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S60 SMJHL Championship Week
(This post was last modified: 08-11-2021, 05:39 PM by greencityny.)

Task #1 - 3 TPE

Kelowna suffered a hard defeat to Quebec City this season. We licked our wounds out of that series. I thought a couple good hits to their offense and I would free up some scoring opportunities. But, we just couldn't convert and ended up getting crushed by their sharp shooters. But, so goes it, and I've got mad respect for their team. But you know what those sharp shooters could use? An aggressive hard hitting opportunity creating player like Scott Thorn. If I wasn't playing for Kelowna I'd brush up on my French, inhale a bowl of poutine and join Quebec City. My aggressive play style could have helped them advance from Anchorage and we'd be sitting in the finals right now - guaranteed. Quebec City faced the same crushing loss to anchorage so we feel each others pain. But that mutual pain could be a great synergy. Pain synergy for anchorage if we can make our union happen.


Task #3 - 2 TPE

During our series with Quebec City the Kelowna Knights suffered a punishing loss. We didn't win any games but Scott Thorn did lay some good hits. Like that cross check on Jeff Hopkins into the boards. That hit was like a truck. It snapped the stick right in half as drove into his hip. I'm surprised his hip didn't go with the stick. Just like our broken dreams of advancing in the playoffs, that broken stick is a reminder of the damage Scott Thorn can do on the ice. Two lucky fans will be receiving one of the stick each. Enjoy everyone and thanks for the support.


Task #4 - 2 TPE

This edition of Compare Those Players is going to cover the guys holding down the fort in SMJHL finals - goalies.

Bean Gamble (Anchorage) vs Evgeni Petrov (Newfoundland).

Bean Gamble, the Canadian Goalie from Reddit, weights in at 183 lbs and 6ft 6in. He's a left handed goalie and lives life on the edge. Evgeni Petrov is a left handed goalie from Russia, weighs in at 200lbs and is also 6ft 6in. Mentally, Evgeni has a small edge due to his toughness.

But let's look at their performance of Evgeni vs Bean.

Saves: 914 vs 554
Evgeni has more action on the ice and it shows because he's got 2644 minutes played whereas Bean only has 1449.

Save Percentage: 0.914 vs 0.904
Evgeni has a small edge here. He see's more action and is able to keep the door closed.

Shutouts: 3 vs 5
Bean has disappointed more opposing teams than Evgeni.

Overall, Evgeni Petrov is looking like a more experienced goalie but Bean is showing tons of potential.


Task #5 - 3 TPE

The local gym has a boxing ring and on weeknights after school they host kids from the neighborhood to duke it out for an hour. Scott Thorn has donated to the gym to get the kids some new gloves, shorts and jock straps. These kids have a lot going on in their life and there's nothing like throwing a swing at your best buddy to let it all out. The gym serves one of the under represented neighborhoods in Kelowna and has a long history of serving the community. They hold celebrity fights and all the proceeds go towards running free after school programs for the kids. Scott Thorn got in the ring with local celebrity Tyler Shelast for a battle of fists. We went easy on each other but if I ever see that guy on the ice he's going into the boards. The fight raised over $2500 and will support the young ones after school and give their parents a chance to see their kids growing as boxers.


Task #6 - 3 TPE

C - Robert Black (NL)
In the playoffs Robert has 71 points and 23 goals. And he doesn't just dance around the puck he's also got 46 hits.

RW - Evil AllBran (NL)
Is it just me or is All Bran cereal the breakfast of champions? I love his name. Oh, and he's got 31 goals in the playoffs.

LW - Jesse Trudeau (NL)
Our line needs political connections. Trudeaus know how to work the system. Jesse has 66 points in the playoffs and one of the top in LW assists.

RD - Gregory Goode (ANC)
Great defensive, creates opportunities and sets up goals. He has 47 assists and 68 blocked shots in the playoffs.

LD - Shion Okamoto (NL)
38 shot blocks in the playoffs and a solid plus minus.

G - Evgeni Petrov (NL)
914 saves and 0.914% save percentage. Does the puck ever get past this guy? Evgeni is one of the biggest reasons Newfoundland is in the finals. This guy deserves an MVP award.


Task #7 - 3 TPE

Kelowna had a touch matchup against Quebec City in the first round and the disappointment exceeded expectations. A more interesting matchup would have been Vancouver so there would be a nice west coast rivalry. Kelowna would be the underdog of the west and Vancouver would get to flex their muscle. Honestly, this probably would not have changed the outcomes much. It might've given Vancouver a confidence booster to get past Newfoundland. But Newfoundland and Vancouver are top dogs in the regular season so it would be a close match either way. It would definitely stir up the west coast though and the fans would love that series. But if Vancouver advanced to face Anchorage in round 3 that could've been the series they needed to push themselves into the finals. And honestly, the west coast would love to see Vancouver in the finals and that might have even gained a couple Kelowna fans along the way.


Task #8 - 3 TPE

Honestly, Scott Thorn didn't perform the way I had hoped. I was looking for more assists and hits. More aggressive play style. He had the right attributes to make it happen with solid checking, hitting and stick checking. With those attributes he should have been creating more openings and scoring opportunities. But, Scott Thorn needed to hit the gym more and get those physical attributes up. His stamina is looking better and he's becoming a faster skater. He looks to be on a good trajectory but needs to get himself more training, gym time and focus a bit more on defense. He's got good physical skills but a bit more investment to his checking abilities can really create some good opportunities. In the coming season, I expect more physical abilities and taking his hitting skills to the next level. He's going to need to skate faster and with better stamina to get his opponents into the boards more often. Get control of the puck and get it towards his teams goal scorers. I'd like to see more assists and hits in the next season.


Task #9 - 2 TPE

The Kelowna Knights and Quebec City was the best series. A battle for the heart of Canadians. East coast versus west coast. Hard hits and a series sweep by Quebec. Kelowna fans felt the disappointment after game 3 but didn't lose hope right to the bitter end. Game 1 was a real let down after losing 5-1. But after scoring 2 goals in Game 2 I really thought Kelowna had a chance to make a comeback. But the determination from the team just wasn't enough. Quebec City went wild that night. They knew they had the series and the parties looked wild. Kelowna ran out of steam in game 4 and were ready to call it quits. But it was exciting to have such an underdog team show up and deliver excitement.


Task #10 - 3 TPE
So your team just got eliminated these playoffs, and have to look forward to next season where hopefully things go differently. What does your team have to be excited about for next season, where they'll have another go at the coveted 4-star cup?
Requirements: 150+ words.

The Kelowna Knights struggled in the playoffs after losing 4-0 against Quebec City. Kelowna had a lot of rookies including Scott Thorn. These youngins are the future of the team but they need some time in the oven to get their skills on par with the rest of the team. If Kelowna's rookies can stay active in the gym, focus in practice and play a lot of games it will bring up their experience level to SHL material. Kelowna did manage to get a few good goals in during the playoffs. Gerry Atrick is definitely feeling the excitement as the lead goal scorer for Kelowna in the playoffs. Also Adriano Donini and Leons Briedis have a goal each and are standing out for top draft picks in the SHL. With the experienced players on the team and the rookies taking shape there's definitely potential for next season. Training camp and the pre-season will be good indicators of what's to come.


Task #11 - 3 TPE

This offseason is all about spending some time at the cottage, relaxing on the water and cracking some ice cold brews with buds. I'm taking a full week off to get my mental game on track before I get back to work. The fam loves heading up into northern Ontario and it's my favorite time of year to catch up with everyone. But, I know I've got a lot of work ahead of me so I'll be looking to stay in shape while away. So my pops is putting me to work. He's got regimented plan for me: rowing kayaks, swimming laps in the lake and working on a new cottage extension for him. I'll be lifting lumber, chopping down tress, lifting cinder blocks, digging a new foundation and making his cottage a dream with my hard labor. Keeping in shape the old fashioned way and putting my body to good use.


