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Jack Kanoff/Jeffie43 Offseason Presser
(This post was last modified: 01-26-2021, 06:02 PM by jeffie43.)

Hey guys, it's been a while so I thought I'd do one of these for fun. 

For those that don't know me I'm currently a Seattle Argonauts defenseman/Germany Co-Fed Head. It's been just over a year since I've joined the site and a while since I did my last presser so feel free to ask me whatever comes to mind! Smile

Quote:hi jeffie I hope youve been enjoying your time on the SHL For the past year

I've been having a ton of fun since I've joined the league. I've met some fantastic people during my time here (Like yourself!) and it's truly been a rewarding experience

Quote:How recently have you been hearing the chants of Rule Britannia in the Seattle LR, especially with IIHF coming up?

Also how confident do you feel about Germany's chances of getting a medal?

Too recently, considering you posted a video right after these questions. The worst part was I spent all 6 minutes watching the whole thing.

I'm pretty confident, Tomen's one of the best GMs in the league and someone I fully trust running the strats in the IIHF. All we need is a little luck to go our way and we could be on the verge of something great. Obviously we probably can't compete with teams like Canada and such but hopefully we can get a medal this time despite what's happened the last few seasons Smile

Quote:why should I even bother asking you questions when you yoink my players?

Because you could learn from the one and only Jeffrey420, Master Tamperer. :gwdCD:

Quote:Jeffie how do u get the beeg yoshi

I beg Tig to draft the beegest of all yoshis and then I do the !beeg thing and I get the beeeeeeeeeeg yoshi

Quote:hello gabe johnson alt

how's seattle been, and can you see them making any offseason moves outside of the draft?

what's it like being the most hated fed head?

what made you decide to play for germany, and how have you enjoyed playing for the most inferior german speaking iihf nation?
did gabe force you to do this presser?

Hey bloos f u

Seattle's been good to me, Tig's one of my favorite GMs in the league and I honestly view him as one of the best in the league and he has a clear vision with this team and the direction he wants to take them in. Trips, Grok, ProjectSaint and Beeg have been fantastic LR presences and I love them all as well.
I honestly don't know what it'd be like to be the most hated fed head, maybe you can tell me something about it since you have experience?
It was honestly a mix of some of my best friends playing there (Lime, Paq, Burlok), wanting to play with a Fed Head I can trust in Tomen and just wanting a place to play unlike Canada that had informed me (at the time) that I'd have to wait upto 6 seasons just to get the call. Unfortunately I haven't really played for Austria so I can't answer that question.
Yes, Gabe big bully and the worst part is he never asks me questions :( he just wanted to see me suffer.

Quote:how fat and full are your balls?

Very fat, huge, massive even. Could be fuller but it will do for now

Quote:Why u so stinky?

Whats your favorite drink?

Why Jack Kanoff?


I've been hanging out with you too much smh Hallsy stinky boi

Good Ol' cum (Coke and Rum) for the kids like Bloos reading this 75% Sprite and 25% Nestea, can't go wrong.

Jack Kanoff best name. But in all honesty I just wanted to pick a meme name since I didn't see myself sticking around long-term but hey, I actually enjoyed my time in the league and decided to stick around in the league so there's that!

PogO who asked?

Quote:What is your favourite kind of smoothie?

Favourite moment through your SHL career so far?

Isn't it funny how Jack Kanoff sounds like Jacking Off?

How has your January been?

Gotta slam the Mango Hurricane at Booster Juice man, get some energy boosters and grab one for your day after you work out. Miss the non-quarantine days tbh :(

Honestly it's probably a tie between the SMJHL Draft and winning the Gold Medal with Canada in the WJC. The excitement leading upto the SMJHL Draft was super fun. In hindsight it was hilarious how you dm-ed me a bunch of sadge emotes and all that after a certain someone decided to not draft me *cough cough* The WJC moment was super stressful for me and for those of you in Canada, most of you knew I was pretty down following the horrendous Round Robin and even leading up to the finals. But waking up to that gold medal game and realizing we won it all was a great feeling since it was the first time I accomplished something in any sim league.

Very funny, very peculiar indeed, kinda weirdchamp that you'd think that way but much to think about.

It's been alright, work's been getting a little busy again but it's been manageable. I'm really excited for the next season in the SHL and hope my player can have a nice breakout season. Otherwise idk, life's been good, nothing to complain about haha.

Quote:Do you still hate Halifax

How do you feel about swearing in YouTube chat

Will you make me a sig

Seen any good movies lately

What’s the worst thing you’ve ever eaten

No I only hate you and TDZ, you guys are actually the worst smh. Cancerous LR presences and all.

