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S60 PT #3.5: Appreciation
(This post was last modified: 07-11-2021, 08:31 PM by Flowseidon.)

It's really hard to fully capture the relationships you build in this league. While many are transactional, you often begin to build a deeper bond with your team, and ones that may continue even after trades, etc

My early days on the Pride were exciting and full of new and excited users and was just a great environment that led to some of the hardest working and most successful people in the league. There was a ton of changes there through my time, but some of the people like Grape and HLO were folks who were always great to be around and chat with about whatever

It's been a ride, but the people are what makes this league great. Whether it's just dealing people for small issues, updates, or fantasy. Or the deeper bonds built through team discords and shared interests. It's been a pleasure folks. Be kind to each other and keep making this league great

Battleborn  Finland     [Image: QwTZD8C.png]   [Image: uJXrVDL.png]  [Image: iemKOIk.png]     Finland  Battleborn

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Man, it's been so long since I created Pepperoni, I've interacted with so many different users and truly enjoyed my experiences with people across the site.

I'd like to thank my old Colorado Raptors teammates. Those first few seasons back (minus one specific season) were a lot of fun and the personalities on that team made we want to stick around the LR and hang out. Thanks to Flappy for getting me in the door with management stuff which I later used to get into the Blizzard war room.

When it comes to the Blizzard idk what to say. There's only a few people left in the locker room now from when I joined almost 3 years ago but things feel like they haven't changed. Faces have come and gone but I constantly feel so happy to share a locker room with everyone who joins the Blizzard.

I'm extremely grateful to Keygan giving me the Co-GM job when he did. When I joined all I wanted to do was GM in this league and he gave me the chance.

Sorry for not shouting out people individually. There's too many people that have had a positive impact on me! If we've talked before, consider yourself tagged!

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Blizzard Raptors Blizzard Raptors Blizzard Raptors Blizzard Raptors Blizzard

EDM All-Time Leader in Goals, Assists and Points
(This post was last modified: 07-11-2021, 08:46 PM by Buster.)

Alright lets say some words to some friends.

@BasedMinkus - I am supposed to say nice things but I am still bitter you pulled two Mike Trouts in a week while I pulled two Jose Altuves. Thank you for always putting up with my bullshit over the years because I know it can be difficult. Someday I would love to make it out to BC with Toast or have you come to Ottawa.

@JumpierPegasus - I am sorry for yelling at you when you were an SMJHL commish. I am glad that Luke invited you into the Manhattan discord because it has been great to catch up after all these years.

@JayWhy - You are the best internet friend I have ever made and I can't wait to make that a real life friend hopefully in the next year. Thanks for always being there for me and being a pal.

@Toast - I really don't think I need to add anything else after your post a few days ago. I can't wait to see you within the next while when everything starts going back to normal.

178 words

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As always, i'll start my comment by saying thank you thank you @Faelax for being by my side in the Quebec City Adventure. It's a thrilling experience everyday and we wouldn't be where we are without you.
I want to thanks the current team of the Quebec City Citadelles for being who they are and making my time on the forum more enjoyable. Thank you @storm @zeagle1 @Vandy @xTri @LB3737 @HabsFan6776 @TeyonSchavari @katarn22 @Evident_Rogue @goilers @Guriinwoodo @thevoicelesscreator @Tomen @tanner @AnthonyOuellet @H0PPY75 @LSUFAN101 Quebec would definitively not be the same without you currently. It's a fact that i want to thanks all the alumni who gonna read this message as well. The work you did for the team was legendary.

I want to also say hi to my buffabro for also being there with me. @Mayuu @Tomen @TnlAstatine @Kalakar @fishy @Ferda @Grum @Zombiewolf @Lime @Faelax @Snussu @st4rface @Renomitsu @mcgriddleluver @Ragnar and i guess @WannabeFinn ... keep being u guys

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I've been here coming up on three years this October but haven't been super active in recent times.  A lot of the people I appreciate most in this league know it because they are basically the ones I come around to talk to or have worked with here for a damn long time.