Task #12 - 3 TPE

This J season we've had our eye on a lot of rookies. We've been looking and their abilities and their performance to anticipate who's going to be the top picks. Scott Thorn is one rookie we've taken a look at. In practice we've seen him practicing his hitting, checking and stick checking. We've also seen his coach show him how to take a good hit and not lose control of the puck. He's in the gym a lot lifting weights so we know he's building himself up like a tank to shake the puck lose from the other team. We hope this guy isn't just going to be a giant meat bag and hopefully he's got some brains too. His offensive and defensive read are concerning. But it seems like his coach has been teaching him how to follow the momentum on the ice. He seems to have a temper because he's always yelling and cursing at his opponents... maybe trying to get under their skin. Luckily, he hasn't spent too much time in the box.


Task #13 - 4 TPE
My favorite player name is Pasta the Turtle. There's a lot to unpack in this name. Turtles are slow but he can obviously skate fast so what else is it about turtles that gives him this name? The hard shell? Maybe like hard shell pasta? Is there a relation? Or maybe his snapping beak is good at munching down pasta.

I think they deserve to win the cup. They've clearly got a great team and their performance shows. The series is neck and neck but Bean Beanman and Cole Carter have been delivering phenomenal performances. If they keep up that many goals I think Anchorage will take it past the finish line.

In another timeline Vancouver and Kelowna would have met much earlier for a battle of the west. Vancouver would win that series 4-0 and move on to round 2 with a huge confidence booster. Its really down to confidence because we already know they have the skill after seeing their regular season performance.

I think that Cole Carter made a huge impact during the regular season. He's the top goal scorer for Anchorage and near the top in total points. Mikhail Novikov is another noteworthy mention as their main center. Not only can he get the puck in the net but his ability to setup goals for other players has him top in total points.


Task #14 - Latecomer Special - 3 TPE

Quebec City really did a number on Kelowna Knights. They took the series right to Anchorage and then blew it. We feel each others pain. Now Anchorage is in the finals because they know how to win games. The arctic tundra in Alaska has forced a fierce goal scoring team. Recruiting the right players is one of their keys to success. Just look at Mikhail Novikov. That guy gets the puck in the net every time. That guy pucks! Also the defense from Gregory Goode was unbelievable. He's got one of the best +/- in the league at 37 so you know he's not letting goals in. He's also got the talent to setup scoring opportunities and it shows with his 47 assists. This guy is just all over the ice. The rest of their keys are teamwork, strong players and top notch skating. If there's anything Scott Thorn can learn to be a better player, it's to look at the player on Anchorage and the values that team has.


Task #16 - Milestones - 3 TPE
(This post was last modified: 08-11-2021, 12:52 AM by Junior.)

Task #8 - 3 TPE

You just played out your very first season in the SMJHL to start a new
chapter in your career. Overall, how would you say you performed in your
rookie season? Did you meet expectations you set for yourself
individually? What do you need to improve on for next season?

Requirements: 150+ words.

Overall, I am pleased with Donald Trump Jr.'s rookie campaign. I set out to make a player who controlled the ice through his physicality and aggression, and I would say I accomplished that task. The fact that I hit the wingers milestones for the categories of hits, takeaways, and blocked shots signals to me that what I set out to do has been done and that if I continue building out my player in a similar fashion that I have been doing so far I can continue to excel at those three categories, which are truly the main focus of my long term plans. Towards the latter half of the season I began to add more points into passing and scoring, and I would like to see double digits in both of those categories for my sophomore year in the SMJHL. Turning DTJR from merely a physical presence into a formidable two-way threat will go a long way, and I feel that whichever SHL team drafts me will be pleasantly surprised with my next season in the J.

(178 words)

Task #10 - 3 TPE

So your team just got eliminated these playoffs, and have to look
forward to next season where hopefully things go differently. What does
your team have to be excited about for next season, where they'll have
another go at the coveted 4-star cup?

Requirements: 150+ words.

Colorado is still a very young team, and although we got eliminated in the first round of the playoffs I think it's a good indicator that we weren't swept or completely outclassed even though there was a clear discrepancy between us and Anchorage. I also think that the fact that the team we inevitably lost to is one of the two teams that has now made it all the way to the cup final might signal to management that we aren't as far away as we may think. Colorado drafted a great rookie class last season and with another year of development under our belt we will only become even more potent and formidable next season. I'm not sure if one more season of development turns Colorado into a cup contender, but we should expect to get out of the first round at the very least. I also think that with another great draft class like we had this season we will be knocking on the door of the cup finals sooner rather than later.

(175 words)

Task #3 - 2 TPE
Your team is giving back to their supporters by holding a fan appreciation day for one of their games, where the team will hand out a special commemorative item to show thanks for their continued support of the franchise. You have been tasked to design the product to be given out to the attendees (can be a rally towel, foam finger, bobble head, etc.)
- WRITTEN: Write a 100 word blurb about the item, including details on during which game was / will be given out.
- GRAPHIC:  Include a picture of the item and at least one SMJHL logo; must look like you at least kinda tried.

To thank the Raptors loyal who showed out in record numbers during S60, the team has decided to create a unique new bobblehead which depicts the body of a velociraptors with the head of every member of the roster on it's multiple necks. The human/raptor/hydra chimera is truly repulsing to look at and many season ticket holders have expressed their displeasure with the franchise for producing such a tasteless item, marketed mainly at children. The team is unfazed in the face of this pushback, however, and plans to make the horrifying abomination a permanent fixture of the team's merch store. (102 words)

Task #12 - 3 TPE

Write a pre-draft scout report on your player from the perspective of a
journalist covering the prospects of the S61 draft class. What do
possible SHL suitors have to be excited (or perhaps wary?) about when it
comes to potentially drafting your player?

Requirements: 150+ words.

Donald Trump Jr. is a flashy name that certainly carries some controversial weight with it. Due to the affiliation with the former President of the United States and his outspoken political nature some SHL teams may be hesitant to draft the right winger out of Colorado. However, Trump Jr. showed his mettle on the ice and definitely should have left a lasting impression on any SHL scouts in the stands who came to check him and the rest of the Raptors roster out. His physicality is in the upper echelon of the SMJHL even as a rookie. He isn't afraid to throw his body, although sometimes his aggression can cross the line and earn his some time in the sin bin. Trump also isn't afraid to put himself between the shooter and the goal, and has blocked a ton of shots doing so. There are definitely some valid concerns about his offensive upside, but many took note of his increased production in the offensive end of the ice towards the latter half of his rookie season.

(176 words)

Task #13 - 1-4 TPE

Answer up to 4 of these prompts, each one being worth 1 TPE for 50+ words each.

A. Which player from either team has the best name in this series (just
the name itself, nothing to do with the player themselves).

B. This is the third season in a row the Anchorage Armada make it to the playoffs. Will they finally be able to win the cup?

C. You're in another timeline where Quebec and Vancouver are the two cup
finalists. What went right for them in this timeline's playoffs
compared to ours where they lost in the semi finals?

D. We've been talking about the playoffs, but it's performance
throughout the season that helped get our finalists into the playoffs.
Who was the key player to success for either team (or both) during the
regular season and why?

A. For me, this is a fairly easy choice. Anchorage has a player named Towelie, and that really is just *chefs kiss* perfection. Some people get too meme-y with their name (present company included) and some people get too serious and have a name with multiple hyphens and every consonant in the alphabet as a surname. Towelie is the perfect middle ground.

B. At the start of these playoffs I predicted that Newfoundland would win the cup and I have to stick to my guns on that prediction. Anchorage has shown a lot of determination and mettle getting this far, but I'm not sure they have enough steam to cross the finish line. The Anchorage Armada of today just isn't the same as the one of old. Gabe is to blame, of course.

