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S60 PT #3.5: Appreciation


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Since joining the league in S57, being drafted to Kelowna, and now in the midst of my rookie season in Calgary, the person I've spent the most time around is Izzy. From convsersations about builds, our performance, things we can work on, how we can help motivate the team, and dealing with burnout to stay active and consistent, Izzy has always been someone I can go to. Even if I'm having a bad day IRL, I can shoot Izzy some silly/stupid message and get a laugh out of one another. Coming up with funny and ridiculous scenarios our players have gotten themselves into. I've seen the work he's put in on the back end in Calgary, and how he carries himself in the locker room. Nobody loves his team/teammates more than he does, and I'm very proud to be able to call him my friend. Cheers to you @Mike Izzy

Shoutout to @Katth @DannyC @Naosu @trashae @Steelhead77 @leafs1997 you've all been a big influence and part of my SHL journey so far, so cheers to you guys as well.

I'm currently not as active across the SHL locker rooms (sorryyy), but I'm always incredibly happy when I pop into the lrs or when someone DMs me to say hi.

The SHL will always be one of my happy places. The people I've interacted with are why I won't let Dom go peacefully into the regression night just yet.

I still cherish all the friends I made back on the Knights and then on the Wolfpack. Playing Overwatch with @Eggy216 @Jepox @storm and so many others. We laughed a lot (and won a lot of cups). Can't forget @prettyburn either for all the good online and irl times. <3 Some inactive friends are the reason I joined SHL in the first place, and I'm glad I signed up without much complaints.

Recreating with Dom was one of the best decisions I made. If it weren't for the amazing conversationalists on Halifax, he probably wouldn't have had more TPE than Dieter. I'm going to forget SO many people here, so I'm just not going to tag, but if I ever joked with you in that locker room, thank you.

Speaking of Halifax, @slothfacekilla and @Flareon were there for me on a lot of nights. We haven't talked in a hot sec, but Raiders S45 captains or bust forever, ok? Ok. Also @Kalakar without even asking, I know I'm not as good at Korean as you probably are right now, but I have some recs for u.

Thanks to everyone who made my second time on the Wolfpack a nice experience. I know I'm not there a lot, but thanks for giving Dom a chance and hope everyone's doing well. Glad to also be watching Eurovision with @Nobody these days.

Also, even though we don't talk all the time, I've had great conversations with people like @BadWolf @thedangazone @hhh81 @JayWhy and so many others I'm forgetting, I'm sorryy.

And the reason I'm still updating Dom is because @hotdog and @goldenglutes make me laugh a lot and are really good dudes. I guess @5ympathies is also good dudes and you make me laugh so much lol. Highlight of my podcast listening life was listening to you three talk about your BTS biases, ty.

I never like tagging people here, because I know I'm leaving people out, but I have to go back to work and idk, stay cool, SHL.

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sigs by sulovilen, slothfacekilla, Flareon
avatar by prettyburn
Current: Wolfpack raiders Uk | Alumni: Inferno pride Knights Germany

First off, these PTs are always my favourite, love a bit of positivity even if it comes in sad circumstances so big up my boy @SlashACM for his fast  acting following the sad news and unfortunate timing.

Much like @Mooty99 we've just done the same sort of PT across in ISFL so I'll not gush about my birddogs and Sabercats again and focus on those who I've met here. Mooty, it's been a pleasure getting to know you. I'm still planning on hitting you up for a beer if I get dragged down south with the inlaws at some point. 

Firstly thanks to @EricNCSU &  @"Capt_Blitzkrieg" for drafting me to St Louis, that first season and a half was rough but I'm really glad you guys brought me in. It's been an honour to be the proud bearer of a letter each of these full seasons. 

@rum_ham legend of the St Louis locker room, thanks for putting smiles on everyone's faces! 

@Nictox I absolutely loved playing with you, and was gutted when you were traded. I can't wait to join up with you again next season in NOLA. (you better not break my heart again).

@bjkman it's been great playing with you, even better because Greg Davies is a bona-fide hero. Please share some of the points around though. 

And saving the best till last @Urq660. Where the fuck did you come from. One day I'm chatting in the LR the novel Scotsman and the next theres two of us. Chatting with you's been like speaking to a long time friend and I was absolutely over the moon when you got back in touch a few months back! 

