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S58 Championship Week
(This post was last modified: 04-01-2021, 10:11 AM by lordbolo.)

#2 (2 TPE)
Aggression not only wins fights, but it can also help to win a hockey game. The no penalties or offsides or icing has to be the best choice. Sure, we can play with a sixth person, but the ice is already so crowded that the advantage here is limited. Without penalties, we can high stick all the players, and even incite blood! We can also just cherry pick around the opponents net and just flip the puck over to them. The combination of these two tactics will be no match for the other team. I am assuming steroids will also be legal since I can’t get a penalty for it. Excellent news.

#4 (3 TPE)
We have to sit down and have a very hard look at our team, our roster and even the line up decisions we are making. We are unfortunately at the mercy of the simulation (just like real life), but someone needs to seriously sit down with the computer and talk to it, because it has not even our team much love over the last few seasons. I think for a starting point, all of our players need to at least get one to two inches taller and grow moustaches. The staches have historically been the key to any team's success, but has been recently lost in the league. We also need to consider adding reflective material to our jerseys to distract the other team while they are trying to drive down to our side of the ice. It would also help if the fans could get involved, perhaps throwing raw fish on the ice to cause unavoidable hazards. Our team would definitely not have aaaaany knowledge of this happening to prepare for it.

#5 (2 TPE)
Without a shadow of a double and completely unbiased opinion has to be the Detroit Falcons. They really put together a solid showing on  the ice this year and have many players just waiting to remove the handcuffs. There are rumors swirling around that Yan Dolff is ready to step it up and become the next superstar of the franchise. He only has one, maybe two more seasons left in the juniors though so time is running out. He has over 100 TPE just waiting to be released. Energy will be coursing through his system by them. The up and coming goalie Podan is also one to keep an eye on. Some say he trains without pads and coats the pucks in barbed wire. Brutal.

#12 (1 TPE)
B) I am in the old school mindset that a great defense can produce a great offense. But you can’t win the game without scoring. In new age hockey, the speed is faster than ever before and stay at home defensemen don’t really have as much of a chance. The puck always moves fast than the player and if a team can figure out a way to do this effectively, even after letting up a few goals, they will be the ones finding themselves in the win column

#13 (2 TPE)
In the opinion of one who really appreciated a solid physical player and one with a name that sounds like he was just exported right out of Goldeneye, Boris Petrov is the clear cut candidate for me. Playing less games than some of his competitors (due to the quality wins of the team), Boris Petrov laid a walloping 85 hits on his opponents. He even contributed a fight (and a winning one) to the team. As a side note, it would be great if the simulation could eventually show us these fights for added bloodsport. Boris also contributed a solid 5 points in 17 games and had one of the more solid showings in the playoffs

#15 - Milestone Claims (3 TPE)

#16 (3 TPE)
Rangerjase has been a mentor since joining this league and is an old friend. I absolutely won’t talk about his love for a terrible, sullen NHL franchise, but instead focus on his contributions on and off the SHL ice. He will go out of his way to help anyone in need and stays very active in the league. I think we all need to strive to be more like him!

[Image: dolffs58_gold.png]

Falcons Detroit Falcons: S57 - S59
(This post was last modified: 03-31-2021, 01:53 PM by enigmatic.)

2. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
Oh no, the head honchos of the league are worried that there aren't enough story lines for the finals! Therefore they're changing the rules for the finals. The home team will get to choose to either a) play the whole game with 6 skaters on the ice at a time or b) be immune from penalties/offsides/icing. Whatever the home team chooses, the visitors get the other perk. Which one are you choosing, given the choice and why?

Both seem like fun perks but a is a massive game changer. There’s a reason why teams remove their goalie when they are trailing at the end of a game. I couldn’t imagine the advantage a team playing with 6 players would have, even if the other team got option b. You’d actually have to get out of your zone to make it worth it and it would be incredibly hard playing 5 against 6 for the entire game. I think the best part of b is that you can’t get penalties and that more than no offsides and icings is more important. If you send all the other team to the infirmary because there is no consequence for playing like an asshole, you might actually have some advantage. So I’m not sure which one I’d pick anymore.

5. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
Which SHL or SMJHL team was the best team to not make the finals this season and why?

Thanks to the shit playoff format, the two best teams in the SMJHL already played each other before the finals so this is an easy answer: the Kelowna Knights, finishing the season first, is the best team not to make the finals. It really sucks that regular season standings barely mean anything and we, the Citadelles, as the second best team, had to knock out the best team before the finals. It makes zero sense and it kinda gives a pass to the other team reaching the finals. The Knights finished way ahead of everybody during the regular season so it sucks for them that they had to play us earlier than the finals.

12. Written, up to 4 TPE - Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. Hamilton finished 13 points above Buffalo in the standings this season. What is one thing that Buffalo can do to give themselves a leg up despite this?

Buffalo knows how to win championships so I don’t think regular season results mean much. If Doyle shows up for every game, Buffalo has a pretty good chance because they proved in their previous rounds they could score a lot too.

b. Hamilton was 3rd in the league in GF this season. Buffalo was 2nd in GA. This begs the age old question: what will win out, a great defense or a great offense? Why?
For the sake of the question, I’ll go with a great offense. If your team can score 6 and let in only 5, you still win but holding a 1-0 lead for example is pretty hard. Buffalo has done it during the playoffs but against Hamilton, it would be a different story.

c. Which of these two teams' brandings do you prefer? Take into account colors, logo, name, location, and anything else you consider relevant.
I have liked the Stampede branding a lot since they were introduced to the league and even if they changed their logo since then, I still like it. Green and gold look great and it’s a good take on the whole “Buffalo” concept. On the other hand, I really dislike Hamilton’s branding. Not a fan of anything about it. Name and colours, just not my thing.

d. It's all come down to this: game seven overtime. Which four players are you sending out to win the game for you. This is in a fantasy sense, so feel free to mix and match from both teams.
Let’s do the super cheap thing and choose the top scorers during the playoffs to create this magical line. I’d have Aron Hernadivic and Steve Harrington of the Buffalo Stampede on the wings, Michael Scarn of the Hamilton Steelhawks at center and Nicholas Owens, also representing the Stampede, as our sole defenseman.

13. Written, 2 TPE - The Procrastinator Special! (100 words min.)
Welp, you waited until the last day to grind out your CW and the CC finals are longggggggg over by now. congrats to [TEAM], woo! Reflecting back on the series, who gets your vote for series MVP? Make the case why this player deserves it over any other.