Task #16 - Milestones - Up to 3 TPE

Like with the SHL, you will have the opportunity to cover up to 3/16 TPE
with milestones relating to your player's performance/accolades during
the season. Link your post in the Milestones thread and post your
comment in your CW reply to claim.

Link to Milestone post:

[Image: LETS-FUCKING-GO.gif][Image: DTJR-Colorado-Signature.jpg]

1. 3 TPE
If I wasn't on the Knights, the team I would want to be on the most would be the Colorado Raptors. The Raptors are a team with a very bright future, one that's absolutely loaded with fantastic personalities. Seriously, I'm in the Raptors LR and I fucking love these guys, it'd be an honor to be on the same team as them. Their roster has plenty of S61 players - people like Hans Graf, GGW Harrak, Jamal Nightingale - so I'm sure that I'd fit into the roster just fine. I think I would definitely improve the team if I were to join them - looking at their defenseman lineup right now, if I were on the Raptors I would be the second highest TPE defenseman on the team. I don't know if I'd be THE difference maker when it comes to making that final push for the Four Star Cup, but I do think I'd make their chances slightly better - you can never have enough defense.

3. 2 TPE
The season had been... disappointing, to say the least, for the Knights, so we decided to give back something to our fans to thank them for sticking with us through it. The perfect time to do something like this was, of course, our last home game of the regular season, against the Nevada Battleborn. For the gift, we decided to give out foam swords bearing the team colors - many other sports teams give out team-themed paraphernalia for the fans to wave, so we figured we'd join in. The swords themselves were about a meter long, with a gray blade and a green hilt, which had the Knights logo "engraved" in it. The swords were given out at the entrances to the arena before the match started. The fans quickly began to make use of them, waving them around for chants and, especially, for goals. The atmosphere in the building was electric, as the Knights took a 4-2 win in their last game of the season, giving their fans at least something to cheer about.

8. 3 TPE
My rookie season was interesting. I was drafted by the Knights, a team which I really didn't expect to end up on before the draft. The team was in a rebuilding season, so I wasn't expecting much - and, indeed, we didn't really do much, finishing 11th in the league. My personal performance though? Honestly, I think I did pretty alright. I was given quite a lot of ice time, and I'd like to think I used it well - though, of course, there's always room for improvement. I was able to adjust to the speed of the SMJHL quite quickly. My biggest assets are my defensive ability and my physicality, and I think I showed those off pretty well - I was near the top of the shot blocks leaderboard, and I made a habit of regularly laying people out onto the ice. Clean hits though - well, at least I tried. I mean, 12 PIM isn't too bad, but obviously I'd want even less. I do want to improve a bit on my passing - coach has made it clear that, while being a defensive defenseman is fine, it would be good if I could contribute a little more on offense. My skating could also use a good bit of work, I saw myself losing races for the puck quite often. I think those will come with more practice though.

10. 3 TPE
Oh, we've got plenty to look forward to. This season was sort of the big "down" season for the Knights, with over half of our S59 cup winning roster being called up to the SHL, thus meaning that most of our team was made up of very young players. Of course, what this means for next season, is that we're going to be significantly stronger as all of those rookies continue earning TPE and improving their builds. In fact, if you take a look at the S61 SHL draft class TPE leaderboard, you'll notice there are 3 Knights players in the top 10 - Leons Briedis at #3, Tomas Zadina at #5 and Sean Stevenson III at #9, and several other prospects like Duncan Mackenzie, Sebastian Weiss and Petr Svoboda also developing well. While our cup window is probably not going to be open just yet, the Kelowna Knights of season 61 should be a team that can, at the very least, be taken somewhat seriously by the rest of the league. Personally, I'm really looking forward to being able to actually win games sometimes.

12. 3 TPE
Leons Briedis is currently projected to be one of the top picks of the S61 SHL Draft, and for good reason. The young latvian is a rock in the defensive zone, suffocating enemy offenses with heavy physical play. One of the fastest-improving players of the draft class, Briedis showed in his rookie season that he is most definitely not afraid to sacrifice his body for the good of the team. He registered 147 shot blocks across 66 games, putting him 2nd in the entire league and 1st in his draft class - and for a good part of the season, he was actually on top of the leaderboard, however Maxwell Carrigan overtook him near the end. Briedis totaled 117 hits throughout the season, proof that he knows how to play physically - especially considering that, despite his playstyle, he only had a total of 12 penalty minutes throughout the season. He may play physical, but Briedis is most definitely not a goon. Though his strengths may lie mostly in defense, Briedis does have some offensive ability, totaling 23 points - 6 goals and 17 assists - in the regular season. He is expected to be one of Kelowna's top pairing defensemen next season, and a core piece of the team for when their cup window reopens.

16. 3 TPE

[Image: kILVP74.png]    [Image: qtbn8zh.png]    [Image: DKMMlC3.png]
[Image: Monochroma_Sig_2_1.gif]
Patriotes Knights Latvia Knights Latvia Knights Patriotes
(This post was last modified: 08-12-2021, 04:10 PM by LairdButler.)

Task #1 - 3 TPE

If you weren't playing for your current team, which team would you most like to be playing for in the playoffs.  Explain why you chose that team and how you think you'd slot into their roster.  Would your player make a big impact on the team?  Would you improve their chances of winning a cup? 
Requirements:  150+ words. 

If I wasn’t playing for St. Louis, then which playoff team would I be playing for, New Foundland or Anchorage, hmm? It seems like it should be a tough question, right? Actually, it’s pretty much a no brainer for me. The answer? Anchorage of course. “Why Anchorage?” you ask.  I’m glad you asked, it’s because I have history there. S51, Anchorage drafted the now legendary Stan Hanson, my very first player, who helped carry Anchorage to a Four Star Cup. So being in Anchorage would just make sense. In fact it would be something much like a family reunion of sorts. Now as too impact and improving chances, that remains to be seen. Not that I have any doubts about my player’s abilities, but we all know that the fact is each and every GM has their own plans for the team and what works well on one team may not work so well on another. So speculation is all well and good, but until trades roll around and skates are put to ice, we will never know for sure.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  180 Words

Task #3 - 2 TPE

Your team is giving back to their supporters by holding a fan appreciation day for one of their games, where the team will hand out a special commemorative item to show thanks for their continued support of the franchise. You have been tasked to design the product to be given out to the attendees (can be a rally towel, foam finger, bobble head, etc.)


- WRITTEN: Write a 100 word blurb about the item, including details on during which game was / will be given out.
- GRAPHIC:  Include a picture of the item and at least one SMJHL logo; must look like you at least kinda tried.
[Image: Crows_Toy.jpg]

Task #5 - 3 TPE

Professional hockey players are among the luckiest members of a community, but not everyone is given the same opportunities. As such, many players are expected to give back to the community by volunteering their time and energy off the ice with various charitable organizations. Either write about a charity or event that your player helped out with, or create a flyer or invitation for your event, including team logo, a photo of your player render, and the charity/charities being supported by the event.


WRITTEN: 150+ words
GRAPHIC: Include team logo, a photo of your player render, and the charity/charities being supported by the event

[Image: MAWTC.jpg]

Task #8 - 3 TPE

You just played out your very first season in the SMJHL to start a new chapter in your career. Overall, how would you say you performed in your rookie season? Did you meet expectations you set for yourself individually? What do you need to improve on for next season?
Requirements: 150+ words.

