Well Brent Ashe has made a lot of friends while being here it is fun. I think that my friends try and help me out when I need it. And I thank those people for helping me out when I need it. I have improved instantly and love to see how close I have grown thanks to my teammates. I think that I have many friends to come as I go on with my career and want to continue to thank them for all the stuff they have done for me to continue on the path. I want to do the same for my teammates in the future and help them in the future as it happens in the future. I want to make sure that I am held accountable for very action very right choice very wrong as well as become a captain for a team one day. And I hope that my teammates become pros with me and continue as I left this smjhl league as a leader.
It's hard to narrow down the list of people I've made friends with on this site, it is quite a few. My friends in Hamilton are a big standout for sure, @nour has been a great friend since he joined the site shortly after me, he's always been an open and friendly ear for me to bend when I need. @Hallsy took a big swing trading 3 1sts for my last player and I am very happy he did, getting to know him and the rest of the Hamilton guys was one of my favorite experiences so far on the site. Other hammy shotouts @Gooney @Waters @Otrebor13 @golden_apricot @notorioustig @dmills3 @JSS @Jobin @Rotti @Gwdjohnson I know a lot of you aren't with Hammy anymore, like me but you all have given me some great memories so far, sorry if I missed a hammy peep. The other big group for me is the Development team.. When we moved from jcink to mybb we had these grand hopes that people from around the site would volunteer time to help with dev stuff and make the site better, but it definitely didn't start that way, it was just me for quite some time, then we had a few others pop in and disappear, helping with small bits, but now I feel like there's this solid group of individuals who I enjoy chatting with and coding with as often as well all have the time. @esilverm @grok @kenvald @"luketd" @caltroit_red_flames @Talls you guys have all been putting in the work and I appreciate all of you.
I've met many great friends through my time on this site. Some more recent than others, but nonetheless I have had a lovely time here.
First off, @Fluw. Don't think it's an exaggeration calling you my best friend on the site. Always happy and always worried at the same time, but such a thoughtful and honest person that everyone loves to be around. It brings me with joy whenever I see you have DMd me while I was sleeping. Your words mean a lot to me my friend. 4 days 'till closing, 7 days until bliss.
@kenvald is in my opinion one of the best people on the site. Always hard working, always friendly, always honest and never involved in any drama. The situation sucked all around, but I loved not only working with you but have you as someone to look up to. If this site wants a single role model to represent everything great about it, look no further.
@Halkohol. Keep earning buddy and make me those TPE. Also, lovely getting a chance to still interact with you on a fairly consistent basis. A great person I've known for many years at this point.
@Ace Thank you for always showing so much dedication to everything you do. Not only to the jobs you have, but to the people you meet. You've made the experience of this site an amazing one because of it, and you made me so happy getting drafted by you.
@"AgentSmith". We split apart, but are now back together. It's been a great journey for both of us, and I'm so very glad we can continue it together. #rollpride.
@krazko. Just a genuine lovely person. First getting a chance to interact with you in Team Sweden, to being able to play with you for many seasons with Maine into some time with the Wolfpack. Wherever you've been, you have made that place better.
@"Thatguy91" Thank you for the very warm welcome you have been showing me in San Fran. I've had a lovely time thus far, in no short thanks to the wonderful work you put in. Have a lovely summer my friend!
@Citizen of Adraa and @CementHands. Thank you for drafting me to Maine, and thank you for the time we had over there. We didn't quiet make it in the end, but the two of you made it into such a wonderful experience.
Since I am kinda busy dude who focus on music, sports and other real life stuff, I usually come her just to update my player, see what's new and check latest games. Plus, I had pretty ''loud'' beginning of SHL career. However, I still think that it's not easy to make friends here. It's kinda hard, because everyone got their own opinion and if they get hurt, you can swipe out them of your ''possible friends'' list. However, I still appreciate a lot people in this forum I've made friends with or at least talked.
@Loganjj - if I got right, he isn't active anymore, but since we both had music as our interests, we've had many cool conversations. I've sent him my unreleased songs and he sent me some of his freestyles and lyrics. We have pretty good chemistry and even if we don't talk that much anymore, we're still cool ''internet friends''.
@LordBirdman - only human who really believed in me on this forum while everyone turned back on me. Thankful and grateful. Haven't talked with him in a long time, but he helped me a lot of private stuff only he knows about.