Tres Sombreros and Igor Petrov are guys I love and would be happy to see win MVP. I actually started writing about Petrov being my choice but upon closer inspection, it would be silly to give this to anyone other than our goaltender Mat Smith. Dude was an absolute beast, having not one but five shutouts during our playoff run. He even got one in game 5 of the finals to give us the cup in front of our fans. His goal against average is out of this world, as is his saving percentage. We were good offensively but he made everything so much easier for us.

15. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
New this season, Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 16 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.


16. Written, 3 TPE
I loved this as a mPT when hotdog did it last season, so I'd like to bring it back as a permanent fixture. After all, we could all use a little positivity every now and then. Say something nice about another member or members, no word limit.

There are a few people I would like to write about here but I think @Evok needs it and deserves it. She’s a great person on whom you can really count. When she says she’ll do something, she actually does it and it’s much rarer than I’d like to admit (at least she does with me). I’m glad if anything SHL has given me a real life hockey friend with whom I can go to games and also eat terrible food. I know I’m awkward and make things awkward but you still make it fun for me to go out and hang out with you while watching the Habs and Rocket lose.

[Image: Oqsvuu4.png]


8: +3
[Image: unknown.png]

10: +3
[Image: unknown.png]

12: +4
a. Hamilton finished 13 points above Buffalo in the standings this season. What is one thing that Buffalo can do to give themselves a leg up despite this?
Buffalo can still pull out a victory against Hamilton. They need to focus on 3 specific things: Diet, Nutrition, and Pipe Wrenches. A better diet will help them stay completely focused on what's going on, nutrition will help enhance their abilities, and a pipe wrench to fix that smell in the locker room. Someone took a big deuce in there.

b. Hamilton was 3rd in the league in GF this season. Buffalo was 2nd in GA. This begs the age old question: what will win out, a great defense or a great offense? Why?
Offense will always win against defense. If you have a shitty offense, then you're at the mercy of the other team's offense whether they are on top of their game or not. Even the tightest defenses have weaknesses, and only good offenses can expose it. I mean the whole world is so offensive right now it just makes sense.

c. Which of these two teams' brandings do you prefer? Take into account colors, logo, name, location, and anything else you consider relevant.
I prefer the Hamilton branding over the Buffalo one. Both of their color schemes are kinda lame in their own way, with hamilton getting the edge just because it's a little easier on the eyes. I do like green in hockey, but the mustard yellow contrast just makes it look lame. I never really liked the logo since it doesn't have any white in it.

d. It's all come down to this: game seven overtime. Which four players are you sending out to win the game for you. This is in a fantasy sense, so feel free to mix and match from both teams.
The four players I send out onto the ice in game 7. From hamilton i send out Bobby Sharp, Michael Scarn, Monkey D. Luffy, and Theo Morgan. I mean to be honest I'm just picking the top 4 point leaders in the regular season, but i mean come on. I'm not going to send out fricking Bork Lazer to score the OT winner.

15: +3

16: +3
There's a lot of assholes on this site, but I just want to shoutout everyone on Anchorage and Winnipeg for being really cool places to play for. My special shout out will go to Geekusoid for helping out in the WPG locker room and being an overall cool dood.

[Image: JbAlQ9E.png]

Pt pass

[Image: KSelich.gif]
Thank you all for the amazing sigs & player cards
Germany Citadelles  Stampede [Image: vhY18i8.png][Image: Raptors.png][Image: gs89eGV.png] [Image: eE2UQZC.png] Stampede Citadelles Germany

3. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 5 (Maximilian Wachter, Alexis Metzler) at 16:25
5. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 6 (Steven Stamkos Jr., Brynjar Tusk) at 19:48
8. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 7 (Brynjar Tusk, Alexis Metzler) at 13:55
9. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 8 (Anton Fedorov, Mikelis Grundmanis) at 15:12
10. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 9 (Dickie Pecker) at 19:43 (Empty Net)
(This post was last modified: 04-02-2021, 12:31 AM by KaleSalad.)

1. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)

While these two teams are no strangers to the Cup finals, we did see some very interesting things this season. Looking back, what do you feel was the most surprising part of the season?
This season was full of surprises. Being a part of the San Francisco Pride I would have to say that we were one of the biggest surprises this year. Being that we were starting to come out of the rebuild and have a very young team we did not have high hopes for winning games. Our rookies apparently took this as a challenge to play spoiler. Especially Yngve Simonsson, and Walton Stromberg who both had incredible years and were some of top scoring rookies in the league. Ygnve even more so being called up after only 3 seasons in the minors. To be able to put up numbers like that it will be exciting to see what he will do over the next couple years. Ygnve should have a very good shot at earning himself the rookie of the year but will have some stiff competition. Ygnve’s arrival to the SHL and his instant impact that he was able to make was one of the biggest and most welcome surprises this year.

4. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
If you're sitting at home watching the Finals: What do you plan on doing differently next season to help your team reach the promised land? If you're playing in the Finals: Is there anything different you plan on doing next season to continue your team's success?

So this season I am going to continue doing lots of training. Keep working on my journal in order to keep me funded for next year. Will need to keep making those dollar bills in order to keep buying coaching as well. I still want to work on getting better all around on the ice. I plan on getting a little stronger and getting my offensive skills boosted a bit more. Making sure I am seeing everything on the ice and always making the best pass possible. I turned over the puck more then I would like and need to be better that way. Being an offensive defenseman, I want to get better on the powerplay and try and help our offense score some much need goals. This being said I plan on being more sound in my own end as well. Getting more take always and blocking more shots. Give our goalies some much needed rest and cut down their shot totals. Overall I need to be all around better next season and hopefully the team will continue to build! 

6. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
What's your prediction for this season's IIHF tournament? Which teams do you expect to do well (or not well)? Which players?

This years IIHF tournament will be more of the same dominance from Team Canada. They have a very strong team still and will build off of last years championship. They should have almost the exact same squad coming back to this years tournament which seemed to have the recipe for success last year and I don’t expect to see anything less form them this year. Sure it another year and I am sure opponents will try and match the tactics to try and one up them but This team is all around skilled and will be a handful to anyone they matchup against. I am honestly more interested to see how the WJC tournament will go. Last year introduced the new split teams for Canada and the USA. Which opened the door wide open for other countries to step up and compete which they did. With only one Canada team getting bronze. I expect this tournament to be very eventful and evenly matched teams facing off for another year. 