As is tradition, @FuzzSHL has to be the top of my list because of the years we've worked together running team USA.  I wouldn't have made it this far without him and the team wouldn't be the same.  At this point I may just be a footnote in his success story when it comes to managing / coaching teams, but he's earned it.  Special non-tagged shoutout to all the people who have filtered in and out of the USA situation room over the seasons, y'all keep us going and I know we'll be in good hands once my tenure crawls to an end.

@Muerto and @"Geekusoid" each season I come in at the last second to do a massive update for regression and each season I say I'll do it earlier.  Each season you put up with my shit and stick this old bag of meat on the ice to keep racking up the lifetime stats.  Hopefully I can still be serviceable as a bottom pair body when we take home the hardware.  I'm counting on you to complete my triple crown career.

@Zoone16 thanks for not firing me and paying my bills.  Also for running the media grader team like a well oiled machine.  I've been plugging away as a media grader for most of my time here and it was really no fun being the punching bag of upset people wanting their money.  Not only did you clean up the system, but you implemented some awesome rules which I think have made media producers and graders very happy.

Finally, @SlashACM, I'm not so good at keeping up with people and it seems like forever since those St. Louis days, but you helped me get my feet planted in this league and I'll always appreciate you.  It makes me happy to see you in this very public community role and this week's event shows that you care a lot.  You're doing great and I'm rooting for you bud.

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credit to Flappy, ToeDragon, and Carpy

Platoon Steelhawks Patriotes Stars Panthers Platoon Specters Platoon Panthers Specters Aurora Jets Usa Scarecrows

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i am grateful for just about everyone who i have been teammates with in the shl at some point and some time. everyone in the shl has been pretty kind and gracious and welcoming and has helped me enjoy my time in the shl. although the shl is not my main focus for sim leagues, i have still had a solid career and good fun in the league purely because of the people i have met along the way. in winnipeg, i had a great time teaming up with stamkosfan and flappygiraffe was a terrific general manager and i am glad to have met them. i was then traded to buffalo, where wannabefinn and tomen were great general managers and people like evok, luffy, and zombiewolf were great people. then i moved to hamilton where hallsy, gwdjohnson, theo morgan, and others were great people. now i am in seattle where it is fun playing with reid and tig and jack kanoff.

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I've been around the league for long enough that there are way too many people to name them specifically, but I'll give it my best shot

@dmills3 @SecondSucks22 @Keygan @"TommySalami" thanks yall for giving me my big breaks in the SMJHL and SHL by picking me in the first rounds and by elevating me to the management groups! great to get the opportunity to learn from the best

All the people I've worked with in war rooms @Mazatt @Gwdjohnson @Nokazoa @Dextaria @Pythonic @"Minnesotafine" @Julio Tokolosh @"luketd" @Inf1d3l and so many others, thanks for your excellent advice over the seasons and always knowing how best to chime in on a discussion!

The S53 gang, @sve7en @LordBirdman @roastpuff @suavemente @Faelax @Zomp @Nhamlet @juke @suavemente @Ace @ml002 (RIP) @"Awesomecakes" @reid @leviadan @jeffie43 @mastersheep @Patty @Rangerjase @trella @EricNCSU @Aephino @Lime @Zombiewolf and others, yall have made this an incredibly memorable draft class! Looking forward to watching us conquer the SHL over the next few seasons.

@Segi @bluesfan55 @KlusteR @Mutedfaith @nyumbayangu @Rancidbudgie and all the other Swiss players, shoutout for making it one of the chillest LRs and teams! We're going to win that gold medal soon.

All the players I had a hand in bringing in during my time in Vancouver and now in Edmonton, your activity and drive in the LR are what keep me coming back every day!

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STL  Scarecrows :
@Faded @By-Tor @Mooty99 @fever95 @Jackers41 @Asked Madden @Urq660
You guys all run shit in the STL locker room, and make it an amazing place to interact on a daily basis. Thanks for being the leaders that you are and shaping the way for future crowzzz!

@Nictox @SlashACM
You guys are fucking awesome! My DFA, and rookie season were without a doubt my favorite times on the site, and that has everything to do with what you guys were able to build. You both do not get enough credit for the amount of time you dedicate to this site!

It fucking baffles me the amount of work you put in to this site. You definitely don't get enough credit for it! It still is insane to me that you were able to keep simming and managing STL while going through everything that was going on irl with you. Hope you realize that it doesn't go unnoticed!