Looking back at this first season, I must say that overall I am quite pleaded with my player’s performance. Admittedly, I got off to a bit of a rough start due to the fact that I took a break from the SHL and some of the changes caught me unaware. But once everything got sorted out and on the track, it was pure hockey bliss. Those that know me from before know that I was never one to worry about having the most goals or things like that. Instead, my goal was always to lead the league in Hits. I came into this Rookie season with one main goal for my player, 100 Hits for the season. Things were looking a bit dicey towards the end, but bingo bango bongo come the last game of the season, hit 100. Now as for next season, who knows, maybe 150, 200? I might even shake things up and try to start scoring. But for now it’s time to enjoy the off season.                                                                                                                170 Words

Task #11 - 3 TPE

It's officially the offseason. Whether you just won the cup or didn't even make it past the first round of the playoffs, it's time to take a break and look toward the SHL draft. In 150+ words, tell us how you're spending your time this offseason.
Requirements: 150+ words.

Ah yes the off season is here, a time when a young hockey player’s dreams turn to returning home and spending quality time with loved ones and friends. Unfortunately for our Hero, that is not the case. There will be no returning home to his beloved Glasgow, no spending time in the highlands, or walking out across the moors, nor will there be any sipping of Whisky at the pub. No, this offseason finds Spicy reluctantly yoked into playing for Great Britain in the WJC. But there is a glimmer of hope in sight, behind the scenes a great legal battle rages on. Both sides jockeying for control of our Hero’s destiny, one man fights for the dream of all Scottish IIHF team. But in the meantime, due to contracts being signed and underhanded clauses hidden within them, it’s time to play International Hockey. So with that in mind, it’s a season for new adventures and experiences in far off lands. Let the culture shock begin.                                           166 Words

Task #16 - Milestones - 2 TPE

[Image: Spicy_Funko.jpg]
Player Page             Update Thread

Task #3
Hey so, how about a little bit of mental warfare? I feel like the ideal game for a fan appreciation day with a lot of Maine merch to be given out and worn by people is the game 3 of the 2nd round matchup between Maine and Newfoundland in the S60 playoffs. You know, getting a little bit of that extra mental edge, getting player feel more like they are at home and getting them to really feel that home advantage, and giving them a chance to have something to throw on the ice in case someone miraculously manages to score a hattie against them.

Task #7
Considering that Maine upset their round 1 opponents, I think that realistically the only possible way is worse than how we did right now? I guess there is something to this weird magnetic force between Maine and NL and how they HAVE to meet every single season, but frankly, Anaheim was a pretty ideal opponent for that series. They weren’t the most consistent out of the teams, and had some pretty bad consistency on their goaltending, so I have a feeling that if we met basically anyone else, this otherwise 7 game series wouldn’t have gone past 6 with Maine being on the losing side. On the other hand though, since this is I think the 6th time in a row that we play against Newfoundland in playoffs, maybe the magic of FHM would have pulled us through anyone and anything out there just to get us to meet our inevitable end in the hands of the Zerks.

Task #8
Honestly, I was going into the season a little blind. I GMed in Js before, I have seen all the ups and downs of the rookies and absolutely had no delusions of grandeur when it came to the performance of my player in the first season. So, when you have no expectations, I think where I got this season was a decent effort and I am pretty happy with how it worked out in the end, pretty excited to actually hit double digit goals for the first time ever in my SHL history (sort of the thing that happens when your 1st and the only other player you had was a DFD), and honestly just looking forward to where I might be able to get it. Next season, I hope to have a chance for some more ice time with Maine than I had this season, and with better stats alongside that I should be hopefully breaking 30 points, if I keep being a potent goal scorer hell that would be amazing but the plan was definitely to be more of a playmaker than a goal scorer.

Task #10
Well, honestly, we are looking forward to actually having a shot at the cup for once. Maine went through one of those periods of having a ton of young players on the roster, so understandably being pretty bad, but with some TPE earning, the hopes are we can field a good roster next season, and a great one the season after, and finally get some quality playoff time on our hands instead of being here and fiddling our thumbs for most of the offseason. I think we showed up a little bit towards the end of the season and it wasn’t the worst playoff run we ever had with a cute little upset in the 1st round, but there is definitely hunger for more and considering that as a J player you don’t really get a lot of chances at the cup, getting the best use of the time you spend down here in case you care about triple or even quadruple gold is very, very important.

Task #12
I think that Archangelo has shown up as a relatively decent wing this season, despite not being on the best of rosters. 21 points for a rookie, 11 of them goals, and only 2 of those on PP, that’s not a half bad result and I definitely expected worse with how the early season went, but he found his stride and caught up pretty nicely at the end. Didn’t show up as a major defensive liability either, maybe thanks to his teammates, but nevertheless his +/- isn’t absolutely horrible so I think it’s actually ok. When it comes to physicality, well the speed is truly something to witness, and it’s almost amazing how easily he glides around the ice, but he isn’t the biggest guy, so he doesn’t like much of physical contact. He has thrown the body a few times, has a highlight hit or two, but most of what Scaradog Jr. does is clap bombs and fucking run down your defense (you expected something else eh) wherever on the ice they might have the puck hidden from him.

Task #16

Manhattan Rage | General Manager
[Image: LSZLcjq.png]
thanks Sulovilen for the sig!
D | Manhattan Rage | Czechia

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Task #3: 2 TPE
Player appreciation day is always a good time and I love getting to be a part of it. This season, we think we have something really special to give away to our dedicated supporters. Adelie de Pengu was the Outlaws first pick for this season and immediately became a fan favorite. It’s not often you get to see a penguin play hockey, much less finish in the top 10 in penalty minutes. Pengu made some big contributions to the team in his rookie campaign and a lot of people are looking forward to the future with him on the roster. A few lucky fans might even find a signature on their bobblehead, though we’re still unsure how exactly Pengu holds a pen or writes with it. (126 words)
Task #5: 3 TPE
Dobby likes to spend his volunteer hours supporting Habitat for Humanity. The group works on uniting communities through building new houses. Owning a house can help a family find stability and build generational wealth. Habitat for Humanity is a touch unique, since to get your own house through the agency participants are usually expected to participate in the building of other houses, which helps bring communities together by helping everyone work together towards common goals with visible results that truly is mutually beneficial. There is also a lot of attention paid to building sustainable housing, which is incredibly important. Dobby also secretly hopes that former president Jimmy Carter will show up to one of the builds. Although such a happening is unlikely, President Carter is known to still be active in the agency that he was incredibly fond of during his tenure as POTUS. Going to the house buildings are a great way to help out the community and put the time to good use. (165 words)
Task #8: 3 TPE
My first season in the SMJHL was a whirlwind, honestly. I still forget that the season is over for us and that the SHL entry draft is just around the corner. Dobby started the season playing out of position as a winger before a trade allowed him to be moved back to the defense. I think I would be lying if I said I met my own expectations, but that most likely falls on my own lack of consistent earning towards the end of the season and being younger on a team with a lot of players nearing their SMJHL caps. Dobby was bottom two on the team in points, last in shooting percentage, and second to the bottom in +/- with a cool -18. I do think Dobby will be able to turn things around moving forwards. After falling off a bit on my TPE earning late in the season, I have been a little more on top of things during the offseason and will be un-banking quite a bit of TPE going into my sophomore season. If I can stay consistent, I believe Dobby will significantly improve next season. (191 words)
Task #10: 3 TPE
To be honest, I do not really know enough about the league to definitively say that the Outlaws will be good next season. And things are a little bit up in the air as teams have not yet finalized their offseason plans. And, adding to all that, the Outlaws will be bringing in a new GM next season. There are quite a lot of unknowns at the moment. But, what I can say, is that the Outlaws feel great about our chances for next season. We are not expecting to get hit too hard with call-ups and the idea in the locker room is that the team will have quite a few players at or near their caps. The Outlaws certainly underperformed this season with that massive losing streak in the second half of the season and a wild playoff series that saw us make an early exit despite some insane goaltending. The team appears to be very well positioned and whoever the new GM is will have a strong foundation coming into the season. (175 words)
Task #11: 3 TPE
Dobby is spending this offseason working on his defensive game. Coming into last season, Dobby was told he would be playing out of position on the wings to fill a hole in the roster. Eventually, a trade moved Dobby back to defense and the stats were not pretty. To try and have a better showing in his sophomore season, Dobby is focusing a lot more on being a good defender. He is working a lot on stick placement and studying tapes on other teams to stay mentally sharp. But, in addition to that training, there is naturally some relaxation that goes into the offseason. The body needs some rest, after all. Dobby spends his free days going on leisurely bike rides in the foothills of some mountains and playing disc golf with some buddies. Both of those, Dobby feels, are great ways to stay active while simultaneously spending some quality time relaxing outdoors. That and having a nice cookout to eat some delicious burgers. Because who doesn’t love a good burger? (171 words)
Task #12: 3 TPE
Dobby Hintzkanen is an interesting player to watch in the upcoming SHL draft. Hintzkanen showed that he could compete as a winger before moving back to his natural position on the blue line, where he seemed to struggle. After getting moved back to defense, the +/- fell significantly to a near team-low and Dobby just could not manage to convert any of his scoring opportunities into goals, finishing the season with a team-lowest 3.3% conversion rate. Dobby did show some upside, though. Dobby put up ok assist numbers for a defenseman and seems to have a build that will allow him to improve on that total as time goes on. HE also can expect to play in his natural position all season in the upcoming campaign, which will provide the opportunity to focus more attention on those parts of his game, and I expect to see significant improvement between the seasons. Dobby probably falls to the third or lower in the upcoming draft, but could become a good value pick for a team that needs a defenseman in a few seasons. (181 words)