12. Written, up to 4 TPE - Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. Hamilton finished 13 points above Buffalo in the standings this season. What is one thing that Buffalo can do to give themselves a leg up despite this?
b. Hamilton was 3rd in the league in GF this season. Buffalo was 2nd in GA. This begs the age old question: what will win out, a great defense or a great offense? Why?
c. Which of these two teams' brandings do you prefer? Take into account colors, logo, name, location, and anything else you consider relevant.
d. It's all come down to this: game seven overtime. Which four players are you sending out to win the game for you. This is in a fantasy sense, so feel free to mix and match from both teams.

a. Buffalo needs to find to a way to score goals and not sacrifice their almost top rated defence. Being second in the league in GA they have the pieces in place on the back end. They need to bring their A game and find a way to compete with the scoring that Hamilton brings to the table. They need to find some more offence and round out their game to have a chance. WC:73

b. Give the fans what they want. It is all about that offense. You need to score goals to win games. Yes it is important to keep the puck out of your net but you cant win games without scoring. Scoring goals will always trump defence and you will win more then you lose when you are 3rd in the league in Goals for. The record speaks for itself. WC:69

c. I have always liked the Buffalo branding. Their colours are amazing and seem to just meld nice. The green and yellow on a very simple striping but seems to just work. The stampede logo is also done up so nice and is a great highlight of their jersey. There secondary logo is also a great nod to the state as well. WC:61

15. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
New this season, Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 16 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
SHL Milestones:
SMJHL Milestones (for senddowns): TBD

16. Written, 3 TPE
I loved this as a mPT when hotdog did it last season, so I'd like to bring it back as a permanent fixture. After all, we could all use a little positivity every now and then. Say something nice about another member or members, no word limit.

I would like to throw a shout out to @CementHands for bringing me onto the site It has been a great opportunity for me to meet a lot of new people from all over the world. I wanted to throw a big thank you to @Thatguy91 and @AgentSmith630 you two have been absolutely amazing as general managers in San Fran and I could not be happier that I ended up here. You both have been fantastic to play for and have been absolutely awesome in the locker room. I look forward to hopefully playing for you both in the future seasons of the SHL!

[Image: CaleSalad.gif]
[Image: kalesaladshl.gif]
some high fibre sigs are Powered by AllBran, 

1. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
While these two teams are no strangers to the Cup finals, we did see some very interesting things this season. Looking back, what do you feel was the most surprising part of the season?

This past season was full of surprises and also reliable predictions. The biggest surprise was the emergence of the Texas Renegades as a full fledged force to be reckoned with in the Western Conference. Coming out on top of the league with 109 points and beating out every Great Lakes team to take that spot is impressive and something not a lot of people saw happening. It's encouraging that the rest of the league can take on the juggernaut division of the Great Lakes. However, when a lot of your games are against teams like the New Orleans Specters or the San Francisco Pride, you end up picking up a lot more wins. Especially when you compare Hamilton playing Great Lakes division rivals like Chicago or Toronto on a consistent basis. The slow fall and demise of the New Orleans Specters was not a big surprise to many in the league, but something you hate to see happen to a franchise. (161 words)

2. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
Oh no, the head honchos of the league are worried that there aren't enough story lines for the finals! Therefore they're changing the rules for the finals. The home team will get to choose to either a) play the whole game with 6 skaters on the ice at a time or b) be immune from penalties/offsides/icing. Whatever the home team chooses, the visitors get the other perk. Which one are you choosing, given the choice and why?

If i was the home team in a situation like this, I would take the immune to penalties, offsides, and icing situation. While that may mean that we have less people on the ice for the majority of the game. It also means we can get away with a lot more during the game. Bigger hits, more hail mary passes, hand passes, goalie interference. The combinations are limitless. The biggest downside is that you're constantly playing seemingly a man down, and the ice gets exponentially more crowded out there with 11 skaters. However, i'd take tripping and spearing over an extra man all the time. Old Tyme Hockey. (108 words)

4. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
If you're sitting at home watching the Finals: What do you plan on doing differently next season to help your team reach the promised land? If you're playing in the Finals: Is there anything different you plan on doing next season to continue your team's success?

There are many things that myself, Igor Victory, could do to help out my team, the Tampa Bay Barracuda reach the promised land of the Simulation Hockey League's Challenge Cup finals. I need to be better both offensively and defensively. A -12 rating on the season is not helpful to anybody on the team, and is disheartening to see at the end of the season. My give away to take away ratio is completely flawed as well. I gave away the puck 25 times versus the 15 times that I took away the puck. As someone on the defensive core, I need to be better about controlling the puck. It should be on a string when I am playing on the ice. Otherwise, the other team gets breakaways, and gets high scoring chance situations. So in the end, i need to be a better team player for us to reach the finals in the next few seasons. (157 words)

12. Written, up to 4 TPE - Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. Hamilton finished 13 points above Buffalo in the standings this season. What is one thing that Buffalo can do to give themselves a leg up despite this?
b. Hamilton was 3rd in the league in GF this season. Buffalo was 2nd in GA. This begs the age old question: what will win out, a great defense or a great offense? Why?
c. Which of these two teams' brandings do you prefer? Take into account colors, logo, name, location, and anything else you consider relevant.
d. It's all come down to this: game seven overtime. Which four players are you sending out to win the game for you. This is in a fantasy sense, so feel free to mix and match from both teams.

A. Buffalo Stampede needs to draft better in order to really compete against the Hamilton Steelhawks. However, immediately they need to focus on staying stingey on defense. Hamilton only scored 9 more goals in the regular season in comparison to the Stampede. However Hamilton let in 30 or more goals. So if Buffalo can stay in that defensive mindset, they'll come out on top. (63 words)
B. Well, as I just wrote above, Buffalo with their defensive mind set definitely helped them out during the regular season. This comes down to a battle of their goalies, Buffalo has a great chance with Doyle playing out of her mind right now and posting a way sub .200 GAA right now. If she can get a tleast one shoot out, they have a great chance. (66 words)
C. The branding between the Buffalo Stampede and the Hamilton Steelhawks is a tough one to choose from. There aren't, nor were there ever Buffalo in Buffalo, New York. At least Hamilton has a very strong identity of being a Steel city, essentially the Pittsburgh of Canada. Visually, I like the look of the Stampede logo more than the Steelhawks, but I like the colorway of the Steelhawks more. So I'm torn and all over the place. (78 words)
D. the four players I'm putting out there in a game 7 situation is as follows:
Aron Hernadivic - Buffalo - Forward
Theo Morgan - Hamilton - Forward
Bork Lazer - Hamilton - Defense
Elizabeth Doyle - Buffalo Goalie

You get two high scoring forwards representing both teams. Then the formidable Bork Lazer who is there to plow over every one.
WIth Doyle having a few shut outs, it's a no brainer to put her out there.