Obviously there are many others who have joined the team since but I thought I should focus on my draft class (and mooty...

Final words @JKortesi81 is a legend

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Sigs by: Rum Ham, Orbiting Death x2, Enigmatic & Kyamprac

I still feel pretty new here, but there have been some really great people who've really helped me enjoy this site, and to them, I'm rather grateful. So I would like to start by thanking @sve7en and @overdoo for selecting me. Carolina's been incredible to me and I'm just so thankful you guys brought me back. @slothfacekilla @Amidships @r0tzbua you guys are people I don't think I would've gotten to know outside of Carolina and god, what a shame that would have been. @pat man you're just such a great person, and I'm so grateful for your friendship. @ACapitalChicago @Jimmysmo27 @Benpachi you guys have all been so fun to meet and chill with and I'm so happy I get to shoot the shit with you guys.

To my Seattle peeps @notorioustig @jeffie43 @reid @Gwdjohnson @grok @hhh81 and @"bdu754" you guys honestly don't know how happy I was when you all started messaging me, happy to be selecting me. You've made Seattle feel like such a home and have kept me going strong and kept me interested here, and for that I really have to thank you.

@fishy you're pretty cool too. I wish nothing but the best you, my friend.

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There are some really amazing people in this league. I want to highlight a few of them that have really helped me in my journey like the wonderful Evok. Besides her I also want to highlight Toivo who really has been a great friend for a long time. On the specters there were some amazing people like Joe K and my buddy slothfacekilla who I have played with in multiple leagues and think is awesome. Some great people on my Seattle team as well and I love the atmosphere on this team and am glad to be a part of it. Also what would this league be without SDCore who was obviously commish for a long time while I have been here as well and who lead a really great league so far. I also really love people who are maybe more known elsewhere like slm and Tom Hanks. They are some of my closer friends as well.

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There are a lot of fun people in da shl. Some of them are even ragnar. There are more interesting and cool people in here than i can count. My two locker rooms, Newfoundland (the saddest place on earth) and Buffalo, are big parts of my life now. They make the shl tons of fun, and I haven't been able to replicate their quality in other leagues. Everyone brings something to the table. Some are huge characters like Beeg, Tylar, and Rags, and have an influence beyond just the SHL but into our lives. Some are more lowkey and just make every day that little bit nicer when they show up like Grum or Reno or Darian. I play games with some and its a blast, especially haxball and stardew recently. Juke, Burd, Ham, Corner Pat and everyone else are the coolest guys I know. Its crazy how we can find new people for Newfoundland and they fit right into this cool culture we've built like sota, Allbran, pasta, and these other neat peeps. Not sad at all.

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Germany Berserkers Stampede Stars Barracuda syndicate Blizzard
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I got friends on this site guys like amidship, rev, inverted, Kya, r0tzbua and Madden I knew very well before joining. I made a lot of friends in Vancouver like Pythonic, Dex, Boom, I also met guys like the aliens who was super cool to meat and I am excited to have been drafted to the New Orleans spookiest team the specters where I met guys like Joe Kortesi who I knew before but did not really talk to that much til the scouting process I also met Overdoo his new co GM who I like a lot too. The team has many cool people and I am excited for the future. I have no idea how long a rebuild will take on this team but I think that we will be one of the best teams in the league when it’s all said and done and I am super hyped about it

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Kyle Sux Lmap

PBE Affiliate

I am closing in on 10 years in this league... yes, I did take 3-4 years away to do all the adult things but there are so many people that I need to thank on this league and I'm going to try to get everyone here.

First off I want to shoutout the entire Newfoundland Discord. If it wasn't for J and the rest of the group last year I would not have been sucked back into the league and back at full activity. I also want to thank the Trees for being so welcoming and building a community I am absolutely proud of. All of my Monarchs and Rage teammates as well over the seasons. You're all fantastic and helped me get to this point through the highs and lows. Now for the individual shout-outs that may take way too much of my time:

@Buster - We have been through enough together to write a damn novel on it. Thank you for always being there for me and I can't wait for these next two weeks to be up so we can get back to normalcy with hang outs and then a Jays trip this Summer. We made it! Looking forward to many more memories to come.