Task #8 (3 TPE) - After my very first season with Maine I feel like it is even an amazing time and I feel like I've played to the best of my ability after starting as a thrid line winger and a rookie there wasn't much expectations but there surely will be next season after Big Newff racked up 30 points in his rookie season and joint top of the team for goals with sixteen he was surely looking to show why he was a huge steal in the draft after dropping to the 38th pick a couple of teams are left scratching there head about why they didn't pick him up. but for the next season I would really like to improve on my offence not just scoring but my playmaking I felt it wasn't good enough this season only picking up 14 assists so if I can improve my playmaking Big Newff will definitely be a player to look out for in coming years. (165)

Task #9 (2 TPE) -  The most entertaining series had to have been the Maine and Anaheim where it ended up going to game seven after the Anaheim managed to complete the comeback to tie the series after being 3-1 down they began to dominate Maine but in the end, it was Maine coming out on top after game seven going into overtime tied 0-0 it was Rob Ford who was able to wrap the game up with an even-strength goal sending Maine to the next round of the playoffs. (114)

Task #10 (3 TPE) - After a strong first round winning in 7 games against Anaheim the Maine Timber found a hard matchup against Newfoundland the league leader after they swept us there wasn't much shock in the locker room only preparation for next season, the Maine roster was majority young player having 10 new ones coming in at the start of the season they weren't favourites to win the league but they were underdogs the whole time as the finished 10th in the league there wasn't much shock but now for the future their team is going to be very developed and a lot of chemistry from the young rookies that will look to lead this franchise to greatness for the next few seasons, the young team may not be favourites for the star cup in the next season but maybe just maybe they will be that favourite team in the next 2 or 3 seasons when that young core keeps getting better and better each season, I really cant wait to see how it pans out. (176)

Task #12 (3 TPE) - When it comes to drafting the young winger Big Newff the main thing you're going to see is his offensive ability after racking up sixteen goals and fourteen assists for a total of 30 points for a rookie on a somewhat struggling team the numbers he put up were outstanding but its not just his offense he should be noticed for but the heart and determination he shows on defense after being a somewhat small winger at 6ft and 144 pounds he managed to get 100 blocks and had 26 hits for a rookie who was seen as a sniper the amount of blocked shots he got was a huge surprise to most as no one thought he would sacrifice his body for the logo on his shirt, but alongside a hidden talent on the ice not a lot of people know about his personality he's a very humble guy and always looks for ways to improve himself and to help better the team not only for himself but for other, but from his Frist season in Maine he has gained a real good friendship with his line mates Alexis Paquette and Rene Pu who he will definitely keep in touch with for a long time to come. (210)

Task #14 

A (1 TPE) - there are a lot of name this coulda been but it has to be Robert E. O. Speedwagon for me just the long name and to have his last name as speedwagon cracks me up so he better be able to backup his name on the ice, I would also like to know what the E. O. stand for because im sure there will be a funny add to the name but in a close second its a no brainer Pasta the turtle i don't know why you would mix pasta and turtles but hey you do you. (108)

B (1 TPE) - you know what everyone says "third times the charm" for me I think they will be able to finally win the cup thyve been waiting for after just taking a 2-1 lead over Newfoundland with a overtime win they've been a shutdown team offensively and have been creating goal scoring chances it is only a matter of time before they will win one and I think it will be this season (73)

Task #16 (3 TPE) - SMJHL Milestones 


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(This post was last modified: 08-15-2021, 11:43 AM by the5urreal.)

Task #1 - 3 TPE
If you weren't playing for your current team, which team would you most like to be playing for in the playoffs.  Explain why you chose that team and how you think you'd slot into their roster.  Would your player make a big impact on the team?  Would you improve their chances of winning a cup?
Requirements:  150+ words.

If I wasn’t playing for the Carolina Kraken, the team I’d most likely be playing for would be the Vancouver Whalers. I had a good rapport with management over there during the scouting process and I think that, had Carolina not taken me at 14, Vancouver would have taken me at 15. Without diving deep into the Vancouver roster and their performance, I want to say I probably wouldn’t have provided a significant boost in production. On the other hand, perhaps I would have provided a spark in the bottom 6 as I developed later in the season that could have pushed them over the hump and into the finals. Even if I didn’t provide much of a boost this season, I think I can say with certainty that I would definitely be a top contributor in the seasons that followed as one of the top rookies. I guess we’ll never know! In the end, I couldn’t be happier to be in Carolina! Go Kraken!

(165 words)

Task #3 - 2 TPE
Your team is giving back to their supporters by holding a fan appreciation day for one of their games, where the team will hand out a special commemorative item to show thanks for their continued support of the franchise. You have been tasked to design the product to be given out to the attendees (can be a rally towel, foam finger, bobble head, etc.)
- WRITTEN: Write a 100 word blurb about the item, including details on during which game was / will be given out.
- GRAPHIC:  Include a picture of the item and at least one SMJHL logo; must look like you at least kinda tried.

To celebrate the Carolina Kraken's strong S60 draft and our home opener against the Newfoundland Berserkers, Charter Communications and the Spectrum Center are proud to announce Rookie Night! The first 1,000 fans through the gates will receive an autographed poster featuring all of the newest Squidlets photographed together on draft night! Don't miss out on what will surely be one of the best collectibles of the year featuring numerous future SHL stars including Tanner Fox, Patya Perevalov, Atticus Hale, Ellis Lee, Eddie Kastraba, Vincent Fox, and Meeka Keprosoft! The puck drop on Monday, October 5th at 7:30 PM! Don't be late! RELEASE THE KRAKEN!

(106 words)

Task #9 - 2 TPE
Which series of these playoffs up until the finals has been the best / most thrilling and why? Write a short recap of which series you personally enjoyed the best and talk about the key points of the series, along with what ultimately led to the final result of it.
Requirements: 100+ words.