@Tomen , @WannabeFinn - y'll both gave me a shot in big league while nobody wanted to give it to me. That's why I am loyal to Buffalo as long as y'll will see me good enough for this team. Thank you for that. Let's get that title though.
There are few others too which I can't really remember or name, but these four dudes are most awesome in my opinion.
First and foremost, bravo @SlashACM for the timely, creative, and well thought out reaction to the unfortunate passing of Matiss "Kid" Kivlenieks.
I wanna start out with the best draftclass this god forsaken site has ever had, Season 47. Everyone in it is amazing, but I want to highlight a few people.
@dmills3 Its only fitting to start with you, we pick on eachother a bunch but you are honestly my favourite person, and the reason I signed with hammy back in the day. We dont talk as much as we used to, both of us being super busy both on the site and IRL, but when it comes down to it, I know if i need someone to talk to, your around.
@SDCore Everything I said for Mills goes here aswell. Im sorry for the shit we put you through during your time in office, and for making you fly out here when Ella and I eventually get married, cause your coming and you have no say. Love you brother.
@sköldpaddor You and your god damn server name about turtles. Honest to god Jess, Nevada would be in shambles, and I would aswell, without your presence. I might be the face of the team, but you are the heart, neither of us are the brain. I am honored to have you as my Co, and I cant imagine anyone else being in that spot.
Now onto everyone else
@DrunkenTeddy Im positive I speak for everyone when I say you are the greatest person on this site. No matter what you are there for everyone when they need advice, or help. You go above and beyond with everything and we are a better community for it.
@slothfacekilla OIE. We dont really talk now, but you were essential in keeping me active my first time around whether you know it or not. Even so far as Ella creating her account in tribute to you when she joined.
@notorioustig You might be a stinky Oilers fan, but your also a great person. Who knew that was possible? You kept me sane for a little while there in late 2019, and one day we will meet up for an oilers nucks game where Im sure McDavid will drop 5 of us and they will still lose in OT, cause thats how it seems to work.
@JayWhy You have been quintessential in helping Jess and I figure out what the fuck we are doing, answering questions, offering advice, or just being there for us to talk our way through an issue. If and when we win a 4 star, you should get a ring just as much as any of us.
@"luketd" FATHER. You answered my questions when I first joined, you drafted me, you helped me understand the site, you encouraged me, gave me advice, and mentored me, and yet I still turned out like this, wtf dude?
@Toast @sve7en I know ive mentioned that alot of people have given me advice but that goes for both of you aswell. I know if im stumped on something, I can ask one of you two, and you wont steer me astray despite us competing against each-other, thank you both for that!
@nour Lets be real, Hammy can be hella intimidating for new people, especially new people who join the team under auspicious terms, but you are the person who always makes it their mission to welcome newcomers and make them feel at home and welcome amongst all the piss and cum jokes. This doesnt go unnoticed, but sometimes unrecognized. Hammy would be a worse place without you.
@Gwdjohnson You might be one of the only reasons I have ever been punished on this site, but I couldnt have asked for a better co when I was fed head. You are doing amazing things in Anchorage, im sorry we are going to have to make that all come crashing down soon <3
@SchwarzNarr @Sebster @platanocat You fuckers... I couldnt ask for a better captain group for my first season. You guys constantly do what you can to keep the discord bumping, to the point where even the captains chat almost always has messages in it that I have to keep up with. I cant wait to see where we go, and hopefully we can win some things along the way. You guys will always be a part of this teams history, and its identity.
Well, we've had a couple of these PT's now and I think I've got the hang of it, but man I hate repeating myself cause lots of users I interact with continue to be absolute legends.
@SlashACM - I mean, I've told you how I think you're doing as a PT Head already, but the effort you've put into NOLA is so very much appreciated even if we can't always show that for you. A big part of our team and a genuinely good dude to talk to.
@JKortesi81 - The last season of GMing with you has certainly happened. Every time you DM me I am nervous. But I'm better for it. Thanks for the work you put into the team and into teaching me even if it's just telling me to do shit kek
Start this one with @Amidships, the same thing my man, you make NOLA fun, but you, along with @r0tzbua and @Kyamprac made my ISFL experience easy, and enjoyable. I hope I've been able to at least be part of what has made the SHL fun for you all as well. Congrats on your player, r0tz. And for tryna make something out of my expansion team ideas lol
@Exilate @DannyC - in the same sense, thank you for making the PBE an enjoyable place to be. Exilate, your help when I was first creating was appreciated, and Danny, Brew City is something, ain't it?
