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S60 PT #3.5: Appreciation

I've had a few stints of activity in my days on the SHL. My first, and longest started in 2012 (I think) and lasted several years. It saw me create a player (Kyle Keenan), immediately go inactive, but return upon being drafted into junys. Keenan's career spanned over 10 seasons before retiring and recreating as Clayton Goode. That first season of recreation is fun and novel again, but it quickly loses its impact. I know I'm not alone in thinking that, and I, like many before me, went inactive after recreating after a successful 10+ season career. I returned some years later with Kyle Keenan Jr and again fell off quickly, this time due to some things rubbing me the wrong way in juniors. I suppose third time is the charm though, as I've been back with Gregory Goode since October and I'm certainly feeling a renewed interest in the league. I know this was kinda a long winded introduction before answering the prompt, but I think it is needed to set up the sheer amount of people who have helped me over my many trips through SHL-land. I know I'll forget people, and I apologize, but I do want to give some special shoutouts:

@RomanesEuntDomus for drafting some random ass inactive to the Firebirds, for sending a PM in hopes that I'd return, and for helping me learn the ropes of the league, even as I was severely behind the rest of the squad in experience. Building on to that, a thanks to the members of the S10 Prince George Firebirds for helping me stick around in my first foray into the league, even if all of them are inactive now :lol:

@JNH for convincing the Rage to take a chance on me in the draft and @bbp for being such a welcoming presence there. Between those two and guys like Heiss, Grossy, d_a, bora, nate, and ocho I was extremely happy to join such a group and get to know everyone!

@OrbitingDeath @RomanesEuntDomus along with greebsie, shutout, and everone else who joined the Rage in the S11-14 years as we built up from a laughing stock to an actual cup contender. Unfortunately we fell just short, but it was still a hell of a run.

@teztify Where do I even begin with this one? after the Rage entered a rebuild, tez traded a pretty good package to land me and very quickly offered me the co-GM spot, which I spent at least 10 seasons in. I can say without exaggeration that those were my favorite years on the site. We were playing well and had a hell of a LR to boot. Definitely met some great guys during my Blizz days @JayWhy @JayTee @JumpierPegasus @Jedi @Bayley Harry, Lunaro. The list goes on and on, I'm gonna stop there because I guess I'd rather miss out on a few people than just one, but I can't stress enough how great those nights of plug,dj, epic mafia, and just sitting around shooting the shit were.

Which leads us to the present huge thanks to @Gwdjohnson and @Wearingabear for drafting me to Anchorage. So far this is my most successful player to date and they are no small part of that. To add on to that EVERYONE in the Armada LR has been amazing, I couldn't have asked for a better landing place. I'm not gonna tag everyone, because that'll end up being well over 20 tags, but if any of you see this, thank you so much for just being who you are. I know my activity has fallen down a bit (between work, moving, and homeowner stuff now, I'm a lot busier than I was 6 months ago) but still know that I savor every time I'm able to hop in, no matter how quickly.

Finally a huge thanks to @Thatguy91 and @AgentSmith630 for drafting me 2nd overall in the SHL draft. It meant a lot to go so early (this was my only time in 4 players to go in the 1st round of the SHL draft) and even though, as I mentioned above, life has been getting pretty damn busy for me, I do enjoy jumping in discord when I can, and I plan on continuing to working hard on building Goode to be the best player he can be so your faith in me was rewarded!

Armada pride Armada pride Armada pride Armada pride

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Fileworker PT pass.

But also, shoutout to my podcast friends @akamai, @adamantium, and @luketd. Thanks for hanging out with me and talking SHL and other stuff.

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Thanks to sulovilen for the sigs!
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Check out past episodes of Rich and Luke!

I am really bad at things like this, and I'm always afraid I'm going to miss someone.

I have to start with the people I met first that convinced me to join this league; a ton of members of the Dallas Birddogs in the ISFL. It's really hard to put into words how amazing the people I've met in that locker room truly are. There's always someone to chat with, and I always feel better after doing so. We've become a great little family over the past  year and a bit together. I'm so thankful for all of you guys and gals, and am so happy to have met you all.

The crew in Carolina was nothing short of awesome. I finally got to play on the same team as some of the coolest people I've met in some other leagues. It was a unique, and very awesome experience. The crew there is simply great, and I've loved every moment being a Kraken. While I was excited to go up to the big league, I will always look back fondly on my time in Carolina. I'm thrilled to remain there and hang out with the crew.

NOLA is a really unique place; being in the middle of a rebuild can lead to dead or at least quiet locker rooms. NOLA is getting more active every season, and at this point is a ton of fun. I've really enjoyed getting to meet some new people in the league and getting involved in other events through them. I'm really happy I got picked up by NOLA, as I get to play with some Dallas folks I never got to play alongside, as well as meet some really cool new people.

