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S59 PT #3 Free Agent Pitch

Seattle is a beautiful city and a great location. Don't like Canada or those jerks in California? Enjoy all the best of the West Coast without the beachy dude bros. Smile at not worrying as much about the Great Lakes clusterf that dominates the Eastern Conference!

On the ice, Seattle is an up-and-coming team. With Calgary and Edmonton aging rapidly, the Argonauts are well-positioned to rise to the top of the Northwest Division*. They have an exciting young group of players led by Vaseline Podcalzone, Dee Centerman IV (aka Dee Fender IV), and the rising superstar in net, Yanno Rosejac. Additionally, with Gabe Johnson, Cassius Darrow, and Abel Skinner, they boast one of the deeper defensive groups in the league. GMs tig and grok know what they have, understand their window, and have made aggressive moves to improve their team incrementally each season. That wily management bodes well for the Argonauts to be perennial playoff contenders in the Western Conference. You should join us!

Platoon Elk Elk Platoon
Argonauts Argonauts

[Image: AH23zKq.png]
Thank you karey, OrbitingDeath Ragnar, and sköldpaddor for sigs! 
[Image: BAL_Player_Page.png] [Image: BAL_Update.png]

We're in for an exciting off-season here in the SHL coming up. Expansion was just announced, with 2 new teams entering the fold. With new teams comes new opportunities. More roster spots are up for grabs and there are more chances for free agents to leave their team and join a new one. Here in Minnesota, we'll be one of the many teams looking to upgrade in the off-season. Why pick Minnesota?

In Minny, we're an up and coming team. We are very young and already competing for a playoff spot. In what was expected to be another learning year, we've surprised everyone by not only being competitive, but holding down a playoff spot. With a whole bunch of young players playing important roles, a free agent in their prime is just what we need to take the next big step. Why wouldn't you want to join a team that is climbing and getting better? Not only can you grow with the team for many years, you will be in a position to lead a young crop of players to glory. This isn't a short term play, this is long term success. Come to Minnesota and be a part of the next great SHL dynasty.

(205 words)

Guy Incognito - D - #24
Texas Renegades
Season 79
Regular Season - [G 0] [A 0] [Pts 0] [+/- 0] [PIM 0] [Hits 0] [SB 0]

[Image: ERs3IrD.png]

(This post was last modified: 05-03-2021, 08:51 PM by taterswc.)

Free agents do you like winning? Of course you do…unless you don’t but hell even then you belong here at Edmonton. Why Edmonton, well let me tell you why:
Edmonton wins, like a lot, we do not sit back and wait for a cup. We take cups by force. Every season is a new shot at the cup. Fine print: winning a cup is not guaranteed or promised in any way.

Edmonton is in Canada. Everyone likes Canada. It is like America but less shitty. Have you seen what is going on down there? Forget that come to Canada and enjoy healthcare and a shockingly low murder rate. Warning: Canada may be just as bad as anywhere else. Not being murdered is not guaranteed or promised in any way.

Edmonton is fun. You spend a lot of time in the locker room, and you need a good one. Edmonton is the premier locker room for anyone that likes memes, chatting, talking trash, seeing Pasta the Turtle’s amazing turtle emojis, and much more. Fine Print: Lock room does sometimes get flooded with cat girl pics. If this is not a problem for you then you should go somewhere else.

Edmonton, The place to be unless you don’t like turtles

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Did your old team not want to pay you what you're worth? Do you just want to play for a better org? Then step right up and play for the Blizzard! A good team now that's set to be a great team for a long time to come thanks to some excellent recent drafting, you'll be joining a team that fully embraces your inner goon! Even if you don't have one, we have bodyguards at every position to make sure they always have someone else to worry about. We play hockey that's fun for everyone on our team and no one on the other team, so if nothing else, join us so you don't have to play against us!