This is probably the most qualified PT for these affiliates I'm about to link it to..
I always hate and love these things in equal parts because I love saying nice things about my friends but also I always feel like I’m gonna forget somebody. Anyway if you’re not here it’s not because I don’t love you I’m just picking the people I’ve talked to most lately. There’s some overlap here but whatever.
My Chicagos - all of you - I am so glad I get to play fake hockey with you. I love our locker room, I love our dumb inside jokes. There’s genuinely nowhere else I can imagine myself playing and out of all the discord servers I’m in because of this site, there’s nowhere else I feel more like I can be myself. I know this is a group thing but that's honestly because I could literally list the whole roster here - every single one of you is so important to me. You guys know who you are. @shots
My D&D group - Trips, Ruggsy, JURT, Nao, Geck - you guys never fail to put me in the best mood, and I look forward to our sessions all week. I also don’t know if I’ve really expressed how much of a confidence booster this campaign has already been for me as a DM - I had some pretty garbage experiences (some of which I know I have shared with you) that did a number on my faith in my own ability to tell a story, and the fact that a bunch of hockey guys will let a girl come in and run a campaign for them (albeit in character as a guy ) and haven’t bailed on me yet has meant a lot to me. I’m honestly not sure if that’s even something any of you have thought about, and I love you for that.
Team Sweden! - I had no idea what I was doing this year but you all got behind me anyway and that made my heart grow three sizes. Didn’t go the way we wanted this season, but holy shit our roster is stacked and we are gonna get it done real soon.
All the SMJHL GMs/HOs - I know I haven’t been around long but y’all have already made me feel like part of the crew and I think you’re all pretty awesome. Special shoutouts to Toast/Nham/Ace for always being just the nicest any time I talk to you (not that the rest of you aren’t nice too I’ve just probably talked to those three the most). Also, shoutout to the interns because I’m pretty sure they do more work than we do.
Everybody in Nevada - I had no idea what to expect coming in as co for a team I hadn’t even been on, and I was so afraid I'd feel like a complete outsider, but the folks who were already there have made me feel so welcome just in this short amount of time already, and our rookies are just absolutely amazing. Every day I talk to y’all I get prouder of the draft we had. I'm so excited to actually have a player out there with you in a few seasons.
And then just a few other people, some of whom are also part of the groups I just mentioned but I wanna call out just because.
@SecondSucks22- thank you for giving me the chance to come and GM a team with you - I think we make an amazing team, and I am already just so happy with what we’ve done so far. I can’t wait to see where our scrappy little rebuild team goes because I think we are headed up up up real fast. Also, I hope you get that dog.
@hhh81 - you have so quickly become one of my best buds on this site. I love our D&D chats, our not-D&D chats, I don’t know how we didn’t talk more sooner, but I’m glad we do now and I love running the JURT fan club with you
@"lespoils" - you already know I think you’re great, but I’m gonna say it anyway. I am so glad you played in Chicago and I’m so glad we are friends and honestly I think you’re one of the nicest, smartest people I know. Thank you for letting me scream at you about Strahd and for putting up with my emo nonsense about our fake hockey players. The world would be a better place if there were more guys like you in it.
Okay that’s all for now but if you aren’t in this post and you’re sad about it, message me and I will say something nice about you.
Been around the site now for about two years? On and off I suppose, but pretty close. Been a part of five “teams” as far as I can tell (played for/drafted by) and I have to say there’s been some cool people along the way. The crew in Colorado (both stints) have been awesome. So helpful and understanding of a bit of inactivity. Great group to be around. The folks in Vancouver in 47/48 were great as well. Probably the most involved I’ve been in a locker room, that four star run was special and being the goalie, I was probably given more credit than I deserve!
With Jarmo so far, the folks in SF were great. Super active locker room with a really well rounded group. Miss chatting with them, wasn’t meant to be! And now, the bunch in Montreal. We’re really starting something special. Have quickly gelled really nicely, and I look forward to the future and continuing to bond over (hopefully) some winning seasons!!