(69 words)

15. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
New this season, Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 16 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
SHL Milestones:
SMJHL Milestones (for senddowns): TBD
+1 TPE

16. Written, 3 TPE
I loved this as a mPT when hotdog did it last season, so I'd like to bring it back as a permanent fixture. After all, we could all use a little positivity every now and then. Say something nice about another member or members, no word limit.

This season has been very different for me, my second season as Co-GM of the Armada and first full time season in the big leagues. I want to say thanks to Gabe, Ass, GA, Bloos, Oats for being big parts of the war room in ANC. As well as all of the amazing players we have on the team, too many to list. In the big league, Trella and Dwight for leading the way, Ranger for being banker and giving me money, Muford for his constant dad jokes.

[Image: unknown.png]
[Image: wearingabear.gif]
render cred: @rum_ham, @Rangerjase @Ragnar @supertardis101 @Jogurtaa @Drokeep @evilallbran @Carpy48 @enigmatic
Player Page | Update Page
Armada  Forge  Finland

(This post was last modified: 03-29-2021, 02:15 PM by slothfacekilla.)

One (1) affiliate claim from either PBE or the ISFL will be accepted for 3 TPE! *if you’re claiming this and have a different username on the affiliate's site then you need to state that in your post to get credit.*


5. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
New this season, Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 16 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.

Milestones - 3 TPE

2. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
Oh no, the head honchos of the league are worried that there aren't enough story lines for the finals! Therefore they're changing the rules for the finals. The home team will get to choose to either a) play the whole game with 6 skaters on the ice at a time or b) be immune from penalties/offsides/icing. Whatever the home team chooses, the visitors get the other perk. Which one are you choosing, given the choice and why?

I think I would choose being immune from penalties, offsides, and icing instead of being able to play with six skaters an entire game.  While it would definitely be helpful to have the extra body on the ice for the whole game basically giving you a power play at all times, I think it would be more advantageous to be free from the rules of penalties and icing/offsides.  You could hook, slash, trip, and hold at will against the other team so you could probably easily negate the advantage of having an extra skater by straight up mugging anyone on the other team who got near the puck.  You could also set up a player in the offensive zone at all times like it was a roller hockey game without the icing and offsides.  You would force the other team to adapt to that or have easy breakaways against because the guy is just floating waiting for a dump pass.  It would certainly be interesting.

166 words - 2 TPE

4. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
If you're sitting at home watching the Finals: What do you plan on doing differently next season to help your team reach the promised land? If you're playing in the Finals: Is there anything different you plan on doing next season to continue your team's success?

Although I did not have a great season to follow up my previous Ron Mexico season, I probably wouldn't change anything really from what I did this season.  I may be in a harsher regression tier this offseason, but I currently have over 2000 tpe again so I am not incredibly worried that my build is going to suffer too much.  I think I had a pretty good build this last season despite the results so I'll just look to replicate a bit this time.  I may take a point off of my passing and shooting accuracy to make up for a harsher regression, but I'll burn that bridge when I come to it.  I think those two attributes seem to be okay at 17 instead of 18 for me in my build but we will see.  Hopefully my build clicks next season and the Panthers can keep earning tpe so we can potentially bring a championship to the city of Los Angeles sometime soon.

165 words - 3 TPE

5. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
Which SHL or SMJHL team was the best team to not make the finals this season and why?

I would say the best team to not make the SHL finals this season would be the Toronto North Stars. I believe they came super super close to actually making the finals (I heard that they were winning near the end of the last game and then ended up losing in overtime but I can neither confirm nor deny that) and they had a really strong regular season and looked to be primed to finally make some noise in the playoffs after spending many seasons rebuilding their franchise. They added some quality pieces to the their squad and I think they would have been a tough matchup in the SHL finals if they had made it all the way there.

120 words - 2 TPE

6. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
What's your prediction for this season's IIHF tournament? Which teams do you expect to do well (or not well)? Which players?

I feel like I say this every championship week for the IIHF talk, but I fully expect the usual teams that are good to stay good for the tournament: Canada, USA, and Great Britain. I know USA has had some issues with not medaling (at least they didn't last season and I don't believe they did the season prior to that) but they still are a huge federation with a lot of strong players to draw from so I imagine they can figure something out. Canada is always going to be a powerhouse and I do not see that changing this season at all. And lastly my team Great Britain still looks incredibly strong via our unreal depth on the roster, so I expect us to challenge for a medal like we usually do. Since I am getting up there in age for my player I really hope I can add another medal to my resume, especially if it is a gold medal. I expect the same players from the regular season that stood out to stand out in IIHF as well, hard hitting analysis I know.

187 words - 3 TPE

[Image: 66818_s.gif]
(This post was last modified: 03-29-2021, 02:17 PM by notoriousTRON.)

1. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
While these two teams are no strangers to the Cup finals, we did see some very interesting things this season. Looking back, what do you feel was the most surprising part of the season?

I think the easiest answer is the Toronto North Stars and no I’m not biased at all. Coming into the season, it wasn’t even clear if the Stars were going to make the playoffs due to competing in a division with perennial powerhouses Buffalo and Hamilton as well as reigning Challenge Cup champion Chicago. If Toronto was going to break their FHM era playoff drought, they would have to beat at least one of those teams in the standings. That seemed like a tall order going into the season. Indeed even those of us in the North Stars locker room were struggling to believe it was happening. Charlie was providing us sims of the finals days of the regular season to show what the likely outcomes would end up being. It turns out that not only did Toronto finish above Chicago, knocking out the defending champs, they also finished above Buffalo (suck it @Faelax).


4. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
If you're sitting at home watching the Finals: What do you plan on doing differently next season to help your team reach the promised land? If you're playing in the Finals: Is there anything different you plan on doing next season to continue your team's success?

Toronto make it to game 7 of the semifinals. We’re not really in cap trouble just yet so I don’t think there will be much that the team will want to do differently going into next season. We won’t be adding any callups to my knowledge so we should be rolling with more or less the same lines. Rhys Pritchard played most of the season on the third line but enjoyed some success when given second line minutes in the playoffs. It remains to be seen if the Toronto leadership will go back to the formula that produced a great regular season, or continue to experiment with new line combinations. One thing Pritchard can do is continue to earn TPE like it’s going out of style. I plan to work on the offensive side of the game this offseason so that I can get into better scoring positions and better set up my line mates for success.


6. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
What's your prediction for this season's IIHF tournament? Which teams do you expect to do well (or not well)? Which players?

