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s60 PT #5: SHL Family Values

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How does the Joseph Weston family reunion go? It is a nice and quiet time to allow the family to see their loved ones that they don't often see especially thanks to COVID. That's what happens when you're a big hockey star and all of your family lives all over the place. Thankfully it is not a disaster due to the PR disaster earlier in the season, instead it contains many conversations on the various things happening in the world and the way each person would fix it. The family is very involved in discussions and does its best to try and figure out solutions to the world because who are we if not people trying to live our best lives. Sometimes the best thing we do with family is reiterate our humanity and our expressions of empathy for others, those are sometimes the most important things in life.

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S66 Damian Littleton

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Battleborn | Barracuda | Usa

Back here in the burgh me m the fam took in a Stiller game because we eat nails for breakfast. Uncle weed was so happy to see me although he was hammered he gave much love and silly words. Uncle crip was just rolling out of the bar when I landed back here in the states and invited to walk straight back in. Binion was in the middle of a silly rally with the crushinator and zoidberg. After the game we went down to primaties to get some pierogies n at with all the fellow yinzers. All in all it was a swell time and we all got to recollect old memories and give each other alot of hugs. It was a tremendous time that I will never forget as long as I beckon breathe on this earth. Until next time burgh and fam I'll keep pushing Tampa to be number 1 and hopefully we will reign supreme over all.

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2x 4Star Cup Champ s49 s50

1x commissioners excellence award s 50

Another season done and the playoffs about to begin again. Jonas' family has flown in from Germany to LA to watch Jonas and his teammates compete. As Jonas gets ready for the first round against Edmonton, he spends time with different family members reminiscing about past events. His only immediate family member is there is his mother, as sadly his father passed away a few years ago, however he has brought along a few of his close friends, namely Martha, Magnus, Bartozs and Mikkel. They go out for dinner and talk about the old days back when Jonas was still growing up in Germany, going out into the forest surrounding their small town and playing around. All the drama that went on in school with other kids and between themselves. Whatever happened to the Mads guy that ended up disappearing. Just good old times all around for the old friends. Hopefully Jonas goes on a deep playoff run so his friends have a reason to stick around longer.

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Sig by @Ragnar

Lyle considers himself very lucky when it comes to family. The Odelein family have always been very close, and when Lyle the third, was drafted to the New Orleans Specters, the Odelein family began to call New Orleans home. As so may know the Odelein's started a hockey facility and learning center upon arrival to NOLA. They wanted to spread their love of hockey to as many as possible and they have been very successful at that.
So, there are several Odelein reunions every season. And like most family reunions, you will find some of the regular events usually spotted at a family reunion. Lyle Odelein, the original, can usually be heard telling the youngest Odelein, how much tougher it was in his days. How they didn't have all this fancy equipment and scientifically enhanced sticks. How playing with a wooden stick took more skill and how guys were tougher back then. It is always very light hearted and ends in a cheers of their beer as they both recognize and compliment each others achievements and abilities.

[Image: Ci4nm13.png]sig by @Bruins10 
Scarecrows   Specters   Canada 

Every time I get to go home, it is a really fun moment. I have a house in Kinsale, Ireland, where I am originally from. It's a small city in the Southwest of Ireland. So, when I come back to town it's not so much of a reunion as it is a city wide event or homecoming. I'm the first professional athlete, this is rugby, soccer, or Irish football, to make it in the NHL from town. I love going home, I always enjoy the city when I get time to relax. People seem super proud and happy about the profession, they even opened a hockey bar in town, which was bizarre at first, but people seem to be getting it now. Hockey has grown a ton since I was a kid and the closest rink is only a couple miles away now. SHL and IIHF has really helped with that. When I retire, I'll probably keep my house in Chicago, but live in my place in Kinsale. All my friends, especially Gunnar, have a little room in it. So, it's definitely more of a home for me.