So, to be clear about one thing, Jeffie hasn't left the SHL community, just abandoned Discord. If you guys want to shit on the floor in your man-caves, that's your choice. Have at it.

I gave my opinion and it was rejected. A majority of you clearly don't want my demographic in here; so be it. After all, many of you probably came here to get away from your parents, so I apologize for intruding. Some of you here came to do your thing without consideration for how uncomfortable it makes anybody else. It's called freedom, you think. But real freedom does not trample the freedoms of others. And, trust me, there are a LOT of uncomfortable people in here who feel bullied, disrespected, ignored and isolated. I guess I fall into that category too.

I've seen a movie, and a good show so I'll just say both. I watched #Alive on Netflix a couple of nights ago, meh zombie movie overall but it was fun to watch tbh. Otherwise I started watching a show called Castlevania a week ago and it's been pretty sick so far.

I usually do a good job of avoiding food I won't like since I'm a pretty picky eater but I'll probably go with this time I had duck in Malaysia. It was absolutely incredible but I got a really bad flu from it and eventually had to get hospitalized for a night. To this day I've still been debating whether it'd been worth it or not but it is what it is.

Quote:Hey jeffie!

How are ya?
Well my questions what's been the biggest chsnge of culture since you got traded?
What have been the best moments in your career so far?

Ly man

I've been doing great, how have you been holding up man? It's been a while since we've spoke but I hope you're doing well my favorite Swiss boi <3

I think the biggest chsnge of culture since I've been traded has been like, getting used to playing on a team with no clear identity. In Toronto you have a clear identity with a team nearing the end of their rebuild (at the time, you guys are pretty much done the rebuild now) but with Seattle being an expansion team and all it's been a bit weird with not having a set direction or an identity (Initially). But now with Tig's moves and fantastic drafting, there's a clear direction in terms of developing for the future.

I already answered this question earlier but I will copy and paste what I said just in case you missed it. Honestly it's probably a tie between the SMJHL Draft and winning the Gold Medal with Canada in the WJC. The excitement leading upto the SMJHL Draft was super fun. In hindsight it was hilarious how you dm-ed me a bunch of sadge emotes and all that after a certain someone decided to not draft me *cough cough* @notorioustig. The WJC moment was super stressful for me and for those of you in Canada, most of you knew I was pretty down following the horrendous Round Robin and even leading up to the finals. But waking up to that gold medal game and realizing we won it all was a great feeling since it was the first time I accomplished something in any sim league. Yes Tig, I pinged you twice intentionally  Angel

Love you too man! Miss you guys a lot.

Quote:Why are you making an offseason presser when we're not even done with the playoffs yet?

Genuine question. Asking for a friend.

PepeLaugh modCheck

Unlike you some of us didn't make the playoffs so I'm just trying to kill time by doing this I guess :( 

Fuck your genuine question, fuck your friend too smh.

PogO, who asked?

Quote:What's your reaction to Axel Meszaros' ascension this season in your absence? [Image: interview.gif]

Fluke, you needed to trade for Charlie just to help save your career smh. Kanoff will have a breakout season next year just you wait  Rant

Quote:Jeff, how you doing my man! Just wanted to tell you Merry Christmas, um, I hope you're enjoying your day with your family, man, to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, man, that's amazing, congrats to you. Also, I just want to encourage you, man, just, uh, keep your spirits high, man, I know this quarantine is putting a lot of us down because of isolation but it will get better man, just continue to practice, uh, good habits in terms of washing your hands, and, and social distancing when you go out in public. And lastly man, congrats on winning, uh, your championship this year man, your dad said the buccaneers did a great job, uh, so happy for you man, but like I said, keep your spirits high, everything will get better soon and again, Merry Christmas.

Real funny and real original buddy f u ugly boi. ATL bad SEA good  Blush

Quote:For Jack Kanoff:

As arguably the worst player in the SHL, how much credit do you give the Seattle GMs for winning 22 games despite your presence? How much credit do you give your teammates?

Do your teammates ever give you a hard time after yet another misplaced pass or shot? If yes, how do you shake off the constant abuse and focus on your (let's face it, awful) game?

Do you ever feel ostracised by your teammates as a result of your poor performances?

You're often abused by fans on social media and in the street, finding yourself somewhat of an easy target due to your poor performances. How does this make you feel?

Are there any players or GMs you'd particularly like to thank for standing by you despite your negative impact on the ice?

Do you cry yourself to sleep at night? If no, should you?

