that I'm keeping my eye on is the Toronto North Stars. Things are looking good for that team after a rough break-up with their top prospect at the time. In my opinion though, trading the talent they did only made them a better team moving ahead. I think over in the West we are going to see some movement with Edmonton and Calgary's quality slowly trailing off. LA looks like a strong team and Seattle has some good pieces too.


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words = 176
I'm going to go against the advice of talking about the SMJHL and I am going to go ahead and make my incredibly accurate, you heard it hear first prediction that the SMJHL champion next season will be the (as of yet still uncreated) Seattle Slammin' Salmon. Yes, Seattle just received an expansion franchise in the form of the Argonauts, but what you all didn't know is that Seattle has become such a hockey town that they have earned another franchise in the form of the Slammin' Salmon. These Slammin' Salmon are going to turn some heads next season, especially since they are an expansion team, and magically win the championship in their inaugural season. I also foresee that the Slammin' Salmon will begin their post-Cup revelry with an exhibition game against the Argonauts and will somehow hold their own and not get completely trounced by their professional team counterparts in the Emerald City. And that, is the prediction for the ages of how the SMJHL will end up a year from now.

WolfpackBlizzardRaptors  raiders Switzerland  FINN RHYS  Switzerland raiders Raptors Blizzard Wolfpack

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It's hard to say what the league will look like by the end of season 63, but here are my predictions:

1. The top 4 teams in the league will all be in the Great Lakes division. That's right, we'll be right where we started with the thunderdome of the Great Lakes division, and once again a top team in the league will miss the playoffs because of it.

2. The Quebec City Citadelles will be promoted to the SHL. After their sixth consecutive Four-Star Cup, head office will step in and decide that it just isn't fair to keep the Citadelles in the juniors. They will join the ranks of the pros with a roster full of 425-caps, 350-caps, and some rookies, and still somehow dominate, with Elizabeth Doyle and Alexander Roach leading them to their first Challenge Cup in franchise history.

3. Mat Smith will win all the awards. Not just the ones goalies are eligible for, ALL the awards. FHM 7 will come along with the added feature that goalies can score goals, and so Smith will have several 50-goal, 100-point, .950 save percent seasons.

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By the early to mid season 60's, the more competitive teams will likely be the Tampa Bay Barracuda, the San Francisco Pride, and the Calgary Dragons. The Barracuda and Pride will have completed lengthy rebuilds with good prospects coming up, who will by then be on track to be in the advanced stages of their developments. Calgary will still be there as they trade futures for developed prospects and players, as well as attracting free agents in the prearranged contract Steelhead77 has with a devil some kind of magic Steelhead77 keeps pulling off. While celebrating success in the late S50's, both the Buffalo Stampede and Hamilton Steelhawks will start to taper off. Still strong competition, with many good players in their prime, but leaning towards heavy regression for the titans of the S50's. The easing of the Great Lakes Division still makes it a bloodbath, but at least Toronto has a better shot to make a high divisional spot for the playoffs.

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Thank you to Ham and Sulo for the sigs!
Scarecrows Chiefs Renegades Dragons Stampede Panthers norway
Scarecrows Specters Switzerland
Scarecrows pride Switzerland
  Armada pride Ireland


Clearly we will see the New England Wolfpack at the top a year from now. Our retooling will have completed fully and our now young and growing prospects will have blossomed into Hall of Fame candidates.

Around S63 all our current prospects Will be at or near the peak of their career, TPE wise. The team will contain three equal forward lines and three equal defensive pairings. No more of this 1st line weighted minutes. And don't get me started on Eller who will probably have at least three awards by then for best goalie.

Looking outside of New England, I can see Tampa competing hard as well as long as their rebuild keeps going in the right direction. Toronto has already hit their stride, but I think they will be able to keep competing at the highest level for quite a while. They will finally be able to reach the playoffs after the Great Lakes division slowly deflates.

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Past Players


There is little doubt in my mind that the Buffalo Stampede will be on top of the league one year from now. Their current defense is young right now, and it could be a real strength of the team in a calendar year from now. And to think of Buffalo with a scary good defense isn't something we have seen recently.
The Stampede have the best GM duo in the league. Tomen and Lee are willing to make the picks nobody else does (see Aumy Jr. in the S55 Entry Draft), and they have done a great job hitting on their picks. And they have done a great job fleecing other teams in trades, and seem to have an unlimited number of trades that give them first round picks. If they continue to have all the picks, they will likely have the best team. They also have a lot of first rounders in the next coming drafts, which should set them up to continue this success.

Class S55
Reincarnated- Class S71

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Next season (S58), the Baltimore Platoon will be one season older. This is a mathematical, indisputable fact. While the team has struggled through most of S57 (currently 11-42-5), there have been glimmers of hope - shimmering diamonds in the way of prospects. Karl Krashwagen carries a positive Corsi-For% at 2.8. Look for Krashwagen to make a move next season as he grows to be an offensive threat. Following closely behind in Corsi-For% is Ethan Duncan, the former Kelowna Knight 2.7%. A slew of S50-S54 draftees promise to dazzle and become the ELITE in a few seasons, as they grind their teeth against the best the SHL has to offer.