You're one of my favorite members on the site, you rock Blitz! I had no idea what to expect when I came back to the site right in the beginning of quarantine. I know for a FACT that I'd be long gone if it weren't for you. I hope you're really proud of what you've been able to build in STL. The amount of work you put into the team is really admirable. Thanks for being so cool to me!

TBB  Barracuda :
@r0tzbua @W19eaver @Muford @FlappyGiraffe @Jericson @peej2189 @roastpuff @Rankle @luketd
Can't believe how awesome this locker room is, thanks for keeping me entertained during my boring, shitty days at the office! This is the team I hope to play for my whole career because of you awesome SOBs

@trella @hockeyiscool
Can't believe how well you guys were able to work with what you had. You're both dope, and should be super proud of the environment you've build in TBB!

You're 100% the funniest dude on the site, thanks for being so cool and setting the tone of the LR! You're definitely the easiest dude to chat with on the site. Keep preaching the gospel of Flat Earth (and FHN)

Shoutout to the guy who 1000% doesn't get the credit he deserves for the amount of work you put on to the site. You're generosity is insane and it is amazing to me how you're able to help so many people on here while juggling irl stuff. Love sharing a LR with you!

I've said this before, but you are the first person I think of when I think of TBB. True leader of the locker room and a great guy! I hope you stay in TBB as long as possible because I can't imagine the locker room without you dude. Thanks for being such a goddamn STUD

...forgive me for my drunken spelling mistakes, and sorry for anyone I missed!  yeet  Barracuda  Barracuda  Goal  Goal  Scarecrows  Scarecrows  Goal  Goal  Goal  Goal  Goal  Goal

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[Image: ddIlIkT.png]Colin Lambert ll Left Defence ll Barracuda[Image: NA3IV5m.png]
(This post was last modified: 07-11-2021, 10:03 PM by Skeleton Party.)

I've been here a little over a year and have met so many people who have kept me coming back.  Firstly I have to shout out love for @dmills3 and hopefully he can hear me from way down there.  He drafted me into Vancouver and made me feel like a core member of the team, and is the main reason why I've lasted so long here.  While I'm on the topic of Vancouver,  I want to thank all the teammates I had during my stint there - not only because we won a Cup in glorious fashion, but because that locker room was really special and it was a ton of fun getting to know you all.  I also sincerely want to thank @"luketd" for being a good friend and pushing my socially awkward ass into new groups and opportunities.  Doubly want to thank you along with @JayWhy for bringing me into the Rage and nurturing the type of team that I don't want to ever let down.  We're going through a rough bit here but there's a bright future on the other side, and I'll still be around to see it because of you guys.

Finally I want to thank @Buster for leaving Manhattan )

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Oh boy, its been 3 years and you want me to appreciate everyone? thats a lot of work PT team. you know what? ill give you 150 words

First of all I would like to thank Adam and Glyc for first drafting me in Vancouver. Then all the Vancouver guys that was in my locker room at that time, it made my first season amazing. And then going into the finals to lose to kelowna was a great run my first season that not a lof people get to do.

Then I would like to thank DrunkenTeddy as well. He has done so many things for the site to make it run as smoothly as it can. he has done so many things and spent hours and hours behind the scenes that no one will know about, its crazy that he has his kids and wife and a job and still takes time for this.

lastly I would like to thank all of the SHL to make it is what it is.

[Image: 0XJkcN5.png]
Czechoslovakia PROFILE || UPDATE || RAGE. Rage 
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I feel that this time around, its better that I focus with my current time with RESO to make things shorter, but there are many I have greatly appreciated during my time on the site, and the gratefulness I hold will certainly remain.

@Ruggsy @Jumbobone19 @LordBirdman
It has truly been a pleasure to be with you guys in Colorado, be in late night chilling, draft night or just general times. With you guys and @Talls in that War Room, I can trust that Colorado will win soon.

Team GB always felt steady with you around. You helped me alot with your strats and wit, and any IIHF season felt like an odyssey, pulling magic to reach those medals. You have no need to worry, you will certainly be a great Fed Head.

Well well well. New player and I still find a way to put you on this. Be it a guide or just a great guy to talk to, I already said it but I wouldn't be here without ya, Trips.