For Jeffie43:

Have you tampered anyone in this league or is that just an ISFL thing?

Do you regret asking me to join the league yet?

Same way I deserved GMoTY after winning 9 games and making the playoffs last season in ISFL with your bum ass playing CB for us smh. All memes aside, Darrow has been a great teammate off the ice and on the ice. He's a sick dude and might honestly win the Bojo Biscuit for having a ton of shots blocked and hits.

All the time, especially Darrow, Wozy and Tig. I just close my eyes and pray the pain goes away.

Yes, Tig and Darrow often make jokes at my expense as you can tell from this screenshot
[Image: 79fab6e1a7a59d13ffb716b56795fccc.png]

I would love to thank all my GMs in the SMJHL and the SHL so far who've given me ample playing time despite my horrible production :(

Yes, and yes I should sadly :( 

[Image: tenor.gif?itemid=18254094]

Yes, all the time because at the end of the day the idea of not sharing a team with you hurts  Sad

Quote:Hey Jeff. Hope you're doing well.

Why is there an eye on the Seattle boat?

What kind of BBQ is best?

Hey Blitz, hope you and Daisy have been doing alright! I've been vibing so far.

There is an eye on the Seattle boat for historical significance and for realism even if most of the site does not like it.

I don't really have any specific preference, I just like having BBQ in general tbh haha.

Quote:Why is Lime the dropshot queen and absolute goat?

Cats or dogs?

Turtles or tortoise?

Waffle or pancakes?

Lime trash at RL he wishes he was as good as me :pogO:

Dogs, I feel like they're easier to manage than cats and I already have one unresponsive pet in Marsh :(

Turtles! I don't know why but I just prefer saying it over tortoise.

Waffles, I feel like they offer a lot more with the whole waffle + chicken combo I want to try out eventually. I do think they're a lot more customizable though which led to my decision

Quote:What have you been up to mate?
Quote:When will Seattle make the ploffs?

Who is the next player Toronto moves on from?

Good to see you man! Hope you and the wife have been doing well!

I've just been fuckin' around mostly, working and just getting ready to go back to uni for my last year :( 

Not sure tbh, the Western Conference isn't very strong and Seattle could have a strong offseason potentially so we'll have to see!

I think you guys should move on from Axel Meszaros, he's pretty bad to be honest.

Quote:Jeff, wie geht es dir, mein Mann? Ich wollte dir nur frohe Weihnachten sagen, ähm, ich hoffe du genießt deinen Tag mit deiner Familie, Mann, um die Geburt Jesu Christi zu feiern, Mann, das ist erstaunlich, Glückwunsch an dich. Außerdem möchte ich dich nur ermutigen, Mann, nur, ähm, halte deine Stimmung hoch, Mann, ich weiß, dass diese Quarantäne viele von uns wegen der Isolation niederschlägt, aber es wird besser, Mann, übe einfach weiter, ähm, gute Gewohnheiten in Bezug auf Händewaschen und soziale Distanzierung, wenn Sie in die Öffentlichkeit gehen. Und zum Schluss Mann, herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Gewinn Ihrer Meisterschaft in diesem Jahr, Mann, Ihr Vater sagte, die Freibeuter haben einen tollen Job gemacht, ähm, so glücklich für Sie, Mann, aber wie gesagt, halten Sie Ihre Stimmung hoch, alles wird bald besser und wieder frohe Weihnachten


Quote:What is your favorite flavor of crayon


Quote:if you were forced to replace your hands/feet with the hands/feet of any animal, what would you choose and why?

what are some random fun facts about jack kanoff?

what's something jack kanoff wants to learn, or wishes he was better at?

does jack kanoff have a favorite joke, knock knock or otherwise?

where's jack kanoff (or jeffie's) favorite place on earth?

Depends on my mood but I'm guessing either Orangutan/Some monkey's hands if I'm doing alright or wolf paws if I'm feeling edgy.

Um, he likes cum.. I think

He wishes he was better at hockey, that's for sure. 

He's pretty unoriginal so he has nothing up his sleeve at this time.

Singapore, I miss that place everyday after growing up there :( 

Quote:Hey "jeff", what is the next canada recruit you're looking at stealing? I'll take my answer off air, thanks.

Who's your best prospect next season? There's your guy

Quote:who would win in a fight: 100 duck-sized horses or 1 horse-sized duck?

Easily 1 horse-sized duck, ducks are tiny while horses are massive. Sounds like a no-brainer to me.

Quote:why does hallsy think hes a better support than you?

Hallsy's delusional that's why. His bum ass Yuumi could never come close to my gorgeous Rakan.