I'd have to say that the round 2 series between the Anchorage Armada and Colorado Raptors has been the most thrilling to this point.  The season series was pretty even so I knew going into the series that it was going to be close. Once Colorado went up 3-1, I thought it might be over. Anchorage had other ideas though. I'm not sure if they adjusted their tactics, but a couple incredible overtime wins in games 5 and 6 made the series even. In game 7, the Armada came out firing and took control of the game almost from the outset and went on to close out the series with a 5-2 victory. It was the only game that wasn't decided by one goal in a series that featured three overtime games. I think the series was a significant motivating factor for Anchorage as they went on to sweep Quebec City in the next round and are currently tied at two games a piece against the undeniable best team in the league, Newfoundland, in the Four Star Cup Finals.

(179 words)

Task #10 - 3 TPE
So your team just got eliminated these playoffs, and have to look forward to next season where hopefully things go differently. What does your team have to be excited about for next season, where they'll have another go at the coveted 4-star cup?
Requirements: 150+ words.

Coming into the season, the guys in the Carolina Kraken locker room knew that there was a lot of potential to do big things, and we had high hopes, but most of us didn't think they're be realized until next season. I think we outperformed expectations, though if you ask anyone close to Carolina, they'd tell you that they are not surprised. We won the South East division and earned a first round bye in the playoffs. We didn't, however, expect to get bounced in the second round. So by all accounts, you could say that we were disappointed with the results. Disappointed that were weren't able to send off a couple vets on a high note. You better believe we'll be back and even better next season though. With only a couple departures, a solid veteran core along with what will be a very strong sophomore class and an injection of rookies means that there will be some high hopes for the Kraken in S61. A number of the S60 rookies will enter the year near the 350 TPE cap with all of them still developing and very active. I for one think that we can make a deep run in the coming season.

(205 words)

Task #11 - 3 TPE
It's officially the offseason. Whether you just won the cup or didn't even make it past the first round of the playoffs, it's time to take a break and look toward the SHL draft. In 150+ words, tell us how you're spending your time this offseason.
Requirements: 150+ words.

It was a rollercoaster of a season for Atticus Hale in S60. The slow start was frustrating and luck was not on his side in the first half of the season. He was able to finish strong in the second half though with 15 points in 30 games while improving in all aspects. With the Carolina Kraken being bounced from the playoffs in the second round, it gave Atticus plenty of time to work on his game heading into S61 and prepare for the busy SHL draft season. Some of his goals this offseason include improving his mental toughness, strengthening his fundamentals, working on his shooting accuracy and defensive capabilities to become a stronger, more all-around playmaker for Carolina. As a student of the game, this hard work should almost certainly lead to results. Outside of the office, Atticus has been spending more time volunteering around the Charlotte area and has really made himself into a pillar of the community. I don't think you would find anyone that has a bad thing to say about him.

(176 words)

Task #12 - 3 TPE
Write a pre-draft scout report on your player from the perspective of a journalist covering the prospects of the S61 draft class. What do possible SHL suitors have to be excited (or perhaps wary?) about when it comes to potentially drafting your player?
Requirements: 150+ words.

Atticus Hale is the prototypical young playmaker. He is notorious for being the kind of guy that works tirelessly on his game - a trait that almost surely comes from being the child of a coach. He's an exceptional skater with a smooth stride, quick and agile, but his balance could use some improvement. He has speed to the outside and can split defenders carrying the puck. His acceleration off the mark is solid and can cleanly receive passes for clear breakaways. He has fantastic vision and can feed the wings from just about anywhere in the offensive zone with quick and accurate passes creating high percentage chances. He can put passes on the tape from both his forehand and backhand and use his puckhandling ability to escape defenders creating open chances to either shoot the puck or pack a quick, crisp pass to an awaiting teammate. His shooting ability could use some work if he's going to be a top goal scorer, but when he's on the mark, he can score with the best of them. He's put a lot of work into his defensive abilities and is serviceable there. If he is to remain at the center position, his faceoffs could use some polishing. Though you won't see him looking to instigate a fight, he won't shy away from the physical aspects of the game in order to get the puck. Needless to say, if Atticus Hale continues to develop at the same pace offensively, he could easily challenge as a top 10 point getter in his prime; a very dependable offensive contributor. As of now though, he's a bit rough around the edges.

(275 words)

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S60 Milestone +1 TPE

Task 1: +3 TPE 

What team would I choose to play for if I wasn't in Quebec, it would for sure have to be [REDACTED]. I would choose this team because they won the championship and my player is here to win hardware. I wouldn't probably do much to help that team because my player is scrub ass and at best maybe the coaches would allow me to supply the team with water or protein shakes during the game. There is absolutely no way that my player would make a big difference for this team unless [REDACTED] was playing against literal children because my play is no damn good right now. If they allowed me to hand out water that would be my biggest contribution to any team I’ve played for in the SHL but I don’t think that is going to get me much notoriety and for sure not get me into the Hall of Fame. It might be enough to get me into the Hall of Guys, which are players or coaches that just kinda show up and not do much

179 Words
Task 15: Championship Week Podcast +4 TPE

Task 3: +2 TPE

Since Quebec City has the greatest fans in SHL there is only one thing that I could think of giving away to them on Fan Appreciation Night. Now the easy way to do this would be to find a company to produce foam bricks that look like the bricks they used to build the Citadelle de Québec. However I’m a genetic freak and I’m not normal so instead of giving away cheap and inferior products to our great fans, I’m actually going to go into the citadelle and start finding places where I can actually get my hands on the real deal bricks. Now since we still need to make sure that they building is still standing so we would have to limit this promotion to probably the first fifty people to show up, this way we aren’t taking too many bricks and then the people that get them can show them off as a true status symbol of being a Citadelle fan.

163 Words

Task 8: +3 TPE

[b]The way my player played in his first season was both encouraging and discouraging. He ended up playing pretty well for the minimal effort I put into him and by seeing that it gives me more motivation to keep improving him into a badass hockey player. When I first joined the league I didn’t expect my player to do much besides beat up the other teams players and then take penalty minutes but when I started seeing him score goals and getting assists I was beyond overjoyed and it makes me want to keep earning and keep improving so that I can get drafted into the SHL and maybe even help Quebec City win a 4 Star Cup. I think the one thing I need to improve on for next season is making sure I do everything that I can to earn TPE. If that means writing media and doing podcast for money than that’s what I’ll do because I’m not motivated to be the greatest hockey player SHL has ever seen.[/b]

172 Words

[b]Task 10: +3 TPE[/b]

[b][b]Well getting knocked out of the playoffs is never fun and pretty much the worst feeling ever. I would rather not make the playoffs then have my heart ripped out in such a fashion like we did, getting swept by Anchorage absolutely killed me but where I have heart ache it can give me motivation to help Quebec City for the cup next season. The good news for Quebec City is that most of the team will be returning so we can keep the core going and then add some new players to make the team as strong as possible. I think if the team wants to play for a 4 Star Cup next season some of the bottom of the lineup guys such as Joe Burrow and Jeff Hopkins are going to really need to step up and be leaders with some of the top end guys getting called up to the SHL next season but if those two can step up than I think Quebec City has a real chance of taking the cup next season.[/b][/b]

178 Words
(This post was last modified: 08-13-2021, 02:34 AM by nour.)

Task #1 - 3 TPE
Between the two teams in the SMJHL's Four Star Cup Finals, I think I would slot in best as a member of the Anchorage Armada, mainly due to my close relationship with my good friend Gabriel Johnson. Anchorage is a very cool team with some very fun users who I get along with very well, and I know that, at least from a locker room standpoint, I'd be able to hype the boys up and become a true member of the Boat Gang. I would definitely not make a large impact on the team as I'm still just a little baby boy rookie, but I'd be a serviceable player on their 4th line probably, very defensively responsible, maybe putting in a couple of goals here and there. Would I improve their chances of winning? Probably not, I had a pretty bad season so I will likely give the puck away in game 7 overtime, resulting in a crushing loss for Anchorage and a moment that will haunt the rest of my life.