@JayWhy - I give Tez credit for originally recruiting me but you were equally as involved in the whole thing. We've been friends for 13-14 years now if we count the 3-4 years you had me blocked on MSN. I think our friendship now is the best it has been and I can't express how much I appreciate reconnecting over the past year. Proud of the man you've become and can't wait to make the trip out to run with Penny.

@BasedMinkus - Can you just put your username back this is still too confusing. Another friend I should have stayed in touch with when I just peaced out. You are one of my favourite people and I really need to organize the podcast we are going to restart. I'm sad we live on opposite sides of the country because our interests lineup so well. Going to absolutely crush you in tomorrow's draft.

@teztify - So proud of you for graduating! Congratulations again! We have been friends well before this league was created and I appreciate you splitting a pizza with me and being a good host. Only onwards from here friend. Please make sure to stay in touch because I very much value our friendship even if I don't make it apparent.

@JNH - I think I re-joined on a whim but if it wasn't for you rolling the dice on me for... the third/fourth time? I wouldn't be on this league right now probably. The community you built in NL as the co-GM was enough for me to see things through and really appreciate what the SHL has become. Thanks for always being such a good pal.

@Allegiant - I don't think I've ever expressed how happy I am to have met you all those years ago. One of my biggest regrets is not following through with actually making that visit when you were nearby and I apologize for ghosting all those years. Thank you for including me in your games as I suddenly resurfaced and I hope that we can get some TEW games going in Manhattan soon.

@ByrdeMan - Thanks for always being one of my wrestling pals! Honestly though, always someone who just adds to a locker room and someone I bonded with through my years on the league. Thank you for always passing along my messages to members who have left! spam kyle

@CementHands - Wow was I ever terrified stepping into that Maine GM position. I didn't know a thing about my co-GM but he was willing to stick around and I needed the transition. Turns out that was the best possible decision for me! Krash, you had my back from the get-go and introduced me to everything you and CoA built. I promise I will see this through and break this curse.

@Tylar - I'm overdue a skye update. Your energy is enough to build a community around and I hope you know how much I value our friendship even if I'm a dick 70 per cent of the time. Glad you finally escaped hell and you certainly are not a bust.

@leafsftw1967 - I still regret drafting J in what... 2012? Lol. You and I have always gotten along through the years and I swear you have not changed at all. Always one of the most friendly, most welcoming guy in every locker room and I can't wait to actually meet up in person. We need to do that soon!

@JumpierPegasus - We should commish again some time? Thanks for doing 99 per cent of the work when fools decided to put me in charge of the minor league lol. You and I have always gotten along and I'm happy to see you still kicking around here and making progress outside of the league as well!

@Wasty - It has been some time but it would be a crime not to include you. You took care of irresponsible teenage me with such patience and were always there for me. I really wish PHL was still around these days! I'm happy to see your family grow and your success! I'll always value the good times and hope to catch up soon.

@vbottas17 - Miss you. You're right there with Wasty for always holding me up and making me feel valued. I have memories of being there for the Halifax expansion and thank you for letting me co-GM even if I probably put in negative work? I hope that you're well and hope to see you around these parts again soon. 

@SewingWithNancy - Oh captain, my captain! You too were supportive of a new GM from the moment I joined the Discord and I can't imagine the Maine Discord without you right now. Incredibly proud to see you break a league record and thoroughly disappointed I could not get you that Four Star. Looking forward to the many milestones you'll hit with LA.

@dogwoodmaple - Man, am I fuming at Hamilton still. I'm incredibly proud to see you dominating as a rookie but do we ever miss your player in Maine. You are still leading the locker room like you always did but I still feel robbed. I can't wait to see all the things to come for your player and appreciate everything you bring to your teams!

@Z-Whiz - Same goes for you! You welcomed me to the team and from the get go helped anywhere you could. Atlanta sucks and I hope hotdog never steals a defenseman early again. You have been one of the biggest assets of our front office and I appreciate all the work you put in despite having everything else you need to balance. <3 Puddles

@SouthPaw - I can't even imagine you angry at anything lol. Thank you for always being such a genuine person and ready to jump in on any possible task! I am thrilled to have you as a Co-GM and know that you're only going to go on to do even greater things in the league. 