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Player Page [Image: berserkers.png] [Image: syndicate2.png]Update Page

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Jukka was really looking forward to heading home for the family reunion, but at the last minute his family and close friends decided to take a trip to the states to visit him instead. His family are travel enthusiasts, and had already had a great time visiting him in NYC earlier in his career, so they now wanted a chance to visit and explore Chicago this year. He secretly thinks they were more excited for a new travel destination than they were to see him. They had a great time taking in the sights and going on a few river cruises, and did some stereotypical tourist stuff like checking out the cloud gate and going to a few museums - all capped off with a night game at Wrigley. Although he missed his hometown in Finland, all the most important people in his life were able to make the trip, so it was just the kind of mental break he needed before the SHL playoffs started. Unfortunately he wasn't able to fully escape the SHL lifestyle, as his brothers and friends made sure to do their best impression of his fans, and ask if he actually planned to show up on the ice for the playoffs.

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Sigs: Thanks JNH, Lime, Carpy, and ckroyal92 

When I go home, the reactions are definitely mixed.  Some of my extended family are upset that I haven't given them big chunks of my enormous fortune, while the rest are simply just proud that I've had even a modicum of success here in the SHL.  Fortunately, Atlanta and Hamilton are in the same time zone so my friends and family are able to watch my performances and follow me night in and night out, which always makes reunions that much more poignant.  Now the freeloaders, I would kick them to the curb if I could. Imagine fulfilling all of your childhood dreams, only to walk back into your house and have cousins, nieces, nephews, and even folks who I don't even know hitting me up for merchandise, money, autographs, and everything in between.  It does take some of the sweetness out of those reunions, but I guess that's just part of the process when you're a highly skilled, highly paid athlete.  Fortunately, those people are vastly outnumbered by my true friends, true family, and those who I know always have my best interests at heart.

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The first true family reunion for Jimmy since the split of his small family was a weird one compared to most. Kate, Jimmy's significant other, invited her family out to Los Angeles for the start of the postseason. Her mom, dad, and younger brother and sister all came out a few days early to spend time with their surrogate Austrians. They spent time at the beach for a pair of days and out on the town celebrating recent success and milestones on and off the ice most nights before the postseason was upon us. It was a much needed reprive for Jimmy who struggled on the back half of the season overall and who was looking to lead Los Angeles to their first series victory since joining the roster. The Wagner siblings left the reunion weekend refreshed and Jimmy was excited to hit the ice against Edmonton in front of his surrogate family tomorrow.

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EVO: Oh man. Haha, Oh man, did I miss the last family reunion.

RESO: I have to admit, that is one of the few large gatherings I wish I could do more of. You want to go through it, Emeka?

EVO: Sure, sure. Right then, the entire Okoli household is massive, and I do mean massive. Me and Ren had 9 different families come around to our last family gathering in Wokingham. And to be honest, its on the smaller side in terms of gatherings since wwe have a large extended family.

RESO: True, but still, it feels good to see my parents make the trip from Japan as well as a few of my cousins from Enugu. Of course, we had quite a lot of questions of our hockey activities, particularly from one who is interested in playing, but all in all, we just settled down, enjoyed some Okra soup and reveled in each other's company. And maybe cried a little.

EVO: Awww, even our stoic man can shed a tear

RESO: Emeka, shut up................damnit.

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Sig Credit: Flappy (EVO) and Skolpaddor (RESO)


First SMJHL Goal: Colorado Raptors, Emeka Valentine-Okoli 1 (Mikelis Ozoliņš 4, Loki Odinsson 3) at 3:12, 2nd Period (GWG) / SMJHL S47 Game 47 Day 12: Colorado Raptors vs Detroit Falcons
First SHL Goal: Texas Renegades, Emeka Valentine-Okoli 1 (Josef Kubinec 5, Ricky Spanish 4) at 16:23, 2nd Period / SHL S51 Game 71 Day 16: Edmonton Blizzard vs Texas Renegades

Eternal RaptorsRaptors Old, onwards we roll Rage

And Let's Retire at the Pinnacle

Ah, the Kauppinen family reunion. It's not exactly a pleasant one. Valtterri Kauppinen, the family's SHL star, is sort of looked down upon for either not staying in Finland and playing hockey there or not making it into the National Hockey League, where the truly 'big' stars come from, they say. The only couple of people he can really associate with and have a good time are his younger brother Aatu and his Swedish cousin, Magnus Sjögren. Aatu considers his brother a true role model, currently making his way through the Finnish junior hockey leagues himself, and Sjögren shares this sentiment, also working his way into Swedish hockey. Kauppinen brought back a couple of his old Simulation Major Junior Hockey League sticks back as souvenirs for the two, as well as two of his Whalers jerseys - both with the big old C sewn on them. All of this merch was of course signed. As for everybody else at the reunion? Fuck those guys. Kauppinen hadn't exactly had been supported by any of them when he announced his decision to play in the SHL rather than the NHL, but he's definitely glad he chose this league over the other one.