Task #3 - 2 TPE
Fan appreciation night was in full swing in Colorado for the final game of the season, an exciting and thrilling environment for the cup contending Raptors as they usher out the regular season and turn the sights towards competing for this season’s Four Star Cup. There were various fan events throughout the game like the half ice shooting contest, or the players taking to the warm up wearing “fan jerseys” (which are jerseys designed and voted on by fans throughout the season in Colorado. However, everyone had their eye on the big prize of the day: a seat raffle drawing fans to win an inflatable dinosaur costume. They have been all the rage lately and the Raptors are hoping to see lots of fun come to the city in the form of an arena filled with people in inflatable dinosaur costumes who wear their Raptors loyalty with pride!

Task #5 - 3 TPE
Though still a very fresh face in the SMJHL, Gabe-Gooney-Waters Harrak has already started making big waves through his new charity, The GGW Harrak Help for the Hungry Initiative. This charity is all about helping out the local homeless community in his hometown of Gatineau Quebec, and it's main event is a big road hockey game on the streets of Gatineau, which is planned to be held every offseason! Anyone can sign up with a team and compete for the Gatineau Cup, and those who aren't playing can place five dollar bets on which team they think will win it all. All the proceeds from bets will go to providing clothes, shelter and food to the homeless in the area, and if the team you bet on wins it all, you'll be entered into a raffle to win prizes gifted by GGW Harrak, like Raptors tickets, tech gifts like tablets and video games consoles, or gift cards to deck yourself out in some brand new hockey gear!

Task #8 - 3 TPE
Gabe-Gooney-Waters Harrak's first season has finally wrapped up, and it was a really fun start to his professional hockey career from a social and personal standpoint. However, from a statistical standpoint, the former 7th overall pick left a lot to be desired in his play last season. He got off to a really solid start, contending for the top of the rookie scoring race through the first 20 or so games. However, following that mark, his production hit a pretty severe halt, and he was at best a nonfactor, at worst a liability throughout a good portion of the rest of the season. He made strides to improve in some regards throughout the season, but as a whole this offseason he has to put a lot more work in tightening up his defensive game, and making his scoring a lot more consistent, if he hopes to find success at the SMJHL (and eventually the SHL) level.

Task #13 - 4 TPE
A - It’s a no brainer that the best name of all the players competing for either team in this season’s Four Star Cup Finals has to be Bean Beanman. What is there not to like about this name there is so much comedic value in beans and if I were a goalie who got scored on by Bean Beanman I’d be crushed
B - Honestly I really hope they don’t cos I don’t want them to tie my already tied record of three cups in a row but I do think they can do it. They have such a strong roster top to bottom, a management group that really understands FHM, and most importantly they traded away Gooney who is a bum.
C - I think it has been so obvious all season long just how explosive the offensive game has been for both Anchorage and Newfoundland. Their players were dotted all over the top 10 in scoring this season, 60% of the names are either Anchorage or Newfoundland players. Ultimately, in this alternate timeline, Vancouver and Quebec find a way to tighten up defensively and really stifle that offense to make way for their own.
D - It’s hard to pinpoint just one player from either of these two teams who was the real hero of the season, especially considering they both performed so strongly during the season as a complete unit on the ice. However, if I had to pick the real difference maker, its hard to ignore the wonderful season Robert Black had, a true assist machine who just elevates all players on the ice around him.

Task #16 - Milestones - 1 TPE
Milestones Claim

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**First GM in SMJHL history to win 3 Four Star Cups back-to-back-to-back**

PBE Affiliate - 3 TPE

Task 1 - 3 TPE
Honestly I was fully expecting to be on the Anchorage Armada when the draft rolled around. No GMs really made any substantial contact with me - which was partially my fault, as I didn't really understand how the sites messenger worked and primarily replied to people who talked to me on discord. This really left only Gwdjohnson as the person who I have talked to the most, as I was his general manager in the VHL for a short time, and he was really the first person I went to when I had SHL questions when I was creating, and pre-draft. I was disappointed to have not landed on the other BOAT GANG. I think I would contribute in a similar manner to what my job was in Nevada, a mostly defensive forward who parks himself in front of the net and bangs away on rebounds. Maybe a couple of tight board battles in there too. (155 words)

Task 3 - 2 TPE
Shortly after naming Melvin Majestik-Moose the captain of the Battleborn, the geniuses' in the marketing team obviously had to make them a fan item, and what better then a signed Moose bobble head!? Featuring all four legs on miniature replicas of the skates used on the ice, a beautifully painted Nevada Battleborn alternate jersey, and of course, those great awe inspiring horns underneath a custom made helmet. The kids will go wild, shaking their bobble heads for their parents all through the night, and parents will be so impressed with the craftsmanship they won't even care, instead they will be honoured to have them inside their homes. (107 words)

Task 10 - 3 TPE
I don't think anybody in the world expected Nevada to contend for the four star cup this season. We were a clear rebuilder and the standings reflected that. Although we did get a playoff win stolen from us, I think we were overachieving that anyways. Now that our players have had a year to develop, I believe we will be a top contender in at least the next couple of seasons. Our dear (not deer!) captain, Melvin Majestik-Moose, will be one of the top defenders in the league, combo'd with an amazing goaler, it will be near impossible to score on the rams. Furthermore, once I release all of the TPE in my bank Jalal ad Din will also be a menace on the ice, collecting all of the garbage and putting it where it belongs, the opposing teams net. The Battleborn will finally be ready to do battle next season, so SMJHL teams be prepared. (156 words)

Task 11 - 3 TPE
This offseason has definitely been an interesting one for Jalal ad Din Afinogenov and his agent. As the SHL draft inches closer and closer, you would expect the phone lines to be buzzing, but instead, only 2 teams have reached out, and neither of them have advanced past the first message. Honestly, an embarrassment for the league. In all of the drafts I have been through in sim leagues, this has definitely been the most disappointing ones. Especially because I am not proceeded by my point task league pasts, I would expect teams to at least touch base and ask me the generic copy/pastes or link a google form. Regardless, I'll put my head down and work through the offseason to earn as much TPE as I can. I think similar to how the minors draft went for me last season, teams will make the mistake of failing to scout and regret their decisions later, be it in one season or in ten. (164 words)

Task 16 - 2 TPE
S60 SMJHL Milestones

16/16 TPE

Task #8 - 3 TPE

While this player was a recreate, this was the first J season i was fully able to participate in, and id have to give it a 7.5 out of 10. Personally, I went into this season with my expectations a little high in regards to my players performance over the season, and came out rather disappointed. As a defenseman, I had a horrendous plus/minus, and that is not going to fly next season, so i will certainly be upping my defensive skills. I am also not where i want to be in TPE. I know im not super far behind 300, but I was planning on hitting 300 before the season ended, but I came in later during the S60 offseason and missed some TPE opportunities, and fell behind, so that was certainly disappointing As well. However, in the grand scheme of things, I will still be 2000+ TPE earner in the end, so there is nothing major to fret over. One bright note for my rookie season was that I racked up quite a few more points than I ever thought I would in my rookie season, so being able to be a rather big offensive contributor was nice, even if it meant my defense suffered a bit.