Great Britain has become a powerhouse in the IIHF tournament. In my time with the team, they have won a medal every season including a Gold and three Slivers. This year, they did lose a couple of key contributors including Tony Ford and Reginald MacIntyre. Those losses will no doubt sting but the minutes they play can be given to a new crop of talent on the team including Tampa Bay star Tom Fiddler and Toronto’s Rhys Pritchard. The pair put up 7 and 9 points respectively in last year’s tournament and both have shown the ability to produce with their SHL teams. Edward Williams, fresh off of a 68 point SHL campaign, could also be given an expanded role with the club to take advantage of the offense that he has proven he can provide. I think another medal could be in the cards once more for Great Britain in S58 IIHF.


12. Written, up to 4 TPE - Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. Hamilton finished 13 points above Buffalo in the standings this season. What is one thing that Buffalo can do to give themselves a leg up despite this?
b. Hamilton was 3rd in the league in GF this season. Buffalo was 2nd in GA. This begs the age old question: what will win out, a great defense or a great offense? Why?
c. Which of these two teams' brandings do you prefer? Take into account colors, logo, name, location, and anything else you consider relevant.
d. It's all come down to this: game seven overtime. Which four players are you sending out to win the game for you. This is in a fantasy sense, so feel free to mix and match from both teams.

c. As much as I hate both of these teams I have to admit that Buffalo’s branding is nice. The logo feels classic and the green and gold combo is unique around the league. The design has been around since before I was in the league so I don’t know who put it together, but I really think it’s a top 5 branding in the league. I’d be saying that even if you weren’t giving me TPE for my opinion.


15. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
New this season, Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 16 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
SHL Milestones:

Claim 3 Milestones


16. Written, 3 TPE
I loved this as a mPT when hotdog did it last season, so I'd like to bring it back as a permanent fixture. After all, we could all use a little positivity every now and then. Say something nice about another member or members, no word limit.

I just want to throw some love over at the Toronto North stars leadership and locker room. This season has been an absolute blast and I still can't believe how well it went for us and what @ml002 and @UrsinZ have built for us in Toronto. Shout out to @Capt_Blitzkrieg, @charlieconway, @SFresh3, @Carpy48, @Rich, @gurbs, @Mika_Kandinsky, @CptSquall, @Moreorless89, @juniped, @Tayjay, @Massive Coiler, @Dextaria, @Out of Toast and @Tylar. Those of course are in particular order but this one is. Last I'd like to thank @honkerrs for being less of a jerk than usual lately. Winning definitely brings out the 'not the worst' in you.


[Image: notoriousTRON.gif]
Sig Cred: Carpy, ML, RainDelay, Donini & Geekusoid
[Image: gs89eGV.png]
(This post was last modified: 03-29-2021, 02:53 PM by Julio Tokolosh.)

1. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
While these two teams are no strangers to the Cup finals, we did see some very interesting things this season. Looking back, what do you feel was the most surprising part of the season?

Toronto breaking it’s playoff absence streak was very refreshing to see. They’re a great young franchise that has built the right way, and Harry Carpet has done a great job of being the backbone of the team and locker room leader. Interestingly enough, this meant that the season 57 winning Chicago Syndicate did not make the playoffs. This season did a great job to showcase the power within the Great Lakes division. All 4 teams have a shot to make it far every season and you each franchise can just as easily win the challenge cup as they can miss the playoffs.
A personal surprise was Tony Pepperoni clawing back from 102nd in the fantasy rankings as soon as I swapped him out. It was one of my worst career swaps, however, I was desperate and in 8th place in the lowest-ranked groups. It sucked to learn that I was actually good at drafting, but poor at managing and I dumped my high school girlfriend right before her boobs got big. Im sorry that i dropped you tony, can’t wait to meet up again over thanksgiving break. I miss you bby. Respond to my texts pls.

2. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
Oh no, the head honchos of the league are worried that there aren't enough story lines for the finals! Therefore they're changing the rules for the finals. The home team will get to choose to either a) play the whole game with 6 skaters on the ice at a time or b) be immune from penalties/offsides/icing. Whatever the home team chooses, the visitors get the other perk. Which one are you choosing, given the choice and why?

That’s really up to keygan and tommy to determine which end benefits us the most and/or disadvantages our opponents the most. As someone that grew up playing NHL Hitz 20-03 (as I’ve mentioned in just about every Championship Week Point Task, i believe), I know the full advantages of unlimited contact and ice utilization. Edmonton has a solid defensive base in our top 4, with Karlstrausse Scholz, Connor Tanner (or Conor?), being effective all over, and allowing Blackwood or Truong or Tokolosh to Cherry Pick could really be beneficial. Now that I’m putting it in writing, i realize that the opponents will have an extra skater to neutralize the cherry pick. Maybe having Jean-Paul Boivin slew foot the opposing roster every shift would slow them down with their extra attacker.

3. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Which players, if any, do you see as locks for the Hall of Fame? As in, if they're career ended today they're in. Anyone on the cusp? Anyone on the right track, but still needs to put up a few more great seasons?

I’m going to focus on players drafted in season 47 because I’m selfish and it’s more “iffy” Obviously tony pepperoni is a first ballot player, i want to judge who is on track and who isn’t.
Jax Duggan - (0 / 5) nope. Inactive players don’t make the hall (right?). He’s fun in an LR and has a handful of team awards, but not enough accomplishments or personal success to make the ballot.
Gunnar Soderberg - (3 / 5) maybe. Gunnar’s career had a great uptick in the last few seasons, and Jess’ player played an amazing role in the cup win in s57. If Soderberg continues this trajectory it could even out the stagnant years in Tampa with no postseasons and mid tier regular-season statistics.
Corey Kennedy - (4 / 5) probable. I don’t think anyone in s47 is a 5 / 5 lock, with ~8 seasons remaining in most of our careers. Corey has the regular season accolades, a post season win for himself, the commitment to the league and his team to make it a long term thing, and the name/brand recognition. I think Kennedy is the closest to a lock from s47.
Filip Zadina - (2 / 5) unlikely. Stil kicking around, but far less productive, Zadina settled for a minus 45 this season.
I hit 200 words, maybe i’ll do more as a media piece.

5. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
Which SHL or SMJHL team was the best team to not make the finals this season and why?

The Edmonton Blizzard were 1 goal away from having a decent shot at another challenge cup. During the regular season, the Blizzard swept the Texas Renegades. If i remember correctly, the Blizzard heavily outshot the ironically gun-toting logo. Against Buffalo, the Blizzard also faired well. If Julio could have scored one god damn point in that entire series, there is a very strong chance that all of the CW questions are about the Blizzard and Buffalo. Unfortunately, Hamilton played a great series and adapted well to the league’s first FHM official “rivalry”, so that will be interesting to explore moving forward.

6. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
What's your prediction for this season's IIHF tournament? Which teams do you expect to do well (or not well)? Which players?