Best LRs in the league, RESO approves them all. All y'all have been great.

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Sig Credit: Flappy (EVO) and Skolpaddor (RESO)


First SMJHL Goal: Colorado Raptors, Emeka Valentine-Okoli 1 (Mikelis Ozoliņš 4, Loki Odinsson 3) at 3:12, 2nd Period (GWG) / SMJHL S47 Game 47 Day 12: Colorado Raptors vs Detroit Falcons
First SHL Goal: Texas Renegades, Emeka Valentine-Okoli 1 (Josef Kubinec 5, Ricky Spanish 4) at 16:23, 2nd Period / SHL S51 Game 71 Day 16: Edmonton Blizzard vs Texas Renegades

Eternal RaptorsRaptors Old, onwards we roll Rage

And Let's Retire at the Pinnacle

In about 6 weeks, I will have been in this league for 5 years & man, what a whirlwind that time has been. This was my first sim league & I had absolutely no idea what was going on here or where is was going to lead me. I've made a ton of great friends over the years across multiple leagues, but for the purpose of this point task, I'll try to focus on the friends I've made in this league specifically.

I know I've thanked these 2 at nauseum at this point, but I'd be remiss if I didn't mention my GMs from Kelowna when I first started here, @ej27 & @Jenny. You lovely ladies helped lead me in the right direction & figure out what I needed to be doing to be successful in this & other leagues. I'd like to think that helped me not only as a player, but as a GM as well in leading my players down the right path as they find their way in the sim league universe.

(178 words)

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Bojo Box (C. Knouse)

I've been here for quite a while now and have met some great people over the last few years. They keep the site fun and it's awesome talking to them every day. People like Eggy, storm and Raven I don't talk to as much anymore but were some of my first friends from the site. The last time through with Sawchuk was a ton of fun with people like jss, Noble, MCP, Jess, Kalakar, Jenny (again), Blue and who knows who I'm forgetting right now but I'm strapped for time to write this. Through that time as well I met a bunch of people in Anchorage like Gabe, assclap, Ferda, apricot, hotdog, got to know ml and tomen more, and then eventually played for them with people like oats, frick, Muford, aleks, TURG TURG and so many more that would take forever to list and nobody reads these anyway. Love you all though. Then we've got all the Atlanta guys who keep me interested in the site after all this team. Hotdog and Glutes have done a great job with the team and I've met some great people through it like Patty, Simon, sakro, Leppish, zym, duff, etc. Final shoutout to Toivo who's been the best and most consistent friend I've had on this site.

[Image: Jepox.gif]
(This post was last modified: 07-11-2021, 10:18 PM by peej2189.)

I'm going to keep this a little shorter, as I may not be extremely close with anyone in the league. I want to give a huge shout out to the GM's and players of the two teams I have had the chance to be apart of so far.
@sve7en@FuzzSHL, Thank you both so much for drafting me to Carolina. Without you two creating an extremely homey vibe in the locker room I would not have stuck around this league long. Honestly, I loved every minute I was on the team. Winning a four star cup is probably going to be the highlight of my career for some time, and it wouldn't have been made possible without you two. 

@MCP_@trella@hockeyiscool Shout out to you three. I was going to drop fast in the entry draft without some love from Trella and DK coming from the Kraken LR. MCP, I thank you for taking a leap of faith and trusting these fellas with drafting me. I have loved every minute of this rebuild with the Barracuda, and I would do anything I needed to for the team. While Panda might not be the "best" player in S54, I truly hope that I have been a positive force within the team. I have nothing but love for this team and what you all have created.

Finally, I want to thank @Zombiewolf for letting me stick around as an updater. I know I tend to update a bit late sometimes, but I genuinely enjoy being apart of this group that helps keep the league movin' and groovin'. I'll keep trying my hardest to keep updating two teams each week for as long as you'll let me.

Too everyone else I have interacted with in this league. You are awesome. Not just for being apart of this wonderful community, but for creating a great place to hangout throughout this last year and a half. 
Barracuda Kraken Germany Barracuda Kraken Germany

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The Simulation Hockey League is a free online forums based sim league where you create your own fantasy hockey player. Join today and create your player, become a GM, get drafted, sign contracts, make trades and compete against hundreds of players from around the world.