Task #11 - 3 TPE
Unfortunately, the Kraken were eliminated in their first series in the playoffs this year, fortunately, that means more time for Vincent to work out. As soon as the series ended, Vincent headed back to Kentucky to visit with family for a few days, and now is currently in LA working with some NHL trainers, which he will be doing for most of the off season. Vincents plus/minus was pretty abysmal, due to both offense and defensive weakness, so he is going to be working on his passing abilities, along side his defensive positioning and decision making. Vincent is planning on meeting with a few SHL GMs ahead of the draft, however, given that he is not reported to be picked until the 3rd or 4th round, he is not interested in attending the draft in person, opting to continue his training in California to improve himself for next season, because the Kraken have a real chance to win the cup if Vincent plays to his potential

Task #10 - 3 TPE
It defineltely stings that the Kraken got eliminated pretty early, however we have quite a lot of things to be excited for during the coming season, and into the playoffs. This year, the Kraken had a loaded rookie 3rd line , and a high potential rookie second line D pairing with two cousins who have great chemistry when playing together. On top of the loaded rookie lineup the Kraken have, they also have two rookie goalies who both looked pretty good, and who both seem to have a huge ceiling. You might be thinking that after losing two of our top point getters, the Kraken might be looking to fill some holes, but with how many great rookies the Kraken have, they will have a full season of experience coming into the second season, and will absolutely be the team to beat when the next J season comes around, so there is a lot to be excited for if you are a Kraken fan or player.

Task #12 - 3 TPE
The draft profile of Vincent Fox after his first season showed us that he is a Jack of all trades, master of none. It honestly kind of surprised me to see that in J, because usually you see players excel greatly in one area, and lack in others for their first few season in their careers. The fact that Vincent mildly excels in almost all areas of his game as opposed to just one area puts him on my radar as a great long term investment. He probably wont be drafted in the first couple teams, because most teams will be looking for a "win now" player that they can capitalize on and call up after their first season or so. Vincent is not that player. While the "win now" players are playing in the league, Vincent will be working all of his skills to become the best all-around player in the league.

Task #1 - 3 TPE
I would say that personally, I would like to play for the Anchorage Armada. You might be saying "Oh WhY CaUSe TheY aRE sTacKed?" well no actually. See, I am from Anchorage, Alaska. I was born and lived there for 18 years, and I used to watch the old ECHL team they had there all the time, so to be able to play for a fake sim league team would definitely bring it all together. Would my player make a huge impact if they ended up on the Armada? Probably not, seeing as, like i said earlier, they are super stacked. If he were on the team though, i would be willing to bet that he would slot in somewhere in the bottom D pairing. And seeing as they are in the finals, and have a very good chance of winning as it is, I wouldn't say that my player wouldn't really hurt their chances, but he certainly wouldn't boost them to much either. When its all said and done, im freaking homesick and want to be able to connect back to Alaska in any way possible

[Image: Screenshot_87.png]
(This post was last modified: 08-18-2021, 06:22 PM by Air Crou.)

Task 16 - 3 TPE
PBE Affiliate PT - 3 TPE

Task #3 - 2 TPE
Fan Appreciation day in Vancouver will be celebrated in our first home game of next season, whoever the opponent is. That is a trivial thing. The fans are what makes our rink a fortress. But what do we give to them? A rally towel? Well, no. It will be an Olof Karsikko bobblehead. The fans make the arena an unwelcome experience for the opponents, but Olof is the one that shuts their hopes and dreams at winning. And also, what a better way of showing your appreciation at your Cerberus than a bobblehead that anyone that attends that game can bring home and put on their desk or something. And the bobblehead will be in three different versions, one for each of the uniform designs our team has.

Task #8 - 3 TPE
First season in the juniors is in the books for Kroustis. I feel it went better than I thought it would go. I got more minutes than I expected, on a team that posted the second best record in the league, should I say. I did want to have more goals and assists, but with Alexis Saint-Michel and Makrus Tater ahead of me, I should have known better. But again, I did score 11 goals and assist on 16. That is respectable numbers, considering I was more defensively focused than offensively. Was I upset I was drafted 49th overall? For sure. But it was for the best as I was in one of the best teams in the league. We did not win the 4 Star Cup as we would want to do, but we got a shot next season. And all that led to being drafted 21st overall by New Orleans in the SHL draft. The season went well. Too well to be frank. And I want more seasons like that to come in the future.

Task #11 - 3 TPE
So the season is over. Time for me to head back home and see my family. A very much needed change of scenery from the freezing cold of Vancouver to the scorching heat in Athens. No hockey until I have to report to training camp for sure. The season ended in a sweep at the hands of the Newfoundland Berserkers, and that is a tough pill to swallow. But, we have to look forward. And what better to unwind and relax than the soothing sea. That is where you will find me. At a beach bar, sipping on tequilas, playing beach volley, and enjoying the view of the sea. Other than that, I will spend time with my family. Unfortunately, they cannot travel with me in NA to watch me. We will fix that, but for now, spending time with mum and pops is all I want. That and sea. Take my mind off of hockey. I mean, it is a winter sport, and summer is in full swing. See ya in September!

Task #6 - 3 TPE
Let's see. I will start building the team from the goalie. That spot goes to NL's #1 goalie, Evgeni Petrov. Petrov finished the season with 48 wins season and playoffs combined. With an astounding .916 save%, in 1311 shots against. That's enough for me there. Moving on to defence. On the left side, you cannot go wrong with Jean-Locke Zidane, from ANC. Zidane had an impressive 87 DGR, with 222 hits, a 35 +/-, and 31 points. A little bit of everything there. Moving on to the right, Valdis Vejonis, from ANC is the pick. 75 DGR, 89 hits, 35 +/- and 41 points. Again, a little bit of everything. I mean, defence is good, but you also need to score, and with 21 goals and 51 assists between them, they are enough of a help there too. The offence begins from the center, and that goes to NL's Robert Black. 23 goals, 48 assists, 46 +/-. Unfortunately, I cannot check Black's faceoff %, but from the 12 rating, I assume the job is done there as well. And now the tough part. The wings. We will need heavy and accurate scorers there. NL's Evil AllBran gets the right side and ANC's Cole Carter gets the left side. 31 goals in 17.1% acc for AllBran, 32 goals in 13.9% for Carter. And add 23 and 26 assists respectively. In all, we have a solid goalie, and the five field players combine for 107 goals and 148 assists. Not bad for a first line and first pairing respectively.

(This post was last modified: 08-14-2021, 08:31 PM by Sly92.)

Task #1 - 3 TPE

If I wasn’t playing for my current team, Maine Timber, the team that I would like to be playing for in the playoffs would be the Newfoundland Berserkers. Newfoundland was one of the teams I was hoping to play for from the start. Don’t worry, I still love being a tree. If not though, Newfoundland would have been my next choice. I would hopefully also be playing as goalie so that I could continue the great task of being a brick wall in front of the net. Being that newfoundland already has a couple of good goalies, I may not bring much at the start but in a year or two if I remained on the team, I would likely work up to becoming one of their starters which would then help to get the team a championship win.  Although, in the meantime I could prove to be a good backup for the team with a SV% of .90+.

(159 words)

[Image: RG2yOzP.png]
Credit: Ragnar
[Image: W3cWGCN.png] [Image: DKMMlC3.png] [Image: 3XEVZeB.png] [Image: jO2Di2N.png] [Image: NwdnVLP.png] [Image: o2NPreS.png]

Task #3 - 2 TPE

The last game of the season, Maine Timber will be releasing limited edition, collectible, holographic, PSA 10, signed player cards in plastic casings for fan’s favorite players (limit one per fan). Rusty Remao’s player card to commemorate Rusty’s entry to the SMJHL will be holographic, green and silver featuring Rusty’s classic signature photo. Below his signature there will be a list of his stats for all the games he has played throughout the season. On the back of the card, you will find the Maine Timber logo and a QR code that links to Spotify for easy access to the team’s goal song, Timber.

(104 words)

[Image: RG2yOzP.png]
Credit: Ragnar
[Image: W3cWGCN.png] [Image: DKMMlC3.png] [Image: 3XEVZeB.png] [Image: jO2Di2N.png] [Image: NwdnVLP.png] [Image: o2NPreS.png]

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