I’m looking forward to the US national team returning to glory. There are some young goalies and some interesting moving parts, and a very rare transfer in. the locker room has been abuzz and the gang is ready to take back what’s ours. I have no idea what our odds are, but i’d be a bad fan/player/coach if i thought we didn’t have a chance to win every single game for the rest of the round-robin and tournament. My money (literally) is on the DraftKings style player picking task. I don’t want to spoil my team and end up outside of the top 10%, but I have some players that I like on Sweden, and Japan. USA is too well balanced for my shallow pockets. One player I flirted with was Slip McScruff, who racks up a ton of hits and blocked shots and always somehow seems to get points. He’s getting a little older and i didn’t watch his regular season build too closely this season, but if the contest was a normal “top 45% win” style, then I believe he would be a solid bet to perform above average.

15. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
New this season, Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 15 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
SHL Milestones:
SMJHL Milestones (for senddowns): TBD

16. Written, 3 TPE
I loved this as a mPT when hotdog did it last season, so I'd like to bring it back as a permanent fixture. After all, we could all use a little positivity every now and then. Say something nice about another member or members, no word limit.

I’m typing this is a google doc, and tags seem to not work for me anyway, so I’ll just give them shout-outs and they can search for themselves later and find these easter eggs.

The s47 dogs have been a fun group that I’v gotten a lot more positive experiences out of the site then I expected just because I happened to click a reddit ad at the same time as these goobers. Whether its an unspoken competitiveness that pushed damn near all of us to 2000, or rooting for our draft mates once our team is eliminated these guys (and girls) have given the league an extra bit of flavor for me.

Similarly, if I hadn’t been drafted by Colorado, and had the early tutelage of a top LR with hhh, kimmy, salami, et. al. my activity could have waivered, but instead they kept me signing in every day, multiple times per day, during work hours.

Edmonton’s LR has been as good as advertised with a fresh mix of personalities. Keygan and Tommy’s success on the ice means that i’ve gotten to meet some of the more active and interesting members of the site and they’ve done a fantastic job curating a great franchise.

Thanks for running graphics while im drowning in work carpy and graphics gang. Daddy will be home soon.

Player Page || Player Updates || Visual History

15. Milestones: 3 TPE
SHL Milestones: Milestone TPE

[Image: lqfXIpe.jpeg]
[Image: p82ugau.png]
(This post was last modified: 03-29-2021, 05:19 PM by zaynzk.)

Milestones +3


4. Another year another final at home, with more people getting called up it seems less and less likely that boyle will be able to snag a cup before his 4 star cup for vancouver. See boyle was drafted by a vancouver team who had won the championship the year before but has not been able to really capture the magic again, as he now moves up to the first line he hopes that this year will be different. Scoring has been a huge strugle for boyle despite his inkling for goal he tends to have and boyle despite leading the team with shots rarely scored. Opposing fans have begun chanting at his lack of focus in front of Goal and he seems to have struggled to handle that. If boyle cannot get his shit together NOLA will have no choice but to continue leaving the first rounder down. Can boyle even keep his first line status in Vancouver? +3


Quote:a. Hamilton finished 13 points above Buffalo in the standings this season. What is one thing that Buffalo can do to give themselves a leg up despite this?

Since buffalo has the best defense in the league what they have to do in order to win is to stop Trautners player Micheal Scarn. He is one of the best players in the league and is a goal scoring machine so if they stop him they stop the team and can surely win.

Quote:b. Hamilton was 3rd in the league in GF this season. Buffalo was 2nd in GA. This begs the age old question: what will win out, a great defense or a great offense? Why?

The age old story is that defense wins championships and i think this is the case here too. And it is not like Buffalo has a weak offense, Bobby Sharp Leads the league in points and Luffy is not too far behind. meaning if they can continue their goal scoring way the defense will easily help them win 

Quote:c. Which of these two teams' brandings do you prefer? Take into account colors, logo, name, location, and anything else you consider relevant.

I think both teams have kinda boring branding compared to some of the better ones in the league however i have to give it to Buffalo since at least they have a different color than grey. Both teams could use a rework, Hamilton needs better colors while Buffalo's logo leaves alot to be desiredd. 

Quote:It's all come down to this: game seven overtime. Which four players are you sending out to win the game for you. This is in a fantasy sense, so feel free to mix and match from both teams.

An all star lineup would be Michael Scarn at center; hes a goal scoring machine and one of the best in the league. Bobby Lane and Monkey D. Luffy out wide on either side of him. Hugh Jazz in defense making it a balanced Buffalo to Hammy ranking but i gotta go with the stats and i think these three fowards with Jazz in defense would give the team the best chance to score without getting caught in the breakaway


16. I would love to give a shout out to someone who has always been a great and supportive guy in the league, @The__Y-man__100 has singlehandedly made me love the Latvian national team, I likely would have transferred to a more active country earlier in my career if it was not for him. He has been someone who has always been super helpful and nice, and its been cool to see the locker room grow, even if its mostly just Gnome emoji's. But either way the Y-Man is one of the nicest dudes in the league and i could not think of anyone better to lead a national team. I hope we one day get to share the ice together and maybe in the future i could possible play on the same team as his recreate. Obviously there are a lot of amazing users in the league but i wanted to give a shout out to someone who helped me feel settled in a locker room where i knew no one. +3


[Image: zayn.png?ex=65e9b101&is=65d73c01&hm=c0f0...y=lossless]
Kyle Sux Lmap
(This post was last modified: 04-04-2021, 03:28 PM by damienj10.)

Which SHL or SMJHL team was the best team to not make the finals this season and why?

The Kelowna knights. No arguement there sadly. We got FHMd don’t tell me no. Our team thought it was funny to score a averts of 1 or 2 goals a game. Or more over. 0. A giant goose egg. We played very questionable the whole playoffs compared to the regular season. Now I don’t really care about juniors for two reasons everybody makes the playoffs. Two everyone’s maxed out pretty much by the playoffs making it a coin flip from regular season. You know what’s good the SHL the SMJHL is just a little distraction from the real cup that matters. The challenge cup Smile at the end of the day the Kelowna knights got trolled by the fhm and then proceeded to get rolled constantly by teams in which the clapped in the Reggie season to the point where they should have just been last instead of first. So unfortunately the big W goes to fhm for trolling. Can’t wait for the SHL bai bai SMJHL distractioneeze or what I like to call baby sit my low tpe player league.

184 words

4. Written

If you're sitting at home watching the Finals: What do you plan on doing differently next season to help your team reach the promised land? If you're playing in the Finals: Is there anything different you plan on doing next season to continue your team's success?