You know, going into sim leagues I always had the expectation that it would just be a game for me. That was foolish. You spend so much time interacting with people that it's human nature to develop some kind of bond with the people you communicate with the most. When I was a GM I had a much closer bond to my players because I interacted so much with all of them. As a GM you always try to spark discussion and get people talking together so you connect that way too.
When I stopped GMing, I was just a player in the locker room and didn't engage in as much talk. Then I joined the Blizzard. I was there for one whole player career and I bonded with a bunch of them in there. I even joined up and played some games with them and actually voice chatted a few times with them, which was something I thought I would never do because it's not my way to communicate like that with people you only know online. However, we just got along really well and I felt more comfortable. They helped me break out of my shell so to say so I that I would share more with the different locker rooms I'm in now. I'm more likely to share things going on in my life and things of that regard.
Shout out Karl, Keygan, Tommy, my Head Office group, and my current Monarchs crew.
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Guy Incognito - D - #24
Tampa Bay Barracuda Season 81
Regular Season - [G 2] [A 20] [Pts 22] [+/- +6] [PIM 10] [Hits 25] [SB 103]
07-05-2021, 06:32 PM(This post was last modified: 07-11-2021, 11:07 PM by hockeyiscool.)
My goodness, I'll try to keep this brief but that's unlikely.
First off, I would like to thank @sve7en and @Faelax for bringing this place into our lives. @AgentSmith630 @CobbensteinThe has become way more impactful in our lives than we would have ever thought.
@FuzzSHL @trella@thedangazone @slothfacekilla @ACapitalChicago @Ace @Z0REMyou guys were some of the people that welcomed me into the league and made quite the first impression. Brought comradery back into my life that had been absent for a while. Fuck the penalties, Terry's ghost will lead us to victory
@Bongo @peej2189 @MegaSkuci @overdoo @Mazatt @kenvald My Kraken Brother in arms, I still get a dopamine kick thinking back to winning a 4-star with you guys after the struggle that was my rookie season.
@"luketd" @Rich Thank you for your countless involvement in the SHL. You two make it such an interesting place that is somehow both one of the most historically known and unknown (SMJHL, but they don't count. at the same time) listening to you guys is always interesting and fun.
@Kalakar Thank you for being a rock in the SHL community that would definitely not function as smoothly without you at the helm.
@MCP_ Shadow leader MCP_ I hope everything is going great.
I've missed a ton of people the list could go on and on; thank you everyone who reads this and doesn't. Being part of the SHL has been so fun for me and such a great outlet to play and have fun.
I would say I appreciate the entire Newfoundland Berserkers locker room. There is way too many people to even mention in one post so this is for all of them. They're all lovely people who create a fun place to be a enjoy. There are so many inside jokes and fun inside the locker room. It is actually and factually probably the most active locker room in the entire league and still manages to be very personal and fun. Each person in there has their own thing and is known for something. Everyone in the locker room has a purpose and is there for a reason. It is always enjoyable and fun. We play games, we have serious talks, we meme and we do everything together as a group. I am happy to be a apart of the Berserkers because otherwise I don't know how much I would be into the SHL but they hooked me back in.
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Made by Rindiee, rum_ham & Carpy
Jacob Mueller S5-S Julien Dupont S6-S13
S9 Challenge Cup - Calgary Dragons
IIHF Gold - Germany Rufus Reinhart S13-S24
S14 Challenge Cup - Texas Renegades Christoffer Björnsson - S25-S35
S25 Four Stars Cup
S26 Tom Corcoran Trophy - SMJHL Top Goalie Sami Owens - S36-S52 S38 IIHF Bronze - Canada S39 IIHF Gold - Canada S42 IIHF Silver - Canada S51 Challenge Cup Champion - HAM Liam Slate - S54-Present S53 WJC Bronze - British Isles S54 WJC Silver - British Isles S55 Four Star Cup Champion - Newfoundland Berserkers S57 IIHF Silver - Great Britain S58 IIHF Silver - Great Britain S60 IIHF Silver - Great Britain S61 IIIHF Gold - Great Britain S67 Challenge Cup Champion - Seattle Argonauts S68 Challenge Cup Champion - Seattle Argonauts Triple Gold Club Sad Ketchup -Present S76 Ryan Jesster Trophy Winner