[Image: zN6tB52.png]

Come join us in New Orleans as the newest member of the Specters! Why, you ask? What a great question! Don't be fooled by our record in recent seasons, we're on the up and up! We have several prospects in the pipeline, itching to move up and take the Specters to the next level. Several of these, including Jon St. Ark (846 TPE), the top goalie and #3 overall in Season 57 TPE, and Vlastislav Malik (840 TPE), the #2 F and #5 overall in Season 57 TPE, will be joining the Specters this season. You'll have the opportunity to step into top line minutes with an improving cast that you can help develop. On top of that, our locker room is great! JK as a GM is great and makes sure everyone is interested, happy, getting a say. We also have an existing solid core of players that are quite active in the LR as well. With an injection of youth as well as FAs like yourself, the New Orleans Specters are ready to get spooky! Come join in on the fun!

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It is pretty easy to sell players on San Francisco as a city. The weather alone should sell you to come here. The bonus is you get to wear your shorts to the rink every day and play the sport you love. You got some downtime hit the beach. I have to say the amount of good looking ladies around here doesn’t hurt if you are a single man! Besides the city, which can sell itself, the Pride are an up and coming team. Yes we are coming out a rebuild but we have an amazing core of players and probably the best group of vets to be around for these young players. We are getting better every week and game and will be competing for top seed in no time. You would be crazy not to want to be a part of this team! With the expansion draft happening we will have some spots opening. This is the time to get in while you can. Be a part of one of the best locker rooms in the league and best up and coming group of players. We have the perfect mix of everyone and you would be crazy not to join on our literal rocket ship, courtesy of Nyumbayangu, to shoot us to the stars! Come for the party and stay for the team and future championships!


[Image: CaleSalad.gif]
[Image: kalesaladshl.gif]
some high fibre sigs are Powered by AllBran, 

As a master of free agency during my time as GM in the ISFL, I can write a quick and easy pitch right now to any user wanting to pursue their options this upcoming offseason.

In Winnipeg, we have one of the greatest locker rooms in the entire SHL. We have a healthy mix of older users and younger users as well as a healthy mix of crossing between leagues, allowing all multi-leaguers to feel at home. Whether you are a forward or a defenseman, we can find a place for you. Hell, we might need a goalie too, you all can come on down and visit as well. If we want more than just a few of you, we will figure out a way to make that happen. We can get you on the best lines possible to maximize your stats while improving our chances at a championship at the same time. Not only that, but we have some of the best management in the league in Kez and Strom, and they will do whatever they can to help you out both on and off the ice. There isn't a negative thing about Winnipeg, and to top it all off, you have the opportunity to help bring the first ever Winnipeg Aurora championship trophy home with you!

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[Image: Virrok.png]
Thanks to EAB and sulovien for the sigs!

Hey, we hear you like polar bears, jet planes and cool sky magnet magic stuff. If that's your jam, you should come to Winnipeg! The mosquitos, blackflies and horseflies are murderous in the summer, but they make for good hand-eye coordination exercise. In the winter, the negative 40 temperatures means that you'll never have to worry about converting between Celsius and Fahrenheit because it's all the same at that temperature! We have super cool players (literally, they get frozen solid if we leave them out for too long) as well as international appeal (we have an international airport, that's what we mean) because we have a wide variety of backgrounds. We hope you like Saskatoon berries because the summer is chock-full of them, and the Mennonite sausage at the farmer's market is to die for. The apple fritters also double as workout weights, and carb-loading is still in fashion here. So come join the Winnipeg Aurora, because we may not be the best team on the ice, but we're pretty good off the ice!

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(This post was last modified: 05-04-2021, 05:57 AM by C9Van.)

Well I guess I am gunning Hall of Fame and awards so I think Jon is decent at the very least. I realise that Jon can be quite a bit of a handful but outside of it I love to talk and chill in the locker room rather than post in dramas or bollocks thunderdomes here. Also I have 20 passing so I get an absurd amount of assists for the team, I feel a lot of players focus on shooting when they are a forward but passing and getting open are more important to me cause I enjoy setting up my team mates and I seem to have been 1 of the better players doing that the past few seasons so I guess that would be the very big appeal overall for getting Jon Forty One. Defensively as well I am pretty good and well set up so I do not think that would be an issue either for me cause I could do decently for teams.