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The family reunion for the Black family takes place most years in Scotland and is largely scheduled around the hockey season to ensure that Robert Black is able to return to the country to attend.

Though Robert Black's family are not particularly big hockey fans, with no other member of the family possessing a real interest in the sport, hockey is a huge conversation topic at the reunions with Robert's family always keen to hear about how their professional athlete family member is faring over in North America. Often, family members will surprise Robert with their knowledge of how his previous season went, as despite not caring much for the sport, they take an interest in how he is doing throughout the season.

The reunions are a great time for Robert Black as his extended family are all very close with the majority of them all living near to each other and remaining in close contact throughout the year. The reunions give Robert the perfect opportunity to see family members he normally doesn't get to see due to spending the majority of his time abroad in North America for work.

190 words

Elizabeth Doyle does not have the chance often to go to a family reunion. Due to being born in Ireland, most of her family is far away from her. When there's an opportunity in the off season to go see them, she jump in the next plane for Dublin and get ready for the drive all the way to Galway. It was hard at the beginning to convince her parents to go let her play in North America due to the distance, but after being drafted by St. Louis and Buffalo, her parent knew she would be in good hand in the organization. It's then always a joy to have her back home and the event usually goes well for her. She always take the time to mess around with her cousin in a game of field hockey, where they try to score as many goals on her as possible, but it often end up being not a lot.

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I spent my whole formative life wanting to get away from home. Getting out was like a weight lifted from my shoulders. No more overbearing religiosity, no more outward expectations. Moving across the sea let me set those expectations for myself, let me conduct myself how I wanted and live by my philosophies. So, getting the message about the reunion filled me with conflict. On one hand, I was eager to see how things had changed. I hadn't spoken to anyone from home but my mother. None of my old friends, no other family, I had essentially killed off that life when I left so coming back presented myself with a kind of fresh perspective on things. And still, on the other hand, there was a reason I deadened my past. There's a lot of painful memories waiting back home, ready to be relived. I wasn't sure I was ready to confront them. I had, after all, ran from them and covered them up. In the end, I chose to return. I think, ultimately I wanted to show everyone what I had become rather than see what they'd become. It was how I'd expected. They'd followed the track they'd laid. My father hadn't changed at all, he and I still don't see eye to eye and that's fine. My mother, however, it was good to see her. She's the only constant from home and it was quite good to see her after so long. All in all, it was a positive outcome.

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Alucard,Apr 14 2016, 03:33 PM Wrote:May the harvest be with you, young spud.
enigmatic,Aug 26 2016, 10:05 AM Wrote:Jedi could have 1 TPE and still improve any team [Image: ashamed0001.gif]
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First ever Norwegian IIHF Goal!!
2. Team Norway , Jackson Rodgers-Tanaka 1 (Isabella Esparza-Osvaldson, Aleksander Andrezjeck) at 5:50

Special Thanks to Count Chocula for the Hugo G sig <3

Pablo Salvatici of the Simulation Hockey league franchise known as the Atlanta Inferno that play out of Atlanta, Georgia attended his family reunion all the way across the ocean in Milan, Italy where he's from. Lord only knows how he convinced his general manager and coach to let him fly to Italy and back just days before the playoffs are about to begin, the jetlag definitely won't be kind to him for game one. Anyways while he was there he got mixed reactions from his family. His mom and dad were proud of him and what he did during his rookie season with the Atlanta Inferno and so were his cousins who have come to love hockey. His grandparents were disappointed he was a lawyer or some other respectable profession but confessed he did appear to be very good at his "silly game he plays for money." A couple distant uncles asked for autographs despite knowing him since he was only a few month old. The highlight was when someone came up to him and started screaming about the insensitive tweets he made about teammate Guy Zheng earlier in the season but it is unclear whether they were actually related to him or if it was just a Guy Zheng superfan who managed to sneak in. Overall it was a great way to relax before he goes and plays against the Tampa Bay Barracuda in the first round of the Simulation Hockey League playoffs.

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