Next season I have really no idea what my role will be I’ll be in juniors for one last season but also I’ll be back up as I am now an overage boi. So really I’ll be there in the background just chillin getting some Wa and hopefully seeing my team raise a cup. Hopefully all goes well and it happens but who’s to know. Just gotta wait and see but I am super hype for next season as it’s a transition season for me. Will slowly entering the SHL and hopefully it’ll be a good time up there. But next season my role isn’t too much so I’ll just try to win every game that comes my way and hopefully all goes well. I’ll earn TPE and Kelowna will have to do the rest. We shall see what goes on and I think it will overall be a good season for the nights. It’s unfortunate we lost last season. We were really close to going all the way but lost to a bother good team so it can’t all be that bad right? Lol anyways at the end of the day Killowna is going for another cup run and it’s going to be absolutely ballin fam. Go knights!!!

209 words

6. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
What's your prediction for this season's IIHF tournament? Which teams do you expect to do well (or not well)? Which players?

I expect Japan to lose because idk I personally don’t know any players on Japan but then again what do I know I am a burst for my boys in Canada which brings me to my point which is Canada is going to win the IIHF tourney. They are gonna be stacked and they are gonna be good. Canada with the gold medal on my eyes. Second place is the boys in the US. Obviously I think it’s he best to say Canada beats the US in OT for the gold medal landing the United States of America the silver medal. No who wins the bronze? I’m think a little Czech Russia or Sweden. They can also maybe win silver but not the gold as Canada already pre ordered that W for the rest of eternity for tell me no. Canada is just that legendary don’t even try to argue. The under dogs in this tournament is Germany and Japan I would love to see them in the silver medal against Canada as they already won the tournament just skim through the playoffs don’t worry about it the celebration for Canada is already planned in downtown Saskatoon because COVID no ones gonna be in Saskatoon. But yea Canada wins the gold medal and the parade is planned thank you and good night.

222 words

15. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
New this season, Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 16 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total. Mile stones claim

2. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
Being immune from penalties, offside, and icing is by far the superior advantage when compared to playing the whole game with 6 skaters. Looking at the penalties aspect, now you can literally do anything you want. Too many men on the ice isn't a penalty at all, so that completely wipes out the advantages of being able to play the whole game with six skaters. Plus, you can completely destroy your opponents now, you can spear them, obstruct them as much as you want, ram them into the boards from behind, blindside them, whatever malicious things you can think of. Penalties alone make this rule change overpowered. Offside and icing are just cherries on top of the cake of this beautiful rule change.

4. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
I'll be speaking about my team in the SMJHL, the Newfoundland Berserkers. Unfortunately, we fell one round short of the finals, and I'll be watching this series along with my teammates at home. For next season, I'd definitely like to improve my scoring. I entered this season wanting to be a point shooter and I definitely got off to a hot start with my scoring. However, that really tapered off near the end of the season, and I ended up scoring zero goals in the playoffs. I'll be taking that negative energy with me in the offseason and trying to train up that aspect of my game. I also want to improve my defensive play. This season was definitely an improvement over my rookie season, but I want my teammates and coaches to have no qualms about how I play in my end. I want to keep things solid because we usually play pretty well defensively.

5. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
For the SMJHL team most deserving to make the finals, I want to be selfish and say it should've been us, the Newfoundland Berserkers. We had a much better season than everyone had expected at the beginning of the year. I think we had a strong case to be the team representing the second bracket. I still wish the Nevada Battleborn good luck in the finals. However, I have got to say that I think Kelowna did an amazing job this season and are probably the most deserving team to not get into the finals this year. It was always a terror to play them in the regular season and they made a great run at the cup.

6. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
It seems like the SHL and the SMJHL have a lot more of a balanced country representation in hockey, compared to some of those other leagues at the NHL. That's why for me as a relative newcomer to the SHL, it's hard for me to pick a team that would do well. I would hope that Japan would do well in the IIHF this year, as that would be the country that I represent in the WJC (however, this year I am playing for Team World). I'm expecting one of the Canadian teams to do well and possibly UCORCAL as well. As for players that will do well in this season's IIHF tournament, I'm honestly not too sure as I haven't played in the SHL yet. However one name that was thrown out and I heard in the locker room was Monkey D. Luffy so I'm expecting to see a strong showing from him. And I really think that UCORCAL could be a team to watch out for this season.

15. Milestones +3 TPE

16. Written, +3 TPE
I want to give a huge shout out to @Sopath for making me feel so welcome in the SMJHL since I signed up. It first started when he got to know me a bit and I got to know the Berserkers during scouting. He's always been a great help to me since starting this league and also posts some amazing media as well. Huge shoutout to him!

Total +16 TPE

[S78] #14 C | Jon Garfield
[SMJHL] Prospect

[S58] #72 LD | Shion Okamoto
[SMJHL] Newfoundland Berserkers | Former Captain | S60, S62 Four Star Cup
[SHL]  Chicago Syndicate | S64 Challenge Cup
[IIHF] Team Japan | S60 Gold
(This post was last modified: 04-04-2021, 03:37 AM by r0tzbua.)

4. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
If you're sitting at home watching the Finals: What do you plan on doing differently next season to help your team reach the promised land? If you're playing in the Finals: Is there anything different you plan on doing next season to continue your team's success?

So neither of my teams made it close to the finals and while I am very much sure that I will not help my Barracuda – or maybe I actually will by not playing in my current state, so in the end I may be helpful by not being there – I may actually be able to help Carolina a bit more than I did last season by adding a whopping 75 TPE to my player so he can be actually a little bit less useless on the ice. While most of what I did is more focussed on the offensive side of my defender I surely hope I am able to score a lot more by using my better skating stats to drive the puck forward on the ice and fulfill my duty as a rushing defenceman by actually rushing and not only failing at pushing and getting the puck stolen from me half the time. (155 words)

6. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
What's your prediction for this season's IIHF tournament? Which teams do you expect to do well (or not well)? Which players?

This season's IIHF tournament will be interesting as we can again see if the domination of Team British Isles will continue to dominate the tournament or if we can see a season with a surprise winner. As per usual I can see Team Canada, Team United States and the British Isles go well, but I would not sleep on Austria. Having built up their player in the last few seasons I can see them slowly rising up as these players will earn and continue to get better and better and soon will probably be uncapped enough to actually make it worth at least a dark horse role in the tournament. While I do not see this happening this season already I think starting S59 IIHF Austria could be up and coming. But since the question is more about this season I think the usual suspects will be very good as well with especially Canada still having a great roster and a chance to take home this tournament again. They have to get by the United States and the British Isles though to see if they can really shine this season. (189 words)

8. Graphic, 3 TPE
Design a Challenge Cup championship t-shirt for one of the teams in the finals. (A four-star cup t-shirt for the SMJHL is ok as well.) Hey maybe if your design is good enough it'll make it to the merch store!