[168 words]

Raptors Proud S67 - S69 Colorado Raptors Captain  Raptors
Uk S57 Forward of the Season Award winner  Uk

Now I am free <3

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We are in a great location in the country, with stunning nature and scenery, plenty of wild animals for the interested to see and an abundance of things to do.

Apart from a great location and beautiful landscape in the surrounding area, we do have a great hockey team and New England Wolfpack is the team to join if you want to join an exciting group of players with great management that strive to become a dominating force in the new Great Lakes division (while we probably shouldn't be a Great Lakes team by location).
Everyone has been working super hard to get the best team possible in the next couple of seasons that'll see New England Wolfpack really be a force to be reckoned with. The team has drafted really well the past couple of seasons and have started to strengthen the current roster with good active players to make the coming dominance era come a bit sooner.

If you want to be part of a winning team, there's only 1 choice, join the Wolfpack!

[Image: m59RPb7.png]   [Image: FcWmVTl.png]
[Image: krazkoSEA.gif]
credit to amazing @Carpy48, @Ragnar @sköldpaddor, @the_paytonium & @sulovilen !

Welcome to beautiful Boston, Massachusetts!

The New England Wolfpack play at historic Boston Garden right here in Downtown Boston. The Garden is nestled into the tight-knit North End neighborhood of Boston, which boasts some of the best dining options with fine Italian restaurants. Boston is known for its place in history, acting as a sparkplug for the American Revolution with events such as the Boston Tea Party and the Boston Massacre. It's that revolutionary spirit and passion that lives on in Boston fans today, making this market one of the finest to play for.

The Wolfpack are on the upswing. This is a fantastic opportunity for you to come in here with a team with the foundational pieces in place, and for you to click in seamlessly as the New England Wolfpack look to put the finishing touches on their rebuild. We have strong veterans up front, on the defense, and in net, and youth aplenty in the prospect pipeline. Join us today!

Aurora Knights Aurora Knights Aurora Knights Aurora Knights Aurora Knights
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RIP Dangel. See you on the other side, brother

I mean there are a lot of things that Atlanta offers and our team offers because like it is a great team and we were in the last expansion and that was us and it's a great time over here everyone has gotta come to be with us. The first thing about Atlanta is every professional athlete loves to be here - the strip clubs. I mean ATL is so famous for that and everyone in SHL would have a great time. There are the strippers which are actually the fun part for sure - but forget just about that - there are the lemon pepper wings and everything. That's a great time and a lot of fun.

Then lets talk about our team there are a lot of fun things - we have the GOAT GM in hotdog who is a great leader of our team and yea I think everyone should come here and it's a really fun time and everyone on the team loves it

Do you like to play in an area when you never know if it will snow? You could have an outside rink almost all year around because it may also be really cold in April and May? Do you like roast beef sandwiches especially ones with BBQ sauce and mayo as well? We have the area for you. Do you also like not being able to mention the person that wears #71 for the Bruins without having a bot also mention the name of that same player? We have a fantastic bot that you'll love in New England. We have a lot of great people and a lot of good times hanging out. We watch the sim together and have fun there as well. New England has 3rd round picks, I swear that we do, and if you sign here, we won't even try to trade the pick to get someone to put with you. This is what you can get if you come to New England.

Words: 169

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Thank you OrbitingDeath! <3

Hello insert name here, I'm writing to you on behalf of the Los Angeles Panthers, one of the most storied franchises in the SHL with a long history of success who would love to add you to their team this off-season. Both this franchise and this city have a lot to offer, it is one of the most vibrant and exciting places not just in this country but in the entire world, where people come to pursue their dreams and you could be one of them. But it isn't just blitz and glamour around here, the Panthers are an incredibly well-managed franchise that has stood the test of time and that sports a great group of players and a great locker room that we'd love to have you be a part of. Our team is competitive with some great all-around talent but at the same time, coming here wouldn't mean "easy mode" for you as it would if you joined certain teams in the Great Leakes. Joining the Panthers would mean a great combination of already existing talent while also giving you the chance to be the one piece that puts this team over the edge, to the player that puts his stamp in the franchise in it's quest for another Cup win!

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