Down the way, the Platoon have a few noobs suckling on the prospect pipe - Tanjiro Kamado, the Battleborn phenom, Lucas Johnson the Montreal king, and Vili Afalava, another player. It is uncertain whether or not there will be any rookie call ups.

Platoon Rob Wright Battleborn

Zooming ahead 1 year and about 6-7 seasons, I think it is fair to say, with not toooo much bias, that the LA Panthers could be one of the top teams in the SHL and contending for the cup. Right now the team has a very good crop of defensive prospects, and 6-7 seasons from now, at the rate those dmen are earning, I believe that the LA Panthers could possibly have their entire defensive group above 1200 TPE with a few above 1500 as well, which would be one of the top defensive group in the league. They also have a top goalie, who just won the goaltending MVP award and is still a couple seasons away from regression, and so barring an unforeseen trade, they will also have a top notch goaltender in the net. With some good moves from free agency up front and some good drafting of forwards in the next couple seasons, the Panthers will be a very competitive team come this time next year.

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Sig by @Ragnar

The division winners in the SHL for S63 will be the Los Angeles Panthers, Seattle Argonauts, Tampa Bay Barracuda, and Hamilton Steelhawks. Los Angeles has the best defenseman prospect pool in the league right now, and might have a top 6 all above 1600 TPE, Seattle is playing the long con and will eventually be good with their leadership in the war room, Tampa will finally have realized the rebuild and most of their prospects will be hitting their strides, and Hamilton is eternal. The bottom of the league might be Edmonton, New England, and Chicago, who all might be in a rough spot with their roster windows around that time. The top players in the league are going to be from my class, in that S53 range, and I expect the point race leaders to be Jimmy Wagner, Rikard Hammarberg, Reid Sutherland, and Zoltan Topalo, some of the guys that are clearly the point scorers of the future for their teams a year from now.

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You all know that I am going to say that the Baltimore Platoon is going to be at the top of SHL again in a calendar year. I know I have said that Baltimore is about to turn a corner for the past 3 or 4 seasons and I've seen people ragging on me for hyping my team (what's up Falcon LR I thought we were cool) but the 63 64 season mark will be when the Baltimore rebuild will be firing on all cylinders. Why you ask? Check it. Stud goalie Luca Del Vecchio will be just barely into regression and still be playing like a mad man. On the back end defending him will be a core of young studs and players in their prime. Leading the charge will be Valentin Kalashnikov with guys like Teddy Park, Zebulon Leavitt, and Tanjiro Kamado following his lead and vets like LPLL and Friedland bringing their experience and grit to the party. Up front is the same story with Krash just hitting regression being the vet that ties the core of young guys on the cusp if hitting their primes. Ethan Duncan is going to wreck house and Raiden and Nikiforov are going to be absolute studs and still not in regression. The top two lines are going to be full of guys that are high TPE earners and still have long careers ahead of them. And of course the corpse of Nat Emerson will be taxidermied and installed in the locker room to pump up the Toonzas before every game.

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I believe that Winnipeg Hockey Team will be running around and beating everyone. The team is stacked with potential prospects to come and lead this team to victory. The young players are learning from the old guns and of course the old guns will be long gone by then, but they will learn now and they will have what it takes to take this Winnipeg Hockey Team to a Challenge Cup. Maybe even back to back cups! My player Zakkira Diporov will be in his prime years. Just starting regression or have it coming up the next season. The young players who are here now will be the “OLD GUNS” that we have today. They will keep paving the way for more young players to come into Winnipeg and win. The players and GMs are excited for the future. I understand that there are other teams that will rebuild and who knows, Tampa Bay might be the best team in the SHL and then Hamilton and Buffalo become the worst teams! Never know what is gonna happen in the 6 seasons! The unknown is the worst part. Winnipeg wins a cup in the next 6 seasons! Mark it... Put it on the board! 

(203 Words)

Drafted 2nd round 21st Pick by the Winnipeg Jets in S55 SHL Entry Draft 
GM of the UCORCAL in the WJC S55
S55 WJC Gold Medalist GM/Player for UCORCAL
Management Role for Russia in the IIHF
Recent Management Role / Head Coach for Winnipeg Aurora in SHL 
CO-GM St. Louis Scarecrows S57-S60
GM of the St. Louis Scarecrows S61-S72
S72 Challenge Cup Champion
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(This post was last modified: 12-31-2020, 06:16 AM by jRuutu.)

This a challenging task, since I have no idea what might happen, but to pick one team - I'll say Texas Renegades, they have a nice mix of older and younger players. A year is a long time in a league like SHL, but when I look at the older players that currently play in Texas, I would guess that they still have enough in the tank to keep going. If anything, the older players help to push Texas to the top during the upcoming year, and when the year 2022 is here, the younger players of today will be the ones who keep the Renegades at the top.

To be fair, the older players are not even that old, Kvalheim the oldest as an S45 player, but otherwise the roster is almost full of players drafted in season 50's, but Kvalheim for example is a player you can not just replace like that, so it is important that younger forwards keep trucking on and improving as players, so the transition between generations is smooth.

Texas is a great looking team, they will be at the top when 2021 is here.

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