@KlusteR - You don't get enough credit for all that you do! Maybe a sentiment to your actual job as well lol but honestly, one of the new users since I came back that I just clicked with immediately. All the best with your new player even if you ended up on NL. sad

@juke - Shots? Smolalowoski, it only took moments for me to start idolizing your player when I returned to the league and I still do. You're such a genuine person and you're one of my closest friends that I've made since re-joining the league. I can't wait for Jukka to finally break through and become the legendary player that he can be!

@SDCore - You were a great GM to play for! You were always there for my annoying questions and complaints as I learned FHM. I feel like some days we can be throwing stones at each other but you're one of my favourite people and I hope you know that. Shots soon pls

@Nhamlet - One of the people that made the NL Discord what it is now when I first came back. I'm still terrified of you when it comes to talking business but in NL you're definitely one of the people that keeps all of us degens in line. You're a fantastic GM and I hope you get the awards to acknowledge that soon.

@Patty - Very happy to see you rise up to the SHL HO ranks. It was a pleasure to share the Ass Cap role with you in Newfoundland and I love see Patty tear up the SHL this season. You have been determined to see things through with your player and I love that the sim is rewarding that! :patty:

@Lime - I'm not even sure what NL would be without you. The Emoji Master is so much more than just adding emojis to the Discord. The memories you have brought me and the rest of the team over the seasons are invaluable and I appreciate all the work you put in for the Zerks. Can't wait for another Holmgang!

@"bdu754"- Beeeeeeeg yooooshiiiii. That's the sound he makes! Beeg, I don't think there has ever been anyone who has caused such a positive ripple effect in the league like you have. You are just such a pure genuine soul and I am thankful to have been able to share a locker room with you. Seattle got someone worth like 50 1st round picks in my opinion.

@Festinator - I think we're a perfect match... you still hold the title for my favourite player name in the league even though probably only 5 per cent of the people here know what it is. Thank you for carrying all  the work when you were an intern and happy to have you back in the J!

@"Minnesotafine" - I think you're overdue a username change lol. Sota, I remember someone sharing your profile link in Minnesota saying we need to draft you and oh boy I am sure they wish they did. I wish Manhattan did! Seeing you grow as a member in this league has been special. You're fantastic and someone I'm sure will win GM of the Year in the SMJHL and SHL in the seasons to come. I forgive you for not mentioning me too. sad

@Out of Toast - I still think someone put you up to sign up with this username. Happy to have you in Manhattan since we just missed each other in Newfoundland. We are going to finally have two Toasts on the same team shortly but hopefully only after you win a Cup to close off a solid career.

@AgentSmith630 - Bring back Twitch!!! Lol thank you for all your hard work simming for the league over the seasons. The streams are always quality and you amaze me with how you can always be on time while balancing everything else. Thank you for making time for Maine and I'm happy that you're part of our first HOF class.

@Kalakar - Equally as important as NL, the quality of your live streams for the J when I came back last year were a large part of why I have stuck around. A PT Pass and the thanks of the masses is never enough for everything you do for the league but let me at least add one more ping of thanks to that.

I wouldn't say that I'm really close to anyone here but there are a few users that I've had the pleasure of getting to know and talk to on a more regular basis.

@"luketd" and @juke - Finding people who are as interested in statistics and R as myself has been really fun! It's always great to find a way to use my career for something interesting and somewhat obscure and you guys have really helped open my eyes to what is possible to do.

Team Sweden LR - Finding a group of real or pretend Swedes has been great. You are one of the nicer Discords I've ever been in and the support you provide to new players is thoroughly helpful.

Carolina and Manhattan LR - One thing that has been a bit difficult with the team locker rooms is time zones. I'm usually asleep when most activity occurs so I haven't been as active in conversations as I would've liked. Regardless there is always someone there to talk to about anything.

@sve7en and @JayWhy - You both have invited me to teach me and let me tag along in conversations about different aspects of the GM trade. It has been great being able to pick your brains on different aspects of the league and its history.

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Kenneth Lind (S78-)

Tomas Lind (S57-S78)

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@sköldpaddor @High Stick King @Ragnar

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Being in this league there's been quite a few people that I've found myself getting along with.

To start off, first is @Steelhead77 . Esa took a chance on my player after I came back from ghosting the site, and I couldn't be happier he did. I've enjoyed every minute I've spent in the Dragons LR.

Next would have to be Izzy, I've got no idea how to Tage people with a space in their name, sorry iz. He truly is the lifeblood of the Dragons LR.