Outside of locker rooms, I've really enjoyed shooting the shit in the events team server; interacting with management has been awesome, and really gives me a lot of confidence in this league's leadership.

All in all, I am super happy to be involved in this league and to meet more and more new people.

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pt pass

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There's a lot of people out there that can be appreciated. Like on an outward scale of like "heyo I don't talk to you much but you do good shit", @notorioustig, @grok , @"luketd" are all standup individuals, enough to where even despite not having long convo's with them or constant interaction, just seein em around shows off their good character and it makes taking part in off-site servers/activites real nice. I was gonna say the same thing for @Faelax but we on the same team in the ISFL now so I feel like we're going to be seeing more of each other coming up.

Beyond that I got a few more of the obvious ones to toss out there--at least from a teammate perspective. @sve7en is giving me the shot to Co-GM with a team I've loved since joining the site, and even before that he was one of the standout fellas out there from the Kraken. Same situation for @overdoo, where he was the main reason I got into scouting/engaging in backroom stuff. I'd say we're genuinely good friends now even with fake hockey removed from the equation, so gotta 'preciates a guy like him. Gotsta shoutout some Cuda fella's like @hockeyiscool and @trella since those are some other standout guys I followed into the league, that I looked up to when first getting engaged here. List there really goes on. I could shoutout everyone from that S54 cup-winning team.

Beyond that I do also gotta shout the 2 head GM's I've played under that I also haven't served along-side, and that's @FuzzSHL and @Keygan. I've given Fuzz a lot of admiration and thanks in private so I won't repeat all that out here, but just so he knows he's still appreciated he's getting tagged baby. Finally, we get to Keygan. This mans has really made the mistake of drafting me twice 2 years apart, like, get a grip my guy. Genuinely though it's hard to describe how good it feels in terms of "second-chances" to be drafted by the same GM I pretty much ghosted and flamed out on when I was younger. And above all else Keygan has shown me the ways of meatloaf baby. While unfortunately meatloaf baby has also found it's way to the DM's of people I know in real life, I can't deny that the meaty little fellow isn't endearing and I wouldn't have him without Keygan. It's the real meat on top of the giving-me-a-second-opportunity-pie.

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First of all, before I start typing this PT I wanna say thanks to @SlashACM for reacting to current events. I'm 25 years old Latvian, a big fan of hockey and these were shocking news to me and I did not want to believe that it really happened, saying to myself it must fake news. But.. Unfortunately, things happen in the way they happen, You want it or not. This just doesn't seems right to me.

There are a lot of people that I appreciate being here. As I told before it was an unexpected surprise seeing @Steelhead77 as head coach of Calgary Dragons when I rejoined SHL ~S53. I am happy to see him around here and the best thing is +/- You are the same person I remember back in S20's. Charged with positive energy and chicken parm magic. I know I've been a little bit less around recently but when I'm 100% focused on Dragoning the random shit can happen in the locker room. The whole Calgary Dragons roster should have received special attention from me. I really love being around there and having those positive moments and also having prayers together when somebody is having a hard time. Thanks for @Mike Izzy and @Katth making sure that our team is like that. @O4L I remember You too and I appreciate everything You did to make fundaments for this place. I will always remember that I won Scrabble in a person's native language. Muahaha.

I joined this group on a whim after seeing a post somewhere on Reddit. I had no idea how big of role the SHL would have on my life, especially during the difficult times we've had with COVID for the past year and a half or so. Immediately I go to know some real cool guys with me being picked up by the Detroit Falcons for the start of S52. @notorioustig, @roastpuff, @Rangerjase, @Aephino, @Mutedfaith, just to name a few. Then on to Tampa, where I regrettably stayed inactive for like a week too long. But I'm still in the Discord LR, so I still get to talk to the likes of @PremierBromanov, @hockeyiscool, and @Jericson regularly.
Then I moved to Seattle, where I had the honor of helping a new team get started. Reunited with Tig, @jeffie43, @reid, and @feeler and of course meeting for the first time some awesome guys like @grok, @ProjectSaint, and @TheWoZy.
And most recently, all the boys in Philadelphia, the best Pennsylvania based SHL that currently exists. We gots @honkerrs, @Acsolap, @gurbs, @Frick_Nasty, @MyLittleHexx and more! Can't wait to keep growing this new team with you guys. I see a championship in our near future.
This place is great, all of you are great, and I am very glad I joined back in early 2020.