[Image: YAJRAjz.png]

12. Written, up to 4 TPE - Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
c. Which of these two teams' brandings do you prefer? Take into account colors, logo, name, location, and anything else you consider relevant.

Answer to c. – 1 TPE
If it would be a battle of the jerseys of those teams only I would actually prefer the Buffalo Stampede logo since I like the classic lines, colors and the look of it, especially of the primary jersey, but since we are talking about the whole branding here I have to say I am going with Hamilton. Not only because I want to rep Canada being a canadian by choice (not birth) it is always nice to see playing good, and the whole package of branding is simply better for Hamilton together as a set and judging it as exactly this. A special shoutout to Buffalos secondary logo though since I am a sucker for maps and I love the outline incorporated into it! (124 words)

15. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
New this season, Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 16 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.

I claim 3

16. Written, 3 TPE
I loved this as a mPT when hotdog did it last season, so I'd like to bring it back as a permanent fixture. After all, we could all use a little positivity every now and then. Say something nice about another member or members, no word limit.

There is no way I am not going to say something nice about the most favourite people on the internet I know: and these are my Birddogs. Especially @Kyamprac, @Amidships and @inverted. I have grown to love them over the last half year and more, and these are people that I regard my friends by now. But it does not stop there because I can not talk about the people that are close to me without mentioning the rest of the bunch that I got to know over in the ISFL @enigmatic, @Asked Madden (even though he always gets drafted ahead of me), @Rev (even though he is a boat), @OrbitingDeath, @zaynzk, my fellow Co-GM of the Dallas Birddogs: the marvelous @ZootTX who joined a season after me together with @yonggarius and @gucci.

Also the friendly Hahaluas who are playing with me in the ISFL including @Raven, @siddhus and hopefully soon Attopax who is our GM and still needs some convincing as well the super fresh joined @Faded.

Also can not forget the new people I met over in this league, especially the Carolina gang with @Gumbaman, @sve7en, @overdoo and all the other great people over there that I am not going to name for this will be just a list of people by then that made me enjoy this league a lot and stick around and invest more time into it than I originally planned. (You know who you are) and finally because they are the newest ones in my circle here the friendly Barracudas who believed in me enough to grab me in the first round with especially @hockeyiscool, @trella, my friendly commissioner over from the DSFL @TomHanks and the lovely @Muford who I will always have fun with no matter where we are.

Also can not forget @JKortesi81 who said he would draft me but then did not. Shaking my head (in real life).

Total: 16/16

[Image: gREvMiW.png]
Canada Timber  Jean-Jacques François Jacques-Jean || S74  Timber Canada
Austria Barracuda Kraken  Finn von Murphenstein || S57 - S72  Kraken Barracuda Austria 
(This post was last modified: 03-29-2021, 09:28 PM by bjkman.)

ISFL Affiliate = 3 TPE

If you're sitting at home watching the Finals: What do you plan on doing differently next season to help your team reach the promised land? If you're playing in the Finals: Is there anything different you plan on doing next season to continue your team's success? = 3 TPE

Well, this is a really interesting question because I am not sure where I will be next year. As a juniors player, it is almost like I have two teams to think about and two teams I am trying to impress. While I have yet to hear from the San Franciso Pride about when or whether or not I will be called up this season to SHL action I also need to think about how my J team the St. Louis Scarecrows will be without me. I am at the height of my career right now and I don't know how much better I will get in the Juniors outside of more playtime. I am at full strength and whether that helps gets the Scarecrows to the 4-star championship or the Pride to the championship, we will just need to wait and see. Wherever I am, I will be someone who is there for the betterment of the team.

159 Words

12. Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE = 4 TPE
a. Hamilton finished 13 points above Buffalo in the standings this season. What is one thing that Buffalo can do to give themselves a leg up despite this?

Buffalo needs to use their underdog mentality to their advantage. Even though Hamilton finished 13 points above them in the regular season standings the team split 6 games down the middle 3-3, so if Buffalo proves they can win the games with the lights shining bright then they can win the series, after all, Buffalo did beat Hamilton 7-0 at home, and 4-0 at Hamilton.

65 Words

b. Hamilton was 3rd in the league in GF this season. Buffalo was 2nd in GA. This begs the age old question: what will win out, a great defense or a great offense? Why?

This goes back to the previous question. Hamilton seems scary on paper but in the games against Buffalo, Hamilton does not seem like the 2nd highest scoring team and Buffalo does not seem like the 3rd worst defensive team. 2 of 3 of Hamilton's wins against Buffalo came in Shootouts where 2 of 3 of Buffalo's wins were shutouts. Buffalo has Hamilton running scared coming into this series and I won't be shocked if Buffalo wins in 6 games.

79 Words

c. Which of these two teams' brandings do you prefer? Take into account colors, logo, name, location, and anything else you consider relevant.

Hamilton and Buffalo are about an hour away from each other which is really weird especially when you think of professional teams not just being in different areas but almost more importantly different countries. With that out of the way, Hamilton's branding is one of the best in the league. With a fantastic color scheme of blues and yellow, a kickass alternate logo that is hardly ever noted, and a beautiful black alternate jersey, it just fits the team and looks good to the eyes.

85 Words

d. It's all come down to this: game seven overtime. Which four players are you sending out to win the game for you. This is in a fantasy sense, so feel free to mix and match from both teams.

Easy, both Buffalo and Hamilton have great goal scorers 4 of the top 11 goal scorers in the regular season are members of those two teams. If the goalies got you that far I wouldn't switch them out. If I'm Buffalo I'd make sure Bobby Sharp and Monkey D. Luffy out there. And if I'm Hamilton, Theo Morgan or Michael Scarn could absolutely score the championship goal.

67 Words

15. Milestones = 3 TPE

16. Say something nice about another member or members = 3 TPE

There are a lot of people I can say nice things about, big and small. I knew this would be an enjoyable place to be the day I created my player. Zoone called me a legend cause they liked my name. Evok signed me as a UFA for Quebec City because they thought I was cool as well. Brain drafted me over to the St Louis Scarecrows because I would be a good fit for their team, Brain along with Pinky helped me upgrade my player week after week. And Agent Smith will soon bring me up to San Francisco. They all deserve some love! Lastly, I love seeing my fellow ISFL and PBE players every now and then over here so they also deserve a shoutout!

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