Quote:I'm just here to say hi

@Tayjay Hey Tayjay! Hope Nashville's been treating you well! Y'all have an exciting group of players over there, really excited to see what you guys can do moving forward <3


Why don't you shake my hand before a game?

Have you noticed that Jay Sink (mori) doesn't seem to shower and since he stinks so bad no one goes near him on the ice and that contributes to why he gets scored on less than you?


Why hasn't norway and germany had a friendly game in order to get ready for the tournament?
@Revolution5 Sorry sir, covid protocol and all that, can't risk it you know?

Jay Stink isn't a very good player and I do think its because of his lack of showers/60, maybe if he improved upon it he'd be a better player but until then yikes.

I'm not sure actually, I imagine we'll be facing each other during the IIHF Tournament so there's that!

Quote:So when do we leave for Singapore?

@Kalakar Whenever you want bb <3 in all seriousness I do wanna head back there for a summer after I graduate and all that. Fuckin miss the food and energy there like crazy. Just run away with me


how r u


what r ur real thoughts on nour blitzcrank

also gecko jhin

I'm good, how are you buddy? Really excited to see how the SHL Offseason pans out after the Great Lake Playoffs end. Hope you're enjoying the Atlanta LR, great group of dudes there except @goldenglutes

No U ugly

It's a work in progress. I'm trying to help teach him positioning and all that but yeah it's only going to come with practice and all that.

You get tilted too easily, I only remember playing with your jhin twice (Usually it was Swain with Esso) in SR and you kinda got tilted and started trolling. But you had a great game on Jhin last night in ARAMs so that was dope.


Quote:Rank every single SHN member

If you were commissioner for a day, what changed to the league would you make?

Do you expect Seattle to make a playoff push soon?

How has Kanoff’s career been? Are you happy with his development?

Will you ever be on a team that makes the playoffs?

Why do you ignore me?


Sure thing, here ya go bud:
Burlok Sulfurgold

If I was commissioner for a day I'd take a look into the cap and how it affects teams in the long run. I'm someone who's still skeptical when it comes to the cap changes and I think it's going to result in players possibly going unsigned because teams can't afford them. I understand that this may help out upper tier teams but I'd seriously do some research into how to balance changes and all that. If that became too much work for the one day I was there, I'd push for divisions to be changed, it's clear that there's a sense of unbalance in the league in it's current state and I'd try to figure out a way to help balance things out without sacrificing things that people across the league find really important/crucial when it comes to their enjoyment of the league.

I honestly don't know what to think of Seattle in it's current state in all honesty. I do know we're going to be a really strong team in the future thanks to Tig's great drafting and smart moves and stealing Reid from Winnipeg certainly helps a ton too. I could see us making moves for some guys to strengthen the core but I could also see us selling good players for picks considering the core seems to be in the S56+ range as of right now. Seattle's in a pretty flexibile spot right now and it's really intriguing to be honest.

Kanoff has left a lot to be desired on the table for sure. Starting with playing 1st pairing minutes in his rookie season and finishing with 8 points, then underperforming in his next 2 seasons compared to his other draft class teammates it's been a really rough start to his career so far. Obviously I hope things change but I'm cautiously optimistic for now.

Who knows? We'll see what time tells I guess. I really do wish I could make the playoffs eventually as it always makes me jealous seeing everyone get really excited for it while I spend 3 weeks twiddling my thumbs. But if it means sacrificing our success long term I don't really know how I feel about it.

I never ignored u wtf u liar

[Image: jackkanoff.gif]

[Image: jeffiesigs.gif]
Nour is pretty hot ngl

hi jeffie I hope youve been enjoying your time on the SHL For the past year

[Image: 0XJkcN5.png]
Czechoslovakia PROFILE || UPDATE || RAGE. Rage 
[Image: luketd.gif]

(This post was last modified: 01-17-2021, 03:45 PM by ProjectSaint.)

How recently have you been hearing the chants of Rule Britannia in the Seattle LR, especially with IIHF coming up?

Also how confident do you feel about Germany's chances of getting a medal?

[Image: ProjectSaint.gif]
Sig Credit: Flappy (EVO) and Skolpaddor (RESO)


First SMJHL Goal: Colorado Raptors, Emeka Valentine-Okoli 1 (Mikelis Ozoliņš 4, Loki Odinsson 3) at 3:12, 2nd Period (GWG) / SMJHL S47 Game 47 Day 12: Colorado Raptors vs Detroit Falcons
First SHL Goal: Texas Renegades, Emeka Valentine-Okoli 1 (Josef Kubinec 5, Ricky Spanish 4) at 16:23, 2nd Period / SHL S51 Game 71 Day 16: Edmonton Blizzard vs Texas Renegades

Eternal RaptorsRaptors Old, onwards we roll Rage

And Let's Retire at the Pinnacle

why should I even bother asking you questions when you yoink my players?