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Not a day goes by where I don't spend some time on the internet chatting and hanging out with people around the SHL. There are so many of you I apologize in advance for not pinging you all. Its been just about 18 months since I created my account here. First shoutout to my falcons draft class. @"Awesomecakes" @leviadan @roastpuff @Mediocre_Fred @reid @Pickle Juice @Aephino . The reason i'm still around today is our collective nerd. Were all different ages doing differing things in different lands but we all came together to play this silly sim hockey league. And were all still around even though pickles took a little break. @Mr. Finland @TheSparkyDee @Halkohol @Mutedfaith @notorioustig @nour @Fantobens @Pingy Pingu and everyone else in the Falcons locker room you make it a great fun place to be an interact. It was my first SHL home and happy I was drafted here and get to interact with you guys day in and day out. Tig, you took a shot drafting me even though nour said meh ok. I turned out pretty Medicore

To the Bank crew, thank you @Weretarantula for hiring me. I have truly gained significant power over the league thanks to you. @AW13 @leviadan I pinged you again yes, @gurbs and @Ferda Thank you for making my job as head banker so easy. You guys are an awesome bank crew and I really do appreciate all of the work you guys put in.

To the Cuda Crew. @MCP_ thank you for trading for me. I've really found my home in Tampa and have really enjoyed my entire time there. Started with a small crew but @hockeyiscool and @trella have really done a great job making it what it is today. I"m getting over wordss now and i'm busy at work while writing this so I can't possibly tag you all but thank you for making the league what it is for me. Can't wait to raise a cup with all of you guys. @PremierBromanov@Fitted2106 @Jericson @"luketd"@Muford @roastpuff u in tampa now haha @Rankle @r0tzbua Peej i'm gonna ping the wrong person idk your site name. Apologies for forgetting people. 

@Pythonic huehuehue

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I wonder if @Phobospwns will even get this, I hope @Durden @Hoovuh will too.

I know these guys may not be the biggest part of the league, or any part of it anymore really but believe me when I say they were instrumental in making my experience enjoyable enough to stick around for the long term. Not gonna lie, it was very rough my first season in the league. We had 2 active players on the Whalers that weren't the GMs, me and phobos. things were pretty bleak for a bit and the LR definitely left a lot to be desired, but through hard work, both the GMs Hoovuh and Durden turned the place into a bumpin destination within a season. By the season after my draft year we had a nearly full roster of actives and a great group of people. Shortly after, me and RaiN took over the team and went back to back as champions. At first, I wasn't sure if this league was gonna be for me as my first few locker room experiences weren't the best, but I owe a lot of gratitude to hoovuh, durden and phobos for changing that and turning this place into a long term community

Now granted I really haven’t been around in SHL for too long, so I don’t really have a to of people to thank but I’m going to thank them all anyway. @bdu754, Beeg Yoshi, Vasiline Podcalzone, you were the one who got me interested in returning to SHL and I want to give you beeg thanks for that one, your energy and good vibes make this place a much brighter and more fun league (leeg wen?). @Nhamlet and @juke, thanks for bringing me in on waivers and then deciding to draft me again when you had to do so, Newfoundland has been such a lovely place to be and I’m stoked to be leading this team to a serious chance at a title. @lmao, I’m pretty sure you were one of the ones who started the !Reno command in the Newfoundland locker room and we all know we’re much better off now as a result of that. And last but not least, my main man @hotdog, thank you for drafting me to Atlanta I’ll try not to suck, can I have more money now? As for everyone I didn’t tag; Sopath, Tyler, Sota, AllBran, Jess, Tez, you’re all awesome people and I love you.

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The SHL has been a god send for me. I joined up almost three years ago and have made so many excellent friends in that time that I consider myself truly bless.
Straight off the bat, @JR95 thank you so much for taking a chance on me all the way back in S45. You took a chance on me and didn't push me before I got active on discord. The team that you have built and the culture that you have fostered is top notch and I am so happy that I have been able to be a part of it.
@Zoone16 my brother in Korean food arms. It has been awesome to be able to talk to someone about Korean food and talk recipes that we have kicking around. The discussion I had with class from your ranking of Korean snacks was top notch.
To the rest of the Platoon, you guys all rule. From the weird borgir videos to slick graphics our locker room is best in the league. We can be total goofs but talk real shit at any moment and we all have each other's backs. I could not imagine being in the SHL without you.

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It would take me thousands of words to really go over everyone who has made this site so amazing and I would tag way too many people so I have to definitely narrow it down. I'm so sorry for those I don't specifically mention here and just know that there are so many of you that I care about as well who won't be mentioned here and are still some of my best friends.

Starting with all my LA boys. @slothfacekilla @FuzzSHL @sve7en @canes2112 @Exilate @SewingWithNancy @Segi @OrbitingDeath @Gumbaman @GCool @Count Chocula @Festinator @RomanesEuntDomus you have all made the locker room one of the most fun places in the league for me. I can not say enough how much you all mean to me and I couldn't be happier with the group we have going in LAP. I can't wait to see what we can all do in the future as well and how much more we can make that locker room grow and be amazing.