After that. Has to be @Slappydoodle . Slappy was 1/2 of probably my favorite thing to come from the site, the Big Slappy Hour. Listening to that podcast was the highlight of my weekends, hopefully the fire comes back and he rejoins and starts churning them out again.

Next would just be be guys in the locker room. I'm not gonna spend a bunch of time writing something about them all, but here they are, and if I missed you, then I am sorry

@Katth @Weretarantula @Wally @BarnabasCollins

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There are so many people that I appreciate in the SHL, but I'm going to go back to my SMJHL days here, when I first joined the league and had no clue what I was doing.  Big shout out to my first ever GMs, @TML99 and @Nictox.  You guys helped me out so much to start out, one of the main reasons I got into it the league so much.  And then we've got my St. Louis Scarecrow teammates, @esilverm, @gordieboom @FuzzSHL @fever95 @Serpe x 13 and my fellow rookies that season @Mika_Kandinsky and @MrStennett.  I didn't know what to expect when I joined the league, but I wasn't expecting to be welcomed in to this team like I was.  It really felt like any other real life sports team I had been involved with.  You guys were always there to give guidance and support when needed, I hoped you all felt the same way.  And I can't go without mentioning the Crows alumni who helped me out tremendously as well, @Blastmeaway@SlashACM @JKortesi81.  Thanks to all of you my rookie season in my first ever sim league was amazing and I got hooked immediately and couldn't imagine my life without this league now.  And a big thanks to every other single teammate I've had in St. Louis, New Orleans, Team Canada, SMJHL awards committee and the Auditing team, basically everyone that I've had any contact with, you are all top notch in my books!

[Image: Ci4nm13.png]sig by @Bruins10 
Scarecrows   Specters   Canada 

Here's as good a time as any to name-drop people I appreciate from the time I first signed up more than three years ago until now.

@FourFour - my first GM back in the days of the Halifax Raiders. His welcoming spirit in the LR helped get me settled into the league way back in the ancient times of March 2018.

@thedangazone - my GM in my second season in the J. Thank you for naming me Alternate Captain, smoothing the transition, and being a good GM.

@adamantium - I think you were GM in my brief stint in VAN in S41 after the Trade Deadline. Thanks for the run. Sucks we didn't get it done.

@JayWhy - From the time I was drafted, this guy made me immediately welcome in the LR. His energy for the game, his tactical knowledge, his willingness to develop when the team was young and push when the team was primed for a Cup run, and his ultimate goal of building a team first and letting the simulation hockey take care of itself once his hand came was a combination that kept me in the game and made me want to go in hard for him. I'm grateful he set me up as captain early on in MacIntyre's career, and was the most jubilant when I came back from my inactive period. I don't know that we could have been any happier when, three months later, we won the Challenge Cup. At the very least, MacIntyre had that notch in his belt. And he's been optimistic even through rougher periods and rough postseason exits. He offered me to stay on as long as I could keep MacIntyre around, though the way things are breaking, this is a good time to set him down. The Rage are going to be a great team. And I should know - they were the last time you started a rebuild with me, and here we go again.

@GeckoeyGecko - A very capable co-GM before taking on leadership in his own right, a wonderful companion, and a very respectable rival when he went off to San Francisco and we clashed in the S52 Challenge Cup Finals. A user like him is someone quite special. While a good head leader is needed, a good man behind that leader is just as vital, and he delivered that when he was in the LR. When he left, we still kept it cool. He was a very fun GM as well while we were running active D&D campaigns in the MAN LR. I'm happier for having gotten to know him.

@luketd - Also a capable leader and a user I would love to meet and get a beer with someday (when COVID isn't going to run rampant in the bar). Luke has been solid support for the team as well, a centerpoint in the heyday of our playing careers. I was thrilled he got his own team with the Philadelphia Forge and I'm excited to see where you take them.

@boom - GM a few seasons ago when I recreated and you brought me on as a DFA in Vancouver, if I remember right. Loved the brief stint there, still enjoy dropping in now and then, thanks for the start.

@Nhamlet - current Zerkers GM, loving it in Newfoundland and loving how you've been building the team and supporting our development. The enthusiasm is infectious and the emotions that run high and low start with you and carry on through other leaders in our team.

There are several more, though I'll have to stop here for the time being.

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