[Image: nokazoa.gif]


[Image: sN8N4xa.png]         [Image: xd5tvj8.png]


[Image: ktJ2jTl.png]

Jeffie how do u get the beeg yoshi

[Image: gLIi4AC.png]
[Image: beegbeegyoshi.gif]

hello gabe johnson alt

how's seattle been, and can you see them making any offseason moves outside of the draft?
what's it like being the most hated fed head?
what made you decide to play for germany, and how have you enjoyed playing for the most inferior german speaking iihf nation?
did gabe force you to do this presser?

Armada Monarchs Germany

Armada Steelhawks Switzerland

Armada Specters Wolfpack Steelhawks Forge Switzerland

Scarecrows pride Chiefs Riot Stars Blizzard Ireland

how fat and full are your balls?

[Image: TommyWestbrook.jpg]
[Image: UznKCpb.png]

Why u so stinky?

Whats your favorite drink?

Why Jack Kanoff?


What is your favourite kind of smoothie?

Favourite moment through your SHL career so far?

Isn't it funny how Jack Kanoff sounds like Jacking Off?

How has your January been?

[Image: bjobin2.png]
[Image: 9tINabI.png][Image: c97iD9R.png]

**First GM in SMJHL history to win 3 Four Star Cups back-to-back-to-back**

Do you still hate Halifax

How do you feel about swearing in YouTube chat

Will you make me a sig

Seen any good movies lately

What’s the worst thing you’ve ever eaten

Hey jeffie!

How are ya?
Well my questions what's been the biggest chsnge of culture since you got traded?
What have been the best moments in your career so far?

Ly man

[Image: Bananabread.gif] 

Thank you @Carpy48, @honkerrs

Why are you making an offseason presser when we're not even done with the playoffs yet?

Genuine question. Asking for a friend.

PepeLaugh modCheck

[Image: image.png]
[Image: dankestmemes69420.gif]

[Image: vhY18i8.png] [Image: gs89eGV.png] [Image: nBgNUTY.png]
Armada        Canada        Stampede
Falcons        Usa

What's your reaction to Axel Meszaros' ascension this season in your absence? Interview

[Image: ml002.gif]
Credit to Copenhagen, Wasty, FlappyGiraffe, InciteHysteria, and caltroit_red_flames
 [Image: MM4nqx6.png] [Image: Niz2wua.png][Image: egAspOO.png] Knights
[Image: GZ9XvkA.png]


Jeff, how you doing my man! Just wanted to tell you Merry Christmas, um, I hope you're enjoying your day with your family, man, to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, man, that's amazing, congrats to you. Also, I just want to encourage you, man, just, uh, keep your spirits high, man, I know this quarantine is putting a lot of us down because of isolation but it will get better man, just continue to practice, uh, good habits in terms of washing your hands, and, and social distancing when you go out in public. And lastly man, congrats on winning, uh, your championship this year man, your dad said the buccaneers did a great job, uh, so happy for you man, but like I said, keep your spirits high, everything will get better soon and again, Merry Christmas.

[Image: glutes2.gif]
Signatures by Vulfzilla, Jepox, Jess, rum_ham, Ragnar, and myself
[Image: 9vAsr7c.png]
[Image: tkMQzhf.png] [Image: tdKmZA0.png]

(This post was last modified: 01-17-2021, 04:49 PM by Memento Mori.)

For Jack Kanoff:

As arguably the worst player in the SHL, how much credit do you give the Seattle GMs for winning 22 games despite your presence? How much credit do you give your teammates?

Do your teammates ever give you a hard time after yet another misplaced pass or shot? If yes, how do you shake off the constant abuse and focus on your (let's face it, awful) game?

Do you ever feel ostracised by your teammates as a result of your poor performances?

You're often abused by fans on social media and in the street, finding yourself somewhat of an easy target due to your poor performances. How does this make you feel?

Are there any players or GMs you'd particularly like to thank for standing by you despite your negative impact on the ice?

Do you cry yourself to sleep at night? If no, should you?

For Jeffie43:

Have you tampered anyone in this league or is that just an ISFL thing?

Do you regret asking me to join the league yet?

[Image: sink.png]
[Image: Screenshot_2021-04-12_000020.png]

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