Sloth and fuzz specifically here. You two have been 2 of my closest friends and I look forward to being able to get online everyday and talk to both of you. Can't wait to see you both at the wedding next month <3

@JKortesi81 @Steelhead77 you both are my mentors on this site. You have both taught me so much about running teams, GMing, everything under the sun (food for you Esa). I owe so much to both of you and you are both 2 of my closest friends here even if we don't talk as much as we used to.

@ACapitalChicago @Ace @Jimmysmo27 @overdoo @trella @wumaduce and so many countless others who I have mentioned already or just missing at the moment. You have all made Carolina one of the best locker rooms on site if not the very best. I couldn't be prouder of the things all of you have done on site and continue to do and I'm so happy everyday getting on knowing I'll get to talk to y'all in there even if only once in a while for some of you. Makes the site so worth it.

@BadWolf I guess I appreciate you too, something about marriage or something like that idk how this works. Wink

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Written Task: Write about the users and friends you have made in this league during your short or long time in the SHL. Whether you've made a few close friends or hundreds, this is a very welcoming community and it is easy to make friendships with almost all users on the site. Now is the time to appreciate what we have in this life and the souls we've bonded with, even through a screen. Feel free to tag them as well, as you never know when some kind words can make someone's day. (150+ words)

I always love and hate these, because its great to show the people you care about, but also I am 100% going to forget about 90% of the people I could mention here.

I think the big two I always think of when I can appreciate people are Eggy216 and Ballerstorm. Both played a huge roll I making me the user I am today as they kept me engaged and helped me out create a player which would actually preform well. I still sometims talk to Eggy about magic and potentially doing speedruns, which is always a great time.

I have to mention Tomen, the eurobae. They used to stalk my profile to see when I sim and would update the index, which is still hilarious to me and I love it. Great user who anyone can be happy with.

I am also going to cop out and mention the entirety of the Anaheim Outlaws and the Toronto North Stars. I am not as active as I would want to be in Toronto, but when I get called up that will likely turn around. The Outlaws are currently a great group of people I enjoy my time with and a ton of them are extremely nice people.

[207 words]

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Heart  Militia Montreal Impact/Militia Militia-Old Heart

Well I have not been in the SHL too long but will try and focus on the people I have met here rather than in the ISFL as I have recently done an appreciation post over there. With that in mind I have to first go straight to St Louis. The Crows were a team that I was so happy I agreed to play for, it is such a fun LR and an amazing bunch of people to hang out with @TheSparkyDee and @Capt_Blitzkrieg run a great team and are always there to not just help people but also laugh, joke and amek sure the atmosphere is just the very best around. While in St Louis I would also have to shout out @Asked Madden and @Urq660 who are just some of the best people to share a locker room with, they are so much fun and I have loved spending time with them. Lastly @JKortesi81 I love you you grumpy old bastard.

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07-09-2021, 10:31 AMRangerjase Wrote: Not a day goes by where I don't spend some time on the internet chatting and hanging out with people around the SHL. There are so many of you I apologize in advance for not pinging you all. Its been just about 18 months since I created my account here. First shoutout to my falcons draft class. @"Awesomecakes" @leviadan @roastpuff @Mediocre_Fred @reid @Pickle Juice @Aephino . The reason i'm still around today is our collective nerd. Were all different ages doing differing things in different lands but we all came together to play this silly sim hockey league. And were all still around even though pickles took a little break. @Mr. Finland @TheSparkyDee @Halkohol @Mutedfaith @notorioustig @nour @Fantobens @Pingy Pingu and everyone else in the Falcons locker room you make it a great fun place to be an interact. It was my first SHL home and happy I was drafted here and get to interact with you guys day in and day out. Tig, you took a shot drafting me even though nour said meh ok. I turned out pretty Medicore

To the Bank crew, thank you @Weretarantula for hiring me. I have truly gained significant power over the league thanks to you. @AW13 @leviadan I pinged you again yes, @gurbs and @Ferda Thank you for making my job as head banker so easy. You guys are an awesome bank crew and I really do appreciate all of the work you guys put in.

To the Cuda Crew. @MCP_ thank you for trading for me. I've really found my home in Tampa and have really enjoyed my entire time there. Started with a small crew but @hockeyiscool and @trella have really done a great job making it what it is today. I"m getting over wordss now and i'm busy at work while writing this so I can't possibly tag you all but thank you for making the league what it is for me. Can't wait to raise a cup with all of you guys. @PremierBromanov@Fitted2106 @Jericson @"luketd"@Muford @roastpuff u in tampa now haha @Rankle @r0tzbua Peej i'm gonna ping the wrong person idk your site name. Apologies for forgetting people. 

@Pythonic huehuehue
You left out the part where I made you a billionaire

Love ya RJ <3

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